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Yagem Guards Ate All of Them 24

Chapter 24 – #3 the Junior Guard (2)

After intense sex, I fell asleep and woke up as if I had passed out. No matter how young he was, ejaculation that reached double digits in a day was unreasonable, so his back and thighs throbbed.

If I was at the clinic, I would have taken medicine, but since I am at home, I have to suffer. Did I just have to stay in the hospital for another day?

Regret is too late no matter how fast it is. It wasn’t until I wiggled my toes and loosened my muscles that I realized I was the only one in bed.

I can’t even hear the shower, but where did he go?

“Does it come true?”

I called but there was no answer back. Where did she really go I looked around and there was a box in the corner I hadn’t seen before. It was hard to pass by because it was shiny like the item effect in the Tsukur game.

I walked over and touched the box, and three yellow potions and parchment came out.

[Lesser Stamina Potion x3]
[How to make 3 low class potions]

The box disappeared as soon as I received the item. Is it a gift from the maker? Every time like this, I realize that this is not the real world, but the world in the game.

On the parchment, it was written how to make a stamina potion with solar herb, a magic potion with magic candle, and a stamina potion with mint.

It’s a bit different from the recipe from the yagame called ‘Another World Alchemist’ from Isekai Studio. There, other ingredients had to be added to make a potion, but if you followed this recipe, you could make a potion just by adjusting the amount of water and fire, and being punctual.

In a word, money is copied. Even if you follow the recipe of ‘Another World Alchemist’, you can save a lot of cost compared to other stores, so you have an edge in price competitiveness, but you can make it cheaper.

The question is how to sell. I am worried that I cannot set up a street vendor directly in order to protect the face of the guard, and I am worried that I will send out Lee Luna instead. How can a girl who is pretty and kind but naive even run a business?

So, the best way is to provide recipes and receive royalties, or to sell crops harvested from flower beds as well.

There were also people who had just gotten used to it. Yuna from the magic shop. After erasing the debt in my heart with this incident, I’m slowly narrowing the relationship.

And then… Uhhh.

“Suma? What are you thinking?”
“I was thinking of you. Where have you been?”

The improvisation worked well. Iruna blushed and waved the watering can in her hand.

“I came to water the flower beds! In fact, I also helped with the farming work in my hometown. It takes several months after sowing the crops to learn, but these grow rapidly every day, so it’s really fun.”

Yiruna… You’re good at cooking and sex, but you’re also good at growing crops. What can’t you do?

“Well done.”

I tried to stroke my hair, but my arms tingled. Oh, it’s so damn hard At times like this, you should drink a stamina potion.

When you open the lid and drink it at once, your body is energized. It feels like her tired muscles are recovering. It’s a stamina potion. In Yagem, it was used a lot for energy recovery.

“What is that?”
“Stamina Potion. Would you like a drink too?”

Iruna drank the potion well. Not even cute As she watched happily, she made a fuss about her.

“Huh? This is amazing. Even if I drink the stamina potion, it only heals my wounds but doesn’t give me strength, but drinking this just relieves my fatigue and gives me strength.”
“The effect is pretty good, right? From now on, if you get tired of having sex, let’s drink this.”

Iruna smiled brightly as her face blushed. It was so lovely that I hugged her tightly. Iruna, who rubbed her face against her chest, exclaimed that she suddenly remembered her.

“Oh! When I went outside, there was a letter.”
“Letter? Come to think of it, Tanya said she would send her letter to her.”
“Who is Tanya?”
“The reason I was hospitalized was because of the mandrake. She was then the Hunter who saved her. Can you give me a letter to read?”
“Here you go.”

The stationery was as neat as the paper I saw in modern times. The pattern that decorated the edge and the wax pattern that sealed the letter were quite antique.

[Hi? I’ve never written a letter, so I don’t know where to begin. Thanks for saving me once. I said it that day, but I wanted to say thank you one more time.
And I’m doing fine. Although he was scolded by his father for entering the dungeon without telling him. I was banned from going out, but I think it will be lifted soon. Right! My father said thank you and wants to see your face too.
As you know, you saved me from losing my virginity to a dryad.]

I read this far and stopped for a moment. What Tanya said is not true. The dryad couldn’t even touch Tanya’s hymen, and I pierced hers.

He must have planted false information thinking that the contents of the letter would be leaked. I was worried in my heart, but I’m glad Tanya is smart.

“Hey. I see.”

How nice it would have been if Iruna was half as smart as Tanya, clinging right next to me and reading the letter with me. Well, that’s part of Lee Luna’s charm. People have their pros and cons.

