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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 28

28 – 1. Academy (28)


It was a bright morning.

Just like yesterday, I felt worse because of the motion sickness of the crowds gathered in Stadium 3. I hated the clear sky without knowing the inner thoughts of people.

God bastard. I don’t know if it’s a year or a guy, but anyway. f*ckin’ baby. Having practiced swearing at God 3 times a day today, I sighed deeply and looked around.

‘It certainly decreased a lot compared to the first day.’

It seemed small considering that all the students from S to F had gathered. On the first day, it was so crowded that I wondered if I could get in and out, but today I felt like I could get past it.

If you go to a place with a lot of people, you will know roughly what this feels like. If I had to compare it to my previous life, it would be the difference between the day I entered the training camp and the day after.


I was going to camp in a corner to wait until class time, but Ban Tae-woong found me and approached me from the other side waving his hand. I sighed and approached him. It was too late to rest.

“Are you here?”

“Oh, I ate a hearty breakfast too! CNU, are you?”

At Taewoong Ban’s words, I showed the garbage of the Calorie Mate I had stuffed into my pocket. Since it is a jelly type, it is a complete food that can solve moisture and nutrients at the same time by squeezing it. He’s the one I often took care of when I was rotting in the lab.

“Are you full after eating that?”

“Because it contains all the nutrients.”

In addition, since it is a model made for awakened people, unlike general products with moderate calories, it is made of high-calorie bombs, so it is delicious. The theory that calories and taste are proportional was the same in this world.


“Good morning. Tae-woong”

As it was natural, the heroines No. 1 And 2 who arrived next to him greeted him.

Unlike No. 2, Who seemed careless, Heroine 1’s complexion did not look good. There were many traces of worry in her expression as she glanced between me and Ban Tae-woong. He must have been thinking all night about what I said yesterday.

‘Worry a lot when you can worry’

The amount of the material itself is also the amount, so I hope you can recover your energy as soon as possible. That makes me comfortable

“I’m looking forward to today’s class competition. Right?”

“Looking forward is such a nuisance”

“Ah, we need to do this kind of class event regularly so that we can join forces and get closer to our classmates.”

At the beginning of the semester, I sent a startled look at Ban Tae-woong, who started saying terrible things like a professor who would start a group assignment as a gift to get along with each other. Has this guy finally gone mad?

Who benefits by forcing someone you hate into the group? Satan? Or foreigners who like chaos? Either way sucks.

Breaking down the group formation without considering the opinions of the parties concerned? Even Satan in Hell will pat her on the head in admiration, saying this is a novel torture.

If you try to force it, it will only creak. If it works out, that’s it. If something starts to go wrong, we will be busy blaming each other and shifting the blame. Then, one by one, there will be guys who escape.

The bitter memory will become a trauma and haunt that person until the end.

Why do you know so well? That’s because I’ve experienced it myself in my previous life. It is a big mistake to think that group assignments exist only in universities.

No, in universities and companies, there are people who try to get good grades or do better because they don’t want to lose their jobs.

But if you don’t do it well, there’s nothing like that in a place where you can fly away. I’m just busy taking care of my own life.

If you fail anyway, the person you’ll be interrogating will die, so you don’t even have to think about it. Thanks to that, bastards with no sense of responsibility were widely spread.

Thinking about that time gave me goosebumps.

Damn it, I almost died several times because of it. After that incident, I basically laid the distrust of humans as a base and went on to live with the theory that an incompetent ally is more dangerous than a tricky enemy.

“Ah, it looks like it’s about to start.”

Breaking my thoughts at Ban Tae-woong’s words, I looked at Hong Soo-ah, who was going up to the podium.

Because he was a full-time soldier and had experience commanding hunters on the front line before being the homeroom teacher of Class S, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that he was good at leading and managing a large number of people.

As soon as the teachers finished their ranks, a hologram appeared, allowing Hong Soo-ah to be seen throughout the stadium.

“From now on, we will conduct a class competition. The rules are no different from yesterday’s tournament, and it takes place inside a super-large barrier where different environments are created for each zone. Furthermore, one special rule will be applied.”


As Sooah Hong stretched out her hand into the air, a new hologram emerged. This screen also appeared in front of the place where each class was waiting, and there was a flag with the S’s crest, which symbolizes class S.

“First of all, the event of this class competition is .”

Defend the flag. At those words, everyone’s eyes changed.

There were numerous emotions, but the overwhelming one among them was the hope for an opportunity. You don’t have to fight the strong. If only the flag can do something, even they can win. It was hope in that sense.

“The hologram flag will be placed in the center of each camp, and someone with a barrier cell from the other camp can touch this hologram for 10 seconds to capture the flag.”

In accordance with Hong Soo-ah’s explanation, an example image appeared on the hologram. An image of two people bickering over a flag, one of which captured the flag.

“If you can safely move the captured flag to your own camp, regardless of the number of people left, all members of the squad that captured the flag will be treated as a defeat. However, you will have to challenge carefully because your location will continue to be exposed to those belonging to that camp at the time you obtain the flag of another camp.”

The map floated and the floating mark above the person whose flag was captured was recorded in real time. On one side, the person with the flag arrived safely at the camp, and on the other side, the flag was captured again.

“Scores are given to cadets in each class, and F is 1 point, E is 2 points, etc. As the class goes up, the score increases by 1 point, and S becomes 7 points. These points are automatically accumulated when the barrier cell’s gauge is cut or defeated, and if you defeat someone who has already scored, you can acquire the right to everything you have gained, including the points you have.”

Hong Soo-ah, with one finger, opened her mouth with a defiant smile from a serious expression.

“Aside from that, if you kill the monsters that appear throughout the field, you can acquire useful items to protect the flag, so you should pay attention to hunting activities as well. As a common point, you get 1 point for each monster you kill, so keep that in mind.”


Change the atmosphere by stomping your feet. Everyone began to tense up at the movement of the heavier magical power. It was because I instinctively knew that an important story would come out from now on.

“Here is an additional rule. [Wish tickets] That can be used inside the academy will be issued to 10 students who achieve 1000 points on a first-come, first-served basis regardless of class. Am.”

At those words, I frowned and Ban Tae-woong tilted his head as if he didn’t know what the problem was.

“I hope that the cadets can use their wisdom and ability to pass the given ordeal safely.”

Most of the reactions were the same as Ban Tae-woong’s, but a few quick-witted people made the same sh*t-chewed expression as me or started blinking their eyes curiously.

“CNU, what does that mean?”

“If you have a brain, think about it and ask it, bastard.”

“Ahahahaha, this kind of thing is young jam disease. Wouldn’t it be quicker and more accurate to ask you or Lucia?”


It’s true, but I felt a bit like that because it seemed like it was being used as good for the main character. Look at that shameless face. I didn’t like it, so I clicked my tongue.

“It looks like a team fight at a glance, but it’s a deathmatch where you don’t know when you’ll get stabbed in the back.”

“Aha! That’s why points are awarded to individuals, not teams.”

“Yeah, but that’s not all.”

“Right. Mr. Tae-woong, this is a slightly more vicious problem.”

Lucia intervened as if accepting my words and stood by Ban Tae-woong. Then she lowered her voice just enough for us to hear.

“The main objective seems to be two choices, capture or defend the flag, but in reality it is one from the beginning. It is to earn the 1000 points given as a reward faster than anyone else.”

“Huh? But what about the flag?”

“That means it’s a trap.”

I said, pointing to Hong Soo-ah, who was seated in front of the hologram.

“You talked about rewards for points, but you didn’t talk about any rewards for flags.”


Yes. Hong Soo-ah talked about reward points, but she said nothing about reward related to flags. That means even the flag is just a gimmick to get points.

“The important thing is that even if the flag was captured, it said ‘defeat’, not ‘elimination’.”

The key point is that the rules are the same as yesterday.

In other words, you can continue to participate unless you give up or the barrier cell decides that you cannot continue the battle. Something like that.

“Yes, so the flag is fake. However, all the points earned under the condition of ‘defeat’ may be taken away. If you aim well, it is a condition where you can solve both the score and the competitor at the same time, so it is not strange if a traitor comes out anytime.”

“…It’s a little like that when you say it like that.”

Ban Tae-woong, who had been imagining that he would be proud of his class together until just now, became sullen. Basically, he is an idiot belonging to the good people, so he can’t help but fall for this side of the story.

“This is reality. Even if they are in the same class, not everyone has a flower garden like you. Always remember that everyone here is a competitor fighting for each other’s future.”

I said that, but Ban Tae-woong’s expression didn’t change at all. He clenched his fists as if he was determined to do something more than that, although he was a bit sullen.

“…Still, I want to trust my classmates.”

Yeah, I knew it would be like this. A stupid guy who puts aside good and evil and starts believing before he sees it with his own two eyes.

“Do it yourself. Don’t mess around later.”

“Yes! I’ll try my best!”

“Taewoong…I will always be with you.”

“Thank you as always. I feel like I can do anything as long as Sia is by my side.”

Yeah, that’s the main character’s buff.

And he didn’t think anything of what Ban Tae-woong said, perhaps he just listened to what I said in vain?

…No, maybe it’s because I’ve been thinking about it too much and I’ve lost my mind halfway. The lack of sugar is filled with the sweetness of affection.

The cost performance is so good that it’s so sweet that people around you get tongue-in-cheek.

With my complicated mind and the star system, Lucia started blowing hearts out of her eyes as if she fell in love with Ban Tae-woong’s words again, and Liri was blowing her yawn as if it was okay.

They are very carefree guys. At times like this, I envy that indifference.

Of course, that insensitivity comes from the confidence that you can defeat any enemy that appears. In fact, they have the power to do so.

The current main character is originally a child of a conglomerate that ordinary people can’t even look at, and the last one is a lumberjack who will have the reputation of a great wizard called the master of magic.

When I was in middle school, when I was in the midst of nicknames, I saw that group and called it a warrior’s party, and it wasn’t just because of simple ridicule and pretentiousness. It was called that because the actual work was no different from the warrior party.

You’d be horrified to hear how many flies tried to cling to that reputation. It’s like a f*cking world. I want to live comfortably without thinking about anything. Please

“…End of explanation above. Then let each class move to the designated location.”

As soon as Hong Soo-ah finished speaking, a mark marked with an “S” Appeared in his field of vision. One of the functions of the stadium itself, not the system, is to project a hologram onto an individual’s retina. Perhaps the same mark came to mind besides me.

“Let’s go!”

Ban Tae-woong, who began to move forward vigorously and talk with the children, was the image of an ideal leader. While he listens to everyone, he brings those opinions together to provide a clear path for the next move.

Looking at how he occasionally revises his strategy with his own expression of will, it seems that he didn’t waste what I taught him.

“…That’s why I think it’s good for Lucia and Shinwoo to be staff members”

If it wasn’t for that comment, it would have been fine if I had given him a compliment.

‘What are you talking about? He’s

I sighed involuntarily. Wouldn’t my mind have been able to connect with the children who were listening to Ban Tae-woong at this moment? Look at that. The kids who were listening to the story well are also making faces.

“That, Taewoong. Lucia would understand, but why… Jang Shin-woo?”

At that time, a warrior appeared who seemed to represent my thoughts as they were. I don’t know who it is, but I did ask. But with a high probability, the words will become meaningless. I know because I’ve experienced it.

“Because of all the people I know, Shinwoo is the smartest!”

“Uh…Uhh, that, that’s right…”

As they proudly talk about the strengths of others as if they were their own, the children’s expressions became more gloomy. It was revealed in the expression on the face that it was not what he wanted to hear, but the words that came out of his mouth were different from him.

There are many reasons, but the biggest reason is that I don’t want to get into trouble with Ban Tae-woong.

Perhaps, to those children, the existence of Ban Tae-woong is their idol, and at the same time, it is their hope that they may help them in an emergency.

Since it is a world where one does not know when one’s life will fly away, his existence is the most unconventional insurance for them.

He proved his practical strength, and furthermore, his personality and appearance were good, so he had a complacent thought that if he appealed to his heart, somehow it would work. After all, the only thing that can protect you in a dangerous moment is your own strength.

‘That’s not what’s dangerous’

There is always one person who feels a sense of repulsion when it goes well like that. In addition to being the only daughter of one of the world’s best companies, he’s sleeping well with many women hahahaha, so that’s why he must be hungry.

If you say “Please, be small there,” And curse it, it’s just cute.

A person with a strong sense of jealousy would think that if he could somehow get Ban Tae-woong out of his position, he could become Ban Tae-woong’s substitute.

If you think about it, it’s ridiculous, but if you’re self-conscious, you won’t care about that and do your own thing.

‘That’s why they use me’

Since you can’t do anything with the strong iron fortress, you have to attack him from his surroundings.

But when you’re actually making a plan, the specs of the people around you are higher than you think. In the meantime, I learned about the existence of a country worth trying.

Those who are already impatient must have asked for the rice cake. He didn’t even know that it was an apricot that was good to eat that the black magic threw.

‘It’s annoying’

This is all because most of my existence is kept secret. I understand because what I made is what I made. Follow-up measures and care are neat, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the government is taking care of my convenience.

Most of that is because of her flirtation, but what about it? As crazy as the world is, we should make the most of what we have available.

I am a person who is very good at self-objectification, so I fully understand that I am far from normal. Who would ever have the experience of a past life in the first place?

‘It’s highly likely that black magic has already given up on work’

As they grow, the group has no choice but to be caught by hunters. No matter how much they hide themselves in the forest, they will eventually be exposed by flawed things.

That time is already close. Ban Tae-woong’s direct stepping out like that must be a part of him.


I know you want to do something on your own, but don’t you know that it’s a handshake? Or is it that he can’t pretend he doesn’t know even though he knows?

‘Maybe the latter’

As can be seen from the previous appearance, Ban Tae-woong’s way of thinking is basically based on his own beliefs and moves, but he has a habit of asking me or Lucia’s opinions when it is really important. The more important it is, the higher the frequency.

Precisely, I implicitly intended it to be that way.

Humans are animals of learning. Just as we do not easily forget the four arithmetic operations or the multiplication table that we memorized as a child, the pain and fear engraved into even the most determined person becomes trauma.

In particular, such incidents occurred frequently around Ban Tae-woong. Whenever such things happen, if you suggest a way and a way to solve them, you will have no choice but to rely on them.

That is why, to Ban Tae-woong, the existence of the country is no different from a struggle. Something that should not be easily touched and should be protected. No matter what I say, he will act in his own way to protect his people.

Just like now.

No matter how much effort I put into keeping my dependency on the proper level, I dare not be distorted by darkness.

‘I take care of my own affairs.’

I don’t care what Ban Tae-woong is worried about. The existence of me should always be the one who gives the answer, not the one who receives help. It should be a beacon that illuminates the surface without being involved in his story.

Yeah, just like the role of a friend in an unplayed game.

In that respect, Lucia’s existence was very good. She’s a choice she wouldn’t have even considered before, but it’s different now. She is someone who knows about the main character and at the same time has some understanding of my position.

That’s why you can use it. I can move her situation through her without having to intervene directly in her story. I shifted my gaze to the back. Her gaze was just right, probably because she was also looking at me.

I urged her by nodding her head. Come on out. It is better for you to step forward than for me to step forward myself.

“…Whoa, be careful on the road at night. Really”

As if fed up, she rolled her eyes and grunted, but stepped forward, adding that she was responsible for Ban Tae-woong’s words.

Moreover, when I presented a rough blueprint for the operation, I began to understand one by one. But even so, you will still have doubts in your mind.

The question is, what is the reason why the existence of me is wrapped up and carried to such an extent?

Some of them must have had sinister thoughts, and some were busy whispering that they might have caught some weakness, adding firewood to the rumors.

As if he had found an opportunity to relieve the stress accumulated over the short time of three days, he was disgusted that he was making fun of himself as if he had heard while spewing out malicious words as if he had been waiting for them.

This is not good when skill level increases. You are forced to hear what you don’t want to hear. When I hear a little annoying sound, I focus on it.

I didn’t know because I didn’t usually pay attention to it, but when I took a step back and watched them like this, I got an outline of the people who spread the rumors roughly.

‘How did you make people look like vicious criminals from the underworld?’

Even though the beginning of the bad rumors about me was dark, it was the others who took advantage of them and rushed at this time. Typical lizard tail cutting to leave no marks on itself.

I didn’t know anything else, but I did know that the dark guy was a guy who was very good at human psychology.

Unlike the gaze looking at Ban Tae-woong, the gaze looking at me from the other side, to be exact, was like seeing a monster suddenly appearing in a big city.

I couldn’t even figure out how the alternative rumors were growing. I’m ignoring it because I think my outfit will explode if I listen to it.

Since it reached Lucia’s ears right away, Ban Tae-woong must not be completely unaware of it. Even so, it was an act that seemed to cover me, but I can’t tell if it’s really stupid or stupid when I see it openly saying that.

There is only one reason why Ban Tae-woong does not show any change in facial expression. Because they aren’t bad enough to be defined as ‘evil’ yet.

‘Perhaps he thinks there are more guys like Reus.’

Maybe that’s what you want to believe.

I think that’s a minority. It’s called S class, but it’s not just guys like him. Rather, it can be seen that such reactions are common among adolescents of the same age.

Before solidifying one’s ego, one becomes accustomed to the comfort of group life and becomes conscious of the eyes of others rather than one’s own will. They have lived like that since they were young, and among them, they are the ones who consider themselves superior.

A guy as strong and mature as Reus is rather strange. The same goes for Ban Tae-woong.

So I could say that with certainty.

‘Unconditionally, things happen.’

All the conditions that a hero named Ban Tae-woong can call a bubble have been combined. He wouldn’t be a fool to miss an opportunity like this.

“The deadline is 12 noon. From now on, I will start the anti-class battle.”

Goo Goo Goo!!!

As Hong Soo-ah’s magical words resonated throughout the stadium, the scenery of the stadium changed. At the same time as the barrier spreads, the surrounding environment is changing accordingly.

‘I’m tired.’

I looked at the rapidly changing scenery around me and quietly closed my eyes.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode