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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 63

63 – 2. Summoner (8)




It tore apart the tentacle-like part of its neck like a huge greatsword.


One of the cadets, who had watched the scene right in front of him, collapsed in his seat in fright, and another orc took advantage of the gap and swung a stick with tentacles wriggling.


However, the attack never reached the cadet. This is because Ban Tae-woong, who moved before his head even touched the stick, grabbed the cadet by the back of the neck and jumped backwards, blocking the attack.

“Suck…! Where did you suddenly appear?!”

“…It seems to be the sky. The evil spirits are endlessly swarming over your head.”

Lucia charged and filled the gap created by Ban Tae-woong while protecting the cadets, and Narae Shin replied by spilling a buff using divine power around him.

The battle that assumed moving while protecting someone in a melee was not too difficult for Lucia because she had previously learned it with Ban Tae-woong.

However, her expression was still not good. She expected this to happen, and unlike him, who had informed her of the alternative, she had only done what he had told her to do.

He has to do something that only he can do.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she reached beneath his feet, even a fragment of the shadow. She couldn’t even confidently say that to herself.

She hates it so much, but she has no choice but to admit it. It is impossible to catch up with him overnight. For a much longer time than himself, he has lived for Ban Tae-woong.

Closing the gap with pure time alone, Lucia thought, was frankly impossible.

Apart from the incomprehensible reason for being a ‘protagonist’, the result of being for Ban Tae-woong remained the same, so Lucia had no choice but to swallow her resentment and agree.

Now, she becomes more reliant on the man than herself. But she sure she herself will take that place back. It has to be.


‘What am I thinking?’

Why does this thought suddenly come to my mind when I can’t even concentrate on fighting? Accidents become more and more one-sided. Lucia, who was excellent at his self-objectification, quickly recognized it and strengthened the magic that was wrapped around his body.


Then, she could feel her strange feelings that had been bubbling up until just now gradually disappearing. But this is also a temporary solution.

“Lucia! What’s going on?!”

Ban Tae-woong was the first to react. Confused by Lucia’s pale complexion while holding his head, he swept away the monsters around him and immediately came to Lucia’s side.

“Everyone be careful. Widespread mind contamination is intentionally amplifying feelings of wealth.”

“…That’s proof that the culprit behind this incident is impatient. Cadet Sera, can you prepare a mental barrier?”

“I can.”

“I will assist…”

When the hard-faced Sera raised her divine power, Na-rae Shin, who received healing from her wounds by her side, added strength to her divine power.

I couldn’t see a big effect because the power I had wasn’t perfect, but I wonder if it’s because of my outstanding talent, or if I felt better at the sight of the translucent membrane that instantly enveloped those around me, and my expression relaxed.

“The effect does not last long because the power that rejects the divine power is acting on this place itself.”

“A moment is enough. Cadet Lucia and I will take the lead and move the victims outside.”

At Hong Soo-ah’s words, Lucia looked at Ban Tae-woong for a moment, but immediately nodded in agreement when she saw the severe-looking cadets sitting next to him.

“Mr. Taewoong. Be careful.”

“Yes, I will definitely go find Erica.”

Yes. There are three people who have yet to be found, including Erika Onohara. According to the finders and Narae Shin, the others were able to escape safely thanks to her drawing attention to her.

The horse is likely to be held further back or in a more dangerous place than here.

Goo goo goo…!

At that time, the walls of the temple vibrated and wriggled as if they were alive, perhaps recognizing that we were about to go outside, gradually closing the gap.

If you look closely, the huge tentacles between the bricks are moving and moving the wall in real time.

“Ugh…?! Run!!!”


“Stay calm and follow the crow!! Got it?! Follow the crow!!”

People were divided as if they were scattering to both sides avoiding the narrowing wall belatedly.

Ban Tae-woong bounced forward, surrounded by mana and Sera’s divine power, while Lucia and Hong Soo-ah each carried an immovable injured person on their backs. All those who could move at least ran while looking at the crow.


The wall and tentacles approaching as if blocking the front were pierced by Hong Soo-ah’s red magic fist. There was no time to stop, so everyone ran with their hearts exploding with insufficient mana.


At that time, a tremendous noise rang out from the sky, making the air tremble with a tremendous flow of magical power. This was heard from outside. The owner of this mysterious magical power is the dragon.


“Don’t stop!!! Move if you don’t want to die here!! Hurry!!!”

Some were frightened and flinched at the sudden attack, but Hong Soo-ah immediately identified the owner of the magic and sweared that everyone’s movement would not stop.

For some reason, this space interferes with the absorption and exercise of magical power and even the operation of divine power.

The cadets who had been here for a long time had only a handful of mana left in their bodies. Their breathing was extremely rough due to their extremely lack of magical power, even to a small level compared to ordinary people.

When Hong Soo-ah was burning her will for the next class, a large number of shadow crows flew in from the other side and blocked the path. Hong Soo-ah, who confirmed that he seemed to stop moving forward, raised his hand and signaled a stop behind him.

Goo Goo Goo!!


At the same time, the wall in front of me collapsed, creating a wall made of tentacles.

The moment everyone held their breath, the wall in front of them exploded with a huge magical movement, and a bright light came down.


Those unable to protect themselves with magical powers plugged their ears at the belated sound of light. Someone raised their hands against the too bright light and covered their eyes, unable to withstand the impact of the blow, and sat down in their seats.


And someone saw.

The existence of a gigantic dragon descending solidly in the light.

The image of those fighting in front of a hole where countless monsters poured down.

A girl in her nun’s uniform wielded a mace larger than her own body, crushing her foes.

Every time an arrow shot by a skeleton holding a huge bow flew into an enemy, pieces of flesh flew out with a huge blast sound, and even if it couldn’t be killed, a huge bony hand appeared behind the body of the monster behind it and tore the enemies apart.

When the huge bloody wolf roared and advanced, blood flowed everywhere. When the flesh was torn and the blood was splattered in all directions, the wolf’s body became even larger and more ferocious.

When a large number of crows descended from the sky and swept over the enemy, there was nothing left. The sight of him disappearing without leaving even a corpse in an instant made me feel terrifying beyond bizarre.

What stood out most of all was the man fighting in the center of them, scattering shadows.

It appeared between those who hunted monsters without fail, causing endless screams on the battlefield.

Every time the man moved, the monsters that floated into the air let out a terrible scream.

Suddenly, the monsters stabbed by the thorns protruding from the floor couldn’t come to their senses, and the body of the monster that tried to block the front was cut in half by the swing of the straight sword that followed.

Aiming for that gap, the dragon’s magic fell like a bombardment, and crows and wolves chewed and swallowed the enemies.

It smashes the jaws of approaching enemies with its fist, and then throws a huge spear in its hand to pierce through monsters like a skewer at once.

As if guarding the gap created by a big movement, a girl in a nun’s outfit struck the ground with a huge mace, crushing it, and the man hit the rising rocks one by one with a club and threw them at the enemies.

It’s fast. And it’s overwhelming. A one-sided battle unfolded in front of me so that the words came out naturally.

It was possible that there would be a slight gap, but as if not acknowledging such a gap, the movement of the man and the monsters surrounding him continued without being blocked.

But Hong Soo-ah didn’t have hope for that figure. If they wiped out the enemy with their overwhelming attack, more enemies than that continued to pour out.

The cause is a huge hole up there. Enemies were constantly descending from the inside of the strange hole that was positioned as if the sky had been torn apart.

Hong Soo-ah saw that and chewed his mouth.

“How about mana?”


“It’s coming back…!”

“The divine power is gradually returning!”

Fortunately, the doorway was completely destroyed, and those who lacked magic began to regain their strength. The cause was also the inside of this temple. Those terrible tentacles that surround the entire temple must be the culprit.

No, it’s no exaggeration to say that those tentacles are already the entire temple.

You should have noticed that even though you broke down the wall, what happened was not dust, but the smell of blood and blood.

Soo-ah Hong immediately gathered them in one place with her magical powers, lifted them up like luggage, and then gave strength to her legs and jumped high toward the hole made by the man, Shin-woo Jang.

In order to prevent her escape, her many tentacles tried to block her progress, but her shadow crows protected her, and she came out of her tentacle instead of attacking her. It cut off her tentacles themselves.

“Secure 7 people!!”

“Lily, start!”

Jang Shin-woo immediately answered Hong Soo-ah’s words. Then, as if waiting, the arrangement of magic power changed from the back.


Six syllables of magic were woven into one magic and spread out on the floor.

Immediately after that, the surrounding cold air that continuously froze enemies quickly gathered at one point to create an igloo-shaped bunker with a huge door.

Goo goo goo…!!

The door opened and a large amount of cold air scattered in all directions, turning the monsters gathered to prevent the creation of a barrier into ice in an instant. In addition, it made the ground itself frozen where the enemies were located.



I didn’t know anything, and the moment I stepped on the frozen floor, my legs froze and when I fell, I froze again from the part that touched the ice.

The ice used the corpse as its food and spread cold and ice thorns in all directions, driving the monsters next to it to their deaths one after another.

Even the monsters that were rushing forward, unaware of fear at the sight of cold death approaching quietly but surely, began to fall back.

Going after that gap, Hong Soo-ah entered the bunker and pushed the 7 cadets at once.

Immediately, Hong Soo-ah raised his mana and threw a fist filled with his mana toward the hole that opened in the sky.



An attack that is too strong to be thought of simply as wind pressure with magical energy directed at the enemy. The monsters that fell into the air at the distortion were separated into flesh pieces and exploded to death as if it were natural.

I saw the wind distort the moment Hong Soo-ah’s hand was thrown into the air. But I didn’t see it progressing in the form of something. In the field of vision enhanced by the skill [Focused on Combat], I could only see a glimpse of something passing quickly.

In other words, it was an attack that seemed fast even though it went up to level 2 and increased the effect of [Subdued]’S abilities and skills.

‘It’s amazing.’

Well, I mean, I didn’t even see the attack that was supposed to attack me in the classroom. Should I say I’m glad I can see it now?

I glanced at the wind that began to entwine around her body, and as Hive warned, I cut the insect that approached right in front of me with the sword of shadow and split it in half.

“Go towards Ban Tae-woong. Because it’s okay.”

Hong Soo-ah nodded her head at my words, wrapped the wind of her body around her feet, and stepped on her advance.


At the same time, the storm of magic that began to scatter in all directions became blades of strong wind, cutting the bodies of those who blocked the path to the temple in an instant.


“Can I drill a hole like before?”

“Ah, the culprit seems to have merged with the entire temple, so it seems good to deal with it as well.”

“…The basis?”

I also heard that the temple is strange. In the first place, it was confirmed that the wall was moving on its own and was trying to stop them, so he made a separate escape route by drilling a hole himself.

But just moving the tentacles is enough to move the walls. I wondered if it would be a bit of a guess to assert that it had fused with the temple itself.

If it’s a simple feeling, I can’t accept it. The moment I confirmed that the 10 missing people had just been rescued, I planned to finish this by catching the boss I had discovered in advance and leaving the dungeon.

Whether or not you come back here is a matter for the academy to decide.

“I confirmed by the flow of the wind that there is a huge eyeball shape hidden by many tentacles in the center of the temple.”

I couldn’t help but nod my head at Hong Soo-ah’s confident words. It is a place where tentacles are densely located, and the shadow crows of the hive cannot scout.

Shadow crows can hide in the dark and move quickly and stealthily, but that’s about it.

If you look at the result alone, it is moving by hiding in the shadow, not falling into the shadow itself, so there must be a passage through the shadow.

Because the tentacles were firmly seated without any gaps, it was impossible to see what was inside them. But what if it is wind, which has no substance, unlike matter?

‘It is possible.’

No matter how dense it is, there will be gaps for air to pass through. Having reached that point, I agreed to Hong Soo-ah’s intention by quietly nodding. That’s enough to admit.

If it’s confirmed that the main cause of this situation is inside that temple, it’s better to take this opportunity to deal with it clearly than bothering yourself several times.



At my words, Kalion came down from the air and sat beside me.

“The time limit is 5 minutes. If you follow the crow, you will meet Ban Tae-woong, who is bringing the missing person, so if you stay there, I will drill a hole right in front of you.”

After I left those words, I immediately grabbed Lili by the back of her neck, who was concentrating on magic from behind, and jumped on top of Kalion and flew into the sky.



Lily, who was about to scream at the sudden rise in altitude, covered her mouth with a shadow. Then, with half-open eyes, I began to stare.