[My father seems to want to thank you too. You’re planning to invite them to our territory, but they say being a guard is a job that’s hard to find time for. Will it be difficult to come home?
My guess is that I’ll probably send you an article to see how you do things. Don’t panic too much if a high-looking person suddenly comes along. Tell me if something goes wrong with you. I’ll mess you up
Um… I don’t know what else to say. I hope you will reply if you are not busy. Then… I think you’ll be very happy.
Then bye I’m thinking of entering the dungeon again when the curfew ends! I’ll go see it then!]

Fresh fresh Is this the charm of the letter? I don’t know because I’m from the smartphone generation, but the men and women of the older generation didn’t exchange love letters for nothing.

I could feel her gaze as I was editing her letter. She looked somehow depressed.

“Is that… Is this Tanya similar to her sister Elisabeth?”

Iruna suddenly hugged me. I loved how her soft breasts she pressed against my chest and back. This is the true taste of big breasts.

“Why? No?”
“It’s just … Thinking that there’s another woman beside Suma-sama makes her heart tingle.”
“Don’t worry so much. You were my first one, and even if someone else comes along, I won’t throw it away.”

As I said before, I hate sales and NTR. Even if it becomes a trophy, I will never let go.

“Really? Was I the first?”
“Okay. You are the first woman.”

Iruna smiled contentedly and kissed my cheek. Her warmth lingered and warmed her heart. And sleep too.

Until recently, she had been limp and had no senses, but she seems to have recovered by drinking a stamina potion.

“Suma-nim is stabbing my thigh.”
“I love Iruna so much. So…”

I hugged Iruna.

“No. Breakfast is cold.”
“You can finish it quickly and eat it.”

But I never had breakfast. I couldn’t stop having a taste of Lee Luna’s pussy, so they continued to have sex like a beast until after lunch.

He also drank the remaining stamina potion. I tried to stop it for a while, but the sunset is already setting. Let’s go to work with Yuna.



When I opened the door of the shop with the signboard reading “Yuna’s Magic Shop,” The bell rang. There weren’t any signboards or bells before, but they must have been put up in the meantime.

“Welcome! Ah! Guard!”

The sorceress, still clumsy, greeted me. She bowed her head and her cone hat was about to fall off.


Yuna quickly grabbed her hat and raised her head. What the hell is this cute creature? Healing just by looking at it.

The pot-bellied sorceress who was taking her magic books at her counter also smiled at Yuna as her father. No, that person already came?

He is a dangerous person who can rob Yuna’s virgin. When I glared at him, he coughed loudly and ran away.

“Does that person come often?”

It is a vocabulary choice that recognizes me as a regular customer and at the same time grasps information about competitors. I learned while working part-time.

“No. You are here for the first time today. After looking at the magic book my grandfather made, he said that the quality was good and that he would visit it often in the future.”
“Business seems to be going well. I don’t know if it will be crowded with people sooner or later.”
“I hope so… Actually, he was the second guest today. The guard is the third.”

It is natural for flies to fly. In fact, I stopped by a few other magic shops to find out the price.

Looking at the price tags of the potions on the shelves, there was no difference. This is why there are no guests. Hunters do not go to other places when they have a regular store that has proven its effectiveness. I could have moved if the price was cheaper, but since it’s not, I don’t bother using Yuna’s store.

When I told her about it, Yuna’s complexion noticeably deteriorated.

“I know…But I can’t help it. Low-level potions make little profit, so if you lower the price here, you’ll see a loss.”
“I finally came up with a solution. How about a recipe that cuts down on cost and doesn’t lose efficacy?”
“Yes? Is there such a thing?”

Yuna, who shouted in surprise, gave her a sullen look.

“If you think about it calmly, it can’t be. If it’s that good, everyone else will be using it, and there’s no reason to give it to me.”
“Didn’t I tell you that Yuna had a connection with her grandfather when I came last time? So I am trying to help.”

Light green eyes twinkled under her tightly pressed cone hat. It’s a little different cuteness from Lee Luna.

“Is there really no difference from other potions?”
“It can be verified. Is there an alchemy workshop here?”
“Come in this way!”

Yuna’s gestures became urgent. She opened the door with a sign that said, “No entry except for administrators.” Then, a basic workshop with a water heater, a still, and other miscellaneous items was strewn about.

“I’m a bit unorganized, aren’t I? Cleaning every day I think I’m cleaning, but it’s hard to organize the store, so I put it off. Oh, I’m not such a dirty woman. I usually live neatly.”

It’s written. I looked at Tsukur, but Yuna’s room was not that clean.

“It smells like people and it’s nice.”
“Do you smell it? Still, I tried hard to ventilate…”
“It sounds appetizing. Now, let’s make a magic potion.”

Sunflower and mint haven’t been harvested yet, so I only brought magic grass. After filling the beaker with an appropriate amount of water, pouring it into the pot, and turning on the heat, Yuna swallowed dry saliva.

“Can I watch it?”
“Sure. Anyway, I’m here to inform Yuna. It is better to see her once than to hear it a hundred times.”
“That is a good word.”

The process of making potions was quite cumbersome. When the thermometer that measures the temperature of the water reaches 80 degrees, put magic vinegar in and stir it so that the unique properties of magic vinegar spread evenly. Stir to the right for about 3 minutes, then to the left again… No more detailed explanations will be omitted.

After tens of minutes of work, there were ten bottles of magic potions.

“It is complete.”
“You worked hard.”

Yuna, holding her handkerchief, carefully wiped away her sweat. It’s cute how she grunts on her tiptoes because I can’t reach my forehead of her.

Say thank you for bending her knees slightly to make it easier to clean her. Sooner or later, she will offer her precious virgin. I’m more grateful

“Can I have a drink of this?”
“Sure. We need to verify that the effect is not diminished.”
“Then… I’ll drink!”

Yuna inhaled her magic potion as a combat enemy. She closed her eyes and concentrated, and then she jumped up and down in delight.

“Really! Her magic she has been restored! Seriously, the potion was completed without adding any other ingredients, this is a miracle!!”
“I said yes. Can this attract customers?”
“Sure! Oh, sorry for doubting you. I’m really sorry that you didn’t believe in me when you gave me such a great opportunity.”
“I would have been too.”

While they were having a friendly conversation, the door burst open and Hans appeared.

“Sister! I’m here… Guard?”

The smaller child than Yuna widened her eyes. Seeing that he came, it must be time to close the dungeon. Mehya and Celica must have left work too.

“I have an appointment, so I’ll go. I’d like to write down the recipe and give it to you, but if you write it down, there’s a possibility of leakage. So I will visit often and let you know.”
“No! I’ll see you!”
“You’re busy running the store, but you can’t. My vacation is over today, so I have to go back to work tomorrow. Then, see you tomorrow after work.”

As I was leaving the store coolly, I heard Hans’ voice his.

“Sister…? What’s your relationship with the guard?”

I ask a cheeky question about a netoraren man who takes his childhood friend away from another man. I mean, I’m having sex with your sister.

Capturing Yuna and having sex with her in front of Hans would be fun. How will that innocent face change then?

With a pleasant imagination, I hurried my steps. It was a lot later than I thought because I took up too much time with Lee Luna. Two people are waiting for you.


I came to the bar the other day for dinner and drinks. Having sex with Lee Luna in the morning, talking with Yuna in the afternoon, and drinking with the girls in the evening. Is this the life of an insider?

“You are a little late.”

The two people who had arrived first greeted me. While waiting, the bottle was slightly empty.

“I’m sorry, I was late because I stopped by somewhere for a while.”
“…You’re not here with your girlfriend, are you?”
“No. After catching the mandrake, I was alarmed, so I went to the magic shop and bought some health potions. We have to be prepared in advance because we don’t know if something similar will happen again.”

Mehya clicked her tongue. Celica smiled like a full cat and raised her glass.

“I won the bet. Isn’t that why she said to believe in Suma?”
“It was a reasonable doubt. I thought I was going to drink it for free today, but I got it all.”
“You bet with me?”
“I paid for a drink. It was good to trust you.”

What is the benefit of this dog? The money was tight Mehya’s mouth popped out.

“I asked her junior to eat it, but what is this? Suma’s completely undone. There are good seniors like me, and there are also those.”
“Is that it?”
“You don’t know yet.”

Celica laughed and said kindly.

She said, “She decided to do a massive staffing from the upper level, which she judged that the guards’work was too heavy. We’ve already recruited new people.”
“Okay? Then will my successor come in?”
“Right. Even though it’s a few days difference, you’re a senior. So please take good care of it.”

Yagem Guards Ate All of Them

Yagem Guards Ate All of Them

야겜 경비병이 다 따먹음
Score 7.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a game featuring all kinds of yokem heroines. Even as a guard who boasts omnipotent power.


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not work with dark mode