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The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story 200

Chapter 200: Blue Land, City of Clouds

Until a few years ago, there was a school for children of noble families in the royal city of Levios.

The school was called Aochi-Kan, which comes from the fact that it had two buildings, Ao-Kan and Chi-Kan, as its school buildings.

Blue land.

The pure earth extends far beyond the horizon, illuminated by the cloudless blue sky.

This is one of the slogans of the Levios family, and it is a simple expression of the ideal land that all nobles should aspire to.

The imaginary land dreamed of by the first King Levios was a symbolic motif of the aristocratic era.

The Seichikan is a system that allows anyone born into an aristocratic family in the kingdom to study abroad.

Originally, Quardenze Wilk was supposed to live an agonizingly masturbatory life, attending the Seijikan and interacting with beautiful princesses from all over the country, but not being able to touch them.

All of this was shattered by the appearance of the magical beast Elsinia.

Unable to keep the beast confined to its own territory, the Levios family's status as nobles was greatly lowered by the fact that it spread a magical beast disaster not only throughout the kingdom, but also in the imperial direction.

The nobles of the kingdom were concerned about protecting the children who had survived Elsinia's disaster, and did not approve of sending them to the royal capital. For the nobles, who had always tended to stay in their own homes, having an excuse for not letting their children out of the house was a godsend.

Thus, the Seichikan, which had a history of several decades, was closed.

However, even though it was closed as an institution, the building remained open.

Not a few alumni fondly remember their days at the academy and visit when they come to Wangdu, and Aochikan, which can accommodate a large number of nobles, is sometimes used as a social gathering place in Wangdu.

On the day of the event, several carriages of noble families were parked in the parking lot, or carriage yard.

The Aojikan has an annex adjacent to it. It was built by a Levios family member as a hobby, and was called a library simply because of its use.

Since the library is for students attending Aochikan, it is not used by ordinary aristocrats, and there is little space for carriages to park here.

On this particular day, an unfamiliar carriage was parked in the library parking lot.

The emblem depicted on it is a mountain horse facing each other and a double-edged sword standing between them. The carriage belonged to the Marquis of Aterahan, one of the five great nobles of the Kingdom of Levios.

Inside the library, in a room prepared as a reception room, there were three shadows: an old woman, a young man and woman. Of course, each of them was accompanied by an escort and a civil official, but no one was aware of their presence.

The young man and woman quietly took their seats after a brief greeting to the old woman who would be the host of the tea party.

The old woman, who is also the director of the library, signaled her attendants to prepare tea with her fingertips, and a smile appeared on her wrinkled face as if to announce the start of the tea party.

It's been a long time, Lord Novaluf.

The old woman dared to say these words, although she had already greeted the guests.

The old woman and Aterahan Novaruf were the only acquaintances at the tea party.

It has been four years, hasn't it? I am very happy to see you here again.

I am glad to see that you are doing well.

The Seichikan is run by the Levios family, not by the Kingdom of Levios.

The teachers are retired knights and officials who served the Levios family and have a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and practical experience.

The old woman is the granddaughter of the first King Levios, and is a linear descendant of the Levios family.

She was also the vice-president of Aochikan and the head of this library.

The old woman turns her gaze for a moment to the person sitting next to her former student.

'As I told you in a letter the other day, I have decided to get engaged ……

On this day, Novaruf came to the library to introduce hisfiancée to his former teacher.

The reason for the forced schedule of his visit in the morning on the day after he arrived in King's Landing was because he wanted to get it over with before the socializing started in earnest and things got hectic.

The old woman bowed revertently as Novaluf introduced her fiancé.

Although this is a meeting between a former teacher and a former student, the highest-ranking person here is a woman whom he has never met at all, Atellahan Karmia, the next head of the Atellahan family.

In the order of rank, Kalmia, the next head of the aristocratic family, is in first place, her husband her, Novaruf, is in second place, and the old woman, a mere ancestor of the family, is in third place.

Kalmia was aware of her position and spoke more forcefully than usual.

I have looked forward to meeting you. I am in a position to know what life was like in the capital of Novarulf.

The presentation was perfect: “As the next head of the Aterahan family, I need to know. But Kalmia's true intentions were different for her.”

She just wanted to know how her belovedfiancéwas spending his days in King's Landing from a perspective other than his own report of his.

She wanted to know the man she loved, the man she did not know.It was an honest feeling for a 16-year-old girl of her age.

As a nobleman from Aterahan, he behaved very admirably.He worries a lot, learns a lot, and can think again from there……. That is the way a nobleman should be.We did everything we could to respond to his motivation his.”

Perhaps because Kalmia's attempt to hide her emotions her was too good, the old woman was honest in her response to the question her, offering her assessment of Nobaruf's attitude her towards the incoming head of the Aterahan family.

The Levios family hopes to reopen Aochikan at some point when the dust has settled.

Therefore, whenever she had the opportunity, the old woman would appeal to the good educational environment in the royal capital.

For the nobles, the education of their children is very important.

The head of the family is powerful both physically and in terms of power, and the future of the estate depends greatly on the success or failure of the head of the family.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the family line will cease to exist if the head of the family is not a good one.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the family line would cease to exist if the head of the family was brought up to be a bad head of the family.

It was an unthinkable idea to entrust the education of an important heir to another family, even if only a part of it. Even among the noble families under the Levios family, there were not many cases of sending their children, who were in a position to become the next head of the family, to Aochikan.

Most of the nobles sent their children who were in unimportant positions in their collateral families to study abroad, and they were only doing their duty to the Levios family in some way.

Nevertheless, the Levios family continued to operate Aochikan.

While the Levios family had the theme of deepening exchanges among the aristocrats of the kingdom, there was another purpose behind it.

The Levios family had a bitter history of civil war with the Mirendorva family because of the foolish son they once had as the head of the family.

The Levios knights, who were in charge of education, deeply regretted this and proposed the establishment of Aochikan in order to improve their education skills and acquire know-how.

To put it in a better way, it would be a place to receive the most advanced education that the Levios family possessed.

Or, to put it another way, a place to experiment with the advanced curriculum devised by the Levios family.

That is what Aochikan is.

However, the Levios family is not the only one who benefits from this.

The nobles of the kingdom have been making good use of it in various ways, such as taking the content of the education back to their own domain, selecting only the parts that could be used, and applying them to the children of the next head of the family.

However, if the lineage of the nobles who were members of the kingdom was stabilized in this way, it would lead to the benefit of the entire kingdom of Levios.

I am very happy to have been chosen as the son-in-law of the next head of the family, Princess Kalmia, and to have been adopted by Lord Clowne, as if it were my own. Honor than to know that Aochikan was able to contribute, even if only a little, to her growth.”

I am happy for you,” Said the smiling old woman, her words coming from her heart.

From the Levios family's point of view, it is a very good thing that the next head of the Aterahan family's spouse is from Aochikan. Not to mention as an achievement of the academy.

However, even without that, the old woman was happy that he was invited to the main family of Aterahan.

The old woman's words she were not false.During his stay in Japan, the teachers had responded to his eagerness to learn.

That is why she felt it was a waste of time to think about what he would do after graduation.

His position is that of an outsider, and if you think about it, there are not many opportunities for him to play an active role in the future.The old woman was very concerned about his future.

Therefore, the old woman was thinking of bringing Novaruf into the Levios family, and she was also picking up a suitable princess to be his son-in-law.

But Elsinia, the magical beast, blew everything up, including those things.

“When he first came to …… The school, Lord Novaluf was somewhat tense and ……

As they talked, the old woman sensed that Kalmia was more interested in her personal life than in her reputation, and she gradually slid the topic toward her personal life.

The old woman is not only a teacher but also an aristocrat of the Levios family. In order to make this tea party meaningful for the Levios family, she had prepared several tasks in advance.

One of the tasks was to identify the person, Aterahan Karmia.

The number of the main ancestors that make up each noble family has been greatly reduced due to the magical beast disaster caused by the magical beast Ersinia.

The Quardenze family is the only one where there has been no change at all in the next generation before and after the Ercinea disaster.

In aristocratic diplomacy, personal character is a more significant factor than one might imagine.

The Levios family, as the unifying force of the kingdom, needed to know not only the current generation, but also the next generation.

The next head of the Aterahan family, Kalmia, who is not in a position to take over the reigns of the family and has never appeared on the stage before, is one of the people that the Levios family should give top priority to investigating.

He is one of the most important people for the Levios family to investigate. “Sometimes you would come to this house on …… Holidays and other occasions. You used to gaze at the shelves with great interest, looking for something good to read. He was so enthusiastic that I even lent out some of his books to him.

But I did lend out a few books to him, because he was so enthusiastic.

Kalmia's voice becomes a little softer.

The old woman knew from Novaruf himself that he had sent books and manuscripts he had obtained in the royal capital to Kalmykia.

The old woman dared to mention this because she wanted to check Kalmia's reaction her.

It is nice to know that someone is willing to do something for you.

Kalmia smiled quietly, narrowing her eyes.The old woman decided that it was a move to hide the change in her expression her.If she is caught off guard, her face her will grin, so she is overriding it with another smile.

The old woman felt itchy to see thenaïvereaction of a princess who she had just learned to love.

Perhaps because her own tribute to her was the topic of conversation, Novaluf made a slightly embarrassed gesture.And as if to tease him about the move, Kalmia gently put her hand on him.

The old woman understands that these newly engaged couples are getting along very well.

'I am glad to hear that you seem to be getting along so well.

''I am a little embarrassed when you say so, doctor.

Even after the marriage, there should be no obstacles to the night life. The most important item on the confirmation list in the mind of …… Old woman is marked with a check.

It would be desirable for the Levios family if Novalph, who is strongly influenced by the ideas of the first King Levios, would act as the de facto head of the family.

I hear that Princess Kalmia likes to read,” She said. I have a large number of books in my library, which is also my hobby. Why don't you choose one here that suits your taste? We are always ready to lend out books.”

Those were words that could have been taken any way. However, Kalmia sensed in these words a kind of test, an attempt to gauge the quality of the person who was to be served.

The head of an aristocratic family, especially an aristocratic family like the Aterahan family that is strongly conscious of the independence of the aristocracy, does not come to the royal capital so casually.

To ask him to come to the library at any time while understanding this is to say, “Novaruf is the de facto head of the family, isn't he? Since you are the nominal head of the family, in essence, a decoration, why don't you stay in King's Landing?

On the other hand, he could say, “I will lend you the money via the civil official of Aterahan who is staying in King's Landing. Even if it changes to your generation, you will still have an expatriate in King's Landing, won't you? Let's continue to get along well with each other.

The old woman has no intention of having a relationship with the next head of the Aterahan family.

Therefore, her tone of voice is very calm and natural.She is cunning in her speech, just at the edge of her ability to make a judgment as to whether she is being sarcastic, confirming friendship, or making a statement that has no. Japanese.

I am always pleased to hear from you,” He said. I have always been instructed by my predecessors to have access to many good books. If you would be so kind as to introduce me to some of them, I would be most grateful.

Kalmia's tone was completely unwavering. The old woman judged that the momentary expression of dispersion on her face was an act of warning.

Then, for your information, can you tell us what kind of books Princess Kalmia has read so far? I would appreciate it if you could also tell me what you found interesting about the books.

If given the chance, he will surely aim to read our reading history and impressions ……, I.E., Our thoughts.That was Kalmia's expected response to her.

She would list the titles of the books she had prepared in her mind, and then she would explain what parts of the books attracted her to them.

As she mentioned one book after another, the old woman could understand what she was trying to say.

The reason was that they were a list of books favored by the previous heads of the Aterahan family.

The Levios family has a great deal of information about the previous head of the Aterahan family.

Sent to Levios territory as a hostage at an early age, the previous generation received most of his education from the Levios family.

The Levios family, with an eye toward future aristocratic diplomacy, kept detailed records of their predecessors' personalities and abilities, from the types of men they preferred to the books they were influenced by.

Kalmia knew this and dared to show it to him.

The old woman's palms began to sweat for the first time in response to his impudent retort her.

It seems that the counterintelligence report about the previous generation's treasured child was correct. , But I guess it was our fault for being so quick to assume that …….

I am sure it was my fault……. But still, she is a very calm princess for her age.I feel some resemblance to the previous generation.

The old woman let out a small sigh deliberately, as if to say that she was done exploring her gut her.

I see. I think I understand a little about Princess Kalmia's tastes. As soon as I have finished selecting the books, I will give them to the civil official of Aterahan.

Yes, I look forward to it.

It is highly likely that the policy is that the next head of the Aterahan family will be Aterahan Kalmia, both in name and in reality. The report of the counterintelligence is probably correct. Continue to investigate……. The old woman used the code words she had decided on beforehand to convey her conclusions to civil servant Levios, and then returned to the subject of casual chitchat.

As if to apologize for trying, she talked about the life she would like to lead in the royal city of Nobaruf, and the air that had become a little stiff loosened up.

The conversation continued for a while, and the plates of tea and sweets were empty.

One of the civil servants, Levios, entered the parlor and, with a flourish, spoke into the old woman's ear her.

She said, “I apologize for the short notice. May I ask one of you to join me now? I am sure you are acquainted with Mr. Novaruf, but our Dunkel would be happy to ……

Are you here?

Yes. The next head of the family wants to have a chat with you before the socializing begins in earnest. …… I am truly embarrassed by my rudeness, but would you care to join us?”

I see, this is a setup. Both of us in Aterahan guessed at the same time.

There is a long distance between the castle and the library, and it is not the kind of place you would just wander into, at least not on a whim.

It is possible to turn around and say that he is rude, but it is too much of a disadvantage to do so between Aterahan and Levios, even if it is between two aristocratic families who are on bad terms with each other.

This is already the royal city of Levios, and the geographical advantage is on the side of Levios.

Kalmia concludes that this is now unavoidable and gives permission to be present.

The scheduled intruder enters the room with a steady thump of footsteps.

'Well, well, well, it's been a long time, Novaluf. I didn't expect to see you again.

He was a thin young man. That was my first impression of Aterahan, who was standing near the entrance of the reception room.

However, this was due to the fact that he was used to seeing a muscular Nobaruf, whose limbs were as strong as logs, and the young man was neither slender nor skinny.

Kalmia, on the other hand, was trying to weigh the young man by means of magical object grasp and hearing.

His words his to Novaluf are broken and his tone his is somewhat aloof.However, his gait and behavior his were graceful and he showed a high level of education befitting a member of the Levios family.

The discrepancy between these two impressions made her feel somewhat uneasy.

I'm glad to see that Dunkel is doing well. I didn't expect to see you again like this when we graduated.

For a moment, Novaluf wondered what to call the other party, but this tea party had a strong element of Aochikan, so he decided to call her “Dunkel. Therefore, he called him “Dunkel,” As he called him then.

He said, “This is the first time we have met, Princess Kalmia. Since this is such a private occasion, we will make a formal greeting at a later date, so let's make light …… Of it here.”

With that, Dunkel made a simple gesture of thanks.

I am Levios Dunkel. I am …… The proud heir to the land of Levios.


The old woman gives a short scolding sound at the latter part of his words, which are mixed with a bit of joking.

But for Novaluf, the words were a little more sympathetic.

Awe, the land of Levios–.

Levios Dunkel.

He is the current head of the Levios family, the bastard son of King Levios.

While many nobles are sexually sensitive, King Levios was a rare man who had two wives of his ancestors. It is just that one of his concubines happened to be the head of the family.

Dunkel's mother was the Blessed Child, who was discovered during a hunt for the main ancestor in the Levios territory.

Blessed children are almost always killed on the spot if they are boys, but if they are girls, they are raised to be obedient and their fertility is used against them.

King Levios fell in love with the Blessed Child, who was to become an ancestor-making machine, and took her as his concubine her.

Originally, Dunkel was to join the House of Shadow.

King Levios' wife was a noblewoman of high rank, the children born to her were well educated, and the nomination of the next head of the family had been completed without a hitch.

It was also Elsinia, the magical beast, who ruined this fate.

The Levios family, whose son by his wife had died out, turned to Dunkel, who was the son of a sidekick but directly descended from the blood of the current head of the family.

Novaruf and Dunkel.

The two young men are now living in a future that was unimaginable and impossible when they were attending Seichikan.

It was not surprising that Nowalkh felt some sympathy for Dunkel's joking words his.

We have not met before, Prince Dunkel. I am Aterahan Kalmia. Although Levios and Aterahan are in different places, I too feel the burden of taking charge of the territory.

The brief greeting ended there, and Dunkel took his seat.

The servant changed the teacups and prepared some new tea leaves and snacks.

While they were doing this, they were making idle chit-chat, during which Nowarv finished one confirmation.

During this time, they were chatting about other things, and during the conversation, Novaluf confirmed one thing: whether he could sense a certain feeling that he had sometimes felt from the old woman, even from Dunkel.

That feeling was a slight “Contempt” For Kalmia.

Novaruf recalls the attitude of the Aterahan nobles he has encountered since his departure for Levios this time.

They were a little oddly attentive to Kalmia.

Now Novaruf could understand why. They had inwardly underestimated Kalmia. That is why they were more careful than necessary not to make a mess of things in that area.

Kalmykia, who is visually impaired, was seen as flawed in the symbol of power that separated her from the others.

The Aterahan nobles were more careful and nervous than necessary in this regard. You could say that they were fawning over him.

So, what if we were dealing with an equal great aristocrat who did not have to flirt with the Aterahan family ……? Yes, like the old woman and Dunkel, “Contempt” Without malice would seep through in their tone of voice, their gaze, and other attitudes.

If they are clearly and consciously disparaging to us, that is something we can deal with. If they show in words that they are taking us lightly, we can argue with them as much as we want. Of a vague air and atmosphere.

If we bite, the other party can say as much as they want, “That's not true. This is even more so because it is unintentional.

Dealing with this “Unconscious disdain” Was a real pain in the ass.

As if to hide his inner impatience his, Novaluf's expression hardens.

Being snubbed in an unintended way, this must be a problem for the Aterahan family.

If this fact became known in the Aterahan territory, it was clear that the collateral relatives would complain about it. It is not in the best interest of the territory to have such an easily underestimated person as the head of the family.

The most painful part for Novaluf was that the person who was most likely to voice this opinion was his own mother.

Neither Claune nor his predecessor her nor Novaluf himself thinks that Kalmia is inferior to other nobles.In fact, he even respects her as a noble princess.

However, those around her do not think so.

Novaruf stared at the profile of Kalmia, who continued to make small talk with Dunkel.

I want to protect the next head of the Aterahan family and the woman I love more than anyone else with my arms.He must protect her.

He was once again aware of his attitude towards the social life of the royal city.

During their pleasant conversation, he made an effort to stand up to Kalmia and told her that he was the next head of Aterahan and that he had the talent to be the next head of Aterahan.

Kalmia herself was a little embarrassed, but Novaluf, trying hard to lessen her unconscious insult, continued the conversation.

After a certain amount of time had passed, and there was a lull in the chit-chat, Kalmyr said to me, “You know, I've been thinking about this for a while.

He said, “…… Speaking of which, I suppose it's about time that the secret meeting between my father and the Marquis of Aterahan was over. Wouldn't you be interested to know how they came to their conclusion as the Aterahan family?”

The air in the room suddenly changed, and Kalmia and Novalh winced.

Especially, Novalph became even more alarmed. Dunkel's face was covered with an unnatural smile. He seemed to be wearing an elaborate smile mask, he thought.

I had never heard of such a thing.

This morning, both the Marquis of Aterahan and Aterahan Crone made their way to the royal castle.

The Marquis of Aterahan had planned to go alone to the castle to greet his arrival in the capital, but Croune accompanied him because he wanted to visit the mausoleum dedicated to the first King Levios.

Kalmia had expected that if two of Aterahan's leading figures were going to the royal castle, there would be some kind of action regarding the King's Landing social gathering that was scheduled to take place in a few days, but she had not expected that it would be mentioned here.

He had not expected to hear about it here. “Well,” Said Kalmia, “Since the offer to visit the royal mausoleum was made, my father arranged a meeting. I wonder if the Marquis of Aterahan, Lord Croune, and the three of They are enjoying a cup of tea right now. The Levios family is currently preparing a large-scale project. Father is going to present a proposal regarding the philosophy, direction, and outlook of the project. Am very curious to know if this proposal has been accepted by the Aterahan family.

“Is Grandmother also present?

The fact that Claune is in the same room as her makes Novalph feel a little relieved.And it was the same for Kalmia.

The Marquis of Aterahan is not incompetent in aristocratic diplomacy, but he is by no means the most tactful of aristocrats.

Even though he has knights and civil servants as his assistants, it takes a certain amount of determination to interrupt a conversation between the heads of the families, and there are some questions and answers that only the head of the family can handle.

In this respect, if Claune is with us, we can at least rest assured that we will not be “Taken advantage of”.

The Aterahan family understands that they must not continue as they are, but the hard part is that they have no choice but to rely on people who are supposed to be retired.

Dunkel's smile deepened, as if he was enjoying the reaction.

It's no wonder they didn't know about it. This important meeting was arranged on short notice. I think it's a good thing that we, as the next head of the family, didn't get a chance to think about the policy of the estate, and we just listened to the conclusion that our parents came up with. I do not think so. What do you think, Princess Kalmia?”

Dunkel's words her, which sounded like he was reading straight from a script he had prepared in advance, caused Kalmia to furrow her brow.

Kalmia's eyebrows furrowed as she understood that the script had already included our response.

Yes, I think so, too.

If she answered no, she would be seen as the next head of the family, obedient and blind to her parents.

Dunkel raised one hand to shoulder height, seemingly interested in her answer her.

Then, Levios, the civil official standing behind her, lays out a paper document on his desk.When Dunkel saw that both Aterahan's eyes were on the documents, he picked up the one closest to him.

I would like to present to you what will be presented at today's secret meeting,” Dunkel said. It is a proposal from the future head of House Levios to the future head of House Aterahan. A good subject for an exercise in aristocratic diplomacy, don 't you think?”

What a wonderful idea, the princess of Aterahan raised her guard to the limit against such a talkative prince.

This proposal was presented at the royal castle, and the Marquis of Aterahan must have given some kind of answer. Kalmia's reply to the proposal with the same content, in other words, infers a difference in consciousness, thinking, and ideology between the current generation and the next generation.

The Levios family is trying to get two answers from one question. Kalmia instantly reads the disadvantages …… Of this diplomatic game, or rather, the lack of advantages.

It was the very moment that Kalmia took a breath to show his refusal of her.

'Of course, we don't need these things.'

So saying, Dunkel laid down on the desk the document containing “Father's Proposal,” Which he was holding in his hand.

'It is Levios Dunkel who will consider the contents of the proposal.

Kalmia, who relies on hearing and magic in her daily life, has acquired a very delicate sense of magic.

Hence, she was able to capture the strong emotions that shook Dunkel's magic.

…… Father has nothing to do with it.”

Those might have been the words that spilled out of her emotions her.

The magic surrounding Dunkel's body changed its state in response to the words, stimulating Kalmia's sense of magic for her.


…….. No, it's nothing.”

To hide her trembling fingertips, she placed her hands on her trustedfiancé's lap.

As she does so, she feels her turbulent heartbeat her calm.

She felt a deep, dark, seeing, intense, feverish hatred.

Kalmia was distraught inside at this fleeting glimpse of emotion.

She wondered if this was really the same feeling she had for her own father, and she repeated the same question in her mind.

Now, let's talk about the path that Levios and Aterahan should take.

Fox (maelstrom).

Kalmia's mind was filled with such words.

“I was surprised that you were really planning the invasion of St. Navempos …….

The grave voice of the Marquis of Aterahan echoed in the hall of the Levios Aterahan residence in the royal capital.

After the meetings at the royal castle and the library, the Aterahan people returned to the mansion early and began an emergency meeting.

In this room, the most confidential room in the mansion, only Claune, Kalmia, Novalph, a few knights, and senior civil servants were present, except for the Marquis of Aterahan. All other personnel were deployed to the premises to guard against eavesdropping.

The women are currently not in their home base of Zalezeria City, but in the royal capital, which is a residential area for the kingdom's nobility. Their counterintelligence capabilities are much lower.

The proposal of King Levios and Prince Dunkel seems to be the same in the main, and the invasion can be considered as a major policy of the Levios family.

The Marquis of Aterahan sighed heavily.

The proposal of the Levios family will be one of the big news in the social gatherings to be held in the future.

She is aware that she is not good at aristocratic diplomacy. She frankly did not want to add unnecessary topics when even just standing around is expected to be difficult.

…… Same, is it?”

Kalmia uttered the question she felt.

The only people in this hall now are the Aterahan leaders, complete relatives, and they are allowed to behave in a somewhat broken manner.

It is also allowed to question the words of the head of the family.

Is there any doubt?”

After the Marquis of Aterahan and Croune returned from the castle, Kalmykia and Nowarv were allowed to read the minutes of the meeting at the castle by a civil official.

As the marquis had said, the proposal was basically the same as Dunkel's.

Since the emergency meeting started immediately in the hall, Kalmia had only a rough confirmation of King Levios' proposal.

Novaluf concurred with Kalmia's opinion. In the first place, he thought that the reason he had come all the way to the library was to show that he and his father had other ideas.

Yes,” He said. I heard from Nova before I came to the capital that Prince Dunkel had some thoughts about King Levios. Since he went to the trouble of proposing it to us, I think he has an idea.

As if to continue her statement, Nowarv also expressed his opinion of her.

I agree with you. I agree with you. The information that I had told you beforehand about the disagreement between Dunkel and King Levios was incorrect.

With Kalmia, who had a smile on her face, by his side of her, he repeated his words of her.

'The Dunkel I knew…… When I last saw him at the Blue Earth Pavilion was sometimes rebellious toward his father, King Levios. But there was not the strong feud that Cal felt today. I think it has deteriorated considerably over the …… Last few years.”

The ages of the students enrolled at Seichikan range from 11 to 16, right around the time of their rebellion.

Dunkel's irritation with King Levios was not particularly unnatural from Novaluf's point of view. There were several other noble boys who were in the same rebellious phase.

He had come to King's Landing thinking that he was now reasonably settled and getting along well with his father, and so on.In other words, that was the extent of his rebellion.

While Novaluf insisted that there must have been something different from rebellion, the Marquis of Aterahan thought that he had just aggravated his rebellion.

She had raised a boy, Kalmia's late brother, and had some understanding of the spiky emotional outbursts directed at those around him as he grew from a boy to a young man.

'I remember reading about it in a report I received from Novarf some time after I joined the academy. Prince Dunkel is a wonderful nobleman who is in awe of his father and can strive for it …… Or something. Isn' t it just that what was an honest admiration for his father when he was a young boy is now a rebellious spirit now that he is old enough? Or is it possible that the recent deterioration in your situation is just due to the fact that you are now able to see things in the world to a certain extent and understand the magnitude of your father's backside, and you are just frustrated at your own inadequacy?”

At the Marquis of Aterahan's words, Novaruf thought it was quite rude that this man had read the report properly.

What is it with your face? I had read through the report from you properly. I've read your report, and even though you are my sister's child, you are still my nephew, you know. Decision to send you to a foreign land. How could I not be concerned about your well-being?

Since being adopted by Clowne and joining the main family, Novaruf has had more opportunities to get to know the Marquis of Aterahan as a family member. Each time he came into contact with her, he learned that she was a compassionate woman who cherished her family very much.

It is utterly disrespectful to say, but if only she had not become the head of the Aterahan family, she could have been a good mediator between the relatives, with her short-tempered and easily offended nature and her proven ability to fight demonic beasts. He thought that he could have been a good coordinator between the relatives.

He was also a good organizer to connect the relatives. “Taking all of this into consideration, isn't it possible that you were just presenting it as if it was a different idea because you didn't like what they were saying? There are people everywhere who will come at us every time we say the same thing, aren't there?”

……..Yes, maybe.”

Probably everyone in the room thought of the Marquis of Aterahan's sister, the real mother of Novaruf.

The Marquis of Aterahan is basically a man with few ins and outs.

The feeling of Novaluf was to deny the theory of Dunkel's rebellion, but the Marquis' assertion was a meeting blow, and he could not continue his words.

'Just rebellious, is it? …… Whatever the case, the fact that there is a distance between the current and next generations of the Levios family should be alarming. King Levios is an excellent ruler, except for the Elsinian disaster , and as an ally of the alliance,…… I think he has no problem at all as a king. I just hope he doesn't do something bad out of hatred for his generation. “

Perhaps due to the direct feeling of hatred, Kalmia's words showed a strong sense of caution toward Dunkel.

She said, “Kal's concerns are valid, but I don't think Dunkel is that frivolous …… And I don't think he is that frivolous.”

Although Novaruf and Dunkel were not close enough to call themselves best friends, they thought they were very similar in their thinking.

He wanted to believe that Dunkel would not be a fool to act contrary to his own righteousnesshis, even if he was antagonistic toward his fatherhis.He was sure he would feel bad about himself if such a thing happened.

'If both the king and the prince want to invade St. Navempos, there's not much we can do, even if we take a hard line. It would be enough to try to persuade the opposing nobles and establish a track record. In any case I wonder how far they would go, even if they were to make the case for the threat of priestly power.

Perhaps waiting for the Marquis of Aterahan to finish speaking, Clune extended his right hand and stacked the documents he was holding on top of the pile.

The materials that had been piled up on her left side at the beginning of the meeting were now all moved to her right side, and she had been reading them the entire time the three of them were talking about what had been presented at the meetings.

There are not only the notes and minutes described by the Aterahan civilian officials, but also a wide variety of materials provided by King Levios and then Dunkel.

The board speaks, but the pieces do not know it.

A board game similar to chess has existed on the continent of Eluo since ancient times.

What makes this game unique is that the number of pieces is not fixed. Players can choose pieces according to their own preferences, and can place them anywhere in their own camp, or use them as pawns like in chess.

In chess, for example, a player can reduce the number of knights and increase the number of rooks, or reduce the number of bishops and use multiple pawns, etc. The range of tactics is very wide, and a player's personality can be expressed very What kind of pieces your opponent will use to build up his army is an important factor.

To become a strong player in this board game, it is not enough just to watch the game on the board. You must be able to accurately predict what pieces your opponent is holding.

Claune was listening to the discussion among the three players that had just been going on in a corner of his consciousness.

And her impressions of it were the very words she had just uttered.

She and the others refused to take into account what kind of pawns the Levios family was or might be holding, and she refused to take any of them into account.


Why don't you read this?”

Here, “Said Clune, tapping a bundle of documents with his right hand.

It's not at all what it should be.

The minutes and the documents presented by the Levios family are the pieces on the board, Clune thinks.

The three of them read through these before the meeting began.

Their eyes were caught only by what was presented.

Is this a sign of the times, Claune sometimes thinks so.

When the Aterahan family was busy unifying the Aterahan region, information was always valuable to the Aterahans.

A small territory, a weak family, and few contacts. Clowne repeatedly scrutinized the little information he could obtain, and spent his days searching for the possibility of what was hidden behind the information.

The slightest oversight could lead directly to the destruction of the house.

Compared to those days, the Aterahan family today is rather overloaded with information.

They have little experience in listing the possibilities lurking in the shadows of the information they are given.

While mocking himself that he had not been able to raise his children at all, Claune took it as an achievement that he had been able to see one of the issues for now.

After watching the three shrink away from the reprimand, Clown called out Kalmia's name for her.

The proposal is largely the same …… You don't agree with this, do you? Is the parent-child feud the only reason?”

I don't think that's the only reason,………. I just don't know why.

I agree with Cal.

Novalph, who had his eyes fixed on Claune, also answered the question.

When he read the minutes of the meeting between King Levios and the Marquis of Aterahan, he had a feeling that it was somehow different from Dunkel's proposal.

'I see what you mean. If you are ……, First of all, you must all answer as you see fit. Should Aterahan support the invasion of St. Navempos or not?

Knowing that the Levios family would propose the invasion of St. Navempos during their social gatherings, the Aterahan family had to decide in advance what their policy would be.

It seemed that all three had already come to their own conclusions, and they did not give any thought to the matter now.

The Marquis de Aterahan was the first to express his thoughts his.

Aterahan thinks we should oppose it,” He said. If I have to agree to it, I will support King Levios' idea. If I had to support it, I would support King Levios' proposal, but from my own personal point of view , I would refuse to support it.

Kalmia then asked permission to speak.

I think neutrality is the best way. We should decide, depending on the situation, which camp we are indebted to, for or against. I'm sorry that I don't seem to have any answers, but I guess it is also a situational decision regarding the proposal we support. Emotionally, I don't really want to support Prince Dunkel's proposal, but …… Yes.”

And finally, Novaluf opens his mouth.

I also think that for the time being, neutrality is the safest course of action. But if I may give my personal opinion, I am in favor of it. I support Dunkel's proposal.

The three of them looked at each other and laughed at the three different answers.

However, the questioner, Claune, had expected the answer and did not feel particularly affected by it.

'Do you agree, Novalph?

The Marquis of Aterahan expressed his frank opinion of him.

For the nobles who are the guardians of the earth, the first thing they should fight are demonic beasts. Fighting between the ancestors is something that has to be done. She thought so, and was convinced that this was the justice of Aterahan today.

If the information provided by the Levios family was truly correct, then the threat of the priests was alarming enough. Besides, if the operation went well, the damage could be minimized. The benefits of success would be very great. I think it's okay to actively support the plan.”

There was one thing that Novaruf was certain of.

The military operation that would be the cornerstone of the invasion was at the heart of this proposal.

The reason why the king's and prince's plans appear to be the same in the main is that the key points of the invasion, at the tactical level, are identical.

He believes that the Levios family cannot change the plan on its own because the Zeldmitra family, the initiator of the plan, is involved in it.

For some time, it has been rumored that the Levios family wants to strike a blow against the priestly forces. After the Elsinian disaster, they have been more eager to realize it in order to regain their prestige.

Most nobles would agree that the pride of House Levios does not need Aterahan's help. The kingdom's gains may benefit the nobles of the kingdom, but the losses are clearly greater than the costs of the war.

Novaluf considers.

With the military strategy presented this time, there may be more than a few who will agree to leave immediately if it fails. The final push for a decision will come down to whether or not the priestly forces are considered a threat.

If Levios sees the priests as a threat, it must be true. Of them are false. If we reveal our plan to the public, of course we will, but the Quardenzes will surely send a secret agent to the Holy Land, and if it is revealed to be a fabrication, the faith of the royal family will be lost. I will not make such a mistake.

The three of them, especially Kalmia and Nowarv, were shocked that Crone accepted the priest threat as a fact.

In the meeting with Dunkel, little was discussed about the priestly forces. So when they read about it in the minutes of the meeting with King Levios, it didn't really hit home.

Is it true that the priestly power is gaining strength? The Levios family has stronger feelings toward priests than others, so I think they may be overestimating their importance. Besides, according to what I have heard from peddlers and others, St. Navempos and the Vermana region are still in ruins, covered in filth, and far from being rebuilt.

This is common knowledge among the nobility of the kingdom and the empire.

Until the holy land is restored to its full glory, it is just a journey, no more than a wasteland.

The people of the continent of Eluo respect the strong. It is because of this culture that they despise St. Navempos more than necessary.

Clune continues.

A peddler might say something derogatory about a holy place in order to please a nobleman. Many would smile when they hear that the land where the priests rule is defiled. Besides, no traveler would praise a holy place even if the lord of the land stares at him.

The lands ruled by nobles are clean, while those ruled by priests are dirty. Well, the nobleman is wonderful. As expected of the guardian of the earth,……, There are many nobles who would feel better.

And if you praise the Holy City or St. Navempos in the kingdom poorly, you will be regarded as a person of anti-noble ideology, and depending on the mood of the lord, one or two of your arms may be cut off.

The Marquis of Aterahan, Kalmia, and Novalph each agree.

Clune did not speak of it, but there is a simple reason that is clearer and easier to understand than that. St. Navempos is far from the Kingdom of Levios.

In addition to the geographical distance, there are a large number of independent noble families and free cities in between, which inevitably leads to a disjuncture in information.

Travelers and peddlers who come to the Kingdom do not praise the Holy City for the reasons given by Claune.

The reality is that for a combination of reasons, the Holy City area looked down upon lightly.

But if the land has recovered so well, it must be difficult to invade it,” He said. We, Nova and I, have not actually confirmed the gist of the operation. May I ask what Mother and Grandmother see? As Nova said, even if it fails, the damage to Aterahan will be minimal, but it would be better if it succeeds.

The specifics of the military operation were a closely-guarded secret, and the details could only be confirmed inside the royal castle. At this stage, only the Marquis of Aterahan and Croune know the details.

The truth is that we don't know right now,” He said.

Yes, the kingdom has really grown. The kingdom has really grown. Since Zeldmietra and Kuordentse joined the Kingdom, there has been no military action by the Kingdom's army. Exceed that of the Holy Army of the past. There is also the question of whether such a large army can be moved as planned.

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the “Hindu” People are not only the ones who have the power to do this, but they are also the ones who are the ones who have the power to do it.

He paused for a moment, thought for a moment, and then spoke only his conclusion of his: “I can't read …… All this. It might be better to move with a readiness to assume failure.”

With a snort, she ruffled her hair.

For the time being, she chose to continue teaching the younger generation and finished switching her thoughts to her.

I'm sure there are two obstacles to overcome in order to pass this proposal of yours, Levios. Tell me.

The Quardenzes and the Millendorvas?

The answer came from Nowarv.

It was Novaruf who answered, not because he was confident, but because he was being looked at.

Only the Zeldmitra family, who are also the initiators of the project, would give their unreserved support to the proposal. Based on the information presented to us, I don't think the Quardenze and Millendorva families will agree to the invasion. Noble families under their control will not move either, so the number of troops to be mobilized will be drastically reduced. In the first place, part of the military operation would not be feasible without the active support of the Kuordentse side. .”

Looking only at the information presented to the Aterahan side, the Quordentse and Millendorva families have little to gain. Especially for the Quardenze, who are busy with the invasion of Spierzeig, this proposal would be a nuisance.

Kalmia agrees with this opinion.

As Nova said, this proposal is in the best interest of the three families, Aterahan, Zeldmitra, and Levios. That they will come on board.

And can you persuade him?”

The question started the Marquis of Aterahan. The question started the Marquis of Aterahan, who misunderstood that the Aterahans would have to be persuaded in favor of the project.

Claune let out a sigh and then added that he was asking whether or not the Levios family could be persuaded.

However, Kalmia and Novalph had a thinly-veiled notion from the narrative so far.

'…It depends on how far they are willing to concede, but I think it's possible.'

After arriving at the main house, Nowarv focused on gathering information about the Kuordenze family.

He had also learned about the Quardenze Rouxce, the family's current head of family. He was almost certain to have a conversation with them in a social setting, so there was no way he could avoid researching them.

His image of the Marquis of Quardenze is that of a cunning, opportunistic, and diplomatic aristocrat.

He is not the type to suddenly kick over the negotiating table and walk out, even if the proposal is bad for the Quardenze family. The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to be careful what you spend it on.

He speaks of an example regarding the temperament of the Marquis of Quardenze and argues that there is room for negotiation. Likewise, he thinks that the Grand Duke of Millendorva, who has brought the long-running civil war to an end, would at least listen to him.

Surely, the current heads of Quardenze and Millendorva would be willing to talk.”

'The current generation.' Claune dared to emphasize the word.

The key is the generation of the children. Levios also takes this very seriously. I am very much afraid of this bunch.

He pulled out a piece of the document and scattered it on the desk.

It was the result of intelligence sent by the Levios family to the Quardenze family.

Remarkably, they focus on only one person.

“Let there be a great shield-splitting serpent.”

That person is Quardenze Wilk. He is the legitimate son of the nominated next head of the Quardenze family.

The fact that the Levios family dared to provide this material to Aterahan was something that Clune took very seriously.

The Aterahan family, as a noble family, also possesses a covert organization.

The Aterahan territory itself is vast, but because of its short history as a noble family, the organization has not yet been refined enough to be sent to other territories.

In the first place, the nobles of the kingdom tend to think of their own domain first, and therefore are often not that interested in other domains.

The Marquis of Aterahan was one of them, so he did not put much effort into expanding his covert organization.

Does this mean that the Levios family is that wary of Lord Wilk?”

The Marquis of Aterahan snarls as he picks up one of the papers scattered on his desk.

It is a report she is casually reading, but by the time one of these is written up, quite a few covert operatives have lost their lives.

The Quardenze family has a clandestine organization called the Miasma, which makes it very difficult for them to conduct espionage activities in New Nelly City. Most of the covert members of the Levios family who snuck into the city did not return.

Wilk is relatively free to do as he pleases in New Nellie City, but behind the scenes, a strong counterintelligence system has been put in place by his father Lukuse.

The people around him were desperate to keep his behavior and thoughts his suspicious because he was a reincarnated heir.

It was only in recent months that the Levios family began to receive concrete information about Wilk.

There is the question of how much of this information provided by the Levios family can be trusted. It's at ……, But from what I've read, I think we have to be wary.”

Novaluf also grabbed a piece of paper that flew in front of him and said as he poured over the text, which he had read once before the meeting.

The paper contains information about the mature demonic beasts that appeared in New Nellie City last year.

The name of the general in charge of defeating the demonic beast is Quardenze Wilk. The Levios family apparently expects that a mature demonic beast of around the second or third highest threat level has appeared.

As an additional piece of information, the scale of the damage caused by the calystebe, a calamity that appeared in New Nellie City more than 300 years ago, was described in rough terms.

Note that this document does not include the truth that Wilk defeated the beast almost single-handedly.

The Levios family highly valued the fact that he was the general in charge of defeating demonic beasts at the young age of 12. The fact that they concluded that he excelled in the ability to lead an army is proof of this.

Kalmia also picked up a classified document that flew in front of him.

I heard that Nanbonan is treated as an independent city ruled by Lord Wilk,” He said. I also heard that he has recently created a private unit that is a separate lineage from the main Quordenze army. …… What is the intention behind renowned gathering mercenaries from various parts of the country?

The majority of the information coming from the Levios family was the result of intelligence in the city of Nambonan. This is because it is easier to send in a covert operative, and there is not as robust a counterintelligence system in place as there is in New Nellie City.

The only information obtained in New Nerry City was the unveiling of the jewel and the defeat of a mature magical beast.

The only information we have is the information about the defeat of the mature demonic beasts at the unveiling of the jewelry. It is not unnatural that you have surrounded yourself with the woman you love in the city of Nambonan. Newnery City, the most robust stronghold in Kuordenze, just in case.

The wave of love that Wilk unleashed on Rave in Nambonan City reached the Levios family through a covert channel, and now it has reached the Aterahan family.

From the point of view of other families who do not know about Wilk's lower body situation, it is completely unintelligible.

Perhaps they are wary of losing their beloved concubine to his father. The eccentricities of his grandfather, Prince Gulfis, are probably too well known. I don't think that the Marquis of Quardenze was the type of man who would carelessly touch a woman, but those with such proclivities can be very paranoid.

The Marquis of Aterahan had met the Marquis of Kuordenze several times in the royal capital.His words he were persuasive.

But there is no information about the relationship between the father and son.

There is no information that they are not on good terms with each other.

After all, the main ancestors are often very selfish. Therefore, if they really do not get along with each other, they often do not hide it.

In fact, both the Levios and the Quardenzes know that the Marquis of Aterahan and his sister are not on the best of terms.

This is because when intelligence agents walk around the Aterahan territory, they can detect rather early on that “Oh, the branch family that rules this area doesn't like the head of the main family,” They say.

Even if they don't make a bold claim, just not hiding it is enough for those around them to guess.

However, there was no evidence of a disagreement between Wilk and his father.

The only thing that could be said is that he treated the body of Spierzeig Verret, the next head of the Avenger family, with respect. Not contain anything about this.

Perhaps they are not fools.”

Since entering the Levios territory of Karahanasso City, the Levios family has deployed a large number of covert operatives to observe Wilk.

Unlike Newnery City, this was their own territory.They were checking its behavior as much as they wanted.

The documents that Claune took in his hand contain information on Wilk's behavior.

The author's impression was spelled out: “His splendid manners his benefitting a heir to a great noble family, his high culture that enables him to chat with adult nobles, it is hard to believe that he is a boy who just turned thirteen years old .

The picture created by combining fragmentary information like a puzzle is a monster that is beyond their comprehension.

No one could be sure if they were really aristocrats who shared the same values. It was as if the principle of action was unreadable. They had no idea what kind of guidelines the other party was following.

Underneath the mask of a beautifully dressed aristocrat, an unseen monster was baring its poisonous fangs her.Such a horrifying scene comes to Kalmia's mind.

Novalph had once thought Wilk eerie and very wary of him. This was the first time Kalmia truly understood how she felt then.

She deeply agreed with Claune's statement that the generation of children was important.

She said, “If we are dealing with …… The Marquis of Quordenze, it seems to me that there is room for negotiation. But I am not at all sure how …… Lord Wilk will act. For the Levios family, one of the key players in this social gathering is not the Quardenze family, but the Quardenze Wilk,…… It might be more accurate to say so.

It's the same in the East.

Grand Duchess Orsian,…… Though not in a position to succeed the next generation, would be a major influence on the policies of the Milendorva family.

However, there was no information provided to the Aterahan family regarding the Millendorva family.

Perhaps it means that the Levios family has decided that they can handle the situation on their own, and Kalmia begins to consider the possibilities as to why there has been no provision. The board, you don't know the pieces.

Cloudy Sky.

Clowne says that the nobles gathered in the capital are like clouds.

The clouds may be the result of the anxiety that exists in their hearts due to the shadow that has been cast over the prestige of the royal family.

Whether the skies over King's Landing will clear or whether it will be a long rain from here on out will depend on what we do from now on.

“…The princess of madmen, monsters, and beasts…… Will be the budding of a new age, or so it seems.”

The voice, which even had a hint of glee in it, had the unique passion of a person who has been through a war.

The way he even smiles in the face of difficulties is rather encouraging to those who are watching.

Novaruf knows that this great predecessor, who served as his second-in-command when he was deployed to support the Levios family, had a similar smile on his face when he faced the Orcian army.

His own mother once said that he was lucky to be able to see the leadership of the Crone with his own eyes.

Well, that is certainly true, he thinks again.

This boldness is the driving force that has guided the Aterahan family for so long. If I could come in direct contact with this heat, I would grow even more than I am now.

It was a baseless idea, but he was convinced that it was right.

Grandmother,” He said, “I have a meeting with King Levios. May I read again the minutes of your meeting with King Levios?

And Nowarv was thrust into the fervor of his passion.

It was something he did not like to think about too much, but the time left for this old-time hero would not be long now.

Clowne liked that attitude.

The king and the prince's plan. Which do you think is the better plan?

It was a question directed at the Marquis of Aterahan.

While the Marquis of Aterahan was puzzled by the sudden return to the subject, Kalmykia and Nowarv noticed. Kalmia and Novalph realized that Claune was trying to give Novalph a hint to tell him something.

Unaware of this, the Marquis simply answers the question.

It is, after all, King Levios' idea. As you can see, it is the one that is most likely to win the support of the nobles. But even so, I think it is unlikely to pass easily. Nobles are nobles, and their first priority is to rule their own lands.

The answer was probably as expected, Claune said with a satisfied expression on his face.

In a sense, you are right. If it is to win the support of the many, I will also support the king's plan.

Novalph chewed on each word.

He chewed on each word because he felt there was an important lesson or point to be learned there.

You are attracted to the prince's idea,” He said. Can you put into words why you are attracted to the prince's idea?

It is……”

Clowne looks at Novalph, who stammers, and says in a small voice, “I am somewhat uncomfortable, but my heart is not in it.

It's somewhat unpleasant, but only to the heart.

It is a word that sees right through Novaluf's inner self.

He looked at her with wide eyes, and she laughed out loud.

He was just wondering if he had said it He was amused and a little pleased that his guess he was right on the money.

It is because the prince's idea is based on a vision of the next age,” She said.

The next era?

I miss it. In my youth, I saw it in the Wise King Levios. The next age. It is uncomfortable to advance the …… State of mind.

The young Claune was attracted to the aspirations of the first King Levios, who acted with an eye toward the aristocratic age.

This resulted in the tragedy of parting company with her beloved brother, but she still does not regret her decision.

She is still not regretting her decision. “Compared to the Wise King, the prince is still an inexperienced child. The plan itself is full of holes and is nothing but sweetness. The prince's plan itself is full of holes and is nothing but sweetness. …… But is it so, or are you attracted to it? I'm so happy!

Clowne is in an unusually good mood.It's as if a mother is happy for her child's growth.

As if to confirm whether her words were really correct, Novaluf compares the king's words written in the minutes with Dunkel's proposal that remains in his mind.

Seeing that he was seriously dealing with the problem, Claune continued.

Let me add one more thing. There is another reason for my displeasure. You are a nobleman of Aterahan, a nobleman of the kingdom. Therefore, I am offended. But that is exactly what the prince sees.

The advice is like a riddle, which makes Novaruf even more puzzled.

But he wanted to find the answer himself, and he knew he had to.

I'll give you the answer later. Kalmia, you and I will worry about this together. ……Kalmia, what are you doing?”

Then everyone in the room noticed that something was wrong with Kalmia.

Her chair was turned 90 degrees to the side, she was staring at the wall, and her fists were clenched.

Kalmia's personal servant her who had noticed the change earlier, was standing next to her, but she did not seem to notice his presence her either.

Cal? What's wrong?”

Novaluf, sitting next to her, puts one hand on her shoulder her.

Then she spoke slowly and quietly, as if she were talking in her sleep her.

I can feel the waves of the Lord Ancestor's malice and murderous intent coming from that direction.

The tip of her outstretched handHer index finger pointing in the direction of the wall.

Kalmia shook her head as everyone tened, wondering if there had been an enemy attack on the Aterahan residence.

Kalmia shakes her head. It's hard to tell from that direction because of the distance, but I think it's probably the intent to kill two people. It is not a threat directed at Aterahan.”

'The map of the royal capital!'

The loud voice of the Marquis of Aterahan echoes in the room.

Here in Levios, the royal capital, there is currently a large gathering of the kingdom's nobility.

When the Zeldmitra family arrives this evening, all but a few latecomers will be present.

Under such circumstances, there is no way that magic power imbued with the intent to kill could be flying around.

Perhaps it was because they had just been talking about the invasion of St. Navempos, but the possibility of an attack by a high-ranking priest was on everyone's mind.

The knights who had been standing by rushed out of the room, prepared a map, and spread it out on a desk in the hall.

Meanwhile, Kalmia continued to point her finger at the wall as if to indicate the continued threat of the ancestor.

To confirm the direction of the finger, the window of the hall is opened by the civil official.

The direction seems to be this way. Princess, what is the distance?”

The knight lowers his finger on the map and indicates the approximate direction.

The distance is……?

A moment later, a powerful wave of murderous intent shot through the Aterahan residence like a flash.



And it did not end with a single shot.

As if in response, a wave of vicious killing intent, probably emitted by a different person than before, once again pierced through the room.


In the room that was enveloped in silence for a moment, Novalph and Croune silently exchanged glances.


No doubt.”

Novalph was struck by the illusion that his right arm was going numb.

He knew that surge of killing intent better than anyone here.

It's a far stronger killing intent than before. Don't tell me that you didn't really mean those threats at the time……?”

Maybe. But right now, I'd rather show you the map.

The main reason for this is that the main ancestor is a very experienced fighter, and he has the ability to sense his ancestor's threats and determine the distance between him and the enemy. And this is something that neither Novaruf nor the Marquis of Aterahan possesses.

Only Kalmia is able to do something similar, but because of her magical sensory perception, she was unable to explain it well enough to put it into an actual map.

'Do Great Old Lady and Novalph know about the current murderous intent? You don't mean ……, By any chance?'

There is only one killing intention that they both know in common.

The one of Millendorva Orsian, the one who joined the Levios family as a reinforcement and fought against them.

But Clowne did not answer Marquis Aterahan's question, but she looked at the map.

She looked at the direction and distance, the magical sense of direction and distance, and replaced them with realistic distances and put them down on the map.

His thin, wrinkled fingertips her stopped at a certain point.

“Quardenze Residence……”

The sky seen through the open window was filled with clouds.

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2016 Native Language: Japanese
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.


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not work with dark mode