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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 51

51 – 1. Academy (51)


Knock, knock

I slowly opened my eyes to the feel of the cold water droplets wet my forehead.

What you see is a cloudy sky covered in ashes and dark clouds. Ashes are mixed with the rainwater that falls in pursuit, painting the world pitch black.

As it is, if you look down, there is not much difference in what you see. Ruins that were all broken without sound, and completely faded to a monotone color due to not being properly exposed to sunlight… A world that is just slowly walking towards destruction.

It’s a sight that I’m so familiar with, and at the same time, it’s a world I never wanted to see again.

My vision was blurred, probably because I was hit by the rainwater mixed with ash. He reaches out to wipe his face, but what he touches is not the texture of his face, but the hard gas mask and goggles.

Yes, during this time, you could no longer breathe outside without a gas mask. Memories that I thought I had forgotten after experiencing it myself began to come to my mind.

It’s not a very good memory, so it’s a shame to even write the cute word new.

It’s too weak to be classified as trauma or nightmare, but I can’t say it’s good. Just a lukewarm, mediocre memory.

Nevertheless, it seems that this scene left a deep impression on me.

My body felt bitter as if it were being cut by a knife in the wind. Looking at a place made up of only black and white made my eyes sting and hurt.

It’s a neighborhood that doesn’t have anything to like, but if there’s one thing I like, it’s the quietness where no human voice can be heard.

The completely empty field is noisy because of the wind noise. However, when hard buildings and buildings are densely located, the wind passing between them screams nonstop.

Such moderately worn-out buildings and the ashes piled up in the gaps acted as a kind of soundproofing material, creating just the right amount of quiet.

Chin, tuck

I liked the silence that even the sound of my footsteps on the street was half-muffled. Yes, it was

There are things that come to my mind after experiencing this myself.

I let out a deep sigh without realizing it at the five senses that felt so vivid for a dream. The steam emitted through the mask is released into the air and scattered.

Am I dreaming? Or was it just a dream?

Either way it felt dirty.

Above all, the voice I heard at the end was subtle and annoying. It was definitely the woman’s voice. What was contained in that cold voice was clear anger.

When I slowly closed my eyes and looked inside, I could feel something connected to the hives, albeit weakly, but I didn’t feel anything related to magic. Is it the difference between whether the soul is connected or not?

Well, if you ask which body you have now, it’s closer to the world. Since magical powers were acquired in the world after reincarnation, how could the current body be able to use such disrespectful things?

Still, seeing her openly alive like this, it is certain that she did something with a high probability. She erased the curse, but I’m sure my body was dying in that brief moment.

In that respect, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this experience is a kaleidoscope.

Isn’t that true? It was because the thoughts were jumbled together as if the last memory had been subtly cut off. I wasn’t sure if I was dead or alive.

…No matter how much I think about it, there are memories that don’t match.

Finally, I have definitely removed the curse that was eating away at me.

Echidna, who received Kalion’s magic, ran and held me in her arms. At that moment, through the passage, the curse passed from my body to Echidna’s body.

[Divine Aura] Captured the weak but buried reverberation of the curse, and based on that, it clearly captured the evaporation of all curses by Kalion’s magical power.

My memories after that time are ambiguous.

It’s like a f*cking world, I couldn’t understand what the hell he was doing. It was as if part of her memory had been cut out and the woman’s image had been forcibly inserted into the gap. No matter how hard I tried to recall, the original memory could not come to mind.

Does it make sense that the brain is not a machine and is in a mellower state, as if it had been hacked or jammed? No, in this crazy world, brainwashing and suggestion were all natural.

Those who wear such a stuffy mask make their thinking narrower.

I wanted to throw it off, but my body refused to do so. It’s something you instinctively know. That this is no different from life.

It has already been more than 10 years since I took off my precious mask, which was like a lifeline.

Because of the non-standard mysteries of skill and magic, it was possible to breathe fresh air anytime, anywhere, even if it was in a concrete jungle in a desolate city.

