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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 29

29 – 1. Academy (29)


As promised, everyone took out their weapons. Seeing the flag appearing in the middle of our relationship, Lucia took a step forward and drew everyone’s attention.

“As explained in advance, we will organize a flag guarding team, a hunting team, and a search team in three shifts.”

No one openly rebelled, perhaps thanks to the charisma specialized in managing the unique people of high-ranking children. However, there were many people who unknowingly focused on hunting groups.

In terms of total weight, the defense team had 2, the hunting team 5, and the search team 3. It was none other than Lucia, a temporary manager, who was troubled by the overwhelming number of hunting birds.

In a situation where you don’t know how the enemy will come out, it’s correct to focus on defense and search rather than hunting, but it can’t be that it’s noble to see them rushing to the hunt blinded by the reward.

Even though they both knew they were wrong, it didn’t make sense that they were just staring at each other because of their pride.

As I took a step forward, I added magic to my fingers and bounced.

“Hive, Growl”




Everyone was nervous and grabbed their weapons at the sight of the children who suddenly appeared, but soon they came to me and sent me a sigh and a stinging glance at the sight of them in line. These bastards still can’t come to their senses.

It’s something to do. It has to be done thoroughly and more perfectly.


“Uh, me?”


I picked up one of the guys at the front of the hunting party. He is characterized by healthy tanned skin and white hair cut short in a sports style.

Even when Ban Tae-woong wasn’t there, he was a typical friendly character who got along well with the people around him, feeling like an atmosphere maker in the class.

Your name must have been Toru Shirogane?

“And you and you, you”

I chose the guys next to him in turn. This 4-member group is the ones who go out together unless there is a special occasion. Gathering them together, he directed his hand towards the defense team.

“Over there”

“Ha, no… Who are you to say this or that?”

It wasn’t the guys with Toru Shirogane who rebelled, but the guys from other places. I looked at him. He was a man with brass hair and eyes reminiscent of turbid gold. There was anger and anxiety towards me in his eyes.

“Follow me too”

Are you trying to keep yourself in check in case you’ll be pushed out of the hunting team that way? I personally assigned him to the defense team.

“Hey!! Can’t you hear me?”

“Huh? Hey, stop…”

He jumped out and stood in front of me as if to defy the violence. Only Shirogane Toru, who was first designated, was taken aback by the sight of him pressuring me while using his mana, and started to block him.

“Oh, let go!! Why do I have to take orders from a guy like that?! Don’t you guys think so too?!”

Perhaps he was willing to be dissuaded, he started to get angry rather loudly.

Are you the type that floats a bit more after drying? He knew how to do basic agitation to get people around him to agree on such a subject and wrap his thoughts as if they were everyone else’s opinions. He’s a really annoying guy.

He’s a good example to follow. You’re not good.



Hive and Graul reacted naturally to my hostility, and Shirogane, who was approaching this way in a bloody atmosphere and trying to stop the brass-haired guy, swallowed a gulp and hit him backwards.

I guessed that he was good at grasping the atmosphere, but he’s a smarter guy than I thought. If he had approached to stop him, he would have been caught up in it too.


I took a step forward toward him and pressed him down, adding weight to the mana that surged towards me to press me down.

Perhaps because it was spread widely to make the amount of mana look bigger, it was easy to subdue it because it was full of bravado and there was no stalling.

“Ouch…! Oops…”

Furthermore, when I pinpointed the vital part and suppressed the guy’s mana, I couldn’t breathe properly and started to gasp. It’s just the beginning, but if you’re feeling weak already, use it.

The oppression of magical power is a severe pain just by itself. It is the same phenomenon as if the flow of blood flowing through the body was stopped by external pressure. It is convenient to think of it as if you put your whole body into a blood pressure monitor.

From the point of view of an Awakener, it is a fine pain that is not unbearable, but if my skills [Sadism] And [Torture] Amplify it, the words are different.

He got down on his knees and grabbed his neck, desperately gasping for breath. I used the skill [Charisma] By radiating it to the surroundings without collecting the flow of magical power.

The effect of the skill [Charisma] Is extremely simple.

