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The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story 220

Chapter 220: Children's Party 3: The King's Plan

When I was a student in my previous life, my favorite subject was world history.

Originally, I did not like it that much because I thought it was just a subject to memorize. However, one day, I realized how interesting it was when all the terms I had crammed into my head were linked together to form a single story.

The fascination of the cycle of cause and effect and the drama woven by the people …… Can be liked to the joy of discovering the footprints left by the protagonists of the previous game in the sequel.

Anyway, I liked world history. And one of my favorite historical events was the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire and the fall of Constantinople.

Protecting the empire, which was in remarkable walls decline, was a three-tiered wall reminiscent of its former glory. The, which protect the capital not only from the hopelessly outnumbered soldiers, but also from the Urban Cannon, a new weapon prepared for the invasion, give the impression of someone's will to defy the current of the times.

The Ottoman fleet's expedition over the mountains was a strange tactic that appeared in this historic battle.

The Ottomans, finding it difficult to break through the walls, turned their attention to the poorly defended Golden Horn Bay to break the deadlock. However, the entrance to the bay was blocked, making a frontal invasion impossible. The Ottomans therefore brought their fleet overland. And across the mountains.

The dynamic maneuver of ships climbing the mountain, the crumbling morale of the soldiers in contrast to the walls that still could not be breached, and the emperor, prepared for destruction, jumping into the enemy army, disappeared along with the history of Eastern Rome. ……

It is like watching a flower fall, and I think it makes a complete story of destruction.

Aside from …… And my favorite historical episodes, there is no Ottoman army or Ottoman fleet, much less the Eastern Roman Empire, on the Eluo continent.

A momentary flutter passes through my fingertips, and my fork makes a small noise as it scrapes the plate.

'…… The Ottoman fleet? That's a unit I've never heard of, where was that anecdote?”

It was Novaluf who said this.

The lack of response from Sardin and Dunkel, who were conversing with each other, suggests that they were following up on the conversation. The response was so natural that it was easy to guess that Kalmyr Nováf had planted the topic.

Oh, excuse me. I read about it in a book I once read. “Uh-huh.”

I felt as if Kalmia was looking at me. She might have sensed that I had just snapped my fork.

I wonder if he is following Claune's example by throwing in this kind of surprise. I heard that the two of them had a meeting in reference to the afternoon social gathering.

But I had regained my composure by listening to what she had to say.

The possibility that Aterahan Kalmia was a transplant from Earth like me was becoming less and less likely. I knew how she came to know the term “Ottoman fleet.

I wondered if she had heard of the Ottoman fleet. “Have you heard of this anecdote in a book published in New Nellie City?

There you go.

I knew about the book, of course, but I was careful not to say yes out of the blue.

The only card still open on the table was the keyword “Ottoman fleet over the mountains. It would be dangerous to jump into the fray.

Is it a book published in New Nelly? What is the name of the book?

If I knew the title of the book just by hearing a word in the text, I would be considered a serious enthusiast.

Well, I'm sorry. I beg your pardon. It is called “A History of the Other World. It is a continuing work, and it seems to be still being published. I wonder if you know about it.

It is probably not my imagination that I sense a hint of “You know, don't you? Kalmia must have been asking with some degree of certainty.

Oh, that book?

I know, of course, that I am the author of the book.

The story of how I came to write that book, “A History of Another World,” Goes back to just after my birth.

When I was first reborn on the continent of Eluo, I couldn't help but want to write notes. I was afraid of losing the memory of my previous life.

I did not have any specific omens that made me concerned about forgetting.I just had the feeling that I would somehow forget.The memory of those turbulent days faded away,and now I can no longer recall them in detail.But there is something that remains, never to be lost, yes, I should say that the precious thoughts were indeed still fearing a ……-Like flow in this chest. The past.

It is not important, but I do not like such a way of ending a story. I would like it if the last part of the story is a happy ending where the heroine is reunited with the hero and everything is remembered. .. No, there was no heroine in my story in the earth era, so I guess it is irrelevant.

I still remember my Earth days, so my fears were unfounded after all. But at the time, I was afraid of losing my past memories and my ego. I was not ready to forget everything and live as Quardenze Wilk.

When I was three or four years old, I got a writing utensil under the pretense that I wanted a tool for drawing, and with all my heart, I wrote down my memories of my previous life.

Now I think it would be quite creepy if a little baby started writing in a mysterious language with a firm hand. I should be grateful to those around me who warmly watched over me.

At first, I dutifully scribbled out my own history of my previous life, and in parallel, I described my knowledge of the natural sciences from one side to the other. History, which is my hobby.

By the time I began writing a world history of the earth, I had also begun training in written Eloquent English.

There was no shortage of learning materials for hearing and speaking and reading. Everyone nearby was a native Eluo speaker, and the servants would read to me as much as I wanted.

Writing was a bit of a problem. The civil servants who acted as teachers would prepare sentences in Eluo, and I would have to transcribe them. If I were a real baby, that might be a good way to learn, but I am a reincarnated native Japanese speaker. Once you get used to it, it becomes just a process of transcribing the letters, which doesn't really activate the brain, and above all, it's boring.

When I thought of a better way to study, I found a pile of notes I had written in Japanese.

However, I could not translate my personal history of my previous life or my scientific knowledge into Eluo.

After considering all these factors, I decided to translate my notes on the world history of the Earth as the subject of my translation.

I am not naturally good at foreign languages.Therefore, I put a lot of effort into studying writing.I didn't want to be thought of as a child who couldn't even speak Eluo, so I worked very hard at any rate.

As a result, the number of sentences in the history of the earth translated into Eluo increased day by day.

Then one day, a handmade book was delivered to me.

Apparently, I was seen by the servants as “A child playing at writing historical tales of imaginary worlds. I guess I was a variant of a child who likes to draw. Tesch, who had a good sense of humor, ordered a civil official to edit all my translations into a book.

However, this was merely a compilation of a list of sentences. Rather than a book to be read by others, it was more of a reward for all the hard work I had put into it.

Tesch said that if I wanted, I could publish it as a book, so I rewrote the structure, rewrote my past poor writing, and added to it, thinking that people would read it.

That is how the book “A History of Another World” Came out.

I had a number of writers in the castle. The History of Another World” Was written by one of them.

I told him the official setting of …….

It is not unusual for nobles and knights to patronize wise scholars, fine artists, and skilled craftsmen, and there is nothing strange about the inclusion of a novelist.

It just seems to me that you are a man who likes to read stories.

Well. I knew it.

After all?

From the pen name, I thought the book might be related to Lord Wilke in some way.

I see.So that's what it is.It is true that I gave the author of “History of the Other World” His name.It may be a bit cheesy,but it was many years ago…….

The pen name of “Otherworldly History” Is a very simple anagram of Quardenze Wilk.

There are three reasons for this.

One is that anagrams, a play on letters, are very rare in Eluo and ancient languages, and I thought no one would notice it.

One reason is that the circulation of the book is small, and at best it will be circulated only among those who are involved in Quordenze.

And the biggest reason: “The content is stupid. It is unrealistic and boring. I thought no one would want it because I knew of the scattered reviews that said, “It's unrealistic, boring, and dreamless.

But contrary to my expectations, Otherworldly History did get around in New Nellie.

Since the people related to the Quordenze began to read it because it was a book written by the young master, it was recognized as “A popular book among officials” Among the merchants and upper class citizens who often came into contact with them, and it Became a status symbol to own the book. Even today, the book is sold in small quantities to the extent that it does not go into the red.

I can't make a big announcement that I am the author of this book, and in the first place, it would be hard to believe that a five- or six-year-old child wrote it. Setting in which he gave pen names to the novelists he supported.

I see that you have been familiar with books since you were a child.

Kalmia smiles at me, and I think about why she noticed the anagram.

I think Eluo is a language that emphasizes beauty. That has something to do with the existence of meaningless strings of letters called ornaments. There is a strong sense of looking at words and sentences as a whole, or perhaps a lack of interest in individual letters …… I think there is a tendency to think that it is not beautiful to take apart something that has been completed. Maybe that's why they didn't like the play of anagrams. I'm not a linguist, so I can only speak from a feeling.

I noticed that a very small percentage of the Quardenze-related people had pen names that were anagrams, and they all had one thing in common: they were knowledgeable about ancient documents.

The city of New Neri has a long history, dating back to ancient times, and there are many books written in languages ​​other than Eluo and other ancient languages ​​in existence. Some people are scholars who study these books as a hobby.Such people may have a different way of perceiving the written text than ordinary people.

Zalezeria, Karmia's hometown, is now the home of the Aterahan family, but it too is a city that has existed since the days of the ancients. Many rulers have used this city as their base of operations. Until the conquest of Zalezeria by the Holy Army, it was even ruled by tribes with languages ​​other than Eloquent and Ancient.

I don't know much about it, but like New Nellie City, there are probably some ancient documents left behind, and there may be scholars who can look into them. Kalmia seems to enjoy reading, and it is possible that she has such a person in her life. It is quite possible that he may have guessed it through this connection.

Aterahan Kalmia, after all, is not the type of person I would say anything careless to her.

After thinking about this and preparing my brain to intercept her, I decided to answer her first question her.

I acted as if I had remembered something, so excessively that I felt it was deliberate.

The Ottoman fleet crossed the mountains…… Oh, I remember now. I remember it was a battle in which one half of a nation divided into East and West perished.

I remember that I had described the battle in some detail because it was my personal favorite historical event.

I see. It is true that, as Kalmia-sama said, there are some similarities between this operation and the previous one.

The only similarity is that the ship is carried in order to break the stalemate. I guess this somewhat abrupt pretense of a story is an approach to try to gauge the other party's thinking and ideology from the books they prefer.

If so, I'll use this to make sure you understand my thinking.

I remember that in the old days, the strategy of carrying ships was used in the Vermana War. If Lord Lorna were here right now, she could tell us more about it…….”

The pure scriptures of the Zeth cult also include war stories about the conquest of the Vermana region.The so-called Vermana War is basically a battle that ends with the warriors of Mr. Zeth and his children.

However, in the course of the war, Mr. Zeth's subordinates sometimes moved their troops on their own initiative out of a sense of merit. In order to break through the robust defenses of Maguaussee City, they moved their ships to carry them, thinking of a surprise attack from the side of the Great River. In the end, this plan failed because of poor coordination, and it ended up that Mr. Zes used freezing magic to freeze the Ovieto River, allowing the entire army to cross the river, leading to the success of the assault.

Mr. Zes then froze the Ovieto River with his freezing magic, and the whole army was able to cross the river successfully.

By daring to bring up the example of the failed attempt to bring in the ships, I imply that I am against the king's proposed strategy. And then I tried to explain the foolishness of Lorna, who should know the story best, trying to return to the Holy City with this strategy.

Since he had already spoken out against it earlier, he decided that it would be a bit excessive to repeat his words again in a straightforward manner.

Kalmia was satisfied with the answer, and began to close this sidetracked conversation.

He asks, “Perhaps this is not the best time to ask this, but have you read the rest of that book, Mr. Wilk? I have only read up to the fifth volume…….”

Yes, I have. Every time a new one is published, it arrives at the castle. I am honestly surprised that Kalmia had a copy of this book.

I was also surprised that he was reading the book in serialized form. I am in the minority in my circle of friends who enjoy reading otherworldly history publications, and there are only a few of us who read them. Was he reading it for the purpose of researching the Quardenze family?

'…… Oh, and I'm currently up to date on the sixth volume. If you like, I can send it to you when I return to New Nellie.

Oh, well, that would be very kind of you.

As we closed the conversation, Sardin asked briefly, “What an interesting story.

I have not read the book. I haven't read it, but is it really that interesting?

Kalmia made a little thoughtful gesture and then answered.

'It's not so much that it's interesting ……, It's that it's a strange book. Idea of ​​dreaming by a dreamy pessimist.

Sardin, perhaps wanting to prioritize his own talk rather than delve into the subject, did not refer to Kalmia's answer in depth.

The topic returned to the plan to invade the Holy City.

He said, “Either way, the scale of the mobilization will be unprecedented. I'm sure there are a lot of concerns about that.

I have no doubt at all. Can the House of Levios afford to be distracted by priests?

Kalmia offered a blunt opinion, and Kyraudet gave a harsh assessment.

Orcian was picking up nuts on a small plate. Only the way he eats is adorable.

As I looked around, Dunkel looked at me.

Yesterday, my father told the Marquis of Quardenze about his plans for the future of the kingdom.I wonder if Lord Wilk is aware of this.

I wondered how soon the other families had learned of the plan. The Quardenze family had only heard about the king's proposal yesterday, so they did not have enough time to scrutinize the details.

The Quardenzes had not had enough time to scrutinize the details of the proposal. I heard from my father last night.

What did you think of the proposal, Mr. Wilk? What are your opinions, for or against, the strategy, the tactics, and the general direction of the project?

……Has a lot of questions for me, doesn't it?

But Prince Dunkel, who seems to be politically at odds with his father, King Levios, may be able to help with the fanny embargo.I felt it would not be good to follow Kalmykia's lead and muddle the waters with vague answers.

I thought it would not be good to follow Kalmia's lead and give a vague answer.

I'll summarize the conclusion at the end, but would you mind if we talk about it while confirming each other in turn? After all, we only heard about this proposal yesterday.

Of course.

I'd love to hear what you have to say.

Dunkel and Sardin both responded to my attitude.

They say that by conquering the Umon Islands, you will be able to open the way toward St. Navempos.

The aristocratic families of the Umon Islands have received support from some of the aristocratic families of the Free City Cluster.

The proposed invasion of the Holy City would proceed south through Zeldmitra territory. If the Umong Islands are left unattended, there is a danger that the Umong Islands nobles, with more support than ever before, will stab the Royal Allied Forces in the back.

By conquering the Umong Islands as an advance preparation, a war of aggression can be launched without the fear of retrospection and with peace of mind and safety. While this makes sense in theory, it is a bit unfair that the Zerdmitra family would gain so much as a result.

Isn't it quite possible that the operation will end just as the “…… Road has opened up? If the invasion of the archipelago is prolonged, the continental situation could change.”

As for the invasion of the Umong Islands, if we can prepare a fleet of ships, the invasion itself could be accomplished in a few months at the most, and simple control of the islands could be accomplished in less than a year.

Judging from the way Sardin spoke, it seems that he is quite confident in his ability to conquer the islands.The fact that they have been enemies for many years means that they already have a good grasp of the other side's capabilities.

Zerdmietra, for our part, is most concerned about wiping out all hostile forces from the Umong Islands,” He said. Of course, even if the plan is abandoned in the middle of the project, we will pay our due respect to the houses that Cooperated in providing us with the fleet.

The Zeldmitra family has promised to relinquish control of the Umon Islands if the plan is halted during the preparation stage. With the Umong Islands as its territory.

In order for the Zeldmitra family to take possession of the Umon Islands on its own, it is required to complete the plan.

The current Marquis of Zeldmitra is the brother of the former Marquis of Zeldmitra.Sardin is the son of the former Marquis of Zeldmitra, so from his point of view he is his uncle.

As was the case with the Quardenze family when they lost their grandmother Cassia, when an unexpected change in the family occurs, the young next head of the family is not suddenly made head of the family, but a family member with name value is sometimes made interim head of the family. The substitute head of the family buys time so that he will not be taken for a fool by those around him.

The current Marquis of Zeldmitra, together with the former Marquis of Zeldmitra, had made a name for himself in the war of aggression against the Free Cities. The young Sardin had become the temporary head of the clan because he would be a weak check on the Free Cities if he suddenly became the head of the clan. In a few more years, Sardin would be the head of the Zeldmitra family.

If the new aristocratic family established by the current Marquis of Zerdomitra were to take possession of the Umon Islands, it might come into conflict with the Zerdomitra family in the future. King Levios must have thought about this and made a promise to stir up division. This insurance policy is typical of the Levios family, which had been involved in a civil war with the Mirendorva family.

If the current Marquis of Zeldmitra were to cut corners, his ambition for his independence would be questioned, so he might work diligently to ensure the success of the plan.

However, even taking these factors into account, the plan will make the Zeldmitra family a lot of money in the short term. Well, they are the initiators, so it's not surprising.

Since there was no point in complaining about this, I decided to move on for the time being.

After eliminating the worry of retrospect, we will raise an allied army of the kingdom's nobles and crush the leading nobles of the Free Cities Cluster. Priests. Even though there are many …… Small and medium-sized noble families, they are the ones who have survived the war. I think they are a sea of ​​aristocrats with a quirk or two. .”

Dunkel was the first to receive the question.

'Certainly, they are skilled in survival,' he said.

Then Sardin, who looked at the prince for a moment, connected the words.

The prince looked at Sardin for a moment, and then he added, “They have also been greatly reduced in strength due to the disasters of El Senior. The details will be explained in the future, but we already know the number of the main ancestors of the noble families that we have designated as our enemies. There is no doubt that we can overwhelm them with our numbers if we raise an allied army of the kingdoms.”

Even the noble families of the Free City Cluster would not readily give us information on the ancestors of other families.If the plan is scrapped, it would be a loss of information.

I have heard that the plan is to attack thoroughly and destroy the tribe without accepting surrender,…… Do you mean to say that there is enough difference in strength to do that?

The two men nodded their heads in agreement.

The first thing to do is to destroy some of the aristocratic families that are allied with the martial arts faction and show the Holy City that they are a force to be reckoned with. To make an example of them can only be described as miserable.

While I was thinking in silence for a moment, the prince moved on.

After destroying several independent noble families with the Allied Forces, the prince will recommend surrender to the Holy City through the priests of the Faithful. It will pale in comparison, because the Holy City has not regained enough strength to intercept the kingdom's current allied forces. At this point, the blades of the Allied Forces have not yet reached the Holy City. The most important thing to remember is that the city is not a threat to the independent aristocratic houses. …

Then I said something back.

But the practical priests will not want the standoff to continue.The independent aristocratic families, fearing the allied forces of the kingdom, will be the first to distance themselves from the priests.If that happens, the Holy City will be isolated from its surroundings and the people will dry up. If that happens, there will no longer be any reconstruction.”

A pragmatic priest who exerts power in domestic affairs and the economy would absolutely hate to see that state of affairs continue. That said, he would not be so single-minded as to consider a reverse invasion of the kingdom at a gamble. Seek a compromise.

The prince looked at me with a slightly surprised face, as if he was going to explain himself about the attack by the economy.

He looked at me with a slightly surprised look on his face. And if that is the case, the practical faction will no longer have any choice but to approach the faith faction. The window for negotiation will be Lorna, who is in exile in the kingdom. Although there will be more than a few priests who will be outraged by the Kingdom of …… And turn to the martial faction, the total of the practical faction and the faithful will be well in excess of the majority.

Of course, since they have not actually conquered St. Navempos, it cannot be a no-joinder surrender.

The conditions for surrender were the deprivation of the office of the martial priests, the demand for hostages, and interference in the Holy City ……? May I ask for more details?

Of course.

The stripping of the martial priest's authority is a given. They will be thoroughly engaged in defiance of surrender rather than ……, And in some cases, civil war may break out in the Holy City. The Practical and Faith Faction, which is in the majority, will win, but the martial faction, which has contacts in the Holy Army, will not fall easily. They may fall together for good. I have a feeling that King Levios would rather see that happen than …….

And although he says he wants hostages, this would mean, in essence, that he wants to give us the main ancestral women of the priestly family. They want the daughters of their ancestors so badly that they are at each other's throats.

Since they are hostages, there are no close associates to interfere with them, and they can do whatever they want, even humiliate themselves in their bedchamber.

If the hostages could come from any priestly family, as long as there were enough people, they would naturally be taken from the houses of the martial priests, who were in the minority. This condition for surrender would also serve as an incentive for civil strife in the Holy City.

What exactly do you have in mind in terms of interference in the Holy City?

'Regarding the matter of interference, Father is not asking for a particularly strong mandate. It is not as if we are actually going to conquer the land of St. Navempos.

As my father told me, the interference in the Holy City is just a bonus.

The Holy City will be confused and exhausted by this operation.

According to Dunkel's view, he would just end up saying, “Do politics giving priority to the faith faction.

Will the pragmatic faction really trump the martial faction?”

Although he said so, I have a feeling that he would cut them off.

I think that a faction full of Levios Kingdom Never Forgive Man is clearly a hindrance even from the same priest. Instead of burning for such a thing, it would be better to focus on domestic affairs and aim for stoic and efficient reconstruction.

To put it bluntly, if the Kingdom of Levios would agree to the inviolability of the Holy City when it surrenders, they would likely do things like slim down the Holy Army. To be bloated in size. They would probably want to devote resources to reconstruction rather than conscription.

If that is the case, it would be more reasonable to join the faith faction, exterminate the martial faction, which is an obstructive faction, and then aim to rebuild the Holy City.

There is no point in uniting with the martial arts faction. Even the faith-based factions will fight a thorough war, so there will probably be some internal strife.

If you want to remain static or hostile, that's fine. Once the Umong Islands are conquered, the southern part of the country will be within our reach at any time.

I agree. This time, we will be the ones to harass them. We will not be defeated in an endurance battle.

Dunkel and Sardin smiled wickedly.

Once the Kingdom of Levios became a realistic threat to the Holy City, the Holy Army would need to maintain tension for a long time to come. This would naturally lead to higher military expenditures and give the martial priests even more of a voice than they have now.

The Zeldmitra family, on the other hand, will be able to afford to harass the surrounding free cities, and will even begin to make plots. If this happens, the Holy City will collapse sooner or later.

Even if the city were to hold out, it would end up in an all-out war with the kingdom.

By the way, I haven't asked you this, but what will be the policy of the Zeldmietra family after the surrender of the Holy City?

I asked, thinking I would be lucky to get an answer, but Sardin answered me with a slightly troubled look on his face.

According to King Levios' proposal, once the surrender of the Holy City is completed, Zeldmitra will modify its expansion plan.

According to the king's plan, after the surrender of the Holy City, the independent noble families of the Free Cities will move to take control of the kingdom.

If the Holy City were to yield, the independent aristocratic families' view of the Kingdom would change. The impact of winning the Holy City would be huge. The prestige that was lost due to the Ercinea disaster should be restored at once.

Is it correct to say that King Levios will focus his efforts on the raiding of the Free City Cluster? Not the suppression of the Holy City.”

Dunkel answered yes to my question.

I see, it seems that the king is not thinking of suppressing the Holy City too seriously after all. The main purpose is to make the free cities into aristocracies of the kingdom.

When the Holy City eventually regains its power, it is likely to be quite troublesome if independent noble families are scattered in the southern part of the continent as they are now. To understand: aristocrats vs. Priests.

As long as the nobles belong to a kingdom whose national policy is independence and self-reliance, priests who try to interfere with them will definitely become enemies. By having them share the same philosophy, they may be trying to counter the reemergence of priests that will eventually come.

Besides, even if the Zesu Church were to be destroyed, the fertile land of the Vermana region would not disappear from the earth. , The priests, existed as a virtual enemy. The House of Levios is a house that hates priests, but that also means that it is a house that knows them well.

So, rather than ……, One of the reasons for the kingdom's existence would disappear if the priestly organization were to disappear completely. I honestly don't think that's a good idea.

The cause of “Self-reliance of the nobility,” Which has lost its place, may eventually turn to the kingdom, to the royal family. It may be the most desirable outcome for the Levios family that a group of priests with a certain amount of power remain in the kingdom.

This is what my father, King Levios, has proposed for the invasion of the Holy City. Is there anything else you would like to ask?”

His frank manner his sounded like a declaration that he would answer whatever I wanted to ask.

I asked him what he wanted to know.

There was no mention of how the Mammoth Shred or Rickaga regions were being handled.

This was the part my father had not specifically asked about either.

He said, “We have had no specific contact with the emerging Rickaga Confederacy, and we have no plans to do anything about it during this operation. We may consider how to handle them around the time the Holy City surrenders.

Well, it can be said that the forces are too far away and there is no contact at the moment to think much about it.

We will consider how to deal with it when the independent aristocratic families of the Free Cities begin to descend upon the Kingdom.

And the same goes for the Mamusled Federation. This is also a distant land, blocked by Lake Meo and the Angata Mountains.

It seems that the Mammoths, like the priests and nobles before them, have left the Mammoths to their own devices. They are indifferent to everything else, except for the occasional delivery of special products through trade.

As I had expected, they don't seem to be particularly concerned about these regions.

My father probably didn't ask the king because he didn't care, and the king probably didn't tell him because he didn't care either.

He said, “…… I see. I understand.

I'm glad to hear that. So, what do you think about this plan, Wilk-dono?

Well, I think that the …… Operation itself is acceptable. If you are a very common, ordinary Kingdom aristocrat.

The attack on the Umon Islands will basically be carried out by the Zeldmitra family alone, while the Levios, Millendorva, and Evenapis families will only lend their ships. Family will need some kind of support, so the Quardenze family will also have to make some efforts.

In other words, as far as the Umon Islands invasion is concerned, it is still in the preliminary stages of the operation, and the nobles of the kingdom are just watching. Many of them must think, “Do as you please.

The subsequent mass assault on the independent aristocratic families will be led by the Levios and Zeldmitra families, so it will be over if they just show their faces and troops in a friendly manner for now. It was a one-sided lynching, there would not be such a sense of evasion.

To put it bluntly, there is little for the average kingdom noble to do. It would cost money to go to war, but depending on the negotiations, they could get the daughter of the main ancestor, and they would be able to ingratiate themselves with the Levios family.

One thing I was wondering, what is the cause you intend to espouse in this war?”

Although the Levios Kingdom has lost some of its momentum, it is still a group that is making a lot of noise around it. If you are on the strong side, you can stick to your cause as much as you want.

In fact, my father told me that King Levios did not mention anything about this. He said that yesterday's meeting was mainly about explaining policy, strategy, and adjusting interests.

Dunkel smiled and looked at us questioningly.

Dunkel looked at me with a question, “We can either defend ourselves against the threat of priests who are regaining power beyond our expectations, check the destructive activities of priests that have been occurring in Levios in recent years to prevent them from spreading throughout the Kingdom , or conquer priests, which is the Kingdom's national policy. It could be an expanded interpretation and application of the joint retaliation covenant. But perhaps it should encompass them all. It could be a grandiose manifestation of the Father's thought. ….. What cause would you champion, Mr. Wilk?”

The prince is quite frank, no matter how nominal it may be.

But still, I see, it is a big deal. From what I have heard so far, only one thing comes to mind.

'One last thing. The allied forces of the kingdoms, what are you going to call them?

The Royal Army of Levios.

I smiled at his answer and then answered the prince's question.

Then the cause that we are going to take up is the end of the turbulent world. Wouldn't it be interesting if we put it out there as loud as this?

I answered, “……. That would be a good cause.

This is my opinion, but I think King Levios' ultimate goal is the end of the turbulent world.

The Zeldmietra family is a family of invaders, and they are not a family of invaders.

The Zeldmitra family will abandon its aggressionism, and the free cities in the south will be under the umbrella of the Kingdom's nobility. The independent noble families of the Free Cities, which have been in a gray position so far, will be distanced from the Holy City by belonging to the Kingdom. Except for St. Navempos, almost everything will be painted in the colors of the Kingdom.

Because of the covenant of non-aggression between the nobles of the kingdoms, wars would disappear from the eastern and southern parts of the continent.

At the same time, this would mean that preparations for the threat of the Zinkaen Empire would be complete.

Until the Quardenze family's defection from the empire, the Levios family had been frightened by the threat of the Zinkaen Empire. A monolithic force with the emperor at its head was nothing but a threat to the kingdom, which was nothing more than a collection of aristocratic families.

The reason why they are trying to establish the operational record of the “Levios Royal Army” This time is because they have not forgotten that fear. If something should happen in the future, it would be very significant to be able to say, “At that time, the nobles of the Kingdom united to form the Royal Army and defeated the enemy. If in the future an emperor with leadership stands up in the empire and turns on the kingdom, he can bring up this precedent and appeal for unity.

…… However, it will be a challenging task to realize the “Levios Kingdom Army” This time.

Whatever the case, if the king's plan succeeds, the power structure will be interesting. The kingdom will be much more expansive than the empire.

Even if the emperor were willing to invade, he would be hesitant to attack a kingdom that would be a larger power than his own. On the other hand, it would be difficult for the kingdom, which should have the upper hand, to unite for invasion, even if it were for self-defense. This is natural since the national policy is for the nobles to be independent and self-reliant.

The kingdom side would gain the upper hand, but a subtle lack of unity would remain, which could lead to the elimination of warfare from the continent.

To achieve this, it will require excellent political skills, diplomacy, a sense of balance and coordination, and above all, a strong will.

King Levios' capacity to think not only about restoring the prestige of the royal family but also about the future of the kingdom and the continent is impressive. Yes, King Levios is a shrewd politician.

If all his plans he succeeded, so to speak, and the “Great Levios Kingdom” Is born, the nobles of the kingdom will not go to war.No war means no room for territorial expansion.

However, there are exceptions among the nobles of the Kingdom. They are the House of Levios and the House of Aterahan.

These two families are free to carve out as much land as they like in the misty lands, an unexplored territory that no noble family owns.

Earlier, the Aterahans had said that there would be some advantages to taking the king's proposal.

The city of Zalezeria is adjacent to the Land of Mist across the Warchold River.It is a “Fighting city” That has been attacked by mature magical beasts many times before.If the land across the river could be fortified, it would serve as a shield to protect its stronghold. Even though the land is polluted with dirt, if we continue to protect it from demonic beasts, it will eventually be naturally purified and become a land where people can live.

Yes, the Aterahan family is already in a cul-de-sac where they cannot expand their territory. Or to cultivate the misty lands.

The House of Levios has repeatedly gone to the Misty Lands in what it calls the Great Northern Expedition.

It is not that the Levios army is going to the Misty Lands to provide me with elven sex slaves. They are surveying the land and defeating the rebellious locals. It is only because they intend to settle and govern this land in the future.

The Aterahan family may not be able to get involved in the northern expedition, but what if the Levios family were to propose a joint northern development project? The Levios and Aterahan families, along with a few other noble families bordering the Warkold River, could monopolize the Misty Lands.

This is not an immediate gain, but it would appear to be a very attractive proposition for a noble family to consider keeping their house for a long time.

If the only real threat is the empire, the cultivation of the Misty Lands by the Levios family should proceed apace.

…… This could be used as a bargaining chip to persuade the Mirendorva family.

King Levios is a shrewd politician.

He understands that a future without war is the only way for his family to develop.

Will this plan succeed or will it fail? What do you think? “Kalmykia, my lord.

I fell silent for a moment, and the conversation seemed to have swung back to the periphery. Kalmia answers Sardin's question.

As for the operation itself, I would say it was a 50-50 success or failure. There are many things to be concerned about, of course, but the key to the operation, Lorna, is …… The key to the operation.

All present immediately guessed what Kalmia would have wanted to say, “I didn't think he was such a head-banger,……

'…… But if you're asking me if we're going to be greatly damaged by our failure, we're not.

Kalmia summed it up, leaving the words muddled.

Well, the only ones who would suffer loss-like losses would be Zeldmitra and Levios. The prestige of the royal family, which had been slightly restored by the royal city social gathering, could be in tatters.

However, even so, the damage to the Levios family is small.

After all, all this operation would do is to beat the weak to death and blackmail the people around them.

And from the way Kalmia spoke, it seemed that the Aterahan family was rather enthusiastic about the idea of ​​invading the Holy City.Whether this was her own idea, the Marquis of Aterahan's, or Clune's idea, I do not know.

But still, I don't think that is the essence of this proposal, or rather, the most important issue. I can speak about this with confidence because I have confirmed this with my father.

I may have been talking too much, but it would be easier for me to take the initiative if I could earn my words when I could.

I coughed lightly to get his attention, and made a slight gesture of stepping back.

'Isn't this before we even consider the success or failure of the operation? That's not what should concern you the most.'

Surprisingly, it was Novaluf who was the first to react.

What is it? What does Lord Wilk think is of most concern?

I don't think he really understood a word I said.But his reply was a very good preamble.

I ventured to assure him, as if to show my confidence.

That, of course, means that the plan will not be started.

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2016 Native Language: Japanese
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.


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not work with dark mode