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How To Survive as a 10000 Hour Freebie Pirate Chapter 4

Episode 4


“mi… friend!!! I’m a rat, so I’m going to have a good time.”

His pronunciation leaked badly, probably because he was excited because he had no front teeth.

The reason I went into the range of the canon cannon.

It was very simple.

to entice.

The Navy took their time and tried to safely subdue the pirate ship.

No matter how weak the firepower is, even if it is a Galvapo, the drizzle will get your clothes wet.

If you’re unlucky, you might end up in a floating room.

You can hit the missionary like before.

at last. Over time, you will inevitably lose.

The priority was to make the opponent change his mind.

After that, the best option is to shoot a reverse shot and temporarily disable the opponent’s mana engine… … .

The problem is that even if you hit the reverse shot, by the time you get close to it, it will recover and run away.

In the first place, there is no guarantee that you will hit a small number of reverse-loading ammunition.

That’s why the chosen one raises the medicine and sews it up, then closes the distance.

Instead of guns, it used anti-tank guns to directly hit enemy ships with reverse-loading ammunition.

After that, there will be a hand-to-hand combat, but even if the three knights leave, they can push ahead with superiority.

In particular, each pirate is an elite who has experienced a lot of real battles.

“Ah-oh. f*ck. I almost fell for it.”

Bad words came out of the mouth of the little boy with a cute appearance.

You can guess how hard it must have been just by looking at the sweaty bangs sticking to your forehead like seaweed.

“It’s a rag. It’s a rag. pseudonym… … .”

The little boy turned his head to and fro, admiring the tattered stomach.

It was like this even though there was nothing authentically beaten.

As expected, the power of the canon cannon was great.

“What are you doing! uncles go fast!!! If you don’t have a weapon, grab a ladle from the kitchen and run!!”

Not satisfied, the kid called out to the communication tubes connected to the entire ship.

The pirates responded in response.


He groaned and began to cross over to the enemy ship.

Fraud has pierced the sky.


The sound of roasting beans continued.

It was the sound of a horse gun firing special iron beads by charging mana stones.

The origin of the sound is, of course, not on the navy side, but on the pirate side.

That’s why the navy was hit by three shots of the mana field.

The mana gun is also affected by reverse loading bullets.

They had to reload the dead horse gun, but their solidarity was not very good.

There were many veteran soldiers, but they rode suckers like new recruits as if they weren’t used to the ship yet.

This is why the environment is important.

“what are you doing! Aren’t you guys going?! That’s the regular army. I have to borrow at least a child’s bracken hand now.”

At those words, everyone in the mission planted an absurd look at the kid.

That’s because they really borrowed the fern’s hand.

“Hoo~ It’s pretty.”

The kid pulled out the horse pistol stuck in the dead captain’s waist to see if he would really keep his words.

Destruction, accuracy, range, rate of fire. It is inferior to normal horse guns in all respects, but it is filthy expensive for one reason that it is portable.

“What are you doing?! let’s go. The guys here are also pirates, so aren’t they going to give it a shot?”

With that, I lifted a cutlass that was difficult to lift… … .


He wore a hat with a picture of a pirate captain’s skull on it.

It was so big that it was ridiculous.

“Wouldn’t everyone listen to the captain?”

At that, everyone grabbed their weapons and followed the little boy.

the pole. that pole.

The kid couldn’t hold the cutlass properly and dragged it across the floor.

It’s not long, but the side is wide, so it’s a fairly heavy sword.

The appearance of a child playing pirate without fail.

“Aren’t noble children always that fearful?”

“They don’t mind seeing the corpse.”

“That wasn’t enough, so I took the captain’s weapon.”

Sailors whispered and followed.

Actually, this is not too surprising.


The little boy was upset, but he held it in.

The captain’s corpse was properly hit by the shelling and was miserable.

This is not reality. This is not reality. I got into the game never. This can’t be real.

Inwardly, he is casting spells like crazy.

If you don’t, your mind will collapse right away.

There was no time to tell whether it was real or a game.

You have to survive and see.

It was like a disaster.

Avoiding the disaster in front of you for the time being.

If you see the sea water rushing fast at the beach, don’t think and run to higher ground.

A huge tidal wave is coming soon.

What kind of idiot would be analyzing the principle of a tsunami on the spot.

Disasters cannot be prevented by human power.

If you can’t avoid it, let’s enjoy it.

visor!! visor!! Bang-ang-bang-bang-bang!!

It was noisy outside.

A state where the bows are attached diagonally to each other.

A melee battle had already taken place there.


for a while too.

The pirates had an overwhelming advantage in terms of numbers and readiness, and quickly jumped over to the enemy line.

“There is no need for us to join in… … .”

At that time, the wizard with small glasses over his nose murmured.

“Ah~ I don’t know about anyone else, but you’re a wizard.”

“Only 2 classes… … .”

“At that level, even if you can’t fight on an equal footing with a great fighter, you can still be a supporter. ugh!! excuse me! over there! hurry.”

“Ah, uh, uh, uh, uh!”

When he suddenly pressed on, the wizard was startled and hurriedly used ‘Grease’.

Thanks to that, the knight fighting the pirate warrior stumbled slightly. In the gap, the pirate warrior blew the knight’s pot.

The kid didn’t know.

Whether that knight belongs to one’s territory.

“Oh~! This tremendous commanding power of the 101st in the rankings. okay. It would be unimaginable if those poop-handed hackers fell into this world. cancer. by the way It’s funny to compare them to those guys who can only skip.”

The little boy smiled and moved forward.

Sorcerers and navigators following that bullsh*t.

“Ranked 101st? nuclear charge? Skip?”

What the hell is that kid talking about?

“excuse me. Mr. Navigator. Is that an aristocratic term?”

“Originally, at that age, I sometimes say or do incomprehensible things. Let’s not go against the planting.”

“Rather than that, what do we do now?”

“I guess it depends on what that kid does.”

On the deck of the warship, quite a few naval soldiers were turned into meat.

A red liquid flowed over the sea water.

-Keah!! Medic… … .

-help me… Aww!

– Huh. I don’t want to die here.

If not, those who are still alive and crying.

-surrender. surrender… … .

– I will not resist.

Only a handful of them threw down their weapons and knelt on the floor unscathed.

with a splash!! with a splash!!!

At that time, there was a man who was swearing at the side of the boat and climbed onto the boat.

“Ah-oh… Mr…. russia… … .”

“Become a vice-captain and goof around. Tsk. I can’t.”

The kid clicked his tongue.

“Damn you little bastard. it’s because of you Carrying that heavy station loading bullet… … .”

“It’s not like I’m talking to the captain. Ugly uncle.”

“Who is the captain… … .”

“They said that if you bring and attach a boat, you become the captain. pond! raw! energy! go! The vice-captain with a bad memory.”

The mouse-like vice-captain narrowed his eyes.

I’m sure you’ve said something like that. feeling possessed by something.

“that is… therefore… … .”

My mind started to get complicated.

Now that the captain and helmsman were dead, the Ormond Pirates were no different from disintegration.

There is no one capable of replacing the helmsman and captain.

However, thinking that it was the kid who created this situation gave me goosebumps all over.

Even if the captain and helmsman were alive, the impossible would have been done… … .

“First of all, we deal with urgent matters first, and then we talk. The captain of this ship has not yet been captured.”

You can see the captain in spirit armor struggling to be pushed to the back of the ship in the distance.

It was almost half surrounded, but it looks like it will be soon.

Spirit armor is not invincible.

“hmm. I will catch it myself.”

“Leave that to the subordinates. Since we haven’t taken control of the mission yet, the vice-captain man goes and catches every single one of them.”

* * *

How long has it been since the confident captain went out on missions?

After a huge thump, the sound of a horse gun being fired was heard.

Tadadatang!! Bang! Bang!!

The fan in Countess Kenneina Leon’s hand fell to the floor at the sudden uproar.

Where the hell did I go wrong?


The door of the mission opened and a group of pirates rushed inside.

They were wearing the arrogant expressions typical of a winner.

Some were holding knives dripping with blood.

Watching it made me feel like I was losing my mind.

“Take everyone out!!”

One of the pirates shouted and the crew on the bridge were dragged helplessly away.

The difference in the number of pages was too great to resist. The only person properly armed was the vice-captain.


The Countess, who had been trembling in a daze, was caught by the hair and taken away by the pirates.

“Ho-oh~ To be a lady on a ship like this.”

“Let go!! it means let go Who am I… … .”


The pirate hit the countess’ belly with her fist.

The woman who was hit in the stomach felt short of breath and choking.

“It is quiet now. hehehe. Such a beauty.”

“Sometimes the Golden Dolphin clerk is said to be the prettiest in the world!”

“Yeah. That’s beauty on the other side. hehehe.”

One of the pirates laughed sinisterly, and yellow teeth were exposed.

When I brushed my teeth, the stench spreads slowly.

“ah… no!! Who am I… … .”

“The old year is very noisy.”


The pirates hit the ship again.

The Countess fell flat on the floor.

“f*ck. The captain told me to quickly catch the things in the bridge… … ?”

“Since when did that kid say he’s a captain?”

“I don’t know. Seeing that the executives are all silent, it seems like they acknowledged it… … .”

While the two pirates ponder for a moment after seeing the naked countess.

“What are you doing! Fools.”

“Vice Captain! Are you alive?! I thought it was lost because it ended up in the sea.”

While escaping with a station-loading bullet, he was unluckily caught in the station-loading bullet and his spirit armor was disengaged.

Thanks to that, I am now in the shape of a mouse.

“Crazy guys. I’ve been a substance all my life, how can I drown?”

“Ugh. Sharks don’t know anything. I’m not going to ask that person… … .”


“hahahaha. no. The vice-captain knew it would come back alive and tamed it like this.”

On the floor, the Countess was trembling.

The new man looked even more ferocious than the two pirates.

“me… I am Countess Leon. If you release… … .”

“What is he saying now. bring it!! The captain will bring you.”

The vice-captain turned around.

As if water had entered his ear, he tapped one side of his head and walked away.


Eventually the Countess was caught by the hair and dragged to the deck.

In the center of it was a familiar face.

A dainty little boy perched on the railing.

“lee… not!?”

Lian Leon, the first priority successor to the Countess of Leon.

On the head of the dainty guy, he was wearing a pirate hat that he had picked up from somewhere.

‘That woman seems to know me. Is my name Lian?’

Little Lian quietly raised the pirate hat that obscured his vision. Then, pretending to know moderately, he blew his line.

“I’ll meet you here.”

“all… of course. As a mother, she came to save her child… … .”

“For something like that, the cannons flew too honestly… … .”

“That’s not me… Over there, the author does what he wants!!”

Where the Countess pointed her finger, the naval captain was chained.

He hung his head and said nothing.

“Captain. What are you going to do? I think it would be better to kill them all… The opponent is too big to take the ransom… … .”

The second captain was perplexed and approached Lian and asked.

The reason he’s stumped is because he can’t find an answer in his head.

I wonder if at least the helmsman had been alive.

“hmm… … .”

Ryan is in trouble.

If things had gone this far, it was undoubtedly a matter of succession to the aristocratic family.

If the Empire’s ships are involved, at least a count’s worth.

I got it now

When you start the original game, you start as a Count.

This is because the game system itself is geared towards the county level or higher.

‘Looks like I’m the number one successor.’

It seems that it is in order to take the title of count first.

“The engagement was unavoidable. Go back to the manor and look at the situation… … .”

Then the countess’s face turned red.

“Rian! I’ve been tricked by you!! We were fooled.”

A high-ranking pirate executive (vice-captain) receives instructions from Lian.

In the eyes of the countess, it is inevitable to see that Lian bought the pirates.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Wasn’t it your fault that we asked the pirates to kidnap you! It seems that the one who is not treated properly even in his mother’s family has a competent schemer.”

Ryan thought that he wished that the competent bookkeeper was by his side.

Rather, if it were the heir to the count, someone would have been assisting… … .

Why was I alone when I woke up?

“I will no longer interfere with succession issues. I will acknowledge you as Count. So, let me go.”

The Countess saw the pirates who had just dragged her along. Then, when our eyes met, I was startled and hurriedly continued talking.

“And I want you to call Kerrsian. You may not believe it, but I will transfer the weakness I held onto to you. If you receive his loyalty, you will be able to easily succeed to the county.”


“The commander of the county of Leon! Didn’t you need him to properly complete the succession?”

“Carrisian. Kerrisian. Carrisian… … .”

Where did you hear that name… … .

“for a moment! Leon?!”

“okay. All I came across the sea for succession was to succeed to Count Leon… … .”


‘It’s X.’

How To Survive as a 10000 Hour Freebie Pirate

How To Survive as a 10000 Hour Freebie Pirate

1만 시간 무과금러가 해적으로 살아남는법
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I became incarnated in the character of my favorite game. And it happened to be in the body of the “young Marquis successor” who is destined to die as soon as the game starts. The protagonist who is now incarnated is in a situation where he has been kidnapped by pirates. The imperial navy plans to sink him with the pirates so that the protagonist cannot inherit the Marquis title. In a sudden turn of events, the captain and helmsman of the pirate ship are killed by a bombardment. Using the skills of a veteran, the protagonist takes over as the helmsman and manages to escape the crisis. The pirates, who are impressed with the protagonist’s abilities, push him to take the place of the vacant pirate captain’s position. The protagonist becomes the pirate captain. He wanders around and becomes a troublemaker using his knowledge of the game. He starts taking advantage of the confusion to gain benefits.


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not work with dark mode