What, what?

I didn’t lose, and I glared at him. As if it was natural now, Lili, who used magic to remove the shadow from her mouth, began puffing out her cheeks like a hamster full of grain.

“What are you doing? Prepare your magic quickly.”

“…Winnie the Pooh”

I poked it with my hand and forced the air out.

As if I didn’t like that more, he started hitting me. It was a horse strike, but it felt weaker than a child hitting it, perhaps because it was a blow that did not contain even a single magical energy.

Perhaps it’s because Lily’s strength stats are below average compared to my stats have improved.

It’s easy to see that Lili’s muscles and stamina are weak beyond meager from when she sits on a book she made and moves around, saying it’s annoying.

I didn’t bother pointing it out, I just ignored it and then said it.



As soon as Lily confirmed that her magic included Kalion and me, she poured her magic into Kalion. There is no Echidna by my side, but Hive and Kalion are enough for my current magic power.

“Napalm. It goes at full power.”

Load it with the intention of erasing everything.


As if he had correctly understood my will, the guy who showed no sign of exhaustion despite having used a large amount of magic since his first appearance today gave a low growl.

The scale is wider than the pyramids in the desert. However, my magic power now is more than before.

The same goes for Carrion and Hive.

Injects the maximum amount of mana that can be hit and driven. Due to the excessive supply, Kalion lacks the ability to transform into magic, so it doesn’t matter if the backflowed mana materializes and starts to scatter in the air.

As long as more magic power can be put into magic, I don’t mind a little bit of magic flowing through it.

“Ugh?! You are too ignorant…!”

It’s Lili’s job to correct that and assist her magic.

Do you think I brought her here for no reason? A simple power amplification is not enough. It was to manifest more perfect magic and more powerful herbal medicine into the world.


A large amount of magical power, increased by [Subjugator] And enhanced by [Sadism], Begins to spread in the sky.

The temple was visibly crowded at the sight of the huge black sun that had begun to take its place inside the huge magic circle.

Instinctively, they seem to have realized that it was a threat to them.

“It’s late. Kid.”

I checked it and confirmed that Hong Soo-ah and Ban Tae-woong met safely through the shadow crows in the hive.

Ban Tae-woong was still being attacked by Erika Onohara, who was half-encroached by tentacles, as if he had filmed a drama by himself again.

Others succeeded in arranging the parasitic tentacles somehow with the joining of Hong Soo-ah and Lucia, but it was difficult for Erika Onohara.

Because the culprit of the incident liked her talented body, she dug deeper even if it meant delaying the erosion of others, and because of that, it was virtually impossible to completely remove the tentacles.

There is no perfect good man in life. No, rather, it was easy to be exposed to malice because he was a good man.

Because she was a good person, she knew evil more clearly. Her prestigious family forced her to descend into the position of her villain.

So she was consumed by the mental pollution spread by the tentacles.

After that, it flowed into a common story.

Erika Onohara, who regained her senses halfway through the erosion of the tentacles at the enthusiastic approach of the main character and her companions, desperately blocked the attack directed at Ban Tae-woong and at the same time shouted to attack herself.

Ban Tae-woong shed tears and refused. On the contrary, he said thank you for holding out and that he was sorry that he couldn’t come sooner, and held Erika Onohara in his arms as he was, receiving her attack completely.

The moment the tentacle trying to transfer itself to Ban Tae-woong, who is a better host, touches Ban Tae-woong’s body, the skill recognizes it as damage and activates the skill. Conditions were met.

Ban Tae-woong, who opened his eyes at the same time, created his magic.

Ban Tae-woong’s job is .

The first skill that is the basis for that is to multiply all the damage received so far from the ‘attacked person’ by 2 times, add them up, and return ‘all’ as a counterattack.

The name of that skill is [Reverse Counter].

Targeting only the tentacles that encroached on Erika Onohara’s body with her pinpoint, Taewoong Ban activated her skill [Reverse Counter], And with a kind yet powerful blow, all the tentacles that consumed her disappeared in an instant. .

This is the end of the other side. The location was good, so I ordered Hong Soo-ah’s crow to stand by.

I immediately flew a shadow raven beside Lili who was repairing Kalion’s magic while grinding my teeth uncharacteristically from behind.

“If he signals, shoot him. Got it?”

Unlike the connection between me and Kalion, it seemed difficult for him to maintain the current status quo. It’s probably because Kalion’s dragon magic is so irregular and different from ordinary magic.

If you dare to say it, dragon magic is like a skill that embodies the power that allows a dragon to use magic naturally after being born.

In short, she seems to be being taught by fish how to breathe in the sea.

So of course it’s hard. The talent she has is ridiculous at the point where she is forced to follow the impossible in the first place. Do you know that the Archmage is called the Archmage for nothing?

He is called a great wizard because he makes the impossible possible.

“Stop it…! When it’s over, be prepared…!!”

It’s a long story, but once I understood it, I forcibly shoved it all into the magic circle, leaving only 50% of my remaining magic power.


The strange music coming from behind got louder, but it wasn’t part-time job. Half of the remaining 50% should be used to make a hole there, and the rest should be preserved as a reserve to protect my body.

I dropped myself from Kalion’s body, made a sword of shadow, and then turned it into a spear.

With this, I received the effect of [Transformation Materials]. All that remains is the image. And it overlaps the effect of the skill.

I made an additional giant bow to match the giant spear of shadow. At the same time, the shadow covering the body is reshaped into a huge armor. And fill it with shadows.

The image is my body itself. My body itself, which connects to muscles and moves bones.

Because I can move the shadows with my magic, the skills that are possible are being formed right here.

The body grows as if it has become a huge giant. The view itself remains unchanged. The only thing that has changed is my mood.

With the effect of the skill [Focus on Combat], In a world that falls more slowly, I move my magic power and pierce the bowstring like an arrow.

Even though it is obviously receiving the effect of [Spear], Mysteriously the effect of [Bow] Is added.

In addition, the effect of [Throwing] Was added to the act of throwing a spear itself, and although I moved myself, the effect of [Riding] Was added because I was actually riding in a huge armor in the form of a shadow.

The thing being manipulated and moving through the shadows I installed is recognized as part of the device, and the power of [Setting a trap] Is added.

The effects of the skills began to add up over and over again in one simple act.

It made me feel a sense of unity, as if the power within me was gathering in this blow.

I condensed half of my magic into it.

Starting from the top of Carrion and pouring it out continuously, up to 80% of the mana was drained in an instant. Now, the magic power remaining in the body is about 20%, but this is enough.

I added magic power to it and drew a huge ‘bow’. Just that alone gave me a headache and dizziness. It’s proof that you’ve used too much mana.

Perhaps it’s difficult to recover magical energy in this dungeon, but the recovery couldn’t keep up with the consumption, so it was more difficult.

A lot.

I clenched my teeth. Squeeze more mana and focus.

And aiming right next to the cavity where the anti-taeungs are located, it fires the condensed power of magic.


Even if it’s firing, it’s all about simply letting go of the bow.

A heavy, crude sound that suited him echoed through the sky. However, the moment the black stake began to fly at the speed of light compared to the sound that seemed dull, crossed the temple and dug into the ground.


The ground was dug as if it were being dug out. The ground was completely shattered by the huge impact, and a large amount of tentacles spewed out from the temple to prevent it, but before it even touched the spear, it was torn apart by the explosion of magical energy contained in the surroundings.

Thanks to that, however, I was able to prevent the spear from going all the way down to the center.

Yes, it did not reach the center. However, he had definitely reached the place where the previous anti-Tae-woongs were located.

I sent a signal to the crows in the sky at the appearance of Ban Tae-woong who jumped out as if they were spurting out with their bodies carried by the wind of Hong Soo-ah.


The black sun.

Falled to the ground.

I judged that there was nothing more to see and closed my eyes at the appearance of the black sun that began to encroach on the entire temple in an instant.

I could clearly feel the heat on my skin that I was going to cook all of my closed eyelids right after. Even with my eyes closed, there was an explosion of light that was bright enough to penetrate it.


The sound of the temple melting and evaporating in real time was clearly audible.

It’s damn long lasting.


I landed on the ground as if breaking the ground, removed the shadow that covered my entire body like a giant doll, and settled down on the ground.

[Dungeon cleared.]

At the same time, the system declared that the dungeon had been cleared, and I was convinced that the work was really over.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode