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The Milk Hunter Couldn’t Stand It 254

Chapter 254 – The Mermaid’s Dream

When I closed my eyes and opened them, I was in Shameyah’s dream.
The seawater flowed smoothly, and the buildings that looked like shells from Mermaid Island were forming a city.
An extremely friendly resolution poem.
Dolphins, the mermaid’s pets, float in the sea, and the mermaids eat fish and sing leisurely in the plaza.


This place seemed to be a mermaid’s paradise.
It’s an environment that Shameyah would love.

The mermaids around them were blurry, unlike the real ones.
His presence was weak, so he was just sitting in the city as a background.

I guess these aren’t that important.

I walked to a more specific and distinct place.
The owner of the dream is Shamey.
Only what she was aware of was close to reality.

What I felt while meeting Lilith through a dream is that dreams are extremely subjective.
Except for Shamayya, it was good to see that everyone else was a puppet that moved according to her thoughts.

Spacious castle.
Being entertained by countless mermaids, Shameyah was enjoying sex.
Male slaves are weaved together like gulbi, and left on standby, sucking the energy of each one.

Because it was her dream, anything she could imagine was possible.
Because it was a monster, it was a dream more faithful to instinct.

I looked to see what kind of man Shamayya was having sex with, and it was me.

Even in my dreams, she ties me up and eats me.

Whoops, whoops, whoops, whoops.
Kyahang, kyahang, kyahang, kyahang.

Have sex very passionately.
That Cheonwoon treats Shameyah harder than I do.
I didn’t know she might want sex like that.

In my dream, I thought about how to convince Shameiya.
In reality, I am tightly bound, but in my dream, I am free.
It was my goal to infiltrate Shameiya’s dream and tame her, just as Lilith invaded her dream of mine.

Shameiya looks at the men she wants to fuck.

All of them were chained and sat still, like the people imprisoned in the Mermaid Island prison.
Everyone is strangely like me.
In addition to Shameyah and Cheonwoon, who were immediately biting and sucking, even the men waiting were similar in appearance to me.

This mermaid is obsessive.
Even in my dreams, I only want to have sex with me.

Then, the way to seduce Shameiya was, of course, sex.

Tame the siren princess with sex.
It’s not difficult for me, a milking hunter.

I approached Shameiya, who was eating fortune in bed.
Try dealing with real heavenly luck, not such fantasy heavenly luck.

She put the magical power of [Caress] In her hand and grabbed Shameiya’s breast while they were having sex while sitting on the heavenly cloud.

Kiik? Height gain?

Shameyya turns her head.
I, a real lucky man, showed off my milking skills.
Of course I thought he would like it, but surprisingly, his expression was frowning.


Bite my hand with your teeth
I called the sirens and attacked me.
I was kicked out of her room in an indiscriminate attack.

What’s wrong?

My milking couldn’t be worse than sex.

Obviously milking is a much more advanced skill than stick fondling.
Why did you reject me?

Think again carefully.

This is Shameiya’s dream.
I am an uninvited guest who came in at will.
He was an outlaw who only hindered her dreams.
No matter how well you milk her, she doesn’t feel it. Because she was dreaming what she wanted, my existence was meaningless.

Just as I was happy with the milking party on the beach of Eunhena when I was dreaming, Shameiya was also happy enough with the sky luck tied to her.

I can see why you rejected me.
What did Lilith do at a time like this?
I remembered the way Lilith took over my dreams.

Gradually, slowly turn your attention.
Dreams are nothing but fictions and fantasies anyway.
The charm of a real person cannot be surpassed.

From that day on, I waited moderately within sight of Shameiya.

Sit still and raise your presence.
I can milk you anytime.
My milking is greater than your fantasies.
I looked at Shameiya with such confidence.

She looks at me from time to time while having sex with Tied Up Cheonun.
I guess I’m a little concerned.


Paradise castle.
At the unexpected appearance of an intruder, all demons stopped what they were doing.
They gather at the entrance of the castle gate where the incident occurred.

[Hey, this is the castle of paradise. The devil inside the mask was hiding it in a place like this.]

The dragon looked back at the castle and giggled.
Opened the gate of Paradise Castle, which was connected to the Heavenly Fortune Guild.
Unauthorized people were not allowed to enter, but she forcibly opened the door by interpreting the coordinates of the space magic that was closed.

[I can’t feel the energy of heaven. Not here.]

As soon as the knight king arrived at the paradise castle, he started looking for luck.

He thought about the possibility that he might have escaped and resided here, but that didn’t seem to be the case.

[Portion! Hey, would you like a potion?]

The Extermination Dragon beckoned to the demons who were guarding them.
Secretary Jeong Yoon-hwan, maid Nam Ju-ha, and butler Kim Jin-won stood with weapons.

“Portion? What is the potion?”

Jung Yun-hwan asks the question of the end of the dragon.
Faced with the worst opponent, he tries hard not to touch the planting as much as possible.
If the dragon’s heart was broken or the king of knights swung his sword, the paradise castle would be destroyed.

[I heard that Chun-wun drank, but this is it. Are there more like this?]

The dragon took out the breastfeeding bottle.
He cannot forget the taste of breast milk and asks if there is a similar product.

“Oh! That…”

Nam Joo-ha found out the identity of the breastfeeding bottle.
A breastfeeding bottle that maids often make.
It was a breastfeeding potion only for heavenly luck.

[Oh, you know?]

Myoryong turns his gaze to Nam Joo-ha.

“I know. But why are you looking for it?”
[If you know, bring it right away. It’s delicious.]

She ordered naturally.
As if you are the owner of this place.
It was the attitude of the master to give food.

[There are many demons. I will purify this place.]

The King of Knights looked around the castle and drew his sword.
Now that he has arrived at the Paradise Castle, he intends to plant destruction as scheduled.

[Wait a minute.]

The Slaughter Dragon stopped the King of Knights.
Nam Joo-ha is bringing the potion.
It’s not too late to destroy the castle after getting something to eat.

[Don’t play, focus on your mission.]
[A small castle like this can be destroyed quickly anyway. It’s a pretty castle, so I’ll play with it some more.]

Myorong liked the paradise castle.
She is a lazy place for her resort to play.
There were a lot of demons that could be called as a servant.

[It is a castle that should be broken anyway.]
[I play with more because it is a breakup.]

Knight King and Derang Dragon fought.
It was the task of breaking the paradise of the paradise, but she wrote her swarm.

Knights, who knew the nature of the dragon, asked all his mouth.
Once I decided on it, I did not stubborn.
Everything is what you want.
A capricious she doesn’t want to destroy it right now.


King Knight looked at the dragon.
Even if you do not destroy the paradise’s castle now, if her personality will be broken.
The toy was crushed, and the residence was a crazy dragon.

[Then let’s make an appointment.]
[This is the home of the luck. Don’t forget and destroy.]
[Uh, I know.]

Anti -Dragon answered.

I was holding the potion brought by Namju.

[If you find a luck, you can contact you.]

The Knight king left a portal with a greeting.
He would return to Europe and even conquer continental.
He could not catch the luck and the demon, but smashed their territory and destroyed the base.
The mission seems to be finished well.

Donage remained in the paradise of the paradise.

I dared to drink breast milk in front of the demons who couldn’t dare to fight.

Gulp, yum.

[It tastes different from the potion you drank last time? This is okay though. Are the potions by type?]

I also like the new breast milk bottle.
She smiled as she was.
There is a beautiful castle like a picture and delicious food.
Let’s stay in the paradise of the paradise.
If you are tired of playing, you have to destroy the castle.

The demons who are fighting dies. Even if she gets tired, she dies.
The castle of the paradise was held.


Shameiya’s dream.
I endured persistently and grew my presence.

Princess Siren looks at me while having sex with the luck in my dreams.

It was a time of pain.
Make you.
I will milk.
If you taste my milk, you will never forget it?
Come to get milk.

This was a way of developing a presence in Shameiya’s dream.
She expressed her strong will to recognize me.

Only overwhelms the fake luck in dreams.
Finally, Shamaya stopped her sex and looked back at me.


I came to me standing in the corner of the room.
It was as if it was a curiosity of wild animals full of alertness.


Shame is touching me.
It was definitely recognized by the one side.

“I’ll milk.”

It exploded the overflowing energy of the milk hunter.
My charm covers the room.
Yes, I learned the aura of milking.
Just spraying energy makes Shameiya’s breast trembling as if you were milking.

It was a state of milking with the heart.
It was not as specific as the Knight’s Shim Sword, but I learned the milk of my heart.

[Mandible! My heart is tickling. You, you are …]

Shameyah covered her breasts with her arms.
It’s the first time I’ve ever felt my heart being touched with my heart, not with her hands.

Of course it will be the first time
Who else would be able to use this skill if not the milking hunter?
I stayed in my dreams and figured out how to milk with my mind.
Just thinking about milking her with her eagerness made this possible.


Shamayya twitched her silence followed, twisting her ass.
I am at a loss for what to do with the stimulation that started from her chest.

She only cared about me.
Finally conquered the dream of a mermaid.
It was here that the strongest sense of existence became heavenly luck.

I hugged Shamayya.

“I’ll tell you about real sex. Sex without milking isn’t even sex. You would never have sex like this if you tied me down.”

I was not in any bondage.
You can use all parts of your body, including both hands, torso, and waist.

She laid her on the bed and kissed her lightly.

With both of her hands, he touched her whole body with the magic of [Caress], Lifted both of her legs, and poked her cunt with the stick.

[Stick caress]

Kyahang! Kyahang! Kyahang! Kyahang!

Pin both thighs to her stomach with her arms and rock her back and forth.

A posture she can’t do alone.

Piston Jilled her so that her mermaid mind would break down.

Kiyi profit!

I grab her trembling hands and make her face down on the bed to hit her back.

The whole bed rattled every time we clashed our genitals.

He knelt down behind her and hugged her.

I tightly squeezed her milk that was spilling over and over.
I’ve been patient for a long time, so I’ve accumulated some complaints.
Milked very rough.

Anyway, Shameyah likes this kind of sex too.

Kiik, Kiik, Kiik, Kiik-

She milked Shameiya until she collapsed from exhaustion.

We rolled around in bed hugging each other without a shadow, but she could taste my cum overflowing.
This is the unsealed heavenly fortune.

She was enjoying the climax of her milking until she passed out because her stamina was exhausted.

I experienced perfect milking in my dream.

Mischievous, fidgety.

I woke up to the feeling of something wriggling on top of me.

Shameyya woke up from her dream and was releasing her my restraints with eyes full of hearts.

I want to taste proper milking in real life.

“Good job.”

I’m completely free
He hugged Shamayya and patted her firm ass, complimenting her.

Milked her in her reality too.
Milking more passionate than dreams.
The mermaid was very satisfied and took me into my arms.

Kiki, Kik, Kik, Kik.

Grab Shameiya’s milk and suck it gently.
She had a B-class breast milk constitution and was a good milking target.

Alright, it’s finally escape.
There are no restraints, and the body recovers by sucking on the milk.

To get out of here

Since this is inside the sea king’s field, he couldn’t use space magic.
The rift will open only after defeating the sea king.

The Milk Hunter Couldn’t Stand It

The Milk Hunter Couldn’t Stand It

착유헌터는 참을 수 없었다
Score 7.3
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
[You are a ‘milking hunter’.] The growth period of a milking hunter.


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not work with dark mode