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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 34

34 – 1. Academy (34)



I was the first to step out. Reliably defend against the most numerous first blows. An attack to intercept, not an attack to attack the enemy.


From the moment the countless fruits were born, Kalion’s pupils, which had condensed mana, exploded with dark red magical eyes, and at the same time, mana flowed out of his wide-open mouth.

“[Demi Breath]”


Instantaneous tinnitus. At the same time, a huge amount of energy was shot at the shooting magic with an explosion.


A belated explosion literally tore the magic apart. Furthermore, the nearest girls also disappeared as if they were about to explode. A blue flash of lightning flashed from the fingertips of Lily, who stretched out his arm as if to keep pace with him.

“Chain, light ring”

I took a break in the middle, but for the first time, I uttered the magic name perfectly. In her case, it would have been the sense of simply piecing together two puzzles, but with that alone, the power was expressed beyond imagination.


Snakes of lightning tumbled and shot in all directions, with a cacophonous noise like the roaring of a gigantic bird.

If the aurora borealis seen earlier was a single weapon, then this is a range weapon. It is also within the scope of annihilating the absolute majority.

The power was low, probably because they adjusted everything in a hurry, but the chain of lightning continued to pierce the girl in black one after another and electrocuted her, until she was repeatedly turned into a handful of ashes.

With just two techniques, half of the enemies that were charring the sky disappeared.

But as if to get half of it back, black berries formed from the roots of the tree and burst open, causing the black girl to vomit even more.

This time the proportions were a little different. As if conscious of us sitting on the ground, it consumed a large amount of liquid from the beads to create a huge fruit.


Like a fully grown fruit falling to the ground, an army of wolves popped out from the black fruit that landed on the ground.

“Kong! Knock!”



Even with the appearance of tens or even hundreds of wolves, we were not at all fooled. Lucia, who swung her three-sword halfway as if to block us, and Ban Tae-woong, who held her posture with her sword facing down, stared at the front with a cold expression and put magic into the sword.



There was no need for a big conversation between the two. As if just those two words were enough, the magical powers of the two began to merge into two.

The magic of brilliant platinum is mixed with the magic of strong black gold. When the magic powers of others, which were normally supposed to repel each other, came together, only the same golden parts mutated into sparks and began to emit electric current everywhere.

In accordance with that timing, the two swords began to draw a graceful curve. Just as Lucia’s sword crosses from top to bottom and Ban Tae-woong’s sword crosses exactly from bottom to top, the oblique lines seemed to be attacking each other.

No, the moment I actually jumped into the middle of the enemy camp, I started to turn my sword toward my allies instead of swinging it at the enemy.


“”[Double blade attack (雙刃比擊)]!!!””

The swords of the two met, and at the same time, a tremendous shock flew in all directions.

Only in the aftermath, sharp wind blades were shot straight at the enemy. It would be correct to assume that it was induced.

The two looked like they were clashing their swords, but in reality they were cutting the swords around each other and then throwing them away.

That’s a sword dance. A sword dance where the two of them match the sum and deal with the enemies with a thoroughly calculated angle.

The destructive power created by the collision of two magical powers is shed on the enemy. If you don’t trust each other to the extent of it, you can’t do this feat. As if to prove that fact, the two continued to clash swords without a doubt.

Chang! Quaang!

Chaeeng! Skaac!!

When it was broken, it fluttered backwards and moved the sword dazzlingly.

With the resulting huge shock wave, the swords of the two collided at the right timing and were broken, and the fragments became another sword steel and were shot precisely targeting the enemy.


The appearance of being able to attack from any direction while denying the enemy’s approach seemed like a bunker in the middle of the enemy camp. In an instant, the surroundings changed as if they had been bombed.

Lily flicked the magic she had loaded into her fingers in line with how she had slashed the enemies to some extent.

Whoop! Hard!

A cold wave swept across the ground, and the world was covered in ice. As if this was the end, Ban Tae-woong and Lucia simultaneously put magic into their feet and lowered them, crossing each other’s swords.

Jaeae aeng!!!

At the shock, a spider web-like crack occurred on the ground centered on the two, and everything that was frozen exploded as if in a chain.

Not a single piece of the black wolf was left, and the clean floor was revealed with a glistening appearance.

It was so neat that there was no superfluous in the series of processes, but at the same time, it was also a part that showed how long they had been fighting together.

That wasn’t the level of matching hands and feet. It was a dangerous attack that could slash the opponent with even the slightest twist, but those two sublimated it into a skill and fell for it. Even comrades who have been on the battlefield together for years won’t be able to do that.

