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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 62

62 – 2. Summoner (7)


I still can’t get that scene out of my head.

The overwhelming light descended and erased the world. The ground trembles and the air shakes. Just standing in the middle of it, I couldn’t get rid of the feeling that my stomach was going to twist.

A chilling fear felt at the same time.

My skin is shaking. The body does not move. Can’t move I confirmed that it had definitely flown far away, but at some point, in front of my eyes, a heavy presence as if I was ignoring myself pressed me down.

It is a sense that is simply felt at the base of the species, regardless of whether it is strong or weak.

It’s dangerous. Tell me to run away My head, brain, and soul cried like that.

But I couldn’t. It couldn’t be.

Because what was in front of me at that time did not allow it.

…I don’t know why. It just felt that way.

So I followed that feeling.

Because it felt right at the time.


I didn’t like that even more.

The target is not a dragon or a young man who used to handle dragons.

What I didn’t like was myself.

Now it would be natural to lose in one’s life.

Because those who were placed above him were so outstanding. Even his father, who was called the best of all time, and his older brothers who praised him for being just like him… Everyone was better than himself.

The reason I didn’t give up was because I didn’t want to disappoint the faint expectations I received from people around me because I was born under such people.

Even if my strength does not reach their feet, if I can firmly protect the human figure without giving up until the end, I will be satisfied with that.

That’s why the life of Sarah Bright was a series of barrenness.

The winds and waves of the world continued to wear down Sera. The persecution and contempt in the name of her trials always hung on her own label, as if she were going to cut away her angular stones and erase them.

She must have been so lucky that her family didn’t give up.

Since Sarah was born, the most common insult she hears is ‘the subject of being born into a good family’.

Yes, that’s right. The Bright family, to which Sera belonged, is one of the most prestigious families. The wealth she has amassed over generations is beyond imagination, and she has a reputation to match.

But more than that, the Bright family is warm. Like the word that forms the basis of its name, it always embraced Sera as if it were wrapped in warm light.

There were times when she wanted to raise her hand and turn away from her twinkle so much that her eyes stung, but even that couldn’t cover the good nature of her family.

The reason Sarah didn’t go astray was that she was kind at times, but when she was scolded, she was sure to keep her line, and her family always stood by her side.

So Sera was fine.

Because losing to her is always a daily routine.

But this is the first time I’ve felt this way. The helplessness she felt for the first time in her life, and her humiliation, gave her strength.

She lost. She backed off It curled up her tail and moved as if to run away.

I desperately moved my wobbly legs in the name of a strategy.

She was strange. She has lost her whole life. So she thought she was okay this time too. She said her body freaked out for a moment. That’s how she comforted herself.


But strangely, the bubbling inside her body did not stop.


She thought that this time she never wanted to lose.

…I don’t know why.

It seemed that she would have no further back if she just resigned herself to the violence of that overwhelming power.

It was strange. Wasn’t it always the case to lose to overwhelming power?

Is the opponent different? It makes no sense.

Something fundamental was different.

Abyss with nothing. The darkness presses down so heavy that it is powerless. I didn’t have the confidence to overcome the pitch-black fear.

It was as if I was looking at my father with a cold expression on the day I asked him to teach me how to fight.

The father’s appearance on that day was very different from the father’s appearance he had shown until now.

I had to scream, despair, and feel fear at the sense of alienation. For the first time that day, I cried after the sparring. My father didn’t take care of me like that. In practice, that’s what it’s supposed to be.

‘Do you know the answer?’

The father’s appearance and the young man’s appearance overlap on that day.

There was nothing resembling his father in appearance, magical powers, or personality.

Nevertheless, strangely, that figure kept coming into my eyes.

A memory flashes through my mind again.

Even though he created such a scene, he calmly acted as if nothing had happened.

That look that has treated us since the beginning is arrogant, careless, and has no interest in us.

‘…I don’t know.’

Goo couldn’t understand counting the man’s attitude, as if something like that had no value beyond the obvious.

He who is accustomed to defeat knows victory.

Having tasted the bitter taste of defeat, I crave the sweetness of victory.

Because they know defeat, they are even more obsessed with the victory that lies ahead.

No matter how much he is used to losing, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to win.

Ho Seung-Shim resides within her.

Her dream since childhood.

I want to protect my family by becoming a great Crusader who is not defeated by my father.

It’s a dream that can’t come true easily because everyone in your family is stronger than you, but isn’t that why you call it a dream?

With that clear goal, Sera was able to endure.

‘…What is the purpose?’

But that man is different.

People don’t have the desire for approval. However, it is not a group of good men like Ban Tae-woong, and furthermore, it does not move to achieve the purpose while taking advantage of something.

He willingly helped even though there was no merit.

There is no good intentions, no great intentions, and not even the usual self-will. Everything is ambiguous and disproportionate. Seeing him move like a corpse that trembles with a conditioned reflex when you tap him, Sera felt suspicious.

My father said. Beware of monsters And he told me not to pay attention to the monster’s favored man.

That’s why the moment you fall into the monster’s eyes and face it, all you can see is your own destruction or the destruction of your surroundings.

At first, she thought it was just a creepy ghost story, but her father’s expression when he said it was so serious that Sera had no choice but to nod her head.

In the end, that’s the way it is.

If the result in the eyes of that monster is like that, you should never let anyone get close to that man. Because that man is the monster’s favorite.

At the very least, you must prevent those around you from walking towards ruin.

‘Let’s forget it.’

That side is beneficial to yourself and to those around you.

To erase the memory imprinted on his brain, he shakes his head. However, in that short amount of time, the deeply attached things were not easily erased.

My body trembles with fear. Put magic power on your body.

This is all because he is weak.

I wanted to become a little stronger.

No, you must be strong.

Without borrowing the power of monsters, this time you can do everything with your own power.


Exhale a deep breath.

The energy in this space is so heterogeneous. It was clearly felt that the power of a foreign press called heresy was being exercised in the church.

In order to cut off the divine protection, shake off the adhering black-purple airflow.

Unlike priests and priests, crusaders contain divine power in their bodies. Therefore, it is impossible to break the connection with the main god by any force unless the body dies.

This is the reason why Crusaders can take the lead in subduing the evil of the main gods and conquering foreign gods.



At that time, all thoughts were blown away by the energy of the main god, who felt as if he was responding to his divine power from the other side.

Yes, there is no time to be like this. His own work is rescue.

Sera ran like crazy, enveloping her whole body with magic and divine power.

There were monsters blocking the way, but I used my greatsword as a shield and pushed forward with all my might, and the giant monster bounced off and hit the wall like a car accident.

“Get out of the way! I mean don’t disturb me!!!”

I definitely felt it. I even felt the waves of the familiar magic power there.

Alive. It’s not too late. That fact brought a smile to the corners of Sarah Bright’s lips.

It ran.

I wanted to be useful this time.

I ran again.

If the enemy blocks it, it is destroyed with a greatsword. If tentacles blocked the path, they cut them with blades. The tentacles cut by the sword strike with divine power melted away as easily as acid poured into them.

After running, cutting, and running, Sera had no choice but to stop at the cavity she reached.


The magic of black gold slashes with a single knife as if condemning an ugly monster. The overwhelming inaction contained in it faces the sky.

In an instant, the sword steel stretched out and created a hole in the ceiling.

It was a beautiful trajectory that made the viewer, as a martial artist, tug at their heartstrings. She herself knew how to use a sword.

How much power is contained in that blow?

And seeing the figure of the blue-haired woman holding her preciously in her arms as if the person who had struck the blow protected her, Sera had no choice but to close her mouth tightly.

‘So what kind of a crusader is that?’

Once in the last dungeon.

Twice this time.

This is the number of times I was deprived of the job of protecting Narae by a man named Ban Tae-woong.

I couldn’t help myself this time.


…Am I just being helpless like this again?


Because I forced myself to come here, my overworked body trembled later. My throbbing body ached. The lungs, which were finally able to breathe properly, caused pain.

This chest pain that is frustrating and seems like it will go away… It must be because of that.

I’m glad Narae is safe. That’s enough.

Should be enough…

I already knew that this lukewarm feeling rising from the inside of my heart was an inferiority complex.

But I didn’t want to admit it, so I tried to deny it.

