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The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story 232

Chapter 232: Return to New Nelly

…… So Princess Ena was called Princess Ruri when she was a child.

In the rocking carriage, I was listening to the story about Ena from Plume.

The outward journey is long and the return journey is short. We were already in the territory of the Quardenze nobility, and to some extent it had become a place where we could talk comfortably.

'It seems he was popular among his schoolmates in Aochikan as well.'

Plume, or rather the Silopea family, was planning to mainly interact with the noble families of the Loushna region in the early stages of the royal socializing. And among them, there was a male nobleman who was attending Aochikan at the same time as Ena.

'Of course. A social and cheerful princess of the Levios family would not go unnoticed.

'…… Is that Princess Ena we're talking about?'

Yes, but?”

Does Ena look like that to those around her?I have the impression that she is an unhappy princess who is capable of playing the role of a lady, but she is obedient to her parents' orders her and is an honor student.

But, well, if she had that conversational ability when she was a student, it would not be surprising if people around her judged her to be a sociable princess. It is possible that she used to be a really honest, cheerful, and sociable person .

The silver hair her shining white like a stream, the blue eyes like a butterfly symbolized by Levios dancing on the pure land,……

The male nobleman who told me about Ena had a faint crush on her when they were students. The particulars of the story, when Plume asked for more details, he was a little shy but happily recounted his first love memories. He just said was an expression of his outward appearance as described to Plume.

He had whitish hair and blue eyes, so he looked like a walking Levios.

Aryina had combined her silver hair and costume to produce the Levios color, but Ena can also produce it in the nude.So I want her to come out completely naked next time.

Was she beautiful after all?”

Plume, sitting on the opposite side of the room, lightly strokes her hair with one hand and asks, “Was she beautiful?

She was beautiful.


What is that “Hmm”? The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to be honest with yourself.

I think I should tell Fanny that my brother only saw beautiful sisters in the royal capital.

She said in a teasing tone.

Don't say anything misleading.”

As if she had been waiting for me to say that, she turns her hand into a goo shape and points it at me, one finger at a time.

'Princess Ena of the House of Levios, Princess Alyina. Princess Kalmia of the House of Aterahan. They were all beautiful, weren't they? …… Oh, I guess Spiaseik is too, then. Other lovely sisters at the soiree, didn't you?

I'm not sure I'd put Alina in that bracket.

The most important thing to remember is that the female aristocrats I've socialized with have been older than me. I have also danced with younger, promising young princesses, but there aren't as many of them. Their current assessments over their future assessments.

And then there is Orcian, whose name is not mentioned for some reason. I didn't escort him to the evening party, but I was present at the meeting of the next head of the family, and above all, I danced with a magical beast in a joint battle.

…… Maybe you don't know what Orcian looks like? I've been thinking about it for a while, and the only time Plume had a chance to see Orcian's face was during the attack on the garden. Was in a state of extreme tension at that time and didn't have time to take it easy and look at her face.

'If you're counting the lovely ladies I met at the soiree, you forgot one.

'What? Who?'

Of course, I wouldn't make Orcian count. I held up my index finger to show off and pointed it at the beautiful girl in front of me.

She's missing Silopea Plume.


'Pru at the soirée was so mature and so beautiful. It's a real shame …… That we could have danced together every night at the soirée if the socializing had continued.”

I say this with a lot of emotion because I mean it without lying.

I don't know if the evening party was held every night, but there must have been many opportunities to attend. There is no such thing as only one outfit for the evening party. I was looking forward to seeing and touching Plume's revealing dresses, which changed every day.

And yet, the Royal Social came to a close in the middle of the day.

“What, …… Will, were you looking forward to it so much?”

Of course, I would never tell you my innermost thoughts her, but it seems that my passionate feelings her were somehow conveyed to her.The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time with your friends and family.

Of course. Wasn't Prue like that?”

Plume smiles modestly and says with a slightly proud expression on her face.

'Hmmm, I wonder? But …… We'll dance again when we get to New Nelly.

The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to be honest with yourself.

…… Since our departure from King's Landing, Plume has been acting strangely.

Apparently, she is concerned that I'm preoccupied with my “Sisters”. Rather than being angry or annoyed, I think it would be more accurate to say that he was concerned. Strange lump in her heart, and she is prone to touching it. During the past few days that I have been riding in the carriage with Plume, I have been touched by him several times in a strange way, just like the conversation we just had .

Perhaps something similar to jealousy is beginning to grow inside her, perhaps it was stimulated by seeing the older noblewomen in King's Landing.

I would be happy if she continues to develop this feeling and becomes aware of the opposite sex toward me. I would not meddle too much with her, lest I ruin the little bud that has sprouted.

While I was chatting with Plume, who was now in a good mood, the carriage continued on its way to New Nelly.

I casually looked out the peephole and saw New Nellie Castle in the distance.

'I see our castle.


I am sitting facing the direction of travel, and Plume is sitting opposite me. I moved my buttocks from the center of the seat to the left side, as I knew it would be difficult to look out from that position.

'Come over here and you can see better.'

If you sit next to me,” I said, patting the space I had created beside me.

The carriage was not small, but it was not wide either. When we were shoulder to shoulder, a faint sweet smell wafting from Proumé tickled my nostrils.

There's something about that smell that smells so good.”

She must be wearing a very small amount of perfume, so much so that I didn't notice it until I was this close to her. , He thought.


Before I could answer, she continued.

Today, that …… I was in a slightly different mood than usual. So I decided to go out on a limb and try ……. Hey, what do you think Will? A good fit?”

She said, “No, I don't think so. I think it looks good on Pru, and I like it.

Really? …… Ugh, that's good.

It reminds me of the feeling I had when I was in school, when I changed my hair style and was so nervous about going to school that I felt backward.Maybe Plume was anxious about her new fashionable look her and whether it would be accepted .

Relieved and smiling, Proumé was cooing and loving.

Crossing the Ovieto River, we were already in the territory of Kuordentse.

After returning from my trip, I felt that home is the best place to be. I had felt the same way when I returned from Nambonan City and Raishleif Castle, but this time I felt it most strongly.

I did not feel any confusion when I entered the city.

I don't know if they thought that the disturbances in the royal city were a distant event, or if they had not yet received any information about it.

The main street was completely closed to commoners due to the return of the lords, and my carriage followed my father's carriage. .

The Silopea family will not be crossing the river today, but will be arriving in Kuordentse tomorrow. I am glad you are safe.”

When we arrived at our old home and got off the carriage, we were greeted by Tesch.

Tillier has worked very hard. Please give her my regards.

I will, sir.

I told him the name of the maid who had been in charge of my personal affairs in King's Landing, and told him to ask her if he needed to take over any of the tasks related to my care for her.

Tillier not only took care of me and escorted me to the evening party, but she was also determined to fulfill her duties when the Orcians attacked. Since she was an elite from a knightly family, I thought I should give her proper recognition, so I arranged for her to return with me this time.

It seemed that Tillier had entered the castle before I did, and she was among the crowd of maids who were lining up. I wondered when she had changed her clothes. Since work clothes are free style in the royal residence, it was quite refreshing to see Tillie in a maid's uniform.

With the familiar servants of New Nellie Castle in tow, I stepped into the castle.

I realized once again that life in the royal capital is a waste of time and energy because you have to be on your guard at all times. I can shout “Cock pussy” Right here and now without any problems, even if my speech is a little loose.

“Oh, brother!”

It's not okay.

“Brother, welcome back.”

I guess he could n't wait to pick me up in my room.There was a smile on his face, a little too much in tune, as if he was thinking of surprising me.

However, I have always thought Fanny was cute, but now that I see her like this, she really is cute.

“………… Fanny, I'm home.”

Oh, my God! Did you forget my face, brother?

No, I didn't.When I saw Fanny's face her, I was so happy to see her back in New Nelly that I forgot to answer her.

Oh, well, I forgive you.

The most important thing to remember is that you can't get too much joy out of it. After all, home is the best place.

Led by my sister, who walked with light steps, I proceeded to the hall where my family was waiting.

Dinner was much longer than usual.

As the four of us ate together, my father and I took turns talking about the events in King's Landing, but there was too much to talk about. It was not until we had finished our after-dinner tea that the conversation finally came to an end.

It seemed that my mother had heard about what had happened in King's Landing from the messenger who announced our return.

When I told her about the attack by the Orcians on the Quardenze mansion, Fanny was very surprised and angry. However, in the end, they fought together to defeat the demonic beast, so it is hard to understand what is going on. I was talking, I was at a loss as to why.

After that, even after I came back from taking a bath, the rush of questions from Fanny continued.

He said, “… I think I'm going to be begging you to talk to me in the bedroom.”

I'm tired of talking too much. Fanny blurred this out as she left the table for a moment, and Tesh whispered.

The princess will be sleeping alone tonight.

I wondered why, but when I thought about the meaning of the whispered words, I immediately guessed. Today must be a girl's day.

I don't know if this is a custom throughout the continent of Eluo, but it is said that it is better not to have too much skinship on such days.

I see. Then, I will go to the innermost part.

I ended the conversation with Fanny, who had returned, at a reasonable point, and after bidding her good night, I headed for the innermost room. On the way there, I looked up at the sky through the window and saw the bright moon.

Father, I'm coming in.

When I entered the room, my father was writing a letter.

“Sit down,” He said.

I sat down on the sofa and waited for him, staring blankly at the sky. After a while, he stopped working and sat down in front of me.

Finally, we can talk calmly.

Then my father laughed lightly, as if to mock himself.

I've received a mountain of letters addressed to me from all over the kingdom,” He said. I'm in trouble as soon as I get back.

I'm sorry to hear that.

The early end of socializing meant that few of the noble families exchanged formal greetings with Wilk. So that's why you're sending letters to me or Merry.”

…… Really appreciate your efforts.”

The actual “I'm not sure if you'll be able to find any of these, but I'm not sure if you'll be able to find any of these. It is only natural that my father or mother should be the Point of contact, but I feel a little bad about it.

Some of them have sent several letters. Even though they are noble families from small estates, they cannot be treated with disdain, so it will be necessary for Wilk to see the contents of their replies.

'Huh, I'll take a look at that, but……

I think my father could make up such a thing at random and reply on his own.The thought seemed to show on his facehis and my father laughed aloud.

The letter is from the princesses who danced at the evening party. If you have parents, you will find letters from them as well, but there are also letters from the previous and previous generations of the family head of the family.


Come to think of it, I haven't exchanged formal greetings with them. I invited them to the dance, so there was no problem if they sent a letter to me, but I think they dared to send it to my father in order to make them look ladylike.

I had no idea that the fee for touching her buttocks and legs at that time would come back in the form of a letter.It's a hassle, but I have no choice but to deal with it.It is a seed that I sowed. …..No, I just touched it, but I didn't sow the seed.

I'm sure you're tired of being in King's Landing. You must be tired in King's Landing, so you can relax a little.

That's good to know.

To be honest, I have been so relaxed since entering the territory of Quardenze that my emotions have been all over my face since a while ago.

'…… It's great that your father has visited the royal capital so many times.'

'Hoh? Have you reviewed this father?'

'That's already.'

The father laughed loudly.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it in King's Landing in the future as the next head of the family.

The next head of the family is subject to many tests and may be in a position to bear more pressure than the head of the family, depending on how you look at it. Don't be so pessimistic.

'If Father says so, I feel at ease.

I exhaled and took a few breaths, and was a little surprised to find that my mind had calmed down. The image of being underwater and unable to breathe all this time, from the time we left New Nellie until now when we are returning, comes to my mind. The unconscious tension seems to have finally been released.

We continued our light conversation, and my father and I celebrated our safe return to Kuordentse.

……Levios is a dangerous place.”

Those were grave words.

'Is King Levios' condition that bad?

I had received a light explanation of the situation from my father when we left King's Landing, but I had yet to hear the details. I remember that when I returned to the Quardenze mansion after pulling up the curtain, I was surprised to find only servants there.

In the end, my father and his family were released to the castle after the news of the defeat of the first magical beast by the strike force led by Dunkel arrived and the social gathering was declared suspended.

Considering the timeline of the series of disturbances, the nobles of the kingdom were forced to wait at the castle for two full days.

After the opening ceremony, luncheon, social gathering, and evening party, the request to stay at the castle was issued when the first magical beast appeared. If we stayed the night at the castle, the second hexenbiest would come close to King's Landing, and me and Orcian would go out to the battlefield. I left the camp that evening, took a hot bath at the Quardenze mansion, and spent a sleepless night under the influence of the awakening magic. At dawn, Dunkel's strike team defeated the first magical beast , and at about the time between breakfast and lunch, a message was delivered to the royal castle, and King Levios announced to the nobles of the kingdom that the social life of the royal city was temporarily suspended.

Since the announcement of the suspension became a closing speech, I had to leave King's Landing without going back to the castle.

Since I was in such a hurry to leave, I didn't have time to talk with my father, and since it was not appropriate to have secret talks while traveling to other territories, I was finally able to sit down and talk with him now .

He said, “The condition…….Is not good.

My father stared into the void as if recalling the events in King's Landing.

He had appeared before us several times since his injury, but each time for a short time, and always with a healer by his side.

I heard that he suffered injuries that could not be healed by healing magic.

The assailant, Efial's magic ……, Which I'll call the sword of mystical power, seems to have a powerful poison in it.

Yes, indeed, that sword was clothed in mystical power.

The fact that he was not killed instantly and that there were many of his family members in the vicinity of him was a blessing.I was able to save his life with a powerful technique of healing magic…….

King Levios forcefully recovered from his injuries with a gusto of Lord Ancestor-grade healing magic and overcame the poison that was eating away at his body.In a way, it's like the way I dealt with the strange disease of the magical beast Elsinia that I did.

'…… That's why I didn't have the time to deal with Efial's pursuit.'

I'm not sure I'd have been able to do that if I hadn't been so busy. This is a big blunder, even if it can't be helped.

The poison brought about by the demonic sword was very powerful, it seems.

At that time I wondered why the main ancestor soldiers of the Levios family did not go after Efial, but it seems that there was a situation like that.

The main ancestors tend to avoid fighting against the main ancestors, so I'm not sure what the real story is. …… If it had been Grandma Finne, she would have immediately moved to kill Efial, but at that time , she was in the middle of a fierce battle to stop the second demonic beast.

The poison from the sword could not be completely cured by healing magic. The view of those who are familiar with …… Magic is that it is a magic that applies magical residues.

The body's wounds may be healed, but the magic residue is not.

The details of whether or not the magical power itself becomes human poison, or whether or not the magical power with poisonous effects remains in the body, are known only to the Levios family members. It is said that the symptom is called “Poison residue” Or “Sorcery power residue.

King Levios will probably suffer from poison residue for the rest of his life. Just as cancer cells that cannot be removed repeatedly metastasize, so the poison is slowly spread by the sorcerous power that cannot be removed, so he must periodically undergo healing magic rather than surgery…….

As long as the healing process continues, the patient will not lose his or her life, but it will be painful and will affect the life span of the patient.And above all, the mental exhaustion is expected to be tremendous.

The application of magical residues? That's a frightening thought, isn't it?

Yes, but the application itself is not that unusual.

It is true. The slave crest that was applied when I purchased Eve is a magical technique that applies magical residues.

The existence of slave crests was not confirmed during the time of the priests, and it is said to be a magic that was born after the turbulent times. It is said that it was developed by a nobleman with magical residuals who got the idea while continuing to kill each other in a bloody battle. According to Cynthia, a lowly priestess, it is “A terrible magic developed by the nobility.

The negative effects on the body are not well understood, but considering that it is a development and application of magical residues, it is not considered very healthy. But, well, what has passed must be done. That is why Eve's slave crest has not been given a renewal treatment. It will have long since lost its effect, so Eve can now only be summoned and power-harassed by her servants if she disobeys me.

'By the way, Princess Orsian's brother is experiencing similar symptoms to King Levios. Perhaps the sorcery sword is a magic that applies two things: impure feathers and magical residues.”

The wisteria-colored robe that came out to protect Efial released a magic that transformed the earth into unholy soil. The official name of this magic is said to be “Unholy feathers. The source of the information was the holy priestess Lorna.

That was the one in the report, wasn't it?

Orcian called the impure feathers “Earth poison,” And said that his brother was suffering from it.After the defeat of the second magical beast, I asked my father about the details of the story and reported it to him.

Yes, “He said. I heard that the Slade tribe carried out an attack with impurity feathers to retaliate against Princess Orcian. Most of the feathers were blown away by Princess Orcian, but a small portion was inhaled by her brother her, who became ill…….

If it was the body of a slave ancestor, even a small amount would have serious repercussions.

'It seems so.In order to save her brother Her, who is getting weaker day by day, Princess Orcian said she left the Land of Mist.

It is said that beyond this sea, in the land ruled by the nobles, there is a miraculous power of healing magic,…… And Orcian, who had heard such a rumor, went to the Milendorva territory on the far opposite shore to seek help.

The only poison I have ever heard of that cannot be completely cured by healing magic is impure feathers, so it is probably the same kind of poison. Be healed on a regular basis.

Since this was a story related to magic, I was not able to hear the details since I did not know much about it from Orcian himself.

In any case, we have to keep a closer eye on the priests now more than ever. It would be terrible if the magic of a high-ranking priest scattered impure feathers. We also need to think about defensive measures against the demonic sword.

With the materials we have now, we can only speculate, so my father ended the conversation about the unknown magic.

The first problem is King Levios. He will not die, but he will not be all right.

The stress of the situation could cause him to make extreme moves that he would never have chosen in his calm state, my father warned.

Does this also have to do with the treatment of Princess Ena?

It was a swift move. It is safe to say that King Levios has made a major change in policy. He is no longer able to do what he originally planned to do.

He is slurring his words, but in essence, he has lost confidence in his breeding activities after being seriously injured.

But what that means is …… Difficult to say. We will have to keep a close eye on the Levios family from now on.”

Then my father asked in a tone as if he suddenly remembered.

By the way, what did Wilke think of Princess Ena? Not in terms of politics, but as a woman, do you find her attractive?

He said, “I wasn't attracted to her personality, but she had a nice face and I would love to have her if I could get her for free. I was not attracted to her personality, but she had a nice face, so if I could have her for free, I would love to have her. The age difference between the two women was also very acceptable.

My father chuckles at this frank answer, which is possible only at New Nellie Castle.

'Well, …….. No, don't get your hopes up.

It seems that my father found out that I was expecting a little bit. My father denies it, looking a little flustered.

I've been thinking about it a little. I'm going to refrain from talking about our marital status for a while.

……What do you mean by that?”

He said, “There is the matter of Fannie. My father has learned that it is better not to let it get out first.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a wedding ceremony, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a wedding ceremony. My father regretted this and decided not to easily put “A woman I might be able to hold” In front of me.

If I say that Ena is a potential bride now, he is afraid that I might beg him for Ena when it comes time for me to marry her.

I'm not going to get my hopes up, so I'll just say, “……. I can't deny that I'm spoiled. But Fanny will never give in.”

So once again, I showed my father my firm determination.

The Levios family is not a family that is in a position to make a deal with the Levios family.I don't know what his next proposal will be, but I'm sure he will find it difficult to ask for Fanny in exchange.

If that's the case, then it will be worth it for us to take down the hexenbiests.”

Thanks to you, though, I've got a pile of letters.”

After saying that, my father took some letters from his desk and laid them out on the mini-table in front of me.

What are these letters?

There are some interesting things written about defeating demonic beasts.

The senders of the letters varied. The letters seemed to come from all over the kingdom, regardless of the faction or the size of the territory. The common denominator was that many of them were young nobles.

……What's this?”

After reading a few of the letters, I understood what my father was trying to say.

It seems that for the young nobles of the kingdom, the declaration of the joint struggle in that garden was an extraordinarily dazzling spectacle.

What was written there was his passionate feelings toward Quardenze Wilk, who was to be the guardian of the land. Apparently, there are quite a few noble boys and girls who were truly moved by the beautiful things I said in my speech …… In the garden, or rather, the beautiful things I used to buy time. The number of letters lined up in front of me exceeded 10.

Wilk, who had left the garden, had no way of knowing this, but it was enough to create a faction among the young people of the kingdom. We'll probably still get some similar letters for some time to come.

So I'll have to check these letters, too. It's my own fault, but it's another hassle.

“Are the kingdom's nobles feeling obligated now that the war against the nobles is over?……

If you are a child of a noble family, you should be able to distinguish between your true intentions and your pretense.

What do you mean by “Having a sense of duty?”

The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how you are doing it.

He said, “……Well, that's an interesting thought. Do we look to the guardian for the basis for being a superior?……If you ask me, I don't think there are many aristocratic families belonging to the Levios, Aterahan, and Millendorva factions who think that way. Ours and the Zeldmitra faction are closer to foreign wars.”

It must be regional differences. The Quardenze and Zeldmietra factions are inevitably aware of the need to defend themselves against the enemy nobility.

Whatever the reason, some of the senders of the letter are young heads of families who stood by Ercinea's disasters. Connections that do not depend on existing facts are valuable, and you must maintain them.

I understand.

Perhaps it will be useful depending on the future of the kingdom. ……What happens with the invasion of the Holy City will have a great impact on the invasion of Spierzeig.

What will be the policy for the invasion of Spiaseik?”

I asked, and my father's gaze turned stern.I could see the reason for his concern for him, so I went ahead and expressed my own thoughts.

I can't just sit back and relax. If he sees the shaken kingdom of Levios, Spiaseik will be ready to stir things up in high spirits. We must proceed to the great battle on the Voistra Plain as soon as possible and crush it with all our might.

Ruining the internal affairs of others is something of a family tradition for the Spiaseiks. The Kingdom of Levioth must be very interesting to play with now.

The enemies of Quardenze must be avenged with the fangs of Quardenze.

I insist.

The only thing I want to say is to stop Fanny's shipment. We don't need reinforcements from the Levios family or anything like that.

I understand Wilk's concern.

What is it?

But my father didn't say the question very well. I could tell that he was afraid to ask, and he let out a few sighs to relieve the tension.

I asked him the same question as I did with the ……..Princess Ena. …. Spierzeig Romilie?”

I've been asked this question several times while preparing for my return, but this is the first time I've had the chance to talk with him in depth in a one-on-one setting like this. -Wracking question.

'Since it's Father's question, I'll answer honestly, but she was more beautiful, intelligent, and charming than any of the princesses I met in …… King's Landing.'

I think my father's entire body sank a little on the couch, perhaps in shock.

But the honest truth is that Romilie would be the best if we calculated overall erectile capacity. It is quite possible that Proumé, Orcian, and others will turn the tables in the future because they are still young in years, but they cannot match the erectile power inherent in Romilier at this point in his career.

“……Mu……. I see…….”

I was a little amused by the tone in my father's voice, which sounded as if he was about to get his head out of his ass, but I did n't want to make him too anxious.

The Spiaseik family must be destroyed for the future of Quardenze. Fanny wants that, too.

When I told her about dancing with Romilie at the dinner table, she was indignant and declared in high spirits that she, too, would be wearing a new beautiful dress and dancing with me. Have their precious brother threatened.

……Ai, I get it.”

It seems that they understood what I wanted to say.

The most important thing to remember is that the Spiaseiks are not going to marry Romilie because they have Fanny on their hands. In short, keep Fanny out of the picture.

We have to make a decision on the Spierzeig policy as soon as possible. As Wilk said, there's no way they won't mess with us now that they see the kingdom. I will be in King's Landing again before too long.

“King's Landing again?

I just got back and now I'm going back? I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm sure I'll be fine.

No, next time it will just be me.

Isn't it dangerous?”

The next time I go back to the kingdom, I will be the only one to go. It would be too foolish to gather a large number of the ancestors again for a similar attack.

Besides, as my father explained to the kingdom's nobles, there are episodes of priests growing magical beasts in the field. Most of the nobles are too busy surveying their territories to come out and ask us to come to the royal capital.

Of course, I intend to bring an elite force with me and select some of the main ancestral soldiers from the shadows. Unless this is approved, we will not go to King's Landing.

An elite force from Kuordenze and the Chancellor's Guard, that sounds like a lineup that could easily take down a small territory. It is a march that no longer knows whether it is going for diplomacy or war. The nobles of the territories that will be in their path are going to be in a state of fear.

It will take some time before they are ready to receive him, go to the royal capital, and finalize the talks. If Spierzeig is off his guard during this time, he will naturally attack, but if not, he will not proceed with easy force First, we must see how the kingdom fares.

The Spierzeik family is already on the edge, and I don't think they will let their guard down, even if they do something reckless. There may be a lull for a while.

I'm sure you must be tired in King's Landing, so you may want to take it easy for a while. Of course, I don't want you to forget to deal with the letter.

Naturally, I receive letters addressed to me from the places where I have already greeted them. Pain in the ass right now.

What is Wilk going to do tomorrow?

The conversation is starting to turn toward chit-chat.As I expected, he was not going to have a serious conversation right here and now.It seems that what my father wanted to hear the most tonight was my final verdict on Romilie.

I'm going to go back and forth between here and Nambonan for a while. There are many things I want to see and do.

Since there was nothing else to do during the trip from the royal capital, I was gathering tasks by asking about the recent situation of the pioneer association and the city of Nambonan.

'…… I also want to do some awards related to the New Year's Eve event.

'Was it a playing card tournament in the city?'

The tournament was held to promote the playing card tiles. I was going to be the organizer and give some kind of prize to the best in each category.

Unfortunately, due to Operation Snake Fang, I was unable to participate, but the tournament itself was run smoothly by the civilian officials and ended in a great success.

I heard that the tournament itself was run smoothly by the civilian officials and ended with a great success. I was thinking of inviting to the castle the four people who had won the top prizes in the seven-aligned card game, nervous breakdown, millionaire's game , poker, and Bubba-don't-knockout game.

'Four best in five disciplines?

“I see that one of them won the top two prizes in neurasthenia and poker.

I believe he was from outside the city and his name was Vidardo or something like that, a man of commoner ancestry.

He was a man from outside the city, a commoner-slave named Vidaldo, I believe.

I had permission to invite him to the castle, so I would have to think of some event to celebrate.

I continued chatting with my father for a while.

He had probably gone through a lot of hardship in King's Landing, as had I. He looked at me with a smile when I returned to New Nellie.I think his face has become more expressive since he came back to New Nelly.

He told me, “We just got back from …… The Silopea family will be coming to the castle tomorrow, so you'd better go home today.”

It was still a little early for bed when he told me that.

'Are you still working, father?

'No, I'm going up too.

I wonder if you and Mom are going to get along after this?

I got up from the sofa and added that I remembered one thing.

I had brought one of the maids from the mansion in King's Landing with me. Since there is a handover, is it okay if I keep her nearby for a while in New Nellie?”

The personnel matters of a single maid were of no concern to my father.

Thank you very much. Well, good night, Father.

“Yes, good night.”

When I left the innermost room, I found Têche waiting for me there.

Get Tillier to the bedroom.

Yes, sir.

He did as he said.

I'll put her in the bedroom, which is close by.I had to have a good maid take care of all the lust that she had built up during the trip.

I went back to my room in a happy mood.

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2016 Native Language: Japanese
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.


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not work with dark mode