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The Nerdy Young Lady’s Rental Boyfriend Chapter 75

75 – Yuna (2)

When I opened my eyes in a large bed, two legs were tangled around my thighs. When I removed the blanket and gently caressed her crushed flesh with my hands, a warm scent and a slightly damp texture came out. It’s still a hot summer morning. It might feel a little uncomfortable, but strangely, I didn’t feel that way.


As I carefully moved her tangled legs to the side, Yuna, who was half asleep, let out her drunkenness. Is it because of the unfamiliar environment? Somehow, I felt like my sleeping habits had gotten a little worse. On the first day she stayed at her village chief’s house because she couldn’t find a house, I woke up to find her arms strangling me. Suddenly, I felt a vague pain in the area around her uvula where she had been headbutted before.


I relaxed slightly and looked out the window. There was a lot of work to do today as well. We have to pack up the remaining luggage, find out what work Yuna can do, and finish the remaining administrative procedures. The ones that came to mind right now were enough to fill her hand.

After arriving in Adenrich, I had a really restless time. After waking up early in the morning and processing the accumulated work, I fell asleep in the darkness that came with fatigue. When I wake up without having a dream, another day has begun.

But that busy daily life lasted until today. Once the remaining tasks were properly handled, the remaining tasks were things that could be put off until later. That’s why I got up from bed, embracing hope like the excitement of the spring breeze.

And at that moment, a small hand grabbed my collar.



Yuna’s charming voice made me laugh without realizing it. When I turned her head, I was greeted by two eyes that were still gently closed. Although she obviously opened her mouth, Yuna was still fast asleep. At least until the sun rises properly, Yuna won’t wake up rubbing her eyes.

After coming here, I felt like Yuna’s obsession with me had become particularly intense. Although she tried not to show it, her obsession always surfaced unconsciously. Even in the sweltering midday heat, we inevitably hold hands. Even in my sleep, it catches me trying to leave. Sometimes I had a tendency to become obsessive, to the point where it was scary.

No, perhaps it is now a natural expression of affection between us.

Thinking like that, the feeling of being a newlywed took over her entire body. Although there was no formal ceremony, it wasn’t really any different. We sleep together and wake up together in our new home. We share each other’s time to the point where we can’t distinguish between each other’s things. The village people already thought of us that way.

Yes. It’s like a newlywed couple.


I stood up before that feeling could completely invade my body.

I woke up my sore body with light exercise and headed towards the door, where a tingling energy came over me. You don’t even need to wash your hair. Just walk around outside and your whole body will be drenched in sweat. So I just put on my hat and headed out the door.

Green bushes welcomed me with the light that leaked in. The clear sound of church bells. The sound of birds chirping on the trees. The sound of insects crawling on the grass. Such friendly scenery of the countryside passed before my eyes in an instant. You’ll have to work hard today too. It was as if they were all warning me.

This is how the morning of the fourth day after coming to Ethanrich began.

“Hello, Chief.”

I said hello to the rock on the side of the road. Then the pitch-black rock moved little by little and soon turned into a huge shadow, rising above my head.


“You look busy today too.”

“You too.”

The chief of Ethanrich greeted me in a grave voice. He was almost twice as big as Guero, so when he crouched on the side of the road, it looked like a huge rock standing there.

But, like a prisoner, he was also a person with a kind personality. The village chief wiped his sweat-soaked hair and exhaled hot breath.

“So. Do you like the house?”

“Yes. It’s a bit big because it was used by a beastman. But anyway, I was lucky. There was an empty house at the right time.”

“Well, that’s right. I’m glad I found a house quickly.”

The village chief responded somewhat bluntly. Of course, I didn’t immediately believe his calm reaction. The timing was too good to be a mere coincidence, and the reason the original owner was away was also somewhat vague. Guerro probably gave the hint.

Are all beastmen like this? They were embarrassed to reveal their true feelings, so they tried to maintain a calm attitude. But it was clear that it would be rude to point that out, so I just nodded gratefully.

“It’s all thanks to the village chief. I don’t know how to express my gratitude.”

“There is no need to be too thankful.”

“Ah, then honestly, I’m not very grateful.”

“Uh…Uh. Okay.”

He seemed a little embarrassed and nodded awkwardly. As I was satisfied with the response and was about to leave, the village chief’s voice stopped me.

“Anyway, did you find a job? I just need some people. Do you want to work with me for half a year?”

“Ah, I’m grateful, but I’ll decline for now. I’m still settling in, so I need to discuss it with Yuna.”

“Well, it’s only been four days since I arrived, so it’s natural to be worried. But be sure to think positively. No matter what you do in this country, there are some areas that need human touch.”

“Yes, I will definitely do that. Then I’ll just leave. There are still a lot of documents to submit.”

“Okay, let’s not disturb any more. Oh, and don’t forget that there are still things to submit in our village as well. Almost all of the new wife’s things have arrived, but most of your documents haven’t arrived yet.”

“Yes. I will definitely pay attention. Thank you.”

I bowed my head towards him and started walking again. The roads I had become familiar with were now wrapped around my ankles. At first, I wandered down the street a few times, but now I feel relaxed enough to walk while humming a song.

Although it was not a long time, I felt that I had already become accustomed to this situation.

Peaceful atmosphere. A leisurely countryside scenery where even time seems to pass slowly. Although they are a bit blunt, they are good people. Just by walking, the small scenes along the road capture your heart, and when you say hello to the people among them, you always get a pleasant response.

Although I am busy, it only lasts for a moment, and when I walk home after the sun sets, the prisoner children who were playing at the entrance of the village run up to me and cling to me, urging me to play a little bit. Maybe it’s because it’s my first time seeing a young human. Even though I knew I shouldn’t do that, it was always difficult to reject the children’s complaints, so I always hung out with them and ran around with them until I got tired.

Maybe this is the life I dreamed of. A world that is infinitely peaceful, with nothing hostile to be found anywhere in the surrounding landscape. It was definitely what I had hoped for.

So, if I let my guard down just a little bit, I felt like I would get caught up in inertia and just blend into this scenery.

Is it because of such sentiments? Since I came to this village, I have worked hard on myself endlessly. I created work at every moment, and if I felt like I had to do something, even if it was the smallest thing, I definitely did it. Even just before falling asleep, I closed my eyes thinking about what to do tomorrow.

That life was surprisingly enjoyable, and I was able to devote myself to it with more sincerity than I thought. But all things must come to an end, and today seemed to be that day. Everything was over even though the sun had not yet risen in the sky. I stared at the sky for a while, filled with emptiness rather than a sense of accomplishment. All that time, all I could think about was her.

Of course, I couldn’t stay like that forever, so I headed home. The house, immersed in the shadows of the setting sun, was surprisingly empty. Where did Yuna go? Just as I was about to think that, someone’s arm wrapped around my waist.



Actually, I noticed it approaching for a while, but I still screamed out of courtesy. Then Yuna seemed satisfied and buried her face on my back.

“You’re here early? Have you finished everything you need to do?”

“Yes. Now I don’t have any documents to submit to the Empire, and I’ve almost finished all the house-related work. I don’t think I’ll have much to do for a while.”

“Really? Then let’s go in quickly. Come on.”

“What’s wrong? It seems like you’re in a hurry today.”

“I have good news. Hurry up.”


Yuna almost pushed my body inside her door. I couldn’t resist the fire and went into the house as if it was collapsing.

And then, in the completely different atmosphere, I ended up laughing.

The scenery inside the house was very different from when I left. The luggage that had been placed in a mess had already found its place and was placed properly, and even the parts that were a little bit of a concern or that were thought to be dirty were all neatly cleaned.

Of course, there were some shortcomings, but it was clear that they had tried their best. When I let out an exclamation of surprise, Yuna hesitantly came to my side.

“How are you? Are you okay?”

“Yes. I finally feel like I’m in a new house. Did you organize everything?”

“I woke up a little early today. Of course, you probably woke up earlier than that…But I tried my best.”

“It’s really good. It really doesn’t seem to have any flaws.”

I turned my gaze towards Yuna with a strange feeling. Then Yuna smiled brightly and hid her hands behind her back. But that didn’t mean she could even hide her badly chipped fingernails.

“Did you bite your nails again?”


“It’s difficult to fix, but it’s best to control yourself as much as possible. And then someday, you’ll end up ruining your pretty hands, right?”

“But what can I do when you’re not by my side every time I wake up? I told you to wake me up when I wake up. I get anxious for no reason because I’m alone in an unfamiliar place.”

“As expected, wasn’t it a bit too much to let our little boy watch the house alone?”

“I told you not to treat me like a child.”

Yuna gently pinched my elbow. When I twisted her finger, I could feel her faint, faint pain.

“So, this is the good news?”

“That’s not it. Just sit down. I’ll tell you a story.”

Yuna pushed me towards her table again. She wanted to suppress it and ask him what it was, but she thought she had something prepared, so she sat down obediently. Then Yuna headed toward her kitchen with excited steps and came out holding a beer so cold that steam formed around her bottle. When she saw the bubbles bubbling up inside the large bottle, her saliva began to drool without her knowing.

“What is this?”

“I got it from next door. How are you?”

“Is this the good news?”

“Of course not. Just have a drink first, okay?”

“I will never refuse.”

Without hesitation, I poured the beer into my glass and drank it straight. The moment the tangy carbonated beverage coolly passed down my throat, I felt dizzy and the fatigue of the day melted away like snow. In the midst of a pleasant intoxication, I expressed my last words.

“I am being treated so kindly. Is today perhaps the last day of my life?”

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“Probably not. By the way, why don’t you ask? What’s the good news?”

“Can I ask now? What is it?”

“That’s right…”

Yuna deliberately took her time, as if hoping for a dramatic effect. And it was only when my eyes began to sparkle that she opened her mouth.

“I got a job.”

“What? Really?”

I jumped up from my seat, happier than I should have been. In my heart, I wanted to just hug Yuna and spin around on the spot. Yuna, too, must have sensed something like that and opened her mouth, feeling a little embarrassed.

“While talking with the neighbors, the lady next door, Sandra, asked if I would like to work at the school. It’s not an academy, it’s just a small school, but she said that if I do well, I could become a full-time teacher. What do you think, is that okay?”

“We didn’t even graduate from the academy, is that okay?”

“Yes. The subjects are also children, and in fact, it is said to be closer to an orphanage than a school. Most of the children are beastmen, so they will definitely like it if there is a human teacher. It is a perfect fit for me, isn’t it?”

“Um… Do you like kids?”

“I should try to like it, right?”

Yuna ended her answer with a question instead of an answer. I also knew that it wouldn’t make much sense to think about it now, so I just kept my lips shut. Actually, there was no need for that.

Well, I’m sure it’s good news.

Actually, I felt like I wanted to dance. Yuna got a job. Of course, she had no trouble living off the jewels the Duke of Richmond gave her, but if she didn’t do something consistently, she was bound to waste it at some point. That’s why she couldn’t help but feel very happy about Yuna’s employment news. It was practically a signal that she was starting to settle into this life.

And I did not hide my joy and showed it on my face. Then Yuna smiled and leaned towards me.

“What do you think? Is this good news?”

“Yes. Really. It’s very happy news.”

“Only with words?”


Yuna innocently lifted her head. I couldn’t ignore her rabbit-like eyes, so I got up and walked over to her side. And then, he lightly kissed her soft cheek.

As soon as her chapped lips touched the tender skin of her feet, her forehead burned. Yuna also closed her eyes tightly and her body trembled as if it was her first kiss. I said in a whisper, wrapping my hand around the nape of her neck.

“I’m really, really happy, Yuna.”

“Are you that happy about that?”

“Yes. Really, truly.”

Well, it also means that all preparations for living on this earth are now complete. Some may say that it was only four days, but for me, who had worked hard so far, the fact that the end of it all was in sight was a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

And it seemed to be the same for Yuna, as she kept pushing her head towards me. There was no malicious intent, but I felt like I needed to curb the surge of energy to some extent, so I brought up another story.

“Well, good news is good news. I guess we’ll have to decide on duty tonight, right?”

“Huh? I’ll just do it. That’s right, you worked hard outside all day today.”

“Oh, that’s not possible. Let’s decide on rock, paper, scissors. How about that?”

“Um…If you really have to.”

Yuna raised her hand as if she couldn’t win. I also lifted her hand, looking keenly into her eyes. Soon, we both opened our mouths at the same time.




Of course I punched. Sometimes pure love is the end of variation. But those laws were tragically crushed under Yuna’s choice.

She deliberately did not pay anything.


Then, only after confirming that I had made a fist, I belatedly extended my index and middle fingers.


I laughed at the trick that now felt like it was from a long time ago. Then he twisted his lips and said.

“I said it last time, but it’s foul.”

“But I lost? Then it doesn’t matter, right?”

“Hmm…Then at least I should get a penalty, right?”

“What punishment are you going to give?”

Hearing my words, she looked at me with secretly expectant eyes. I raised my hand to meet that expectation.

“That’s right…”

Then, he ran straight towards her and started tickling her side.

“Wait a minute! This is not possible!”

As soon as I put my finger on her side, Yuna started laughing in a loud voice. But I didn’t pay attention and just rushed at him and grabbed his side.

“There’s no reason why it can’t be done. A penalty is a penalty.”

“Ah…Please! Wait a minute! Ahahahaha!”

“So who wants to write a foul? Take it sweetly.”

“Oh please. Ellen! Ellen!”

My name rang out pitifully. I continued to persistently tease her side, and Yuna laughed until she was out of breath, then fell into my arms and cried out in sorrow.

“Oh, please! Please, please! I’ll prepare the bath water today!”

“What? Really? Really?”

“Yes! Really!”

“Really, really!”

“Ahahahaha! Please Eleon!”

I continued to harass her for a long time even after her declaration of surrender was made. But we continued without knowing the extent of it, and eventually we both fell to the floor from exhaustion and had to catch our breath. Only then did I stop holding her hand, leaning into Yuna’s arms and sighing harshly.


“Ugh… Really…”

We got entangled together and leaned against each other’s bodies. My buttocks hit the floor and felt a faint pain. When I raised my head like that, a red sunset was shining outside the window.



A clear signal announcing the end of the day went beyond my eyes and moistened my heart. It’s a sight I’ve seen hundreds, maybe even thousands, of times in my life, but it felt very special today. And it seemed to be the same for Yuna, as she leaned her body against the wall and opened her mouth.

“I think I’m somewhat used to this life now.”

“Yes. I feel like I’m slowly settling in.”

“I’m finally starting to feel like I can live here. I have a house, I’ve found a job, and the people are friendly.”

“Really? Are you serious?”

“Then are you going to start pretending now? I’m serious.”

Yuna spoke as if it was a joke, but I looked at her with sincere eyes. And then she answered with a smile filling her mouth.

“I see.”

I see.

When I turned my head, a sunset filled with fire filled my eyes. Past memories quickly passed by in the clouds illuminated by the setting sun. It was only four days at most, but because she worked hard and thought about it without stopping, Eudali was deeply embedded in her heart.

Those four days were too long a time to wait for something.

“Well, it’s finally time to talk about this.”



I turned around while kneeling. And before I knew it, I carefully held Yuna’s hand, which had become a little rough.

“What is this all of a sudden?”

“I have something to tell you.”

Yuna made an expression as if she was tickled by my serious voice. But she never took her hand away. I opened my mouth with sincerity in response to the feeling of body heat.

“You’re used to this town now, right?”

“Well…Yeah. That’s right.”

“Like you said, I have a house now. I have found a job. All the neighbors are friendly people. Of course, it is hard to say for sure since I was only there for a short period of time, but I think it will be okay to continue my life in this country for now.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“So, I don’t think we can put this story off any longer, Yuna.”

“What are you talking about…”

Yuna was about to ask a question, but soon shut her mouth. Settled life. A sunset that fills the sky. Hands held together seriously. And, the final confession of the man I will live with. Maybe you already guessed what I was going to say. Soon, Yuna’s cheeks began to swell with anticipation.

And it was the same for me too. I too have been waiting for this moment for so long. That’s why I recited each and every word clearly without a smile on my face.

“Where is she, Yuna?”


When my question was asked, Yuna opened her mouth blankly. An expected silence fell between us.

“What do you mean…?”

“I asked where she was now.”

“You mean that kid?”

“You know who you’re talking about. It’s Yuna.”

I deliberately pronounced the name Yuna with emphasis. Yuna looked at me like that and tried to ignore her glance.

“No, I…”

“I don’t want to waste any more time. So answer me.”

“No, I don’t know what you’re talking about…”

I tried to play it cool as much as I could, but I couldn’t even hide my pupils that were shrinking in fear. Unlike the lips, which were still spitting out lies, the body was struggling to expose the truth. I grabbed Yuna’s wrist as she tried to reach for her mouth again.

“Eh…Ellen. Like this…”

“When she gets nervous, she bites her lip, not her fingernails.”


Yuna then awkwardly bit her lip. But that didn’t mean she could completely imitate her.

“She always wakes up before me. It’s because she can’t sleep. Or maybe it’s because she has insomnia. And she really hates having her wrists grabbed. Even if she tries not to show it, if you rub the middle of her wrist, she gets angry. “I hate it.”


“When I get really nervous, I fiddle with the glasses I’m not wearing and try to get noticed. No matter how shaky the carriage ride is, I never get motion sickness. Even when playing rock-paper-scissors, I use the scissors in a different way than you do. And what you didn’t notice, “It’s very obvious from the smallest actions and words that you are not her.”


I didn’t notice it at first. But as time passed, and the more ingrained habits popped out, I had no choice but to become more certain.

She is not the one in front of me right now.

It was hard to believe, but all the evidence unanimously said so.

Her villainous daughter, whose body was once stolen from her, has returned before my eyes.

“I thought there must be something going on, so I left it alone. And more than anything, Yuna, I thought I shouldn’t question you until you’ve settled into this new life. It’s my influence that led your life to this point, so if I don’t take responsibility, Because it can’t be done.”


“But I can’t wait any longer. You’ve settled into this life to some degree now. I’m sorry, but I can’t pretend not to know you anymore, Yuna.”


“It looks like you kept trying to imitate that kid, but you can’t do that. Just as that kid couldn’t be you in the end, you, Yuna, can never be that kid. So please stop acting awkwardly and tell me the truth now.”

I released her wrist. When the moment I had been waiting for for the past four days arrived, my voice trembled without me realizing it. Trying to control his trembling voice, he asked a question not at the girl but at Yuna.

“That girl in your head. Where is she now?”

The Nerdy Young Lady’s Rental Boyfriend

The Nerdy Young Lady’s Rental Boyfriend

찐따 영애의 렌탈남친
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The villainess, who has become a bit gloomy, keeps sending me support. She wants me to make more progress with her.


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not work with dark mode