Three years is enough time for Seodang dog to recite Poongwol, but since she has passed that three times, it is not strange if the real rivers and mountains change.

I was able to recall it because I was going through this kind of experience right now.

Someday, when I look back on the past, I remember it like that in the past. It’s normal that it is stored in a corner of my memory as an informational concept and settled like dust.


By the way, it really is a world of nothing. When is this time? I remember it being noisy with no time to enjoy this silence at the end.

Ah, it certainly was. At that time, we used the top of the half-collapsed clock tower as a base, and often had conversations when we were bored.

…Who did you talk to? Were you a member of the reconnaissance team? Or is it an input tank? No, it was definitely a long time ago.


As I was rolling my head, the face of the person I had tried to embed into my memory and try to forget suddenly came to mind.

Suddenly, the saliva in my mouth felt dry. Even if I wanted to spit out, I couldn’t spit out because of the mask, so I had no choice but to swallow.

I didn’t want to recall it if possible. The memory of the clock tower, the smile on the face that told me to go down first.

It is a world where not a single blade of grass grows because everything has dried up. Even so, I said that if I endure this winter, a warm spring will surely come in full bloom.

I never thought that the person who uttered those words had the talent to make flowers bloom on a harsh winter day, not spring.

I still remember the panoramic view of the bright red and very bright flowers. The scent was so strong that it pierced even the mask, and it had the smell of iron, which I didn’t like very much.

He succeeded in blooming a very large and splendid flower that might bloom only once in a lifetime.

That’s why I didn’t want to remember it any more. As if to erase the scene from my mind, I turned my head and changed direction.

As I trampled on the floor covered in ash, I felt that something soggy was sticking to me, perhaps because of my mood. It must have been because the ash powder was mixed with the rainwater that fell incessantly.

While repeating that to myself, I continued down the street.

I didn’t like walking down the street like this, but my gaze flowed around me, and memories came up accordingly.

“…Really, this is punishment?”

It’s not my intention, but since I first brought up the things she disliked, I wonder if she’s also showing her dreams of things I’d hate and enjoying watching them.

Then he must be watching me from somewhere.

I put my hand on my waist. Then, the familiar feel of a lump of iron caught in my hand. Without hesitation, I pulled it out, pulled the cylinder, loaded it, aimed it under my chin, and pulled the trigger.


Then, I didn’t even touch it, but the safety lock on the pistol suddenly caught. When I checked the magazine just in case, it was empty. The same goes for the holder where the knife was hung.

Anyway, I have to see that all things that could cause me death or injury have disappeared. As it is, the moment you pick up a nearby stone, won’t it disappear with a shush or turn into sand?

“That’s funny.”

With this, it is certain that someone is looking at me. She doesn’t know if she is the woman or if she is the one who cursed me. What is certain is that he does not want me to wake up from this dream.

“Is that why my mind is subtly stable?”

Even if my emotions intensify, I wake up from the dream, so it must inevitably be a place where I can relax and lock myself in the dream.

It was a passage that showed how much I hated the other world, no matter how much I was in my previous life, that the place where I could get the most stability was.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I liked my previous life. More than that, I don’t like the f*cking world.

Even in a destroyed world where even hope evaporates and only tragedy remains. Even if at the end of that world only stealing, stealing, killing and killing is left. No matter how tired I want to dream, even if I can’t.

Because the world used to go back to normal.

‘A lucid dream, is it…’

I don’t dream even when I sleep. There are people who ask if that makes sense, but only those who have experienced it can know.

When you wake up from a dream, the things in your dream remain in your head for a while. But if I don’t dream, I close my eyes quietly as if I’m dead, and the next time I open my eyes, it’s like welcoming the morning.

Someone in a previous life said that dreams are part of the feedback generated in the process of organizing the day’s experiences into memories.

Then, what would happen if we judged it as ‘information that does not need to be remembered’ when each day is a repetition of the same routine and only suffering and instructions remain?

If it repeats itself, the brain stops dreaming. Depending on the person it may be different, but at least in my case it was.

Even when I was forcibly injected with drugs that were said to bring back the happiest memories under the pretext of forcibly activating the neocortex of the brain, nothing came to mind. Pitch black darkness. A space of nothingness where not a single light can be seen.

Ironically, the happiest time for me was when I fell asleep without having any dreams.

I fell asleep. How could my brain be working properly? Sleep is a kind of sleep mode. In other words, it is time to give the brain, which uses more than half of the 24 hours a day, a little bit of rest.

I even administered drugs to find the most active time, but that’s the time when the power is off. Does this make sense?

That was the reason why it was changed to more primitive torture, but now that I think about it, I think that the days when I gnashed my teeth to endure it were really useless.

Looking at the results alone, it was because they couldn’t stand the short break, so they all destroyed themselves by themselves.

Those I tried to protect, and those who tried to make me blow.

“Everybody died except for me.”

Ironically, even if the research institute where I was imprisoned was safe, it was too safe.

I thought that no matter how much time passed, the next experiment wouldn’t come, but who would think that all of them died?

So I grabbed the injection containing the drug. Because now I want to rest too. Silently, without thinking about anything, you fall asleep as if you were dead.

I arrived at the place I thought was the quietest and fell asleep.

I forgot.

I closed and opened my eyes. Yes, it was there At the end of my steps, I was there. Exactly, it was ‘me’.

When I came to my senses, my body had become a ‘long-haired woman’ and I wasn’t wearing a mask or anything. My body was full of magic power, and I could feel the presence of children as naturally as breathing.

I could roughly understand what he wanted to say about the realization of his strong body, which was on a different level from the helpless, garbage-like body that had the only advantage of being able to last a little longer than others.

The past is the past, and reality is reality, so please live in the present life.

I let out a deep breath with the ridicule I had become accustomed to. The air of this world that cannot be felt with a mask must have felt like this.

My throat crinkled with every breath. In that brief moment, I could feel the ash in my mouth. What makes this world so good remains in my memory?

To be honest, I don’t know myself well either. If it was possible for people to change quickly by making up their mind in the first place, would they say that people do not change easily?

So no matter how foolish I am, I won’t change.

“Have you got the answer?”

At that moment, someone hugged me by my side. I could tell who it was without looking at it. It was because the white hair, as if it had been assimilated into this pure white world, was caught in my field of vision by the wind.

“I told you not to. Why did you do that?”

Inorganic voice with no difference in intonation. It sounds like a child’s complaint, but from what I heard, the anger and sadness contained there were so black that it was embarrassing to compare them with such purity.


I began to feel the pressure that even my current body couldn’t bear from the arms surrounding my waist. If you apply a little more force here, your organs will be crushed and your back will break. A cold sweat broke out at the aura of death felt in this thin arm.

My body is sending a danger signal to my brain telling me to apologize right now and stop this sh*t, but my brain gave me the exact opposite answer.

“What’s wrong with me saying I’ll roll my body?”

“It’s mine. Blood and body. My life and soul are all mine.”


The girl frowned as if she couldn’t tolerate my words, and the pressure from her arms got stronger. Eventually, her ribs broke and pierced her lungs. In an instant, the blood that filled her up flowed back and flowed out of her mouth.

“I asked you to have fun. When did you ask me to die? Why do you do that even though you know you are suffering? Did you really want to commit suicide? Are you stupid? Why are you not listening to me?”

“Don’t f*ck with me!!!”

I clenched my teeth and cried out as I vomited blood. I forcibly twisted my body and tried to move Lee Se-rin forward as if she was holding me.

I wonder if that was enough for me to follow me, and it took the form of looking up at me while maintaining the pressure on my body. Good tricks too, damn it.

“I like it. I love you so much. Then the doctor likes me too. Listen to me. The Doctor loves me as much as I love him. That’s what it should be. That’s love and affection…”

It is a golden pupil that must shine brightly, but in reality it was no different from the abyss where no light can be seen.

No matter how much you change your appearance, the essence doesn’t change. The living evidence is talking like that, so I’ll understand.

“People don’t change easily.”

“…Hug me. Crap like I do. I can’t think of anything else.”

The conversation didn’t mesh. You didn’t even want to listen to me in the first place. That fact put power in his hands. As she wished, I raised my hand.

However, the place where the hands were wrapped was not the waist or the back, but the slender girl’s neck.

It was the finest touch that could not be described with the word soft. Moderate elasticity, not too soft, not too hard. A body you want to touch again and again.

A contradictory person who coexists with s*xiness and innocence that makes the intoxication rise beyond gender.

I strangled her without a moment’s hesitation. The person in question only tilts her head as if nothing is wrong with her eyes narrowed.

“Is this the hug the Doctor knows?”

“Did you think you would listen to what you have to say when you didn’t intend to listen to me in the first place?”


I reacted as if I realized it, but it was clear that I couldn’t understand it. Even without mind reading, she could easily guess what this woman was thinking.

After all, this woman must be thinking with an abnormal logic as a basis, such as ‘Isn’t she supposed to do it because I love her?’

It’s a very arrogant way of thinking, but just because she’s strong, that’s allowed. If you are strong, anything is possible. If you are weak, you will be trampled under him.

The most primitive yet savage principle of the jungle was being forced to the bone-chilling degree.

“A b*tch more like a god than a god.”

“…Sounds subtly like cursing.”

That’s right. To me, God isn’t just an asshole. Seeing my grinning expression like that, the woman’s expression began to pout.

“If you want to do what you want, you can become a god, right?”

Take all the power away from the son of a bitch who’s in God’s place right now and put him down by my side. Whether or not people’s eyes gather, I have an idea to execute the most cruel torture on the spot.

“I don’t like it. That’s not fun.”

As if she were talking on the premise that a god’s place could be taken away at any time, her expression was genuinely tired.

“…Ha, it’s not that different from what you’re doing right now?”

“You can’t feel it yourself. It’s many times more fun to enjoy it than to watch it, but I don’t want to be tortured by taking on troublesome tasks.”

Certainly, there is no reason to choose the rice cake in the picture when there are rice cakes that can be eaten right next to it. While thinking about that, she was annoyed with herself for being convinced by this woman.

It’s all the more annoying because I still have this human aspect. No, in the first place, only the human side remained for this woman. It’s so human that it feels like a god.

The moment I started thinking like this, I realized how unbalanced and crazy the world is.

I’m getting tired now. My body hurts, and most of all, it felt like my mental strength was being cut in real time when I was with this woman. A b*tch like radioactivity that kills your health just by touching it.

“How long are you going to stay like this?”

“I wanted to do more, but soon it’s time… Let’s enjoy the main party.”

“A party?”

“A welcome party for freshmen. Are you starting soon? If possible, I want to see a cool look, so I have a coordinator on standby.”

The freshmen welcome party itself starts on Sunday, but what can be called a party is a prom that starts in the evening.

In other words, he had been sleeping for almost half a day. Being raised from the dead was cheap in half a day. As I thought about it, the pain in my body, which had gradually adapted, became stronger.

“You were thinking about it again, right? Because I’m still not angry.”

“…People don’t change easily.”

I said something like an answering machine, but I have nothing to say in return. What would I do if I made an excuse for this woman?

I turned my eyes away from the half-opened gaze and thought about something else.

A party, yes, a party.

Maybe, but I think it will be the most splendid party ever. As much as the incident happened on Saturday, it will be bigger and more colorful. That way we can let people know that the academy is still in good shape.

Originally, the dinner party is a place to put an end to a week’s frantic atmosphere, to socialize, and to celebrate new students joining the academy.

It is not a place where the eyes of the outside world gather, but information will flow in and out without knowing or knowing as it is made possible by everyone from 1st to 3rd grade.

It is a world that is no different from modern times, but it is like the slander of a medieval aristocrat.

There may have been things like this in my previous life, but I don’t know, so it doesn’t matter. But even if I don’t like this, I have to be involved.

I want to continue pretending to faint like this, but the woman in front of her can’t let it go. You said earlier that she had her coordinator waiting outside her mouth.

As this woman asserted, there was a high probability that she had a manpower that could catch me even if I ran away, or that the person called the coordinator had a force so strong that she was ignorant.

“Ah, it’s about time.”

At the same time as the words were full of regret, the other side of the world began to collapse quickly like broken pieces of glass.

“This is the end of this case…”

At the same time, I squeezed the neck of the woman who was trying to get out of my arms and pushed her face. The soft touch of her lips, digging into them, pulling the tender offal to my teeth.

The power to embrace me suddenly became stronger. Then, like a squeezed tomato, the blood that had pooled in her body swelled up and vomited.

As if I wasn’t going to lose, I summoned up my magic and chewed on anything that touched my teeth.

My tongue fell out quickly, but thanks to that, I was able to chew on my lips. There were wounds on the body that seemed to have no vitality.

A sweetness with a high concentration, completely different from my blood, which only feels fishy, fills my mouth. At the same time, he tightly strangled her neck.

I wanted to kill him right away.

Because this woman is stronger than anything that disturbs my peace. At the same time, the calculation writhed in my head that if she made only this woman on my side, everything else would be wiped out.

In order to do that, you must first stand on the same line as her. There was no change in the need to turn around and become stronger.

He took the woman’s breath as if swallowing it. With the determination to return the blood squeezed from me, I relentlessly open the wound with my tongue and suck it up.


When I sucked it up, the other side eventually swallowed my blood.

Pud Deuk!

At the same time, my body, unable to withstand the pressure, completely broke. Loss of sensation in the lower half of the body. The ribs can’t pierce the lungs and reach the heart.

When she slightly opened her eyesight, which was twisted by the pain that her body was being squeezed, what she saw was a woman’s face with her trembling pupils wide open, perhaps because she was very embarrassed.

No acting or anything. The raw emotions of embarrassment in the face of an unexpected situation were clearly conveyed.


Because the skin was as transparent as snow, it was clearly visible that it was burning red. In it, she was overcome with pride at the fact that she had finally given this woman a shot.

At the same time I woke up.

When I got up, I smelled the smell of disinfectant in the hospital room and the faintly mixed scent of sweet citrus.

I checked my body condition, but I couldn’t feel anything particularly strange.

The feeling of my lower back being cut off at the end was so vivid that if I looked down naturally, I could see the warmth and disheveled bedspreads, a clear indication that someone had been by my side until just now.

It was a scene where I could clearly feel the hurried movement of what was so urgent.

Yes, she knew this would be the case with that woman. She said as if she would disappear at any moment, and when she opened her eyes, she would openly sit by my side and tease me again.


“We will help you recover.”

It was a servant with a familiar face who came in with a knock, perhaps sensing signs of movement inside. Coordinator and all, but she ended up being this woman.

A crazy woman who abbreviates everything she says by saying “Because she is a maid.”

When she heard that being able to serve that woman’s side was her highest happiness, she thought that they were very well connected.


“…Have you had any fun?”

“Anything fun?”

The servant who approached me to hand over the cup filled with water suddenly flinched and asked me. Then I raised my hand and placed it on my mouth. There was a sly smile on his lips that he couldn’t hide even with his hands.

I pondered over what had just happened. Was it really fun? I don’t know if it’s fun, but it was refreshing. Well, that’s it, so let’s call it fun.

I didn’t really answer the question. He just raised his hand that covered his mouth and brushed his face and bangs up. After drinking water and calming down, the smile on his lips became relatively calm.

A slight but still lingering smile. Perhaps that was the answer, the servant nodded and accepted the finished cup.

“Your lady asked me to decorate her in the best possible way. Do you have any requests?”

“Something less conspicuous. It stings my eyes from seeing too much glitter.”


While saying that, I put on an expression of disgust at the servant’s appearance as he started to list up outfits that looked glamorous to anyone.

Anyway, the owner is the seed.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode