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How To Survive as a 10000 Hour Freebie Pirate Chapter 146

Episode 146


early the next morning.

The south gate of the fort was wide open and did not close.

There, the fort’s garrison slowly walked out, leaving no one behind.

-what… what!

Both Count Thomond and Earl Osrager were horrified.

That’s why the defenders of the fortress were located between the two counts.

– What are you thinking?

-no way… Will you take a side?!

The defenders of the fort did not advance, but settled down in suitable places.

The two counts, who saw that, were also surprised and waited with a little bit of troops.

What if the troops of the fortress were stuck to one side while fighting almost tightly?

No matter how small the troops were, they were bound to be intimidating.

Furthermore, the soldiers of Albezal Fortress were professional soldiers and could be seen as elite.

* * *

Lian had already left early in the morning and headed northwest.

I was going to hit Count Thomond in the back.

“Captain. Why did you take the fort troops out?”

“It opens the way out.”

Rian answered Sebas’ question.


“If you just look at it, it will look like an empty castle. Compared to the soldiers coming from all sides, the fort’s troops will look formidable.”

I’m confused about what’s going on right now, but soon the situation will start to change with the appearance of the pirate king and vice-captain.

Of course, before that, there would be a commotion from the rear of Count Thomond by Lian.

* * *

A large force began advancing rapidly from the south.

The eldest member of Count Atroné, who was walking back, saw it and hurriedly hid.

Because I didn’t know where I belonged.

“Baron. Could it be the enemy? To think that Count Leon’s subordinates would have that many troops… … .”

“hmm?? grandfather?”

However, in the first glance, there was someone who stood out.

Even if he was far away, he wouldn’t be able to recognize his own grandfather.


The first one drove the auto horse and ran to the place where a large army was marching.

“no. Why are you here!!”

“That is… … .”

It was Count Atronae who still did not know that the two brothers fought and fought with their troops.

“There are a few circumstances. here… … .”

First, I handed over Lian’s letter. Then Count Artrone.

“what?!! Did these go crazy as a group?!”

Count Thomond and Count Oslager are, in their own way, friends of Count Atronae.

So, I got married with two children.

By the way, it is said that they gathered troops aiming for the Albezal Fortress.

“Are these guys also one team? Are you saying that you are one with the rebels who have risen?”

Wasn’t it really cynical?

Of course, there was no way he knew that his two grandsons were trying to hand over the fortress to their mother’s family.

Fort Albezal is also important on Airy Island itself. I have no choice but to believe that I joined the rebels.

“Lian promised me the Earldom of Oslager. I gave up on the heir to the Atrone family.”

The god of war, Seina, who was watching this, quietly whispered in the vice-captain’s ear.

“The scent of Tangle is permeated.”

Hearing that, the corner of the vice captain’s mouth went up slightly.

It went according to Ryan’s plan.

“Calm down. Count Artrone.”

The vice-captain calmed Count Atrone’s anger with a gruff voice.

Rather, would Ingleson tolerate his grandson becoming the owner of another county?

It was the Ingleson Kingdom that had worked hard to prevent a large force from forming on Airy Island.

“If my lord did that, he really would. old man Since we called them rebels, they must become rebels.”

At the words of the vice-captain, Count Artrone nodded.

A justification is created only when they are thoroughly driven as rebels.

If you subjugated the rebels, you’ll make a worthy contribution to it.

“Nominally, the commander of this army is your first boy from now on.”

“Thank you very much.”

Count Artrone scratched his cheek.

“Didn’t it go well at this point? We need to supply supplies before we can stop Desmond.”

Because they joined as mercenaries in a hurry, the supply did not work properly.

Not only food, but magic stones were also lacking.

The horseman is nothing more than a soldier holding a stick unless the manastone is replenished.

Of course, since they are all mana users, they would fight much better than normal soldiers, but it would have been better if they had speared them instead.

“Khehehehe. It’s our specialty.”

Who is the Pirate King? Literally the king of pirates.

As he laughed, Count Atroné had no choice but to agree.

It was the sword master who could be treated as a marquis wherever he went.

“Keep calm. It’s first.”

Count Artrone held the first cheek with the palm of his hand and said.

I felt it was probably going to be the worst war of conquest.

‘Is that why you didn’t plunder the Earl of Ormond?’

The army led by the pirate king seized the capital of the county of Ormond and immediately pursued the army of Ormond.

There must have been an urgent reason, but the Earl of Ormond was to be preserved intact because it would soon become the vice-captain’s estate.

‘Looks like he has no intention of giving it back.’

The local supply seemed to be intended to be the Earl of Oslager.

Perhaps all the stigma and notoriety will be borne by the first.

* * *

New) Earl Ormond took a fortress in the Earldom of Oslager by surprise.

The commander guarding the fortress was beheaded and hung at the gate.

“How dare you ignore me?”

He was in fact not of the blood of the old Earl of Ormond.

He participated as a general of Ingleson in the war to subjugate Airy Island. Fortunately, he was awarded the land by making a ball.

However, since the legitimacy of the family was so weak, he took the name of Ormond as it is.

Old) Ormond and New) Ormond were completely different bloodlines.

“Soldiers are the same. Cut everyone’s throats.”

“It could be someone to your lord’s reputation.”

“Since the damn family has no reputation, I must build a reputation through notoriety. I can’t live being treated like an idiot forever!!”

The new Earl of Ormond, who secretly had a sense of qualification, had finally exploded.

Old) Ormond’s seal was absolutely necessary for the new) Ormond, which inherited the life of the old Count Ormond family.

Despite knowing the circumstances, Count Oslager’s family did not release their seal.

“A child like a dog. If the opportunity arises, they will devour us!!”

What does that mean? It means that if the bloodline of the real old Earl of Ormond appears later, he will lead the fight against the territory.

In addition, it also means that the survivors of the former Earl of Ormond are being identified.

“So where is he?”

“It is said that there is a battle with Count Thomond near Fort Albezal.”

“It seems like you didn’t even dream that I was here.”

If that were the case, I wouldn’t be able to think of fighting other territories leisurely.

You can’t even imagine giving the back of your head so suddenly.

* * *

The formation of Earl Thomond.

There was an envoy from God) Earl Ormond.

“Will you respond?”

“That’s right. Oslagers are truly sinister. Who would have known that the seal of the former Earldom of Ormond was kept secretly like that.”

“but. There was a corner like that in that family from long ago.”

Count Thomond nodded.

“Rather than that, is that also your work?”

Count Thomond gently opened the barracks door and looked out.

As far as his gaze could reach, the defenders of Albezal Fort were camped at a distance where they could intervene at any time.

“no… … .”

God) The envoy of the Earl of Ormond said he was not confident.

‘no way. Did you know we were coming?’

I quickly checked the composition of the troops.

The numbers weren’t that intimidating.

If their own Ormond joins hands with Thomond. What if Oslager teamed up with the defenders of the fortress?

Of course, this will be overwhelmingly advantageous.

However, what worries me a little is that since ancient times, rumors have spread that the defenders of Albezal are elite.

Unlike themselves, who are mixed with conscripts, they are always trained.

* * *

Count Oslager was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the army behind him.

“They… … !!”

“This is the new Earl of Ormond.”

“You will have to pass two forts to get here… … .”

In the end, it means that the fortress fell and the messenger was also captured without reaching this place.

New) Count Ormond’s war skills were well passed down.

It was because of their skill in fighting that they were able to become generals and counts.

Long before the fortress was occupied, a trap was prepared in advance to catch the messenger who was about to announce the invasion, and the fortress was occupied.

They attacked the fortress like lightning and came here.

“You have to avoid it. Lord!!”

“What are you talking about? Where are you going to run away!”

In front of Count Thomond’s army, behind the new) Count of Ormond’s army… blocked front and back.

The only way out is in the direction of Fort Albezal.

“Is there anything good over there?”

If you can get into Albezal Fortress, you can definitely block it, even if you have fewer numbers.

“Perhaps they caught us from the county of Artrone.”

From Oslager’s point of view, it couldn’t help but feel that way.

“It seems that you hate to miss us so badly.”

Fort Albezal is not in the form of a gateway completely blocking the road.

In other words, if you are prepared for damage, there is a way to bypass it.

However, the troops of the fortress came out and pressed the passage.

“joy!!! Guys like this dog. Did you know I would win Emptying the fort was your mistake! Get ready to charge! I will take the fort.”

“If we go into the fort, won’t they head for our capital?”

“That’s right. But if the war drags on for a long time, it won’t be good for them either. As soon as you clear the road, run the Auto Horse and deliver my letter to Ennis and Leinster.”

Ennis was a fief of confrontation over the river to the north of Thomond.

They were originally one land, but now they were less than enemies.

