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I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy Chapter 32

Episode 32 – The Princess, Alice Tantalota 5 –

Episode 32 – The Princess, Alice Tantalota 5 –

At some point, my consciousness went black.

I don’t remember much. What is certain is that my memory was interrupted at some point.

‘Is he dead?’

This series of actions are all based on the other person’s psychology.

If the survival of their branch is at stake, they might give up on me.

‘I have no regrets.’

I still hate dying without changing anything.

Dying while preventing disaster is okay in its own way.

At least it was more valuable than my previous life.

That time when I smiled with such satisfaction.

“Brother, is this guy smiling?”

“Leave it alone. “I guess I’m having a pleasant dream.”

What the f*ck.

Was it all a dream?

I panicked at the sound I heard and quickly opened my eyes.

I was lying in a hospital bed.

Nearby is a wall that I had seen before.

The place where I am lying is another hospital bed.

Chains and various torture devices hanging on the wall.

Combine all the clues. I realized that I wasn’t dead yet and that I was still in the same place I was before.

My arms, which were obviously gone, remained intact.

From noble mtl dot com

I said to myself in wonder.

“Oh what. “How was it treated?”

First of all, another piece of information was obtained.

These guys have the means to cure me.

Whatever the method.

When I woke up with both arms turned to mush, I thought I would be limbless.

Let’s see what I wake up like.

The two people who tried to make me think of terrible thoughts tried to contact someone.

There was no sound when making contact.

After a while, someone opened the door and came in.

He told me not to resist.

“This is a special room created to deal with mysteries.

Here, unless you are permitted to do so, Auror awakening and unique magic cannot be used. You’d better not resist… “

And he told me the purpose of this room.

It’s a room to stop those who distort the world.

There are a total of 4 people in the room.


The two people who cast luminous way earlier,

And a wizard who brought me here.

The two Luminis Way people became nervous after seeing the wizard.

Unlike the previous atmosphere, the air in the room became colder.

In such an atmosphere, the wizard was the first to open his mouth.

“You’re already an Auror Master at this age…” Talent alone is inscrutable.”

He held out his hand to me.

“Let’s join hands. We will help your talents bloom.

If you come to us, we don’t have to give you the Dragon Heart, you can use it yourself.”

He made a suggestion to me. Let’s go with them.

And I know their identities.

‘Cult of evil spirits… ‘

Church of evil spirits. A religious group that follows evil spirits.

The heavenly and evil gods who are said to have created this world.

However, if the Heavenly God pursued order and stability.

The evil spirit pursued freedom and indulgence.

The Heavenly God wanted his creatures to be happy even if they were a little uncomfortable.

The evil spirit wanted his creatures to be free, even if they were a little unhappy.

Both gods loved creatures.

Because their perspectives were different, the two gods eventually separated.

In the end, Heavenly God won and remains in power to this day.

However, the followers of the evil spirit did not disappear and remained on this earth.

In any case, he was one of the creators of this world.

“Aren’t you in a state where you can’t even produce adults? Or not… “Is there a new adult?”

That’s why he deliberately acts as if he knows the details.

The Evil God Church was in the form of a point organization until the saints appeared, so there was no leadership.

And when the two words “Evil spirit church” And “Saint” Came out of my mouth, I was taken aback.

“… ! How do you know that… !”

I explained my reasoning process to that figure.

“First of all, there are very few beings who can know about that dragon. You didn’t see me catch the dragon, you knew the dragon. That’s probably why I couldn’t intervene when I caught the dragon and ended up threatening me.

But an intelligence older than that ancient dragon? Heavenly God, Evil God, World Tree, Progenitor. There are only about 4 beings. Of course, the Celestial Sect is excluded. There is no way a skilled person like you would fall under the elves or vampires, so the most appropriate thing to do is to let the evil spirit tell you.”

“It may be possible, but you don’t know everything in this world. Certainly those three beings are older than Horntail.

But isn’t it possible that there are other beings? “Some vampire lords have lived very long lives.”

“That’s right. There may be other beings. But one thing gave me confidence.”

“What is it?”

“I was cured. There is no smell unique to the potion and there are no traces of using unique magic spells. You must have used divine power. “It belongs to an evil spirit.”


After the defeat of the evil god in the battle between the evil god and the heavenly god.

Celestialism erased information about evil spirits.

Because being a believer comes from knowledge.

There are quite a few people who do not know whether the Evil God Church still exists.

Therefore, in the case of evil spirits, only their evil image remains.

In modern times, there is confusion that evil spirits only want destruction, but this is different.

The evil spirit also loved the creatures.

I simply gave freedom to my creatures.

Also the freedom to treat someone.

“The apostles of the evil god have almost disappeared and have not been able to come to the sun for a long time, so people think that the evil god loves destruction.

The divine power of evil spirits can also restore others. “If the target wants it that way.”

He was embarrassed to see that I knew all of their misunderstandings correctly.

The expression on his face was nice to see. Until just now, I had a strong feeling of something overwhelming.

“Clearly you are an extremely unusual case. Excellent. It will be easy to persuade other bishops.

So… Would you like to join us? Because you understand us.”

However, that does not mean that evil spirits are right.

From my point of view, Heavenly God’s thoughts are more correct.

The reason why the Evil God Church was classified as a villainous group rather than a reactionary group is simple.

This is because they affirm anything as much as they follow freedom.

No revenge, no rape, no torture, no murder. Everything a human can think of.

“No. Unfortunately.”

“… “The Heavenly God has been in power for too long.”

He looked at me as if he felt really sorry.

Because I knew what would happen because of my rejection.

“We follow freedom. “You know what that means.”

“If the evil spirit does his will, he is also given the freedom to resist and endure.”

“I don’t really like it, but… It seems like someone here wants you to suffer. “I hope you find your freedom.”

With those words, he left this room.

Suddenly, I hear several people walking and approaching this room.

“Giggles. You stupid bastard. “It’s barely resistance to do it with that level of talent.”

“That’s right. “We have to show our own merits.”

“Kahahahahal. “How long will this guy last?”

Humans who talk like goblins.

It looked exactly like a goblin.

In their hands were various weapons.

Even a child can understand what you are trying to do.

“Never kill. Because you decided to follow me. “You have to get the Dragon Heart.”

“I understand.”

And from a distance, a wizard gave them a divine message.

The goblins (people) followed what he said.

“Okay. Are you ready to regret your choice now?”

I answered that.

“No? “Of course you won’t regret it, so why prepare?”

It may be painful.

I don’t regret it because it was my choice.


There is blood all over the body.

The flesh is torn and blood flows out from there.

The skewer pierces my body.

Hot things are tearing at me.

It looked like bugs were eating my flesh, so I looked there and saw that bugs were actually eating my flesh.

But it’s okay.

It hurts, but it’s bearable.

Even though one eye could not be opened, I raised my head and smiled.

The goblins are taken aback when I smile even though my body is in ruins.

“What the hell…” How is this possible? ?”

“When did you tell me to stop?”

“You’re talking about Dragon Heart. Otherwise, I told them to let me go if they said they would cooperate.”

“But you’re not doing it, are you?”

“Can we continue?”

“It’s not because it’s hard!”

“That’s strange! “How on earth can I still smile after doing this?”

“Don’t you feel pain as pleasure?”

“That can’t be possible! He said he definitely screamed in pain! And even those who feel pleasure in pain are afraid of pain beyond a certain level!”

What they say is true.

Masochists do not always feel pain as pleasure.

I am just enduring.

This is because I have already experienced even more pain a long time ago.

“Have I told you yet?”

When so much time has passed that you don’t even know how much time has passed.

The voice I heard before reached my ears.

It was that wizard.

“I definitely understand why you are an Auror Master… It’s already been seven days.

I wondered why I couldn’t get any information for that long… Was it something you were enduring with your mental strength?”

He said while looking at me who was still enduring.

His striking appearance is quite remarkable.

But with his visit, I was able to feel hope.

Because he never intends to kill me.


Suddenly I hear something ringing and my vision brightens.

And the pain also fades away.

The divine power of the evil spirit coming from his body was healing my body.

When I was able to speak properly, I looked at him and said.

“… No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to bring me down.”

“How can you be so bright even in such pain…? Not you. “Are you actually human in the first place?”

Humans are correct.

I just lived with more pain.

Because of something I can’t really blame anyone for.

“I have experienced even more pain. “I lived in such pain that hope was disappearing as each day passed.”

“Don’t lie. I’ve searched through your entire life. There has never been a time when you experienced that much mental and physical pain.

I don’t know what the fight with Horntail was like, but you were already putting your body on the line before that, so it’s irrelevant.”

That is correct. Because this is an experience from my past life.

A flame that goes out without hope. Because I went through those days.

“How on earth is that possible? Wouldn’t it be easier to just give up? The evil spirit loves you too. So, even if you betray the evil spirit, you also love the Celestialists because they believe that you are free.

So come to us. Then we will accept it again. “It’s your freedom.”

That is correct. If I were to join the Evil God Church, I would be able to live much more comfortably.

I can become strong.

Among the Evil God Church, there are quite a few people who just want freedom. From a selfish perspective, it’s probably okay.

[Definitely. It’s definitely a promise!]

But I promised.

Even if it is not honorable.

Even if no one knows.

Only one person needs to know.

Thinking of the angel who gave me happiness.

He smiled and shouted at the wizard.

“Why don’t you just torture me some more while I’m resting and recovering my mental strength?”

“Are you still targeting our feeble hope? There is a limit to your mental strength, so it will break down at some point. You said it.

I lived in such pain that hope was disappearing with each passing day. It will happen… “Until you give up.”

Sorry, but you are wrong.

There is hope.

A father who was worried that his child would die prematurely found out that the protection system he put in place to keep his beloved son safe would work.

He went out again, probably because he didn’t want to see the torture.

The goblins brought back torture devices.

‘I don’t know how long it will take.’

Light will come someday.

I believe.


“Her Royal Highness… ? What’s going on here… ?”

“I came to meet the rector, Sergei Darmore. “If there are any problems, please let me know.”

“There is no particular problem. If you take the stairs to the top, you will be able to meet me.”

“Thank you.”

Princess Alice Tantalotta visited the school office to meet the president, Sergei Darmore.

The reason was because I had something to ask him.

After hearing detailed information about the president’s office.

As the princess ascended, she recalled the past events.

‘I don’t know if it was because of Archduke Fraser’s wind, but it seems to have been resolved well.’

Archduke Fraser a few weeks ago for some reason. He asked her for her talents.

Her reason was to keep a band of thieves in check, but the princess was not someone who could not notice the meaning behind it.

‘In effect, it means that you will support me. ‘If I had a problem, he said he would take my side by citing this example, so I guess I got a pretty good deal.’

I don’t know why it was like that. But it didn’t matter.

I stuck with it because it was profitable, and it was handled successfully.

From noble mtl dot com

After giving the best response day and night for several days.

Alice returned to her original work.


“You’re missing.”

The next week, Abraxas Mentutihotep met with the princess.

He suddenly disappeared during class and has not yet returned.

According to someone, he just left on his own because the academy wouldn’t expel him.

Some claimed it was a kidnapping.

Someone else thought it was a prank perpetrated by Abraxas.

Some female cadets claimed that they disappeared somewhere because they did not like the attention.

However, one thing is certain. He suddenly disappeared one day.

The point is that he has not returned yet.

‘Are you avoiding me? You’ve shown signs of that before. ‘To be precise, it’s not me, but I think they wanted to avoid getting caught up in a power struggle.’

The princess is not an idiot.

At least I knew that he had deliberately avoided the princess because he did not want to get involved in the fight for the throne.

So, I tried to approach slowly and stab him. He had already disappeared.

‘Did he disappear after approaching? ‘I want to believe that’s not true.’

As I thought about it that way. At one point, she was at the far end of the academy’s staff room.

When you try to knock on the door like that.

“So why are you going to look for it yourself? Can I use other people?”

“What would the Marquis’s reputation be like if it became known that he had made such a contract for his own child? Of course, I think I would have done the same, but there would be political repercussions.”

“But is this really a contract?”

“According to the contract, it is impossible not to participate at all. “He agreed to lose control of his body if he defaulted on the contract.”

“But why did you sign such a contract?”

“If you look at his personality, even if he was admitted, if there was no such requirement, he would have broken the contract and escaped.

When I think about what he did when he was young, I feel uneasy no matter where I keep him… “The Marquis at least thought of the next best solution.”

“If control of your body is transferred to a contract and you strive to achieve your best performance… “Why doesn’t it show up?”

“There are only a few moments when a contract to take over control of the body becomes invalid. Either it is impossible, or the contract is invalid.

If the subject recognizes that the situation is impossible, the contract cannot be activated because it is dangerous, and the contract is destroyed, of course the right to control does not disappear.”

“Then…” !”

“Yes. “It is most likely a kidnapping.”

And as soon as she heard those words, the princess immediately knocked on the door.

Knock knock knock

“Please come in.”

The door opens with a clang.

The princess, Alice Tantalota, was standing there.

“Welcome. Her Royal Highness. What did she come for… “

“That story just now.”


“I came to you because I had something to tell you about the story of Abraxas Mentutihotep. “I tried to meet him, but he said he disappeared.”

Alice immediately revealed her purpose.

And this also meant that she was listening to the conversation so far.

Alice asked.

“So is there a way to find it?”

“There are many ways… If he intentionally voided his contract to escape from the Academy.

If the organization that kidnapped him nullified the contract magic… “It will take a long time.”

“Princess, we will handle this matter. Please next time… “

“It’s about the nobility of the empire. “If I don’t step forward myself, who will?”

A cadet of noble status was kidnapped directly from the Imperial Academy, which was directly managed and supervised by the imperial family.

And the faculty and staff did not even know that fact for a while.

‘If this case spreads… Not only may you be ridiculed by other countries, but many problems may arise. The damage to the image is already planned… I have to take care of it myself.’

In the princess’s calculations, she thought that if she intervened in this matter, she could gain a political advantage.

It was because it looked much better to go get it in person.

And Sergei, who sensed the intention, carefully advised the princess.

“If you are taking a series of actions to achieve a political goal… “If it is his own play, he may face backlash.”

“It’s okay.”

However, the princess did not care much.

This was because the man she had briefly seen was not the type of person who would perform such low-quality self-made dramas.

‘How could a person who deliberately cut off my limbs and cut off my tongue in front of me want to leave the academy with such low-quality behavior?’

So she decided to trust the princess for once. There are times when you have to gamble to make a profit.

“Then how do you plan to track it now?”

“The method is… “

Bibibig ㅡ

And then.

A signal came to the president.

The president, who saw that, smiled and said to the princess and her secretary.

“This… It came just in time. “I don’t think the contract was released.”

“That means… !”

“There is a signal.”

“Let me follow you.”

For a kidnapped cadet.

The personnel of the Imperial Academy were preparing to move.

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy

아카데미 자퇴희망자가 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
When Abraxas, a cadet from the Imperial Academy, requested to drop out due to his immorality, the request was not permitted. – President of Imperial Academy –


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