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The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story 194

Chapter 194: Night Conversation

The conversation with my father continued late into the night.

There was plenty to talk about, including the future policies of the Quardenze family, how to behave in King's Landing, and how to settle the war with the Spierzeig family.

I would talk about my own strategies that I had been thinking about, and my father would comment on them. Sometimes he would agree with my ideas, and at other times he would point out our mistakes and what was wrong with them.

The most interesting moments were when we disagreed.

When the topic came to a conclusion based on the thinking of a former earthling, my father would ask for the logic that led to that conclusion, but even after explaining it to him, half the time he didn't understand. Being dismissed out of hand, he also gave me model answers as to how he thought as an aristocrat, and some of his opinions were accepted. It was so meaningful that we lost track of time as we tried to find a compromise between both sides.

Perhaps it was the sense of security that I had received an unofficial offer to be the next head of the family that helped, but it was really interesting to have a frank discussion with my father.

The night passed quickly.

I had promised Fanny that I would read a book with her before going to bed, but I had to skip it.

I hoped that the servant waiting at the entrance of the innermost room would read the atmosphere and make some kind of explanation.

Where's Fanny?”

I call out to Tesh, who is leading the way down the corridor.

'The princess was waiting for her little boy.

Apparently, Fanny was waiting in my room. It is the privilege of a younger sister to enter a room where the master is not present.

Fanny's personal servant suggested that she leave the room because it was late at night, but the proposal was flatly rejected.

She said, “Are you still waiting in your room at ……?”

The servant said, “It is not good for you to read until late at night, so I am waiting for you in your bedroom, sir. He is waiting in his bedroom……., But he went to bed a long time ago. I understand that he is probably already asleep.

It is no different in Japan or on the El O continent that children should not stay up late at night.Told to lie down in bed whether she slept or not, Fanny was told that the servants confiscated her books and reluctantly went into her her bed.

It was cute that the bed she entered was not her own her but mine.When I hear about Fanny's behavior her, I want to love her purely and solemnly, which is a problem for me.

While I was petting Fanny around in my brain like she was in some animal kingdom, I came to the bedroom door and said, “Good night, little boy.

Good night, little man.”

Tesh opens the door and the servants line up to say their bedtime greetings.

Considering that Fanny is asleep, I step into the room without responding, and the door quietly closes behind me.

There were already several maids waiting in the bedroom. Two of them were Fanny's maids.

I had no intention of having them in my arms from now on. Besides, I had just hugged Kohary in the bathroom, so I had no semen in me yet.

The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time with your family and friends.The most important thing to remember is that you should not be afraid to use the right tools to get the most out of your life.

He must avoid the unplanned act of “Just because I can hold her, I will hold her. On the first night, we want to enjoy seeding while confirming the love between brother and sister.

A brother and sister spend the night at their parents' house and have procreational sex. Yes, this sentence alone is enough to give me a boner.

Led by the maids, I walked around the room, bending forward a little.

Come to think of it, I hadn't slept in a bed at New Nellie Castle in months.

The Princess has gone to bed.

I heard a low voice, so that only I could hear it.

I understand.

I look around the room and see a single light ball floating in the room, about the size of a miniature light bulb.

It moved through the air as if leading me, and when it reached the bed, it went straight up and stopped moving near the ceiling.

One of the maids lifts the blanket to make room for me.

Good night.”

I bowed, and the maid sat down on a chair placed near the bed.


The bed in New Nellie Castle is unnecessarily large.

I make my way like a caterpillar through the bed to the one I'm looking for.


Fanny was sleeping on her side her, facing the center of the bed.In other words, facing the direction I would be coming in.

I adjusted the position of the pillow and faced Fanny's sleeping face on her.

I asked her in a small voice, “Is she already asleep?”

I asked her, but all I got in reply was a cute little sleepy sigh.

I said to Fanny, “I'm sorry I made you wait for …….”

I put one hand on Fanny's cheek Her and feel the curve of her soft skin Her with my palm Her as I say this I can't get enough of the feel of her soft, touchable cheeks her.

When I gently poke them with my fingertips, they return a nice bouncing sensation.I want to touch her growing tits the most, but I have no excuse if something funky happens.

If it ends with something like, “Kyaaa, my brother's sex! I would rub them more and more if it would end with something like “Kyaaaaahhhhh, your brother's sex! My cheeks, there would be no problem for me, my brother, to touch them.

I gradually close the distance between my fingertips and taste the peculiar softness of the young girl's cheeks, and check my sister's face.

She's so …….. Pretty.

I sigh.

The princess sleeping with a relieved expression is so adorable that you want to throw everything away and hug her.

The tip of my index finger gently stroked the eyelashes of her left eye Her.Her long eyelashes Her are so firm that I feel as if I could put even a grain of rice on them.

Her nightgown her made of New Nelly silk is simple yet elegant, and I feel a healthy eroticism in the slightly disheveled area.

And this graceful, elegant, yet somehow childlike and lovely appearance …….

“…… Fanny, you are so cute…….”

I think I understand a little bit how Japanese girls feel. When I see something really cute, the word “Cute” Leaks out of my mouth in preference to other words.

This little sister I met on the continent of Eluo was simply adorable.

When was the first time I saw Fanny properly?

I think she was at least half a year old. I remember that I was convinced at first sight that this little sister would grow up to be a beautiful woman in the future.

I wanted to be adored as an older brother by my beautiful sister, and with such an evil heart, I played the role of a “Kind and wonderful older brother” To the hilt.

Thanks to my efforts her, Fanny trusts me and spoils me without hesitation.I am happy and proud of that.The fruits of my labor are lying on my bed.

I gently run my fingers through her beautiful hair her.


I start at her ear, but the length of her hair makes it difficult to reach the tip.

I love the light friction between my fingers, the slight resistance offered by the wavy hair, her, and the cool, heat-trapping sensation.

As I can no longer reach it, I pull the long hair toward me and run my fingers through the “Curly” Part at the end of it.

I like this kind of fluffy hair, even though it has the typical Eluo style. Wavy hair has a kind of gentle look to it.

Even on the continent of Eluo, a woman's hair is an important thing. I felt an indescribable sense of superiority in being able to do whatever I wanted with such important hair.

Touching a sleeping girl's precious parts, if you only look at the words, it can be said that it is like sleep rape.

Using a large palm, I slid my hand from the top of her head, to the back of her head, to the nape of her neck, down her spine, and around her waist, as if I were rafting down a river. A way to fully enjoy the curves of Fanny's body and the smoothness of her hair.

As I stroked her from the top of her head to her waist, and from the top of her head to her waist again and again, Fanny sank into my chest.I think she is unconsciously moving closer to the warm side of her.

The distance between me and her sleeping face her is only a few dozen centimeters.

The hand that is now stroking her hair is placed on the back of her head.If I put just a little pressure on it and pulled it closer, I would easily be able to kiss it or two.I am sure I would be able to Taste a lot of these peach-colored lips before the maids waiting beside the bed would stop them.

But for some reason, my libido was not so aroused.

Perhaps too much petting and stroking had a soothing effect, and my mind was strangely at ease. Perhaps I should advocate sister therapy, not animal therapy, to the academic community.

I gently brushed Fanny's bangs and kissed her bare forehead her.A light “Squeak” Echoed in the quiet bedroom.

The forehead kiss is one of the expressions of affection for small children shared by people of both Earth and Eluo continents. It may not be the most appropriate thing to do to one's 10 year old sister, but I will not dwell on that point. Is not only the person who is being kissed, but also the person who is doing the kissing, and it fills the heart with love.

I was about to pull my lips away from her forehead her and look down to take another look at her pretty face her when my eyelids suddenly fluttered open.

Suddenly, her eyelids fluttered open and her large eyes caught mine.


Fanny looked at me and didn't say anything.

Her eyes her seemed to be somewhat unfocused, as if she were sleepwalking.

…………………………. Brother, sir …………?”

Blinking many times, Fanny let out the words with a curious look on her face.

The next thing you know, I'm right next to you, you must be surprised.

Did I wake you?”

I put one hand on her cheek and lightly kissed her forehead again.

I kissed her lightly on the forehead again, and Fanny snuggled into my chest.

'…… Brother.'

The head of her is pressed against my collarbone as if it were being gouged with a drill.

When I patted the back of her head and patted her back her, her purring her became louder I think it sounds like the purring of a relaxed cat.

I was sorry it took so long to get here, Fanny. Sleepy already tonight?”

'………… Such …… Thing, no such …… Thing.'

Fanny insists that she is not sleepy, but the intervals between blinks become slower and slower, and it takes longer for her closed eyes to reopen.

When I called out to her, she would respond in some way, but the content was mostly unintelligible and half of it sounded like she was talking in her sleep her.

I'd say, “…… Brother…… Sir…….”

Yes, I'm listening.”

He only called out to us, but no further words followed. It seems that the brain in sleep mode does not have the resources to have a conversation.

The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go to bed and sleep.

I stroke her hair, thinking, “……………………My brother…….And yet ………….”

It was a gushing outburst.

Before coming to the bedroom, I had heard a few stories from the servants.

It seems that Fanny has been in a bad mood ever since she met Kohliy today.

She had not shown such a mood in front of me at dinner, but I guess that is the way of a female noblewoman.

I think the servants could tell at once that she was depressed because my attention had shifted to Kohliy and that she was no longer being cared for.

Well, it's no wonder. Fanny has been constantly exposed to my free love ever since she can remember.

I writhed in agony at the thought of Fanny holed up alone in her room her and stroked the back of her head to hide it.

I patted the back of her head to hide it Good night, Fanny.


As I hugged her a little closer to say good night, I saw a bright light around me.

The light was so intense that my eyes, accustomed to the darkness, were momentarily blinded by the glare.


But it was only for a moment, and I soon got used to the glare.

I checked my surroundings and saw four white balls of light the size of watermelons floating around the bed.

It's dazzling.”

I'm…… Sorry,…… But I don't want to go to sleep,…… Yet.”

Fanny's left hand extended from the blanket. The actual “I'm sorry, but I don't want to go to sleep yet.

The actuality that the actual light ball suddenly appeared in front of them must have been a surprise to the maids, not to mention those of us who were lying down.

The brightness of the room seemed to have helped them fall asleep, and as we talked, Fanny's speech became clearer and clearer.

I told her we would talk for a bit and let her suppress the activation of the lighting magic.

Talking in a bedroom that is too bright is not going to be very exciting. It is because it is dark that we can talk about things that we normally can't.

When Fanny drew a circle with her index finger, all four floating balls of light disappeared, and the bedroom was once again enveloped in darkness.

Fanny asked, “You had a very long talk with your father, didn't you?”

Fanny, who had awakened to consciousness, immediately asked me about my tardiness.

There are many reasons why it was so long, but you would never guess that one of the reasons is Fanny's impregnation plan for her.The thought of it might make my crotch harden immediately, so I dared to exclude it from my consciousness.

I've been thinking a lot about how to get around in…… King's Landing.

It was a difficult story, wasn't it?”

And Fanny cut off her words there.

However, the talk was over at this point.Fanny was looking forward to talking with her beloved sister as much as I was.Let's just connect the words for now.

I am happy to talk with Fanny slowly.

Really? I also wanted to talk a lot with my brother.

Fanny began to talk about recent events in a faltering voice.

It was about what she felt in her daily life, the difficulties she had in her studies, or interesting books.

As she talked, Fanny became more and more talkative, as if her consciousness she was further awakened.

She said, “I was wondering if you could give me some of the tea leaves that are popular in Wangdu. Would you like to have tea with me tomorrow in the garden, brother?”

I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm sure I'll be able to find a way to get a good look at her.It was too dark to see her expression, but she must have a big smile on her face her

I've been a brother for 10 years, and my hunch is that he was probably trying his best to stay awake to talk about this.

I'm looking forward to it.

I was so excited to hear that he was going to buy tea leaves that are popular in Wangdu for me to go there.

I can't go with you to King's Landing, but I've collected a lot of …… Stories.

I nodded my head in reply.I patted her head in reply.Then I begged to hear Fanny's story her.

Fanny was very proud and for a moment, I wondered what she was going to do, but then she continued.

Fanny was very good at it, and for a moment she wondered what she should do, but then she continued. I heard that Millen Dorva style tea sweets are in vogue in the royal capital right now.

I had been gathering information about Levios, but many of the things Fanny was telling me were new to me.

Fanny told me that the settlement of the civil strife between Levios and Millendorva and the influence of the hot topic, Orcian, had created a boom in Millendorva territory in King's Landing.

I knew about this, but I don't think it is as simple as Fanny says. If anything, I have the impression that he is making a sarcastic comment about the Levios family, which has been suffering from a series of blunders. Be one of the effects of the decline in the prestige of the royal family.

Whatever the case may be, such a noisy story is not suitable for this bed.I decided to continue talking about what Fanny was interested in.

So, what does Fanny want me to get her?

Well, “Fanny put her hand over her mouth her. I couldn't actually see her, but I could tell by the way she moved her hand.”

I didn't ask for this because I wanted a souvenir, you know?

I guessed from Fanny's speech Her earlier that she probably wanted a black-dyed cloth from Mirendorva or something like that …….

The Millendorva territory faces the sea extensively, and I have heard before that the shellfish that can be caught there make a good dye. Black were becoming popular, and I sensed a nuance of “I want one.

'Then may I come back empty-handed?

'…… Big brother?'

It is one of the pleasures of being an older brother to be able to lightly tease his younger sister in this way.

He is just joking. I'm sure I'll bring back something that Fanny will like. See, I'm not angry.

I'm not angry. I'm not mad at you. …….. Brother is always thinking about me.

In the end, Fanny did not tell him what she wanted.

She would have to prepare it as a gift after some kind of modification.

Later, I would contact the clothing trade association in the city and ask them to make the necessary arrangements.

While I was thinking about this, Fanny bumped her forehead against my chest.

'Please be careful in King's Landing, okay?

There was a slight tinge of anxiety in her voice her.

'…… Yes, there seems to be a lot of trouble when a lot of nobles get together. I'll be careful not to do anything unnecessary.”

There are plenty of sparks. Nobles gather in the royal capital with knights and squire military officers from their territories. They are tense to protect their lord from harm from the nobles of other territories, and it is quite possible that something trivial could lead to trouble .

In my opinion, the Levios family is truly amazing.

The Levios family's real home base is in the ancient city of Corrobia, which is a reasonable distance from the royal capital, Levios. Nevertheless, I am impressed by their ability to hold an exposition of human weapons in their own territory. Of pride in their role as a royal family for the past 80 years.

I was also impressed by the fact that the priests might do something in the capital, as well as other families. Even in New Nellie, your brother was in danger. I can't allow that.


Take care of yourself, brother. I am very worried that the priests will prepare another warrior of the Lord's ancestors to kill your brother. To take your life…….Right?”

It was a strange advice, the result of three incidents jumbled together.

The incidents were the appearance of the Blessed Child, a matured magical beast of the Calliestebe class, and the single combat in Operation Serpent's Fang, which was kept secret by the Holy High Church. Unfortunately, I was involved in all of them.

I'm sorry to have caused you so much worry.

Rather than point out the details, I decided to accept his advice.

It's true that I've been involved in a lot of dangerous incidents lately. I'm sure Fannie is worried about me.

I'm fine, I've talked to my father about it. I'm going to stand around in King's Landing so that there's no danger.

The Holy High Church in the City of New Nelly secretly raised the Blessed Child within New Nelly Field and tried to make him a warrior to fight against the Quordentse family……. This is a rumor that is circulating in the City of New Nelly.

Many citizens believe this rumor to be true because the Holy High Church in New Nellie City is still under the control of the Quordentse military.

Apparently, Fanny also heard this rumor.

Since the defeat of the turtle-shaped mature demonic beast, the Quordenze family has been secretly working to unravel the full extent of the plan hatched by the Church of the Holy High Church.

They were wondering if it would be possible to accelerate the growth of the demonic beasts in the field by feeding them humans with magical powers. Conducted.

Since it was such a serious matter, my father decided it would be a bad idea to write about it in a letter, and I did not even know that such a verification committee had been formed until I heard about it just now in the innermost room of the house.

I heard that they used guerrilla fighters who had been rampaging in the outer regions for the experiment.

In the presence of military and civilian officials, the guerrilla warriors were deliciously devoured by the magical beasts.

As for the results of the experiment, the hypothesis was correct.

The beast, which was about the size of a dog, became larger than a horse within half a day of devouring the guerrilla fighter.

In the field, the maximum size of a magical beast is about the size of a horse or an elephant. Beyond that, they continue to grow in the direction of strengthening and toughening their bodies, and only when they finally reach maturity can they attain a size large enough to be featured in a monster movie.

The magical beast that grew to the size of a horse seemed to have grown in toughness as well, and when he tried to fight the guerrilla warriors of the followers he had prepared as an added bonus, they were easily used as bait.

However, it could not be said that they had made 100% of the power of the slave ancestors into their own flesh and blood. When the guerrilla warriors of the Kuordenze Army who participated in the experiment confronted the demonic beasts, they found that they could defeat them alone and had no trouble cleaning up after the experiment.

There were several guerrilla warriors among the followers, so the experiment was conducted several times, but each time the demonic beasts grew bigger.

As expected, there was no master ancestor available for the experiments, so the results have not been verified, but it is likely that even if they ate the master ancestor, they would still grow.

Once you know, it is quite a simple story.

However, there are not many adventurers who are followers, and even if there were, it would be rare for them to encounter a strong magical beast in the vast field that they could defeat.

And when a follower is eaten, it means that the follower is defeated. There was no way that the adventurers of the slave ancestors would be able to escape from a demonic beast with that kind of strength. Killing them all is inevitable.

Based on this, it is understandable that the information that a demonic beast grows violently when it eats a follower is not well known. , The strongest creatures in the field are basically the followers.

How the priests knew such information is not so strange.

The Zesu-kyo Sei Koukai has a long history, and the academic institution in the holy city of Maguaussee has a department for the study of magical beasts, a sort of department of magical beasts, if you will. Knowledge that nobles do not.

The lowly priestess Deanna must have been planning to use the Blessed Child to terrorize mature magical beasts. For this purpose, she raised blessed children, impregnated abducted women, and increased the number of followers. All in order to increase the number of sacrifices.

Unfortunately, the plan was about to be exposed and a mature magical beast had to be born in a hurry. So, Lupetta, Melugin, and three thugs from the ancestral mercenaries were added to the sacrificial staff.

Father came to the conclusion that the series of incidents were a form of magical beast terrorism by the lowly priestess Diana.

And it was because of this conclusion that Father decided to spread the rumor. A false rumor with a little truth mixed in, that a priest of the city's Holy High Church had tried to raise a blessed child in the field to become a warrior against the Quordenze family.

My father decided that the information that it was possible to artificially grow magical beasts should be kept secret, at least for now.

I think that decision was the right one.

I'm more worried about Fanny, who will remain in New Nelly. I'm afraid that if a mature magical beast appears while I'm away, I'll be ……. I don't think we' ll get another hundred years or more in New Nellie, but there are a few fields in the territory that should be out by now, given the cycles.”

Experiments and research have revealed a few other things.

It was said that although the growth that a magical beast can achieve by feeding on its followers is certainly dramatic, it is not certain that it can really replace several hundred years of growth by repeating this process over and over again.

According to a military officer who participated in the experiment, the first time the first one is fed, it grows well, but when the second one is fed, it does not feel as strong as the first one. Growth level of magical beasts, I think this is a report that cannot be ignored, although it is a “Sort of” Impression from the field.

If the growth slows down as it becomes stronger, then I think that that turtle-shaped mature demonic beast that emerged from New Nellie Field is almost a natural demonic beast.

It was more than 300 years ago that the Kalliestebe appeared, and it was another 400 years or more before that that a matured hexenbiest appeared, one before the Kalliestebe.

Considering the cycle, mature demonic beasts have appeared from the New Nellie Field at intervals of 300 to 400 years.

The demonic beasts inside the field grow by killing each other and feeding on each other's flesh. A strong demonic beast is the worst enemy for a strong demonic beast and at the same time the best food for it.

The magical beast Calliestebe must have eaten up all the notable magical beasts just before it reached maturity.

Simply put, there is a high possibility that until recently, there existed in New Nellie Field a magical beast that had been growing for more than 300 years. There must have been a magical beast called a kalliestebe, a magical beast that has been killing and devouring its enemies in New Nellie Field, where the king is no longer in existence.

And perhaps it was that very hexenbiest that fed on the blessed child whose body was shredded in half, and grew and matured for the last time.

I can't help but think that the timing of the death of the Blessed Child was quite opportune, but perhaps it had been seeking the power of the Lord Ancestor lurking in the field all along.

And if that is the case, it is not hard to understand the priests' intention to resort to the troublesome means of magical beast terror.

It is easy to determine the age of the appearance of the magical beast Calyestebe, just by doing a little research. Considering the cycle of the field, it is easy to see that the field may be the site of an outbreak of magical beasts within a few more decades.

If that's the case, it's not such a bad idea to take advantage of it and feed the followers to speed up the outbreak period. …… No, it is a bad idea from the Quardenze's point of view.

Well, there is some wishful thinking in this idea.

It could be a disgusting development that the flesh of the main ancestor buried 300 or 400 years of growth at once and transformed a weak demonic beast into a mature demonic beast at once. Result that there is still a natural 300-year growth demonic beast alive in New Nelly Field.

If I am unlucky, it may mature around the time I become the head of Quardenze.

But I don't think that's going to happen.

There are a wide variety of forms of magical beasts, including those that resemble real animals and insects, those that are oddly shaped like sea anemones, chimeras that are a combination of multiple plants and animals, and even trees and flowers.

This classification is based on appearance, but there is also a classification based on strength type. Some are extremely strong in combat, some specialize in soil pollution, some specialize in spreading plague, some have very high stamina and take a long time to die, some are balanced, and so on.

This is not an absolute rule, and there are many exceptions, but there is sometimes a connection between appearance and strength type.

For example, it is recognized that mature demonic beasts that look like real beasts tend to be the ones with high combat strength……. It would be more accurate to say that many mature demonic beasts that were famous for their combat ability were beast-shaped.

The mature demonic beast that appeared in Evermill City, which took my grandmother's life, was said to be a walrus-type demonic beast with hard needle hair similar to that of a porcupine. Great for a mature demonic beast, but it was in any case ferocious and had a high fighting ability.

The turtle-type hexanbiests are not known for their strong fighting ability or pollution power. There are not so many turtle-shaped monsters among the famous ones in history.

If I were a priest and I had the sacrifice of the Lord's ancestors at hand, and if I were going to commit a magical beast terror, I would not choose a turtle-shaped magical beast, at least not a turtle-shaped one.

I think I would wander around the field for a while, and then catch a hexenbiest that looks like it has a good chance of becoming a combat- or pollution-specialized type, and feed it to the sacrifices.

If the main ancestor has enough energy to fill several hundred years' worth of growth all at once, then he can trick the blessed child into feeding it to the hexenbiest by calling it a religious ceremony or something. Probably means that the main ancestor's body does not have that much energy.

And even though the upper and lower halves of the body were torn apart, it is hard to believe that the main ancestor could be eaten by a simple demonic beast, so it is safer to assume that it was eaten by a demonic beast with a certain amount of power.

Therefore, the Blessed Child was eaten by a natural 300-year-old growth demonic beast.

But when you think about it this way, it is quite natural that the citizens of New Nellie were in a festive mood after the defeat of the demonic beast.

There had been no matured magical beasts for more than 300 years since the defeat of Kaliestebe. The citizens lived their lives thinking that they might be affected by a mature demonic beast in their lifetime. Will be several hundred years from now, and no mature demonic beasts will occur in New Nelly Field, at least not in their own lifetime.

Citizens living today must have felt that they had successfully escaped.

'My grandfather will stay behind, so even if mature demonic beasts appear, he will be fine. Besides, I am also a nobleman of Quordenze. If push comes to shove, I will be just as active as my brother.

The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what is going on in the world.

The king's capital may also have demonic beasts again. I'm sure there will be more monsters in King's Landing.

…… It's all right.”

The magical beast Elsinia occurred in the field in Wangdu.

Whether this was a natural outbreak or whether there was some kind of priestly conspiracy as in the New Nellie field, that is not known at this time.

However, my father seems to think that there is a possibility of terrorism by priestly forces.

However, it is not likely that demonic beasts will emerge from the field in the Royal Capital again. There is no record of a matured magical beast that appeared in the field of the Royal Capital before the magical beast Elsinia. At least 1,000 years, which is quite long.

It would be a problem if Ercinea-class demonic beasts appeared so rapidly.

I'm sure my father had done his homework on the subject. He said there was no danger in the fields near the capital at this point. We'll be traveling along roads that will take us as far away from the large fields in each area as possible.

Even excluding the very large fields where the magical beast Elsinia comes from, there are still many fields in the vicinity of the royal capital. However, it is said that there are records of mature demonic beasts appearing and being defeated rather recently, so it is hard to imagine them appearing naturally from here.

Besides, as far as records show, the demonic beasts that have appeared in those fields are ranked third in threat level at best, and most are ranked fourth or fifth, which is the lowest rank for mature demonic beasts. Perspective of the main ancestors, they are not much of a threat.

It would be pointless for a terrorist group to conduct an attack in such a half-finished field. If they were going to do it anyway, it would have to be at least the second highest threat class, the Kaliestebe class, or it would lack Excitement.

Well, whatever the case may be, it is none of my business if a magical beast terror attack occurs in the Levios territory. I have no obligation to fight it, so just leave it alone and run away. The Levios family is to blame for not taking governance seriously.

I'm not sure what to do about it, but I'm sure it's a good idea……. That's why my biggest worry is the stay-at-home group.

The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the best out of your car is to get the best out of your car.

I'm more worried about Fanny,” He said. I can't protect her if something happens in New Nellie.

The only people who will be attending the royal social this time are me and my father, and my mother and Fanny will be staying at home in New Nellie City.

It would be cruel to let my grandfather, who is bidding his time at Raishleif Castle, deal with all the problems in the interior.


Fanny let out a sweet sigh in my embrace.

For a moment, I feel an ear-numbing sexiness in that gesture, but the next moment she is back to her usual pampered little sister of hers.

Fanny flutters her hand against my solar plexus like a cat flicking a blanket with its paws to make room.

…….I don't want to grow up.

I was so happy to see her,” Fanny said in a small voice that even the maids around us couldn't hear.

I want to live with my father, grandfather, mother …… And brother forever in New Nellie. …… Hey, brother….”

The plan to impregnate Fanny, which was discussed by her father this evening, is a story that has not yet been made public, and Fanny is naturally unaware of it.

Therefore, I think Fanny herself is aware in a corner of her mind that she will eventually be sent off to some other territory as a bride. She does not often go out of the castle, and I think she is afraid that she will be married off to another territory.

Deep in my heart, I feel a desire to protect this sister.

Right now, the person in my arms is not the Lord Ancestor, a superhuman with a strong body, but a little girl who is frightened of an uncertain future.


I pulled her into my arms and hugged her even tighter.

Her soft body is comfortable, and her slight body heat and faint body odor make my heart tender.

When I hold her like this, I can clearly see that Fanny's body is getting closer to adulthood.

She has even reached her first menstrual period, so by the standards of the continent of Eluo, she is almost an adult woman.

I'm the same as you. If we can live together forever,……, I hope that every day like today will continue forever.

That is the true intention without any falsehood.

Living together forever means that Fanny will become my woman.

I made a sound and said, “……Is it okay if I go to sleep like this……?”

I make a sound and give her a forehead kiss.

I'm not going anywhere.

I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not letting Fanny go anywhere.

I vowed to myself as I watched my little sister begin to sleep soundly.

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2016 Native Language: Japanese
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.


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not work with dark mode