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The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story 216

Chapter 216: Night Club Exchange



Excuse me, I didn't do that on purpose.

I enjoy the soft feeling of my body against theirs while acting like this.

I look at the chest of my dress and see that the cleavage is even deeper due to the pulling up effect, probably because my breasts are in a position to lift up the other person's lower tits.As I moved my entire body from side to side , rocking it slightly, I could taste its pleasant weight.

'Excuse me,……'

She must have sensed our gaze, because she sounded sincerely apologetic.

I'm fine, don't worry about it.

I interrupted her words with a smile that showed off my pure wilk.

She arched her eyebrows for a moment as if to say, “I'm the one who cares,” But she didn't continue.

In fact, even if I had said it, it wouldn't have helped. The one who is pressing her chest hard against my chest, the one who is desperately clinging to me so as not to be separated from me as I dance, is none other than herself.

I'm sure you're right, it's a great opportunity for you to have fun.

The first thing to do is to make sure that your hands are in the middle of your hips and buttocks when you take your usual dance stance.It's no wonder that the position of the hands are lowered during the dance.Yes, this is called force majeure.

At the moment I changed the direction of movement, I moved my hand from my right hip to my left hip.


The fabric of the dress was smooth, supple, and smooth to the touch.

When I checked her ass before asking her to dance, I was a little disappointed that it was so small, but when I touched it like this, I was surprised to find that she had a nice ass filled with young flesh. Leave to posterity the saying, “Seeing is believing, and seeing is stroking.

Would you like some of New Nelly's silk?

'Ha, yes. I feel that …… Is very, very good. I am deeply grateful to the Marquise de Quardenze for the loan of such fine silk. My brother is also pleased with the good dress I have made for him…….”

She then looks at the sofa seat as if to indicate to me. A little further away from the stage, a boy and Plume were chatting across a mini-table.

Oh, that's good,” She said.

She and the boy, who was holding out his body to me, belonged to the Quardenze faction, a weak aristocratic family in the southern part of the kingdom. Year-old brother is the next head of the family.

The reason why the 18-year-old is the head of the family is because of the Ercinea disaster.

When the magical beast Ercinea crossed the continent from east to west, their territory was chosen as one of the pathways. The entire family worked together and somehow succeeded in driving Ercina out of the territory, but the consequences were disastrous. The branch families and the shadow families, the main ancestors were all killed in the battle of Ercinea, and those who barely survived died later of a strange disease.

The younger brother was too young to participate in the battle against the magical beasts, and the elder sister, who was a member of a branch family at the time, was lucky enough to survive because she was left to look after the home base in the absence of the head of the family.

…… Well, neither my father nor I think that luck was everything.

'Have you seen my father yet? If he sees you now, he will be glad that I gave you the silk.

Yes, yes I just thanked the Marquis of Quardenze for …… His kindness his.

I had a feeling that was the case.

The actual “I'm not a fan of the way you do it, but I'm not a fan of the way you do it. The timing for the flirtation was not to be missed.

Due to a strange disease, their family had lost not only the main ancestor, but also a large number of knights, military officers, and other retinue soldiers. The targets of this alert were not limited to the independent noble families of the Free City Cluster, but also included the neighboring Kingdom nobles.

The Kingdom of Levios forbids wars between royal nobles. However, that promise is also based on the royal family's trust and track record. With the birth of the magical beast Elsinia, the prestige of the Levios family has been at a daily low, and there was no guarantee that they could be trusted upon in times of need.

The prestige of the royal family had bottomed out and is now recovering somewhat, but at that time, the weak, small, and medium-sized noble families without a boss-like boss were in a state of uncertainty and panic.

But at that time, the weak and small aristocratic families without bossy bosses were in a state of uncertainty and depression.My father told me that we had not had much to do with each other.I'm glad we were able to deepen our relationship .

Their house had originally been politically a bat-like entity, wobbling between the Quordenze and Zeldmitra families, according to the girls.

Many of the nobles in the southern part of the kingdom were, until recently, independent noble families of the Free City Cluster, and it is not at all unusual for a house to have no clear boss.

However, they can no longer take advantage of such a position.

The sister princesses are from a branch of the same family.Since she happened to survive, she joined the main family to serve as the successor head of the family until her younger brother came of age.

It is a very false story. How could such a beautiful princess of a branch family, at the perfect age for breeding, survive by chance?

The simple fact is that the former head of the family left the young male and female in a safe place in case of emergency. And that is a correct inference to start with.

A nobleman has a duty to protect his territory from magical beasts. In short, it is not good appearance to spare the main ancestor who is old enough to fight as a risk hedge.

The younger brother, however, is old enough to be told not to run away from the war against monsters and beasts.

The neighborhood is suffering from a shortage of ancestors due to the great calamity of the magical beast Elsinia. Under such circumstances, what would people think of a weak noble family with a beautiful princess at her age?

It would be enough to bring the blame on them. How is it that men and women are conveniently surviving in your place? Did you escape from the battle against the magical beast Elsinia? Okay, then prove it by sending your sister princess to my wife,” They might say. If you respond incorrectly to this accusation, they will say, “You who fled from the battle of the magical beasts are not qualified. To be the guardians of the land! In other words, you are no longer nobles! If you are not nobles, then you are not Kingdom nobles! It is safe to invade!” This is the worst case scenario.

This is the worst case scenario.

It is not true that all the nobles are living inimitably to their pride as guardians of the kingdom. Among the nobles of the kingdom gathered here this time, there are some who, like their families, have survived in ways that make one wonder There are a few families among the aristocrats gathered here that have survived in a way that makes one wonder, “Oh, what? All of them are backed by a big noble family to prevent any accusation.

So these women chose the Quardenze family.

“…… Nn……”

Thanks to this, the sister princesses are in a position where they can't complain about me touching their asses. It is a natural right for an ass-mother to do ass-fucking.

If I thought of it as the price for the protection of my home, I would not be punished for giving up an ass or two.That's why his buttocks her are split in two.

I'm sorry. I'm not your usual escort, so I seem to put a lot of effort in strange places.

I made a slightly troubled face and she shrank back a little.

The arms her were pulled inward, further accentuating the cleavage of her breasts her.The reason I had been eyeing her was because of her big tits her, so I was very happy about this.

I would love to stick my fingertips into her cleavage her, or press my nose against her breasts her and take a deep breath, or turn up the breast part of her dress and suck on her nipples, but as expected, I would be a confirmed pervert without any excuse.

I was only touching her by force majeure, and I could not break that posture.

As I turned again, this time I concentrated my nerves on the hand of her on my thigh Her.The synergistic effect of the combination of silk and a young woman's body is tremendous.No matter how he touched her, he was guaranteed the best caressing sensation.

My brother's costume is also made of the silk that was given to me by Quardenze,” She said. It is also very well received. ……

Please, please,……, I seem to hear the voice of her heart.

My hand, her, tightly held by hers and connected to hers, felt more pressure.

The song on the floor is finally coming to an end.

I was not unaware of what she was asking for.I'll leave it at this to enjoy the beautiful girl's sad call for a favor her.I have been allowed to touch her so much,it's about time I responded to her request her of.

If you can please me together, there's nothing better. Besides, if a beautiful woman like you can wear it, it will be a worthwhile gift. I would like to give you a good silk that will suit you both in the future. …. Oops, I guess that was a little premature, wasn't it?Haha.”

It is my policy to continue the patronage of the Quardenze family, even as the next head of the family.

'Well ……! Thank you very much ……! I look forward to that day!”

These were the words the sister princess wanted to pull out of me.

I feel pure joy and relief from her quick, blossoming smile Her Through the gaps in her forced aristocratic mask, she exudes the cheerful atmosphere of an 18-year-old girl.

She is a lovely girl. I can feel my crotch swelling and hardening.

The music was about to end.

I took a big step forward and posed with my body her tightly against hers.

It felt so good to have my fully erect cock rubbing against my sister princess's thighs her.I was tormented by the desire to continue to press my cock against her thighs and feel the pressure, but I held off just in time.

I exhaled and looked at her.

'Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to hold hands with you, my beautiful princess.

Thank you for a wonderful time. Thank you for a wonderful time, Lord Wilk.

During the two songs, we had a really nice touch. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I took my sister's hand her and walked off the stage to sparse applause.

She was dancing so happily. Thank you very much for inviting my sister to join us, Lord Wilk.

As I approached the sofa where Plume and the others were sitting, my brother greeted me with such words.

The nervousness is not so different from when I greeted him with Prume earlier.

Watching him struggling to face the large presence of the Quardenze family, I felt as if I were an interviewer for a junior high school entrance exam.

He was so happy to see me.

I answered her honestly.

They did not have enough time to enjoy the evening party.

I may not have been considerate enough in suddenly approaching them, but the fact that this sister princess was a beautiful woman with big breasts and was in a vulnerable position was the worst of all.

We had a meaningful conversation.

Yes, we were able to have a meaningful conversation. I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to talk with the Princess. I feel that I was able to reaffirm my position as the next head of the family.

It seems that my brother and Plume have become quite comfortable with each other.There was less tension in his voice his compared to his correspondence his with me.

After the dance with Plume, I approached this sister and brother.

The first reason was her tits her, but the second reason was this younger brother.I had hoped that he, who is scared of the family name of Quardenze and Silopea,would not be able to afford to be pleased by touching Plume's body her of.

As it turned out, it was a problem before touching.

This was his first time outside his own domain, and he declined the invitation to dance, saying he was not accustomed to touching nobles from other families.

I thought it was a waste …… Of a great opportunity to dance with a beautiful girl like Plume, but now I can understand that feeling a little better. Dancing with my sister princess was more exciting than I had expected.

It wasn't love or embarrassment, but instinctive caution.

I had not known her very well, so the moment when we held hands made me strangely nervous.It was a moment that made me keenly aware of the magnitude and oppressiveness of the presence of my ancestor her.

However, my desire to touch her was stronger, and I somehow got used to it as we danced.

I am glad you had a good exchange.”

Although partners are sometimes changed temporarily at the evening party, it is not always necessary for both pairs to dance at that time. Enjoying chatting with each other is one form of exchange. If my brother, who was escorting my sister, gave the OK, there was no problem with me and my sister dancing alone.

My brother sent me off with a smile for inviting his sister His.It was only natural, because otherwise the next head of the Kuordenze family would be displeased.It was a typical behavior for a boy of the head family,even if he was a weakling.

However, the elder sister was originally a child of a branch family. Perhaps because of this, there were times when I felt that she could not quite hide her emotions. When I asked her to dance with me, her face was so pale that she Pulled a face.

I thought her reaction she was one of awe at the weight of the Kingdom's five noble families, the Quardenzes,……, But I soon realized that I was half wrong.

The sister princess was frightened of me.

It takes courage for a male nobleman to make an invitation, of course, but the same thing is necessary for the female nobleman who accepts it.

The sister princess accepted my invitation with trembling hands, but her nervousness hardly dissipated even after we began dancing. My hands were gripped with such force that I could feel the thought, “If I let go of your hands, I'll die,” And she pressed her body against mine with a tight squeeze, as if she wanted to increase the area of ​​skin-to-skin contact to ensure my safety.

She was desperate to hold on to me the whole time.It was a pleasant miscalculation, though, that I took advantage of this and touched her buttocks and legs her.

As I said goodbye to my sisters and brother and looked for my next catch, Plume, walking next to me, said, “Will, you're looking better.

'Will, you're looking better.'

For a moment I was at a loss for words, thinking it was a euphemism for having an erection while dancing.

'You were pushing yourself the other night, weren't you? I've been…… Worried about you.'

A hand on my back.

This time it was just a touch, but I felt something warm.

…… Was it that obvious?”


The first time I saw her, I thought I was in a bad mood.

I was so happy to dance with a beautiful older woman, after all.

She said in a slightly teasing tone. No, in fact, I had regained some of my energy that day after Plume had left and I had fucked Eve.

'That's because I had so much fun dancing with Prue.'


I look at the floor as I enjoy flirting with Plume.

Now my target is the princess who is acting with an escort. With Plume as my escort, it is difficult to pick up a free princess who is wandering around alone and dance with her.

It is a pity, because some of the princesses who enjoy the evening party without partners are so beautiful that they make me drool. With Plume.

I should enjoy the touch that I can do now as much as I can.

After that, Plume and I continued to deepen our relationship with the aristocratic families under the Quardenze, especially the younger generation.

Not all of the people I danced with were beautiful women, as some of them were asked to dance by my father. However, it seems that youth is valuable just by itself, and even if a woman is a little ugly, I felt comfortable with her just because of her flesh.

This was a true act of force majeure, and I did not touch them intentionally. All of the princesses were so desperate to get close to me that my hands inevitably came in contact with them, regardless of whether their faces were beautiful or ugly .

As I expected, Silopea's name her was very important to the nobles of Quardenze.All of the noblemen offered me an escort, but I chose to have a chat with them.

The human heart is a strange thing, and when it is shown in this way that it is not invited to dance, it makes me a little angry.

That is why I took Prume with me to meet and touch the younger members of the other factions.

It's not hard to understand, but the princesses from other factions don't interact with me as much as the princesses from the Quardenze faction. When I invited them to dance, they were even more frightened than their older sister princesses, and their closeness during the dance was also very different. It was like a koala cuddling corner. I don't know if I should be happy about this, but I was able to touch and rub them a lot, so it was all good.

I am sure that I am the one who is enjoying the dance the most tonight.

Plume had to dance with male aristocrats several times, but I got the impression that he had his hands full with dancing properly, as they were all hastily created members of his generation, the next generation, or former branch families, and this was their first social gatheringhis.

The dance party is a glittering stage for young aristocrats to begin with, and no one would take advantage of it to start molesting them.

One thing I didn't expect was Princess Alina.

I thought she was being escorted by Prince Dunkel, but she was having a kind of girls' party with her good friends, the young ladies of the aristocracy.

The members of the group were the aristocratic families of the Aliina and Roushna regions, so it was like the Levios family and their cronies. When I asked them to dance, they reacted like a group of girls and were very noisy.

The most important thing to remember is that the girls are not only the most popular girls, but they are also the most popular girls in the world.

I am sure you will find it charming. “Thank you for this exciting time at ……. Thank you for this exciting time, Lord Wilk.

The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time.

The perfect make-up and luxurious clothes have raised the level of her appearance to a whole new level. The catchphrase, “A beautiful woman can be made.

In fact, I think it is amazing that she looks so beautiful when she is so beautifully arranged that she is carried away by the atmosphere.

I returned with her to the common area of ​​the other venue while being interested in the technical skills possessed by the royal family. While I was dancing with Alina, Plume was having a girls' party with the noble daughters of the Roushna region.

When I was about to return to the dance hall after returning Alina and collecting Plume, I heard a sigh from the side.

She asked me if I wanted to talk to you again after this.

Plume did not look very enthusiastic as he said this.

The Silopea family is meeting with the Dukes of Padra and the Marquis of Bancibol, the leading families in the Loushna region, at the afternoon social event. Therefore, the invitation to the girls' party was apparently hard to turn down.

'If it's okay with …… Pull, I'll be your escort for the whole evening.

I tell her this at a volume that the people around us can't hear.

For a moment, Plume looked as if she had been saved, but then she immediately shook her head lightly.

No, I'm fine after all. We need to continue to deal with the aristocratic family of Roushna.”

From Plume's point of view, she was annoyed that the Levios family was talking to her like she was a big supporter of theirs.

The noble families of the Loushna region have a certain amount of influence within the kingdom, but when viewed as a single noble family, they are insignificant. I have a feeling that they are carrying a lot of complexes with them.

I don't get on board with it.

'I'm sure there are things you say and do like that, but …… Hmmm …… What is it? I've never been to many of those chats with all those young princesses, so maybe I'm a little uncomfortable with it. It was like they all knew each other except for me.”

Well, the nobles in the Loushna region have a lot of interaction with each other, so the princesses there must be old acquaintances. I imagined Plume suddenly being thrown into an existing group of girls and being stuck there, and I guessed the real reason she wasn't keen on it. She looks awfully uncomfortable.

'Maybe Prue should take someone from our side, too. I think she'll feel a little better if she knows more people.”

It's not that she's the only one allowed to come.

I, on the other hand, looked back at the notepad in my head and decided to reconfirm who I should dance with.

Due to the fact that I am going to a petit social gathering that Prince Dunkel has invited me to, I will be separated from Plume from the middle of the event. I want to deal with the issues that need to be digested while I have a partner.

The list of beautiful princesses I wanted to touch, the list of princesses I thought I should be involved with as the next head of the family, and the list of obligations I decided to dance at the request of my father, such as Princess Alina.

At any rate, I seem to have digested most of what I can handle. There was only one more person I wanted to dance for at the moment.

There are several halls set up as dance halls, but having found them beforehand, I was able to meet the person I was looking for right away.

“Lord Kalmia.”

The engaged pair of Aterahan Kalmia and Aterahan Novaruf were sitting on a sofa, apparently having a light meal.

'Excuse me, are you taking a break from enjoying the evening party?

Yes, a little. I'm sure you are enjoying the evening party as well, Wilk. Are you escorting Silopea tonight?”

Kalmia, with her eyes still closed, turned to face Plume, who was standing next to me.

I don't know what kind of magic she is using, but apparently she is able to recognize the identity of the girl standing next to me. I'm not sure what kind of magic she is using, but she seems to be able to recognize the girl standing next to her. …… No, this much is easily predictable.

I introduced her lightly, since Plume had not yet formally greeted the Aterahan family.

'Please have a seat, Wilk-dono and Plume-dono, if you would like to join us. Hey, Nova?'

The maids who had been accompanying Kalmia and Novaruf nodded, and they moved the sofa nearby and placed it so that they were facing each other across the mini-table.

Kalmia, who was probably waiting for us to sit down, said with a chuckle, “I'm surprised you accepted our invitation.

I didn't think you would actually come to meet me like this, Lord Wilk, even though you invited me.

Kal, a few words ……

Nova taught you not to be so formal at a soirée, didn't she?”

The fact that Nova and Cal are exchanging pleasantries that they would not normally reveal is probably a signal from Kalmia that they are willing to talk comfortably.

However, Kalmyr seems to be enjoying the reaction of Novaruf by poking fun at him. It's not so much the usual exchange between first-time fiancées, but rather the usual exchange between two people who know each other well. The two of them are not only the first couple to get engaged, but they are also the first couple to get engaged.

After exchanging eye contact with Plume, I opened my mouth.

I was wondering if you had any experience studying abroad in King's Landing.

When I, the next head of the Kuordenze family, approached him, he nodded his head without showing any signs of panic. That alone shows that he is used to these types of gatherings.

Yes,” He said. When I was staying there, meetings were held frequently, so I have been able to jump in and join in the evening parties on several occasions.

It seems that at Seichikan, the academy in King's Landing where he studied, he is instructed to actively participate in events. He is encouraged to deepen his knowledge by conversing with the nobles from all over the kingdom who visit the meetings.

That's interesting. Don't you think so too, Pru?

I think so. I think it would be a good learning experience in the royal capital, where there would be a lot of people.

Novaruf, glancing at Plume, changed the subject.

I really appreciate the opportunity to talk with the head of an aristocratic family who is a sennen of the sea and a sennen of the mountains, and it's a great learning experience. I met the previous Count Silopea several times.

He said, “Well. With my father?

Yes, He and his wife often attended our evening meetings, so I had the pleasure of talking to them several times.

My mother also ……

Plume's parents her died of a strange disease caused by the magical beast Elsinia.The episode that was suddenly dumped on her made her eyes sparkle as if she was about to jump up and down.

She has always been a girl who likes to be spoiled by her parents.Since their deaths, she has been taking a firm stand as the next head of the family, but there is no way she does not miss them.

She said, “Pru, why don't you let me talk to her? You don't have to worry about us.

……Thank you, Will.”

The way he touched my hand softly in appreciation was so soft and cute.

He sat back down on the couch and then turned to face Plume.

I guess Novaruf took care of me and Kalmia, the two boss characters of the place, so that we could talk without hesitation. And since Prume had not yet formally greeted Kalmia, I was not afraid to have a full-blown conversation with him here .

I felt that this guy was used to night parties, but I turned my attention to the girl sitting directly in front of me.

I looked at the girl sitting directly in front of me.

Do you feel that way?”

I did not mean it as a denial. I was not denying it, but saying that I thought so, with a little bit of proud nuance.

Yes, I do. The words they exchange sound like they understand each other, and they sound very gentle.

I don't feel bad about being described as a good friend of Plume's by a third party.

Using the story involving Prume as a starting point, Kalmia and I decided to start small talk.

I can see the depth of the relationship between the Marquise of Quardenze and the Countess of Silopea. Have they been in contact with each other since childhood?

Yes, they have. The distance between New Nelly and Pennybach is not so great.

Kalmia's attention shifted to the city of New Nelly, and after some small talk, I asked her a question.

I asked her, “…… Kalmia, you've known Lord Novalph for a long time, haven't you? You seem very friendly for someone who just got engaged, and you seem to have a good rapport.”

There is not much information about Novaluf. This is because although he has a past history of studying in King's Landing, at that point he was just a boy from a branch family, and no one paid much attention to him.

The Marquis of Aterahan and Novaluf's own mother are known to be very close, but as far as this pair is concerned, they seemed to have had a good relationship since they were very young.

I would like to get a little bit of information here.

I think they spent a lot of time together from an early age.

Kalmia called out to the person next to her.

It seems that the timing was just right for a break in the conversation, and Novaluf responded immediately.

Yes. We used to spend a lot of time together when we went to Zalezeria for meetings.

And to these words, Plume responded.

Oh, I wonder if the person you were talking about earlier is…?

I'm sorry,” She said. I was trying to make …… Cal happy.

I looked at Plume to see what she was talking about, and she gave me a short explanation.

Apparently, Novaluf had been borrowing books from the blue-ground library and sending them to the estate. Well, that's nice,” Said Plume, popping questions to Novaluf to ask him more about the story.

We chatted for a while, and I got a few things out of it.

Novaruf, who is from a branch family, has a lot of interaction with Kalmia, he said. How often these meetings were held.

After all, it seems that the Aterahan family has a lot of say in the affairs of its offshoots. This was made clear to me through direct contact with the Aterahan people.

In the case of the Quardenze family, the branch families almost never come to New Neri.

In the past, the Kuordenze branch of the Quordenze family was a big name in its own right, but the end result was an independent rebellion and a major purge, instigated by the Spierzeig family and the kingdom of Wojstra. Grandmother Cassia used the suppression of the rebellion to centralize power in the main family.

The branch families no longer have the spirit of independence. The reason why the branch families had the ambition to become independent in the past is due to the rapid territorial expansion of the Quardenze family. The Quardenze family, riding on the momentum of the turbulent times , took possession of the current interior, but this was a major project involving the entire family. As a branch family, they must have felt proud that they had worked for territorial expansion, and it is not unreasonable to think that they had the right to interfere with the policies of the main family.

The current situation of the Aterahan family may be a bit similar to this.

The speed of their territorial expansion is unparalleled, and their current area of ​​control surpasses that of the Kuordentse family, which once unified the interior.

The public believes that the charismatic figure of Aterahan Crone is the reason for the absence of rebellion in the territory, but is that really all there is to it?

The Aterahan family is a young family with a history of only about 100 years.

The Quardenze family's independence uproar occurred more than 200 years after the founding of the Quardenze family. It is reasonable to assume that the branch families, although close to the main family, had developed their own unique egos.

In comparison, the branch families of the Aterahan family are closer to the main family than to the branch families of the Aterahan family, so that it would be more accurate to call them “Relatives of the main family. Some of them may have contributed to the unification of the Aterahan region, and some of them may be proud of protecting the land surrounded by steep mountains.

The presence of absolute charisma and their short history as an aristocratic family bound the Aterahan family tightly together.

As long as Claune is alive, the branch families will not make rash claims, but who knows what will happen when that weight is removed.

It seems that the …… Aterahan family has a lot of dependable branch families.”

I let out a comment when we had reached a good point in the chat. Kalmia seemed to have immediately understood what I was trying to say and answered emphatically.


It seems that she, too, is aware of the problem of the power relationship between the main family and the branch families.

Or is this a check against the Quardenze family? If you were to make a list of candidates for the forces that will stir up the Aterahan region after Croune's death, I have a feeling we would probably be listed at the top of the list.

I think we would be at the top of the list. After all, the Spiaseiks had beaten us once, and we know more about what they don't like than any other family.

I see. …… Speaking of which, it looks like the song is about to end.

The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your home is to be a good friend.

I'm not sure how much time I have left to talk to you. I've been enjoying our conversation so much that I've completely lost track of time.

I remember the princesses who turned into koalas this evening.

I felt that Kalmia, who immediately accepted my invitation to dance at the social gathering, is a person who has guts despite her appearance.

I thought I had set him up with a story that he would not be able to refuse on that occasion, but he may have instantly decided that he could use this to appeal to his own guts and agreed to do so. If so, Aterahan Kalmia was a very clever man.

I saw the Marquis of Aterahan a few minutes ago, and I think he was wearing a dress of the same shape as Kalmia's. I think you two look very well together. Is this a custom of the Aterahan family?”

There would be about five more minutes before the song that was currently playing ended, and I looked at Kalmia's outfit to tie the scene together.

The dress she is wearing is very different in design from that of Plume.

The dress is very different in design from that of Plume's. It has a tight-fitting upper body that highlights her figure and a deep slit cut into the skirt. At a glance, the dress looks similar to an ao dai, but since there is no collar and the skin is exposed up to the shoulders, it is probably a different type of dress.

The main color is rouge, and the second skirt peeking out from the slit is bright orange, a flashy composition, but strangely enough, it does not look too loud. Perhaps it is because the person wearing the dress exudes an air of calmness.

It is difficult to wear a dress of this shape unless a woman is confident of her figure. Woman with small breasts.

No, it's not like that, it's my mother's taste.

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the dress is not only for women, but for men as well.

I see, the Marquis of Aterahan certainly looks good in this dress.

I saw the Marquis eating while I was cruising the floor, and I could tell at once from a distance how big his chest was.It was hard to notice because of his good physique, but the marquis had quite large breasts.

And this shape of dress suited his daughter, Kalmia.She was shy about using the dress to blatantly show off her boobs, but the gesture made the man's lust even more aroused.

I was looking forward to dancing with Kalmia, I wanted to be held on to her as hard as I could and feel her breast pressure.

As he admires Kalmia's dress, she abruptly switches the subject.

I was admiring Kalmia's dress her, and she abruptly changes the subject: “May I ask you one question? May I ask you to touch my hand once?”

Kalmia's hand was quickly held out as if floating above the mini-table.Like Plume, Kalmia's hand was covered by a fingerless glove that extended all the way up to the elbow of her.

Even if I was asked to touch her in this state, there are only a limited number of places I can touch her.I gently touched her fingertips her.

……Oh, so that's what you mean.”

The moment I touched her, I sensed with my magical senses that she was invoking a very weak magic. It was at a level so faint that it seemed to disappear, but I was able to capture the movement clearly through skin-to-skin contact .

I apologize for not telling you in advance.”

Kalmia is blind, so she uses magic to perceive her surroundings her.

I think many nobles are concerned about this.

If you compare the movement of magic power from 0 to 1 with the movement from 1 to 10,000, the former is easier to detect. A surprise attack from Kalmia would be harder to read.

It must have been Kalmia's own sincerity that she told him before confirming the formal invitation.

He said, “Princess Kalmia, may I take your hand for a moment?

But I don't mind this much.I don't care about that, I care more about the pressure of her breasts.

After confirming with Kalmia's escort her Novalph, I told her about the invitation her.

Yes. I am very happy to hear that, Mr. Wilk. Please be so kind.”

I was about to reach for the strap of her glove when I heard another voice from next door.

The beautiful Princess Plume,” He said. May I take your hand for a moment?

I am so happy that you invited me, Lord Novaluf.

……Prume also dances?

I glanced sideways at the exchange and saw that Novaluf's glove removal was very refined.

I, too, exposed one of Kalmia's arms in defeat and handed it to her folded up.

Kalmia, princess, let's go.


As we moved, Plume and Novaluf also stood up. The two pairs of us went straight onto the stage.

We held Kalmia's hand while considering where to stand, and waited for the song to start with the other hand on our hips.

Plume, who was positioned a little further away, was having a pleasant conversation with …… Novaruf. From here, I can't hear their conversation.

“Do you mind?”

For a moment, Kalmia's hand her reacts with a jerk.

I'm sorry,” He said.

No, it's fine. No, it's fine.

The next moment after she said this, the musicians began to play a tune.

As if guided by the slow string music, Kalmia and I begin to dance in unison, breathing in unison.

The same?

I mean just the same.I've been wondering about Nova, too,…… And I don't like it, I'm afraid Lord Wilk will think she's I'm a jealous woman.

I guess this is him following up on me. It is bad manners to be concerned about another woman while dancing.

I wonder if he used to ask women to dance like that when he was staying in King's Landing.

I got the impression that you were quite adept at it.

I am too.

I don't know how many female aristocrats there were in Seichikan, but I felt that they must have been dancing one after the other.

In the corner of my eye, I see Plume's figure. The two of them seemed to be enjoying themselves, stepping happily and whispering to each other.

There is an image that young girls are attracted to older, dependable men. I don't think that's true, but what if Plume is crazy about that muscular tough guy? When I fantasized about her drowning in the pleasures of heavyweight, powerful sex, I felt a chill to my core and my cock shriveled and shrunken.

'Let's go to …… And have some fun dancing.'

'Yes, of course.'

Plume doesn't particularly care if I dance with Kalmia. The most important thing to remember is that you can't be too careful when it comes to your own personal style. The other side of the coin is that Novaruf is also accustomed to socializing and does not seem to be bothered by his fiancée dancing with another man.

Only the two of us, Kalmia and I, are a little amused by this swapping act. It was a little amusing, and the next thing I knew, Kalmia and I were laughing at each other.

'You really are good friends with Princess Plume, aren't you, Lord Wilk?

Kalmia whispered softly, bringing her face close to mine.

She may have been aware of her own bust size her, but her deft movements her keep me from being pushed around.Too bad.

Although I was astonished only for a moment when we held hands, after that she danced with me without being particularly frightened.

Maybe it's because she has her mind at ease because she's constantly invoking her magic Because of this, she didn't cling to me, and I could not get a strong adherence.

This is cheating. This is cheating. I think they should ban magic and force her breasts on me even now. I wonder if Novaluf rubs and sucks these tits every night.

It makes me realize that the …… Night dance is truly a sexually stimulating event.

The first thing that comes to mind is the discourse that Prince Dunkel is inviting me to later today. I heard that the two of you were friends in Aochikan.

I was about to change the subject, but I was a little distracted by the close proximity of Plume and Novaluf, who were posing in close proximity.


Kalmia smiled a glamorous smile.

'Yes, Nova is planning to attend as well. Nova will be there as well, since she had a conversation with Prince Dunkel when she visited the Blue Pavilion the other day.

I am sure they will have another talk that came up on that occasion, she said.

'That is an interesting story. ……If that's what Prince Dunkel was trying to talk about when he came to the castle yesterday, is that related?”

If so, I feel like I'm at a disadvantage because I didn't get a chance to prep in advance.

I was wondering if you had been given a tour of the royal castle.

Yes, I did. Yes, I visited the royal mausoleum. The stone used for that building is from Aterahan.

Well, good. For now, let's cherish every encounter with Kalmia.

What is important to me now is her big tits her.

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2016 Native Language: Japanese
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.


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not work with dark mode