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XX to Survive in the Academy 131

Chapter 131 – Secretary, Nice Assistant

Just before being inserted into Mr. Verita, I finally heard the voice I had been waiting for.


Angela was taken aback by the gaze that was focused on her, then spoke in a low voice.

“Practice… I’ll help too.”


I barely held back the words of exclamation coming out of her mouth, but unlike me, Mr. Verita was extremely calm.

“You don’t need to overdo it. Leave it to me.”

A look of bewilderment appeared on Angela-san’s face, as if she hadn’t expected to decline.

“Th-But I’m sorry if I leave it to Verita-san…”
“It’s okay. As a servant and secretary, it’s my job to fill in for the president.”

At most, Angela ate her heart, so is it okay to say that?

I was nervous at that thought, but Angela-san opened her mouth again.

“Tta, it’s for my daughter. As a mother, I have to help…”

Her voice trembled and her eyes couldn’t stay still.

Of course, it was nice to hear that Ms. Angela clumsily lied to her and hid her true feelings.
Verita’s words that she had a deep crush on me proved it.

Even though Mr. Verita refused, she did not give up her practice with me, so the corners of her mouth kept going up in her delight.

“Okay. If the president thinks so.”

This time, Verita-san stood up without hesitation.

“Oh, semen is flowing.”

Then she picked up her own panties that were spread out beside her and quickly put them on.

Are you thinking of keeping my semen inside?
… So good.


When Verita gave up her seat, Angela was still sitting in front of her table, hesitantly.

“Chairman, come here.”
“Yes, yes…”

He rushes over and sits down on the bed, restless like a child meeting a dentist.

“Thank you for your courage, Angela.”
“…For my daughter.”

He avoids my eyes while saying that, but he is also bad at lying.


She stretched out her hand to her silently waiting woman.
She took off the dress she was wearing, followed by her bra and panties, revealing her overwhelmingly large breasts and her well-ripened body.


It’s a body I’ve seen many times, but it looks more attractive today.
Probably because today is the day I finally have her penetrative sex with her.

Ms. Angela, who must have been conscious of that fact, kept her eyes fixed on her as she did when she first took her bath.

“Then shall we?”

At my words, she shyly nodded her head.
Then she slowly lay back, showing off her beautiful body on the bed.


The sight in front of her made her salivate.
Even though she has a body that can attract men, she blushes in embarrassment.

Unable to tolerate the tightness in her lower body any longer, he approached her and adjusted the position of her cock.

“Mr. Ian. A condom…”
“Oh, sorry.”

I was in too much of a hurry because I wanted to do it quickly.

Of course, I’d better do without it, but I hurriedly picked up a condom because I couldn’t just do what I wanted with Angela, who would be anxious in many ways.

Even while we were repositioning, Ms. Verita was sitting next to us.
The middle part of her panties was so wet that it looked like her semen would leak, but she didn’t seem to care.

“I’m glad the president made the decision. If you hug multiple women, Ian-nim will definitely become more proficient.”

After Angela-san answered, Verita-san’s gaze turned to me this time.

“Didn’t you forget? You keep showing affection.”

On the surface, it’s practice coaching, but it sounds like taking this opportunity to open Angela’s heart.

Instead of answering, I brought my cock in front of Angela’s vagina.

“Mr. Ian… Please be kind.”

I nodded and looked at her precious part again.

A place that had been closed for twenty years due to deep wounds.
But inside, he pushed his head towards the place where he would have waited for someone’s love.

The glans was swept and didn’t hurt.
Seeing the relationship between me and Verita, it was because her vagina was wet.

I miss you… !

Perhaps because she had not been loved for a long time, she was so cramped that it was hard to believe that she had a daughter in her arms.
But thankfully, he didn’t reject me and accepted me to the depths.

“Ha ha…!”

Angela’s body trembled slightly.
At last she was lifted up by the thought of being with her, but moving her hips as slowly as possible.

Stubble, stump, stump.

“Ha ha… Ha… Mr. Ian….”

He looks up at me with wet eyes.
The fact that Ms. Angela calmly accepted my item made her heart feel filled with something warm.

“Aren’t you sick?”
“Yes… It’s okay.”

I was worried that bad memories might come up, but I’m relieved.
As the tension eased, I began to feel the sensation of the vaginal wall wrapping around my lower body stronger.

The feeling is vivid enough to make you forget the existence of a condom for a moment.
Contrary to her innocent face, Angela’s bottom mouth persistently asked for mine and let out a moan.


The eyes that asked that question were filled with anxiety.
She knew what he meant, and she replied with a friendly smile.

“I don’t feel good about Angela.”
“It’s all good…”
“How is Angela? Are you happy with me?”

Following the embarrassing reply, a cold-hearted voice came from the side.

“No, Mr. President. Please tell us your impressions honestly and in detail. Practice is only possible when the other party actively participates.”
“I’m just ashamed…”
“Come on.”
“I-I like Ian-san’s warm and thick stuff…”

It’s against the rules to look like a junior high school student confessing his love while praising his cock.

Squeeze, sizzle, sizzle!

“Hayeot, yeot… Mr. Ian…!”

When I slightly increase the speed of my relaxed waist, I hear a sweet moan.
The wide, protruding breasts swayed tremendously even with moderate movements.

“Haaang, ang! Aang! I like it…!”

A girlish reaction that doesn’t match her voluptuous body.
It was her affection for her, not my bestial instincts, that fueled her.

“Miss Angela, you are so cute.”
“Haha, no… I can feel it more when you say that.”
“Please feel it more. I want to see more of her cute side.”

He reached out and massaged her breasts, her fingers digging almost out of sight.
The nipples protruding from the middle of the pink areola, as wide as her big breasts, also tickled her palms.

“I love you, Angela.”
“Hayeot, haang! Mr. Ian…!”
“I’m serious, please accept my heart.”
“Huh! No… This is practice… Hhhhh. Ian and Selena, how!”

She covered her lips with her lips and pushed her tongue into her mouth.

“Churop… Mr. Ian, chump. Chump… Chump.”

The vaginal walls in response to kissing become increasingly cramped.
Instead of me sucking her lips, she seems to be sucking the cock with her bottom mouth.

“Chew, chug… Churroop! Whoa…”
“Please accept my sincerity.”
“But… Howup, chump!”

As soon as he showed signs of rejection from her, she pursed her lips again.
She moved her hips, savoring the taste of her saliva and tongue, then she opened her mouth again and said:

“Please take it, Ms. Angela!”
“Hasssss, hasssss.S.S.S.S., No-, no!”

In exchange for refusal, she gets kissed by me before she even finishes talking.
And so, for a while, I caressed every corner of her mouth, widening her precious orifice, and then she was able to breathe through her mouth again.

“Hasssss, ah… Haa.”
“I love you, Angela. I mean it.”
“Hey, I can’t be serious… I’m sorry.”
“Then, practicing is fine. Angela-san can also have a lover someday, so she practices being loved in preparation for that time.”

Of course, the lover was talking about me, but she didn’t dare to say it out of her mouth and moved her waist diligently.

“Hey, practice…”
“Yes. A practice that is loved.”
“Yes… I will practice, so please love me♡”

Then she stretches out her arms as if asking for a hug.

“Mr. Angela!”

Sukkuk! Sukkuk! Sukkuk!

He hugs her and puts her weight on her waist to mill her.
It was stronger than her but not as violent as it was with Mr. Verita.
Maybe because Angela showed off her girlish side, but because she was hesitant to treat her harshly.

Still, as her movements became more intense than before, her Angela-san’s moaning grew louder as well.

“Yes, haang! Mr. Ian, you’re intense…!”
“It’s because I love Angela!”
“I love you… Haang.

At her request she overlaps her lips again.
Her rough kiss and her trembling breasts were squeezed with her hands.
In response to her treatment as if she was treating my woman completely, Mr. Angela, far from refusing, entangled her tongue even more.

“Chew-up, chu-op… Chu-o-op, guttural… Chup.”

Being so attached to each other makes me so emotional.
A feeling of warmth that fills her heart with warmth.
As much affection as I send, it was thanks to the other person sending affection.

“Mr. Angela, I think I’ll come out now.”
“Hayeot, haha… Yes. Please make me feel better, Mr. Ian.”

Pursued by her sense of ejaculation, I diligently go in and out of her with a cock.
The feeling of pleasure wrapped around her cock and the feeling of her breasts sticking to her hand.
Adding to that the lovely moaning sound in my ear, the surrounding background became blurred and I felt as if only Angela could be seen.

“Mr. Angela!”

Cum close to her lower body and ejaculate.
Her natural strength came in and gripped her breasts, her erect nipples protruding from between her fingers.


Ms. Angela trembles with a louder shout than ever before.
Her breasts are far above average in size, so even the slightest bouncing of her back will cause them to oscillate enormously.

The way she trembled with her pleasure was so erotic that her cum poured out as if it were her first ejaculation of the day.

“Haa. Haa… Haa…”

Ms. Angela had a face that melted with her happiness.
Unlike before, when she was only trembling with her physical pleasure, it was thanks to her emotional satisfaction.

“This is the first time I’ve seen the president unraveled like this.”

Oh, I was so into Angela that I forgot that Verita was there.