Even if I wanted to copy something like that, I couldn’t. It would be a skill only for two people.

“Nice Fight!”

“It was good.”

I naturally frowned when I saw them high-five each other in a refreshing atmosphere as if they had finished a light sparring. As if he had eaten something sour, his mouth fell shut.

You’re still in love even in a battle like this. It’s really varied. Still, thanks to that, the road was completely open. As soon as I climbed on Graul’s back, I ordered an advance.

“Do you have anything like that?”

“Yes. A very big ice sword.”

I asked Lili, who was still riding on top of Growl, and she started swinging her sword with her arms wide open as if she was leaning on me completely to see if she was scared.

The tension was higher than before, probably because Ban Tae-woong came. It’s just like seeing Kalion before being rehabilitated.

“Wait for that”


Is that about who to use magic on? The answer is fixed. There was no point in giving me a sword that was just huge because I wasn’t even a swordsman.

“To Ban Tae-woong”


The expression was crude and intuitive, but the number of magic circles completed in her hands seemed more complex and powerful than any magic I had ever seen.

“Hey, get on!”

“Uh, uh uh”

As I ran, I reached out to Ban Tae-woong on the way. He was taken aback for a moment, but he immediately took my hand and climbed on top of Raul. Lucia, who was left behind, said something to me, but she replaced it by sending Kalion behind her.


Because fruits fell from the sky and wolves started appearing again. I don’t even want such a great annihilation as just now. Just holding on and wasting time is beneficial.

“I’m going to run right now, get ready to swing my sword.”

“…The target is that tree, right?”

“Yes. Get ready quickly with him.”


When Lili, who was concentrating on the magic of her grip, was grabbed by the nape of her neck and switched places, Ban Tae-woong was embarrassed but hugged Lili in his arms. At the same time, Ban Tae-woong, who confirmed the magic being completed in her hand, began to infuse his magic into the magic circle as if it were natural.


Sparks flew from the clash of magical powers. Graul expressed his anxiety for a moment at what was happening behind him, but I calmed it down with a gentle sweep of his back. Are you okay. Because even if I get hurt, I can heal it.


Perhaps he felt more impatient with my words, Growl’s running speed increased. The moment I thought my speed had reached its limit, I condensed the shadows and made a trap. These are the jump pads I used on the woman who brought the burning wagon the other day.

This time I won’t use it to make you lose your balance, I’ll just use it to bounce up. In a sense, it will become a real jumping pad. When I set up the shadow as if I was throwing it in front of me, the skill [Set Trap] Was calibrated and a floor of shadow was created in an instant.

Aiming for the floor, which was shaking as if it was going to bounce at any moment, as if it was under strong tension, I hit Growl’s back once. The will must have been conveyed.



There was a floor of shadow exactly where Graul, who jumped into the air in an instant, landed. The moment he received the weight of Growl, his vision suddenly changed with a sense of pressure as if he was being suppressed by a tremendous force.

I changed the sword of shadow into a wide shield and mounted another jump pad on top of the shield.



Just in time for that moment, a formidable chill began to form on Ban Tae-woong’s sword. As if she had pulled out her magic power to the limit, the drooping Lili buried her head in Growl’s back and raised her arms and gave a thumbs up.

I exchanged glances with Ban Tae-woong after glancing at the magic circle densely placed as if flowing through the blade of the sword.

The distance to the tree is still far. However, we have already hit the peak of the parabolic principle. In other words, it means that only the slow fall remains.


There I raised my shield. It’s just the right size and location. Ban Tae-woong confirmed this, immediately got up from his seat, added his mana and stomped his foot hard on the shield.


“Taewoong, fire!”

I swung the shield with all my might and activated the jump pad at the same time. Ban Tae-woong, who was fully positioned, literally bounced off and flew away.

With that rebound, we fell to the ground quickly, but we were able to get down safely with the combo of lightweight + stepping on the shadow crow that we used with Kang So-seon before.

The only thing left is Ban Tae-woong, who jumped up into the sky in real time.


“Kihiii … !!”

As if to block his advance, the small black girls surrounded the tree and started chanting defense magic.

As the size decreased, the power of each one decreased, but when dozens, hundreds, or thousands of them were added, they began to boast considerable thickness.

“It’s useless”

Even after seeing that, Lili shook his head with a sour expression. Rather, as if he was proud, he looked at the magic circle on Ban Tae-woong’s sword and quietly clapped his hands together where the magic circle was located.



The words of the two people, resonating with magical powers, overlapped despite being far apart. At that moment, the length of Ban Tae-woong’s sword began to grow exponentially.

It wasn’t just that it got longer. The giant sword made of ice began to blow away or freeze anything approaching it, emitting condensed chill just by existing.

As if Ban Tae-woong had foreseen this, he calmly performed the absurd madness of leaping in the air one more time, using the cold air that spouted backwards with his sword as the driving force.

As the magic of black gold rose around Ban Tae-woong, who held the huge sword firmly with both hands, the magic circle hidden on the surface of the ice sword began to appear accordingly.

Tick tock. Tick.

As the cogs and springs of a well-tuned clock are connected and assembled, the magic circle begins to move and start moving, and the black girls scream their flagships for an instant.

Since it’s a copy, it seems that he noticed the effect of that magic formula first.

I desperately tried to use magic to stop him, but the quality of magic that was reduced in exchange for mass production was not enough to break through Ban Tae-woong’s defense.

Ban Tae-woong did not dodge or block the attacks and endured them. He didn’t even need to be attacked. In real time, the ice sword he was holding was emitting severe cold and giving him attack damage.

With that alone, the momentum of the magic power surrounding his body began to rise explosively.




The girls in black started screaming as they saw Ban Tae-woong, who had arrived near the tree before long. However, Ban Tae-woong’s expression did not change. No, it is more accurate to say that it is cool rather than calm. Cold anger burned in his eyes.


The skill was activated because the conditions were met. The only thing left is your will to use it.

“[Reverse Counter]”

Their very existence was created by forcibly exploiting the lives of their friends. The face of evil so vivid is right in front of my eyes. To correct an already tilted balance. Ban Tae-woong swung his sword without hesitation as if he would pay off the debt right away.



Compared to the appearance of a huge sword and the heavy sound of a gong, a very clear sound rang out.

At the same time, the space split.

The pure white frozen air was distorted obliquely, and the torn pieces flowed down as they were, then stopped as if they were frozen. However, the surrounding world has been restored in a form as if time is turned back, as if it were regaining its original appearance.

The only thing that was out of sync was the tree.

Quad Deuk

What began to quickly turn pure white from the misaligned area turned into ice. When he swung his sword at the changed ice again, it all disappeared without leaving a trace with the sound of breaking glass.


It was the same with the sword Ban Tae-woong was carrying. Watching the sword return to its original form with only part of the ice broken, Ban Tae-woong surrendered himself to the falling flow.

His arms were frozen and he couldn’t move well, and his mind was dizzy from using too much mana.

All of this was the price of getting the maximum blow.

The magic circle was disappearing from the sky on the other side of the fall. At the sight of the barrier being lifted at the same time, Ban Tae-woong unknowingly smiled.


“Really, overdo it until it happens again!!”

“Sia…hahahaha, sorry.”

The one who caught Ban Tae-woong was none other than Lucia Valentia. She lightly supported Ban Tae-woong, who was much bigger than her own body, in her princess arms, and then came down to the ground and glared at me.

“What would you do if Tae-woong was seriously injured?!”

Is this pattern again? Well, can a person change overnight? On the contrary, I was relieved by doing it like that as usual. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m not annoyed.

“It makes the severed arm grow again, but what kind of a wound is that, and what kind of child is Ban Tae-woong? It’s disgusting that he’s wrapping a grown man like a baby who was put out on the water’s edge.”

“Profit…! That’s not what I’m talking about! What do you think of people’s hearts!!”

As usual, this side also talked about the theory, and while grinding their teeth, they began to vomit their emotional theory.

Ban Tae-woong, the person in charge, was mediating between us while sweating profusely, while Li-ri was still lying behind Growl because her magical energy had drained.

No, that’s because you’re tired from magic, right? I think it’s just because I like the texture of Growl’s fur. Graul, too, was looking at me with pitiful eyes, with his ears folded in half, as if the feeling of his fur was unusual.

Ignoring Lucia who wanted to say something more towards me, I walked over to where her graul was and grabbed Lili by the back of her face. I swallowed her saliva.

“…What are you doing?”


“You come out, just”

As I forced myself to lift Raoul from above and set her on the ground, she pouted her mouth and narrowed her sleepy eyes to look at me.


“If you twist it, you become a summoner.”


Because I knew it was impossible, I crept closer to Ban Tae-woong with a sullen expression and started rubbing my body as if I was leaning against him. It looked just like a cat making new markings on its owner whose scent had disappeared.

“Lily…! What are you doing out there?!”


“Oh, sleep, where are you touching, hehehe…!”

No, in this case, are you rubbing your body in search of lost warmth?

Ban Tae-woong patted her hair without saying anything and accepted it. This time, as if it were natural, I sighed when I saw the guy who started to rub her head against Lucia’s side and belly without any remorse. .

Anyway, these guys have no time to be quiet. The magic must have disappeared now. As I took off the stuffy mask, a soft shadow ran down my hand.

“The barrier is broken.”

“Oh, it’s real.”

The three of them raised their heads to the sky at my words and let out a sigh of relief that it was finally over. As the barrier collapsed, the illusions that created the surrounding landscape also shimmered and disappeared.

The bizarre sensation, as if having a daydream, was quickly broken. Despite the loud noises and screams coming from around me, I had to be dragged down to reality.

Yes, if there is a commotion, there must be something to deal with. Now that this is the case, that would be even more terrifying. See Hasn’t the expression of our main character already started to harden?

“Get the injured this way…”

“Check mental pollution first!!”

“A cardiac arrest occurs!! Defibrillator…No, call the priest!! Hurry!!!”

Since the things that obscured my vision disappeared, I could see the scene of the playground clearly.

It was like being behind a battlefield. There were people who were no different from corpses lying everywhere, and it was full of screams of people scurrying to save them.


“Live, live…!”

“DARK!!! It’s dark!!!”

“What are you doing! Hurry up and purify it!!!”

Even, as soon as I woke up from hypnosis, there were guys attacking the people around me one after another, which caused a setback in my treatment. Because of that, there were more patients, and it was a real crucible of confusion itself.

Perhaps it was judged that there would be more deaths if we continued like this, even the second and third graders who were training nearby came to add to the work.

“First of all, subdue!!”

“Cleansing comes first. Holy water! Go to the cathedral right now and bring all the holy water you can!!”

“Are you still a supporter department professor?! What? Are you already in treatment? Damn it!!”

“Don’t stand still, move those who can only wield swords and carry supplies!!”

For that reason, those who were at least unharmed even though they were the parties to the incident had to take care of their allies without a break.

“Taewoong! Lucia! Are you okay?! Are you not hurt anywhere?!”

“Ah, Eri”

At that time, someone found us on the other side and approached us at high speed.

Erika Onohara, a woman who arrived with neatly cut black hair flying in a Japanese hair style commonly known as the Hime cut, started examining the bodies of Ban Tae-woong and the children with a half-contemplative expression.

“Should I do the healing ceremony first, no, the purification ritual first? What to do what to do?”

As she became restless, she began to take out amulets and bells with strings that seemed to be used in rituals from her arms, and Lucia calmed her down.

Because he looked more pitiful than the person concerned, it was like he had become a hero and a guest.

“Erika. Calm down for now. We are fine.”

“Ah, ugh… That’s right. I’m really glad you’re okay.”

It was a pure worry that did not contain any calculations. To that extent, her pure feelings of concern were clearly conveyed.

You could feel it just by looking at her expression without saying it directly, so her Ban Tae-woong and Lucia comforted her with her happy expression.

When I first met her, I thought she was in the position of an older sister, but looking at her like this, there’s definitely a feeling of a small animal that I want to protect somewhere. Did you see this and call it gap moe?

As I watched them from the perspective of a half-observer, my downy hair stood up pouting at the feeling that someone was looking at me.

To live? No, it’s a bit finite than that. What is it?

When I turned around, a woman with light brown hair reminiscent of hazelnuts and orange eyes was staring at me with half-open eyes.

‘Ah, that’s it.’

Originally, I was going to ignore it even if I ran into it, but I looked at it without realizing it because of its sharp gaze.

I was thinking about meeting roughly at the point of 2nd and 3rd grade, but since our eyes met so openly, it was hard to ignore it.

But I am a man who does what he can. He slowly turned his gaze away.

It is to appeal as if you were looking somewhere other than the front by slightly loosening the focus. Then, as if you didn’t see anything, you look away again and you’re done.

It was an awkward body movement for anyone to see, but it’s okay if I’m confident.


Seeing me like that, Kang So-seon puffed out her cheeks like a squirrel with food in her mouth and turned her head away. I’m pissed. Upset.

Still, there was no response. Being openly like that is also an appeal to look at yourself.

“That, Shinwoo. Isn’t that person watching you?”

“It must be because of my mood.”

“No. Even now, nodding my head at my words…”

“It’s because of my mood”

It’s only when a person who doesn’t notice is this kind of thing. I don’t think it’s because of my mood… I was spilling the same words.

Persistent. Cub

I didn’t care if I continued like this, so I moved to another place. If possible, go to a place where there are no people.

Somehow Karion reached level 10, so now I need to evolve it. After repatriating Growl and Kalion, I ran away while the other children were talking to Ban Tae-woong.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode