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The Harem Is an Unforgivable Master Chapter 118

118 – Communion of Souls (4)

Aisha knelt down in front of me. She voluntarily took hold of my buttock and caressed it lovingly, as if stroking a baby’s head.

Looking at her anxious eyes, I immediately thought that this is the kind of look she would do when a lover returns from life.

‘Why do you look so familiar?’

I had no intention of doubting her love and chastity, but her doubts did not go away.

While I was puzzled, Aisha put her lips to her sticky tip.

Side! Side!

Twice briefly. I kissed her lovingly and gently stroked her pillars.

– Uhuhu… Tirdo Cha-am… Already so dignified…!

Then she spread her tongue wide and drank without hesitation the clear liquid that leaked from her tip.

Every touch of her little hot tongue made her shudder and suppressed her desire to pull Aisha’s hair.

Lick once, laugh lightly, then lick again.

I even thought, ‘Is it delicious?’ To see how happy he looked.

– Hey, you…

– Ugh! Jjong, ha ha…!

Before I could finish my question, Aisha’s little tongue, soaked in her saliva, began to slip and tuck around my glans.

I was in awe of how he could move his tongue so freely.

I thought that even a snake swimming in the water could not move as magically as I did.

And at that skillful movement, I gnashed my teeth and let out an unsightly moan as I endured the pleasure of burrowing wildly into my head.

The relationship between me and Aisha was reversed in an instant.

Clearly, I had the upper hand until just now. It ended up getting eaten by Aisha, who knelt down and showed her willingness to obey.

But why is he more used to fella than kissing?! What a tongue-in-cheek…!

– You, you! When did this… Keuugh!

– hehehehe… Tyr flinches… Cute! Side!

Because Aisha meticulously licked her glans down, the head of her cock was covered with clear saliva.

She didn’t mind getting her hands dirty and lightly coated her torso with the saliva all the way.

Sooner or later.


Her glans slipped into Aisha’s small mouth.


A completely different feeling of pleasure came over me from when I did it with my tongue, and my chest stopped for a moment.

For me, a virgin, it was an overly stimulating sensation. Aisha’s mouth was hot and wet. I didn’t know what else to say about this feeling.

As if all the rhetoric has disappeared from my head, I even feel that daring to clumsily paint over the pleasure itself is an insult to her love.

– Oops… Oops… Hauu, oops!

Her saliva rubbed against Aisha’s lips and made a groovy rubbing noise. She opened and closed her mouth again and again, moving forward ceaselessly to immerse my cock deeper.

‘I don’t have the jaw to put all of mine in that small mouth.’

Adding a little exaggeration, her face is Aisha the size of a fist. It was impossible to put all of my cock, which was only a hand’s span long, at a cursory glance.

But that worry was unnecessary.

– Ugh, ugh… Ugh…!

– Ugh…! Ah, Aisha, you…!?

Aisha began to forcefully shove my cock into her mouth and beyond her neck. Tears welled up in her eyes as if she was suffering, but Aisha never stopped.

– Ugh, uhhhhh…!

He finally swallowed my cock up to the base and smiled as he looked up at me. It was the smile of a girl seeking praise.

– Woong, chump! Hueungssong, haum, pahaeup…!

After that Ayesha put her hand on my thigh and really did her best to satisfy me.

He pushed her cock in and out of her mouth, actively using her throat and tongue. In the middle of it, she cleverly entangled her tongue and pressed it tightly against her cock, which was a bonus.

It was an intense pleasure that I had never felt before. So really embarrassing.

– Hugueueungup!!?

She barely lasted three minutes and pulled Aisha’s hair as hard as she could to ejaculate her.

– Oops, Uguk, Ooh! Ugh!!

Because I was pushing my stuff deep into her throat, the semen flowed directly into Aisha’s throat.

Every time she let out her piled up lust, Aisha swallowed it over her neck as it poured out in bursts with her eyes tightly closed.

She was about to step back, but Aisha pulled her thighs harder than I did and soaked up my nourishment to the tips of her roots.

– Ugh, hughuh…! Fuha!

Eventually, Aisha pushed her face between my legs, and it wasn’t until her ejaculation stopped that she slowly dropped her face.

Then, as the semen she hadn’t been able to catch trickled down, she quickly reached out her hand and took it out.

– Even though it’s a spirit state… It’s a waste! Heehee~ Tyr ingredient!

Then, with her tongue, she licked the semen on her hand.

OMG! When did Aisha become such a naughty woman!? I-I seem to be happy about that…!

Aisha gulped down every single drop of my semen she had left, then lifted her eyes slightly and let out a smile that melted away.

– How are you, Tyruu…? Are you satisfied?

– Uh… Of course not. It was awesome.

– hehehehe… Thank God!

He grabbed my cock with both hands and rubbed it gently against my cheek. As soon as I touched her warm, soft cheek, my strength surged again.

After all, this…

– Hey.

– Huh?

– Isn’t this your first time?

– Hib!?

Aisha was startled and her shoulders trembled. She did have some snags, too. Will she ever find out how she managed to do it so well?

– Tell me. When and how did you practice?

Although they say this, there is no poison at all. That’s right… Isn’t that Aisha?

She is a woman who has been alone in the ice castle for so long and yet she has never masturbated.

It is a true virginity that is rare in the world.

So I just asked out of curiosity.

But Aisha was violently agitated and shook her body as if she had discovered her secret that should never be revealed. She seems to think I am questioning her chastity.

– Ah, ah, nothing!!

– Because that answer doesn’t match the question?

– Wow…! Don’t talk!

Ayesha turned her head to her side angrily.

But I know. I don’t know you

That’s all acting. It’s the kind of complaint you show when something goes against you.

But Aisha… There’s something you don’t know right now.

I grabbed Aisha by the waist, pulled her up, and put her against the wall to lift her up. When I suddenly lifted her body, Aisha let out a bewildered sound and cast a bewildered look.

– Eh, huh…?

Then, as I lifted myself up to her eye level, Aisha tilted her head in uneasiness. I smiled and took a step closer to Aisha.

Then, with the tip of her cock, she gently rubbed Aisha’s private part, which was covered with a piece of thin cloth.

– If you don’t tell me… Put it in?

At those words, Aisha’s eyes began to shake violently as she stood with her toes barely touching her tiptoes.

Should I consider this a threat? It would be more fatal to Aisha if she said that she would rather not put it in unless she said it. Everyone would think so.

Aisha asked me back with her eyes wide open.

– If you don’t tell me… I’ll eat you… Kkoya?

Look. You’re even smiling and secretly expressing your expectations for me. Now that it’s like this, it’s better not to say anything, so she can get what she wants.

But that was what I also wanted.

‘Whoa… You’ll regret it, Aisha.’

Actually, I said that on purpose. I wanted to feel virtuous pleasure watching Aisha struggle for her pleasure and try to reveal everything on her own.

I’ll make you cry and talk about everything that never happened.

– Don’t regret it.

– Oh, yes!!

Look at me nodding my head vigorously in delight. How much did you want to get that kind of reaction?

Then from now on… I’ll f*ck you however you want.

As she gently put her underwear aside, the liquid that was pooled in it dripped onto the floor.

I cast her gaze at Aisha, who glanced at her, and Aisha turned her head away in denial of her sultry body. That doesn’t mean that it wasn’t something she could see right through her eyes.

From nob le mt l. co m

Moving her waist, she thrust her cock into Aisha’s purity certificate, which kept her virginity.

Tapping Aisha’s most intimate place, her desire…

– Ha ha…!

She rubbed her lightly at the vague border of being placed inside her, and Aisha looked at her lower abdomen and let out a heated sigh.

– Oops, ah… Heh… Hah…

– How is it? Have you thought about saying a little bit?

– Ah, no… Not yet… Oops! There Joe, Johaa…

As soon as I let go of her hand, I felt like I would slip right in and get stuck, so I applied additional torture with violent pleasure to her body with only her lips.

Whenever that happened, Aisha’s lewd body struggled with pleasure. Aisha’s sultry light pink cunt twitched and opened her crotch as if to devour my cock.

I didn’t know if it was because I wasn’t used to accepting a man for the first time, or if I already wanted to bite mine hard, but I could tell that the vaginal walls were tight.

Of course, I also pushed hard on the rigidly erected cock and forcibly squeezed into the flesh wall.

– Huh…? Gee, it’s really coming in, there’s… Ugh!

– Then it’s real. I’ll give you as much taste as you want, so stay calm.

– Ah yes, yes! Haa… Chu, slow down…!

Finally, Aisha’s thin and pure membrane touched my things.

Aisha’s body was full of water as it was an unexplored area that had never accepted men. Both of her thighs and calves are covered in love juice.

200 Years of chastity, a lustful pussy full of water… I’ll take it all!

A sizzle is heard, and Aisha’s pelvis slowly opens to the side. Ayesha had a premonition that something decisive was going to happen to her body, so she squeezed my shoulders and she screamed.

– Tyr! Now, wait a minute, this, oh, uhhhhh…!

– I’ll eat well!

– Oops, haa, keuheueueueu!!


From nob le mt l. co m

My cock went in and through her innocent membrane.

When I moved my gaze down, the fresh blood that symbolized Aisha’s chastity, which had been kept clean, mixed with her love juice and flowed down her cock.

I’ll take Aisha’s first step, and from now on, her body will turn into an obscene body exclusively for me.

I enjoyed it so much that I yanked my cock all the way into her body in one breath. Then Aisha opened her eyes wide and shrank her body.

– Hey!! Ah, it hurts…! Too big, Tyr! All of that doesn’t come…! hehehe…!

– Really?

I felt my cock crushing and I felt the pain, but nonetheless I pulled her body closer and forced myself inside.

Then, at some point, I felt a very slight soft touch at the end.

I licked Aisha’s ear and whispered.

– Can you feel it too? It even reached her womb, Aisha.

– Ah… Uh, ha uh…

– Not sure? Hey, here it is…

Holding her by the sides, I pressed her thumbs to the navel of her navel, the lustful hill my huge prick had created. Then Aisha closed her eyes and hugged me.

– Hey, don’t touch me so naughty…

– What to do with your body?

– Whoa… Whoa, whoa!

I slowly pulled her back, and this time I poked her pussy as hard as I could. Then Aisha started screaming loudly from her pain mixed with pleasure.

– Keuheuheu!! Whoa! Tyr! I’m so, ah, sick! Hag ugh!!

– So what are you going to say?

– Ma, I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you, come on, give me a break!

I gave her a kiss on the lips as she was almost screaming out loud and made her shut up.

– But he refuses.

– hehehehe!!

He began to jerk her piston against her body again furiously.

Pang! Phut!

Her little body bobbed violently up and down, making a loud flesh-to-flesh sound.

Every time I did that, my cock pushed my lower stomach out and down, dynamically repeating.

Then Aisha grabbed my shoulders and leaned against her. Then, as if resenting me, I tapped her on the shoulder with her fist.

– I’ll tell you! So, Joe, just a little bit…! Hey!!

– You don’t like it? I’ll make it louder if you tell me.

– Awesome!!

Aisha bit my shoulder tightly to keep my soul from being washed away by the raging storm. She had no pain. All there was was pleasure.

Aisha’s body, completely entrusted to my movements, moved pathetically like a doll whose threads had been cut.

Her body was really… Lustful and passionate enough to feel pity for all her men who couldn’t hold her.

It seems that dozens of tongues are holding my cock tightly and stimulating it without missing a single part.

This time, instead of easily ejaculating, I clenched my teeth tightly with the determination to fill her body with pleasure.

– Oh my god, you’re so chewy, Aisha!

– That, don’t say that, oops, aang!

Squeeze! Sick!

Every time I stabbed her, the shrieking screams increased, and Aisha and I also heightened our excitement without knowing the end.

– Ug, ah, ah, uhhh! Me, I’m going, keuheu!!

– Me too, Aisha!

– Wrap it up, Tir. My, the guard inside of me, ugh…!

Paang! Fain! Fain!

Driven her stake into her hard three times, releasing her suppressed lust. As her lava-thick semen spurted out, Aisha jerked her back, shaking her body.

– Ugh, uh uh uh uh uh–!!!

Crying, clattering, Aisha’s waist wobbled like a snake stepping on her tail each time her semen spurted into her womb.

Aisha’s small body couldn’t handle all of my circumstances. Her semen flowed down her cock and flowed down her thighs.

Just putting it in made me feel warm and comfortable, so I gently caressed her cheek while still holding my cock in Aisha’s body.

Then Aisha, who was completely exhausted, put her face firmly in my hands and let out a muffled moan.

– Heh, hehehe…! hehehe…! Tyruu, no love…! I, more, more, dwelling…

He rests his chin on my palm and sticks out his tongue like a dog, panting and pleading. To see my dear lover covered and corrupted by her tears of pleasure…

– It’s growing inside again, again… Haang!

How long has it been since he ejaculated?

I grabbed the puzzled Aisha by the waist and held it up.

– I don’t want to finish yet!

– Hague!!

I put my cock back in as hard as it was.

The Harem Is an Unforgivable Master

The Harem Is an Unforgivable Master

하렘은 용서할 수 없는 스승님
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by the game after seeing the true ending of the game that took 5 years to change. It was good that he became a disciple of the continent’s most beautiful and sorceress, the Great Witch of the Cold. “Send me to the academy!!” “If you go, you’ll make a harem! Absolutely not!” Because of this fucking world, I have to set up a harem that I don’t even have in my heart so I can walk on a sweet love story with him… The teacher is a harem crasher.


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