“Even though it’s practice, Ian-nim seems to have been really happy to receive love.”
“Yes… This is the first time I feel like this.”
“If you like it that much, how about becoming Ian-nim’s woman for real?”

Oh, nice assist.
However, Mr. Angela shook her head calmly.

“I can’t leave Selena alone…”
“If you’re a lady, you’ll find another nice guy. … No, that’s going to be a little difficult.”

As long as you’re lying, do it until the end.
She doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to meet a man.

Ms. Angela sulked at the secretary’s cool remarks.
The figure is also cute, and she wants to do it right away.

He immediately changed her condom and went over to her.

“Miss Angela, can we go back this time?”
“Back, back? Yes…”

Get her body up and push her butt as she prostrates like a bitch.
As the quiet and innocent woman took this position on her bed, an indescribable sense of accomplishment came over her.


Standing on her knees, she grabs her hips.

Her voluptuous buttocks can be felt just by looking at it.

She pushed her cock right between her labia to really feel the firmness of her.


The walls of her vagina welcomed the cock, which was swallowed more gently than when she was first inserted, and clung to it.

Without hesitation, I bumped into her lower body, and as expected, her hips, which were shaped like peaches, began to oscillate.

Squeeze, sizzle, sizzle!

“Oh, haang. Mr. Ian…”

It’s ecstatic to see her rippling buttocks take shape again and wrap itself around my skin.
Even though she is lying face down, her chest, which is naked next to her back, also catches the eye.

Above all, she couldn’t stop her waist because of the hole that wouldn’t let go of her cock as if she was trying to enjoy the pleasure she hadn’t tasted in a long time.

“Kuu, Angela-san doesn’t like it. Tighten it more.”

Of course, I don’t mean it seriously.
It was just to increase the excitement of each other, and she, who had her first proper sex today, could not tighten her pussy at will….

“Eh, like this?”
“Ugh, Mr. Angela?”

I spit out a strange exclamation at the suddenly strong vaginal pressure.
I had no choice but to do that because it was the first time I had ever tightened a hole like this.

“Are you okay, Ian?”
“No, so that’s…”
“This, isn’t it?”

At my words, which I spat out casually in embarrassment, the hole loses its strength.

“No. I liked it so much. Please do it again.”
“Yes, yes…”

As soon as he answered, he tightened the hole without any gaps.
A sensation as if each vaginal fold was pressing strongly against the cock.
Or it feels like putting a cock in a place filled with soft beads and moving it.

“Mr. Angela…!”

I got impatient and started shaking my back.
He felt like a dog in heat, only chasing the pleasure of his lower body, but it was so good that it didn’t matter.

“Hayeot, ang! Haang! Mr. Ian…!”

Angela, with her head down, still reacts like a girl.
However, the lower hole is tightened to such an extent that it is difficult to wake up.

As I continued the piston with the thought that this was the first time in my life, a sense of ejaculation was already rising.

Eventually, she couldn’t stand it and the condom inside her began to inflate earlier than usual.

“Yes, yes! Yes, yes…!”

Fortunately, Angela seems to have gone lightly.
After a moment of relief, I was engulfed in surprise again.
No matter how you think about it, the tightening just now wasn’t unusual.

She thought she wanted to feel it too, so she hurriedly pulled out her cock and took off her condom.
The moment I tried to open a new condom, I suddenly felt regret.

Wouldn’t it be more fun to do it raw?

Of course, Mr. Angela would not want to.
Still, she wants to feel that sensation somehow.

“Mr. Angela.”
“Please. Let me do it without a condom.”
“Yes? Oh, no. It’s going to be a big problem if you have children…”

Also, not alive yet.
Even though it was regrettable, I had no choice but to pick up the condom again, and Verita-san said from the side.

“President. Ian-sama also needs to practice relationships for the purpose of getting pregnant. How about allowing it?”

Ohh, another nice assist!
But I’m sorry, Mr. Verita. I had forgotten that you were actually there.

“Yeah, but Verita…”
“If you’re worried about the birth control pill I mentioned, there’s no problem if Ian-nim ejaculates outside the vagina.”

Despite Verita’s clear solution, Angela’s hesitation continued.

“If I accidentally bet inside…”
“I’ll watch from the side and help Ian-nim never make a mistake. Trust me.”

She seems to get a lot of help from Mr. Verita to the point of being sorry, but she is so reliable that I want to keep relying on her.

And that trustworthiness worked this time as well.

“You must go outside…”

XX to Survive in the Academy

XX to Survive in the Academy

아카데미에서 살아남기 위해 XX한다
Score 7.0
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Because of my ex-girlfriend, I got stuck in a game the company was making. It is also a cursed character full of death foreshadowing.


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