It is an object to be protected. That’s what you want to do But are you jealous of it? Immature I was so immature. If my father had seen this, it would never have ended just like that.

Even though he knew that, in a corner of his head, only the fact that he was late made him worry like impurities in his teeth.

I have a kind family, so I didn’t stray. But, in other words, she couldn’t even get a chance to vent her feelings of inferiority.

It was like solitude. It continued to rot in a jar named itself, and it did not disappear and was still being boiled down.


The visibly hardened figure of Sera was quietly reflected in the pieces of her pupil that had been torn apart by Ban Tae-woong’s attack.

She had such a severe face that she did not want to show as much to her family and her friends.

Sera involuntarily swallowed the taste of the fishy blood flowing from her tightly chewed lips and her pain.

… As always, the taste of her defeat was bitter.


“…Six people secured. With this, there are only four left.”

I sighed after confirming the information from the Shadow Crow.

The area around me was already full of orcs who turned into corpses after rushing at me. The reason why the blood doesn’t come this way is simply because all of them were frozen right before or after death.


When you exhale thanks to the lowered temperature, it turns white and disperses into the air.

One object froze as it approached, and another was frozen as it tried to move by tentacles even after it died.

The person who created that figure is none other than that white-haired girl riding on top of Kalion.

“Awesome, Yongyong”


It was a child who grabbed the horns on top of Kalion’s head and started running wildly. I wondered if this was true when I saw him with a flushed face and an unresponsive smile, probably because he was excited.

I guess it doesn’t matter because I’m doing well.

There is one reason why Lily is so excited. When Lily uses magic, Carlyon imitates it and changes it into Carrion’s own dragon magic.

For Carrion, Lili was a good magic textbook, and for Lili, Carrion’s magic was a new direction, so they are good stimulation for each other.

As of the experiment, the current situation is that only orcs are dying all the time.

I don’t know anything else, but it was reassuring because the two of them were enduring like that. That’s why I’m nurturing Ceres like this without worrying about it.

“Memorize the master’s words well and put them into practice. Do you know?”

“Tick tock…”

To be exact, I made Echidna do this.

I don’t know anything else, but Echidna’s divine power worked very well for Ceres. The guy who didn’t even listen to my words listened to Echidna’s words.

Of course, at first, just like how I taught them, they didn’t listen well and did what they wanted to do.

At that time, Echidna filled the fan she received from me with divine power and swung it.

It was nice to see that they reacted amazingly to divine power in case someone wasn’t undead.

‘The person in charge of education has been decided.’

There is a high possibility that Echidna will entrust everything, not just this time. Her [Doctrine of Rest] Contained in her [Her self-belief] Is a paving stone that I assumed would apply to my summons as well.

If you work together while educating, knowledge about knowledge will naturally be passed on together.

At that time, I caught a signal that I had rescued one more person from a crow hiding in the shadows.

“Three people remain.”

“Is it fast?”

“…To the extent that you think it’s too smooth?”

To be honest, even if it was smooth, it was too smooth. Once they joined, it seems that they decided to divide the team into two places, and one side would bring the rescued people here.

Anyway, since the number of people is the number of people, it seems that it is impossible to move at once. I agreed to that idea and guided it to the location with the shortest distance.

Knowledge, equipment, equipment…

However, as if he couldn’t just watch it, the other side of the sky split like a tear and started to open his mouth.

Seeing that figure, Lili, who was playing with magical powers on top of Kalion, looked at the sky with a straight face, and I also looked at the black hole in the sky with cold eyes.


At my words, Lili quietly began to build up her magic, and Carlyon also loaded her magic with her. I added magic to my fingers and flicked them to summon Growl.

Hudu, dududuk!!

At the same time, a black wave that began to fall from the sky touched the ground, making a loud noise and scattering dust.


“Quiek, Chwik!”

Orc is just the beginning.

No matter what kind of monsters were eaten by tentacles and eyes, they were nestled in darkness.

Until now, monsters in large numbers poured down through the open hole in the sky like dirty water.

Some failed to land and died as they were, but after a while, even those wriggling rose from their seats.

Sighing at the obvious anomaly, I pulled out the spear of shadow and turned it into a bow.

There really is no easy day.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

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Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode