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The Student President’s Hidden Job Is to Improve the Sexuality of Female Students. 185

Chapter 185 – 185. Merry Christmas.

“Good luck on your exam, brother.”
“Uh, yes.”

They go back and forth and exchange greetings from time to time, but not everyone actively steps forward.
Even those who finished the exam first seem to be paying attention.
This suffocating atmosphere just waiting for me to choose.
First of all, it was a bit like choosing right after the exam.
I have to take over the student council, and the day everything is over, probably around Christmas.

“Oh, bro, today is the last exam, right?”
“Uh, yes.”
“So, shall we go for a drink?”
“Hey, I have to take over my brother.”
“What takeover?”
“Student Council, you should hand over to the people who will do it next year.”
“Ah… “
“If you do this, it will be over.”

You have to pick one, but that’s personal.



“Oh, you are here.”

The student council room is full.
From our student council to the members of Yeonhee’s student council.

“I guess everyone has finished their exams?”
“Of course. The president is the last to finish.”
“Brother, come quickly. I have to take over.”

Yeon-hee, who has been waiting for me, rushes to me.

“You also have to take over, you have to take over. You must be the busiest.”
“A… I only followed Jiye-unnie around.”

He handed over the materials he had prepared and explained them to Yeon-hee one more time.
So does everyone else.
Each event has different things to prepare and different things to do, so even if it’s the same event, there will be a lot to say to each other.

“You know roughly. Are you Yeonhee?”
“Um… Yes.”
“And this… “

In the middle of the explanation, I felt their gaze, so when I looked up, our eyes met once.
Areumna Isuli, Jiye, and even Suyeon.
Come to think of it, Yeon-hee wasn’t just looking at the paper I was explaining, she also glanced at me once in a while.

‘Under… This is inconvenient.’

Everyone didn’t say anything, but their eyes were looking for something.
I said not this year…
After the handover is over, there are only a few days left.
Besides, it’s already Christmas next week.
It seems that the unspoken pressure keeps tightening me.


“Under… It’s painful, it’s painful.”

It is difficult to consult with anyone.
I’ve had sex with five people all year, and now I have to choose one. Help?
It’s good if you don’t get hit on the cheek.
Men might envy you.

After the takeover, which was almost at the end, I returned home and lay down on the bed.
Come to think of it, this bed also made a lot of memories.
I never thought so many people would use my bed for a year while I was in school.
Even the toothbrushes in the bathroom, in a house where a man lives alone, six toothbrushes.
Every time they came to my room, they took out their own things as if they were competing, and it ended up like this.
I spent a lot of money washing dirty duvets from having sex.
There were also more extra blankets.

“Sigh… “

Even if you choose one, it’s a problem.
What about the rest of the children?

“Ah, the tablet… I really liked it when I wrote it… “

Maybe I took the meaning of feeling a crush too lightly.
I know I shouldn’t be like this, but the five of us are so evenly filled with hearts.
Areum, Dew, and Jiye.
The three of them were just juniors who knew each other well. It’s also different.
The three of them who quit the student council and ran away. So, that was the top priority.
And, Suyeon and Yeonhee.
Soo-yeon was a junior who always refused to take care of her, and Yeon-hee was a freshman who, in a way, could be said to be cocky.
There were some areas where everyone was lacking, and there were some kids who didn’t, but it was really fun to stay for a year.
Thanks to the kids who changed in a positive way and said it was thanks to me, I gained a lot of strength too.

Everyone was also unique.
I saw a lot of things I didn’t know before.
Dew Seul’s exhibitionism, Ji Ye’s sadism, Soo Yeon’s masochism, and Yeon Hee’s frigidity that I fixed.
What surprised me the most was Areum’s obsession.
A girl with a pretty face and a nice body…

My head hurts the more I think about it.
Let’s think about each one again.
First, Yeonhee.
Yeon-hee is a freshman, but she did a pretty good job. He always did well in the student council and set the mood well.
There, he is very cute like a 20-year-old. There used to be a bit of a cheeky look, but now I can’t find it.
After my frigidity disappeared, I even had the desire to seduce you first…
Moreover, now that he has been elected as the president of the College of Humanities next year, he can no longer be seen as young.
A child who has become very mature in a short period of time, but still wants to stroke his hair.
The time we’ve known each other is the shortest, but when you say you want to be the student council president, everyone helps and the members are gathered without difficulty, so he’s definitely a good person.

