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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 64

64 – 2. ■■’S Summoner (9)


Should I say the after story of this incident?


“Erika. If you can’t carry it alone, you can carry it together. That’s what you said then.”

“…Yes, I did. Sorry.”

“Eri, say thank you rather than sorry at that time. We didn’t save you because we wanted an apology.”

“Lucia…Yes, thank you. Lili, thank you all…”

After getting out safely and undergoing additional examinations and treatment to confirm that there was no abnormality, Erika Onohara recovered enough to go through the procedures for her discharge in just one day.

I don’t know if it’s because the shaman’s power, which is close to her original divine power, is in her magical power, or because the power of Ban Tae-woong, who saved her, was extraordinary, but there are few physical sequelae left of her. It was sip

However, because of the academy’s consideration that she should be stable, she was hospitalized for three days like the others, and her progress was monitored further.

In the process, she was able to find common ground.

Everyone got PTSD and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The others were also not seriously injured externally.

However, after being in a closed space for a long time, which added to mental pollution, he began to express extreme resistance to being in the dark, being chased by someone, and forcibly limiting his magical and divine powers.

In addition, there were those who felt fear in twisted places like mazes, and those who were frightened just by making eye contact appeared.

As much as the mental contamination continued, it seems that the internal rather than the external ones were greatly affected.

The most obvious signs of this were the three people who were openly used as hosts by the tentacles.

In the case of Erika Onohara, her heart rate only increased slightly when she went to a dark place after her care was finished, but the other two expressed a mental rejection reaction so sharp that they mistakenly thought they were disabled people.

It is a nobleman to pass out as if out of his mind.

The basic thing is to fall into a panic and scatter magic, and is it because the nerves that separate friends and enemies have been damaged, or is it just a matter of identifying friends and family as everything other than yourself? They all had a strong tendency to attack and see.

After the reaction, whether to call it an onset or a seizure, came to his senses belatedly and blamed himself or, in the worst case, could not even remember what he had done.

It was presumed that the aftermath of being used as a host by tentacles remained in the brain and became a mental illness.

It was decided that professional mental treatment was needed, so the two were transferred from the academy to a specialized hospital where intensive treatment was possible.

Of the cadets who were actually saved, more than half doubted the safety of the academy and even expressed their intention to voluntarily drop out of the academy feeling helpless.

At the point when they felt fear and rejection at the act of battle itself, their lives as awakened people had to be seen to have come to an end.

With a high probability of being expelled, I wonder if I should even undergo a magic suppression procedure in the name of preparing for any possible danger. The day that it will be solved will be when the judgment is made that it is normal after time.

And we, including Hong Soo-ah, who did this, received a light punishment.

Why? It was because, while the proper permission hadn’t been issued yet, he just recklessly made a false report that he had been granted permission, and then entered the dungeon at will.

In the end, I did the right thing, so I didn’t ask for a big sin, but I got an unwanted vacation called self-study.

That’s just one week.

I genuinely think it’s okay, but others don’t seem to understand that.

I genuinely wondered why he insisted on suffering when he said he would let me rest for free, so when he told me face-to-face that he couldn’t tell the difference between a formal punishment and that’s when he accepted it sweetly.

Anyway, if you don’t spoon-feed them right next to you, they’ll understand and won’t eat. Really.

How long do I have to give education at eye level? I was stepping on it to the point where I thought it was really serious, so only then did other people notice and stop me saying that it was okay to stop.

Thanks to that, I was the only one who had two more days of self-reflection. Whatever the reason, you will understand even if you don’t say it. Let’s just say that a small conversation (physics) took place.

Because I am grateful for the number of days off, I just kept my mouth shut and nodded.

First of all, I couldn’t understand it from the outside, so I had to make a stupid expression, so I didn’t really play around and kept a good mood and frowned all day while being interrogated.

The case was eventually settled amicably. The culprit was already identified and caught, and the disturbance itself was resolved inside the academy, so it didn’t become a big deal.

The proof is that our discipline ended with simple self-reflection.

That was the end of what happened that day.

The important thing is me.

Precisely because of the rewards and experience gained from clearing the dungeon.

The reason why we, Lili and I to be exact, had a strangely high number of enemies we hunted.

Those were all related to other dungeons.

So, as soon as it came out, I didn’t even think of it because I kept wiping it out, but the reason why monsters from other dungeons appeared mixed in addition to the monsters in [Temple Encroached by Madness] Was simply that the other dungeons were temporarily connected.

The power of [Opaque Connection], The remnant of the evil spirit, made impossible things temporarily possible.

Although it is an evil god, since it is a remnant of ‘God’, it has the same power as authority, so it must have been possible enough. This is largely due to being located in the temple itself, which is the background of the dungeon.

No, should I say this is thanks to you?

As a result, more rewards than can be obtained in one dungeon came to me all at once, and during the training of Ceres, which I was worried about, I vomited the flagship that I would take the 30th level beyond reaching the 25th level.

The problem starts now.

“…f*ck, what are you talking about, really?”

I couldn’t help but sigh as I looked at the status window that continued to flicker in front of me.


[Name: Shinwoo Jang] [Occupation: Summoner Lv 30, Researcher Lv 8] [Possible to change jobs]

[Title: Conversion Material]


[Muscle: 33 (+ 5)] [Skill: 64] [Intelligence: 57 (+ 15)] [Luck: 21]

[Possessed Skills]

[Summoning Book Lv 4] [Tame Lv 7] [Record Lv 6] [Speed Reading Lv 7]

[Charisma Lv 6] [Observation Lv 6] [Battle Command Lv 3] [Dismantling Lv 4]

[Endurance Lv 7] [Stand Lv 6] [Sadism Lv8] [Spear Lv 3] [Sword Lv 4]

[Blunt Weapon Lv 4] [Trap Setting Lv 4] [Riding Lv 4] [Escape Lv 1]

[Fight Lv 4] [Torture Lv 7] [Bow Lv 3] [Fight Lv 4]

[Shield Lv 3] [Throwing Lv 3] [Parring Lv 2] [Subduer Lv 2]

[Guard Lv 1] [Psychic Attack Resistance Lv 2]


[Possessed Summons]

[Hive (Guild Raven) Lv 14]

[Growl (Berserk Wolf) Lv 12]

[Carlion (Saint Dragon) Lv 11]

[Echidna (Demon) Lv 16]

[Ceres (Bone Disease) Lv 5]


Points left: 6


It’s as usual up to this point. However, the beginning of the problem was the [Possible job change] Sign that was not there originally.

As originally planned, I wanted to nurture Ceres and the new summons to some extent and move on to the next step.

So I ignored that and tried to do something, but the status window kept popping up and blocking my view.

I felt something beyond disgust and even doubt at such a compulsion. As a trick I had done before, I stuck the window in the corner of my field of vision without turning it off. Ceased to exist

I was more annoyed because it felt like I was protesting that I had to do it right now. So, while I was self-restrained, I closed my eyes tightly and ignored it, whether or not I cut my sight.

If I do what he wants now, it’s like I’m catering to a goddamn asshole.

Even if I gave up the eye itself, there was nothing too uncomfortable because there was a summoned person. I was wondering if I was having a good day or two, but now he even bothered me by continuously sending notification sounds.

If I tried to ignore that and go to sleep, I would cry louder and louder. Even this is only heard by me, so I can’t really report it anywhere to turn it off.

The only solution is for me to change my 2nd job right now. But when I came this far, I didn’t want to do it anymore because there were comebacks.

The problem is that I endured it for a day or two, and it seemed like the first thing I would do was die from a vase because I was getting neurotic. Even now, continue to ring! Tring! The ringing sound was because even if this was resolved, it seemed that it would remain in the ear for a while and raise blood pressure.

I immediately thought that I was going to get a real mental illness.

Still, I persevered. Few days? I endured three more days.

Because of this, I even got a skill called [Psychic Attack Resistance]. He even raised 1 level in that moment.

But even after gaining resistance, I couldn’t stand it any longer.

If you see the face of a real god bastard, I will grind it like a radish on a grater. f*ck blasphemy and all this sh*t. Now no one can stop me I have a cause.

Since that bastard has made up his mind and started harassing me, I am also determined to do only the things that he hates.

First of all, I plan to continue to sprinkle rice cakes on bastard Taewoong Ban, saying that God was an asshole and was controlling you in the dark so that he could finally antagonize this bastard. This is confirmed

I’m going to go to the back and see what’s going on~ What’s up~ I’m going to put it in without a chance to run the same washing machine. What the f*ck is the world like right now? 좆같은 새끼가 자기 꺼 관리 하나 제대로 못하니까 이 모양 이 꼬라지가 된 거 아니냐고.

