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The Heavenly Demon Gives a Massage Chapter 132

‘what is this!’

A hand that goes up the spine and pinpoints acupoints.

Even if only one point was pointed, the spine felt tingling and intense stimulation, and in a short period of only a few seconds, about 20 points were awakened in an instant.

The intensity of the stimulus that bursts from each blood is indescribable. It feels like a high-voltage current is flowing through the body.

If you ask me if it hurts… That’s not it.

It was just that the cool feeling of someone rubbing my shoulder when I was tired was felt on a huge scale, as if someone had poured ice water on my back, and it was only felt in the nerves of my whole body.

‘Huh, uhh!’

But now, Park Si-joon has no way to express it.

My voice doesn’t come out, and my body doesn’t have strength, so it’s hard to struggle. Just quietly, only in my head, screaming out the screams of pain.

‘Huh… It’s definitely not good for your throat.’

Even in the midst of that, Park Si-joon understood what Kang Tae-han said. I don’t know how he did it, but if he hadn’t locked up his voice beforehand, he might have screamed at his throat.

If so, the condition of the vocal cords would have deteriorated again. Maybe it was torn once more. Then, the condition of his neck would have reached an irreversible level.

‘I don’t know if this is something to be thankful for yet… Eek!’

However, Park Si-joon’s thoughts did not last long. Because Kang Tae-han’s hand, which had swept the acupuncture points in his spine once, started moving again.

“The physical condition itself is not bad.”

Daeju (大柱) blood, which flows vertically along the spine, connects the upper and lower body from the head.

Unraveling the surrounding blood vessels and activating the blood vessels, so to speak, has a similar effect to opening a highway in the body. That’s why Kang Tae-han starts acupressure here in most cases.

However, if the blood flow is clogged or there is a problem somewhere, the level of activation is weak even after releasing the main main blood in the spine… In the case of Park Si-joon, the blood flowed smoothly.

Here, the flow is further strengthened through acupressure.

The strengthened blood flow flows to the upper part of the body, and the passage that connects them, the blood vessels near the neck, is intensively relaxed.

‘I guess I can start soon.’

After repeating the process several times, the blood vessels near the neck, furthermore, the vocal cords and other muscles are sufficiently softened.

When you’re ready, gently place your fingers on the top of the uvula, and from there, slowly flow your inner energy inwards.

A thin, muscular membrane that stretches across the throat.

At a quick glance, it looks like the recovery has ended without any problems, but… Just as a hard scar settles on a healed wound, it seems to be a little harder and more firmly united than normal vocal chords.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with raising your voice.

The vocal cords are very sensitive and delicate parts. This alone can make a clear difference in the existing voice, and a bigger difference in the tone of singing.

so that.

Kang Tae-han cannot directly take action.

I can tell that the vocal cords are now hardened through the recovery process, but it was difficult to find out what shape they were in before that, even if they were strong.


Still, regenerating yourself can help.

The stiffened muscles are relaxed, and warm air is blown in to wrap the vocal cords separately.

At the same time, it raises the purest energy and vitality that suits the constitution from the opponent’s prestigious blood, and continuously circulates it to the surrounding blood to maximize recovery.

The muscles of the vocal cords that have already been relaxed.

The warmth around him embraced once more.

Pure life force overflows from the surrounding blood vessels.

The situation couldn’t be more ideal for the body to recover.

Muscles gradually loosen up and begin to return to their original form, and the vitality of vitality overflowing around them complements and promotes this.

In that state, stay still for ten minutes.

If someone sees it, it might look like they’re not doing the massage they’re supposed to do and just putting their fingers on the customer’s neck and playing around, but… … .

‘Something… Something is happening.’

Park Si-joon, who was receiving it, was personally experiencing that the condition of his neck was changing moment by moment.

Of course, I don’t know exactly what kind of change it is.

I haven’t heard or heard the voice yet, so I don’t know how it works.

But one thing is for sure.

It was that this warm energy, which seemed to be wrapped around the neck, gave a very comfortable feeling, and that something was definitely happening, unlike the way I had been wandering here and there after only hearing rumors.

“How is it?”

Around the time when I thought it was strange for a while.

With those words, Kang Tae-han removed his finger from his throat. Then, as if a cable from an electronic product had been removed, the subtle vibrations and echoes I felt in my neck gradually faded away.

“It must have been time to slowly unwind… Say it once.”

“Yes? Ah, big. yes.”

Park Si-joon naturally asks back and is embarrassed by his own voice. It’s because I knew that my voice wouldn’t come out like before, but I was surprised.

“… uh?”

However, the embarrassment that followed was not due to that.

After experiencing vocal cord nodules, I don’t feel the slightest foreign body sensation that I’ve always felt around my neck when I speak.

“I’m back?”

Not only that, but the voice has also changed.

The voice came out as naturally as before, without any hint of getting stuck in the chin or muddying the tone.

“Uhaha, I’m back, I’m back!”

I don’t think I’ve returned to my voice tone yet.

Still, it feels distinctly different.

For Park Si-jun, who had been walking in vain for a long time and had made no progress, this alone could be said to be a really big change.

“Thank you… 100 million!”

I was so excited to talk about it for a long time.

Kang Tae-han smiled brightly, and in an instant pointed at the blood near Park Si-joon’s neck once more. Then again, like a lie, the voice didn’t come out.

“Didn’t I tell you not to be too loud?”

Kang Tae-han speaks calmly with a smile on his face.

Rather than being particularly angry, it feels like he is quietly admonishing someone who made a mistake. Possibly because of the magic that took away his voice in one blow, Park Si-joon nodded slowly with a stiff face.

* * *

“Whatever… The results don’t seem too bad.”

The state of the voice that leaked out for a while.

I haven’t listened to it for a long time, but the tone is much softer than before, and the muddy feeling that I felt little by little disappeared. Kang Tae-han nodded his head with a satisfied face at the situation that worked out as he thought.

“I will remain a bit sensitive until I settle down for a while, so if you can, refrain from talking loudly like you did just now. I refrain from singing too.”

At Kang Tae-han’s words, Park Si-joon nodded.

Maybe after confirming the effect, his eyes looking at Kang Tae-han were similar to the feeling of a believer looking at the religious leader.

“… … !”

Then, as if he had a sudden thought, Park Si-joon gestured with his hand to say he didn’t know, and then made a gesture that seemed to measure the length of the air.

“How long will it take?”

Park Si-joon nodded once more.

Kang Tae-han thought for a moment, then opened his mouth.

“Hmm. Grab enough… four days?”

“… … ?”


At Kang Tae-han’s calm words, Park Si-joon made an expression of embarrassment to the extent that he didn’t have to express it verbally.

four days

For Park Si-joon, who once had a three-week maxim period for the recovery of his vocal cords, the time of four days had no choice but to feel absurdly short.

Besides, this isn’t an aphorism, it’s just refraining from talking loudly. Park Si-joon looked blankly at Kang Tae-han and nodded his head with a worried expression.

“Do you have any more questions?”

At Kang Tae-han’s words, Park Si-jun fell into deep thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head. To be honest, I had a lot of questions, but these were questions close to curiosity, and it was a situation where my voice was not heard.

“Right. Then, sleep well and wake up.”

In the meantime, the two hands that were naturally raised on Park Si-joon’s shoulders. Eventually, the middle fingers of both hands gently pressed each acupuncture point.


Park Si-joon fell asleep, and his upper body, which had been raised slightly, collapsed onto the bed.

* * *

An hour has passed since then.

“Hey, why did you come out so late? I can’t even contact you.”

The manager who pulled the car out of the parking lot said to Park Si-joon as if to scold him. He knew the massage time to be thirty minutes.

“What, what if the person who made the reservation doesn’t know?”


“The Cheonma course here originally had an hour of sleep after the massage. I woke up and I knew.”

At Park Si-joon’s words, the manager tilted his head.

“Wake up? Are you talking like you slept without knowing?”

Common sense suggests that unless you’re really tired, it takes quite a while before you fall asleep.

At least you have to lie in bed and wait until you fall asleep. That’s why it doesn’t generally make sense to wake up and find out that you have time to sleep.

“So it’s not surprising. After the massage, when I came to my senses, it was now.”

“That means… Wait a minute.”

The manager, who had been chatting without much thought, only then felt something strange and turned around.

“you… Did your voice come back a lot?”

There is no feeling of being caught in the middle, and there is no gruff tone that pops out from time to time. A1’s voice he originally knew, no, the voice of his younger brother, Park Si-joon.

Park Si-joon burst into laughter at his face, which seemed to be young even from embarrassment.

“When I came to my senses, my neck was also back.”

“Uh ha ha ha! Wow, is it real!”

At that, the manager burst into laughter.

It was a laugh so loud that the car’s interior rang out when he was really in the mood.

“You really worked hard, Sijun! No, was that teacher responsible for the hardships?”

“Brother, look ahead. The green light will turn on soon.”

“Oh yeah. I am driving.”

The manager sat back quietly. Sure enough, as Park Si-joon said, the green light turned on.

“By the way, that’s really cool. How could it change so much in two hours?”

“The massage teacher here… You are real.”

You don’t know exactly what that real thing means.

But I felt it from the middle of getting a massage.

this person is real

It’s different from the suspicious places I’ve been in vain.

“Hey, Sijun. Then will you be able to sing soon?”

“That’s not allowed.”

In response to the excited manager’s words, Park Si-joon spoke in a calm yet determined voice.

“He told me to rest for a while and not make a lot of noise.”

“ah… I guess so. how much?”

“Four days.”

Park Si-joon smiled and said while extending all four fingers except for his thumb. Even after he said it, a smile escaped his lips.

“Four days? really?”

“Yeah, isn’t that ridiculous?”

“Wow… Then the concert was canceled for no reason!”

It’s only four days.

Since he was the manager who watched Park Si-joon’s maxim period from the side, he was well aware of how unconventionally short it was.

“No. If you want to practice again, it was right to reopen the concert later.”

Park Si-jun shakes his head while laughing.

Then, all of a sudden, he was thrilled again.

‘Originally, I couldn’t even dream of a concert.’

It was not too long ago that the decision to cancel the concert was made.

In fact, Park Si-joon knew even before that, that he was not in condition to hold a concert. And that his career as a singer will end here.

Although I’ve sought advice here and there, traveled all over the country with recommendations from people in the industry, and sometimes tried dubious home remedies.

To be honest, I knew it too. The voice doesn’t come back anyway. I can’t just stay still, so I’m just struggling.

“… I can sing again.”

But now I can sing again.

The scheduled concert has been canceled, but it can be held in the future. As a singer, you can face your fans.

The fact that reminded me of it.

Park Si-joon quietly clenched his fists. Perhaps it was because of the multiple memories and complex emotions that came to mind, the clenched fist was trembling slightly.

“… Yes, I will have to go around again.”

The manager who was watching the scene in the rearview mirror.

“Not as a patient, Park Si-joon, but as a singer, A1.”

Park Si-joon nodded slowly, took out a mineral water bottle he had put in the storage compartment in the back seat, and took a sip. Could it be because the condition of the neck has improved? Even passing the lukewarm water over my throat was a special feeling.

* * *

“Ugh… neck.”

Marchesh, the owner of Everton FC and a businessman who runs a large energy company in India.

As he tried to stretch in his seat, he frowned involuntarily at the intense pain that momentarily passed down his neck.

Read at noblemtl. com

Lately, he has often been pleasantly drunk due to Everton FC’s great performance. Originally, I liked singing and dancing, but when I added excitement to it, I started drinking more than usual.

Thanks to Hana, on the contrary, my body got a little sluggish, and this morning, I finally got a dam in my neck.

‘… Should I cut back on my drinking?’

It wasn’t to the point where I had to go to the hospital to get a relaxant, but it was uncomfortable enough. Maybe that’s why, today, a person’s face often comes to mind.

“If there was Master Kang… He would have resolved this kind of phlegm in my neck within 10 seconds.”

Enough will remain.

I want to fly to Korea on a private plane and meet teacher Kang Tae-han… For the time being, that seemed difficult.

‘Why is there so much work?’

When I glanced at the schedule table next to me, every day was filled to the brim. Besides, what project, interview with someone, social gathering with political figures… All of them are big things, so you can’t waste time on your own.

‘I won’t have time to watch soccer at this rate.’

I don’t know if I have to go to Korea for business.

If that’s not the case, it’s probably hard.

While I was thinking like that.

“… Well?”

Suddenly, a document caught his eye.

This time, a project to expand the refinery facility on a large scale.

In order to win the project, companies from all over the world submitted portfolios, and this was a document that filtered out and organized only the important parts of the portfolio.

As the scale of the construction is quite large, prominent candidates caught my eye… Among them, there was something that caught my eye.

“If it is Daecheong Construction… Maybe it was a Korean company?”

Originally, it is necessary to distinguish between public and private life.

It was a marchesi that instantly reminded me of a private desire.

The Heavenly Demon Gives a Massage

The Heavenly Demon Gives a Massage

천마님 안마하신다
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The Heavenly Demon, who returned to modern times, gives a massage


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not work with dark mode