Leaves a strong impression on the target. As a side effect of that, it is possible to temporarily increase the presence by using mana.

The presence that became powerful in an instant has something that overwhelms the target. It’s like suddenly encountering a bear in the woods. Regardless of one’s will, one’s heart thumps and becomes tense.

The impression left in this way is deeply rooted in the subject’s memory. Whether that’s bad or good.

“Have you ever seen a soldier or hunter rebel on the battlefield because their superiors don’t like them?”

“Buy, buy… Cool…!”


“You couldn’t see it. Those bastards die before they even go to the battlefield.”

“Keep it off…!”

I stepped on the left hand of the guy who was lying on the floor. I stretched out his right hand first, so he must be right-handed. Even if it is not, it is enough to restore it to the healer.

I twisted the protruding bone on the back of my hand vigorously, as if rolling a marble. Each time, the guy who sat down started to twitch and convulse.

“You agreed at first. You admitted that I care. But what’s the point of refusing orders now? Are the fights funny? Does this look like a house prank? Can’t you see I’m wasting the other kids’ time because of you? How are you going to make up for this loss? Do you have the strength to do that in the first place?”

I shook my head to show the negative that the guy had the strength to say. Now there was more tears and snot than screaming. But no one stopped it.

Because most of these people will become hunters who will challenge dungeons in the future and will be put into the battlefield, they understand the importance of what I said better than anyone else.

That’s why Toru Shirogane also tried to stop him in the first place.

“Shinwoo. Stop now”

In the end, Ban Tae-woong stepped in and stopped me. It would be okay to ignore Ban Tae-woong’s words and make him completely incapacitated, but that is only suboptimal.

Rather, I need to imprint on those guys that Ban Tae-woong is the only means to stop me by withdrawing from here. That way, it will be even more difficult to deal with a man named Ban Tae-woong.



I clicked my tongue and reaped my magic. At the same time, I looked down at the guy who inhaled as if he was going to live. The gauge of the barrier cell is 98%. In fact, it was no different from pushing them like this only with the effects of [Torture] And [Sadism].

Even though I was in pain for a while, the Of [Sadism] Was already half full.

The exchange rate was overwhelmingly better than against monsters. Of course, being stabbed with a knife and being trampled on are not the same, but from my point of view, it just felt different.

Should we say that the amount of acceptable pain is different?

It may be that the more intelligent person suffers more because he understands the pain and fear of pain better because he has a firm ego.

It was a better test result than I thought. From now on, if you want to draw Quickly, let’s kill the weak and clever ones first.


“Yes, whimper… Yes”

“Let’s do it well. A bit from the beginning. Huh?”

“Keuheuk, yes..!!”

Even though she shed tears and runny nose, she gave one good answer. Do you feel like you’ve received this type of galgum a lot? Nevertheless, if you see it like this, the real person may not be rewriting.

Well, if it’s not 6V or Rochi, who was born in Pomondo, what would you want from a weak-willed bastard who is as assertive as his pride, in the yard where you’re going to be bye-bye to the wild?

“Take me”

“Uh, yes…No, yes!!”

When I pointed out Toru Shirogane with his gaze, he moved to the place where the defense team was, sweating coldly behind him, carrying the crying guy around him like a bag of rice.

I checked their appearance and turned my head back to where the hunting group was.

“The hand of a person who can not control his opinion again.”

Of course, no one raised their hand. If my eyes met, he flinched and averted his gaze. In the meantime, there were some who looked at me with interesting eyes, but I tried to ignore them.

I drove the momentum and properly completed the layout. Certainly, Hong Soo-ah’s teaching method was appropriate. I was puzzled at first, but started to understand one by one as I divided the combinations based on the desired positions and specialties that I had roughly heard.

As a result, the most ideal allocation of defense 3, hunting 3, and search 4 was completed. It took me 5 minutes to get here. If it hadn’t been interrupted, the task would have been completed in 3 minutes, but I was wasting my time.

Finally, Taewoong Ban was put in search, Lucia was put in hunting, and Na and Lili were added to defense.



Then I released the Crow of Shadows and made them hide in the shadows of the classmates. When the suddenly increased number of crows were added to the shadows, each of them reacted differently, causing a commotion.