From noble mtl dot com

Am I wrong? That’s right!! Listen openly to swearing at the bastard who favored you like that and eat a knife with the back of your head, ten bastards.

Diring! Tring! Tring! Tiriling!!!

Then the system alarm in my ear started to go off like a mad siren. Come on? Come on??? I’m a kid too. Now I feel like I’m talking to a person, so I’m really happy. This sh*t.

Thanks to the poison you poured, I knew for sure that you, the 10-year-old, would hate it, so look forward to it, really.

No matter what you imagine, I will show you more than you can imagine. Do you know that people who have nothing to lose are the ugliest and dirtiest? I don’t know. So you messed with me like this.

If you had known, you wouldn’t have invited me to this f*cking world, and you wouldn’t have given me such a f*cking job as my vocation in the first place!!


So this is a step back to move forward. I am saying that it was not because I was caught on the wrong count that I GG.

I seriously thought about whether it would be comfortable to kill myself quickly as I would continue to suffer like this. If you’re going to say something, say it to the bastard God who drove me this far.

After spitting out a lot of swearing at God inside, I kindly pressed the [Enable job change] Button with my middle finger. The point is the same as when placing cigarette bread in a previous life.

It was a habit that I had already gotten tired of in my previous life, so even if I didn’t do it for a few years, my skills didn’t really rust. In the first place, it’s a skill that rusts in cigarette bread, and there’s nothing to do after sleeping.

Ah, that’s why I really want to smoke.

Then the sound that kept ringing like a lie stopped. A real god damn bastard. A bastard that won’t be happy even if you chew it to death.

I checked a new window that popped up at the same time as I flicked my finger.


[Possible job change list]

Generalization – [High Summoner]

Specialized Offerings – [Preacher of Despair]

Return to Origin – [Human Slayer]

I%#5$ – [!$%Oh^@%ㅠ#@]



A sigh came out, but it became a question on the way. In fact, it is only a word of change, but it is said that Ji will hold and shake it in the direction he wants. The generalized [High Summoner] Is now a downgrade if you look at the results alone.

Anyway, now I’m focusing on summoning with familiars. However, you don’t have to become a universal summoner by averaging your abilities towards summoning something else.

That’s just how it came to my mind. In other words, if you’re not going to move according to your will, it’s no different than beating a sentence to stay dented.

“f*ck me”

I immediately skipped the first one. The second and third are not even worth thinking about.

“f*ck, I rejected it as a vocation, so are you giving it back as a former job?”

Above all, the third is my vocation, which I once rejected. Just because you came from a ruined world, make this world like mine?

To become prey for the growth of the main character? It has been less than 10 years since I laughed at the fact that a childhood friend appears as a villain and kindly threw candy while laughing at me, saying, “Isn’t it corny?”

It was like the trigger that made me choose a summoner. Are you really an idiot asking me to choose this one now?

For me to pick one out of those three is nothing short of ridiculous bullsh*t. I’ll choose a job that looks annoying at first glance.

“What else is the last one?”

I couldn’t understand why the letters were all broken because I was trying to do something. I pressed down my throbbing head and opened the [Summoning Book] As if to replace it.

I don’t know why I did that either. I just felt it was the right thing to do.

That intuition that has kept me alive since my previous life.

“[Summoning Book]”

Cheer up!!!

As soon as the Book of Summoning appeared in response to my call, the page started fluttering like crazy. A dramatic change I hadn’t seen before gave me confidence that I had the right answer.


Just like when I first opened this book, I felt somewhat nostalgic for the book that began to make letters while quickly absorbing magic power.

Yeah, even back then, I said f*ck it like this, so I chose a summoner that belonged to the non-mainstream class among the basic jobs.

Regret? I never do that. Even if you go back to the past and the option at that time appears, you will make the same choice over and over again and repeat that day again.

If I did well, I did well. I didn’t do anything wrong. I can be truly confident.


At that time, the movement that seemed to suck up mana forever finally stopped.

The letters on the page are written sparsely and randomly, so it is not easy to see what is written, but my [Speed Reading], [Recording], And [Dismantling] Skills quickly disassemble them and combine them to create a proper made it readable as text.


After reading them, I managed to stop what I almost said out loud.

The contents of the book were as follows.

[If you’re reading this, our gamble paid off.]

[If you want to destroy the damn world, choose number 4.]

[It loses all privileges only for the 4th time.]

[That’s the only thing we can leave behind.]

[If it seems impossible, kill yourself like this.]

[Time flows again anyway.]

[If you don’t have the will, move on to the next one.]

[If you have the will, be sure to kill it.]

[Take away.]

[So make it stop.]

[Remember, we only hope for the end.]

…It seemed like the words I needed so much, and the words were aimed at me so much that I had doubts.

However, the reality is that there is no reliable corner other than this.

If I withhold the answer here, I’m sure it’ll scratch my mind with more frantic alarms. Maybe it gives meaning to each of my trivial actions and makes me choose only what I want in a bad way.

You absolutely must refrain from doing crazy things like that. Wouldn’t it be better to pretend to be cheated and choose number 4 instead?

No matter what you choose, the current summons will not disappear. Because the hives are connected to my soul. However, further growth may be blocked from now on.

Only that fact made me hesitant to make the current choice.

But in the end, I closed the book and opened the window to choose a job change again. Number 4 is still broken, so I don’t know what’s in it, but this was my only option.

#1 Was out of the question, and #2 and #3 never wanted to.

I pressed number 4 right away.



Cheer up!!!

The page was torn and began to move towards the broken letters.

Then, the broken letters found their original form one by one and turned into readable letters.

[Former Ryowan.]

[Tall, crying [Summoner] Is safe! Hee, I succeeded in changing jobs as [Summoner of ■■].]

[The skill [Tame] Has been transformed into the skill [Book of Combination].]

[The skill [Battle Command] Has been transformed into the skill [Link].]

[The level of the skill [Book of Combination] Will drop to 4.]

[All stats have increased by 3.]

Something was added to the name that had nothing, and the level was raised and the useless [Tame] Was changed into a new skill called [Book of Combination].

The level went down to level 4, just like the [Summoning Book], But I could see a strange phenomenon where the ability increased.

Also, [Battle Command], Which was largely handed over to Hive, became a new skill called [Link].

The transmission of information, which was somewhat ambiguous until now, has changed to become more smooth and reliable, and it is possible to connect a simple passage through [Link] Even if it is not my pet.

If it wasn’t for my summons, it wouldn’t be very efficient, but I felt that it was meaningful to be able to see a similar effect itself.

“…Is this the end?”

As if the job change was over, there was no more loud notification sound, and nothing was blocking my eyes.

In fact, nothing much has changed. I checked to see if there were any changes in the [Summoning Book], But there were no major changes other than the number of summons that could be summoned increased by 2 to 7.

After that, all that was left was the [Book of Combination], But I really had no idea what it was.

Seeing that it has no intention of appearing even if it is used differently from the [Summoning Book], It seems like this because some conditions have not been met yet. I just closed the status window with a sigh.

“…For now, maintaining the status quo is enough.”

Yeah, it’s enough that it hasn’t gotten worse from the original. If I can find out the name properly later, I think I can make some inference based on it, but right now there was nothing I could do.

I just had a headache.

I can’t even go out anyway, so let’s just sleep. Maybe my head isn’t spinning because I haven’t been able to rest properly right now.

Let’s sleep. When you wake up, you will think of something.

I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes without a moment’s thought.



After lying down like that, less than a minute had passed before I heard someone knocking on the door.

At that fact, I let out a sigh, which had become a habit by now, and stood up. Because I have a rough idea of who it is. I wondered if it was Hong Soo-ah or someone close to him.

It’s a period of self-reflection anyway, so even if you pretend it’s not there, it’s a penalty point. It’s like an unreasonable world.


From noble mtl dot com

When I opened the door, what I saw was a person who exceeded my expectations. She was Narae Shin, a woman with blue hair.

The punishment was limited to us who entered the dungeon without permission, and the victims were only the real victims, so from the moment the judgment was made that daily life was possible, they just went back to their original lives.

This woman is also one of those victims.

I heard that Ban Tae-woong rescued him from being surrounded by enemies right after he created a signal flare by using his last divine power with the determination to save everyone.

But why is she in front of my room?

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode