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XX to Survive in the Academy 147

Chapter 147 – A Landlord’s Life Is Like a Drama

The Branzels walk through the long, wide corridors of the mansion.
It was close to midnight, so I couldn’t hear anything except my footsteps.

The place we arrived was in front of Angela’s door.
No one was watching, so I looked around once for no reason, then grabbed the doorknob and turned it.

As expected, it opened smoothly without any locking device, and she greeted her as she went inside.

“Here you are, honey.”

Angela was sitting in front of a table on one side of the room.
Judging by the gloomy expression on his face before he found me, it seems that something has happened.

“What were you doing?”
“Just… Think about it.”

At the same time, the neat eyebrows droop again.
Of course, she also had a sullen expression.
She is wearing a white negligee that shows her inner flesh.
It was enough to excite me.

But instead of charging at her forcefully as she usually did, she slowly picked her up and hugged her.

“What’s wrong. What happened at work?”

Without saying a word, she tucked both of her arms under my armpits and pulled them tight.
She felt Angela’s warmth all over her body, and her pleasant scent rose.

As I stroked her soft hair, I heard a rather weak voice.

“Actually, it seems that some employees in the company had a fight…”
“Really? Why did you fight?”
“There must have been a difference of opinion in the distribution of tasks.”

I’m talking in a calm tone, but I’m not sure if this is a serious problem.

“Did Angela get into a big fight when she saw that she cared so much?”
“It’s not like that. But I’m the former chairman. I’m responsible for the entire company, so I think the internal problems are because of me…”

It was like that.
It seems that people are too nice, so they are worried about buying them.

“It’s okay. Angela is doing well.”
“Is that so…”

An answer that seems to have no confidence.
But I was sure.
Because I often heard from Mr. Verita what a great president Angela was.

I don’t know the details of the staff who fought today, but I don’t think the cause is at least Angela.

“If many people work together, they may argue sometimes. Don’t worry too much about it.”

It’s funny that I’m advising her who runs a large company, since she’s only worked as an employee at a game company in her social life.

But instead of laughing, Angela nodded her head.

“Yes I will.”
“And I just want to see Angela smile.”
“Then honey will you make me laugh?”
“Even if I don’t do anything, Angela smiles when she sees me.”
“Yes… So don’t leave a little bit tonight and stay by my side.”

Although she became more affectionate as she went, she wasn’t as assertive as she is today.
When I look at her with her eyes of surprise, she slightly avoids my gaze, perhaps embarrassed by what she said.

Her figure was so cute that I couldn’t stand it, and I crossed her lips.

“Whoop, chuup… Chuup, honey♡”

She slides her tongue between her lips, and without hesitation she comes to bite my tongue.

Her cock, which was already erect, became harder, and in her eagerness she rubbed it against her body.

“Honey, it’s hot there…”
“She’s like that because Angela is so raunchy.”
“Ah… So hard….”

Angela’s glowing eyes touched my tented groin.

“Are you going to take responsibility?”

It didn’t take long before we were all naked.
At my direction, Angela propped her butt out on her table, and I did the same until I put on her condom and was ready to penetrate her.

By the way, both of them prefer to do without condoms, but more often than not they use condoms because the sheets and floors can get dirty.

“Angela… You have to.”

Unbeknownst to me, such words came out.
Because Angela wasn’t lying prostrate on her desk as usual, but her legs were spread out like her frogs.
In contrast to her modest, vulgar appearance, she thrust her glans into her cunt without delay.

“I’m sorry…”

With just a kiss, the wet hole accepts mine smoothly.
It wasn’t soft, though, and numerous vaginal wrinkles were caught on his cock, creating a sense of pleasure.

“Honey… Please be rough.”

Unlike her modest image, Angela was gradually revealing rough sex.
There is a saying that married couples look alike, but are their tastes becoming similar to mine?

As I thought she would blow away all her troubles she had today, she began to pat her on the back hard.

Premise, premise, premise!

“How! How! How! How! Hello…♡”

A voice mixed with charm is heard in my ears.
However, I wanted to hear a female cry rather than Angela’s angtal.

Puck! Fuck! Puck! Puck!

“That’s what Angela wanted!”
“Yeah, whoops! So please stab me harder…!”

As I grabbed her hips and pulled me, her cunt hit her buttock, her voluptuous ass rippling.
Likewise, her side breasts dance and catch my attention.

As it was, he leaned over her upper body and pressed his body against her back, holding her breasts like her handles and following her piston.

Fuck! Fuck! Puck!

“Ohh, jade! Haaaaagh! Honey’s cock… It feels good!”
“Tell me more!”
“Haha! Du, thick… Manly… Jade, I like that it’s long enough to pierce the baby’s room… Oh ho-ok!”
“Then I’ll stab you deeper!”

While maintaining the power of the piston, it pushes deeper into each stroke.

As she moved so diligently, Angela’s moaning intensified.

“Honey, I think I’m going… Eungheuss! Ha! Ha!”

At the urgent voice, my waist moves vigorously as if being chased by something.
When I tugged at the hard nipples that got caught in my fingers, a dirty sex burst out.

“Hook! Clothes… Go, go! Oh, haaang!”

Beneath me, Angela’s voluptuous body twitched.
My cock, which hadn’t reached ejaculation yet, wanted more to get in and out of her, but I pushed it in and poked Porcio gently.

“Haaaaagh! That’s sensitive… Oh!”
“Is this place good?”
“Haik, haew!”

As soon as her tremors subsided somewhat, I pulled out my cock and laid Angela upright on her table.

I was thinking of pushing her so that she wouldn’t have time to think of her troubles again.

Angela exposed all kinds of embarrassing parts to me, including her breasts and secret parts.
As I pushed her cock in, the still unsatisfied pussy swallowed it all the way.

“Kuh, Angela…!”
“I’m sorry for making you feel better alone. I’ll make you feel it too.”

A unique intense tightness presses her cock.
It felt like she was telling me to cum right away, and it moved her waist right away.

Trick! Trick! Trick!

“Yeah! Ha! Ha! Ha! Really… I’m happy to be held by you!”
“Me too, Angela!”
“Ha-ang, I love you…! I love you, honey!”

I am ecstatic that she is close enough to me that she expresses her affection first.
Of course, I had no choice but to return the answer.

“I love you too!”
“Haaang! Honey’s cock… It’s gotten thicker♡”
“Don’t you love cocks and not me?”
“No…. I love both you and your cock. Haha!”
“No matter how you look at it, it’s my cock, but you seem to love it? Tell me honestly!”

Then, as I leaned over her upper body and stole her lips, her tongue entangled in mine.

“Whoa, whoop… Whoop, whoop…!”

She kisses her for a while, then takes her lips away, sticking out her tongue as if it’s not enough yet.
Instead of letting me taste my tongue, I asked again.

“You love my cock, not me? Angela is a sex-loving pervert.”
“It’s not like that…! Hey, I love both Honey and Jaja, so I like kissing too.”

I can’t say I like it more than the cock again and again, and it’s just cute that I answer honestly.

“Then can I stop pinching my pussy and just kiss you?”
“No… Kiss me and pierce my pussy!”

He covered her lips as he wished, intertwined with his tongue, and massaged her breasts.
I felt the inside of her from below, her breasts in her hands, and the taste of her tongue and saliva in my mouth, and my excitement grew as I realized that everything about Angela was mine.

“Cheup, tseung… Whoa! Oh-ok! Clothes, honey… Oh-ho-ok!”

As the piston became more intense thanks to her circumstances getting closer, without exception, Angela let out a vulgar sound.

Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck!

“Hoot! Uhhh! Uhhhhh! Key, kiss… Kiss!”

Because she kept begging me, I stuck out her tongue, but the pleasure was so strong that I couldn’t take it because I was moaning.

“I have to… Kiss you…!

Are you worried that I’ll be jealous of my cock?

I loved the way she looked, so I put my lips together and slapped her cunt with all my might.

“Chew, chuu! Oops! Whoops! Chew, chuu!”

Angela groans as she presses her lips against me.

In our own ways, we signaled to each other that the climax was near.
Driven by the feeling of ejaculation, I continued to use the piston with all my might, and she relentlessly sucked my tongue while tightening her pussy.

Her pleasure finally exploded, and Angela’s body began to tremble violently the moment the condom was pushed in deep and inflated.

“Whoop! Whoop! Whoop whoop!”

Cultivation bursts out between her mouth, which is still blocked by me.
The vibrations of her trembling with orgasm were transmitted intact to my closely attached body.

“Hasssss, haa… Haaa…”

When I slowly lifted her lips and looked down, her expression was brimming with her lust, brimming with pleasure.

Her breasts rose and fell as she caught her breath, and beads of sweat on her nipples slid down her breasts.

“Angela, can you still do more?”
“Yes, honey…”

About two hours later, we were lying in bed hugging each other.
Angela’s face, full of happiness and satisfaction, showed no signs of worry from before.

“I had a good day, Angela.”
“Yes, me too…”

Holding it like this makes me feel so comfortable.
I feel like I’m getting a good night’s sleep even though my mind is clear.

“Thank you. For caring.”
“No. Angela’s worries are mine too. I wanted to help in any way I could.”

At my sincere answer, her eyes as she looked at me trembled as if she were thrilled.

“Really… I’m glad I met you. My life has changed completely since I met you.”
“Thank you for saying that.”
“I’m serious.”

Just like that, I can feel her sincerity toward me.
There was no doubt now that Angela had completely won her heart.

But there is still one wall that stands in our way.
The promise I made to marry Selena.
She had to break down that wall in order to become fully involved with Angela.

Still, I hugged her tighter and didn’t mention anything else about her.
Because this moment is so cozy and warm, I wanted to put off complicated discussions for a while.

That’s how we fell into a sweet sleep while feeling each other’s body temperature.

Sometime after dinner the next day.
Angela was watching TV in the living room.

Verita went to buy her daily necessities, which her mansion was running out of, and her Ian was doing schoolwork in her room, so she was the only one sitting on her couch.


Angela silently watches the noisy TV.
Clearly, her eyes were on the screen, but her thoughts were elsewhere.

‘If Ian marries Selena, this life will end….’

The practice of Ian and Angela’s conjugal life was in preparation for when Ian married Selena.
So the practice ends with the two getting married.

It’s a fact that I know for sure, and I’ve been constantly repeating it so far.
But as she got closer to Ian, her mind was changing.

‘I hope it never ends….’

Her pretext of her practice so far has been a strong shield to her.
Thanks to the fact that once practice is over, nothing happened, I was able to muster up the courage to be honest with my feelings.

However, from a certain point on, the existence of practice felt like an unpleasant alarm telling me to return to reality when the time came.

‘What do we do… ?’

There is no option to break the promise with Ian.
Because her daughter’s happiness is just as important as her own happiness, she wants her daughter to have a normal and harmonious marriage.

The more time I spent with Ian, the stronger I felt that he was a good person and that only he could accept my daughter’s personality.

That is why he is troubled.
He wants Ian to marry his daughter, but he also wants to maintain a happy relationship like the current couple.

‘But if Mr. Ian continues like he is now even after marrying Selena, it will become an affair….’

It is also an affair between a son-in-law and a mother-in-law, which will never be tolerated socially.


My chest is so stuffy that I naturally let out a big sigh.

[I’m so frustrated I’m dying!]

Angela’s gaze turned back to the TV at the sound of her voice, which seemed to speak for herself.

Unlike the fancy party dress she was wearing, a woman with tousled hair was drinking alone.

[Why is everyone treating me as a bitch?]

I thought about it for a while, but it was a drama I watched often, so it wasn’t difficult to understand the lines I just read.
She was worried about falling in love with a married man.

[Too bad…. Too much, really.]

The woman in the screen is the villain who leads the story of the drama, and she has suffered all kinds of humiliation because she committed an affair with the husband of the main character.

The scenes of her paying the price for her affair gave viewers a vicarious sense of satisfaction, and that was the secret of the drama’s popularity.

Angela also watched this drama for fun.
However, from a certain moment, rather than the main character woman whose husband was taken away, her feelings were transferred to her inner lover who is now on the screen.

[Did you meet me thinking I was married? I’m already better, but what should I do about having a wife!]

Each time her woman let her heart out, Angela nodded her head vigorously.
In her eyes, the woman on the screen was not just a villain, but a comrade suffering from a comrade.

[I didn’t seduce him to hurt others, so why should I be treated like this? I was just being honest with my feelings…. Emotions aren’t arbitrary.]

“That’s right… Love is not tolerated by enduring it.”

Angela is so immersed that she accepts the drunkenness of the woman on TV without even realizing it.
Her eyes are filled with pity for a woman who is criticized by the public for being honest with her feelings.

[I don’t know. I’m not breaking up with him what if she loves She thinks she will die without him.]

Once again, Angela’s head moves up and down her.

[Never give up….]

A woman in the screen looking at an empty wine glass with a spleen look.

It was a scene that a normal viewer would have cursed at if she still lost her mind, but Angela didn’t.

Rather, he was encouraged by a woman who chose her love despite the stinging gazes around him.

‘Okay…. Love isn’t arbitrary. I can’t do without Mr. Ian anymore….’

Speaking to herself, Angela clenched her fists just like the woman on TV.

‘… Let’s talk to Mr. Ian.’

XX to Survive in the Academy

XX to Survive in the Academy

아카데미에서 살아남기 위해 XX한다
Score 7.0
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Because of my ex-girlfriend, I got stuck in a game the company was making. It is also a cursed character full of death foreshadowing.


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not work with dark mode