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The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story 193

Chapter 193: The Long Story

The reason for choosing a truce instead of a cease-fire is simple.

It is to crush the Spiaseik family.

I am not asking for a truce out of benevolence. It is our annoying neighbors that I would like to destroy if I could.

But I hesitate to take a risky gamble to do so. If possible, I would prefer to attack the enemy unilaterally from a safe distance. I am insidious.

Well, then, let's hear it.

My father dropped his hands to his knees, made a cracking sound, and then looked at me.

Once I've said it, I have to make sure I have a good explanation. I gulped down some saliva to quench my dry throat and opened my mouth.

…… First of all, the truce will stabilize the outer regions.

West of the Amelia River is new territory that has been added in the last 20 years, and its control is terribly fragile.

Even if we were to try to govern it with a strong spirit and a seat at the table, the war is still going on, and it is a land that could be taken back if we are not careful.

The situation in the outer territories is similar to a project under fire, so to speak, with makeshift operations continuing for years.

A truce with the Spierzeiks would give them time to rebuild the ruling system in the outer regions from the ground up. The remnants of the former rulers who are engaged in guerrilla activities should also be able to be eradicated in one fell swoop.

Besides, if the current system continues, just a little bad luck is likely to destabilize the outer regions.Since we have acquired the city of Nambonan, we should try to stabilize it here.

I began by stating the current issues and my concerns about leaving the situation as it is.

It is true that the current ad hoc governance of the outer regions is inefficient and unavoidable. I have been wanting to review the situation, including reassigning the knights. Short time during the king's social gathering. If a truce can ensure a certain length of time, this is the best way to go.

'Besides, the knights in the interior must also be exhausted from the prolonged warfare.

The knights from all over the Quordenze territory are now directly involved in the war, and the knight's relatives of the remaining knight families are in charge of governing the knight's territory. Well.

The knights also return to the territory on a rotating basis, but for example, the Gatoren family hardly ever returns to Gatoren territory because both knights and incoming knights are heavily involved in the Quardenze military.

As a result, for the past 20 years, the Gatoren family has been operating without knights for most of the year.This may be a proof that the Gatoren family has a strong ruling system, but I think it is also a problem that the head of the family has been absent for so long.

My father is not particularly argumentative, but he is always quick to respond to my arguments. I confirmed that I was not mistaken.

Since my father did not ask me any questions, I decided to continue the conversation.

As a diplomatic advantage, we could sell the outcome of the truce to the Levios family.” …… Perhaps the nobles outside of our faction are more or less not happy with the expansion of the Quardensee. The reputation of being able to suppress this through diplomacy will show the prestige of the royal family both at home and abroad. So, if we play this as a handbill, we can demand a commensurate price.

Even though the Quardenze family wants to continue the war, it is important to keep up that kind of appearance …… That the Levios family, concerned about the expansion, has taken the tea and brought it to a truce.

In this case, the Levios family would have to pay a reasonable price or the Quardenze family's reputation would be shattered.

Naturally, the Levios family would be aware of this, so they would prepare something reasonable.

Depending on how much effort the Levios family is putting into restoring their prestige, if all goes well, we should be able to work out a deal.

It would be delicious to get a bonus from the Levios family while things are going in the direction I want them to go.

In this case, the nobles in the western part of the empire will find it difficult to complain about the truce because of the fact that they have been interfered with by House Levios.

If the Quardenze family were to call a truce on its own, the western part of the empire might say, “Those who are unwilling to do so, go home! And they will say, “Those who are not willing to do so, go home! And that could lead to a deterioration of relations with the western part of the empire.

On the other hand, if the Levios family interferes, it is easy to make excuses.

I'm so motivated, but it's hard when they get in the way.

I don't know if …… Will convince them, but it's much better than if we start calling for a truce.

Then my father picked up a dried scallop again and chewed it with a crackling sound.

I understand the advantage of Quardenze,” He said. But the temporary peace that would come from the truce would also benefit the Spierzeiks. With the immediate war over, he would be able to reorganize his army and reunite the noble houses that belonged to his faction. If he concentrated on political maneuvering, he might be able to influence three emperors. Above all, if the Spierzeig family is left alone, it will regain power in no time. What do you think about that?

Perhaps this was a reflection of the feelings of the successive heads of the Quardenze family.

It is the Quardenzes who hate the Spierzeiks the most, but it is also the Quardenzes who hold their power in the highest regard.

I understand what my father is trying to say. The Quardenzes are traumatized by the fear of the Spierzeiks, the feeling that “We have the upper hand now, but they will soon overtake us again.

Do you really think they will regain their power? Do you think they will surpass the Quoldenze of today?”

Don't all the…… World's people think so?”

As my father said, the public's opinion of the Spiaseik family is still high.

The family's ability to quickly unify the Voivostra Plain during the continental upheaval, and to quickly escape from the mudslinging and enjoy peace, was magnificent. The glory of the past is too dazzling.

Like Vojstra's shield, Othelloia's glory also makes one's judgment erroneous.

I think there are parts of the Eluo continent where things are done by image, perhaps because of the feudalistic era, when the transmission of information was inaccurate and slow and people did not move around so much.

The number one city in the central part of the continent is and always has been the city of Oceloria,……, And I am well aware of the fact that such a brand image is infested with people from all walks of life .

Othelloa is a thing of the past.

My father looked at me with a curious gaze when I mentioned this.

As Roomon mentioned, some of the more farsighted merchants have already given up on Othelloa and are beginning to move closer to New Nellie and Nambonan.

The reality is that Othelloa is no longer seen as an attractive city by those who think in practical terms and travel around the country.

Othelloa is now like a corporation that maintains a high stock price despite the fact that it is not a real city.

“Well, is Othelloa not a city to be feared?”

That question is a trick.

No way. There are not many cities as big as Othelloa on the continent. We cannot be too careful.

Then I returned to my theory.

But it is no longer as large as New Nellie, and I think it will be inferior to Nambonan in terms of future growth.

That's a big turnout,” He said. This is a city that was the backbone of the kingdom of Voestra during the upheavals.

That may be true, but it is strange that such an old reputation still holds true today. The Spierzeiks and the Kuordentzes had a completely different land area, population, economic power, and diplomatic relations then than they do now.

Such things are only evaluations of the past. To begin with, if you look at the literature before the upheaval, Ocelória was indeed considered one of the top major cities on the continent, but it seems that it was not treated so differently from New Néry I remember many references treating it as a city of the same rank. In fact, there were even some books that ranked New Nerry City higher because of its proximity to St. Navempos.

Apparently, this was information that even my father did not know.The “Oh,” In his voice he was tinged with pure surprise.

This was the moment when my book-hunting hobby came in handy.

It was only after the upheaval that his perception changed.Specifically, it was after the Spiaseiks took control of the Voistula Plain.

Since the end of the Spiaseik family's project to unify Vojstra, the people living there have never suffered from the ravages of war.

Emperor Zinkaen left after only knocking on the door at the castle of Laishleif, the entrance to the empire, and since he entered the empire relatively peacefully after that, peace has actually been maintained all the way up to the present day.

Of course, many of the local people were drafted into battle, but there has never been an invasion of their homeland.

So it was significant that they left the turbulent world as quickly as they did.

I think so. The reputation of being the most peaceful and stable region on the continent is very attractive to those who have lost something.

On the continent of Eluo, which at that time was ravaged to the core by strife, a peaceful land ruled by a competent lord was something the fragile people longed for.

The peasants who lost their homes in the war, the farmers who lost their farmland due to soil contamination by magical beasts, and the citizens who were lost on the streets due to military plunder and heavy taxation by their lords,…… They, the have-nots, simply sought a safe place to live. And it was the plain of Vojstra and the city of Oceloria that was able to meet their needs.

The records of this period are terribly vague due to the upheaval, and there are few documents available. However, it is said that a considerable number of refugees turned to the Spiaseik territory and became farmers who cultivated the Vojstra Plain. Visit the city of Oceloria in search of a stable market and goods.

The gathering of people meant the creation of energy for development. The Vojstra Plain became more vibrant, and the city of Ocelória, the center of the Vojstra Plain, was overflowing with goods and money, and it grew steadily.

This was due in large part to the early decision by the first King of Vojstra to abandon his expansionist policies and focus on reconstruction. It is no wonder that the city established itself as the largest logistics center in the central part of the continent.

Population is power.

As in the case of the Kingdom of Vojstra, every prosperous ruler has a good amount of food reserves.

The people of Manipulation, who flourished in ancient times, and the Holy High Society of Zethus were based in the Vermana region, which is said to be the land where the spirits of fertility take their nap, and the Levios royal family occupied the plain of Corbovia. The Levios royal family also occupied the Corbovian Plain, and the Zincaen emperors followed the lead of their predecessors by locating their imperial capital in the Alpeo region, which produced a large quantity of foodstuffs.

Although the territory of Kuordenze was also blessed with food, by the time it somehow managed to unify the interior, the Kingdom of Vojstra had already been established.

The people considered Oceloria, a Voestra territory with a strong and long history of peace, to be superior to New Neri, a Voestra territory that was being bombarded by the Voestra Kingdom.

As a result, the gap between Newnery and Othellia continued to widen until the beginning of Emperor Zinkaen's policy of suppressing Spiaseik.

'But, Father, now it is the other way around. The Voistra Plain is now surrounded by the avengers Quordenze, Silopea, and Evenapis, and it is impossible to feel very secure. Besides, this battle has managed to put a lid on the Laishleif area. The city of Oceloria can no longer trade with other territories without passing through the mountainous western part of the city.

The southwestern part of the Spiaseik territory is dominated by independent aristocratic families that belong neither to the empire nor to the kingdom.

When I tried to answer him about how to deal with it, my father lightly waved his palm as if to control my words his.

But there was one house that was foolish enough to invade Evenapis. If we were to make a truce with Spiaseik, it would be easy to send an army against them. Even if they acquire land in that area, it would be troublesome to manage it , and the Evenapis family cannot afford to increase their territory now. It would be enough to put pressure on them to antagonize the Spiaseiks. It would be just right to drive a stake in the ground as a check.”

There is an independent noble family in the western part of the territory of Evenapis that took advantage of a major rebellion operation by the Spiaseik family, but failed when the main ancestor of the keystone was killed.

When this noble family learned that the main part of the operation, the Spiaseik army's surprise attack on Nambonan, also failed, they immediately lost their shit and have been sending the Quardenze family daily sorry emails.

Although he is such a pathetic, sloppy aristocrat, he is one of the most powerful independent aristocrat families in the western part of the Evenapis territory.

Therefore, if they are drawn to the anti-Spierzeik side, they will be able to exert pressure on the surrounding independent aristocratic families. Take advantage of the situation and attack. In order not to give them an excuse, we must be cautious in our dealings with the Spiaseiks.

The Spiaseik territory is now surrounded by hostile forces in the north, east, and south.

If trade with other territories is greatly restricted, this will be a major blow to the city of Oceloria. The Laichleaf area was a major trade route leading not only to the imperial capital, but also to the Kingdom of Levioth. From now on, merchants would have to pass through the steep mountains in the west or cross a large river after paying high tolls imposed by independent noble families. I wonder how many people will visit the city.

They can harass us as much as they want, for example, by imposing heavy taxes on those who enter and leave Quordenze from Spierzeig territory.

Since we have not made peace, no one can be blamed for hostilities.There is no truce, but the war is still going on.

As Viscount Galiana once said. Viscount Galiana once said, “It is not business enemies but the nobility that are truly terrifying to the great merchants. Merchants who enter Spiaseik territory with their trade routes closed and starved of money are probably only small merchants with little to lose. The big merchants with their own trading houses would never touch them. The …… Vojstra Plain may provide food, but a closed society without people and goods will not generate vitality.

I don't know if this is really true, but I decided to assert it.

At any rate, when I hear the elements of “Closed markets” And “Stagnant logistics”, I feel that the economy is going to be somewhat bad.

The “Old Voestra…… Western mountainous region is food poor, has no good industry, and is full of impoverished fiefdoms. They follow the Spierzeiks because they want to enjoy the fruits of their wealth.

They follow the Spiaseiks in silence because their poverty is so painful.

It is only logical that they should continue to follow the Spiaseiks, since the structure of the family feeding them has not changed, even if the kingdom of Vojstra is no longer in existence.

For now, they probably still have the financial resources to act as their allies. But if they continue to decline, they will eventually be unable to control their subordinates, and it will only become more difficult for them to breathe.

If even his subordinates his run away from him, it will be the end.They must want to maintain the relationship at all costs.

Isn't it just like a snake to choke them to death?”

My argument is to weaken the Spiaseiks not by force of arms but by economic power. In other words, economic sanctions based on the establishment of a siege against Spiaseik.

Unlike the previous Earth, where trade between nations was thriving, the current Eluo continent does not have that much logistics, so it is not necessarily possible to inflict devastating damage.

Well, that's fine. As for me, I want stability in the outer regions first and foremost. I don't want another raid.

I think it would be better to proceed in the direction of depriving the territory of its geographical strength and allowing it to decline. Rather than taking risks and attacking forcefully, I propose a truce so that we can reorganize ourselves and concentrate on harassing the enemy safely and with less risk.

Unfortunately, I'm not a hero who wields a sword with valor, just a regular guy who shakes his hips in bed.

My father's idea of ​​a forced invasion would hopefully absorb the Spierzeig territory, but the risk of failure is too great. As a former Japanese businessman, if I had to choose between “Great success” And “No failure,” I would choose the latter .

What would you do if things went as you had planned?

If ten or twenty years have passed and the power of the Spiaseik family has weakened, then the story is simple. We will deploy an overwhelmingly large number of follower soldiers from many directions and launch a very short term battle. By the time the other fiefdoms realize it, the city of Othellia will have fallen and the war will no longer be reversed.”

It is highly likely that my grandfather will no longer be able to fight by then, but it is not likely that the main ancestor of the Spiaseik family will suddenly increase. It is assumed that there will be no young female Lord Ancestor in the Shadow House of Spiaseik, and there should be few nobles who would offer their princesses to the fallen Spiaseik family.

…………How? An overwhelmingly large number of retinue soldiers? Is …… Good?”

I know what those words mean.

It's my duty.

The children I conceived will, if nothing else, stand on the battlefield as military officers in the future. I say, “If nothing happens,” But that means, in essence, “If I am not selfish.

Some aristocrats are deeply in love with their concubines and love their children beyond the point of parental stupidity. Having such parents makes it difficult to place their children in the military. Officer of the armed forces.

However, if this intention is ignored, it could be troublesome. Even though aristocratic boys are impotent, they will sulk, “I won't have children if I have to be sent to battle! Children if I'm sent to the battlefield!

I told my father that the child I conceived could become a military officer.

If you change your mind, just tell me at……”

I am not so childish as to worry about my unborn child dying in battle.

The actual face to face with my child may change this thought, but for now, I just want him to live a normal life as the ruling class of the Kuordenze Domain and fulfill his duties.

Even if Wilk thinks so, a commoner's daughter might have her own thoughts.”

'…… Yes.

Father says that he will give consideration to the children born to daughters from commoner backgrounds, such as Minute and Anna.

Indeed, unlike daughters from knightly families, they might say things like, “I don't want to fight. If that is what they want, I would like to give them as much consideration as possible.

I have been doing a lot of sowing at the knight's house where we will be passing through during the Nambonan-New Nellie transfer. Naturally, my father would have been informed of this, and he must be anticipating the upcoming cousin baby boom. He thinks that a child conceived by a commoner's daughter is a minor issue.

When I expressed my gratitude, he returned to the topic.

It is a good idea to attack from many directions with an overwhelming number of followers,” He said. The Spierzeiks have greatly reduced the number of their followers, which is the strength of their territory. Their territory, and we have far more followers than they do, so we should be able to defeat them with less damage.

My father then made a thoughtful gesture in response to my words, and asked me a question.

The strength of the territory, the strength of the territory. That by taking away the power of the lands, the Speerzeich family would be decimated.

I thought for a moment about defending myself, but quickly reconsidered and decided to answer truthfully.

It is the vitality of the people.

People are castles, people are stone walls, and people are moats. …… Such words existed in prehistoric Japan. I remember that when I first heard this phrase, I interpreted it as the words of a cruel and inhumane lord who turned his people into a wall of flesh.

Well, that's just it. When introducing a great man in history as a great lord, a saying about the importance of the people is often added like parsley.

I am sure that my current statement must have been appreciated by the aristocrats of the earth.

As I should have expected, my father looked at me with a look of incomprehension when he heard my answer.

He said, “This is the answer I uttered because I am in the innermost chambers of ……. I am aware of it, so I will not speak of it in King's Landing. Please rest assured. Father.”

The number of main and secondary ancestors, the area of ​​territory, the taxes that can be taken, the food produced, and the resources are the “Power of the territory” For the ordinary Eluo continental nobles.

Nobles have no expectations of commoners.

Whether they live like slaves or not, whether they are active in the economy or not, whether they can write or not, they are all insignificant information to the nobles. No matter how much value is added to a given commoner, it is counted only as one. In a sense, they are treated equally at a very low level.

If the answer were “The number of people,” There would still be room for understanding, but to expect something like “The vitality of the people” Is like window dressing, interpreting 1 as 2. It is unacceptable to the aristocracy.

But I don't really like that kind of thinking.

It is true that from the point of view of our ancestors, commoners may not be all that different from each other, but that does not mean that they are all the same. Ugly woman.

I have already received an unofficial offer to be the next head of the family. Even if my reputation is slightly lowered, I will be able to make up for it. I calculated that and expressed my honest opinion.

I said, “I don't understand ……. I don't know what you think.

These were words of denial, but there was no anger or frustration at not being able to understand, just a genuine sense of wonder. I sense a strong tinge of confusion.

'You guys?'

It's Viscount Galiana. He said that the people and gold were the power of the land. But he was originally a commoner and a merchant. That's why I thought he thought that way……. In Wilk's case, would it be people and vitality? Very similar ideas.”

I would like to say that the economic activities of the people will in turn become the strength of the territory, but I am at a loss for words as to how to explain it.

Perhaps that is exactly what Viscount Galiana is trying to say. I am trying to say that the power of the realm comes from the people being active.

My father knows well and practices that the people of a fiefdom can be squeezed longer as a result if they are made to work vigorously rather than squeezed until they are parched. I have a faint hope that he will understand what we are trying to say.

I think, “…… Father, don't you think so? If you look at the vibrant city of Newnery, this is the power that sustains Quardenze. If you look at a land where the people live in daily poverty and a land where they live actively, don't you think the latter will get more in taxes?”

'That is true,' he said. If the lands have more people and are richer, that is a good thing.”

It was because of this father that I proposed the truce, also thinking that he would understand the advantages of economic sanctions. But my father shook his head lightly from side to side without waiting for me to say anything.

I can't imagine that the activities of the people will cause the decline of the city of Othellia, as Wilk and Viscount Galiana have said. Well, it is true that Wilk is right, the road to trade will be closed. All. The city of Othelloria has flourished since ancient times, and the Spierzeig family, which has lost the Leishlieb but retained the Voistra Plain in its entirety, is still there. I can't imagine that they will stop attacking and just fall away.

Oh, they won't understand this, I guessed. I felt that I had seen the root of the value system there.

The master is strong and the slave ancestors are weak. No matter how many slave ancestors gather together, they can never drive out the master ancestor without the master ancestor. I think this is already rooted in the back of my mind as an absolutely inviolable rule .

The Spiaseik family, a large noble family, cannot be driven into a corner by the mere economic activities of a commoner.

Perhaps only someone with a special background like Viscount Galiana would understand my opinion.

I must be careful what I say and do in royal society. I was now back on top of things.

My father, who had been observing my attitude his relaxed from his body his put his back on the sofa, and exhaled heavily.

I knew what Wilk was thinking. We're going to let Spierzeig decline, and when they panic, we're going to smash them with everything we've got, right?”

That's the short answer.

All right, I'll keep that in mind as an idea. I will put aside the power of the people, and you can keep the truce as your own idea.

From the way he was talking, the armistice proposal was probably a washout.

What is the reason for rejecting it?

My father rested his head on the sofa as if looking up at the ceiling, his paring palms facing me.

One reason is that I don't think the Spierzeig family will decline as a result of the trade embargo.”

My father's thumb folds slowly.

This is probably the biggest reason. If ten or twenty years pass without a decline in the power of the Spierzeik family, and Quardenze Gulfis is no longer able to fight, this must be the worst possible outcome that my father could have envisioned.

Secondly, I don't think the nobles of the western part of the empire would be convinced by the armistice.”

Folding his index finger, my father briefly explained the nature of the western imperial aristocracy.

He said he could not foresee how they would react to a truce.

A truce would allow the Spierzeig family to concentrate on diplomacy within the empire. They might drop the third emperor and carry the fourth emperor, who is more attentive to the western nobility. Emperor-related concerns…… This is the third ?”

Then the middle finger folded.

'The fourth. This may conflict with the first one,…… But Wilk is right, the problem is if the city of Othellia declines. The whole of the Vojstra Plain would then be severely exhausted. Considering the amount of work that would have to be put into rebuilding the city after its conquest, this is something we would like to avoid.

That's for sure.

If the Spierzeig family is destroyed, I don't care what happens after that!

It is a very vain action to destroy and fix things by oneself.

Fifth, I have been strongly advocating retaliation for the Spierzeig family's atrocities in the kingdom's diplomacy. To suddenly turn this around with a truce is not a good idea.”

It seems that it is not good for the outside world to suddenly call a truce even though he had strongly insisted on avenging his own brother's death.

After all, the idea of ​​revenge was just a pretext, and they might be told that they just wanted territory west of the Amelia River.

I'm not sure what to do about that, but I'm not sure.

That's what I meant. If I could get assurances that a truce would definitely drive the Spierzeiks back, I could make a case that I had compromised because of Wilk's strong insistence. As the next head of the family who conquered the castle of Rijsleif, it is not surprising that he would try to assert himself against the head of the family.

Because the main ancestor is so powerful, he is often rebelled against his parents when he was young because of his all-powerful nature.

Therefore, it is not unusual for the political policies of one generation to be 180 degrees different from those of the next generation. Or rather, it is quite common. It doesn't sound so strange to the rest of the family that I would push for a truce and be at odds with my father,” He said.

I think it's a good idea. If I were the one who insisted on the story that my father was having difficulty insisting on, it would be a good change of course.

I think that's a good idea, but if you do it every time, it will be obvious that you are acting. You have to think carefully about how to use it. Marriage proposal.

The key word “Engagement” Is an unintentional reaction.

I was surprised to hear the key word, “Matchmaking……. Is that kind of talk also done in King's Landing?

If it's just an offer, then of course it will be made.

For aristocratic men with erectile problems, it is difficult to find the type of princess they like. Considering their families, it would be better if they could marry into a noble family that would benefit them diplomatically, but even if they did, there would be nothing they could do if they could not have a child.

A light-hearted pre-marriage interview is essential to confirm whether she is the type of woman they like and how she will react.

As I was imagining the scene of drinking tea and making small talk, I heard my father's voice laughing in my ear.

Do you know? I heard that Wilk is rumored to be a paranoid man who is obsessed with a single woman.


There is a commoner girl named Anna in the city of Nambonan, isn't there? The man who shattered the great shield of Vojstra, Quardenze Wilke, is said to be obsessed with a commoner woman named Anna of Nambonan and has no regard for any other woman…….That's quite an interesting rumor.”

What a pure wilk. Why on earth would that be the case?

Did my father start the rumor?”

But my father denies it with a laugh.

He must have made a strong impression on my father, “He said. It is well known that Father was obsessed with Mother. Isn't it quite natural to assume that his grandson would have the same temperament?”

Well, that is an opinion that is not hard to understand.

The reason why the city of Nambonan is still in the hands of the citizens is because Wilk has been broken by Miss Anna. It was the spirit of Nambonan, or so I am told, and it is told amusingly in the commoners' circles.”

Despite their conquest of the city of Nambonan, the Kuordentse family has been granted autonomy over the city of Nambonan.

This is said to have been interpreted by the Quordenze Wilk, who had made his first battle her, as being melodramatic with Anna and asking her for a “Favor”.

In fact, after the fall, Anna even lived constantly smelling of my semen. Many citizens must have frowned at the smell.

It seems that the contents of Operation Serpent Fang are beginning to spread with strange interpretations. The reason Wilk rushed to Nambonan City and jumped into the duel between the nobles without hesitation is said to be because he was enraged by the danger to his beloved Anna.

Great, I'm living in love …… In the rumor.

…… And I've heard reports that you've spread the magic of favoritism.

I've heard that the magical release of favoritism that was triggered by sex with Rave spread throughout the entire city of Nambonan.

It is possible that the intense “Love” Was misinterpreted as directed toward Anna. Since that release was an unspoken release of emotion, the details of whether it was directed at Raveh or Anna were not conveyed to those around them. I love you” Is conveyed.

But Anna is already pregnant.

Those who are extremely paranoid may ignore even that and seek it out.

Rather, some aristocratic men believe that the child in their belly has stolen the woman they love, and they get extra erections during pregnancy. I hate these guys already.

I wonder if they think I'm a …… Or maybe they think I'm a lowlife who fucks around with women in the early stages of pregnancy. Oh no, I'm going to lose favor with the women in Nambonan City. I'll tell them to spread the rumor to clear up the misunderstanding later.

I would never do anything terrible to a pregnant woman.

It's better than spreading the word that we have someone stronger.”

Saying this, the father tapped his own lower abdomen.

I guess that means he has a strong sex drive.

'There's no point in raising unnecessary alarm, so let's put on the eccentric aristocrat act, shall we?

The men of the aristocracy are like walking munitions factories, so to speak.

I was going to tell them to do that,” He said. It depends on the social life of the family, but even if there is an offer from a big noble family like the Levios, the Millendorvas, or the Aterahans, it is easier for them to take the initiative.

It is difficult to strongly recommend a princess to a pariah noble.It is a common understanding among the nobles that if they push too hard, they may become impotent, so it is not considered rude to strongly reject the proposal.The fact that it is easy to refuse is very advantageous for us.

I'll leave the marriage to my father, but I'm looking forward to meeting princesses from all over the place.

'We will meet the princesses of the Levios family at an early stage. The Aterahan family will also be meeting the next head of the family, Princess Kalmia. I heard that it was suddenly decided recently that she will adopt a son from a branch of her family to be her son-in-law. It will not be a meeting for the purpose of marriage, but a meeting as the next head of the family.”

Just the sound of “Princess” Is enough to give me an erection.

I hope that the princess Kalmia with a man is ugly. If she is beautiful, the tea will taste bad.

I don't know how the Mirendorva family will react. I don't think they'll give Princess Orsian away as a bride.

The conversation seemed to end there, so I asked a question.

What about the Zeldmitra family?”

My father shrugged.

There are no princesses old enough to be Zel'Dmitra. The family lost the then Marquis of Zeldmitra in the Ercinea disaster, and unfortunately lost many of its female relatives as well.

Then he made a serious statement.

I have received a letter from him implicitly asking me to marry Fanny, but I have no interest in doing so at this time.

I forced down my voice and tried to keep a calm expression on my face before looking at my father.

I looked at my father and tried to keep a calm expression on my face.

I was using the standard phrase, “I hope to strengthen the relationship between the Quardenze Zeldmitra in the future.”

If we want to further strengthen the relationship with the Zeldmitra family, who are relatively close among the royal nobles, the only thing left is to get married.

Well, Zeldmitra must understand that. We must increase the number of relatives as well.

The flow of the conversation was smooth, but I sensed a slight whiff of a change of course in my father's words and actions when connecting the two.

I had a feeling that he wanted to connect the conversation this way.

I was also interested in this line, so I decided to take the bait and bite the bullet.

'…… Fanny won't go outside?'

I intend to.”

My father, who had his back to the sofa, rose at the same time as he said that, and improved his posture.

He seemed to be saying, “I'm going to tell you something important.

It's much more serious than the Evenapis family thinks.

When you say ……, Are you the heir?”

He avoided answering my question and threw the last of the dried scallops in his plate into his mouth and chewed them up with a clattering sound.

After a few moments of waiting, my father swallowed it and answered in a small voice, “Yes.

The lineage of the Evenapis family has virtually ceased to exist since the magical beast Elsinia crossed the territory. It is only a matter of time before it collapses.”

In the main family, there is only Mother's grandfather. I have heard that there are only a few relatives left in the Shadow family as well.

Father nodded quietly.

The Silopea family also has relatives. The Silopea family also has few relatives, but barely a young and healthy Princess Plume remains as the next head of the family. And me, I have received a request from Count Evenapis to return Merly to her family home if possible.”

“Your mother?”

Oh. I don't know if ………… Things can be erected, but I guess the elderly Count Evenapis thinks he has no choice but to get excited.”

So he's going to have child-bearing sex with his granddaughter her and he wants her back at his parents' house her.Even though it is the fate of the aristocracy, it feels raw.

However, it is strange that it is settled to the extent that they would return her if they could.

If we are thinking of continuing the Evenapis family lineage, we should first of all get our mother Merly back and try to make a baby, no matter what. Even if that makes our father furious, the Evenapis family will disappear if we sit on our hands and do nothing.

'Are you…… Fanny?'

Yes, it is.When Fanny gives birth to a child, the child will be adopted by the Evenapis family.Preferably more than one.This is the secret agreement between the Quardenze and Evenapis families.The reason I am able to reject Merly's return is because of Fanny's existence.

Even if my father did not want to, my mother would not want to see the destruction of her own family of hers.

I don't know which she would choose, the responsibilities of nobility or the love for her husband her, but depending on the choice her, my mother might even make a mad dash back to the Evenapis territory.

It would be difficult to catch the Lord Ancestor who really thought about escaping, and that would be at the level of locking him up in a prison cell. But that would not be the marital life that my father, who loves my mother, would want .

Even if we let Merly come back home after making the relationship her with Quordenze worse, it is not certain that the child will do well.In that case, it would be better to wait for Fanny's child.”

Well, that's just it. The biggest problem here is the phrase “Fanny's child,” A phrase that resonates in the cerebral marrow.

I feel like my heart rate is going up tremendously with anticipation and nervousness. I feel like I'm suffocating from the contractions of my heart.

So, Father, what do you mean by a fanny's child? A child cannot be a woman alone.

But the father evades answering.

Fanny's child?Of course, we must also consider the bloodline of her.I want her to have a child as close to Evenapis as possible.”

I try to keep my composure so that dangerous emotions don't burst out of my magic. After having sex with Rave, I'm afraid that I might unintentionally let my emotions outburst.

And since a while ago, my father has been watching my facial expressions very carefully.

'I suppose that's true. If you're going to adopt an Evenapis, you'd better not dilute its blood …….'

I casually give him a leading question.

The father may or may not be aware of it, but he accepted my words as they were.

Wilk was probably right.The most important thing to remember is that the more you know, the better you will be able to understand the situation.That is not what Quardenze wants.We would hate to see them interfere with our interests in the port of Lake Hartinos.

Yes, that's true. The interests of the Evenapis family since its foundation will be shaken.

The city of Hartinos, which is also the home of the Evenapis family, is a port town facing a huge lake. As a result, it is a city of trade that has prospered through water transportation since ancient times.

It was an important transit point for trade between St. Navempos, the Mammothred Federation, and the western part of the continent.

During the turbulent times, the surrounding nobles fought over this tasty city many times, and it was the site of fierce battles in which the city was repeatedly taken and lost.

Surprisingly, it was not the aristocrats who finally took control of the city. It was the Blessed Son, a rare occurrence among the commoners, who took possession of the city of Hartinos.

The nobles could not afford to hunt for the ancestor because of the fierce fighting. He was born in Hartinos City, grew up there, secretly built up his strength, and worked hard to procreate, defeating the nobles who were completely exhausted from the successive battles This was the true advantage of the fishermen. Only in a port town.

The head of the Quardenze family, who at the time was struggling to unify the interior, took notice of this.

This blessed child who controlled the area around the city of Hartinos must have great power sooner or later. The head of the Kuordenze family at that time thought so and tried to make contact with him.

This was a very good thing for the Blessed Child.In addition to having the historical noble family of the Kuordenze on his side, he now had a daughter-in-law of the head of the family.

In principle, a main ancestor can only be born to a main ancestor. In order for the Blessed Son to continue to exist as a noble family, rather than ending up as a first generation noble, a main ancestor's wife was absolutely necessary.

Perhaps because of these circumstances, the Quardenze family has traditionally held some of the concessions regarding the Lake Hartinos port.

The first head of the Evenapis family took the princess of the Kuordentse family as his lawful wifeHis, and from then on he spent his days cleaning up and unifying the weak nobles around the city of Hartinos, relying on the strong friendship between the two families.

The relationship between the Quordenzes and the Evenapis family has existed since the founding of Evenapis.

Based on the above logic, there is no problem if the blood of the Kuordenze family is mixed with that of the Evenapis family. The first wife of the first generation was a Quardenze, and half of the blood of the second generation head of the family is also Quardenze.

I told my father that if he wanted to impregnate Fanny, it should be a Kuordenze man.

But my father kept looking at me with a “Hmmm” Or “Mmmm” Look on his facehis.

Perhaps it was difficult for my father to say. Ordering an aristocrat to have sexual intercourse with a boy could be a landmine if done poorly.

My father, who knew how much I swiveled my hips, would not have had any reservations about it, but, well, it was a difficult topic to discuss.

I decided that the conversation was not going to go any further, so being the fatherly man that I am, I decided to offer a helping hand.

“…… However, while our interests as a family are important, I care about Fanny just as much. She is my beloved sister, and I pity her as a brother when I think that she will be forced to bear a child by a man whose face I do not even know. If that's the case, I'll just go with …….”

The words were quite straightforward. I was no longer a friend to help him, but rather the Coast Guard had been dispatched to the scene.

I checked on my father in a hurry, and he turned his face down, put one hand over his mouth, and shook his shoulders.


Apparently he was laughing.

He seemed to be holding back for a while, but the shaking of his shoulders he gradually became louder and louder, and soon he began to laugh out loud.

He was laughing so loudly that it was almost as if he was laughing out loud. So much for the teasing.”

Then my father concluded at once.

As you know, Fanny is now fertile. I would like to leave Fanny in Wilk's care. You know what I mean.”

In an instant, I felt my entire body's blood boil.

My heart is filled with glee at the realization of a development that I had been contemplating ever since I first learned of the effects of the Elsinian disaster.

I know……. I understand.

I'm sure you do. I didn't expect to be rejected too,…… But you look really happy. Don't …….. Make Fanny sad.”

With only my father around, I may have let my guard down a little too much. I put a lot of effort into my loosening facial muscles and switched to something more serious.

I look at my father's face his, and I feel like he's trying to play a trick on me by saying it in such a roundabout way Maybe he thought he could be a little mean to me since he was about to lose his lovely daughter his.

If she is the child of Wilk and Fanny, she can be considered to be half and half of the blood of Quardenze and Evenapis, if only for the most recent period. He would be a good choice for the next head of the Evenapis family. With me, the Quardenzes would be too assertive.”

Born to a Quordenze father and an Evenapis mother, Fanny and I are 50:50, if we only judge on that basis.

If the father and Fanny were to have a child together, the odds of having a child would be 75:25, with the Quardenzes having the upper hand. On the other hand, if it were me and Fanny, it would be 50:50 Well, depending on how you think about it, it could be considered as 100 for the Quardenzes, since they are only reproducing themselves within the Quardenze family, but this is just a sensory thing.

As for the Evenapis family, it would be most helpful for me and my mother Merly to procreate. ………… Yeah, it's probably best not to mention this. It might bring my father into disrepute.

I'd have no problem getting a boner with my mother Merry, and I'd love to have Fanny in the mix, too, and have a super father-daughter bowl.

By the way, what is Fanny's position her?Is she a full wife?

In the case of the nobles of the Eluo continent, it is not uncommon for them to take an elder sister or younger sister as a wife.The most important thing is to inherit the lineage and power of the main ancestor.There are plenty of incestuous marriages.

It is not likely that I will marry Fanny off to another domain after having a few children with her. I'm sure she will be mine for life …….

But I also thought that she would not be a regular wife course, although I heard it myself.

Merry would be my guess for a full wife, but I don't think so.”

'Oh, after all, Mother would still push for a full wife?

'It is so. If Wilk were to inherit the family, would you prefer the head of the Evenapis family to be born of the Quardenze family head's full wife or of a side wife?

Suppose that something happened to the Evenapis family. If a child born to his wife Fanny is in trouble, the Quardenze family will have to offer all the help they can.

If the Quardenze family abandoned the child between them and their legitimate wife, they would be seen as unreliable and dishonest.

If this were between side wives, they could get away with a reasonable amount of help. ……Well, this case is a bit special. The Quordenze family is a very important family, and they are very important to us.

If you think about the security of the family home, it is right for a nobleman from Evenapis to promote Fanny as his regular wife. Besides, as a mother, if she is thinking about her daughter's future, she wants to put her in as stable a position as possible.

As a noblewoman and a mother, it was natural for her to plan to make her daughter her legal wife her.

But Wilk's wife is a very useful diplomatic card. It would be a shame to let her go at this point. And, although the Evenapis family has been a longtime ally, it would be a lie to say that they did not intend to make the Quardenzes aware once again of their superiority here.

Even though they are allies, there is no substitute for being another family. We must not let our guard down there, my father assured me.

It was as if he was talking to himself, but perhaps it was a warning to me.

My mother is my own mother, but at the same time, she is a female noblewoman who looks out for the interests of the Evenapis family, and I must not forget that.

If the Evenapis family saved the Quardenzes from extinction this time, they will not be able to sleep with their feet on the ground for the next 100 years or so.

In my father's opinion, Fanny will be placed in the ambiguous position of “A family member of the main house of the Kuordentse family” Rather than a regular wife or a concubine.

……By the way, all of Fanny's children will be in the Evenapis family?”

I'm not going to be satisfied with impregnating one or two.

They want at least two. ……To be honest, our family is short on granddaughters. If possible, we will secure the third one at our house and …… Feel sorry for Fanny, but we are thinking of turning her over to the shadows. There are not enough shadows to maintain the vast territory of Quardenze.

I don't know much about the situation of the shadow families, but are there that few?”

I don't know much about the situation of the Kagee family, but are there not enough of them? Besides, the fact that we only have elderly people is also a concern for the future.

I see, then it is unrealistic for Fanny to marry him off anyway.

From my point of view, I am really grateful for this, but it must have been a pretty serious issue for the Quardenze territory.

What is it? Speaking of which, there must have been a few princesses and ladies from the imperial noble families that ruled the outer territories housed in the pavilion.

We should just rape them and impregnate them. …… And I realized in the middle of speaking that this was gibberish. It would be terrible if my father responded to this opinion with something like, “Oh, well, no fanny then,” Etc. But if you have already said it, you have no choice.

But I had already said it, and there was nothing I could do about it. I waited for my father's words with a sense of trepidation inside.

I have been informed that it will not be to Wilk's liking.


I can see what you mean.

The word “Princess” Conjures up images of beautiful girls, but of course, there are also unfortunate princesses.

Perhaps my father heard from the servants about “The looks of the women Wilk liked” And decided that the women in the house were not a match. Perhaps he actually took some of his servants to visit the mansion.

These days, the servants have become very good at discerning such things.

In fact, at the knight's house we stopped by on our way back to New Nellie from Nambonan this time, I found a number of girls of my liking as caretakers. It was a complete insider sex, not to say that there was no prior leakage by the servants. I enjoyed every single encounter without a second thought.

Thinking about it this way, my father used to ask me something like, “Is Fanny pretty?” , Rather than a foolish statement of love for his daughter.

I guess ordering aristocratic boys to embrace women they don't like is a part of being inevitably aware of the impotence risk.

My father looked like he wanted to change the subject, so I decided to follow his lead.

I smiled at him.

I smiled at him and said, “…… Actually, I was planning to have an evening chat with Fanny this evening. Since we're here, we're going to talk slowly about the future of Quardenze.

There is a saying, “What a meal you don't have is a meal you don't eat. It also means, “Hurry up with the meal. I had a feeling that the Chinese characters were a little different, but I did not care about that.

But then my father's first expression of anguish came to his face.

I'd like you to wait until I get back from King's Landing,” He said.

What? Why? What is the reason?

Why do I have to wait here?

I ask my father.

He says, “I don't think there's…… Anything to it. I want to keep Fanny on hand just in case.”

According to my father, the King's Landing social was a big deal, and because of that, there could be unforeseen incidents.

In the worst case scenario, he said, he may have to play the Fannie card to resolve diplomatic issues. In preparation for such a situation, they would like to keep Fanny's clean body intact.

Would they allow her to at least suckle on her tits?

I'm sorry. I'm sure I'll meet Count Evenapis in King's Landing. If I did, I would definitely have told Wilk about this. That old man has that kind of personality. Telling him out of the blue there. …… I say it again, I'm sorry, Wilk. Please bear with me this time.”

I thought about replying, “Is it okay if I just lick your leg?” But decided not to. My father had shown such sincerity, I would give him a break with a kiss on the cheek.

But still, it was a surreal sight to see a father begging his son to wait a little longer to have sex with his sister his.


I can't help but burst out laughing.

I understand, Father.”

Hearing my reply, the father seems relieved. He was very nervous about taking away a woman that he could hold in his arms.

He was in a good mood, so he poured the goblet of wine and said, “Hey, don't worry.

Don't worry. As long as you don't make a mistake that can't be undone, there will be no problem. It's not likely that you will fail so badly that you will have to send your wife away.

……I really should be careful what I say and do.

I swear to myself that I would be very careful about what I said and did.

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2016 Native Language: Japanese
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.


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not work with dark mode