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XX to Survive in the Academy 136

Chapter 136 – The Bedroom Is for the Couple (3)

“Like you did with Verita?”

When she made a surprised face at her unexpected request, Mr. Angela continued her words.

“Because Verita said in the afternoon that men become wild like animals when their love for them grows…”

Today, without my knowledge, the two seem to have exchanged a lot of information.

To be honest, it is true that when she was with Angela, she was extraordinarily careful with her body.
Because her person is so kind and naive, I became considerate of her without even realizing it.
Judging from her usual calm image, she said that she would not like rough things, so it was also said.

But it’s surprising that she asked for this first.

… Isn’t that surprising?

Remembering what Angela just said, it seems that she wants more affection than physical pleasure.
They seem to understand that if you mix your body roughly with someone, it means that you love them that much.

If she made such a request because she wanted a stronger expression of affection, then she would understand.

“OK got it.”

Approaching Angela, I lightly kissed her and said,

“Actually, I’ve been wanting to roughly rape Angela for a long time.”

I lightly push her white shoulders and put her on the bed.
Her large breasts spread wide, and the curtains on her bra rolled over, revealing her nipples.

A scene as if a piece of art were spread out on the bed.
The thought of handling this beautiful painting the way I want from now on made me swallow dry saliva.

“Let’s begin, Angela.”
“Tell me if it gets difficult.”
“No. I will receive your love until the end.”

A smile is built on the admirable words.
However, that’s for a while.
Driven by her desire, he thrust her cock into Angela all at once.



In an instant, the glans dug into her cervix, and Angela’s sexual intercourse erupted.
Upon hearing that, she started the piston without hesitation.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

“Yes, yes! Honey, it’s intense…!”
“Is this what you wanted me to do?”

Pull back until just before the cock is pulled out, then push it all the way in at once.
Waves rippled through Angela’s dense body each time she slapped my lower body with her cunt mound.

“I love you, Angela!”
“Ha-ang, me too…! I love you too, honey!”

Her sincere confession makes her feel like her body is floating.

Of course, I can say that because there is an excuse for practice, but soon I want to make it possible to express myself honestly even if it is not practice.

Thinking it was the start of the process, he leaned over and covered her body.
It was a beastly crossbreeding press posture that was never befitting her graceful woman.

“Haaang, honey!”
“I’ll make you feel good, just like I did for Verita.”
“Yes, please! Love me like a beast!”

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I started moving my lower body with all my might.
I mercilessly poked her cunt hole with the mindset that I would firmly engrave the pleasure I had on her body.

“Yup! Heh! Hey, honey… This is great… Ha!”
“How do you like my cock?”
“I like it! I love it! It’s so good, I think it’s going to be weird… Ohhhhh!”

Finally, a female voice burst out of Angela’s mouth.
It was clear that her eyes were also slightly upward, and she was experiencing more intense pleasure than she had ever felt.

“Ahh, hah! Ghh, ok…! Oh ok! I-I also have a strange sound like Verita… Hehe!”
“It’s not weird at all. Rather, it’s lovely!”

Fuck! Puck! Fuck!

“Clothes, Oh Ok…! That…. If you say that even this look is lovely, I’m so happy… Haha,”

Her body jerks from time to time, and her pussy jiggles.
Maybe it was because of the emotional connection, but it was a sign that the climax was near.

“Angela, do you think you’re going? I’ll make you go quickly!”

Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck!

“Oh no! No! Oh no! Hey, I want to go with you, honey!”
“I’m fine, so you can go as much as you like!”
“Hahn, but …! But I want to feel good with honey. Haang!”

Then she wraps around my body with her arms and legs.

“Ok, oh oh… Heh, uhhhhh. Ohhhhh…”

Angela’s moans were still shallow, but noticeably quieter than they had just been.
It was holding back pleasure to go with me.

Although he was proud of that figure, he wanted to see her go away quickly, so he thrust into her cunt even harder.

Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck!
Squeak, squeak, squeak!

“Haaaaang! Honey, wait a minute…! With honey!”
“You can go to Angela first, and then go again!”
“Oh, okay! Then I’ll go a second time…!”

As if it had already reached its limit, her body began to tremble violently.

“Ngoot! God, Gaa… Jade!”

Angela who enjoys the climax with her obscene moans.
Even so, her crotch didn’t stop hitting her.

Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck!

“Yeah, honey! Ji, I’m sensitive right now… Hah!”

She said, squeezing her pussy against me.
Even so, I didn’t stop, and I pushed my sexual desire into the hole that held my cock.

“You promised to go with me when I go.”
“But, it’s fun! It’ll get weird if we keep going like this!”
“It doesn’t matter. I’d rather see Angela get weird!”
“Okay, how… No way!”

Her vaginal wrinkles clung persistently and begged for it, even though she said she couldn’t do it with her mouth.
Thanks to that, I also had a sense of ejaculation, so I shook my back like a dog.

“Honey, honey…! Jade! Go, go! Ngo Ok!”

With an obscene sound, Angela climaxed, and at the same time semen poured out from her glans, which had pierced her cervix.

Haha! Honey’s semen… It’s hot… Haha…”

Angela tilted her head back, savoring the taste of my semen.
Semen kept coming up the urethra at a vulgar figure that could not even be imagined in everyday life.

“Hahn …. Honey’s love is so much ….”
“How about getting my semen for the first time?”
“I’m happy to feel your love…”

Her face looking at me is loose with happiness.
At that moment, her dead husband came to mind.

Garbage that left such a lovely woman a heart scar that might last her whole life.

Because of her child, Ms. Angela has had to distance herself from her happiness as a woman, agonizing over flaws that don’t really exist.

The fact is that she never talked about her ex and her husband until now.
Because he didn’t want Angela to recall her bad memories.

She told her that her marriage to her ex-husband would have been misery itself.
As proof, there was nothing in the room that reminded her of her ex-husband, such as pictures or objects.

However, there are still painful memories and wounds in her heart.
I wanted to erase them clean and fill the empty space with me.

“Angela. How do you compare to her ex-husband? Do you feel better with me?”
“That person…”

As expected, Angela’s expression darkened.

“Angela, forget all about him now.”
“I’m the only husband in Angela’s life.”

She said firmly, but contrary to expectations, Mr. Angela hesitated and replied.

“Of course he doesn’t have any good feelings for him… But I’m sorry for making him someone I never had….”

How kind a person is, how can he not be cruel to someone who has left a great scar on him?
It’s not because she has good feelings for the guy, as she said, but it’s probably because he doesn’t treat anyone coldly.

I started moving my waist again, thinking that if I couldn’t erase it from my memory, I would erase it instead.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

“Oh ho! Hey, honey!”
“I love you, Angela!”
“Me too… Me too, honey!”
“So forget all about him!”
“That, but… Ha ha!”

The weak-minded pussy that can’t make a decision is mercilessly taken down with a cock.
Angela, who couldn’t get away from me, who had no intention of doing so in the first place, was moaning while entrusting the most precious part of herself to me.

“I heard from Mr. Verita that he never treated Angela with any respect!”
“Ng haat, ok! Ha yeot…!”
“I want Angela to forget all her painful memories and be happy. So she forgets the bastard!”
“Heh, oops! Oops! Ngoook!”
“I’ll forget! I’ll forget…! Keep hugging me!”

I poked at Angela-san’s hole again and again, and massaged her breasts as they oscillated beneath me.
Plus she stole her lips and taught me that everything about her is mine.

“Ha-oop, chew-up… Chung! Chu-oop! Honey…!”
“Now forget about him and think only of me.”
“Yeah…. I’ll only think of honey, Oh Ok!”

I love her moaning while being hugged by me.

I impulsively picked her up and led her to her full-length mirror on one side of her wall.

“Hey, honey!?”

Cum flowed between her legs as the cock blocking the hole was freed, but there was no time to worry about that.

I spread Angela’s legs in front of the mirror and inserted her cock from behind.

“Put her hands behind her head.”
“Four, yes.”

Angela obediently obeyed my words and raised her hand.

With her legs spread and her hands raised, her vulgar posture, her armpits bared, her thrashing figure, thrusting into me, contrasted with her usual well-groomed appearance, revealing her extreme lewdness. Spawn

She, too, could not take her eyes off herself in the mirror.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

“Ok, how…!”
“Look in the mirror and tell me. Angela, do you love me?”
“Hoot…! Ahhhhh! Sa, I love you…! Ohhhhh!”

The feelings contained in the words “I love you” Are so clean and pure.
However, obscene moans can be heard in front of and behind the words, and the movements taken while talking are sloppy.

“Then who is Angela’s husband?”
“Ah! Haaang! This, Mr. Ian…!”

Hit her hole more strongly in her admirable mind.
When her motivation pokes too deep ahead, her heels rise and fall.

“Yes, so forget that man and think of me.”
“Yes. Mr. Ian… Ha! Mr. Ian is my only husband♡”

Again, emotions run high.
Naturally, her piston became stronger, and Angela-san’s breasts in the mirror, which were being driven into me with her legs apart, swayed wildly.

She held it tight and kneaded it, speaking with all her heart.

“Angela, you’ve done nothing wrong. You’re a perfect woman, with no flaws or flaws. If there are any, I’ll love them all.”
“Honey… Ah, honey…!”

She turns her head inside her line, not behind her mirror.
She continued to shake her hips while holding her lips together.

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

“Whoop, chump… Churop. Chump♡”

I can feel the taste of Angela’s saliva in her mouth, and her skin adheres closely to her body.
Of course, the cock was wrapped inside her without the slightest gap.

To her sense that everything in her world was full of her, her pleasure was running towards her end.

In the end, she gave her body to her pleasure without stopping, and poured affection into Mr. Angela.

“Haeuk! Haang! Ok, Hoot…!”

Ms. Angela raises her hand, exposing her armpits, and bounces her back, spreading her legs.
Her trembling figure at orgasm was only seen as a female gesture to seduce a male.

“Angela is too hot.”
“Haa… Haa… Honey made this…”
“Then I’ll make you more raunchy.”

We went back to bed and put our bodies together.

As if the brakes were broken, I pushed her rising desire and affection to her, and perhaps because she decided to forget the existence of her ex-husband, Mr. Angela was embraced more honestly and actively.

We were so engrossed in each other that we didn’t even know how much time had passed.
Then, when the sunlight came through the crack in the window, I stopped moving with a sense of satisfaction.

“Haa… Haa… Haa…”

Angela, who had her last orgasm while being crushed by her, catches her breath with her eyes wide open.

She slowly pulled her waist back and pulled out her cock, not wanting to finish it yet. The mouth of her pussy bit into her glans, so she had to pull with some force.

Angela hurriedly stood up as her semen flowed from her labia, which had been stretched open and tightly closed by me all night.

“Ah, the children my honey gave me…”

She hurriedly pulled out her plain panties and put them on, stroking her own belly.
Her stomach was a bit bulging from having ejaculated so much, but she didn’t seem to mind at all.

As we lay side by side on her bed, she came into my arms.
It’s clear that he has a talent for dirty work, seeing as he still has energy even after hours of intense work.

It’s a shame that I didn’t maintain that unique tightness, but if that was the case, I might have been in a situation where I just squeezed it helplessly.


She closes her face with her affectionate eyes.
As I lightly kissed her on the lips, I heard a friendly voice.

“Because they told me I was a perfect woman. I was so happy when they said that they loved me even if I had flaws.”
“You don’t have to thank me, I’m serious.”

As if trying to feel my warmth, she leans her face against my chest.
It was the look of a woman who fell in love without fail.

“I’m sorry, but I think I’ll have to ask Verita to take birth control pills… It’s practice…”
“Yes I’m fine.”

I happily nodded her head.

All of her feelings are true, but that doesn’t mean she should immediately get rid of the excuse of practice.

The reason Angela is able to muster up courage and act honestly is because all of this is practice.

Her belief that when her practice is over, her work and relationships will be in the past, and everything will flow in her original direction, gives her courage.

So all I had to do was to inflate Ms. Angela’s feelings for me so that she could be honest without any pretense of her practice.


When I slightly lowered her head, Angela-san fell asleep leaning against my chest before I knew it.

I want to sleep with you too, but the sun has already risen so I can’t stay here all the time.
I carefully pulled her out of her room, put on her clothes, and left her room.

Perhaps it was because I was closer to Angela than ever before, and a smile hung on my lips the whole time I went back to my room.

XX to Survive in the Academy

XX to Survive in the Academy

아카데미에서 살아남기 위해 XX한다
Score 7.0
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Because of my ex-girlfriend, I got stuck in a game the company was making. It is also a cursed character full of death foreshadowing.


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not work with dark mode