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The Emperor of the Night Using the App 157

Chapter 157 – Chapter 157

I was so shocked that my liver was completely worn out, but just in case, I put my hand in the pocket on the inside of my suit jacket, just in case. Then he took out a white envelope from his pocket and put it on the table.

I was so nervous that my actions were very awkward and stiff, but Soo-yeon, who woke up, didn’t feel anything special, so she just silently watched what I was doing.

I turned around slightly to look at Suyeon lying on the hospital bed and opened my mouth.

I was very careful not to tremble in my voice, but I was able to calm my heart at least because I comforted myself that if I was wrong, I could brainwash myself.

“… This. Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake my mother…”

“What happened…… What is the envelope on the table?”

“I forgot to leave it earlier, so I came back in a hurry. I put some money in so that you don’t have any inconvenience while living in the hospital, so I hope you can accept it comfortably.”

“I was afraid that if I handed over the money myself, I would feel the burden on my heart even more, so I secretly came… Minjun-kun is really bad at lying.”

I smiled softly without saying anything. It was fortunate that Soo-yeon misunderstood the way I designed it. It must be because he built up a good image for Soo-yeon. As expected, this is why people’s usual behavior was important.

“To be honest… It’s really burdensome. As far as cash. But I just can’t refuse. My reality is that I have no hospital bills and no living expenses. So… I will receive it gratefully. Min Joon. Of course, I will do my best to pay you back. I will definitely pay it back, even if it means stealing my death insurance money.”

“Mother. Don’t say that Don’t be too burdened. Just think of it as pocket money from your future son-in-law and receive it comfortably.”

“Ho Ho-. How nice then. If it’s Minjun-kun…… You can trust our Saerom and leave it comfortably… I should be able to close my eyes comfortably… “

“…… “

Maybe it was because Saerom was n’t by her side of her, but Soo-yeon showed a weak side that she could n’t show when she had children.

Suyeon looked at me with slightly reddened eyes and gave a warm smile.

Apparently, Soo-yeon had already learned how to laugh when she didn’t want to see others cry.

It was very beautiful, but it looked sad.

“Oh, look at my mind. Maybe my son-in-law came and felt at ease, making strange noises…”

“If you don’t mind a young person like me…… It’s okay to lean on it. Mother.”

“Oh. You can’t do that easily. Min Joon. I feel like I’m going to cry because I’m moved…… Ah! Okay. It’s the first time I receive pocket money from my son-in- law, so I’ll have to record it as a video.”

Soo-yeon lightly clapped her hands, as if trying to get her attention to her, and then she got up and walked towards me. More precisely, she seemed to be walking to reach for the camera on the table.

“Ah, I will give it to you. Stay still.”

“Yes? No. Min Joon. I just want to take my camera. Well, it takes a few steps.”

As Su-yeon said, the movement itself was only a few steps, but she felt a little uneasy seeing Su-yeon, who looked thin and emaciated, walking. She’s not even sure she’s just woke up and she does n’t have a sense of balance yet….

“Aww… !”

As expected, Soo-yeon sprained her foot between the few steps she took on her camera and went back to the hospital bed. His mind her was so strong, but his body her was so sickly.


I carefully watched Soo-yeon, and at a slightly intentional timing, I hugged her.

Pretending to help in a hurry, he hugged Soo-yeon tightly and at the same time gently wrapped the aura of the leader all over his body her. When Soo-yeon’s heart beats in my stronger arms, so that her heart beats a little.

“Oh, mother-. Are you okay?!”

“Ah-…… Yes. It’s okay. Just a little crooked… More than that, Minjun-.”

“Yes, mother.”

“Hey, can you release this… ? Little… I’m out of breath…”

“This-. Sorry. Mother.”

“Oh, no. Min-joon has nothing to be sorry about…… Just me… “


“No. It was nothing.”

Su-yeon said nothing and went back to the hospital bed, but I could see a slight blush on her cheeks.

I don’t know if it’s because she was really suffocated like Su-yeon said, but one thing is for sure, Su-yeon was very conscious of me because of the incident. The awkward air flowing between us and Soo-yeon’s gaze that kept drawing me proved it.

Then, when her eyes started to move toward my lower body her, Soo-yeon sighed and tried not to look at my lower body her. Perhaps at that moment when I was held in my arms of her, I felt the presence of my terrifying object of her.

“Ah-…… That, so… What was I trying to do-……”

“You said you were making a video, but…… “

‘Ah! Video! Min Joon. Maybe that… If you’ll excuse me, would you like to take a video with me?”

“A video… ?”

“Yeah, to be honest, taking videos is my hobby. Our Saerom thinks he’s the only one filming himself with this, but…”

“Ah-. It seems like you love that camera a lot from before…”

When I say a video, I always think of pornography first, so I wondered if the situation would suddenly resolve so easily, but it didn’t seem like that. It was regrettable, but I listened to Soo-yeon’s story without revealing it at all.

I wondered how that old digital camera became a sacred object.

“That’s-. I bought this camera when our Soo-yeon was very young. Ever since I knew I was sick.”


“At first, I was thinking of filming something like a secret to living a good life, but when I actually filmed it, I felt that I had set a goal too grandiose. Come to think of it, I would die before I knew anything about life, and I wonder if that has any meaning… So I just filmed the little things.”

“Anything trivial?”

“Yes. Things I wanted to teach Saerom while living and working. Whether it’s a video of removing ballpoint pen marks from a shirt with a water paste, or the secret of peeling fruit thinly… There are a lot of pictures of just that These days, kids can know everything just by looking at the internet, so it may not mean much, but… Still just…… I thought it would be better to leave my image somehow…”

“… “

“When Saerom finds her mother her later…… Later… Even when she’s not around…… Mom mom. And look for me like a baby… I left it for you to see at that time. Look at our Saerom… I have to leave Saerom first.”

Soo-yeon said, holding back her tears so that her voice would not tremble.

Then, when Saerom’s name her came out of her mouth, the tears she had been holding back flowed from Suyeon’s eyes her. However, she still didn’t make a sound.

Without the slightest hesitation, I reached out and gently wiped away the tears that flowed down Soo-yeon’s bony cheeks to her.

“Where will Saerom leave first? Mother. You have to raise your grandchildren.”

“Ah-… Min, Min-jun…”

“… I’ll be sure to fix it. I can live unconditionally. Just trust me I will definitely cure the disease your mother has. So, until Saerom becomes a world-class idol, he meets a good man, and starts a happy family, mother will never die. Did you know?”

“No-… You shouldn’t say things like that carelessly… I did… Auntie is a human too… It’s hard to hold back from crying……”

“You can cry if you are tired. You don’t have to act like a strong mother in front of me… I will keep it a secret from Saerom.”

Without permission, I patted Soo-yeon on the back and whispered softly.

It was an outrageous appeal and temptation to lean on it as much as you wanted to, and Soo-yeon looked at me and blushed more and more, and in the end, she couldn’t overcome the temptation and fell down on me.

Full body strength, without any tension. Leaving everything in me, Soo-yeon cried in my arms.

Soo-yeon, who had walked steadfastly despite the heavy burden of everything in her life, overcame countless trials and was finally embraced in my arms.

“Ugh-… Haha, shut up haha-…… Ha ha, i’m sorry Min Joon. It’s fine now. Whoa… So it’s okay if you don’t hug me anymore. I’m sorry for bothering you.”

“… “

“Minjoon-kun…… ?”

I stared at Suyeon while holding her in her arms. Suyeon’s pupils and voice her slowly began to tremble, as if she had intuited that what I was sending wasn’t just comforting glances.

“Sleep, wait… Hey, please release this. Min Joon. Because I stopped crying…… “

“They say it’s okay not to be a strong mother in front of me. It wasn’t necessarily consolation. Mr. Suyeon.”

“What, what is that?”

“I really don’t know…? Or are you deliberately pretending not to know?”

“Wait, wait… ! Min Joon. Wait! We… Please don’t do this Minjun is so precious to me now. But why…! Why this way…!”

“… Be honest. Mr. Suyeon. Can’t you feel any rational feelings? Even if I come this close…?”

“Emotions… ! Emotions are not the problem… ! This…! Because this is unforgivable…!”

“Because of Saerom? But what about this I like Suyeon much better than Saerom…”

“Stop! Jang, stop joking around here… ! Eup, ugh… !!”

He lightly and perfectly subdued Soo-yeon, who was struggling desperately, and indulged in Su-yeon’s lips her.

Biting, biting, sucking, inserting tongue to touch teeth, sucking on lips, and eating lewdly and stimulatingly. To the extent that Soo-yeon has never experienced it in her entire life, it is very strong.

“Eup, eup-. Ooh, ooh…!! Oops…!!”

“Chung-. Chuup, Chuup-.”

In fact, as in the case of Hyeji, there was a much easier way to take training under the guise of healing. But my heart wanted this.

I wanted to embrace the poor and pitiful Soo-yeon with a little bit of force. I wanted to pick a flower called suyeon that was hanging on the edge of a rugged cliff with my hands and keep it forever.

I didn’t think of anything about Saerom, I just wanted to see Soo-yeon’s face full of happiness under my cock.

Haha-. Haha-. Stop that! Now please stop please. Min Joon. Because it’s my aunt’s request…!”

“I do not know. Su-yeon kissed her intensely, and she seemed to get hotter like me…”

“No…! It’s absolutely not like that! Stop talking nonsense, please stop… ! Not yet… Because I’m still fine… !”

“That is nonsense. When I hear that, I can’t move on without checking it myself. Mr. Suyeon.”

“What… ! What confirmation… ! Ah, ah… ! Sleep, hold on! No! Please! Oops… !! I’m sorry… !!”


I put my hand on Suyeon’s lower abdomen and ran my middle finger through Suyeon’s pussy to her. I felt a very damp and damp aura on the thin, baggy hospital gown.

“Here. Look here. Mr. Suyeon. Even if you say you hate it so much, you shouldn’t be so wet already. Aren’t you sorry for Saerom?”

“Poetry, Siraut… !! Saerom…! Don’t talk about Saerom…!! Whoa, whoa…!!”

“Well, I’ll think about that when Soo-yeon is honest.”

“Ah-. Ah, ahh…!! Whoa, whoa…!! That stop…!! Nope-. It’s okay, there it is…!!”

As he rubbed the clitoris roughly, Soo-yeon’s cunt twitched and water gushed out. It was so much chewing gum that even the patient’s clothes were wet.

“I already bought it. How long has it been since you felt so good? Or, do you feel this way because the other person is me?”

“Huh-.Haha-. Oh no. Neither…! Haha-. So really stop… ! I told you to stop right away…!”

“That’s too bad. I would have been happy if you had been honest with me.”

“For a moment… ! Awesome! Ah, heh… !! Don’t suck your neck… ! Oops, uhh-. Whoa… !”

As I continued chewing, I buried my head in Suyeon’s nape, opened her lips slightly, and sucked the flesh from Suyeon’s nape like a vacuum cleaner. Then, when he got tired of it, he ate it with his tongue or bit the flesh with his teeth. Soo-yeon turned her head around and tried to avoid my lips her, but to no avail.

While Su-yeon’s mind was focused on the nape of her neck, I took off her hospital gown and underwear with very nimble hands. The patient uniform itself was made so that it was easy to put on and take off, so it wasn’t too difficult.

“Oh… ! Uh, when…!! Min Jun-ah…! Minjun, no!! Please… !! What does an ajumma say about being pretty? A proud kid like you… ! Do not be like this! Please, huh?”

“Originally, pretty ladies are more attractive. It is even more so for a widow whose husband died like Su-yeon. Because like this… It’s because the pussy is not a joke, it’s lewd.”

“Aww, kue… !! Whoa, whoops…!! Oh no. Please. Whoa…! Don’t put it in, don’t put it in…!”


Despite Soo-yeon’s screams her, I inserted my middle finger deep into her cunt her.

Even though the chewing had loosened a lot of her pubic flesh, it was probably because it had been a long time since she had used a spider web, so Suyeon’s pussy was strictly wary of new intruders. Judging by the tightness of her fingers, this was almost like a virgin. Of course, having experienced childbirth, when I put my cock in, it would stretch out incomparably with virgins, but that was exactly what I wanted.

Tight like a virgin, stretch like a slut. In a way, a cobweb pussy after giving birth like Suyeon was perfect for me.

“Ahh, it’s been a while… !! Deep…!! So deep…!! Oops, ha ha-. That stop… ! Stop it…!”

“I like tightening. Mr. Suyeon. Suyeon’s pussy is holding my finger tight and not letting go. I can’t believe it’s the pussy that gave birth to Saerom.”

“Oh… ! Sirra, Sirraet…! Stop… ! Whew…Stop it… !! Ahhhhh… ! While doing this to me, Saerom and Saerom…!”

“Does Saerom know? Now, Soo-yeon keeps tempting me with this vulgar pussy. That her own mother is such a lewd woman.”

“Huh, huh-. Whoops! Oh no! Stop… ! That, stop it… Now… No more… Hehe… ! Whoops, whoops… ! Heh, heh, heh…!!”

The Emperor of the Night Using the App

The Emperor of the Night Using the App

어플쓰는 밤의 황제
Score 7.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[Prostitution] [Buying food] [Catching?] [Hard] [Judge] [Training] [Slave] [Fetish] [Span] Other than not drinking and smoking a lot, a life that can hardly be called a human bastard.


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not work with dark mode