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The Fake Hero Is Too Strong Chapter 169

Dinner Party – 3

Instead of answering, Impelium only smiled.

If I go on like this, I think I’m going to skip it again.

I changed the question.

“Let’s talk one by one. How many party members did you have in total?”

“Well… … Four in total if you include me.”

“Impelium, Ardin, and Mr. Serrad here. Who is the other one?”

It was just a simple question to open up.

However, for a moment, the expressions of Impelium and Serrad became cold.

Even I was taken aback by how cruel the faces were.

Serrad opened his mouth.

“Action Oscar. He was the third party member of the Impelium.”

“Serrad, his name is… … .”

“How are you? It’s all gone. Can’t we just keep quiet about what Action has done?”

“… … .”

“okay. I will stop.”

Somehow, I felt like I had to stop.

‘I’d better stick it in my head for now. That Action Oscar’s name.’

Perhaps it was to evoke the atmosphere at that time, Serrad said in a soft voice.

“Aren’t you eating anyway?”

“… … .”

“Anyway, there is a limit to the stories I can tell. Please don’t push too hard.”

“I don’t think so. I didn’t express it clearly, but I’m really grateful for the help you’ve helped so far.”

“Huhu. You have expressed it now.”

I felt the atmosphere relaxed, and I posed another question to the Impelium.

“Can you just tell me this? Velocian seems to have taken Caled.”


“It looked like he was trying to give power to Kayle.”


“Why would he do such a thing?”

Impelium smiled lightly.

“Velocian passed Ardin’s fame to Cald, but there’s still a big gap with you.”

“for a moment. There are some things that I don’t understand.”

I intervened quickly.

“How on earth is it possible to pass on fame?”

“… … .”

“Now, no one on the Continent will praise Kayle? Still, his fame is over 800,000. How can a being who is not welcomed or loved by anyone achieve such a reputation?”

“That’s the scary thing about Velocians.”

Impellium’s face darkened slightly.

“The Velocian has not deceived humans, it has deceived the world itself.”

“… … .”

“Even if no one on the continent recognizes Kayle, the world will recognize Kayle as a ‘recognized hero’.”

“… … .”

“Anyway, he has no interest in how he appears to humans. The important thing is to deceive the world. Most of the lies he made were obtained by deceiving the world rather than deceiving mankind.”

In an instant, something touched me.

Idria has accumulated power by deceiving humans.

A Velocian who obtained power by deceiving the world.

This is not at the level of discussing the strength and weakness of force.

Idria would not be able to resist Velocian in any way.

After thinking for a while, I went back to the main topic.

“Anyway, you mean that the Velocian is handing out power to Kayld? to fill in the gaps.”

“The missing part… … The expression is ambiguous. Kayle cannot turn fame into strength.”

oh In fact, in Jeonji’s eyes, Velocian had said the same thing.

Impellium continued speaking as if asserted.

“Did he look like someone who would give up something precious to him?”

“Absolutely not.”

“okay. His fame is literally nothing but fame. It’s just a number unless you’re determined like you guys.”


“Velocian has to make Kayle strong again from zero. It must be very tedious and difficult work.”

He wiped his lips with a napkin.

“And, as you know, he and Kayle are in a special room.”

“… … .”

“Perhaps the next time Kayle comes out of the special room, he will be in a state of equalization with you. Maybe I can get over it.”

I shook my head, not understanding.

“Why the hell are you helping Kayle even doing that?”

“It’s to help Idria.”

“great. I’ll ask you to correct it. Why is Velocian trying to help Idria? Don’t answer that you care like a real daughter.”

“No way.”

As if hearing a funny joke, Impellium burst into laughter.

However, he soon changed his expression seriously and said.

“Find that out for yourself.”


“There is something more important. I told you a while ago that the Velocian deceived the world… … I don’t think I’ve got a sense of how great it is yet.”

Impelium looked at Serrad.

It’s like asking for an explanation.

Indeed, Serrad opened his mouth.

“Think about it, Maid. This world was made for humans, and it is a place where humans run.”

“It doesn’t feel right, but it seems like that.”

“However, I made Kayld’s reputation, which humans don’t recognize, over 800,000. What… … If it were Kale, it would be ripped off again, but at this point in time, it’s definitely a huge reputation.”

“… … .”

“Don’t you know what this means?”

I quietly closed my eyes and pondered.

Reputation is something that people exalt.

However, by deceiving the world, Velocian gave Caled 800,000 fame regardless of the will of humans.

‘Oh, wait. no way?’

For a moment, my neck tingled.


I fixed my posture.

“Ask me like this. Isn’t the Velocian’s ‘true power’ simply deceiving the world?”


“It is just the result of power that deceives the world, and that his true power is more fundamental.”

“Fufu. Can you tell me what it is?”

I turned my gaze to the party, not the Impelium.

And he opened his mouth as if declaring to everyone.

“To change the laws of the world. That is the real power of Velocian.”

The dinner ended in a surprisingly pleasant atmosphere.

He was quite serious when he heard about Velocian’s true powers, but the tongue-in-cheek dishes and small conversations lightened the mood.

Of course, these words from the Impelium were the most effective.

“Just because he’s a guy doesn’t mean he can dictate all the laws of the world. It’s just a hard way to interfere with some rules.”

“… … .”

“Of course, that was enough to kill me and make Adin a celestial god.”

“Coming out, are you really dead? What world does this banquet hall and cuisine exist in now?”

“that… … .”

“Are you saying that you should make the eyes of Junji bigger and find out for yourself?”

“Now if you pretend, you’re pretending.”

Anyway, the dinner was over.

As soon as she emptied the dessert that Cerrad had brought, her vision suddenly began to blur.

Guess it’s time to go back

“Now that I think about it, it seems like they are thinking about which order to deal with first, Caled, Velocian, or Idria.”


“Hmm. That is entirely up to you to decide, but I will give you one hint.”

“… … .”

“It will take at least three months for the Velocian to develop Kayld’s strength. Well… … To be precise, you can build up your strength quickly, but it will be quite tiring. It will take three months to recover.”

It was pretty good information, but I grumbled in the hopes of digging up a bit more.

“Yeah, so he can get his body out of the special room.”

“no. I can’t do that this time. Sharing the power of the Demon King to humans is also a matter of changing the law. It’s a completely different story from giving power to the same demon king of lies, Idria.”

“… … !”

“You know what I mean? For the next three months, he won’t be able to get out of the special room to recover, so of course he won’t notice the things going on outside the room.”

The smile of the guy who said that was quite meaningful.

It’s like, ‘Do you understand what I mean?’ a smile like

When I was about to say something, Impellium’s words continued first.

“Well, you won’t be able to figure out what’s going on inside the special room instead. No matter how omniscient your eyes are, it’s a very special world.”

“What about your battery’s eyes?”

“I can see it, but I won’t tell you.”

“It’s soo.”

“I do have a bit of that.”

In fact, it’s not that I don’t know because it’s really bad.

Based on my experience so far, he only gave me information that could be found out by ‘the level of the eyes of my battery right now’.

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Maybe it’s not that I didn’t tell you more than that on purpose, but that I couldn’t tell you.

I laughed bitterly.

And looked at Serrad through the blurred vision.

“Cooking was really good.”

“Huhu. Thank you. It is worth the effort.”

“If you don’t mind, could you teach Lissel the recipe?”

Lissel shook her head up and down.

said Serrad.

“It is. As a reward if you save the world.”

Easy conditions.

‘Cause that’s what I’d do anyway

the next morning.

We were heading to the Emperor.

As we boarded the high-end carriage that was politely sent from Alkahad, Xenia said.

“I’m hungry.”

“You always are.”

“yes. Right.”

“You can’t hide it anymore, are you?”

“You know what I mean. The dinner we enjoyed yesterday.”

Xenia asked for additional dishes five times at dinner.

To be honest, when I was about to do the sixth refill, it felt like blood had risen on Serrad’s forehead.

Xenia must have noticed that too and restrained herself.

“These foods are not left in the stomach, are they?”

“yes. When you think about it, it makes sense. It seems that the house in the Impelium has not been physically moved.”

“Where the hell is it?”

Because no one knew the answer, everyone just made a grunt.

Then, Serena changed the topic.

“What shall we do from now on?”

“I need to meet the Emperor.”

“After that. It’s the yard where Velocian wants to raise Kayle.”

“… … .”

“Last night, I finished deciding the order, but what if I broke into the special room and slapped the two of them? To be honest, I think Idria is ‘something like that’ now.”

“… … .”

“Isn’t it better to deal with Velocian, a threat right now, rather than Idria, which can be dealt with at any time?”

Idria’s name deserves to be felt relatively lightly, as she is dealing with a different dimension called Velocian.

But I shook my head.

“I don’t know if we can beat the Velocian yet.”

“Has your reputation grown that much? Not only Mr. Maid, but us too.”

“The Velocian inside the special room was the one who killed even the Impelium.”

“ah. then.”

“okay. I’ll go find Idria first.”

Silence flows inside the carriage.

If you think about it, the beginning of our journey was to kill Idria, the demon king of lies.

Now that it has come to a close, the emotion seems to be new.

That was then.

Neryl said somewhat meaningfully.

“Maid, are you up to something?”


“It’s just that kind of face.”

“You are so great.”

“It’s not like I see you in a day or two. What are you decorating?”

I looked out the window.

Hwangseong looks close.

“I wonder if I can use Idria. We’re dealing with that guy in the basement of the imperial castle.”

“Are you using the Demon King?”


“It won’t happen. Velocian is helping Idria. Of course, because of the separation you made last time, things broke up, but… … .”

Neryl crossed her arms and continued.

“Basically, it’s not the Velocian who helps him. You are the one who wants to kill you.”


“If I had to hold hands, it was very clear which side I would hold. From Idria’s point of view.”

I laughed bitterly.

“If you say that, how did my alienation work?”

“that… … .”

“I plan to create a situation where I have no choice but to cooperate even though I know I will be taken advantage of. I have something to think about.”

Everyone was asking what it was.

However, as the speed of the wagon gradually decreased, it was decided to postpone it until the next time.

The emperor literally welcomed us.

The dignitaries greet us almost on their knees with a long momentum.

At the end stood the emperor.

Instead of sitting on the throne, he lowered his head deeply and said.

“Soldier. heroes. I am so glad that you found me like this.”

Who in the world could receive such respectful respect from the emperor?

As recorded in the history books, I know that even the 3rd generation warriors from the beginning did not receive that level of respect.

Above all, the current emperor himself didn’t use the anti-respect system until just a few days ago.

I said perplexed.

“your majesty. Don’t do this.”

“No, we have to do this.”

“… … .”

“You have surpassed even the Caled Wake, chosen by the Heavenly God. In other words, it means being beyond the authority of God.”

“… … .”

“Something greater than God. Now, even the word hero is not enough to describe you.”

I felt it yesterday too, but I wonder if this is really the dignity of 1.2 million fame.

Of course, it’s not as pleasant as yesterday.

I answered in a clerical manner.

“Thank you for saying that. But for now, I would like to share a practical story rather than hospitality. Only with His Majesty, if possible.”

“Please move. Come this way.”

So we headed to the garden where the emperor guided us.

There is no sign of the guards that I felt last time.

The emperor takes a pose and prepares to hear the story.

I said.

“Today, this place was created at the invitation of Your Majesty. What kind of business do you have?”

“If it is not a problem, I would like to hear the details of this situation.”

“… … .”

“All the priests of the Empire are making a fuss all at once. How humans could slay the divine punishment from the heavenly gods just by believing in you.”

Well, it’s a normal story.

I thought for a moment.

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

My head spins fast

After a while I said to Neryl.

“Prepare the apartment view. Velocian will be locked up in a special room, so we won’t be able to delete the video this time.”

“yes? What kind of video are you going to leave behind?”

“The conversation between me and His Majesty the Emperor from now on.”

Neryl nodded and signed the seal.

I turned my head to the emperor.

“I will tell you the truth. With my current reputation, I would be able to accept all the stories that come out of my mouth without difficulty.”

It’s finally time to reveal the truth to the world.

The Fake Hero Is Too Strong

The Fake Hero Is Too Strong

가짜 용사가 너무 강함
Score 9.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Maid Mohan showing the list of victims of crimes committed by people. The person who committed the most sins, ironically, was the one who was called the hero to save the continent. Rather than seeing a guy like that praised as a hero… “I’d rather do it. Be a Hero.”


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not work with dark mode