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I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy Chapter 31

Episode 31 – The Princess, Alice Tantalota 4 –

Episode 31 – The Princess, Alice Tantalota 4 –

“Uh… ?”

“What… ?”

“Eh… ?”

Many people are embarrassed by my response.

Because there has never been a guy like this before.

Even in modern times, there are still things from the Middle Ages that remain. Nobles pursue fame, and commoners want to gain honor and become nobles.

Therefore, if a problem arises openly, it is right to provide a proper explanation. Or bury it in a public opinion war.

But I don’t need to do that. Because we know the best way.

‘Pot-potency is common throughout the world. And in cases like this, there are many cases where people don’t believe anything no matter what they are given.’

It is the Academy that created first place. So, coming down from first place gives you even more justification.

Justification that manipulation is correct.

When we tried to explain it to the Academy, nothing changed.

Even in Korea, there are many people who do not believe anything no matter what evidence they provide. TaO yoga is a representative example.

‘I could have come down from first place, but… Then, it has no impact and you will only get a lot of annoying things, so it is better to refrain from doing so.’

Since the president made me number one, he will personally explain and engage in public opinion warfare.

In the end, I will be the one who comes in first place in the performance evaluation.

In the end, nothing changes, but it creates an environment for fanatics to run wild.

Because of the public opinion war, I was unable to withstand the pressure of public opinion and admitted to the manipulation. Public opinion will say that it is pitiful and will improve.

It will produce fanatics who believe it is a manipulation.

This will be a hindrance to me even outside the academy.

But what if there is an explanation and no-show here?

Fanatics who realize that explanation is impossible will be divided.

My public opinion will also deteriorate.

This is the best way.

There is also a way to claim that the academy was bought.

But if you do that, there will be an investigation by the Board of Audit and Inspection.

Then there is a possibility that it will be discovered that I have killed the dragon.

You might be discovered to be an Auror Master.

In order to manipulate performance evaluation scores, you have to bribe the president or a large number of professors.

You can use confession drugs that are expensive and not commonly used.

‘Anyway, my goal is to go to the academy.’

I don’t know why such public opinion suddenly ignited.

However, if it catches fire, another way is to fire back and burn it further.

Once again, I recall my original purpose of leaving the Academy.

I decided to enjoy the last remaining weekend.


The next day, the riots died down.

He realized that he couldn’t get an explanation from me.

And of course, it is also natural for my public opinion to decline that it is not worth explaining.

Deciding to have fun in earnest, I headed to magic culture class.


Including the fact that I was physically sick and bedridden, it was my first cultural visit in four days.

My friend, Lucas, was sitting quietly inside.

Some cadets looked at me as if they saw something different. The gaze was strangely different from the one I looked at four days ago.

I sat down next to Lucas, seeing that my plan was working well.

Lucas looked at me when he saw me sitting down while studying.

And Lucas put his mouth to my ear, as if he had something to say.

“Hey. “The speech you gave yesterday was refreshing and the response was good?”

Fresh… Box?

I didn’t understand what it meant, so I asked right away.

“Fresh? “What kind of bullsh*t is that?”

“While analyzing what you did yesterday. People made their own reasonable guesses, right?

But that doesn’t change the truth, so we’re just giving up on explaining it. “The Academy ultimately accepted that claim.”

“That can be true, but isn’t freshness usually a word used in positive things? Did freshness have a negative connotation?”

“I say this because it was written in a positive way. Because it is true that you did not cheat and that will not change.

Some people said they accepted it with the guts that there was no need to explain at all.”

In other words, just to conclude. The academy president also confirmed that I was first place.

I thought there was no need to explain since it was clear that I had not committed fraud.

That is why it is said that he did such an act.

“I heard it was a great speech that completely removed all doubt by showing confidence?”

These people must have gone crazy.

How can you treat something like that when I just reacted roughly because I was too lazy to talk about it?

Aside from that, wouldn’t you be criticized for avoiding responsibility?

People who were deceived by that could say that I was wrong for making that claim because I didn’t explain it?

‘Is it different from what I thought because it is a modern era?’

What is certain is that something is wrong.

I could instinctively feel that I was screwed.


“So how are you feeling now? [The second son of a cool marquis who is cold but kind to his people because he doesn’t feel the need to explain the foolish claims of ignorant and trivial things]?”

That sh*tty romance comic has more settings.

Have you forgotten that the reason you were hospitalized four days ago was to start a fight with the president?

I thought that things like school idols were a delusion and did not exist in reality.

This is a game world, so it seems like it really exists.

Or maybe the president did something to eventually turn public opinion around.

I hope it is the latter.

“Ah. “I thought that the reason why I started a fight with the president was because I was trying to prove my strength in order to win the president.”


Since it is difficult for the president to create public opinion on his or her actions toward the president, the former is more likely.

The ones the president can move are the faculty and staff.

You can’t react to the teachers’ words like that.

A strategy I had previously considered: [Always write with one hand while masturbating with the other to maintain concentration].

I should really consider doing that.

Even as we were having that conversation, time was passing by.

Fortunately, interest in me only flickered in the beginning.

Like Class A students, they continued their activities on their own.


After some time, the professor came in.

Rachel LeGuin. A professor of magic and the person I defeated last time.

Her class has begun.

She was checking her attendance step by step and reacted when she saw me.

“Then let’s start class… huh? “There’s a cadet who missed it last time.”

“Yes. “I couldn’t come for a few days.”

“Then I’ll just briefly point it out and move on. “Because this is important.”

Professor Rachel LeGuin is an acquaintance of mine.

So it seemed like I recognized him. Even if it were me, I think it would be difficult to forget the guy who threatened to harm himself during sparring.

“Then let me explain quickly. Magic refers to the act of using magical power to impose new rules on the world. It is divided into general magic built with magic circles, formulas, calculations, etc., And unique magic that represents the individual’s imagination, like awakening an Auror.”

This is a known fact.

“Unlike magic, unique magic can be used without restrictions, without chanting or construction, and its power varies greatly depending on the capabilities of the target, which is why it has the greatest impact on the magician’s power.”

Rachel LeGuin’s teaching method is simple.

If Maximilian teaches by hitting directly, Rachel is told to build a foundation through theory and grow on that foundation in practice.

The advantage is that it is stable, but the disadvantage is that the growth is slower than Maximilian.

However, as a knight, I will learn some magic and use it to create variables, so there is no problem.

“This is basic, and you learned the level last time, right? A mage can only become a mage if you can handle magical power. A high mage is called that if he or she can use multiple spells.

And, if a Master Mage can use unique magic, an Arch Mage is called that if the unique magic is fully matured or has multiple unique magic. End.”

The explanation of the realm passes very quickly again.

It seems that the detailed explanation has been omitted so that you can find it yourself later.

“What I’m going to do today. Everyone knows how to make fireworks. So, let’s do it without chanting this time. Cadet Abraxas… Do your best. “I won’t say anything even if you can’t do it.”

Professor Rachel showed mercy to me because I had not been able to participate in class for a few days.

Of course, it doesn’t matter. Because I can use magic to some extent.

General magic is the act of proclaiming new rules using magical power.

Therefore, by setting what rules are set in the magic circle and declaring them, the magic is activated.

There are several ways to declare. All solved through chanting, wands, construction methods, etc.

This is why chanting without chanting is difficult. To declare it, it must be solved in a construction manner, making the calculation more complicated.

However, the actual benefit is that it is difficult to predict the opponent’s attack in advance.

It’s just that it’s advantageous for sneak attacks.

Of course, I learned how to create those two variables because they were useful.

‘I worked very hard to be able to do simple things without chanting.’

Now that I had some idea, I immediately performed a simple spell without chanting.


The magic power flowing from the tip of the index finger of my right hand begins to form a single geometric cup pattern.

Then, magic power flows once more into the constructed magic circle and a declaration is made.

It is said that a flame will flicker from the tip of this finger, which operates using magic power as firewood.

The magical power faithfully followed my will.

Let a small flame flutter from my fingertips without chanting. Some people were surprised.

“Uh… ? Abraxas Cadet? “Did you know how to use chantless magic?”

“What? “Did you really use chantless magic back then?”

“Aren’t you a knight? Yeongsik?”

“I heard you can use Auror enhancement… Was that what was going to happen?”

“Auror and magical power oppose each other, so it would be difficult to implement both at the same time… !”

Oh damn. Right.

It is not widely known that I know how to use a martial arts chant.

I forgot about it because I was caught by Elijah.

I think this is a mess.

Some people ask questions about me as if they are curious.

The look in their eyes has been rolling like a snowball due to an illusion.

Images of characters from romance comics were passing by.

When I was wondering what to do.


“It’s gone!”

“What happened?”

Some people suddenly showed strange reactions.

“It’s invisibility magic! “You could even use magic!”


I didn’t take any action.

Everyone suddenly realized that I had disappeared.

From noble mtl dot com

Even Lucas, who was sitting next to me.

“… ?”

At that moment, the thought occurred to me that Professor Rachel had used magic to calm the situation.

When I turned her head and looked at her, I saw her in my eyes.

She was showing her embarrassed expression.

‘What…? ? What on earth is this… ?’

No matter how you look at it, it’s a strange phenomenon.

Immediately a signal was sent that the situation was strange.

“Hey guys? I think there’s something wrong with me… If you can hear it, put your hands in an X shape. “If you hear my voice and take action, I will set up a blind date with Theseus for the first three people.”

Of course, I didn’t get Theseus’ permission.

He has a fiancee, but it is none of my business.

However, no one took action after hearing those words.

It exists in the same place and can be seen, but it feels like it exists in a different dimension.

“Give up. This is a world created with my own magic. Although it is not a very useful ability in battle. “It’s quite effective in kidnapping like this.”

It’s not a speaking, but a man’s voice that gets stuck in my head.

The source of the voice could not be found.

“We will never harm you. “Because we have something you need.”

With those words, the world suddenly begins to distort.

Waves arise and disturb the space, as if the space were reflected in a lake.

Waves create waves and the waves spread.

It was difficult to see the previous image anymore.

However, what is certain is that darkness was increasing between those waves.

So when I could see the place clearly again.

I was looking at a scenery I had never seen before.

In a basement built with old bricks, like a closed prison.

The bars were rusty and dusty.

In the corner, there was a bed that looked like something you would see in a hospital room.

And there are chains on the walls made of bricks.

I could instinctively feel that there was a lot of problem.

‘Kidnapping… ? Rather, kidnapping me? Or rather, I’m an Auror Master?’

Because I usually use energy to some extent.

There is no way someone could be kidnapped unilaterally like this.

‘Not even Professor Rachel felt it… That means… At least it’s not average.’

I was none other than the academy.

It would have been better if I had been kidnapped while I was in the slums.

Being kidnapped from the academy could neutralize the academy’s security.

There is a traitor.

It means that the other person’s level is overwhelmingly higher than mine.

Or, limit it to kidnapping and achieve this overwhelming efficiency.

I was making several inferences.

Suddenly, a ripple began to appear in the air.

As the color spread, it took on the shape of a distorted person.

The wave subsided at some point.

And where the distortion of space in the form of a wave disappeared, there was a human standing.

I looked at your face,

It didn’t mean anything.

Because it was too monotonous.

It was the face of a person I had seen six times in the slums.

It was such a common face.

“Nice to meet you. Abraxas Mentutihotep English. Don’t be so afraid. We have no intention of harming you…… Not yet.”

And the threat that comes out of his mouth.

Not planning to kill him yet means that he will be killed if he is uncooperative.

‘It’s not a waste of life, but I don’t like dying when I don’t get anything.’

I am not afraid of dying. Because I already died once.

But I want to avoid meaningless death.

Because I promised that.

I asked him what he wanted to do to avoid death.

“So what do you want?”

“Huh? You’re bold. “Did you think you would tell me?”

“If you kidnapped me for the purpose of hostage trading, there’s no way you would show your face.

You don’t want me, you want something from me. Something I have that is not me. Right?”

Revealing one’s face means three things.

You have no intention of letting me go alive.

I want something, so I try to reduce my guard in my own way.

Or even if you show your face, it will mean nothing.

Ignore the last one since the chances of survival are low anyway.

I bet on the one with the highest probability.

Fortunately, he answered with a smile, probably because it was the correct answer.

“You were smarter than I thought… So I guess that’s why I found it… “

It means the correct answer.

As soon as he said those words, he immediately revealed his purpose.

“So… Let me ask you straight… Are you the owner of Dragon Heart? “The heart of the dragon that was the source of the demonic realm of the moon.”

And the words that came out of his mouth.

I couldn’t help but be more nervous than ever.

“Please speak softly. Then you will be able to return without any damage.

Please don’t lie. “I can feel the dragon’s magic strongly in you.”

What he wants is a dragon heart.

What I was sure was the dragon’s magic power.

However, I didn’t receive a dragon heart transplant, it’s just the magic power that remains because I touched it briefly.

I can’t believe I felt something like that.

‘What on earth is this? Was it possible to feel magical power that was barely a reverberation?’

I don’t know how I knew.

There may have been a traitor. They might have been following us.

Or maybe we’ve known for a long time that the source of the Moon’s Demonic Spirit is a dragon, but we haven’t been able to capture it.

There are many ways.

But the Dragon Heart can never be given.

There is absolutely no way that they are a normal group.

It is true that it is an obstacle to world peace.

Fortunately, there is one thing he misunderstood about me.

Because I could see the look of disdain on me on his face.

The way to deal with that is…

Here too, you can cut off one arm.

It is unlikely that there will be a priest in such an organization, so if you want to get treatment, you have to go outside.

Then, the possibility of escape will ultimately increase.

Of course, I could die like this.

But let’s think briefly.

What are the chances that a secret organization will save me?

They’re not kidnappers, they’re just a secret organization with a lot of nasty things to see.

It was clearly visible that they were being punished for destroying evidence.

I would rather feed you taffy and die than help you and die.

If it’s really important, I’ll save it somehow.

Immediately he smiled and tried to rip off his left arm with his right arm.

“hahahaha… Do you feel like we don’t even know about you? “I already have it all figured out.”

Suddenly, the movement of my arms was blocked.

When I turned my head and looked at that arm, my arm was blocked by a distortion in space.

‘Oh my…’ ‘It’s a disaster.’

My original plan was because they couldn’t find the Dragon Heart without me.

I intentionally caused a big wound so they could treat me.

The only way to treat wounds is with the priest’s holy power, expensive alchemy remedies, and a very small number of unique magic spells.

There is no way they have it.

Even if there is, it is bound to be a loss.

So I tried to aim for that… Failed.

Of course, it wasn’t just thread.

First of all, they never want me to commit suicide.

Because I knew that if I were seriously injured, I would definitely seek treatment.

“Now… So, who caught the dragon and how… Where did you put the dragon heart… Could you please let me know… ?”

He asked a question, putting pressure on me after my resistance failed.

As if telling you not to resist anymore.

But he made a huge mistake.

Tell me ‘with whom’ you caught the Dragon Heart.

I was confident in those words.

‘There are no traitors. All they know is that the source of the Moon’s Demonic Sutra is a dragon.’

They only knew that the source of the moon’s demonic spirit was a dragon.

I tried to get a dragon heart through that.

Wol’s Demon Lord disappeared, and we, who visited last, were pointed out as the ones behind it.

He probably thought it was real after seeing my reaction.

The reason they kidnapped me was because among the suspects, I was the only one who had a dragon heart.

I mentioned that I smelled like dragon heart.

And I was able to think of a way to win the fight against him.

He underestimated me so much.

Not seeing the dragon slain.

That also means he doesn’t know that I am an Auror Master.

And my skills… This means that you can attack everything, both conceptual and physical.

Even without a sword.

Immediately, the aura was activated internally and applied to my right arm.

There is no sword. Then I use my fist instead of the sword.

It can’t be sharp. Then replace it with a crude volume.

The destination is my left arm. An attack where the process is skipped. The right arm disappears due to the recoil.

But it’s okay. If that’s the case.

There is a lot to like about creating variables.

“What nonsense… “Did you think you could get away with strengthening your aura?”

It’s not nonsense. Because it is not an aura strengthening but an awakening.

The rules of the world are distorted by the auras gathered in my arms.

The process that should exist between cause and effect becomes distorted and disappears.

My arm moves and hits my arm.

Because I never used Auror enhancement on my left arm, my left arm just exploded.

In the meantime, he tried to block my right arm, but the cause and effect process was omitted.

The process of him blocking my ‘heavy’ attack could not occur.


My left arm, which was not strengthened by auror reinforcement, exploded after being hit by the awakening period.

And my right arm was crumbled as a result of using Auror awakening.

Two arms that disappeared in an instant.

In fact, blood was gushing out of his left arm because it had been ruptured by the attack rather than disappearing as a result.

He looked at my left arm and then turned his head to face me.

In front, I saw a wizard whose face was distorted by my actions.

“Auror awakening… ?”

I told him who was still not sure what he had seen.

“What do you plan to do now? “I’m the only one who knows the location of the Dragon Heart?”

“…… For now, we will move as you wish. But don’t overlook it… You can’t escape from here.”

“It doesn’t really matter.”

Because I have hope.

There is hope for escaping from this place.

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy

아카데미 자퇴희망자가 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
When Abraxas, a cadet from the Imperial Academy, requested to drop out due to his immorality, the request was not permitted. – President of Imperial Academy –


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not work with dark mode