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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 33

33 – 1. Academy (33)


I decided to observe the situation first rather than immediately stepping out.



Lily was furious and concocted magic, but the black side used the same magic to offset it, as if laughing at it. The power, the time it took from the creation of magic to its manifestation were exactly the same.


At first, I suspected that I was a doppelganger, a demonic race, because of the devil’s tail on the back, wings resembling a bat’s skin, and completely black skin.

A doppelganger is a creature that mimics a person in exactly the same state as the original person.

The condition of mimicry requires the person’s DNA or magic power, and furthermore, since a person’s personality is formed based on that person’s memory, the feeling of seeing another me is strong. An analogy is to look into a mirror.

But that black girl was different. The doppelganger does not appear differently in color in that way, and does not deviate from the character of the existing base.

“Mimic, is it?”

If a mirror reflects the same object, that is an imitation. Seeing that his whole body was completely black, he had to assume that he had a quality close to that of a shadow.

It is similar to the subject, but it can change completely differently, so it can be seen as a certain imitation with certain limits of meaning.


The moment I remembered it, [Summoning Book] Appeared with the sound of something fitting in my mind after a long time. The guy who appeared against my will opened and displayed a specific page.


[Name: Another Shadow]

[Classification: ???] [Type: Devil] [Type: ???]

[Attribute: Shadow Thief]

[Description: A phantom lives in darkness. He firmly believes that he can parasitize on the shadows of his subjects and steal their forms, and if he kills the subjects he stole like that, he can take their place. However, there is no report that that belief has borne fruit.]

Risk Level: Medium


It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the middle of a long time.

Until now, I thought that it didn’t come out because I just killed it without looking deeply into the target, but it just didn’t come out like this, but if I pass the longevity in the future, information on the monsters I’ve encountered so far, as well as about Hive, Growl, and Carlion, are packed. Had done

Even those who didn’t choose to evolve were definitely.

At that moment, Carlion freaked out and hurried to her side. As she threw the [Book of Summoning] Into the air and stood up, a huge pillar of ice flew from the other side of her.

Did you feel the magical energy activated by the [Summoning Book] And attack this way? If it’s that big, it’s unreasonable to completely avoid it with Kalion.

“Hold on”


After arriving at a place away from the center, he calmly created a shield of shadow by enveloping his whole body with magical energy and increased its size. Even beyond the shield, which was large enough for Kalion to block it with two feet, he could feel the cool magic power.


The sound of impact shook my body. It was not able to withstand the mass, but it was pushed out over and over again. My skin complained of pain from the cold that pushed through my shield.

I clenched my teeth and endured it. A grotesque thud echoed from Kalion’s legs, but it was still okay.


…At this distance, you won’t be hit with a follow-up right away. At that time, he added magic power and made a stake like an anchor at the tip of the shield and drove it into the ground.


The ice no longer pushes us away. Instead, the power to resist the ice became stronger. I remodeled the shape of the shield slightly to the side.


Then I was able to open the outer line of the shield and let the pillar of ice flow sideways.

“…To that”

As a result of holding out a while ago, Kalion’s leg bones were sore, but there were no other injuries. After pouring his magic power and assisting him with shadows, he quickly became able to move.


As I urged Kalion, it began to move while shaking.

If the enemy has already discovered your presence, you must leave this place quickly. There was no way the magician’s attack would end just like this.

As expected, thorns of ice sprouted from the pillar of ice I spilled and started shooting at me like a living snake.


In response to that attack, Kalion tried to move faster, but the speed was noticeably slower than before.

The pain did not slow me down. Frost that hasn’t melted yet clings to Kalion’s body and hinders his movement.


As his body did not move according to his will, Kalion let out a weakened sound. Are you afraid I’ll blame myself? You probably know that I’m not angry about things like this, but he’s such an idiot.

From the moment that black guy attacked with ice, I had no intention of blaming Kalion. It’s amazing that he blocked such an attack in the first place. If it wasn’t for Carrion, he would have been crushed by the ice before he could dodge.