And Leinster was a fief between the Earldom of Ormond and the Earl of Der, and was not a traditional Isle of Isle nobleman like New) Ormond.

Somehow they knew, and they kept wanting Old Ormond’s seal.

According to the news, the descendant of old) Ormond who borrowed the money became a pirate captain, so I don’t think he will come to find the seal.

Even if I come to find it, I have no intention of giving it away.

“All right!! I will risk my life to get out.”

Soon after, war clouds began to turn.



Oslager vs Fort Albezal Guards


New) Almond

Oslager in the dock will use all his might to attack Fort Albezal.

Of course, on the side of Thomond and New) Ormond, Oslager seemed to be joining the garrison of Fort Albezal.


So, I was looking at it blankly, and suddenly the Count Oslager started attacking the defenders of the Albezal Fortress.

-Those… What are you doing?

– Wasn’t it on the same side?

Feeling something strange belatedly, the two counts hurriedly followed towards Count Oslager’s army.

“Stop it!!! We have to endure as much as possible.”

Baron Judas shouted loudly and encouraged the soldiers.

The horsemen pointed their guns at Oslager’s troops.

Ride on!!!

Since it was a night battle, it was deployed in three stages.

The gunshots continued to sound incessantly.

“Turn around!!!”

On Count Oslager’s side, the conscripts died from cannon fodder in the front.

As the conscripts flinched in terror, cavalrymen on autohorses charged forward.

They ruthlessly pushed away friendly conscripts as well.

“spearman!!! from now on! Do not break through!!”

Baron Jugida hurriedly sent his spearmen forward.

A faint light emanated from the tips of the spearmen’s spears.

It was a one-time use spear that had been coated with lower magic stone powder to increase its power.

It glows for about 30 seconds to 1 minute and then ends. It was created to block the great knights wearing spirit armor.

Of course, even if time expired, it did not lose its role as a spear.


Oslager’s knights charged without stopping even though their spears were emitting light.

Originally, it would turn slightly to the side and try to break through when the spear’s power weakened, but it didn’t seem like that.


The power of the spear was also powerful against the cavalrymen armed with heavy armor, not the great knights.

There was nothing that a spear designed to pierce elemental armor could not pierce mere ordinary armor.

Kiyi Lee Profit!!!

However, Auto Horse is a lifeless machine.

There was no pain, so even if stabbed by a spear, he did not stop and continued to charge.

To go go go go go go go go!

The spearmen in the first line were swept back by the auto hose.

Their bodies were either levitated or crushed. The hand that held the spear came along or if the timing was off, the part where the arm and body were connected was torn apart.

“It is doubled!!! Baron!!”

Due to the previous attack, the fortified army was split in two.

“Okay! I can hold on.”

Oddly enough, they didn’t split exactly in half.

It was like taking off a cake and eating it by hitting about 1/4 of it.

If it was the center, it would have been stopped before it became both ends.

A stopped cavalry becomes food for infantry.


The baron looked carefully at the battlefield and seemed to know why Oslagor made such a decision.

“Several Auto Horses have left the battlefield.”

It seems that he charged like that to send a messenger to the side road.

It was to send a few messengers, but Osrager’s side lost a lot of cavalry in this charge.

Originally, I wouldn’t have made such a disproportionate charge.

“Hold on, everyone!”

Seeing Oslager play the cavalry card, the baron’s confidence rose a little.

Now you just have to be patient and persevere.

The troops of Thomond and the new Earl of Ormond could be seen closing behind Oslager.

How To Survive as a 10000 Hour Freebie Pirate

How To Survive as a 10000 Hour Freebie Pirate

1만 시간 무과금러가 해적으로 살아남는법
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I became incarnated in the character of my favorite game. And it happened to be in the body of the “young Marquis successor” who is destined to die as soon as the game starts. The protagonist who is now incarnated is in a situation where he has been kidnapped by pirates. The imperial navy plans to sink him with the pirates so that the protagonist cannot inherit the Marquis title. In a sudden turn of events, the captain and helmsman of the pirate ship are killed by a bombardment. Using the skills of a veteran, the protagonist takes over as the helmsman and manages to escape the crisis. The pirates, who are impressed with the protagonist’s abilities, push him to take the place of the vacant pirate captain’s position. The protagonist becomes the pirate captain. He wanders around and becomes a troublemaker using his knowledge of the game. He starts taking advantage of the confusion to gain benefits.


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not work with dark mode