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The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story 227

Chapter 227: The Guardian

Novalph took the sword from the guard and gripped it tightly in his hand.

No newcomers have appeared in the garden since Efial's fugitive escape. The guards of the various noble families are now joining forces, and it can be said that the urgent situation has calmed down. The tension is not the attackers.

Don't be nervous.

But, Grandmother.

You're floating.

The short but strong tone of Clowne's voice gave him a chill, and he hurried to check his surroundings.

The nobles scattered throughout the garden maintained a very high level of vigilance, but none of them were as ready for battle as Novalph. They are poised to move whether they choose to fight, flee, join or distance themselves from the other houses. Perverse way, they did not know how to move, and they seemed to be just bracing themselves.

We know, so we are ready. But to those who don't know, it looks like they're being thoughtless.

The tension in the royal garden was caused by Orcian.

She was threatening to kill one of the attackers, and at the moment she did so, she was very threatening. Nobles present.

The battle of intimidation that took place in the whole of King's Landing is still fresh in our memories, but at that time, the distance between the two was quite large. This time, however, the distance was extremely close, in the garden. If the vector of murderous intent was on the attacker's side, the pressure was immeasurable.

……Was thoughtless.”

The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of ​​what you're doing.

Novaruf, who had clashed with the troops led by Orsian, was in reflexive combat mode when he received the threat. It could be said that his will to protect Kalmia made his strength even stronger. Sense neutral, if only one of them showed a blatantly aggressive posture, he might be accused of being rough or shallow.

In the first place, it did not make much sense for Novaluf to be so enthusiastic. Kalmia had been the first to find a safe place and lead Shakna, Crone, and Novaluf when the attack occurred. She was able to move unaffected by the dust and sand that obscured her vision.

Kalmia changed the subject, as if to follow up on Novalov's remorse.

'Is Princess Orcian going to go and defeat the second demonic beast?

She even boldly said that she would fight if the demonic beast approached the royal capital, so she thinks it's quite possible.

I'm sure it will be.”

Claune agrees and instructs them to maintain vigilance. It was clear that she meant “If Orcian comes here, don't take him up on his offer. He had already refused once, and he thought that neither Kalmykia nor Nowarv would come here.

The man himself, Orcian, was walking like a penguin in the garden. When he kicked the assailant, the shoe he was wearing on his right foot was completely broken. As a result, the height of his feet did not match on either side, resulting in unnatural movements.

Eventually, perhaps thinking it was no use having only one side left, she took off the remaining left shoe as well.

Fluttering her black dress, partially torn by the force of the kick, Orcian simply continued on her way.

It's so refreshing.

Claune saw this and laughed lightly.

The fact that she took off her shoes in front of the public and left her ripped dress as it was is the lowest form of behavior for an aristocratic daughter. She could not complain even if she was ridiculed as lowly for walking barefoot on the ground.

However, her unwavering and imposing figure which is the center of attention from the aristocrats of the kingdom, even has an atmosphere of sanctity that must not be violated.No one could even approach him, let alone ridicule him.

As Orcian took a step forward, the nobles poised in her direction of travel her moved away like a wave receding.Her red and blue eyes her gazed ahead her and saw Quardenze Wilk.

She asks for the cooperation of the Quardenze family, or rather, of Lord Wilk.

He'll probably refuse, the tone of his voice was blended with such anticipation.Novaluf nodded in reply to Kalmia's words.

Lord Wilk understands the duties of a nobleman……”

As he said this, he questioned his own statement. It is the responsibility of the Levios family to defeat the demonic beasts in the Levios territory. Perhaps the reason he dared to say it out loud was his desire that the person of Quardenze Wilk would match his own image of nobility, Novaruf thought to himself.

He looked at Orcian, not knowing what he was expecting. Her steps are strong and determined as she continues to move forward. No one will be able to stop her.

Just a few dozen meters away from being caught in the watchful eyes of Quardenze Silopea's guards, a maid appeared in front of Orcian.

