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A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 82

In disbelief, I rubbed my eyes once more and checked the paper.

The sentence still written was ‘Study of the divine beast’s hymen’.

No, in the first place, what is a god?

“It’s a very noble and sacred position to be called the divine beast’s hymen! As expected, Aiden-sama!!”

Beside him, Jacqueline said to me in an excited voice, her eyes twinkling.

“Do you know about the divine beast?”

I asked, barely holding back the desire to crumple the paper.

“Ah! Aiden-nim is not a wizard, so you may not know much about the divine beast. It’s a pretty famous concept for wizards.”

Jacqueline giggled and cleared her throat.

“So, what is a god?”

From the moment I confirmed the position, my head kept pounding.

“The word divine beast is a divine animal. They say that it is a little different from magic in that they use a unique magic technique. Also, I have read that a divine beast that uses magic is incomparably stronger than a human being. However, in the worldly It is said that they rarely come out and stay only on Gureum Island, their base. Then I read that they sometimes come down from Gurum Island to play.”

Jacqueline said in one breath, as if waiting for my question.

Contrary to her gloomy appearance, Jacqueline was surprisingly capable as a wizard.

is not it? Did the original wizard look gloomy?

Jacqueline and Luna were the only wizards I knew, so samples were lacking.

Even Luna feels a little gloomy.

“But to hear that such a divine beast was in our virgin school… He was more capable than I thought! We!”

Jacqueline, who had been muttering, clapped loudly, and smiled gloomily.

“It is said that it is a spiritual animal that is strong enough to be compared with a human. But why is such a divine beast here?”

Even me, an ordinary human, doesn’t want to be here.

“Ah! You haven’t seen our headmaster yet! Our headmaster is strong enough to go beyond the realm of human beings.”

There was a slight fear in Jacqueline’s voice.


“Yes. I’ll see you later. First, let’s go get the supplies you need for the job!”

Jacqueline smirked at my question.

If it was a teacher, we would meet someday, so there was no need to rush.

“But what about supplies…?”

I was already afraid of the items that I would use for the position.

“I’ve been one of the experts in hymen research ever since. Oh, have you ever done hymen research outside, Aiden?”

Have you ever tried something like that?

“Then I’ll explain the hymen study from one to ten. Aiden-sama just trust me! Haha.”

Jacqueline looked at my stiff expression and continued with a smile.

He seemed to be in a good mood when something similar to his junior came in.

Outside the building, as before, people who wore black hoods pressed down were busily moving.

Hearing what he was doing at the virgin school, looking back, he looked like a really diligent insect.

Jacqueline guided us to the most crowded building among them.

As I entered the building, I saw people filled with people inside the building.

In the middle of the space, a long wooden table was lined up from end to end of the wall and people were lined up in front of it.

Jacqueline took me to the leftmost row of them all.

There were fewer people in the left row than the other rows.

“Hey, what did you get from yesterday’s harvest?”

“Don’t tell me. The last days. In a village of about a hundred people, there were only three virgins among the adults, excluding children!”

“Really? Even so, the virginity index didn’t drop below five per hundred… It’s a big deal. It’s a big deal.”

“Although the percentage of women as a variable was low, nonetheless, in the virgin exponent theory…”

Incomprehensible conversations came from all over the place.

However, there were some common words.

‘Virgin’ was a common theme of all conversations.

“The urine of an orc virgin is slightly lighter and more acidic than that of a non-virgin.”

“Are you sure? The urine of a dwarf virgin was not as acidic as that of a non-virgin, but it may be a racial characteristic.”

“It’s a pity that we don’t have enough human virgin urine samples these days.”

“Isn’t that still a little over the next harvest day?”

Amy f*ck crazy cubs.

Listening to the conversations around me, I felt grateful for my position.

Yeah, it’s still better than a hymen pee.

I’m not going to taste the hymen or not.

no shit?

“Hey- Jacqueline!”

The man standing in front of us turned around and looked at Jacqueline and said hello.

“Aha! Has anyone finished the research that someone was doing?”

“It’s a bit clogged right now. As you know, it’s hard to find a hymen for a beast in estrus often.”

“That’s right. It seems that there is no other way than to gather and raise in advance-“

“So this time, I brought a few female beasts. But next to you?”

The man glanced at me and asked.

“This is a new member of the Super Shino! This is Chelsea, a member of the Super Shino who is researching the Beast Hymen.”

Jacqueline introduced me to the man, pointing politely with both hands.

“Oh! It’s nice to hear you’re new here. My name is Chelsea, who’s been researching the water hymen.”

Jacqueline’s attitude was strange at first glance, but the man called Chelsea didn’t seem to care.

Chelsea greeted me by reaching out to me.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Aiden.”

I can’t imagine what that hand must have touched until now, so I didn’t want to hold it.

I just bowed my head and said hello.

“This person has been assigned to study the divine beast’s hymen haha!”

Jacqueline rushes in and grabs Chelsea’s hand.

“Shinsu-? Were there any Shinsu in our school?”

Chelsea asked Jacqueline, waving her hand.

“I’m hearing this for the first time. I’m guessing it’s probably a new position this time around.”

“It’s a divine beast’s hymen… It could be similar to the beast’s hymen. I think it will be of great help to each other if we do joint research with me later.”

Chelsea said to me as he ran his finger across his shaggy chin.

Collaborative research, this isn’t crazy.

Without realizing it, I imagined myself sitting at my desk with another man and discussing the hymen.

Shaking his head, he tried to erase the filthy imagination.

I’m not going to do any research on such an asshole.

I just nodded my head.

As we were talking, the line got shorter and it was Chelsea’s turn.

“Tell me what you need.”

Across the table sat a man wearing the same black hood.

“It’s estrus, water fodder, a magnifying glass, and a collar.”

Chelsea pulled out a small notebook from her arms and read it.

The person sitting across from me tapped something.

And after a while, another man from the back came with a small box and handed it over.

“Please check the quantity.”

Said the person sitting across from him, handed the box back to Chelsea.

“Um… yes, that’s right. Thanks. See you later Jacqueline.”

Chelsea turned around with the box and left.

Finally, it was my turn that I really wanted to avoid.

“Tell me what you need.”

He asked me in a dry voice like before.

what should i answer

How do I know what items I need for a f*cking hymen.

No, why are you researching that in the first place?

“Ah. Since this is a new super Shindo, can you please check what items are suitable for the position?”

Jacqueline, who was next to me, asked.

“Oh yes. I see. What is your position?”

The person sitting across from me looked at me and asked.

“…a study on the hymen of the divine beast.”

I barely spoke, moving my immobile tongue.

“Yes? I can’t hear you well.”

The person sitting across from me asked.


know a little bit

I had a lot of fever, but there was also my fault for saying a little bit, so I opened my mouth again.

“A study on the hymen of the divine beast.”

f*ck off.

I say this with my mouth.

“Oh yes, I see. Please wait a minute.”

The person who heard me tapped something with an expression of whether there was such a thing.

“This is a new position. Wait a minute and I’ll bring it to you.”

“Yeah! It seems like it’s new this time. There’s no way I don’t know anything about hymen research! Haha.”

Jacqueline was overjoyed that her prediction had come true.

He tried to ignore Jacqueline, who expressed strange self-confidence.

He came from behind with a much larger box than before.

It was quite heavy, so I heard a slight thump when I put it down.

“Please check the item.”

He said while swiping the box on the table towards me.

I know what to check

Still, I thought I had to pretend to check it, so I saw what was in the box.

What is this ugly looking device?

I looked at the instrument in my hand, whose intended use was difficult to guess.

“Ah! This is a device that is used to open a woman’s genitals in this way to look inside!”

Seeing the device in my hand, Jacqueline gestured eagerly to explain.

After hearing Jacqueline’s explanation, it looked even more ugly, so I put the device back into the box.

Not wanting to see any more, I hurriedly picked up the box.

“This tool is for a closer look…”

Jacqueline followed me and explained it over and over again.

“Shut up, f*ck you.”

The thought of really studying the hymen made me dark.


Jacqueline, seeing that my expression was wrinkled, hurriedly shut her mouth.

“If you have any questions, please contact me-“

I picked up the box and returned to my room.

I ignored Jacqueline’s voice from behind and closed the door.

Amy was not in the room because she was outside.


It looks like I’m studying the hymen of a real divine beast.

I put the dirty box down by the bed, went to the bathroom and washed my face with cold water.

The hero who studies the hymen of the divine beast-

My head was filled with the thought that if someone I knew found out, I would be f*cked.

This is a f*cking lifelong joke.

It seemed that I had to find Emilla quickly.

After calming down a bit, I went back to bed and checked the inside of the box.

The equipment was a little messy because I was running in a hurry.

I carefully looked at each of the tools that had no meaning.

Strange looking magnifying glass.

Strings you don’t know how to tie something together.

huh? Why is strawberry cake here?

Beneath the box were a bunch of strawberry cakes.

Suddenly, looking at the strawberry cake, I thought of a fox.

Come to think of it, the tail came out of the fox’s ass…

ah maybe not

Shaking his head, he cleared his thoughts and checked the paper placed on it.

-The research is conducted in A2 every evening at 8 o’clock.-

Seeing the neatly written sentences, I lifted my head and checked my watch.

7:23 p.m.

It’s a bit early, but I don’t know where A2 is, so I thought it would be better to go out and look for it.

Before escaping from here, it seemed like he had to do his part faithfully to avoid being suspicious.

I put the ugly instruments in the box, took the box again, and left the room.


Just then, I called someone passing by.


It was the ugly guy who hit me yesterday.

“Where is A2?”

