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The Teachers Who Abandoned Me Are Obsessed With Me Chapter 152

152 – If I could have you


A black old woman wearing a crown appears.

An old woman so large that it obscured an entire axis of the sky, she was the god of curses.

-The essence of the curse is to bring misfortune to the fate of all living beings. The power that guides your fate toward tragedy. Jim is the king of fortune.

The causality of the world revolves around the old woman. The Witch King, who settled down near the old woman’s heart, wielded endlessly expanding power. It was already a power that surpassed both magic and curses. It was a power that controlled the laws of the world.


A storm of magical power swirling like crazy.

Maya was a small being who seemed as if she would collapse at any moment from the unclean magic that covered the world, but she realized it.

‘This place…… ‘It’s the world inside!’

The world that comes true as you imagine, inside.

It was the same world where the Witch King invited Master to the Magic Tower.

‘Even Maya can become strong here!’

If you hope and imagine deeply, you will be able to defeat even that scary Witch King.

Maya was sure.

Kiiiii… ….

The black old woman’s hands move. Maya felt like her soul was shaking. It’s not safe on the inside. The power that the Witch King emits is the power to annihilate souls.

If you are attacked by an old woman, you will disappear!

Maya closed her eyes and imagined. The strongest dragon Maya had ever seen.

Kugugugugu… ….

The first dragon who fears prophecy and stands above all dragons.


Maya spread her image. Maya’s body, which was 15 meters long, gradually grew larger. It becomes 1km in an instant… It became 10km, and the rainbow-colored scales and swords also grew larger.

The Witch King narrowed his eyes, preparing to attack.

-Did you find out that this is the inner world?

The magic power of Maya is felt. Embodying the maximum magical power that Maya can imagine. The Witch King sneered.

-Puhuhuh… It looks like you’re imitating Bashmu, but because you’re the same size, it seems like you’ve become the king of dragons!!

The Witch King roared and moved the old woman’s fingers.

What the old woman is pointing to is the spirit of Maya.

The Witch King fired a black condensed source of curse.

Fit… Kwahah ah ah ah ah ah !!!!!!!!!!!

-Every direction of your fate turns into tragedy… The world has confirmed your defeat.

It is literally the same power that condenses all curses.

Maya opened her eyes wide. The mighty body of Maya has suddenly become like a 193km mountain range. Maya tilted his two wings forward and covered his face and stomach.

As if this wasn’t enough, he erected numerous magic shields and created a wall with rainbow-colored swords on top of each other.

The best defense that Maya can do!

King King King King King!!!

The rainbow-colored scale tilted from side to side like crazy and then went up. Because the other person’s status is too high to judge the severity of the crime.


Soon, the source of the curse and Maya’s defense clashed.

Koo… Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa!!!!

The rainbow-colored swords erected as a barrier shattered into pieces, and the source of the curse ate away at the source of magical power.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!!!

The aftereffects of the curse hit Maya’s body. Maya opened her eyes and analyzed the source of the curse. The laws of the distant world were unraveled from Maya’s eyes and scattered like rays of light.

‘The Witch King was right!’

Maya’s image simply imitated Bashmu. There is a significant difference from the real Bashmu, who has accumulated karma to the level of a true god. If Bashmu is an adult man, Maya is a balloon doll of the same size. Maya felt her life was in danger.


The source of the curse penetrates the magic shield and devours Maya, who has grown into a giant.

The Witch King spoke as if making a sentence.

-Don’t think that if you imagine it, it will come true, or that everyone is equal inside. You must know the principles of your method to gain real strength from within. For example, even if an aspiring knight imagines a master, he cannot escape the power of the aspiring knight, and even if an ordinary wizard imagines an archmage, he is still an ordinary wizard. Only those who truly know the principles of power can reach high places…… ….

The Witch King clenched his fist.


The source of the curse that devours the giant body of Maya.

Maya was eaten by the curse without even being able to resist. She looked like, no, she was eaten.

The Witch King frowned. There is no taste. The Witch King could not get the feeling that he had captured Maya’s soul.


The Witch King sensed a new presence. Maya, shrunk to about 5m tall, with her iridescent glow, is breaking free from the source of the curse.


The Witch King laughed. Maya separated her gigantic body just before the source of the curse consumed her. Maya shed her gigantic body like her skin and returned to her baby dragon form. Thanks to this, the curse on Maya’s fate was taken away by Maya and her separate skin…….

Maya escaped the Witch King’s curse.

-You have some talents.

The Witch King had no intention of losing. Maya only blocked one blow from the Witch King himself. The Witch King was confident that he could launch the same attack tens of thousands of times.


Maya, now small, flew up in the form of a human girl. She held a rainbow-colored scale in her left hand and a rainbow-colored sword in her right hand.

-My boss… I will save you!

-You are persistent.

The Witch King winked at the witches as if he was annoyed. Millions of witches begin to attack Maya at once. Maya created light with a scale in front of her.


Just as the smoke disappears, the witches disperse.

Maya was no longer weighed down by the Witch King’s pressure. The more she analyzed the Witch King, the more she was in his inner world, the more Maya gradually became accustomed to it and the stronger she became. At the same time, her Maya acknowledged her own mistakes.

‘When I think of a strong dragon, I think of the first dragon, Vashumu.’

Maya couldn’t think of Vashumu.

To her, her strongest person has always been one person.

Maya thought of her strongest and most precious person, Master.

Tsutsutsu… ….

Her strong and warm heart sprouts from Maya’s heart. The witches could not approach within a 100m radius of her Maya.

Puck! Puck! Puff puff puff!!

The bodies of the witches exploded like locusts hitting tempered glass, and none of the witches could harm Maya.

Maya recalled swinging her sword with her teacher. Memories with Master that I can now recall at any time.

The images of Maya gradually separate and overlap. Maya who first became Master’s disciple and swung her sword, Maya who swung the sword in her gravity room, Maya who swung the sword at her witches, etc. All appear overlapping.

That’s it… That’s it!

Time drags on.

Maya’s eyes deepen. Maya raised her sword. Every moment Maya raises her sword, she lifts her sword in unison…….

I went down.

『Image World: Where all swords sleep』

Koo……… ….

A rainbow-colored sword light divides the world.

Numerous witches and old women where the clouds are split and cut into two pieces. The Witch King chewed her lips.

-This… Dawn’s first image world!

The Witch King was furious. How dare you steal Dawn’s first image world? Doesn’t it seem like an insult to light?


The old woman’s arm falls helplessly. The divinity has suffered a blow. A collection of swords that are closer to perfection, collected by a genius named Maya.

Maya understood Master’s mental world. She collected all the moments when she wielded her sword. With her power that transcended time and space, Maya felt Master’s scent. Master’s scent permeates any time and place. Because Master was always with Maya.

Maya felt as if someone was holding her hand and guiding her.


Countless witches evaporate and an intense rainbow-colored explosion covers the world. The old woman covered her black palace with her free hand. Maya, who has become stronger along with the world of images, is coming to the Black Palace. If things continue like this, the dawn may be taken away.

-Do you think we should leave it that way?

The Witch King felt impatient. How dare that little dragon follow Dawn. But she cannot defeat the Witch King with just the first image world of the dawn. The power of the curse is still stronger than Maya.

The Witch King focused her curse on Maya.


Curses flock to Maya.

Hundreds of millions of curses gradually stopped and turned to Maya.

-Do not disturb!

Maya quickly interpreted and disassembled thousands and tens of thousands of curses. Maya’s body becomes heavy. She fell asleep until her eyes closed… Pain occurs throughout her body. She destroyed most of the curses, but Maya was slightly pushed back by the Witch King’s overwhelming numbers.

But Maya did not feel a sense of crisis. Because her very familiar hand seemed to be holding Maya’s wrist and leading her to her black palace.

-…… Sir.

Maya saw a vision of Evan.

The curse on Maya vaporized and a soft white light remained. The Witch King felt Evan’s energy in Maya.

-……… Dawn.

The Witch King saw light descending on him. The curses that had been sticking to Maya little by little disappeared… Maya’s pure will purifies the world.

The Witch King saw Evan in Maya. Honestly, if you concentrate the curse, you can neutralize Maya, but… The Witch King didn’t do that. A light that resembles Evan… The Witch King did not want to destroy it with his own hands.

-…… Pfft.

The Witch King chewed her lips. When did he become so soft?

I know that the light I see now was created by Maya, but it is difficult to harm because it resembles Evan. Her heart is clenched. The Witch King thought he was really foolish.

-Ha…… Consider yourself lucky.

Even if Jim hadn’t fallen in love with the light, he wouldn’t have done this. After thinking about it, the Witch King stood up. He had something he wanted to do.


The Witch King materialized a black wedding dress on her body. Perfect! And with a flick of his hand, a black bouquet was placed in the Witch King’s hand. The Witch King jumped out of the old woman’s hearth and returned to the Black Palace. To where Evan sleeps.

Evan, asleep on the throne, is wearing a black tuxedo. As if he were the groom at a wedding. The Witch King arrived at the royal palace, holding a bouquet in one hand and adjusting her black veil with the other.

-Tsk, this is what I originally planned to do when Dawn came to her senses.

The Witch King did not like it. She wanted to enjoy some leisurely time… Some small intruder came. The Witch King frowned and summoned the witches.



Countless witches appear and pretend to applaud. The Witch King felt a little relieved. From the outside, it looks like a religious wedding. Shouldn’t she do the right thing by making a covenant?

The Witch King was planning to make a marriage covenant with Dawn.


-Nyaan~ Yes, Your Highness.

Titis, the cat witch, appeared in person next to the throne. Titis, the youngest sister with a slim figure, would serve as the host of this covenant.

-What does your luggage look like?

-Nyaang… You are always beautiful!

Titis calls the all-black-skinned Witch King beautiful.

The Witch King snorted at her. Titis is just a subordinate of the Witch King, so she praises the Witch King.

-It was done. Make sure you read the declaration of marriage well.

-I will!

Titis answered loyally and cleared her throat. To conduct a wedding ceremony.

With excitement, the Witch King placed a spell on Dawn’s body once again. Still, the groom must be conscious, so they plan to tie her body and force the ceremony to take place.


It was fun just to imagine the Witch King. After beating all the arrogant girls, the Witch King monopolizes her dawn. Because the Witch King is powerful enough to do that.

The Witch King checked Evan’s bonds again and snapped her hands.


The mental magic applied to Evan’s mind was broken.

Evan regained her senses. Feeling her unclean magic, her body trembled, and Evan opened his eyes towards her with anger. Evan’s excellent senses came to life and he quickly recognized the situation.

“Witch King…… “Did you kidnap me?”

-You could say so.


When Evan woke up, he was dumbfounded. He must have gone stargazing with Juri… The next day, while doing paperwork in his office, he suddenly lost consciousness. It was a vicious mental magic that even the highly conscious Evan was subdued.

“As expected, you need education.”

I looked at him with pity, but it didn’t work out.

Evan unleashed a murderous attack on the Witch King. The Witch King smiled and raised Evan from the throne, regardless of whether he was going to kill him or not. She will conduct the wedding ceremony. A ‘soul wedding’ full of magic. The soul wedding was a powerful covenant that continued even after reincarnation.


Evan created a white light. The charm that the Witch King hung is shaking. Evan recognized that this ridiculous place was a wedding hall. At the same time, Evan had doubts. Why is this guy acting like she’s going to marry him?

The Witch King gestured to host Titis. It means don’t waste time and get started.

-Chuck! Nyan, nyanang. Will the groom Evan de Ninar pledge to his bride Machia de Hexennacht to love, respect and cherish Her Royal Highness forever?


-What are you doing? If you don’t answer, I won’t be able to free you from the spell.

“…… “What kind of plan are you planning?”

From Noble mtl dot com

-What kind of plan is this? It’s a plan to marry you. Didn’t you show Jim the stars?

She seems to be saying that she showed me the stars in the night sky.


In an instant, the ceiling of the palace shattered and Maya fell.


Maya appeared with dust.

White light and rainbow lights were flashing brilliantly around Maya.


-I came to save you!


Witch King Machia pointed at Maya with his left hand. The wedding witches rushed to stop Maya.

-It doesn’t work!

Maya evaporates the witch guests with light. Evan saw Maya’s condition and realized that this was inside.

“If you like the stars that much, I’ll show you a lot of them.”

Evan focused her consciousness. On the inside, Evan has grown much more than the Witch King. Because I have experience defeating the Paladin of the Apocalypse.

Evan’s heart seemed to grow inside him, and he swallowed the Witch King and Maya. Titis ran away as soon as Evan’s insides gaped open.


The inner world of Evan, where countless stars float, the universe of the sword.

The Witch King Machia was tied up in his chains and brought into Evan’s inner world.

“Why did you break my spell when you knew you would be subdued soon?”

-hehehehe, I tried to make a joke.

“Maya, where are you hurt?”

-It’s okay!

Evan was wary of the Witch King floating in space and scanned Maya’s appearance. Maya’s exterior is a little tanned. It is a trace of a fight with the Witch King.

Veins appeared on Evan’s forehead.

‘After all, education is necessary.’

The Teachers Who Abandoned Me Are Obsessed With Me

The Teachers Who Abandoned Me Are Obsessed With Me

날 버린 스승들이 내게 집착한다
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
In my previous life, I was crazy about beautiful teachers and gave them everything I had, from my heart to my possessions. Thinking back, it was all meaningless, and only my abilities mattered the most. Now that I have regressed and regained my sanity, as I hold this sword, the teachers who abandoned me gaze at me greedily. …Is this the first time you’ve seen a Simgeum (heart blade)?


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