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The Nerdy Young Lady’s Rental Boyfriend Chapter 13

13 – First Steps, Starting with Running (4)

[List of Missions]

1. Just holding hands. (for more than 5 seconds) – 5 shillings

2. Putting fingers together. (for more than 5 seconds) – 10 shillings

3. Stroking hair. (for more than 30 seconds) – 30 shillings

4. Embracing. (for more than 10 seconds) – 50 shillings

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5. ???

6. ???

The total amount of money needed is 3000 shillings.

If you complete everything on the list once, you can earn a total of 95 shillings.

Roughly speaking, if it’s 100 shillings,

Would I be able to gather everything by doing all of them about 30 times?

Considering that one day has already passed, dividing the remaining period of 6 days means repeating this 4-5 times a day.

However, doing it 5 times in a row seems a bit too much, so maybe it should be divided into regular intervals. If I were to divide it, once when we meet in the morning, once during the morning, once during lunchtime, and once during dinner time. Is this… too much?

The mathematical calculation was not that difficult, but the wall of reality held me back. No matter how obedient she became, it’s unlikely that Lady Yuna will simply follow along with this.

Then what should I do? No matter how much I think about it, it doesn’t seem like innocent Yuna could endure doing all of this five times in one day. But I don’t want to force her either. This seems to be a more challenging task than I thought… Ugh!

A sharp pain pierced through the cracks of my deepening thoughts. I tried my best to endure it since I was in the middle of a good train of thought, but my instinct was more concerned about the finger that seemed to be about to fall off rather than the progress of my thoughts. Eventually, I slowly opened my eyes and looked towards the direction of the bent finger.

“What are you doing?”

Then I saw Guro, who looked extremely uncomfortable. I tried to casually respond while enduring the pain.


“And this is called grooming now?”

Gwero pointed to his messy hair, irritatedly muttering. Hm. Perhaps the intensity of the strokes was the problem. After much consideration, I decided to ask him directly and opened my mouth.

“What was the problem? Did I stroke too hard?”

“That’s one thing, but you didn’t ask for the other person’s consent first. And using the word ‘grooming’ is quite offensive, and above all, the stroking went on for too long.”

“Too long? It didn’t seem like it had been that long.”

“Wasn’t it about 10 minutes, you crazy bastard?”

Lost in thought, I must have lost my sense of time. I let out a scream of pain as I was once again confronted with the agony that Gwero had endured for those 10 minutes. Gwero, looking at me with a pitiful gaze, soon released his hand.

“Ah, forget it. It’s not like you haven’t seen this before. So, why did you do it this time? Do you have something else you want to find out?”

“Yeah. Well… wow, I almost broke my finger. You really bent it like you wanted to kill me.”

“Of course. Just so you know, stroking a werewolf’s head is somewhat similar to enslaving them. As you know, our race’s history is quite sad and complicated.”

“I see. Good to know. Women don’t like it when you stroke their hair for too long.”

“Damn it, you bastard.”

Gwero, as if fed up, gestured with his head and went towards Iriya, who was reading a book in the corner. Indeed, those who do not listen to others inevitably face and endure loneliness. I pondered over the long-standing truth while looking at the other side.

There was Yuna, who was deeply engrossed in her studies, with her head buried in a book not far away.

Even though there was a commotion nearby, Yuna seemed to be completely focused on her studies, as if she couldn’t hear anything. Seeing the jumbled equations written in the corners of the book, it seemed that she wasn’t just pretending to concentrate.

If it were any other time, I might have admired her dedication. But now, I felt no inspiration at all. Rather, everyone was making noise with their own circumstances. Her solitary figure, staring fixedly at her book, felt incredibly lonely.

Of course, unlike me, an ignorant commoner, she must have a reason to be so devoted to her studies as a noble’s daughter. But what could that reason be to sacrifice the present to such an extent?

And what is the true purpose of this mysterious voice that sends me support?

Looking back, I realized that I had never seriously thought about the purpose of this voice. I had been so focused on the money the voice sent, and the name Yuna that she mentioned, that I had never considered its intentions and objectives.

What does this voice want? The support it sends in specific situations. And the mysterious list of missions, along with the generous amount of support. What does it want from me?

And what does it want from Yuna?

I don’t know. Everything is filled with questions.


Square. Square. Square.


Square. Square. Square.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


As I sat there lost in thought, Yuna’s finger suddenly tapped my desk. When I turned my head, the corner of the book slipped through her elbow. There, written in small letters, was just one sentence.

To the library at lunchtime. Later than me.

Amidst the chaotic formulas, seeing the neatly written words alone brought a faint smile to my face. Somehow, I felt thankful, and I replied in a soft voice.

“Yeah. Got it.”


As I replied, Yuna pressed her lips, grumbled a bit, and buried her face in the book again. Though she might not know it herself, it was the moment when a crack appeared in her icy expression for the first time today. Seeing this, I wondered if Yuna secretly desired things other than studying.

I still don’t fully understand.

I’m foolish, and there’s so much I don’t know.

After the lunch bell rang, I counted 300 seconds in my mind and stood up from my seat. Despite Eriya, who was annoyed because I didn’t pay attention to her while deeply engrossed in a book, suggesting we eat together, I casually ignored her and headed to the library. Of course, I couldn’t completely ignore her. I had to be careful not to make a wrong move, as I could end up having my collar ripped off.

However, as I walked out of the classroom building and turned into the familiar path, all other thoughts disappeared, and the worries from earlier filled my mind again. What is the intention behind this sponsorship? What does she want from me? What does Yuna hope for?

Lost in deep thoughts, I entered the library, but even there, I couldn’t sense the distinctive smell. Even as the nauseating dust penetrated my lungs again, I felt nothing. I just walked on, reminiscing about every moment of that sponsorship in my mind.

It started when we held hands for the first time. After a dull Imperial History class, in a classroom where most students had left during lunchtime, 1 shilling entered my pocket when I held her hand.

The next stop was the library. In a situation where only the two of us were present, we held hands and 5 shillings appeared.

And finally, it was practical training time. Even if it wasn’t intentional, I hugged Yuna in front of everyone, and a considerable amount of money found its way into my pocket.

But when the two of us embraced each other alone in the library afterwards, no money came in. Why? If, as Yuna said, someone had sent support wanting a more provocative scene, like that seat or whatever it was, then it should have come in at that time too.

Instead of money, a mission list was posted. And right after that, I was called to the office and told that if I wanted to attend the academy, I needed to prepare 3000 shillings. It was a surprisingly perfect timing.

And the content of that list was quite interesting. Starting from holding hands and ending with embracing. Like missions divided into steps. And below that, two items marked with question marks. I may not know, but by completing those four missions, something would probably be unlocked eventually.

By now, it seems a bit off to see the purpose of sponsorship as simply wanting to witness more and more provocative things, like the eccentric whims of an absolute ruler. Rather, it feels like there might be a deeper purpose. Like slowly scattering breadcrumbs to lure the prey, like a hunter. What should I call this appearance of tempting me little by little with money? Like…



At that moment, someone’s voice once again distracted my focus. When I snapped out of it, I had somehow reached the end shelf of the library. And there, as always, Yuna was present.

“Um… hello.”

“Yeah. Hello.”

Yuna, with her serious demeanor, greeted me for the first time as if I was a stranger. She wasn’t sitting or leaning on the shelf like before but standing directly in front of me, looking at me.

Actually, it wasn’t that remarkable of a change. The first time, she was expected to sit since she didn’t anticipate meeting me, and the second time, she deliberately stood rudely to establish dominance. But this change felt a bit special to me. Just a while ago, she wouldn’t even mix words with me.

I wonder if Yuna is conscious of such changes herself. When I stared at her without saying anything, she scratched her head awkwardly and opened her mouth.

“So? What’s that method? Did you find out something?”


“You said so. Not to worry. That you found something out, right?”


“So, what is it? Tell me quickly. Don’t keep me in suspense for no reason.”

Yuna urged me with an indifferent tone, trying hard to appear unconcerned about the upcoming situation and focusing only on the identity of the sponsor. But I couldn’t be sure. Perhaps there was no trace of affection towards me in her heart, despite everything we had been through.

I couldn’t know that either. Come to think of it, I didn’t really know anything at all. Not even the voice that echoed in my own mind. Nor her heart. Not even my own heart.

Until now, I had only followed the intentions of the voice. I had followed those intentions without knowing what they were. Taking small steps, gradually, as if taking my first steps.

Yes. The voice had intended for me to take steps into the unknown. I didn’t know what the outcome would be, but I had used the situation to obediently follow those steps.

Maybe if I just continued to follow those intentions, I would eventually know everything. It didn’t seem like I had anything to lose.

But somehow, that felt a little unfair.

Until now, you have acted in a way that left me puzzled and confused. Isn’t that a bit unfair?

I tilted my head playfully at my first thought. What if I were to surpass all the stages you had prepared? Wouldn’t you be quite bewildered as well?

Of course, I didn’t know what awaited at the end of those stages. I could only guess. And there was only one way to be sure of that guess.

And also, to find out her true feelings.



Having made up my mind, I slowly opened my mouth. And extending my hand forward, I spoke.

“For now, will you reach out your hand?”

“What… for?”

“Just try it.”

“Hmm… okay.”

Yuna reached her hand forward, oblivious to what was happening. Perhaps she thought I might suddenly hold her hand, as she slightly spread her fingers. I could see a slightly tense expression on her face, as if she was anticipating something.

But I didn’t hold that hand.

Instead, without any warning, I approached her and grabbed Yuna’s shoulders. As a reflex, her hands touched my chest. But I pressed on with force.


Yuna’s face showed extreme confusion. In this unexpected situation, her eyes lost focus and wandered, and her cheeks turned pink. And below that, her bright red lips caught my attention.


Anticipating the upcoming fate, Yuna tightly sealed her lips. Of course, that didn’t mean the predetermined future wouldn’t unfold. Perhaps realizing that, she slightly parted her lips and released a tense breath. I’m not sure if it was a delusion, but her eyes also closed slightly as if harboring a tiny bit of expectation.

But I let my lips pass by hers and lowered my head even further.

And then, I firmly pressed my lips against her delicate neck.


With a fresh scream, Yuna forcibly swallowed a breath as if swallowing saliva. Her tender skin screamed, along with her rough heartbeat, but I didn’t stop. I just continued to delve inside, intoxicated by the warm scent that penetrated my nostrils, leaving almost an imprint.






The pounding sound of her heart intertwined with Yuna’s moans in a sweet melody. As the strength gradually drained from the hand gripping her chest, I waited until the hand fell completely before I parted my lips.


With a soft sound, her lips fell, and Yuna looked at me with a greatly surprised expression.



But I called her name before she could say anything. Yuna futilely opened her lips and expressed her confusion.


In a voice devoid of strength, there was no trace of any rebellious spirit. I stood there, gently brushing my lips against Yuna’s earlobe, my hand lightly cupping her cheek. Without any sign of haste, but certainly not slowly, I whispered just one word.

“I love you.”


Upon hearing those words, Yuna froze in place. Her entire body seemed to stiffen like a wooden doll, and only a breath escaped from her lips. Just one word. It was just one word, yet time seemed to freeze as if paralyzed.

“I love you.”

I whispered once again, pressing my lips firmly against the nape of her neck. Now, the pulsating heartbeat permeated through the lips, and the warmth between them spread.


Yuna uttered feeble moans as if she were a broken doll. When I sneakily opened my eyes, her face had turned so crimson that I thought it might burst.

And then, at that moment, another voice came.


The mechanical voice stumbled for the first time. It seemed bewildered to the point that it might burst as well. Ignoring it, I continued to imprint the voice on my earlobe, moving my lips a bit lower.


As my rough lips flowed over sensitive areas, Yuna let out a nearly melting moan. Her entire body, now overheated, seemed to rise like it could get burned. It felt like the sensation of a volcano about to explode. If I did something more here, it felt like her body would burst open. However, I paid no heed and continued pressing my lips, and Yuna moaned intensely as if reaching a climax.


And at that moment.

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Something truly burst out.

[Y…Yuna has…spon…sored…]


As her and her voice burst out, a loud sound echoed, and thousands of coins poured out as if a waterfall. Like a cascade flowing down, the coins formed puddles on the ground, a spectacle created by the coins raining down from the empty space.


Within the flood of coins, Yuna’s legs gave out, causing her to collapse onto the pile of coins. But even in that moment, the coins continued to spew out, flowing through her skirt. Once the coins started pouring out, they didn’t stop, sticking firmly to her pristine white thighs.

…They’re really coming out a lot. Feeling a bit embarrassed, I scratched my cheek as I looked down at Yuna.


Yuna stared endlessly at the stream of money, covering her face with both hands. And slowly, as if realizing the situation, she began to lower her hands. When the sound of coins flowing stopped, Yuna looked at me with a flushed face.


The Nerdy Young Lady’s Rental Boyfriend

The Nerdy Young Lady’s Rental Boyfriend

찐따 영애의 렌탈남친
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The villainess, who has become a bit gloomy, keeps sending me support. She wants me to make more progress with her.


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not work with dark mode