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XX to Survive in the Academy 216

Chapter 216 – Separating Ian and Lian

There are several famous scenes in the novel Hautsa.

All of them are so good that it’s hard to rank any one, but if there’s one famous scene that immediately comes to mind for Selena, it’s the scene where the male lead and female lead sleep together.

It wasn’t long before the two started dating.
The male protagonist, Lian, has to stay at the female protagonist, Nicole’s house, due to circumstances.

There, they conceded to each other, and somehow ended up lying in bed together, but instead of harboring black feelings, Lian hugged the nervous Nicole tightly and fell asleep.

Since Lian’s innocence and cherishing of Nicole were well expressed, readers did not hesitate to press the recommend button in this episode, and Selena did the same.

If so, why did she come up with this scene, saying that all famous scenes are good?

The reason was because her Ian was sleeping with her hugging her now.
Like a story in a novel.

‘How did this happen….’

Until just now, she was smiling in her heart.
Ian accepted her confession sooner than expected, and all she had to do was gain his trust and find out the secret of her vulgarity.

But now, I felt nothing but bewilderment.
I was prepared to endure his perverted desires again tonight, but I have no choice but to sleep hugging him.

Ever since she decided to seduce Ian, she had prepared herself for all sorts of situations, but this was not in her mind.

Why would this man do something out of place?
That her attitude changes as soon as she thinks she’s his woman, is that what men are like?
However, in real life, men consider women only as sexual objects.
Then why the hell is this guy?

I do not know. No matter how much I thought about it, no answer came out, and the only certainty was that she was being held like the heroine in her novel.

‘… It’s warm.’

His warmth spreads throughout his body.
If you slightly raise your head and look at his face, his usual violent tendencies are unimaginably calm.

‘Mo, the body is very strong….’

Move slightly and try to get close to the opponent’s arms.
Her muscles, which had always restrained her and restrained her, now wrapped around her as if to protect her.

Suddenly, a sentence I read in the novel came to mind.

When you’re surrounded by Ryan’s broad shoulders and thick arms, you feel like this man will protect you from all the storms of the world.

Even if she didn’t fully feel those emotions, she seemed to know what the artist wanted to convey.

‘No, let’s calm down.’

No matter how embarrassing he is, he must not forget his original purpose.
Not only is she hanging on her shoulders, but the lives of her Dania and her mother as well.

‘I’m only thinking of cheating on this man.’

Reinforcing herself like that, Selena held her troubled mind all night long.

Next day.
As soon as you enter the classroom, your classmates greet you.

“Hi, Selena!”

Selena greets you with an elegant voice and expression like a lady from a conglomerate family.

I couldn’t tell from her appearance, but she was quite tired on the inside.
Because she was in Ian’s arms all night and she couldn’t get a good night’s sleep.

She didn’t stop there, she kindly woke her up, scooped her water, etc., And she treated her kindly, and her confusion from last night was still going on.

‘I’ll be fine as long as I’m here… ?’

Since he can’t reveal his relationship to others, Ian will be quiet at school.

So during her time away from him, she reloads her mind and prepares for the time when she will return.

Her thoughts were quickly shattered.

Ian’s changed attitude was still the same at her school.

I was talking to other students during break time, and suddenly he called Selena.

“What if I suddenly call you!”
“It’s okay. Even kids don’t know this much. Come on, this.”
“What, what is it?”
“Coffee. You look tired.”

Another break.

“What happened again this time… Gah!”
“I just want to hug you.”
“That, stop it. What if someone sees it!”
“Because this much is fine.”

He approached several times avoiding the gaze of the people around him.
Then, Selena couldn’t help but be genuinely perplexed that she might be found out by someone else.

But she had a bigger problem than not being noticed.
Every time I see his actions, I keep thinking of Lian from Hautesa.

Ottessa’s Rihanna and Nicole are students and teachers, so they can’t tell others about their relationship.

That’s why we secretly exchange emotions even at school, and the image Ian is showing right now feels just like that.

‘Ha, why are you doing this? Why do you keep reminding me of Lian from that man?’

Even during class, I was thinking about it over and over again, and when I suddenly raised my head, Ian’s eyes met.
It wasn’t enough, until he smiled brightly while looking at me.

‘Don’t get confused. That man is trash that can’t even be compared to Lian.’

I try to turn my gaze and fix it on the blackboard.
I try to focus on class somehow, but it’s not easy because I’m worried about Ian.

In the end, on that day, unlike her model student, she couldn’t concentrate in class at all.

Even after that, Ian’s changed behavior continued.

Without eyes to see, I have actively expressed affection regardless of time and place.
As if Rian of Ottesa appeared in reality.

Each time, Selena was confused that her Ian was superimposed on Rihanna, and again she had to read Haute Sa and try to separate the two men.

One day after a week like that.
On this day, she was still thinking about Ian.

In that state, the magic potion making practice.
Standing in front of the lab table, I was diligently mixing the potion ingredients according to the teacher’s instructions.

“Next, drop a drop of liquid from the red bottle.”

‘A drop of red bottle….’

After doing as he was told, he sneaks a glance to the side.
When she decided to sit down, Ian, who was sitting in the seat next to her, grinned at me again.

‘Calm down. I only have Lian. That man is not Lian.’

“Next is a drop of liquid from the yellow bottle.”

Hearing her instructions, pick up the smaller bottle and bring it to the larger bottle.
The moment you drop a drop.



Surprised, Selena slammed her buttock.

Thinking about something else, it seems that he unknowingly poured liquid from another bottle into it.

Looking on the table, the liquid from the bottle that had been broken by the explosion was giving off black smoke.

“Everyone get out of there!”

The students of the male voice made a circle around Selena, and the teacher came in between them.

“Who is that? Miss Selena?”
“Did I make it clear? It’s dangerous, so be careful.”

It is the right thing to explain the situation in detail and apologize, but my lips can’t part.

Her unfamiliar experience of being scolded by her teacher and her surroundings focusing on herself hardened her.

“Isn’t it? Answer me. I don’t know about other classes, but this class has safety at stake, so even Miss Selena can’t just pass by.”

Selena was still frozen.
She felt as if she had been stripped of all her clothes and had fallen into the spectacle of the people around her.

When she barely lifted her lips and her voice didn’t come out, Ian’s back appeared in front of her eyes.

“Sorry, sir. I made a mistake. Selena was surprised when she was next to me.”
“Ian-kun? Then we have to talk quickly. To Miss Selena, who is innocent… I’m sorry, Miss Selena. I was mistaken. I will sincerely apologize.”

Even though the teacher bows her head, Selena is speechless in the sudden situation.
As if he couldn’t afford to care about her reaction, the teacher’s eyes turned to Ian again.

“Ian-kun. I made it clear. You must pay attention to what I said because someone could get hurt.”
“Yes, I’m sorry. I was thinking about something else for a while…”
“If this was a more dangerous potion, I almost would have done it. It might have affected the potion of the other student sitting next to me and endanger the entire lab.”
“Yes, I was wrong.”
“If I’m doing another experiment, I won’t talk like this. I said it just now, but safety is…”

Ian repeatedly lowered her head at the teacher’s endlessly pouring words.
The gazes around him that are focused there make him more shabby.

But as Selena saw that shabby figure, she was pounding without realizing it.


This situation does not appear identically in the novel.
However, covering up her lover’s mistake and sacrificing her is an act that Rihanna would show.
That fact made Selena’s heart beat fast.

‘That man is not Lian….’

Even after repeating that in her head, her heart seldom calms down.
Even though I’m looking at Ian, I feel the same feeling as when I see Lian.

She tried to calm the pounding somehow, but it didn’t work out, and the situation ended without being able to separate Lian from Ian’s figure until the end.

Break time back.
The two were in a warehouse where they often met.

“This is the first time Selena has sung first. I’m happy.”
“That’s right.”
“So what’s going on?”
“…I called to say thank you for the work I did earlier.”

Unlike the day he first seduced Ian, he looked very stiff.
Even though I thought it shouldn’t be like this, I keep seeing Lian from him, and my voice creeps in without even realizing it.

“It’s okay. It’s a hundred times better for me to be scolded than for Selena to be scolded.”

Saying that, Ian shows a kind smile.
It was a kind face that I had never seen until a week ago.

“I still have to say thank you…”
“Thank you, would you like to sleep with me today?”

In the past, she would have taken Ian’s words obscenely, but not now.

For the past week, Ian hadn’t made a single sexual request, instead asking to hang out with him once every two or three days.

“Ah, okay. That’s about it…”
“Thank you. Then come to my room later at night.”

At the end of the conversation, Ian gives a deep hug.
Selena, who fell into her arms, repeated the same words in her mind countless times.

He’s not Lian, so he shouldn’t be pounding.

That night.
Selena was pacing around her room, unable to sit in her chair or lie on her bed.
It was because she couldn’t stay calm in one place thanks to her increased nervousness today.

‘I can’t do this….’

Ian and Ryan are obviously different people.
But Ian keeps seeing the image of Lian.
Especially after he embraced her today.

Not only that, but I realized a while ago that Lian’s appearance in the novel is similar to Ian’s in many ways.
It is as if the writer wrote the description while looking at Ian.

Because of her resemblance to her appearance as well as her behavior, Selena was trying to feel the feelings she felt for Lian in her Ian.

‘Anyway, that’s how it is….’

She honestly can’t believe herself.
Ian is a scumbag who does nasty things to women, driven by her sexuality.
It was not an easily understandable phenomenon to see such a man and think of the ideal type in a novel.

‘It’s because I love Lian so much….’

The yearning for the world in the novel is too strong, so it must be that your heart is shaken just by facing something similar in real life.
She couldn’t help but think so.

In any case, these feelings were only a hindrance in the position of having to seduce him.
Her goal is to make Ian pay for his crimes.

‘… I have to separate the two of them in my head somehow.’

The cause of this situation is that she thinks of Lian from Ian’s appearance.
So, to solve the problem, you must reestablish in your head that the two people are different.

However, it is not easy to put into practice.
Even if you read Hautsa to remind you of Ryan, now you have a picture of Ang Lee in your head.

‘Let’s think….’

After a while, she arranged to meet him in Ian’s room.
Also, it is clear that facing him will make my head more confused, so I want to find a way before that.

At that moment, something flashed in her mind.

‘Yes, I can do that…’ .’

“Come on.”

Upon entering her room, Ian welcomes her.

This side should also be greeted with a bright face, but Selena’s face was stiff as if nervous.
When I see the other person’s bright face, it feels like I’m facing the ideal type in the novel.

“It was crazy because something like that happened today. Come here. Get a good night’s sleep and you’ll be fine.”

Her kind words started pounding again, but Selena tried to ignore her and opened her mouth.

“I… I know. Can I ask you something?”
“Huh? What is it?”
“Can you tell me about the vulva? Where did you learn it and how do you do it?”
“Why is the vulva all of a sudden?”

Ian asked as if it was an unexpected question.
The reason was, of course, that I wanted to achieve my goal as quickly as possible.

That way she wouldn’t have to go through the trouble of breaking up with him and Rian.

“It’s just… I’m curious because it’s magic I’ve never seen before.”
“I see. But I’m sorry. It’s a special magic, so I think it’s hard for even Selena to talk about it.”
“I see. Okay. It’s okay if you don’t apologize.”

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like the time yet.
I wanted to cling to it more, but I didn’t because if I was greedy, my intentions might be found out.

In the end, what needs to be done is to completely separate the images of Lian and Ian that overlap in my head.

Fortunately, Selena had come up with a way.

“It’s been quite a while since we’ve been together, haven’t we?”
“Yeah. Right?”
“How are you after a long time…?”

Ian’s eyes widen.
He doesn’t know, but this is how she found it.

Realizing the biggest difference between Ryan and Ian.

Rihanna, the ideal man she thinks, is sure to reject her current offer because she values ​​her partner.

But if it’s that man

“Are you sure you don’t like it?”
“No. I didn’t expect Selena to tell me first. I’m honestly glad.”

‘That’s right.’

When the prediction hit, Selena snorted her inwardly.

Ian is also different from the main character in the novel.
No matter how similar they are in appearance or behavior, there is a difference in the fundamental purpose of dealing with each other.

Unlike Lian, who loves her partner only for their existence, Ian harbors dirty desires inside.

She was reluctant to offer her bed in the first place, but it was worth it for her to feel that fact again.

By the way.

‘Why are you still beating… ?’

The Ian in front of her is different from her ideal type, Rihanna.
Even after she confirmed that fact, her still beating heart did not abate.


Ian, who came to her side, slowly groped her body.

The eyes of a beast full of lust.
A dirty touch driven by instinct.
It must feel bad, but the beating still hasn’t stopped.

‘… Okay. If this isn’t enough, you can feel it with your own body.’

When Ian does something that the main character in the novel would never do, the two can be completely separated.
Then the heart would no longer mistake Ian for Rihanna, and her pounding would stop.

While she was telling herself like that, Ian took off her clothes one by one, and before they knew it, the two of them faced each other naked on the bed.

“Selena, I’ll put it in.”
“…Yes. Please come.”

Selena answered that while wearing her mask until the end.
She continued to think to herself as his object approached her vagina.

Ian said that he raped a woman for her sexuality, and that Rihanna would never do such a thing.

Contrary to such thoughts, let Ian’s thing enter the wet vagina.


A soft groan escaped from her mouth.

XX to Survive in the Academy

XX to Survive in the Academy

아카데미에서 살아남기 위해 XX한다
Score 7.0
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Because of my ex-girlfriend, I got stuck in a game the company was making. It is also a cursed character full of death foreshadowing.


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not work with dark mode