As if to show he didn’t care, he patted Kalion’s back, covering his scales with a shadow, and at the same time changing the shield in his hand into a spear and cutting off the thorns of ice.


The pieces of ice that scattered in all directions flew straight and hit my body without falling. There were no injuries because it covered the shadow, but the shock was transmitted intact.



The sound of ridicule came from the other side. It was very annoying because it was a high-pitched voice typical of a child.


Looking at me, glaring at the guy who was preparing a new magic, I changed my spear into a shield, got closer, and defended myself as if pushing away the thorns.



But before he could even fire the bow, a huge sword of flame fell down as if splitting the black guy’s body in half.

The shadow, unable to properly resist the strong-willed attack to evaporate in its entirety, fell to the ground. As I approached, there was a guy like a lump of muddy tar.


It was half melted and wriggling, but its shape gradually began to change into that of Lili. Although not completely, the upper body was definitely restored.

The black guy, with no clothes on, glared at Lili with a ferocious face, and then he looked at me and began to flaunt himself as if to show off his body. What on earth do you want to do? As I looked at it with cold eyes, the black one started to feel visibly embarrassed.

‘Doesn’t he have no thoughts?’

Ah, it was a monster. It made no sense to discuss human common sense with a monster. But my kids are doing well. So let’s just pretend this bastard is an asshole. I can’t speak because I don’t have a nerd.



Lili came to my side and looked at her, snorted and blew out her nose, then froze him with just an outstretched hand.


At the same time, he tightly clenched his small fist, and his ice cube was compressed to the size of a marble that could be held in one hand, and then burst into a crisp. It was a pointless end for a strong impression.

Looking back, Lily looked as if she had rolled around from somewhere with a lot of dirt clinging to her.

“I was stuck in the dirt while trying to protect it. Annoying It’s embarrassing. I want to wash quickly.”

She spat out a short answer as if she was really angry, and when she snapped her fingers, her filthy appearance instantly became dry. I know that. It is a clean magic that wizards often use when in a hurry.

Because you need to have an aptitude for divinity to use it, it is a famous magic that is perfect for priests to earn money.

Due to the nature of divine attributes, various effects can be exerted by combining them with other attributes, so there are even products that are sold directly by the church with a brand attached.


As if she had just stepped out of the bath, her skin was moist and her white hair was shiny. As the warm steam rose from her whole body, Lili let out a sigh of relief as if she felt much better.

I’m going to protect it anyway, huh? Apparently, she was trying to do something when her pillar of ice fell towards me, and it seemed that she was reversed.

It’s not something I was aiming for, but I feel strangely sorry. But it’s not my fault, is it? The fault is the monster’s fault. I’m not bad So I won’t apologize.

I wonder if there is any shame in my appearance. It was annoying to act awkwardly while glancing at me from earlier. Let’s quickly move on to another topic.

“What is your goal?”

Lili pouted at my words and stretched out her hand toward the sky.

“Changed to another enchantment during dissolution.”

In the place where the original magic circle was located, a similar but different magic circle was newly located.

A red tree with black leaves was floating in the air, taking root using the black beads as ground.

“Come out of there”

“So you’re saying it’s not an illusion inside the barrier?”


Then it’s more of a problem. You’re saying that as long as that tree exists, the same monster as just before will be mass-produced. I felt like I was breaking out in a cold sweat.


What do you want to see? As if answering my question, Lily shot her magic at the tree. It was a huge spear made of ice.

Then, as if in response to the magic, a part of the root of the tree popped out with a loud noise, and black fruits began to grow from there.


It was a black wolf that appeared tearing the fruit that had grown in an instant. It was subtly similar to Growl, but the black guy didn’t feel the unique feeling of a creature at all.



The wolf, which had just fallen from the fruit, blocked the ice spear with its body as if it were natural, and its entire body froze. The tree showed no reaction even after watching it fall to the ground as it was attracted by gravity.


In the end, the black wolf fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

“The altar is complete. But incomplete”

That’s right. The person who installed the magic circle achieved what he wanted, albeit imperfectly, by forcibly completing the magic circle as Lili dismantled the magic circle and everything would be in vain.

“If you don’t attack, you won’t be born.”

“Is it only you or Growl that appears?”

“Perhaps. A twinkling light, as if it had been scanned.”

I put my head on Lili’s words as she pointed to herself and nodded.

I can’t get used to that no matter how much I hear it. So the light flashed and you were scanned for it? That’s why the black girl and the wolf from before came out.

After summarizing the words, Lili clapped her hands and nodded her head as if it was amazing. Her eyes were shining as she looked at me, probably because she didn’t think that it would all be conveyed through this.

If you know, fix it. Don’t make people say it twice, really annoying.

“So, next time you attack, another guy that looks like you will come out?”

“Yes. 12 Kills.”


So you killed 12 times in that short amount of time? Wasn’t the skill itself equal? No, even if you deal with it at once anyway, enemies will continue to appear, so it must be that you were fighting while adjusting your magic power appropriately.

Sometimes she has a 4-dimensional aspect, but she is a being who enters the ranks of genius. Although she is based in a strange direction, her basic mindset revolves around rational.

“…Prepare to kill right away”


She reloaded the unshot arrow by her side as she reloaded her magic.

However, this time she made the arrow not a normal one, but one with a thread of shadow attached to the end. The shadows were linked with magic so that they could be drawn out indefinitely. If you do this, you will be able to adjust your position like a kite, losing a little bit of speed.


The dark red magic that was strengthened with the Was condensed and made the arrow of shadow even sharper. The string was pulled to its limit and let out a painful sound. After confirming that I had enough magic power, I let go.


The trees started to move with the sound of a swift wind crossing. I saw that and immediately took the second arrow. This arrow was shaped like a sword with a thinly extended tip focusing on penetrating power.

As much as it is thicker, there is a gap to create the internal structure.

Once you lock yourself in, the hole inside opens and the structure allows you to draw blood from the hole. Image is Ringer.

To put it bluntly, the overall appearance is more like a stake than an arrow. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an arrow that can be catfished because it has no weight.

In order for humans to shoot arrows like this, shouldn’t they bring at least a ballista?

It’s only half the amount of mana stored in it compared to the previous one, but it’s enough to fly towards a tree.


The roots of the trees moved again as if they sensed the arrow attack.

The fast-growing black fruit tore apart and a hand came out of it. To avoid that, he moved the arrow to the side, but as if pulling it with more force than that, he forcibly began to pull the arrow toward himself.

In the end, I decided to give up on adjusting the position of the arrows.


I didn’t even come out of my body yet, but I caught the flying arrow with just that. It pierced my hand, probably because it contained magic power, but it stopped right there.

On the other side of the ripping fruit’s skin, black eyes glittered and curled up as if laughing.

Is that why?


I couldn’t react to the stake that flew after that. Tree roots moved belatedly and tried to stop it, but it was not enough.

As it were, the stake, which was driven into the tree, was positioned exactly in the center of the tree. I checked it and moved the magic power connected to the stake.


I fixed it completely as if putting down roots so that it wouldn’t fall out, and when I opened a hole passing through the empty space inside, something like black sludge started pouring out.


The black girl who tore the fruit saw it and let out a tearing scream.

Even when the first arrow to which the effects of [Sadism] And [Torture] Were applied penetrated his bare hands, it was a scream that looked too painful to see that he was laughing rather than moaning in pain.


As if in response, a loud explosion sounded from behind. Maybe Ban Tae-woong. That guy resembled Lili as much as he looked, so his voice was similar. If it is a scream that is difficult to compare, it is enough to misunderstand.

‘Good job’

It would be better if the main character came quickly. That way, I can destroy that weird thing as soon as possible and get out of this disgusting space.

For some reason, it seemed more difficult than going around the dungeon. Are you mentally exhausted? Also, places with a lot of people are uncomfortable. Apart from likes and dislikes, it just didn’t fit in personality.

Anyway, I’m an Indian.

If I had nothing to do, I would just fall asleep as if I was dead, and only then would I get out of bed and enjoy novels or games when I couldn’t sleep anymore.


The thing that had been holding his head for a while stretched out its hand towards the tree in a rage. I took advantage of the gap and aimed at the mouth.



TD Dick

Small sparks flicked around her head with a cheering sound. In an instant, I put sunglasses on the mask of shadow she was wearing because of the flow of magical power that was so blue that her hair was floating in static electricity.


The flash went off. My whole body trembled at the flash of aurora light that was so fast I couldn’t even see it. It was an instant. Just by the flash of that light, the girl in black was carbonized, and the tips of her fingers that were reaching out into the air crumbled to ashes.


The noise that was belatedly determined to rip out the ears shook the heavens and the earth. I quickly made spikes on the soles of my feet and stuck them into the ground, while Growl stuck his sharp claws into the ground, barely avoiding being blown off.


The air that had been pushed back by the strong impact to the point that even Karion, who weighed more than 400kg, lost her balance and stumbled, quickly rushed in and scattered her hair and collar in all directions.

The faint smell of burning and an indescribable tingling sensation pierced through the shadows and felt directly on the skin. With just one attack, the air around them changed.


I had no choice but to be the flagship. What the hell am I supposed to do to be able to attack like this? What’s even more amazing is that there is no damage to the surroundings even after such a great attack. There was no scorched place anywhere on the ground.

There was no mana flowing. It means that the magic was perfectly controlled and the magic was coordinated.


Perhaps because of my mood, the trees in the sky seemed to be trembling. As if he had actually sensed the danger, the guy who was trying to put down a single root in response to an attack began to randomly spread tree roots in all directions.

Kulleong, gurrureuk

The black orb where the tree was seated shimmered and something inside began to run out quickly. I noticed that it was not an ordinary marble, but a mixture of various energies extracted from the cadets up to this point.

As the inside of the bead became empty, the fruits at the end of the extended roots began to grow rapidly. Compared to when it was one, it looked quite small, but the number was overwhelmingly large.

‘I changed my tactics.’

Jilro doesn’t see any way to win, so it looks like he’s trying to compete with as much stock as possible. But that’s it. There is something that cannot be won no matter how many players gather.


A meteor wrapped in golden light landed on the ground. He is the protagonist of this world, emitting a vast amount of energy to the extent that even the dust he created is blown away in all directions.


It was Ban Tae-woong.


“… Huh?”

As I quickly looked around, I saw a girl who answered the call with a weak greeting that was no different from usual.

Ban Tae-woong, who had let go of his magic and came closer to Li-ri with a hand that did not hold her sword and confirmed that she was the real one by stroking her cheek, looked at me with a bewildered expression as if he still couldn’t believe it.

“I’m fine, but the screams and magic…”

“To roughly explain it, you can say that the tree is mass-producing this guy’s doppelganger. Like that”


As soon as the words were finished, the fruit burst, and countless black girls, smaller than children, comparable in size to fairies, were born.

Even I got tired of seeing two or three black girls appearing at the same time after tearing a fruit.

At the appearance of Ban Tae-woong, there were some who were made in a hurry, but their legs and arms were slow to develop, or their bodies were attached like Siamese twins.

That’s not even juggling. The juice from the sticky fruit splattered, making it look more disgusting.

“Taewoong!! Lily… Ah”

Lucia arrived later.

When he saw us intact, he put on a dazed expression, like Ban Tae-woong, who seemed to have lost his pulse.

By the way, Taewoong Ban is also staring at the sky with his mouth wide open. Liri is contemplating whether or not to put her finger in Ban Tae-woong’s mouth with such a blank expression.

Yoo Sang-jong said that if you like each other, you resemble each other. It’s kind of funny to look at.


Now is the time to really see the end.

I pulled out the sword of shadow while watching the feast of countless magic unfolding on the other side.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

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Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode