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The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story 247

Chapter 247: Investments

'I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you.

Roomon explained in a shaky voice.

Kohary is currently living in the residence of the knight Belmacan. The reality that it's lonely to wait alone at New Nellie Castle while I go to King's Landing, I've moved my base of living to the castle.

Since Roomon is related to the daughter of the Belmacan family, it is easier for the siblings to see each other. At least it is much easier than for Roomon to climb the castle.

I'm not bothered by it, “He said. She was pretty.”

Kohliy was plainly shocked by her brother's marriage. At first, she was happy for her brother, but as time went by, she slowly began to miss him. And now that I, her new guardian, was gone, Kohary's “Loneliness switch” Was finally turned on, and she spent a long time fretting in her room by herself.

When I went to see Kohary at the castle the other day, he was so cute, rubbing up against me as if he was trying to make up for the loss of his brother.

It was refreshing to see him in such a headstrong mood.

I tried to take him straight back to the castle, but Kohary would not budge. If you base your life in a castle, roomon is hard to come to see you.

Kohliy's repeated her, “I still want to stay here,” As if she were clinging to me, was weak and made me want to protect her.

In the end, I could not ignore her request her I would be able to get my mind her in order if I gave it some time.

“Ha ha! ……! I believe that once my life settles down, Kohary will be relieved, so I would like to ask for your forgiveness …….”

This brother must have been very nervous about Kohary's behavior, which was unbecoming of a beloved concubine. Kohary may have taken my words about how well he was doing as sarcasm, and the room on was so tense that it was almost apologetic to watch. , Not exactly zero sarcasm.

He said, “It doesn't matter. Don't be afraid of every little thing.

I guess she is worried about her brother because she is not yet pregnant, even though she has become his mistress Kohliy's position her would be extremely delicate if she were to give up her affection for me now.

But I am not at all interested in my brother's apology.

He says, “… Come to think of it, what kind of girl was the one you married? I didn't see her.”

Roomon seems to have sensed our feelings and changes his attitude his naturally from apologetic mode to chatting mode.

She was too good for me and others.”

Roomon was very pleased with his new wife's beauty her, and he strongly emphasized that he was truly happy to see her.

This was the right response.No commoner would be allowed to openly deny his wife, who was given to him by the Belmacan family, the most important of the Quardenze knights.It would destroy the reputation of the knight Belmacan.

You seem to know your place.

He is favored by the nobility, his sister is his mistress, and he gets a wife from a knight's family. If he was getting carried away, I would have had to reconsider my treatment of Roomon, but as things stand now, there should be no problem.

I have not received any bad reports from the civilian officials, and I think I can trust him to do a good job in the future.

I ask you one more time,” He said. I want you to answer honestly. I have high expectations for your work in Nambonan. I expect you to do as well in Nambonan as you did before your marriage.

Room on is very user-friendly. Not only does he have good clerical skills, logistical and commercial strengths, but he is also able to read my intentions and act accordingly. I would like to continue to use him in Nambonan City.

What I am concerned about is the possibility of Roomon getting an ogre wife. If he can't complain about the wife of a knight and she keeps stressing him out, resulting in poor work, that's a big problem. Married in such a way that his brother would suffer, Kohliy's trust in me would also be at stake.

I will do my best to live up to your expectations.

……Will it hinder you from serving me in the future?”

Serving me with sincerity and meeting my expectations is more important than anything else.

Yes, I was blessed with a good spouse. Now that I am blessed with a good companion, I am confident that I will be able to do more than before. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness to me, young master, which is more than I can bear.”

It seems that he understood the truth of my question.

That's all right then. And as for me, I'm fine with the mayor. You will return to Nambonan in time.

It felt strange to be called “Young master” By Roomon. It was more natural to call him mayor.

What about New Nellie? I see you are being shown around by the Belmacans.

The challenge for Nambonan today is to function as a city in the territory of Kuordentse while maintaining its uniqueness. The vitality of the city's citizens is unusually high compared to other places, and it would be meaningless to destroy this vitality.

Considering such circumstances, it is better to use more locally hired staff in Nambonan. .

That is why we wanted to create a senior official from the private sector who knows about the Quordenze administration. Having Roomon tour the city is the first step in this process.

I learned a lot,” He said. I have seen things from the inside, and that has helped me to understand some things. I think I have a dim view of the knightly logic …… Ethics, or something we should call the code.”

In a sense, the administration of New Nellie City can be said to be the actual output of the underlying ideas of the nobles and knights. It seems that the visit to the site made a lot of things clear to him. In the city of Nambonan , they seemed to be having a lot of trouble dealing with civil servants.

Besides, the Belmacans gave us a lot of face time.

The city of Nunnery attracts people from knight families from all over the territory.

We are very grateful.

The roomon is from a merchant family and naturally understands the importance of personal connections.Since he had the perfect opportunity to get a wife from the Belmacan family, he actively visited many places and greeted many people.

I am glad to hear that your stay in New Nellie was worth while.

After a few more conversations, I decided to move on to the main topic at hand.

I asked him to tell me a few things about his stay in New Nellie, and then I moved on to my main topic.I called you here today because I wanted to ask you a few questions.

Ha ha.”

I continued talking as I looked at Roomon, who was getting a little more nervous.

The city of Nambonan used to have contacts with St. Navempos and the Mamusled Federation. I heard that the city of Nambonan used to have contacts with St. Navempos and the Mumschred Federation. Am I right?”

Viscount Galiana told me, and I myself have heard some of those stories since I entered Nambonan City.

It was not so much a …… City, but rather a place where powerful merchants had their own relationships with various parts of the continent.

Roomon seems very reluctant to answer. I can see what he is alarmed about.

I don't blame you. I'm not blaming you,” He said, “But I've already punished the city of Nambonan. I'm not looking to repeat the punishment or incriminate anyone with the answer to this question. Do so would be to belittle the past rulings of the Quardenze.”

We would like to show our respect for credibility. If it was too inconvenient for us, we would rehash it as much as we wanted, but I don't think that will happen this time.

The roomon, perhaps relieved by my words, began to answer the questions in an indifferent manner.

As the mayor said, we had connections. Among them are St. Navempos and the Mamusled Federation.

However,” He corrects himself.

Strictly speaking, there was no direct connection to the Great Kingdom in regards to the Mamshred Federation. We only had secret dealings with local organizations. In the Mamshred, government power is not absolute, and the provinces are not always obedient to the center. , Local officials and military personnel are looking to line their pockets.

You mean they are engaged in smuggling?”

Roomon looked a little surprised when I said this.

'What's wrong?'

'No, as you say. I was surprised at how quickly the mayor understood.'

According to him, it is not easy to explain smuggling trade to people of knight families.This is probably because the relationship between the center and the provinces is completely different from the common knowledge of the nobles' territories.

In other words, you mean that there was a connection with some of the areas facing Lake Meo?

Yes. All the smuggling trade was done using the lake. The regular trade conducted by the Great Crown would be via the Angata Mountain Road, but I hear that it was impossible to break into that part of the country.

……Don't they use the lakes for regular trade?

No. We don't use the lake. The technology of water transportation has only improved in the last 100 years or so to the point where it is possible to traverse Lake Meo. And even today, it is said that if you send out 10 private merchant ships, 7 of them will end up at the bottom of the water. I think this is the reason why there are no territories under the direct control of the Great King's Office in the coastal areas of the lake.”

Perhaps it is inevitable that the first great king of the Nagi Dynasty did not place much importance on the shores of Lake Meo. However, because of this, the current situation is said to be that the local influential people are now engaged in smuggling as they please.

The government, fearing a chain of rebellions, has not been able to forcefully condemn the situation and has halfheartedly tolerated it, and as a result, the Nagi dynasty has remained stable at a certain low level.

The city of Nambonan also does not face Lake Meo, but how did they deal with that area?”

'It seems that they traded with the Mamusledes through noble families like the Evenapis family, who have fiefdoms on the shores of Lake Meo. I heard that they often used noble domains that belonged to neither the kingdom nor the empire.”

Which noble families were the most common?

The most common was probably the Eudion family. I have heard several times about the Nambonan merchants who owned merchant ships in the territory of the Eudion.

The Eudion family. The Eudions, you mean the Spierzeiks?

…… Yes.

Roomon is quietly frightened because the content of the story is in favor of the Quardenze family's avenging enemy, the Spiaseik family. However, this is also a new story. The fact that the city of Nambonan and the Spiaseik family were connected in various ways behind the scenes have already been exposed in the light of day, and they have been brought to justice.

Until now, Nambonan merchants could not have ships in Evenapis territory and had to rely on independent noble families.But now I assume that most of them are moving their ships to the port of Lake Hartinos in the territory of Evenapis.

Now that the city of Nambonan has become part of the Kuordenze territory, merchant ships can dock in the Evenapis territory with impunity.

The Nambonan merchants, who were engaged in smuggling, were said to have paid high taxes to the lords who owned the port. The Eudion family, which has been sipping on the sweet sap, must be lamenting the fall of the city of Nambonan.

I wonder if there is any news about the Mamus Shred? Or is it about the water transportation in Lake Meo?

No, that is an interesting story, but I called you here today because I wanted to ask you some questions about St. Navempos.

I see. St. Navempos.

The roomon's expression tightened up even more.

I'm going to start by concluding that I'm going to grow sunflowers.


As it was, Roomon fell silent with a serious look on his face.

Sunflowers signify the Holy High Church of Zethus, and growing them means that the next head of the Quardenze family is trying to get close to St. Navempos,……, Which is not a good idea.

I'm thinking of building a field and growing sunflowers. That's all. I don't mean anything deep.

“Well, how about you, ……?”

It seems that our fears were correct. The first thing to do is to get a good idea of ​​what you're looking for.

There are just a few problems.

When I told him about the issues I had listed, such as the land and the reputation of the area, he seemed to understand immediately and nodded his head several times.

From what you've told us, the size of the envisioned farmland seems to be quite large.

I discussed this with the civilian officials before Roomon arrived, and for the time being, I would like to start with a land area about the size of a land track. When I explained this to them, Roomon grunted.

But I don't think sunflowers are very efficient when it comes to oil extraction.

'I suppose so, if you only think of using them as oil.

Then what's the other purpose?”

So I signaled to the civil officer and asked him to place on the desk what I had prepared. Two crates of different sizes.

Is it New Nelly soap?

“What, you know it?”

I was surprised that he recognized the unprinted package.

I use this one a lot these days and …… Used to use the one in this box at home.

Roomon says he uses the larger box on the left side most often these days and the smaller box on the right side that he used to use in the past.

I see.”

The soap on the left is the cheapest of the several New Nelly soaps they offer, while the one on the right is the highest quality. The story was a good illustration of the changes in Roomon's economic situation.

The cheapest soap is still priced moderately in order to protect the brand value. Even the average person can afford to buy it, but it is not cheap.

Do you know what the difference is between the two soaps?

Is it the oil?

The manufacturing process of New Nelly soap is basically a secret, but it is known that one of the ingredients is vegetable oil. An open secret in the city. Well, it seems that the hard-to-use soap that originally existed on the continent of El O was also made from vegetable oil, so it may have been known from the beginning.

So, nowadays, they have changed their ways and try to appeal that they use high quality vegetable oil for their high-end products.

Yes, the ingredients are different. This one in the high-end product is olive oil: …….”

I can't say for sure that it is the same plant as the earth's olives, but at least it looked and tasted like an olive seed.

…… And this one is made from bean oil.”

Bean oil is a vegetable oil made by squeezing a bean called abura-mame.This one is probably a plant that does not exist on earth.It is said to be a plant that came from the Mammuthread region, but the truth is not certain.

The plant looks similar to soybeans, but it produces such tasteless beans that the only use for them is to press them for oil. Basically, when we talk about vegetable oil in this area, we are referring to bean oil.

Bean oil soap is now the cheapest soap available, but it was the first product to be perfected. That's the origin of New Nelly soap.”

Roomon looked at me sullenly, as if this was an interesting story for a former merchant.

─ You mean you're thinking of sunflower oil soap for your next product? And we're thinking of selling it mainly in the direction of St. Navempos.

'It's a good thing we're talking fast,' he said. Do you know that the priests of the Holy City have a ritual of anointing their bodies with sunflower oil?”

I've heard of it, but I don't know much …… About the details.

Let me explain. To put it simply, sunflower oil is believed to contain the blessings of the Great Spirit of the Sun. The reason why people apply it to their bodies is so that they can take that blessing into their bodies.

Like holy oil, it is to be applied to the body, and sunflower soap would be suitable for the daily use of high-ranking priests. When I expressed this idea, Roomon nodded his head in agreement.

I see. ……. Certainly, that would make a good sales pitch.

I don't think he was flattered. He seemed to be rather interested in it.

I heard one interesting story in King's Landing. I heard one interesting story in King's Landing: the Zethusian High Society is regaining its former strength.

Roomon, perhaps thinking that he was about to start a serious conversation, kept his mouth shut.

'Whether relations with the priestly powers will deteriorate and lead to war, or whether the standoff will continue, or whether they will coexist in a new and better relationship,…… I don't know what the future holds.

The Levios family is willing to do it, but I'm not interested, to say the least. I only want them to call me when they are going to kidnap beautiful women and loot artwork. .

There's only one thing we know at this point. If we regain power, that means we have money.

And a good economy means good money.

Whatever the future holds, war, conflict, or coexistence, it will not be good for Quardenze to have gold in the Holy City.I think we need to drive a wedge between the two now.And the first step in that direction is sunflower soap .”

Soap is a pretty hot-selling product in the Kingdom and the Empire, and we want to brand it well in the Holy City.

It's not just about sending troops to fight,” He said. Do you …… Understand what I mean?”

The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of ​​what you're talking about. Families.

That's why I'm going to grow sunflowers.

When he reiterated his conclusion, Roomon lowered himself as if he were about to prostrate himself.

Judging from his reaction, his selling sunflower soap was not such a bad idea.

I'll get together with some experts in the near future to decide on a policy,” He said. There may be too many holes in my idea alone. I'll leave it to …… To choose the right people When you get back to Nambonan, get them together as soon as possible.

“Ha-ha. Leave it to me.

With this, my work is almost done. If I leave it to RoomOn, he will probably do a good job even if I leave him alone. I'm sure he'll do a good job.

Now all that's left is the farmland.

Yes. That's a difficult problem. If we were in the suburbs of Nambonan, land and water would not be a problem, but there, we would have to go to …….

……, What's the problem?”

I was going to build around Nambonan City. It's easy to expropriate the land since it just became part of the Quardenze territory, and the Amelia River is close by, so water can be easily drawn.

Cynthia's transportation might be a little troublesome, but that is not a big problem compared to the land and water rights.

No, I thought that sunflowers grown near Newnery would be more apt to go by when considering selling them in St. Navempos. As the mayor may know, the Lidea Plain once had a history of being famous throughout the continent for its sunflowers. Can incorporate those values ​​into our products,……”

……Ah, I have a feeling that this is going to succeed on its own without my involvement anymore.

Even if the raw material is sunflowers from Nambonan, the factory where the final soap is made is in New Nelly, so doesn't that mean that the soap is made in the Lidea Plain?

I see!”

This was the moment when the technology of disguising the place of origin of modern earth was brought to the continent of Eluo.

The moment when the modern technology of disguising the origin of the earth was brought to the continent of Eluo.

No one labels the place of production of agricultural products, and it is impossible to check. And it's not like the quality of sunflowers from Nambonan is bad. In fact, I think they will be of high quality because it's a project that I've put my heart and soul into. I'm sure they will be of high quality, because it was my idea.

May we move on to the consideration of a site for a farm in the suburbs of Nambonan?

I'll take care of it. ……That solves one of the site issues.

I spilled out, and Roomon picked up on it with an acute ear.

I spilled out, and the roomie picked up on it.

Hmm? Oh, nothing to do with the sunflower field.