Ban Tae-woong tapped the shadow with his foot as if he was curious, and Lucia glared at the shadow as if he was a bit reluctant. The reaction of the children was not much different from him. There were more benefits of being reluctant than those who were curious.

“If you are in danger, tap the shadow three times, and the crow closest to you will tell you the way. If you give a fake signal, the report will be sent to me, so don’t think about testing it.”

At that, the children began nodding their heads in admiration.

It’s okay to contact the device, but this kind of action is necessary because when magic powers collide, there is a high probability that the radio waves are damaged or cut off.

“Hey, can you build a wall?”

I nodded as if I could still fall asleep after seeing the commotion, and tapped the sleeping guy on the white head to wake him up.


After stretching her eyes and rubbing her eyes once, Liri put her hand in the air and took out her huge book, barely enough to lean against her own body. She then jumped on top of the book and her great magic rippled around her.

The moment the snow-white lumps of magic twisted and matched to form a huge magic circle, it permeated the ground.

Goo goo goo…

“Ugh, what is it?”


I started to panic quite a bit at the sudden vibration of the ground and the movement of magical energy.

“Be still”

“Everyone, don’t panic and wait on the spot”

When Lily’s words were released and relayed to everyone, the flinching guys calmly prepared to balance themselves.

Gureureung!!! Thud!

In an instant, walls of stone rose to form a solid wall. Exclamations flowed naturally at the appearance of the castle, which was too authentic to be seen as simply built.

The road to the castle was limited by laying down the surrounding terrain and raising the topography on this side at the same time, and it was built in such a way that the flag could not be reached if it did not break through this place by raising the position of the flag. .

“Complete. Lily, it’s a complete mess. Clap clap”

She seems to have used quite a bit of her magic, but she didn’t change her complexion. She praised herself with a blank expression, and then she immediately took a lollipop from her pocket and put it in her mouth.

“Thank you Lili. Thanks to that, she has less time to build a stronghold.”


In addition to Ban Tae-woong’s praise, Betsy smiled and narrowed her eyes, as if the feeling of her hair being stroked was pleasant. Then she suddenly opened her eyes, snorted, and came toward me, thrusting her head into her.




I acted like a child so much that I didn’t say anything, and as I watched, he started banging his head against me. It didn’t hurt, but it was very intrusive, so I shook his head roughly while sighing.

Every time I heard a strange sound like a yawning kitten, but I didn’t mind.

“Prepare. I will come right away because I did it so splendidly.”

“…Yes, araseo”

Clap clap!

I gathered everyone’s attention with magical applause and turned my gaze to Ban Tae-woong and Lucia. They each nodded in agreement.

“Hunters, come this way. Let’s start with those with high mobility and those with low mobility. You need to get items by killing as many monsters as possible.”

“Come with me, search team! First of all, you need to gather information. You need to know all of your opponent’s positions to turn the fight in your favor. Engagement is next. If you don’t do it well, everyone can be in danger, so you have to move carefully.”

The skill of grabbing everyone in their own style and moving them was unusual. I am proud to see you doing very well as taught.

As those who began to move busily escaped, the eyes of the defense team naturally gathered towards me. I looked at them quietly and opened my mouth.

“From now on, the segmentation begins. Those with at least a little bit of experience in siege warfare move to the right, and those without it move to the left. From there, divide it into 4 more lines: melee, ranged, support, and other specials. If it’s ambiguous, fall for the special one. I am the judge”


Even though I didn’t order it separately, I started to show a disciplined appearance. Roughly, 3 experienced people and 7 inexperienced people. It’s natural. Rather, I was surprised that there were 3 experienced people.

“You and you, you and you are Team A from now on. Quickly finish the briefing of the team members so that we can move together, select a leader, and start matching hands and feet.”

We created a new team of 4 people by mixing 3 inexperienced people with 1 experienced person. Teams A to C were composed of teams that blocked the enemies in front with a combination that emphasized the balance of the Origins of Origin, and Teams D to F were made into teams that cut down on power by intercepting enemies approaching from the Origins of Origins in advance.

Inevitably, there are guys left behind, but they become so-called solders who can fill empty holes at any time while waiting in the back. Basically, healers with low mobility or non-combat jobs in the production system belonged to this category.

Among them, special guys stand out.

A woman who is a healer and carries a massive armor and mace comparable to that of a paladin, and a strange guy who is a blacksmith and carries three shields instead of hammers, with two small ones on each arm and one large one on her back.

A suit with a narrow-eyed butler smiling lightly as he fixes his monocle with a hand wearing white gloves, and a cowboy outfit similar to a western movie fused into a cadet uniform. Even the anachronistic wizard guy.

As befits the people gathered from all over the world, it seemed that all the eccentric guys were gathered here. Because these guys with distinct personalities gather, fights happen on fictitious days.

I took a look at them and had to hold back a sigh. Still, I have to do something first.

“From now on, production workers build a defense line. Whoever has a spare hand, help with that. He sets up traps mainly in places that are not on the road. So that it can be made without omission even inside the castle. Next is the weapon. Turrets, crossbows, whatever is available, move it.”


I stamp my feet with magic. It is similar to Hong Soo-ah’s method, but what I do is not just to spread it, but to spread it and to convey my voice at the same time.

A kind of magic power loudspeaker. Because my magic is mixed there, the effect of [Charisma] Is added to maximize the effect.

“Before this is a class, it is a competition and a test at the same time! Gone are the days when children were fed by their parents. Bring out your worth. Prove yourself. Otherwise, you will be weeded out!!”


“Do not forget that even now, teachers and teachers are watching from the outside and grading. More! Everyone move!”


In response to everyone’s even louder answers, I turned around and touched my neck. My throat was sore from shouting in response. It’s been a long time since I’ve been doing this, so my body seems to be rejecting it.

No matter how magically strengthened it is, there are definitely limits.

If it is a method such as forcibly increasing the volume, the reaction is even more severe. I didn’t work so hard even when I was running the kids at the research center… It’s not like making money, really, what kind of hard work is this?

I want to rest like this, being buried in Growl, but if I cheat like this, the thorough image I made for no reason makes me do what I want to do, but I become an old man who doesn’t do anything.

The more this is the case, the more the person giving the order from above has to act directly, so that there is a pretext to pursue the prankster later.

It feels like a general standing at the forefront of a battlefield. In addition to boosting the morale of allies by taking the lead, the option of [Moderately] Can be excluded in advance by giving mental pressure to say, “What are you doing while I am leaving?”

“Hive. Take them out”


I put my beak inside the shadow and pulled out a bag. These are the scales of Kalion that I collected yesterday. It is a combination of the Hive’s characteristic [Crow Group] And the skill [All Merchant], And it was entrusted to the crow merchant in the shadows.

Of course, it is not as versatile as its name. Only what I can carry at once can be traded, and a large amount of mana is consumed when I take it out and put it in. Fortunately, it’s at a level that I can cover enough, so there’s not much damage.

Like Carrion’s [Demi Breath], This skill was impossible to use with Hive’s own magical power alone.

If you use these scales appropriately, you should be able to create a fairly sharp stone spear through which magic works.

“What are you doing?”

Liri, lying face down on a book and sticking out his head halfway, spoke to me. She was chewing on the remaining sticks as if she had finished eating the candy before she knew it. I glanced at her and opened her mouth.

“Making materials. Hey, make some trees grow.”

“Eh~ It’s hard because I don’t have anything…”

“Eat this and go to work.”

I’m working, but you can’t rest. I asked Hive to get out of the shadows the same product as the Calorie Mate I ate this morning and hand it over. Lili, who had been watching her attentively with her eyes sparkling, tilted her head and looked outside.



“…Something is coming”

I didn’t feel anything, but I moved my body. It was detected by the wizard, not by anyone else. It should not be passed over in vain.

I immediately sent the shadow crow flying out. Then, from the other side, I could see a wagon engulfed in flames running towards me at high speed.


You go fast. I wrapped my magic around my neck again and shouted.

“Red Raid!! All in battle formation! Non-combat positions, hurry up to create traps and interception towers!!”

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode