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A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 81

“Hey! Why are you lying alone!!!”

Kate shouted as she looked at Vicky, who was lying with her body stretched out in a seat that could fit four people.

What the hell is a student at the Brave Academy that covers fewer parts than what he looks like?

Kate was terrified to see the clothes she would wear at any pub over there.

Even the thin clothes were stuffy, so the top was a little lowered.

In the meantime, Vicky’s stupidly large breasts were emitting a strong presence.

Of course, there were only women in this wagon, but even so, that was too much!

For nothing, Kate’s judgement was twisted.

Vicky closed her eyes so she couldn’t hear Kate and didn’t respond.

It looked like he wasn’t sleeping, as he was waving his feet, just ignoring him.

“Profit!!! This stupidly ignorant chest the size of a big one!”

Joshua managed to catch Kate, who was about to run rampant, and brought her forward.

“Let go! Fix that red-haired frizzy hair!!”

Kate struggled in the air after being lifted by Joshua.

How the hell is Kate going to fix her hair?

Joshua seemed to be able to see the princess who had already been dazzled by that woman crying over her death.

“First of all, rescue Aiden-sama. We shouldn’t waste time fighting each other.”

He calmed Kate by putting the magic words in her mouth.

Kate, who was spewing steam from her nose at Joshua’s words, took a deep breath and calmed herself.

“Huh- yes, noble me, I have to put up with it. Why do I stop fighting blushing with commoners like that? Joshua?”

Kate asked Joshua as she rummaged through the wrinkled clothes.

“…Yes, that’s right.”

Joshua sighed inaudible as she looked at Kate, who came in a dress with frills as if she was going on a picnic.

“I’m leaving!!!”

A loud shout was heard outside.

“Finally leaving! I even brought a salmon salad to eat on the way out! I cooked it myself. Look! Joshua!”

Kate, feeling better again, took out a salmon salad from the side and boasted.

“It must be delicious. Haha…”

Seeing Kate boasting brightly, Joshua felt that the armor he was wearing was heavier than usual.

I was a little worried about whether the salmon salad had a part to cook, but I didn’t have to think about it.

“Don’t worry! We brought our chef too, so Joshua can eat delicious food while we go.”

said Kate, twitching the corners of her lips.

“Oh, is it a salmon salad?”

asked Kiana, who was sitting on the other side of her in an upright position.

“Yeah, salmon salad. What’s the first time? You’re from a peacock family too.”

Kate frowned slightly as she looked at Kiana like that.

“It’s good for weight management and tastes good, so it’s the food I ate the most when I was home.”

Kiana answered with a smile.

The ridiculously beautiful smile made Kate feel bad.

What the hell is she, she’s so damn beautiful

“Hmm, do you want to eat?”

Kate snapped her fingers and seemed to calculate something.

“It’s okay. I’ve had a hearty breakfast.”

Kiana smiled again and turned her head.

“Are you- Aiden and Aiden a priest?”

“…Yes, that’s right. Together, we have the First Sword of the Empire as our teacher.”

Kiana’s attitude towards her was a strange feeling.

Until now, the only person who treated me so comfortably was Master.

Because not only the family, but also the teachers felt uncomfortable in treating them.

Is it because she’s a princess?

“Hmm yeah. How about Aiden?”

Kate asked, tilting her head.

It looked like a cute squirrel, and Kiana almost pulled Kate’s cheek without her knowing.

Kiana, putting her hand back on her lap, pondered Kate’s question.

“He is a very warm and kind priest. He has a straight heart and has the right disposition to tolerate injustice.”

Kiana answered with a smile that she could not even realize she was shining.

Kiana’s answer was a surprise to Kate.

Aiden is warm, kind, straight-minded, and can’t stand it when he sees injustice?

Kate somehow fell in love with that guy and wanted to see her heart pounding over and over again, but she was evaluating Aiden in a cool way.

It seems that people have grown a bit more mature recently, but Aiden was nothing more than an ordinary person.

Of course, the way he risked his life to protect himself was like a prince from a fairy tale.

After hearing Kiana’s words, I think she has a good personality…


Is Kiana’s assessment correct?

Is Aiden a good guy?

Kate frowned and fell into deep thought.

Seeing Kate in trouble, Kiana smiled and shifted her gaze to the window.

The fresh green landscape passing by at high speed caught my eye.

It was fast enough, but even that speed was frustrating.

Kiana wanted to save her priest as soon as possible.

The carriage, which had been running at high speed for a while, came to a slow stop.


“Oh come in!”

Kate, who was still worried about the knocking sound, said.

“I think I’ll have to eat here for a while and do maintenance.”

The door opened and the dusty imperial knight reported with a stiff expression.

“OK got it.”

Kate responded with a pair of clapping and clapping.

Those who were sitting got up and got off.

De’Shawn glanced at him, then went down next to Kiana.

They seemed to have forgotten their existence.

When I went out, I saw people busily preparing their meals.

The Imperial Knights were patrolling around.

“Uhm- the weather is nice.”

Vicky, who came out of the carriage last, stretched out coolly.

Then, for a brief moment, the surroundings became quiet, and everyone’s eyes turned to Vicky’s overwhelming chest.

Vicky didn’t care about that kind of gaze and worked hard to relax.

With Vicky’s movements, his overwhelming heart fluttered.

“Look at what!!! Aren’t you going to hurry up?!”

As Kate shouted in a sharp voice, the crowd moved again.

But he was still glancing at Vicky.

Kiana looked down at Vicky’s chest and looked down at her own.

is it small?

Kiana poked her chest with her finger for nothing.

The meal was tastier than the meal at the academy, as if Kate really brought a chef.

Smiles were on the faces of everyone who ate.

Joshua handed the meal to Olga, who was still sitting on the carriage.

Olga stared at the meal she was handed over for a moment, then put a little in her mouth.

His eyes grew bigger than usual, and he ate a little faster.

Despite the journey, the delicious meal made people feel good.

“I ate well. Thank you.”

The nuns who finished their meal earlier than the others got up first.

Sister Agatha took the other two sisters by the hand and said, “Quick, quick-” and dragged them into the wagon.

The imperial knights, who secretly spy on the nuns, regretted it.

“No more?”

Vicky asked, holding out an empty bowl.

“Eat this too!!”

Kate grinned wickedly as she took the food from her bowl and gave it to Vicky.

Eat it all and become a pig!

Kate admired herself for her perfect plan.


“I can’t hide it anymore.”

Seeing the guy reporting in front of him with a firm expression on his face, Scar felt like his head would explode.

Obviously the fox said she could do it.

On the contrary, three branches were destroyed at once yesterday to see if the adverse effect would be better.

Was it wrong to trust the fox?

Although the judgement was twisted, the damage was at a level that could no longer be hidden as the guy who spoke out loud in front of him said.

I couldn’t hide it any longer.

“Okay. I will report to him.”

Skal waved his hand and let him go.

“Yeah. I told you I had to file a report every once in a while.”

The boy quietly added a word and left.

unlucky cub.

Well, if I was in that guy’s position, I would have acted the same.

My head was already pounding at the thought of posting the report.

It was clear that if he knew him, he would get angry and raise the army at once without thinking about it.

ignorant bastard-

The problem was that the troops had not yet been properly integrated.

There were not only crazy people in the Virgin Church, but also heterogeneous races who were dissatisfied with the Empire.

They were acting together through the meaning of destroying the empire, but they had not yet blended properly.

If you face the Empire in such a poor state, you will lose.

No, in fact, it was too much now that there was no way to deal with the Guardian Dragon even if it was properly integrated.

Scalp pounded his fingers in urging his head to quickly come up with the right answer.

But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t think of a way.

just jump

If anyone attacks the main corps, I’ll try to run away in the midst of it…

Where are the idiots who will attack the main unit in the forest of frustration?

Scar opened his drawer and checked the documents to be submitted in case of surrender to the Imperial Army.

Wouldn’t this be enough to kill you?


“Fold!!! Scal-nim!! It’s me!!”

Outside the door, I heard a voice that Scar hated the most in the virgin school.

Scar was silent, thinking that if he didn’t answer, he would just go back.

And in spite of Scar’s expectations, the executioner voluntarily opened the door and entered.

“Ah! You were in there too! Scal-nim who always works hard for our school!!”

The Executor sat on the chair in front of Scar.

“I never said I could come in.”

Scar buried his upper body in the chair and muttered lowly.

“Ah- Today’s piece of common sense! I’m the executioner, so I don’t need Scal-sama’s permission! Ahaha!”

The executor said sarcastically.

Executor This guy has always been a nuisance to Scar.

A guy who can’t predict where he’s going to go.

It wasn’t even this guy who attacked the branches this time.

Reportedly, I was only watching from the side.

But no one could punish the bailiff.

“Why are you here?”

Skal brought this mutant out of his room right away.

“Ahaha! I heard that the branch has been attacked a lot lately!”


The executor tapped the desk and leaned his upper body towards Scar.

“Yeah, thanks to someone I’m grateful for.”

Scar felt the pressure and moved the chair back slightly.

“As expected! Then, we must now carry out a large-scale missionary work!! Ahaha!”

The executor was excited and applauded.

Seeing him applauding with excitement like a child, the words “why-” came up to the tip of Scar’s chin, but he swallowed it.

There was only one thing Scarl realized after spending quite a few years with the Executor.

It was just that you shouldn’t try to understand him.

The most terrible result of subtracting death from a human was that monster.

One of the mistakes of a foolish witch who tried to become a god-

If you make a mistake, you don’t have to fix it yourself.

Leaving it like that irresponsibly will result in victims like me.

Skal patted his throbbing head with his fingers again.

“It will be.”

Skal had a clue as to why he had attacked our church branch.

“Ahaha! It’s a massive propaganda activity!! My whole body is thrilling and tingling!! I’m looking forward to it!”

The bailiff clapped like crazy and left the room.

crazy bastard-

The executioner took out the few remaining magic cigarettes from his pocket and put it in his mouth.

The scar was sparingly because of the high price, but now I couldn’t stand it.


Who else is it?

Scar exhaled a scorching smoke.


This time, the door opened without Scar’s permission.

And I saw a fox in a white mask.

The fox sat leisurely across from Skal, showing off her thin, bare legs.

“Huh- Scar! I failed.”

Seeing the fox reporting brightly to Scar, Scar recalled how many magic cigarettes he had left.


“So, until the position is assigned, can I just suck on honey?”

He asked, clacking the stick that was attached to his hand.

“Yes! That’s right!”

The magician who introduced himself as Jacqueline answered hastily.

The other men next to Jacqueline were shivering and pounding their heads to the ground.

I didn’t want to do it like that, but the ugly guy’s face kept getting wrinkled, so I had no choice but to do it.

How difficult is it to bleed your face?

“What is your position?”

“I’m a hymen study!”

A man named Jacqueline proudly proclaimed his position.


Did I hear wrong now?

“You’re right!”

Jacqueline replied again, whether she understood my gaze.

“Then what about the kids next to you?”

I asked, pointing to the boys with their heads stuck next to them.

“This guy here is studying the difference in urine concentration between virgins and non-virgins. Also, this guy…”

Jacqueline’s eyes lit up and began to explain.

“Stop! Stop telling me, you know, f*ck it.”

I hastily interrupted Jacqueline’s next words.

f*cking crazy virgin school.

Why the f*ck are you researching such a thing?

Can the word research be added there in the first place?

You’ve got only the real crazy ones.

“What do you think my position will be like?”

I asked cautiously with a slight sense of fear.

“Ummm…probably Aiden-sama is most likely going to be studying the difference in the length of conspiracies between virgins and non-virgins! The guy he studied before was recently caught and executed for stealing virgin conspiracies.”

Jacqueline nodded and said.


A study on the difference in pubic hair length between virgins and non-virgins.

Even the guy I was studying before was caught and sentenced to death while embezzling a conspiracy.

It was clear that the group was so insane that he had no sense at all.

“Meals are delivered to our building alone at a set time. You can eat it when you come out. The most delicious food is soup with virgin blood, and its refreshing taste…”

Jacqueline also explained to me information about the Virgin Church here and there.

“Okay, I’ll find out soon.”

I felt dizzy if I listened any more, so I hurriedly hung up and got up.

“If you have any further questions, please come to Room 205!”

If that guy had a tail, he would have been shaking hard right now.

“Oh right. What’s your maiden name?”

As I was about to leave the room, I suddenly remembered my promise with Amy and asked.

“Is your maiden name? It’s Deoksun?”

He answered my question with a tilted head inappropriately.

Yeah, she’s definitely not a dedicated maiden.

I went back to my room and used Amy to spend time when bored.

Then the next day I heard through Jacqueline that my position had been decided.

“This is the first time that a position has been decided so quickly! It is even the first position I have ever heard of! Wow!! As expected, Aiden-sama!!!”

Watching Jacqueline applauding eagerly next to me, I re-read the paper in my hand several times.

No matter how many times I read it, the same sentence was written on the paper.

-Excellent Shinto Aiden: Research on the Hymen of the Divine Beast –


A Veteran of the Hero Academy

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

용사 아카데미의 노답 유급생
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
The crazy 🅱🅸🆃🅲🅷 has returned and life has begun to twist.


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not work with dark mode