I was a little lost, but since I was here, I decided to tell him the story.

As long as I care about Kohliy, this brother will not do anything to betray Quardenze.

No, it doesn't matter. It's where they make their soap.

'When you say ……, Are you talking about the association?'

Roomon asks in a hushed voice.

Yes, it's the production department of a pioneer association. Yes, the production department of the pioneering association, which has recently become quite cramped. To do so. It's a problem. I wonder when we can start selling them.

We would like to start selling the white vessels that were well-received in the capital on a large scale, but there is nothing we can do because there is no more land available.

The fact that the raw material is thick-haired rabbit bones is also a problem. Thick-haired rabbits are livestock raised and sold by farmers on a casual basis, so if we wanted to collect a large amount of them, we would have to call on many farmers. In other words, if we were to conduct a large-scale purchase, the production method might be leaked. If we want to ensure the highest level of security, we would like to keep everything within the production department.

I don't know what kind of product it is, but it is a new product of the company,” Said Mr. Nanboku. I don't know what it is, but if the merchants of Nambonan hear about it, they will rush back to New Nellie City.

“…… Hey, show them.”

He showed Roomon a white vessel that he had left as a sample.

How do you like it?

But there was no reply. Roomon was absolutely lost.

What's wrong?”

'……………… Um, is this one produced by the association? Not the old ones?”

He froze in a half-hearted pose, as if he were about to start bowing to the plate.

'It's not old-fashioned pottery, my friend. It's something we made recently.”

'Production has been halted because the land is too small?

'That's right. We make only a few pieces now.

Somehow I understood what he meant. He must have wanted to shout, “What a waste! He must have wanted to shout,” What a waste!

We have land in the Nambonan area. We have plenty of manpower, if you'd like to visit …….”

No, not in Nambonan.”

He had expected this answer to some extent, but he was still disappointed.

The pioneering association has now become one of the industries of Kuordenze. It would be dangerous to keep them in the outside world. In fact, Spiasek's army would have attacked us earlier this year.”

We can't put important secrets in an area so close to enemy territory.

Roomon understands this, so he does not strongly insist on the relocation.

He says, “Well,…… But it's frustrating …… That such a wonderful product can't be produced due to lack of land…….

He looked at the plate with a regretful regret, not for his own benefit, but for a regrettable regret.

'Many of us have high hopes for that vessel. I'm trying to solve the land problem as soon as possible, but if it's going to be a …… Big relocation, I'd still prefer the inner city. “

Would there be a Nambonan city if the Spiaseik family were destroyed? …… No, the Quordenze officials are somewhat conservative and will likely say that the outer areas are too risky and should be in the inner city.

Mayor. May I?”

They are not ready to give up yet.

If we are going to consider organizing the land, I foolishly think that one way is to consider activities that are not problematic by putting them outside. So it is outsourced to the city of Nambonan.In the same way, we can increase the amount of available land by proactively outsourcing the non-confidential work that has been done internally by the association…….

In modern parlance, this is a proposal for outsourcing. It seems to me that if we took someone who could think this way to a pioneer association, they could operate more efficiently. Should we consider this in the future?

“…In that case, please use Nambonan City by all means.”

That's very ambitious.”

Then, Roomon looked a little troubled.

He said, “Part of me is a little impatient. There is a part of Nambonan City that has no manpower at the moment…….

The war has brought many people who lost their villages to the city of Nambonan in search of work.The Kuordentse family has set up a barrier to restrict the flow of people to the outside world, but even so, many people are still entering the city , he said.

We would like to have some new jobs,” He said. We are going to do civil engineering work to build a sunflower field, and I think we can recover some people.

But I think we can recover some of the people.The number of people who can be turned into farmers is not much.The reason why they thought about whether they could get some work from the pioneer association may have something to do with it.

The number of merchant vessels has been increasing recently, so I guess the first thing we need to do is to expand the port.

I should give him some instructions before I forget what he said at dinner last night.

I'll remember to tell them what they told me at dinner last night. “My grandfather said he had trouble crossing the river because there were so many private merchant ships. I want you to solve that problem as soon as possible.”

Perhaps because I said it in a slightly stronger tone, Roomon's face became serious.

I'd like to ask for investment in …… That way, if that's all right.

What do you mean?”

According to Roomon's explanation, it would be quicker and more economical to seek investment from the city's wealthy merchants than to use the city's budget to build a harbor.

However, the harbor fee will increase for the first 10 years after construction,” Roomon explained. The dividends to the investors will be added to the port fees.

Well, who would be foolish enough to invest without getting something in return?

Of course, we will not be collecting from the lords and ladies.

As long as there is no loss to the Quordenze side, they can choose the better way. You can choose the better way as long as it does not cause any loss to Kuordenze. Nambonan City.

It occurred to me that if that was how they were going to raise the money, it meant that the investment in the port was a good deal for the wealthy merchants in the city.

“Can I get in on that port investment?”

The mayor? …… Can, but the mayor is the mayor, right?”

If the lords wanted to charge for the use of the port, they could simply raise the price. It wouldn't make sense for me to make the investment, Roomon says.

'Well, common sense might dictate that, ……. I wonder, it seems to me that it would be healthier to make the right investment and get a dividend than to raise the port usage fee just because the lords want it .'

'Ha ha. I think it is an interesting initiative, and as a citizen of Nambonan, I am happy with the mayor's idea. However, if you are going to invest in the proper way, I think the minimum investment amount will be quite a lot of money.

The hurdle for participation in the construction of the port will be high because investors will have to target wealthy merchants. They don't want to deal with small fry because the more investors there are, the more work it takes to pay out dividends. This case, he said, it is expected to be a gathering of about 10 people at most.

That should be fine,” He said. They've been wasting a lot of money lately. I'll only invest a minimum of one unit, one unit, because I'm sure I'll cause unnecessary confusion if I suddenly invest a lot of money.

I think that's a good idea.”

The dream dividend life had just begun. The more Nambonan City grows, the more dividends it pays out, which is quite attractive. It makes me want to work hard and make it a good city.

I wonder if this is the reason why …… RoomOn was so eager to invest in me?

I'm sure this is the reason why RoomOn was willing to invest in my project.

Yes, it is. Yes, investments were made not only in the city but also all over the continent. There is a wide variety, from large-scale projects in which only the city's major merchants could participate to small-scale projects in which ordinary citizens could participate. Of course, there were not only successes, but also many failures.

For example?

A small-scale example is the investment in a bridge to be built near the city of Nambonan. If you are lucky, you will get many times the amount of your investment, but in the worst case scenario, you can lose a lot of money if the bridge is washed away by heavy rains the year after construction.

There are several rivers around the city of Nambonan that diverge from the Amelia River, so there is a lot of demand for bridges.

It seems to be enjoyed as a bit of a gamble by the citizens of the city, but occasionally there are idiots who seriously plunge all their money into it and end up ruining themselves.

It's interesting. What are some of the larger examples?”

Most of the big ones are building facilities in the city. When it comes to investing in other places, there is less cooperation between big merchants who may become business rivals. It is a story that could lead to information and contacts being passed on to the other party.Inevitably, there are many investments that are completed independently and are not known to others.There were many investments that I also learned about for the first time in the postwar process of Nambonan City.Most of the investments in aristocratic families were made in secret.

I see… Aristocratic connections, huh? That would be a lot of money. ……Where did the largest sums of money move? Was it the Spierzeik family?

Roomon thought it was a difficult question to answer, but he answered immediately.

It's the Orville family in the Lickaga region. They recently started calling themselves the Rickaga Confederacy, and there is a merchant in the city who helped them raise funds for their war effort.

He mentioned the name of the merchant in a tone that said, “The mayor knows him, too,” But I had no idea who he was.

Who is he?”

He was executed along with his family after the fall of …… The city, so it's not surprising that the mayor does n't know who he is.I beg your pardon.

I remember now.The councilor who was beheaded without question when he tried to talk back to his father at Nambonan Castle.I had been so busy killing him that I did n't remember his name at all.

What you are saying is that the Nambonan merchants were involved in the progress of the Orville family?

