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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 50

50 – 1. Academy (50)




The figure of the giant, united as undead and moving with its enlarged fists as legs, looked like a gorilla patched in rags.

Thanks to all the bones, all sorts of curses were condensed on the surface, which changed as if it were wearing white armor, and it shone with a magical light.

I don’t know anything else, but that curse seemed a little annoying. Some of the party’s importance is melee, but above all, if it is in that state, most of Ban Tae-woong’s job-related skills will be unusable.

However, it seemed that the giant body would not be maintained if it was completely destroyed, so it seemed necessary to suppress the curse as if it were coating the surface.

I transferred my magical power to Kalion, who was waiting while swimming in the air, and at the same time bestowed an image on him.

Todok, Tododok

If the previous attack was like a heavy rain pouring down at once, the current magic power is more like a drizzling rain.

It doesn’t just fall off and disappear, but evaporates the moment it touches the curse and stays in the surroundings like fog, continuously scattering magic in the form of rain for the purpose of controlling the aftermath of the curse.

Originally, controlling magic as it is is more burdensome than perfecting magic, but that is only for ordinary wizards, and it is not too difficult for a dragon who can handle magic as if it were breathing.

“This is…”

“It’s the mysterious magic power that I gave you earlier.”

Lily responded to Ban Tae-woong’s words and began to create magic by interfering with magic.

This method was only possible with Kalion’s permission, as it was not made complicated through magic, but simply transformed the form of magical power.

There are quite a few wizards who, if their own magical power is not enough, crush a magic stone and use the latent magic within it to conjure magic, so I was not as surprised as seeing my shadow the other day and copying it.


The milky white magic circle created by Lili’s hands unfolded and began to surround us.

Perhaps it was because the effect of the attribute [Divinity] Was focused on the curse and the unclean things close to it, as the magic created by applying it as it was permeated into the body, the breath that had been opened once became completely comfortable.

The complexion of Cheonmi Cheonmi, who was breathing heavily, began to noticeably improve, and as if Lucia’s staggering appearance was a lie, she stood upright and began to generate magic.


Perhaps she had been cursed with the inability to exert magical power until now, the star-shaped eye lights in her pupils exploded, and a large amount of magical energy began to sway around her.

Her job is the [Lord of Queen], Which is at the top of the hierarchy.

Position lines are usually powerful by influencing something. What she affected was [Powerlessness].

The more you show overwhelming power or show the majesty of it, the stronger the power you have. However, until now, he had been cursed and was unable to fully demonstrate it, so his body was also weakened.

In a way, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this battle was Lucia’s perfect counter. From the point of view of a new bastard who likes crisis, he must have judged that there was no better situation to strengthen Ban Tae-woong.

If I hadn’t come, a picture might have been drawn of learning how to overcome the curse through some kind of realization, or lifting the curse and dramatically joining the fight after being pushed to the limit with the power of Lili and Erika Onohara.

It’s a future that won’t come now, but considering the uniqueness of the main character, it’s highly likely that he will get immunity related to curses as a reward as soon as this battle is over.

As a result, the world judges that it is good as long as it is beneficial to the main character.

Now, even if we put aside her staggering beauty of the ceiling and her protecting Erika Onohara, the number of combatants has increased from 3 to 6.

“Who goes first?”

“…I will go.”


Burning her will, as she pulled out the three-sword from her waist, the blade of the sword held in her hand naturally sharpened the blade. A cool blue light hung over the vivid platinum magic power. If I had to give it a name, it would be white blue.

As if the blue star was forcibly implemented in the form of a blade, the sword began to shine like crazy.

“I’ll help too.”

“Mr. Taewoong…”

As if in sync with her magic, the magic of black gold was added. The sparks that had run wild when the two manas were entangled before didn’t fly this time.

Unlike before, when they forcibly increased their power through mutual repulsion, the two magic powers that began to move smoothly began to rotate. The relatively violent magic of black gold induces the direction of the magic of white blue.

The magical powers of the two mixed together were kneaded into a brilliant silver color.

“I’m coming!”

Ban Tae-woong responded to Lucia’s words by fixing his sword. I could feel that something magically connected between the two, like a passage between me and the summoned beast.

Perhaps the two of them are feeling a sense of unity that cannot be expressed in words right now?

The appearance of connecting the two people’s magical powers itself resembled the way the old man showed us earlier when weaving the barrier and the undead. But it was fundamentally different.

The barrier of the elderly was close to one-sided exploitation, and the basic form of the relationship between me and the summoned beast was my food. However, the magical power that was connected between the two formed a mutual exchange naturally.

The fact that we can know each other’s thoughts without speaking is probably a side effect.

Silver magic was condensed into Ban Tae-woong. Lucia, who jumped lightly, landed on top of Ban Tae-woong’s sword face. Ban Tae-woong squeezed the muscles of his whole body and gathered strength into his arm to swing the sword.


As soon as Ban Tae-woong’s arm was swung, Lucia’s new model flew as if it was being bounced off and headed for the giant, leaving a silver afterimage. The moment they arrived at the giant in an instant, the trail of white blue stood in Lucia’s swordsman’s sword, and soon the giant’s body was cut open.


The bones of the curse were cut off, and the flesh of his corpse burst, screaming. Even though it was connected to the undead, he started to fall backwards, screaming in agony as if he shared the pain sensation.

Lucia was seen slowly falling in mid-air as she struggled to keep from falling while desperately waving her arms.


Ban Tae-woong, who rolled on the ground one after another, also quickly ran forward. Its speed was so fast that it couldn’t catch up even with [Focused on Combat].

I belatedly ran behind Graul, but it was best to find Ban Tae-woong, who had already aimed at Lucia from afar, deflected her swinging arm attack, and embraced her in the arms of her princess. Was


Certainly, when you see such an overwhelming figure, pure admiration comes first before any other emotion. When the giant stretched out his hand, aiming at the two, it split into hundreds of hands as if it were splitting, and rushed toward the two.



Shake! Snap!

Ban Tae-woong’s strong attack blows away most of his hands and covers the gap created by Lucia’s quick thrusts and slashes.

Since it was a light continuous attack, it was not possible to completely block all attacks, but Ban Tae-woong, who had adjusted his posture in the meantime, blocked the attacks with a heavy swing of his sword.


Quad Deuk!!

Lucia’s powerful piercing, which condensed mana in the gap created like that, became a silver ray and eventually completely blew off one arm of the giant.

The sight of them constantly wielding their swords as if they were filling each other’s empty parts as one body was like watching a phantom sword strike that would repeat itself forever.



However, moving as violently as that means consuming mana so quickly.

That phenomenon is just to share the two people’s mana so that they can temporarily generate more mana, not infinite mana.

I passed by the two people who continued to swing their swords while exhaling heavily, and I stood on top of Graul and condensed my magic into the blade of the halberd. Legs are what I’m aiming for. It aims to throw you off balance.

Wields a halberd aiming at the lower body, which is weaker than the upper body.

Boom! Puck!!!


Aiming at Ban Tae-woong and Lucia, the attack aimed at the point of swinging the remaining arm hit, and the flesh of the leg burst, the bone broke, and the balance was twisted.

Echidna, who arrived nearby at the sight of the collapsed giant, began to pour magic and holy power into her halberd as well. I added my magical power to it to double the power.


Echidna’s expression frowned when a large amount of mana suddenly flowed in, but more than that, her model began to move even faster.

At the same time as the figure began to take on a distinctly brighter color than the first time, an attack aimed at the head of the titan that had begun to fall was swung.



When the head was forcibly thrown off and completely broken, a scream that was on a different level than before resounded through the heavens. I don’t know if the divine power contained in it was eaten or if the impact was the final blow, but the giant’s chin fell out and grabbed her tattered hair and the giant began to suffer.

The moment when the steady movement of the giant was completely sealed



A huge magic circle spread in the air. Inside the magic circle, the magical language containing each geometric sentence was rotating in line with each other at regular intervals, like a clockwork.

A huge stake was attached to the end. The flagship giant stretched out his hand to block it at the appearance of a huge pile made of ice, but his outstretched hand was frozen and he broke it and moved forward.



The giant’s body began to freeze around the stake piercing the center of his chest.

As if it were a last resort, it disintegrated the unfrozen parts and released the undead in the form of small giants everywhere, but it was helplessly swept away by the attack containing the divine power of Ban Tae-woong, Lucia combination, and Echidna, who took a deep breath.

There were so many of them, rather than attacking them one by one, it seemed better to gather them all at once using the Shadow Trap and then attack them.

I deliberately moved towards the center of the enemies, then got down from behind Graul and immediately released the shadow around me.

As the shadows that encroached on the surroundings in an instant were spread in the form of a net and pulled in at once, the undead gathered in one place.


Although they are far away, a light shone from beyond the sky, as if they had understood my command. At the same time, the milky-white light that fell as if it were shining down exploded, and the undead, including my shadow, quickly melted.



All struggles have gone in vain, and I have been suppressed to the point where I can no longer do anything. The giant also let out a sad cry as if he had intuited his own end.

When the situation was over, Erika Onohara, who supported her thousand roses, arrived at the place where we were, and she frowned when she saw the frozen giant half turned into frost.

“…Let’s just do this.”

It was not because I was conscious of others, but from the bottom of my heart, I hoped to give rest to the person who had become a monster.

She was the one who stopped me earlier, and with this way of thinking, she must be someone who belongs to the axis of the wise.

Because of her upbringing as the daughter of one of the world’s leading companies, she can’t just be kind, but she faces reality properly and understands with her head before making a decision.

After going through such a process, you can eventually think in the right direction, so you can call yourself a good man.

In her previous life, she also saw people of the same type as her. Even in a harsh world that was close to destruction, she was a good person who never gave up on her beliefs that she thought was right. She said that she would take the initiative to save others, and she was the first idiot to die.

Because I saw them and received help from them, I deeply understood that belief is something that should not be bent under any circumstances.

I have no intention of accepting their way of thinking, though.

I summoned Kalion. In my heart, I want to just wipe it out with Carlion’s magical power, but I can’t do that. Because this is not my spoils.

Thus, I intend to delegate full authority to Ban Tae-woong.

I used half of my remaining magic power to sharpen the blade of the shadow. Add to that the magical power containing the nature of Kalion’s [Divinity] And the magical power containing Echidna’s divine power.

Everyone drools at the mass of condensed magical power that would make even non-undead people die if stabbed with it.

I grabbed the blade of the sword of shadow, which began to vibrate lightly just by being filled with magic power, and handed it to Ban Tae-woong.

Originally, it was the right thing to give to Cheonmi Cheonmi, the party involved in this case, but I was reluctant to just give that woman a choice, apart from not doing anything to defeat the giant.

I heard that you hate me, so what can I do?

If you give Cheonmi Cheon a choice, it’s obvious that Ban Tae-woong will notice it. In that case, it is comfortable to give it to the main character from the beginning.

“You decide.”


Would you kill me cleanly like this and let me go comfortably, or hand it over to the government to spit out information on my few remaining lives.

Everything is in your hands.

There is no way you don’t know that fact. Who taught you, don’t you know that? The moment he looked at the sword with serious contemplation, Lucia, who was next to Ban Tae-woong, grabbed the sword first.


“Mr. Taewoong. If it’s hard, I’ll do it. No, let me do it.”

Compared to the beginning, the two people, who are very weak but still connected, exchanged glances. It seems that Ban Tae-woong’s thoughts naturally flowed into her. Noticing that, Lucia grabbed her sword.

Because I want to help my loved ones, I don’t want to see them suffer. It is meant to be carried by oneself.

‘That’s how it came out.’

She told me that she loved Ban Tae-woong after hearing my information. There was no lie in it, and there shouldn’t have been.

She has changed, but as a result she has not changed. She had been for Ban Tae-woong before, but she started moving more actively to help him.

Dedicated affection.

For him, he would do anything. Even if it means getting your hands dirty and turning your back on the world.

If she is her now, she can definitely do that.

“…No, I can’t.”


Ban Tae-woong’s hand overlapped Lucia’s hand holding the sword.

Ban Tae-woong must have also felt the heartbreaking but firm love that was transmitted through the connected passage. The proof is that honey is about to drip from the two eyes looking at Lucia in the midst of seriousness.

“It’s okay to be together.”

“Lily is right. The burden becomes lighter the more it is shared. This was my intention from the beginning.”


Liri and Erika Onohara were seated as if to make up for the gap between the two.

When the two hands were added to the sword, the surface of the sword, which was unstable as if it was about to explode, was remarkably stabilized by adding magic circles and magic techniques.

“…Lily, Erika.”

Ban Tae-woong’s eyes widened as if he was very impressed by the words of the two people added after Lucia, and he swallowed them with effort and smiled softly.


Suddenly, I started filming youth dramas. Unable to bear the astringent taste in the air, I stuck out my tongue and spat out a thick, sour taste.

When are you going to poke? I’ll do it like this really. Just stab it and you’re done. Is this that difficult?

I looked around to see if there was anything else left, and there was one person who was watching Ban Tae-woong and the women with envy.

A dark-haired woman who is still pouting and unable to raise her head, even though the aftermath of the curse has completely disappeared.

It was Cheonmi, who was also the culprit behind this incident.

I was watching Ban Tae-woong exchanging shabby smiles as if he had become an outsider, like a cat that had stepped into someone else’s house.

If you see him slightly raising and lowering his hand and flinching, it must be that he is contemplating whether he has a conscience or whether he can get involved.

But it is. Does a woman know that even the time she spends worrying about is a luxury?

She handles things as quickly as possible and there must be a mountain of things to do, but seeing her so late, from the side, I felt frustrated.

They say that once she goes out, she doesn’t look pretty no matter what she does. That’s what I’m talking about.



Cheonmi Cheon-mi, who had distanced herself from my words as if whispering in her ear, looked at me with trembling eyes.

Looking at the fear and fear contained within it, I thought that the aftermath of the skill had really worked.

“Why, why do you…Higuk…Seooh…?”

“That asshole is more like a hukou than you think, so don’t be shy and just go quickly and finish it.”


Even though he was taken aback by my words, his brows furrowed as he began to examine his true intentions. Just because of that, he started to tremble as if he was about to shed tears.

I let out a deep sigh.

Seriously, I started to question the level of the organization that this b*tch was appointed as the next boss. I twisted my body as if it was annoying and made a rough gesture.

“Don’t be foolish, just sincerely apologize. He’s a fool, so that’ll be enough.”

“Tae, Taewoong is not an idiot! …Yo. This.”

I wondered if it was properly used even if the bean pods were covered.

If you’re going to speak rudely, you’ll do it until the end.

Cheong-mi, who was impressed by that reply, ran away in a hurry and approached the place where Ban Tae-woong was.


“…That’s a pseudonym. My real name is Cheon Miya.”

“…Really? Then can I call you a rose?”


Ban Tae-woong opened his mouth to see Cheon-mi nodding her head in agreement.

“Yes, it is a rose. I’m glad you’re safe. I was very embarrassed when I was first cursed.”

“It was really hard work. The mana is blocked, and the strength of the body is also drained. It was the worst weekend ever.”

“Yes, yes. To be honest, I am very tired.”

They have become nice in that they openly create an atmosphere of apology. If it were me, I would have just seized this as an opportunity.

Cheon Jang-mi hesitated at the appearance of Ban Tae-woong and the people around her, who treated her as usual even though this had happened, and then glanced back. Then, after glancing at me, she closed her eyes and bowed her head 90 degrees.

“Mi, I’m sorry. Because of me, I got involved in this for no reason. I’m really, really, really sorry…”

Every time he spoke, he became damp, and eventually he burst into tears and began repeating his apologies like a broken tape recorder.

Ban Tae-woong and the heroines looked at each other with slightly embarrassed expressions and smiled. Then, Erika Onohara stepped forward as her representative, reached out to her thousand roses, and began to comfort her.

I started sobbing as if the warmth made my tear glands burst even more.

“I’m lost, I’m lost…”

“It’s okay. Now that you know what you did wrong, you can do better next time. What’s wrong with the person who was attacked there? The bad thing is the person who did the raid.”

“Yes, I will do a little better. I’ll do better…”

Erika Onohara smiled bitterly at me as she patted Cheonmi’s back.

In conclusion, it is true that Cheonmi did something wrong. As much as I heard what she said right next to her, if I noticed her, I would have known that the cause was in her.

Erika Onohara deliberately told a white lie because she knew that sometimes kind encouragement would pierce more painfully than angry rebuke.

Only then, able to burst into tears and still be among her half Taeungs, she began adding her magic to her sword, wanting to be of any help to her, as did her others.

I sighed heavily when I saw that.

‘…I really can’t wait.’

I felt like I couldn’t stand the tickling pain in my back. You should have done this. You waited a long time for me.

It’s good to maintain a warm atmosphere, but there are many people waiting. You have to take care of this quickly so that others can rest. I kicked and pushed Ban Tae-woong from the back, who seemed to be doing that forever if left alone.


“If you have decided, don’t hesitate and do it quickly. Cub I will do it all.”

In the sky of the 2nd arena, where all the aftermath of the curse was washed away thanks to Kalion’s magical power scattered here and there, the real-time sunset sky was clearly visible.

It has become a ridiculous situation that everyone is holding a knife together, but as long as the result is good, that’s enough. Ban Tae-woong, who smiled bitterly at my instigation but immediately became serious, raised his sword.

Then, the purple magic that Mi Cheon-mi poured into it stretched out like a thread and began to indicate where to stab it.

“…I’ll go, everyone.”




There was no resistance. As soon as the tip of the knife pushed through a sponge reached the giant, the magical energy within it began to literally annihilate the giant’s body.


I finally reaped all my mana after seeing the giant’s disintegration into grains of sand.

The battle is over. As if to prove it, the effect of [Subdued] Reached its end. The effect of [Torture] Still lingered, but the feeling of exhaustion that seemed to be infinite in an instant and escaped gave birth to an indescribable futility.


At that moment, the information of the hive was passed into my head.


What is it? Before I could even confirm, I immediately moved my body. The reaction was slow, perhaps because it was wrapped around the body again after the mana had been completely turned off.

The shadow crows of the hive that were released beforehand moved and tried to block it, but they couldn’t stop it even for a second. But it was fine. Thanks to that, the effect of [Subdued] Overlapped again.

Maximize [Focus on Combat] To contemplate the slowing world. The look of those who are embarrassed by my sudden appearance. Ban Tae-woong still holding the sword of shadow. Interfering with the magical power of the sword to shape the shape.

A shield? No, it’s too late.

Make the shadow wide open. At the same time, reach out your hand towards it. The shadow is wrapped around the arm in the form of hard armor, just like the original form.

As expected, as if to show off that this is the true method of use, wearing a weapon developed several times faster than forging it.

Usually, if I didn’t make a slight difference, I would have cursed at it, but I’m grateful for this feature now.

I wonder if they’ll give you back the number of cases you’ve barely suppressed.

The kite of the underworld is as light as a midsummer night’s dream, but sometimes thicker than blood.

If Cheon Mi-mi dies here at the moment when everything is finally over, it will give Cheon-muk-hwa and the rise of the underworld a justification to openly move. That much should be blocked.

No matter how much it is in the name of revealing the death of his daughter, the external view is not good when a human outside, and especially a human from the dark side, stirs inside the academy, which is said to be the best.

Once this is allowed, it is obvious that the same thing will happen next time. You shouldn’t create a precedent.

If you refuse to do so, that is a war.

For a moment, the question crossed my mind whether I should stop this. But it soon flew over to other priorities.

It must be very painful. It’s an assassination shot deliberately in a goddamn world. It’s definitely not going to be anything out of the ordinary. If you don’t do well, you may die without even using your hands.

Nevertheless, I have a chance to survive. Trust me, trust my summons. So I will definitely do something.

The reward is immediate peace. Stake is my life. There is no gambling without a reward. The greater the risk, the sweeter the return.

There is no reason to avoid a gamble that is sure to succeed. Isn’t it?


Even in the midst of the slowing world, I saw a black object flying fast. It was too small to be considered an arrow and too thick to be regarded as a bullet.

I clenched my teeth at the point when it penetrated the shadow and lodged itself in my hand. I clenched my fists and tightened the shadows tighter. No, I made the shadow around the arm thicker and more solid like a coffin. The sensation running down my spine felt like my brain would burn.

—Deaf Deuk!!!

Something completely dug in stopped moving unnaturally and a new one started working. Lead is separated. At the same time, the spray gnawed at my mana in an instant and began to vomit curses.

My heart was beating wildly. If you miss this, not only Cheonmi but everyone in this room will die. No, maybe Ban Tae-woong could survive.

But what use would it be if all the other characters died?

In real time, the magical power that began to grow stronger under the effect of [Subdued] Began to resist the curse.

I was crying and something was stuck in my chest. The taste of fishy blood regurgitated through his throat.

As if it had done its job, the cold lead that I felt in my hands disappeared without a trace. It’s like a ghost singing.

Are you saying you won’t even leave traces of the assassination? At least, should we consider it fortunate that the guy who shot it disappeared right away?

If it’s a real 3rd class, it will end like a 3rd class. Like reality, don’t be elaborate on this point.

Beyond the slowly blurring line of sight, I could see Echidna and Kalion approaching. Don’t let go of your mind I need to get rid of this damn curse as soon as possible so that I can live.

Hold on.


The ground is right in front of you. And

And what?

“…I told you? I won’t forgive you.”

I lost consciousness at the end of a cold voice somewhere.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode