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The Grand Duchess of the North Will Never Fall 17

Chapter 17 – Episode 17. Astrid…!

“Shall we hang out together?”

At Astain’s suggestion, Astrid pondered for a moment.
Can I skip school from the afternoon class on the first day?
Besides, can Astain play the game together?
But more fundamentally, what worries me is the engagement relationship between Leopold and Astrid, which everyone in the know should know about if they come to this academy, and on top of that, they left the training ground leaving the Crown Prince with a twinge of lust, and on top of that, there are no squad members. If someone else sees you spending time with a guy.

But the trouble was short-lived.
What do you know?
Didn’t that bastard proudly declare that he was looking for other candidates for the crown prince even in front of people?

She said, ‘I knew she was a kid, but I didn’t know that she was such a brash kid who had ruined her conception so much.’

Although it was knowledge accumulated through romantic fantasy, Astrid was well aware of how important reputation was in such an aristocratic society.

That’s all she is, and when she’s in the position of a fiancée, not a fiancée, she knows that she needs to care even more. That’s why she endured such unreasonable treatment.

Wolfgang as her father, and Ashley as her younger brother. And, furthermore, she has been holding back so hard that the honor of the Miterien family, which binds them together as a community, will not be harmed.

“The reason I came to the academy was to find a rain that was more suitable for me. If there is a better lady than the Grand Princess of the North, I’m willing to welcome her with my rain.”

Is this what you mean
Astrid couldn’t contain the anger that surged the more she thought about it.

“… I will.”

It was.
The trouble was short-lived.


“Cadet Leopold, you were the cause of the commotion.”

Even though he was virtually defeated by Astrid, Variant was undoubtedly an excellent warrior and professor.

As soon as he entered the class, Astrid’s empty seat caught his eye, and as soon as he saw Leopold sitting right behind him with a sullen expression, Variant noticed what was going on.

“I will not ask for details. Cadet Leopold, are you the cause of Cadet Astrid’s absence?”

Variant’s gaze turned to Leopold.
Leopold stared at the variant as well, but he had no choice but to slowly nod his head.

Because it was true
It’s already spilled water.
It was of no use to regret that I had been careless now.

“What the hell are you thinking, such a fuss from the first day of class? How do you know your father’s honor?”

“… Sorry.”

It is a law to distinguish time and place well, but Leopold reproached himself inwardly.
I’m already a 20-year-old adult, but I don’t know what’s different from a 12-three-year-old kid.

“Go out and find Cadet Astrid. If you don’t come by the end of class, you will be disciplined according to the school’s military law.”

He is still a mere cadet, not an official knight, not even an apprentice knight, but this academy is also a military gate.

As long as there is such a commotion at the military gate, school military law takes precedence.
But more than that, Leopold had to somehow take responsibility for what he had done, so he stood up and left the classroom.

However, even after leaving the classroom, there was no way to know where Astrid might have gone.
It has already been ten minutes since I ran out of the classroom. I’ve been everywhere, but how do I know where it will be?

Leopold looked around with a curious mind.

But, no.
The shiny silver hair, the extraordinarily tall height, and the woman who suits the black uniform.
She was nowhere to be seen.

“Where have you been?”

This isn’t it.
She didn’t mean to be so rude.
Inside, she feels sorry, but nonetheless, good or nice words do not come out of her mouth.

‘Stupid bastard. A fool.’

Even if she rebuked her inwardly, Astrid was nowhere to be seen in front of her eyes.
Even when she came out of the training ground and walked around her, even if she walked for a long time, maybe it was the middle of the training period, and there was not a single student walking around her.

Leopold also did not know the geography of this school, so he was blindly walking towards the restaurant, a street he knew. Perhaps Astrid didn’t know the way, so she thought she might have gone to the restaurant.

“Oh, before Leopold… No, aren’t you even a cadet?”

Silver hair.
Someone spoke to Leopold, who was walking around looking for his silver hair.

A woman with purple bun hair.
She is a young lady whom I have seen several times at prom.
The treasure house of knowledge located in the east, the eldest daughter of Baizik von Jorgien, the owner of the Mage Tower, Emily von Jorgien.
She was also the eldest daughter of the one who developed the unsalted equipment called the Magic Bracelet, which brought the magic knight to where he is today.

“Georgien Young… No, cadet Emily. Long time no see.”

But this is not the time.
Besides, I don’t know why Lady Emily is here, but in fact, it doesn’t matter.
Since Leopold was in a hurry, she tried to say hello and pass by, but Emily grabbed the hem of her sleeve.

“Cadet Leopold, are you looking for Cadet Astrid?”


Since he is also a wizard, could he even read his mind?
To read the hearts of the imperial family, such a reckless… Thinking of that for a while.

“Have you seen it?”

“Rather than seeing… If Cadet Leopold is looking for it in such a hurry, it might be related to her fiancée, Cadet Astrid.”

She was right.
The only problem is that I’m not looking for something good.

“… That’s right, but is there any way to find it?”

“I know where you are.”

A small sparrow flew in and sat on Emily’s shoulder as she smiled.

“Thanks to this child.”

A few grains of rice were placed on Emily’s palm, and the sparrow chirped and gnawed them.

“Where are you?”

At Leopold’s question, which seemed even somewhat urgent, Emily smiled softly.

“I see you’re heading for the west exit. Hmm… “

West exit.
Leopold doesn’t know where it is.

Seeing that figure, her quick-witted Emily smiled lightly.

“I will guide you. Let’s go together. Cadet Leopold, you don’t even know the road, right?”

It was true, so Leopold nodded his head as well.
In any case, the priority now is to find it quickly.

“Then let’s go.”

Following Emily, who took the lead first, Leopold started to move along with her.
It was an afternoon full of bright sunlight.


A large arched iron gate was visible not far away.
At the top of the arch, a large sculpture of a lion was sitting and roaring, exuding the status of the academy as it was.

Astein stretched out her hand and pointed at the iron door that was already wide open.

“That is the west entrance. Squad leader, you don’t know the geography of this place at all.”

“… Isn’t it natural? How would you know the geography of the place you entered yesterday?”

“Aha. But the academy guide also had a map.”

Listening to Astain’s story, it seemed that was the case too.
It looks like there may have been a map.
But when she looked at the guide, she didn’t feel the need to look at such a map.
Since I was only interested in seeing what the curriculum was like, I didn’t care about anything else.

“Still, I am lucky.”

At Astain’s words, Astrid didn’t know what to say.
That Astrid doesn’t know the way, she tells Astain what luck.
Astrid couldn’t understand the correlation between the two.

“What does my not knowing the way have to do with Cadet Astain? I don’t see why you would be lucky.”

Astain looked at Astrid’s face.
Her eyes, which seemed to be closed and open, stared into Astrid’s face, and a faint smile came to mind.

“Because I was able to go on a date like this with the squad leader because he didn’t know the way.”

There are words that can never be skipped.

“Cadet Astain, don’t cross the line.”

Astrid’s mint-colored eyes turned to Astain.
Not that she’s upset, but she has to draw the line beforehand so Astain doesn’t say anything useless.

“It’s a date. If you accept that, I will return from here. You’d better be careful with your words and actions.”

At Astrid’s resolute words, Astain flinched and waved her hand.
Did Astrid not know that she could cut like a knife this far, or was she really joking?

“No, no. I didn’t mean it in that sense. I made a mistake. I’m really sorry.”

As the smile faded from Astein’s face, she lowered her head again.
There was no sense of pretense in her appearance.
If he apologized this far, it would be better to assume that he was sincere, Astrid softened her expression.

‘Was it a little too much… ? Still better than anyone.’

At least in that he knows how to directly apologize for his remarks, he is better than Leopold.

Even with that Leopold, it was something to talk about again.
After his head cooled down, he was still able to judge rationally.
It’s the first day of class, and it’s not a good thing to be skipping like this, anyway, even if Leopold said that, he’s an immature person from the beginning.
Maybe even Leopold would go looking for her because he felt sorry for her now.
Now that the excitement has subsided a bit… Yes I can understand

Astrid stopped walking.
Astein, who was walking with her, looked back at her as her Astrid suddenly stopped.

“Cadet Astain, I’m sorry.”

I have to go back.
Go back and apologize to the instructor.
Even with Leopold, Astrid thought it was something I would have to endure just one more time.

“Go back here-“

But the words didn’t carry on to the end.

“Astrid… !”

A voice that somehow suppressed anger.
When Astrid looked up at her west exit, she saw Leopold in her gaze.
For some reason, his face was flushed red, and for some reason Leopold’s expression of anger was evident.

“Astrid… !”

The honorifics were gone.

The Grand Duchess of the North Will Never Fall

The Grand Duchess of the North Will Never Fall

북부대공녀는 절대 함락되지 않는다
Score 6.3
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
One female leopard even on the bed. That’s Astrid.


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not work with dark mode