It seems so. It seemed that a considerable amount of gold coins had been taken out of the house.

Roomon said that as soon as he started working at City Hall, he checked the list of property taken from the house of Councilman Blink. Why, the property was much smaller than he had expected. If there were hidden properties in the vicinity, the Quardenze family might determine that the city of Nambonan was involved in the cover-up, so the locally hired staff, including Roomon, hurriedly formed an investigation team to look into the matter day after day. Apparently, they are going through a lot of trouble without my knowledge.

What the hell did this guy want?

I can only speculate, since the details were not recorded……. Perhaps he saw that the Orville family would control the neighborhood and decided that he should make the connection before they did.

The Orville family did unify the Rickaga region, so if my guess is correct, Senator Blink was a shrewd observer.

So it was an up-front investment. But since the person who made the investment has been beheaded, the Orville family has made a fortune. They won't have to ask for their money back anymore. That's something to envy.”

If push comes to shove, the nobles can overstep their promises to the merchants as much as they want, but there is nothing better than not doing it.

If you can get the mayor's permission, I could send you a letter asking for a refund: ……”

Considering that the claim has been transferred from the blink-and-you'll-miss-it senator to the Quardenze family, there should be no problem in claiming it.

The city of Nambonan has not taken any particular action so far because it could be a correspondence with nobles elsewhere.

I'll send it to you then,” He said. …… No, would it be troublesome to mention the name of Quardenze?

If so, I will send it to you as an exchange between merchants.

Perhaps the rumor of the fall of the city of Nambonan had reached as far south as the city of Nambonan. Therefore, the message should read, “Since my father passed away, I, the son, have taken over the family business. I want my money back,” Roomon says. The son is also dead, but it is unlikely that such detailed information will be conveyed. I could have made up any number of false stories.

I checked with the civilian officials, and they assured me that there was no problem.

…… I think it would be better to have the person who delivers the letter aim to explore the Rickaga region rather than to refund the money.”

We are not talking about just putting the letter in the mailbox and calling it a day, as in modern Japan. In order to deliver a letter, you need a person who actually travels to the destination.

I think it would be better that way too. If it is in the name of a merchant, it would be difficult to get a refund, so I think we should focus on reconnaissance of recent events. Go deeper into the Orville family than a normal peddler. Perhaps you may have a chance to have an audience with the head of the Orville family. Although there are not many people who care about it because of its remoteness, I am also concerned about the reality of the newly emerging Rickaga Confederacy. I would like to choose a reliable person to deliver the message.

Roomon, who can quickly and efficiently make decisions based on our intentions, is still a very useful person. The people around me who are from knight families do not care about Rick Aga at all. If the Orville family were lords of a nearby area, they would suggest that we should actively investigate, but the Rickaga region is too far away. It is a distance not worthy of alarm.

Roomon appreciates the interest due to the fact that it is an emerging power regardless of the distance. Is this the difference between a knight rooted in the land and a merchant moving around in search of trade?

'I'll leave the details to you,' he said. Failure is the first thing that comes to mind, so don't get worked up about it.

Yes, sir.

I've given you a lot of work to do, but first things first: sunflowers. I know we won't make it this summer, but next year I want to visit a field full of sunflowers.

When I said this, Roomon was a little surprised. I guess he didn't expect me to go to the field.

I'm going to take Kohary with me.

I said all these fancy things about growing sunflowers, but at the end of the day, all I want to do is have a date with Kohliy.

After much thought, I came to the conclusion that Kohliy would look best in a field of sunflowers and a white dress out of all the people I could get my hands on. She has a delicate and graceful atmosphere that can be aptly described as a daughter with a deep window, and her long, straight hair. I felt a high level of sunflower index.

I am very grateful,” She said. I'm sure my sister will be delighted.”

……Oh, roomon is getting worked up.

You don't think I'm going to be a part of the white one-piece blue rape project.

I hope he will work hard to create a beautiful sunflower field for his lovely sister.I am sure it will be a beautiful picture.

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2016 Native Language: Japanese
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.


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not work with dark mode