“If it’s A2, it’s one of the executive quarters… What’s going on there?”

“I don’t know, guide me.”

And I didn’t want to put that ugly position in my mouth.

“I have to eat dinner now… But! Of course I have time to guide my colleagues! Haha.”

The guy who confirmed that my frown was frowned, spoke urgently.

The ugly guy was busily moving with his short legs.

I followed him with a smile every time he looked back.

The place I followed him to was a two-story house of an ordinary size.

There were several similar houses lined up next to it.

“This is an executive area, so it’s dangerous to stay for a long time.”

The guy muttered a little while checking his surroundings.

“So this is A2?”

Light was leaking out of the curtained window as if there was someone inside the house.

“Yeah… that’s right. If you’ve checked now, we’ll go back.”


The guy who was constantly looking around as if anxiously heard me ran and disappeared as soon as he heard me.

You run away right away without any recourse to go, damn it.

What the hell is an executive like that?

He moved his heavy feet and stood in front of the gray door.

Above the door was written A2 in white concisely.


I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

thump thump.

I heard someone running from inside the house.

And without asking anyone, the door opened wide.

The thing that came out through the open door was that I was-

“Hello! Maknae! You came early! Nice to meet you!!!”

A fox dressed in a thin one-piece, with a clear view, greeted with a wide smile.


Seeing the half-nude of the fox so beautiful that anyone could be confused, I unknowingly looked at the ugly thing in the box.

‘This is the instrument used to open and open a woman’s genitals in this way to look inside!’

Jacqueline’s frivolous voice filled her head.

Along with Jacqueline’s hand gestures, which put both hands together and spread the ends vulgarly.

As if my eyes were possessed, I turned to the lower body of the fox without a single hair.

A pale pink like a ripe peach in between made my mind dizzy.


After all, it’s a forest of frustration-

Luna habitually bit her nails.

Blood gushed from her fingertips when she bit her so finely, but Luna was not in the mood to pay attention to such trivial things.

If a human had a sabotage spell, even the current level of Luna could be easily destroyed.

Whether the opponent was a great wizard or that cheeky dragon, it was all the same for Luna.

Luna, who had already reached the level of a god with magic, did not care who the opponent was.

Destroying the magic of living things was a matter of magic or understanding.

And Luna’s head was filled with knowledge and wisdom about magic that had reached the level of a god.

However, the natural forest of frustration was different.

The entire forest of frustration interrupted the flow and progression of magic.

To destroy it, the amount of mana of the body was more important than knowledge and wisdom.

Luna was increasing mana at a faster rate than the previous round, but there was not enough mana to destroy the forest of frustration itself.

That said, I had to go into the forest of frustration and find the main base, but it was clear that it would take too much time due to the size of the forest of frustration.

Luna searched through the memories of the previous episode.

Luna had a good memory among all living things, but her outstanding memory was concentrated only on Aiden.

Memories before meeting Aiden were full of noise because Luna didn’t care at all.

Of course, there were memories that came to mind from time to time, but I tried to erase them because they were useless.

After meeting Aiden, all the memories were focused on Aiden.

Luna remembered even the number of beards on Aiden’s chin the day she first met Aiden.

How many times did Aiden go back and forth on the day he hugged Luna?

Aiden’s semen accumulation according to the order of the relationship- (Luna called this the theory of Aiden’s s*xual intercourse and the amount of semen according to the first order).

Important information such as how many times Aiden took a breath in one second was vividly remembered.

Luna quickly became happy at the memory of Aiden that came to mind and remembered it even more.

When the amount of semen accumulated during intercourse with Aiden was insufficient-

Luna had checked the wombs of all women who had anything to do with Aiden.

And when I checked Aiden’s semen in one of them.

Luna, of course, took the trash away.

Of course, he gave the punishment of mixing his body with Aiden on the subject of garbage.

It was a little uncomfortable that the trash didn’t see it as a punishment.

‘You f*cking bastard!! Killing the emperor’s lover for saying I messed up a bit?! You’re not a real dog crazy bitch! f*ck that crazy emperor knowing how much he cares for his lover! Go away, because I don’t want to see you again!’

Aiden, who found out about this belatedly, poured a lot of love languages on Luna.

‘f*ck again. If you touch the people around me, I’ll just bite my tongue and go through it.’

Of course, after that, I was careful not to get caught by Aiden.

How much does that crazy emperor care for his lover?

Whenever I heard it, I remembered Aiden’s sweet voice again.

okay. We should have the Empire attack the Virgin Bridge.

Luna prepared for space movement.

The coordinates of the concubine’s room in the imperial court were already known.

Because it’s a place I’ve heard of before.

Aiden is also wise.

Did you know that this was going to happen and you told me that?

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

용사 아카데미의 노답 유급생
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
The crazy 🅱🅸🆃🅲🅷 has returned and life has begun to twist.


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not work with dark mode