And Soo-yeon, a junior in the same department.
A guy who always had a friendly expression and couldn’t get along with his classmates or seniors and juniors.
He took care of me a lot from the time I was in the student council of my department, but back then we weren’t that close.
After borrowing the power of the tablet and getting closer, I was surprised. I never thought I would have such a taste… Thanks to you, I learned a lot too. In particular, the back that was trained through exercise was really erotic…
Heck, what… As we lived together in the student council, it felt really good to see the cold mask melting little by little.
These days, he seems to be busy playing with his friends.
It’s a bit late, but I’m really moved when I see him smiling at me while enjoying his college life.

The smallest and cutest Jiye.
Jiye was the most shocking.
I was really surprised when I realized that Jiye, who was always timid and timid, was a sadist.
How about a necklace… Well, when you shake my waist from above after tying my neck with a belt…
It was good… On the contrary, I also like being bullied.
Anyway, Jiye has also become very bright. No, rather than saying that he has become brighter, he seems to have a lot of confidence.
Ji-ye, who was timid because of being bullied, could not be found anymore.
Although it still became coercive if I took her glasses off.

The smirking dew has also changed a lot.
Exhibitionist… This really hit me hard.
Especially, the climax was during Nonghwal, and I still feel dizzy when I think of that time.
To be so sticky on the street… Even on a country road with no people, I was quite bold.
Anyway, at first, Seul-yi didn’t seem to think of such a deep relationship as she was just smirking and playing pranks. She just likes her and she’s pretty good at sex, so she’s not too bad, maybe.
However, she keeps having competitors, and as a result, she herself seems to have slightly changed her mind. From the middle, she treats her sincerely, saying that she only shows it to me, and while jealous, she gradually showed a more serious side.
To be honest… When the smirking dew clung so seriously, her heart was a little shaken.

And finally beautiful.
Really everything was perfect. Except for one.
That obsession.
It’s fortunate that the students in the student council can talk about it, but it’s okay with everyone else.
Still, just thinking about those eyes warms her heart.
She’s always like a big sister though, she takes care of everyone and does a good job. She is also good at studying.
Body too… Well, not only the student council but also the entire College of Humanities is the best.
I received a lot of jealous glances, and they stared at me so much… When I followed her to the event, I almost pretended to because of her staring eyes.

“Sigh… Yeah too… “

When I think about each person again, my thoughts are organized to some extent.
They all have their pros and cons, and they are all pretty and kind kids.
If only one person should keep watching and stay together…


School is already on vacation.
I also emptied the student council room and put away all my belongings.
Today is December 24th.
It’s christmas eve


A beautiful voice over the phone.

“Oh, beautiful, I’m in the student council room, can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Yeah, I came up for a while to pack up.”
-Tell me in advance, I’ll go up now.

The noisy student council room is quiet.
It looks empty because everyone except for Yeon-hee has put away their luggage.


A well-decorated warehouse room.
Even after putting the bed in, I noticed that I couldn’t use it properly.
I’ve written a few times…


And a very old sofa.
In a way, it seems that this sofa was more useful than the bed in the room…

“Huh… “

– Rattle

It’s old, and it’s just worn out, so now when I lie down, it creaks a lot.
Lie down on one leg on the floor and close your eyes.

-Ki yi yi yi

The sound of the student council room door opening still intrusive.
I lifted my head slightly and looked up to see Areum opening the door and coming in.
Neat and tidy No mess anywhere.
I always did.

“Ugh, turn on the light.”
“Ah, it’s not even my student council room anymore.”
“Are you lying down too comfortably for that?”
“What… Because it is the last.”
“Why did you call me? Is there anything I can help you with?”
“That… “

She tries to speak out, but Ah-reum reaches out to stop her.

“Wait, brother.”
“Have you decided who to choose?”
“Then, I’ve decided.”
“It’s surprising, I thought you couldn’t decide.”
“Ah, I know. You can’t live like this forever.”
“So, what am I? Did you call to kick it?”

Get up on the sofa
He gently tapped the seat next to me with his hand.

“Sit down and look. It’s beautiful.”

I held the hand of the woman sitting next to me and asked.

“Why did I call you here to kick you?”
“I don’t know… “
“Why are you so insecure today?”
“It’s just that I’m so scared. I’m afraid I won’t be able to see you anymore.”

Areumie’s eyes welling up with tears.
The thin fingers in my hand tremble.
Grab her with both hands and pull to hug her.
As usual, Areumie comes into my arms.
I bury my face in her chest and whimper.
He pats her on the back, then grabs both cheeks and kisses them lightly.


“I like you, beautiful. Oh, it’s been too long since I liked it. Because it has been like that all along.”
“Huh, that, then… It’s me?”
“Yeah, no matter how much I think about it, I think I can’t see you. It was the hardest.”

Ah-reum, who was alternately wiping the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand, rushes towards me.
As if the soft, short kiss I had a while ago was not enough, he kissed me so intensely as if he would split my lips.

“Hap… “

The unlit student council room is getting darker and darker.


“Haa, oppa, do you remember the first time you and I did?”
“Yes? Of course. Beautiful was your house.”
“Right, remember?”
“Then… “
“When you’re done, remember what your brother said to me, then?”
“Um… Well.”

Areum digs deeper into her arms.
I brought a blanket from the back room and covered it, but it was a bit cold to be naked, perhaps because I turned on the heating late.

“It was the first time I did it with my older brother at that time.”
“Oh, you know… “
“So I thought I was dating my brother right away? But come… My brother keeps asking me if I want to join the student council.”
“Uh, um… Um, sorry… “
“Really, what kind of men were there back then? I thought about it, and it was so disgusting.”

Beautiful, white and slender fingers caress my face and pinch my cheeks.

“Ugh… How did you come to like me like this… “
“Sorry… I’ll do my best.”
“And, huh? During the student council, all kinds of… Ugh… “
“Kuhm… That’s… All agreed… “
“It’s really ridiculous, but it’s funny even for us who were watching it.”

Noticing my expression hardening slightly, Areumie gently stroked her cheek with her palm.
The warm energy melts the cheeks tiredly.

“Why? Are you worried?”
“Right… Some other kids… “
“Again, again. Are you thinking of another woman when you are with me?”
“No… Beautiful though.”
“Put, you know, this is a joke. But what… Maybe everyone can’t help it? I decided to put up with it no matter who my brother went to.”
“Have you talked to each other again?”
“Then can we not talk? In this nonsensical case?”
“It is not… Sigh… “
“Maybe… You’d better not see the other kids. Everyone said they would.”
“Sorry… “
“Are you sorry?”

-Koo Woo-wook

“Oh, wait a minute. No. That’s not what you mean. Ahh. Okay.”

Areum, who ruthlessly squeezed the pepper, could only scream at her touch.

“Give it up cleanly, that’s how everyone loses their minds.”
“Yeah, what… “
“There’s nothing nice about seeing your face, it just shakes my heart more for nothing.”

Beautiful is right.
She said that if she wasn’t chosen, she would never see me again.
I can’t help it. To be honest, I don’t feel comfortable… Because from now on, I can never live like this year.
He pulls Areum into her arms and hugs her.

“Okay. Beautiful But do you know?”
“Yes? What?”
“It doesn’t end with just one.”
“Oh no, really… It’s Christmas soon, bro.”
“Originally, on Eve, lovers do this.”
“Huh… Ah… “
“Don’t you hate it because it’s the student council room? Shall we go home?”
“Yes… No, anywhere is fine as long as I’m with you… Sorry.”
“I am beautiful too.”
“Hey, ah… Merry Christmas. Brother.”


There was one last thing to sort out.
The tablet I used a lot.
After all, I haven’t figured out how it works, but…

– Tuk tok

As the years passed, the student council president’s term ended, so no matter how much I touched him, he didn’t respond.
At the end of the year, my head was so complicated that I couldn’t even touch it, but what would have come out if I had checked it last.
Well, it’s a bit unfortunate, but the tablet, which is no longer needed, is thrown deep inside the storage room of the College of Humanities, where I first discovered it.

“Whoa… “
“Baby what are you doing? Let’s hurry.”
“Oh, beautiful. Let’s go.”
“What? What’s here?”
“No, it’s just a warehouse, but I have something to put there.”
“Huh… “
“Ah, why are you looking at me like that? It’s really nothing.”
“It’s a joke, a joke. Let’s go. I’m hungry.”
“Oh, can I cook for you?”
“You still can’t do it right.”
“No, we practiced diligently as our Areum told us, didn’t we?”
“Oh, yes? Then, shall we take a look at our own cooking skills? And let’s call it right? Babe?”
“Yes… Honey, I’m sorry.”

It seems like I’m living a little bit, but what…
This much is a happy complaint.

The Student President’s Hidden Job Is to Improve the Sexuality of Female Students

The Student President’s Hidden Job Is to Improve the Sexuality of Female Students

학생회장의 숨겨진 업무는 여학우들의 성(性)적 향상입니다.
Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Read the school register -Student president’s right to start female students’ sexual enhancement program -Han Areum Department of French Culture, class of 20-scholarship student


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