Please wait.

I will not wait.”

Ignoring the maid, Orcian was about to approach Wilk when she was momentarily distracted. She was momentarily distracted, for it was the maid with Wilk who stood in front of her. Of the family, this maid was in front of her and acted as her escort.Therefore, she somehow remembered her face.

When the maid guessed that she had been remembered by Orcian, she threw in a few words before she could move her feet her.

She said, “I have been asked to attend to Princess Orcian. I have some preparations to make, so I will ask you to wait a moment.

Is that so?

If you are told that it is not possible, Orcian was going to talk to Wilk even if he had to force his way through, but he is not so selfish as to ignore it if he is told that he will be interceded for. Was told that she would be interceded, she would not be so selfish as to ignore it.

For Wilk, this was a gamble. If he could stop her even for a moment, he could prove to his father that he had read her character to some extent. Wilke, who had been watching the series of exchanges from the side, immediately showed it to his father, who was negotiating.

And the fact that he had successfully managed to stave off Orcian's blitz visit, even if only temporarily, was something that Claune appreciated.

I'm going to stop that one.

Yes, Grandma?

You said the little girl was close to the snake.

After the exchange meeting with the Quardenze family, Kalmia was told by Claune to observe anyone who came into contact with Wilk. Evening party. Therefore, Kalmia was aware that Wilk was strolling aimlessly through the gardens before the next meeting of the head of the family.

She cannot see with her eyes, but she recognizes objects around her through magic.Since this magic of object recognition is a completely different kind of magic from detection magic, its activation is not affected even if the main ancestors are numerous.Of course, there is a limit to the range and amount of information that can be recognized in a single activation. The reason we were able to catch the presence of Wilk moving to an unpopular place and Orcian following him was because she was also wandering around the garden to attend the meeting of the next head of the family.

Yes. Perhaps Princess Orcian contacted her.

Since there were other families around during the evening party, Kalmia had yet to give only the minimum report. In response to Clowne's question, she gives a brief explanation of the situation at that time.

'Did a little girl fall in love with you?'

In aristocratic diplomacy, infatuation is an element that cannot be underestimated. When two young noblemen of the same age are approaching each other, one has no choice but to pay attention to it.

Naturally, Kalmia understands this.

There was no such atmosphere,” He said. On both sides.”

She had already concluded that. She had already come to that conclusion, because there was no hint of sweet and sad love in the conversation between Wilk and Orcian.

They just seemed friendly,” She said. It's a little surprising, considering what happened the other day and where he comes from.

Wilk, who acts and speaks as if he is the heir apparent of a historic aristocratic family, and Orcian, who is a commoner, as if it were impossible to make things right. Kalmia thought that they would never mix like water and oil and would never be able to understand each other.

In fact, at the meeting, Kalmyk was approached several times by Orcian because they were of the same sex, but the conversation was hardly fruitful. On the other hand, there were some tense moments between Wilk and Orcian, but they were able to have a conversation without being silent or getting nasty. She felt that they were at least much more in tune with each other than with Killode.

When Kalmia shared her impressions, Novaluf agreed.


Just as Claune was pondering, a quiet murmur echoed. A nobleman, Wilk, came out of the Quordenze escort group.

As if to attract the attention of those around him, Wilk stepped forward gracefully, step by step.The grace of a great nobleman overflowed in his regal, even flamboyant, mannerisms his.


A bright voice echoes high in the morning sky.The sound of his strong will his naturally attracted people's attention.

Once again, the two were confronted, one a barefooted girl, the other a boy in full dress. They had just exchanged murderous glances the other day.

The garden was filled with a sense of anticipation, expectation, and anxiety, as if something was about to begin. Everyone present here remembers firsthand the threatening vibrations of that day.

Wilke inhales lightly. Feeling the cool, fresh morning air filling his lungs, he makes a slightly exaggerated gesture.

Wilk's every move will be closely watched.

This is Orsi……”

I'm going to slay the beast! Wilk, you too, come with me!!!!!!!”

But for Orcian, such aristocratic customs are of no concern.

Some people frowned at her rudeness in ignoring the order of the meeting and telling her one-sidedly what she wanted to do.However, Wilk, the one whose words were interrupted, didn't try to blame her.

Is this reaction a sign of composure? The nobles were watching the exchange with a keen interest, trying to gauge the caliber of the heir apparent of the great aristocrat, Quordenze.

Wilke was in no hurry. He has long since given up on the idea of ​​asking her for courtesy.

'Defeating a demonic beast ……, Are you talking about the second demonic beast?'

Huh? “That one? That. Aare!”

Holding up her index finger, she repeatedly thrusts one hand into the distance as if to knock violently on the door.

That, that, that,” Wilk continues, trying not to get caught up in the pace of Orsian, who repeats over and over again.

Then you mean that the Grand Dukes of Mirendorva are sending out troops? I'm talking about defeating them together…….”

The question was not directed at Orcian.

The Grand Duke of Millendorva, who was positioned a short distance away, was quietly watching the conversation.

He said, “Killode. You must not.”

The Grand Duke glared at his son, who was working with him, with a strong gaze.

But father!

The Grand Duke said again, “No. The Grand Duke once again said,” But, father! Fortunately or unfortunately, the boy did not yet have the courage to shake off his father's seriousness his.

If it was just Orcian's personal outburst, it could have been dealt with in any way.In fact, it would be more convenient for him to go on a rampage now.In his mind, the Grand Duke had already completed the simulation of the outcome.

However, his calculations he did not include the participation of the Quardenze family.This was because the Grand Duke recognized the relationship between Wilk and Orcian as a bad one.At the very least, he thought that the Wilk side had a bad impression of them.

Orcian, who had no way of knowing such behind-the-scenes circumstances, replied honestly, “No, it's not true.

No, it's not. I'm the only one going.”

At that moment, Wilke laughed quietly.

'Well, it means that only Princess Orcian will be leaving from the Grand Dukes of Mirendorva.

There was no reproach in his voice.But Wilke made it clear and definite.And he repeated his words faster than Orcian could react.

By the way, if you invited me, doesn't that mean there are other people you've approached?”

Orcian briefly explains that he has approached the people he met at the next head of the family meeting and that he was turned down.

'I see, so neither the Marquises of Zeldmitra nor the Marquises of Aterahan will provide reinforcements.

Wilk then slowly moves his head from side to side to check the reactions of those around him. Correct me if I'm wrong in my statement, is such a pose.

Wilk waited as he was for a while, nudging Orcian.

'You snake, what are you thinking……?'

Wilk's statement made it difficult for the Zeldmitra and Aterahan families to retract their previous statement and say that they would now send reinforcements. Likewise, it is also difficult for the Millendorva family to send out anyone other than Orcian.

If the Quardenze family wanted to say that the reason for rejecting Orcian's request for participation in the war was “Because everyone else would not go,” That would be too meaningless an exchange. With a single phrase, “Levios' responsibility should be fulfilled by Levios.

Is he emphasizing the excuse so as not to offend Orcian, or is there another reason? Not being able to gauge the character of Quardenze Wilk, Clowne was pondering the true meaning of this exchange.

Let me ask you something, “He said. There are those who say that Levios should fulfill his responsibilities his. Even Millendorva should be well aware of that…….

The girl in front of me carefully piled up the words so as not to cause a temper tantrum.

He then asked her a simple, straightforward question: “…… Is why I want you to answer honestly right now. Princess Orcian, why are you trying to fight?”

Then Orcian raised his voice, as if he had been waiting for a straightforward question, and said, “Of course.

My brother told me.My brother told me that I have the power to protect everyone.That's why I do what I can.I have the power to defeat demonic beasts, so I will protect them.

There was no hint of the backstabbing or calculation typical of aristocrats.

Wilk, isn't it the same for you?”

At that moment, Wilk let out a slight emotion of joy.

He was the only one in the room who noticed it. Only Clowne had the impression that everything had gone according to plan, that everything was ready, as if he had been shown the very moment when the snake that had coiled its prey had turned its In his mind was the name of Quardenze Cassia, who had once plunged the Alpeo region into a whirlpool of chaos and had been called the “Lord of Plot.”

Wilke will start to fulfill his objective from here, Clowne intuited.

Wilke nodded his head in agreement.

These words made me rethink what a powerful person should do.

I am not denying it. But it was a statement that could not be taken as a full affirmation. I can't help but feel the caution of an aristocrat.

I take very seriously the fact that you believed on Quardenze, Princess Orcian.

What Orcian approached was an individual named Wilk.No one could fail to notice that he had twisted it into a unit called a house, and no one could fail to notice his intention her.Except her, the speaker.

No one could imagine how she intended to carry on the conversation.

Quardenze Wilk, at the request of Millendorva Orszán, hereby declares her cooperation with her.

A loud murmur spread throughout the garden.

There were whispers everywhere that the Quordenze and Millendorva families were going to jointly defeat the magical beast, or that the Grand Duke of Millendorva was going to deny it.

Wilk took the initiative and stretched one arm out wide to the side in order to block any movement and to quieten the scene.

I wonder if the series of commotion that has been going on since last night is really a coincidence!”

The fierce tone of his voice, which had changed from a calm voice, had the effect of switching people's attention. It was a strong appeal to the audience that the story was now complete and that they should move on to the next story. Wilk kept his grip on the lead of the conversation and did not let go.

Two mature magical beasts happened to attack, and the priestly happened forces to take advantage and launch an attack?

That was more or less what everyone was thinking.

It might be possible that a single magical beast was born and a couple of attackers took advantage of it. Socialize in the royal capital, were clearly unnatural.

Although there is no proof, the circumstances indicate that this was no coincidence.

Shouldn't we assume that all of this is artificially caused? We are under attack!”

But how in the world. In answer to such a silent question, Wilk raised his loudest voice here.

'We have reason to suspect involvement!

Wilk then removed his own ornaments, picked them up, and held them high in the sky.

No one in the royal society paid any attention to the dark-colored bead. It was small and hard to see, but most people had guessed what the ornament in Wilk's hand was.

I could read it.”

And this time Clowne's thoughts reached Wilk's and the Quordentze family's aim.

The grand old woman?”

The snake and the little girl, they may be closer than you think.

Without elaborating on his rationale, Wilke handed the ornament to the maid as she approached.The maid walked straight into the Quordenze convoy and delivered it to Quordenze Lukuse.

Ask my father for the details, he insisted with his actions.

When the eyes of the crowd returned to him, Wilke opened his mouth again.

'I have passed through numerous territories before arriving in the royal capital, Levios,……

It was a calm voice, different from the hostile, even angry tone he had used earlier.

I have seen with my own eyes lands I have only seen on maps.

As Wilk spoke, the aristocrats of the Quardenze faction had already begun to act.

'There were a number of customs posts, forts, ramparts. It was just as I saw it on the map.

Wilk continued speaking, trying to buy time to make his next move.

But nowhere on this land were the boundaries of the territory drawn.

He continues to tell his story, so as not to be interrupted from elsewhere.

'What lay beneath my feet was always the same, the land of Eluo.

Then Wilk looked at Orcian.

'…… If I may speak my personal thoughts, I have been seeing since last night. To myself, unable to move in spite of the demonic beasts that have laid waste to the earth.”

Hearing these words, Novaluf gently averted his gaze.

'I have been asking myself who I am.'

Claune recalled the events of the night.Novaruf had also been invited by Orsian to join him in defeating the magical beasts, but he had refused, citing his aristocratic duties for her.It was for the same reason that he looked away from her again.

Then, Clowne had a concern. She observed the young nobles in the kingdom and found that some of them were more or less sympathetic to Wilke.

The nobles are supposed to protect the land, but is it really okay to ignore them and leave them to defeat magical beasts just because they are in another territory? …… The words of Wilk, who tries to deal with such contradictions Born in his mind, attracts the hearts of the young nobles.

Is this also the time?”

The word “Guardian of the earth” Is just an ornament to Clowne.In her time, it was more important to protect the land from invasion by the nobles of other families than it was to protect the land from magical beasts.

However, the long peace created by the alliance called the Kingdom of Levios gradually made the values ​​of the turbulent age old. Due to the prohibition of war among the nobles of the kingdom, the element of defending the territory became more and more colored by the antimonster role. For the young nobles of the kingdom living in the current era, the cause of being the protector of the land was becoming heavier than Claune had expected, and was becoming something deeply rooted in their hearts.

Clowne is half-convinced that Wilke's actions are rooted in the nobility's calculations.

Wilk continued, checking the situation around him.

“It must be a plot by someone,…… But I couldn't move. It was you, Princess Orsian, who gave me the courage to take the last step.”

We are ready. When Wilk confirms the signal, he takes a big step forward.

Who am I? I am a nobleman, a thing of power! Then I must stand up! We must retaliate against evil attacks!”

One noble boy was frustrated by the adults' attempts to avoid fighting magical beasts. Another noble girl felt that the adults' passive attitude was shameful. Inspired by Wilke's words, they danced, envied, and yearned.

Plume quietly put one hand on his chest her.There was a high in it that had never been felt before.

Wilke takes a deep breath and stretches his right arm high.

I will fulfill our duty here and now!

His fingertips his pointed at the second magical beast.

Let's go! Those who follow me!”

He moved his other arm, and the 100 or so military officers who had secretly gathered in line stepped forward and straightened their posture.Then Wilk leapt up and mounted one of the horses that had been prepared.

'Are you going on horseback, Wilk?

'Yes,' he said.

'You can put me on the back. It's hard to run in these clothes.

Saying that, Orcian unfolded the skirt of her all-black dress and shook it. It was a dress that looked as if it would be difficult to run in. Wilk was a little troubled, but quickly came to a conclusion.

If you do one thing for me,” He said.


Before he could say it, Wilke held out his hand.

Don't say 'eh eh eh eh eh eh' when I hold your hand from now on. If you promise not to say it again, I'll give you a ride.

For a moment, Orcian looked puzzled, but then he immediately smiled brightly and took his hand her.

I can't help it.” “What can't I help?

The first thing to do is to make a request. …… Here, I'm going to lift you up.”

The black dress that is swaying softly is eye-catching.

People looked at Wilke and Orcian riding on one horse with various feelings. Grand Duke Mirendorva was bitter, and Crone was more wary. The Levios were distressed, while Zeldmitra Sardin smiled wryly.

But there was also a common emotion there. It was a faint sense of anticipation. The two, who were considered to be the strongest in the field, had joined hands. In a world where strength is prized, being shown such a thing would make one feel excited no matter what. There was no way I could stop them.

Don't get swept away.


Wilke, Orcian, and the hastily built unit rushed through the gardens like the wind.

'…… Father. What is the duty of nobility?

Killode said without looking at the Grand Duke of Mirendorva, who stood next to him.

'We are the power, the principal among men. Are we not the guardians of the …… Earth?

The Grand Duke was at a loss for words as to how to respond. What Wilke had said was not just the idealism of a child, but what should be called aristocratic diplomacy, full of clear-cut calculations. .

However, his words, which stimulated his pride as a protector, were too dazzling for the young noble boy.

He was a weak, inert being who only lived off the land that sheltered him.

His voice he was filled with indignation.

He is no better than a slave.

Killode just stared at Wilk and Orcian's backs as they left, as if he were devouring them.

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2016 Native Language: Japanese
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.


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not work with dark mode