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The Death Knight Became an Escort Knight for the Saintess Chapter 61

60. The Falling Magic Tower


If there is one thing that words and magic have in common, it would be the moment. Just as words have meaning at a specific moment, magic also distorts reality to suit a specific moment. Perhaps, that is why magic requires chanting.

Of course, a wizard would probably lament at this idea, which a bard might agree with. Perhaps that is why, to Saint Esilia, the words of the Master of the Magic Tower sounded almost like an incantation. As soon as she finished speaking, the lights in the room flickered.


A magic circle that shone so intensely from the floor that it distorted vision roared with beams from the front. Ethilia felt the definition of the world as she knew it shifted. Her world, which was represented by solidity and constancy, was melted and distorted in an instant. The colorful sight was just dotted with light and darkness.

The grotesque wriggling sound of a heartbeat turned into a sizzling sound of boiling air, and the stifling smell of stale liquid and old dusty books finally freed itself and sublimated into a faint scent. Her world was changing so rapidly, but there was one thing that didn’t change. And like the world she had known before, it was solid. Her hard and unchanging armor held her.

“Ah…… !”

-Chii Ik…… !

“Hmm… ?”

Magic Tower Lord Travagos saw that Missile StormMissile Storm Magic sucked in all the light, and a distinct shape shimmered in the dull smoke rising without any color. Acting cannot have such a clear shape. Especially if it was a magic that was set to be cast only on intruders.

The question of Travagos was immediately resolved. Her ultramarine arms protruded through her smoke. Only one of her arms protruded, but that small movement dispelled all the smoke that was billowing in the middle of her room.

As a result, Travagos could see a huge body clad in ultramarine armor holding a small woman with one hand as if protecting her. Zerfied could see that the magic was cast only on them without affecting the room.

Seeing that the intruder was unharmed, Travagos burst out laughing at her.

“Hahahahaha-! This is amazing! Originally, the skin should have matured! He’s a durable guy! At this rate, I don’t have to prepare more test subjects, just you alone will suffice!”

That was enough to arouse Travagos’ curiosity. Zerfied was not interested in his curiosity. The Death Knight whispered lowly to the saintess who held her with one hand.

“Esilia, don’t stick your head out.”

Sensing the slightest movement of the lady nodding and flinching in her arms, the Death Knight threw herself at Travagos as it was. It was a rush that made Gongga cry in fear, but Travagos did not move from the spot.

He just raised the corner of his mouth and waved his hand once. Immediately, whips of flame stretched out from the four magic circles that appeared in the air, restraining the Death Knight’s limbs. In the gap between the flames and the armor, a moan of unknown origin roared in all directions. Seeing that the ultramarine armor stopped moving, Travagos quickly looked at him like a wizard. Obviously, he wasn’t wearing the armor until the missile storm magic hit.

‘Then does this mean that this person is also related to magic?’

Who is it? He thought fast. As expected, the first thing that came to mind was the same wizard. Not all wizards support the Mage Tower. Could it be that he intruded under their orders? For the first time, Travagos felt gratitude to the non-magical wizards.

It was like offering a sacrifice to complete the last piece with my own hands. Laughing inwardly at their stupidity, Travagos raised his hand again to neutralize the fully armored one.


“What… ?!”

From noble mtl dot com

At that moment, the armored person moved. The whip of flame lost its power and scattered into the air. There was no trace of soot on the armor. It was only then that Travagos, who had an extraordinary mind like a mage lord, was able to realize.

The crackling sound that came from being wrapped in flames was not the sound of the armor being scorched, but the sound of losing power because the fire magic couldn’t penetrate the armor. And the reason why the navy blue armor stopped was not because he was restrained, but because he was looking at himself for that short time just as he was looking at him.

As the Tower Master thought, the Death Knight had already completed the overall search for Travagos, albeit roughly. The master of the magic tower in front of me did not chant. All the magic he cast was pre-installed in this room.

Then, can Iza be able to cast radish magic like his former contractor Lianer? It was hard for him to think that way, but he’s careful, so there’s nothing wrong with it. He will know for sure if he lets it fall inside the room. Of course, he would be better off if he couldn’t stand the blow and was incapacitated or killed.

The Death Knight swung his left fist wildly towards the master of the Mage Tower. The speed at which his fists surged was instantaneous, but with his experience, the Master of the Magic Tower was barely able to shout the chant.

“Po, force field!”

-Fur Eok!

“Damn it!”

With the sound of gasping, the owner of the mage’s tower was thrown out of the door. Although it was surrounded by a protective shield with a Force field, The power of the ultramarine armor was strong enough that part of the impact was transmitted through it. The Mage Tower owner’s sight rotated.

LivitationLevitate I even thought about casting the spell. Since he was thrown through the railing, he would have surely fallen if the gravity reversalReverse Gravity Had not been being cast in the middle of the tower. The tower master, who had barely managed to keep his balance in the air, calmed down.

“Heo Eok… omg… ! Heo-eok… ! Listo… Ration… !”

Trabagos groaned in pain as if his bones had been severely broken, and managed to gather his mana and cast a restorationRestoration Spell on himself. However, healing was slow.

Trabagos muttered swear words inwardly, thinking that he was envious of the holy power of the clergy who revived even the dying at times like these. At that time, the owner of the mage tower was startled by the sound of a violent charge. I thought I knew why he and the two women were sent. It must have been that he had cast all the magic that non-Matap members could do on a powerful person from the beginning. He hurriedly threw the warningAlarm Magic at random.


A sharp sound echoed throughout the mage tower. Hearing that, the overturned doors on the walls slam open. Several wizards who had already been outside watched as the mage tower bounced off and went up in the air with gravity reversal at the sudden commotion. Message Without a chance to cast magic, he had to shout loudly.

“Intruder! It must have been sent by the non-Matap faction!”

Hearing that, the wizards who came out immediately started memorizing chanting or gathering mana. Travagos saw it and felt relieved. This is the magic tower, and their base. All kinds of advantages are here. He exclaimed in a voice full of joy.

“You must catch on! He is a man of great durability! With just him, it’s complete! It must be offered as a sacrifice to the Master!”

Zerpied looked around sharply. The sound of casting levitation magic or memorizing the next magic chant after completing the casting could be heard from all over the place. Apparently, the master of the magic tower memorized the incantation. If the top lord is like that, then the skills of the others are not to the extent that they have reached martial arts. Having made up his mind, he hurled himself at a nearby wizard who was reciting a levitation chant.


“Oh my gosh-?!”

A male Dwarf wizard who was standing on the railing in front of the door and memorizing the magic of levitation was startled by the suddenly flying ultramarine armor. Before he could say anything, he was grabbed by the neck and thrown into the air.

Unable to cast a levitation spell, he had to taste the feeling of helplessly fluttering leaves. He crashed right into the witch above. His ribs were shattered, and the screams of the two men and women echoed with the impact of completely breaking the bones in his neck.



If you need to memorize the chant, you can make it impossible to memorize the chant. And even though he was not well versed in magic, the Death Knight knew for sure that that scream was not a chant. What had to be done now was clear.

Zerpied threw himself at the wizards and witches who were reciting the chant, and started tossing them at random. In an instant, wizards and witches took their place in the air of the magic tower where reagents and materials were falling upward.


Screams came out of their mouths instead of chanting. The wizards who had already cast levitation magic and were preparing to cast attack magic did not even cast levitation magic, but when they saw their colleagues flying in the air, they were afraid that they would be hit instead. Zerfied threw himself. Of course, levitating wizards were no exception to his targets.

A middle-aged male troll wizard put a sneer on his lips when he saw Zerfied charging close to him.

‘Stupid guy! They’re coming to get caught on their own!’

The troll wizard stretched out his hand. A turbulent flow of magical power rang through the air. Blue lightning flashed from his fingertips.

“Lightning bolt-!”

The magic of the Lightning bolt That shone bright blue rushed straight into the ultramarine armor.

-Paper support – !

He sneered wildly as he watched the lightning devour his armor with a terrifying sound. His unique arrogance as a wizard was buried in his smile. As expected, he is an ignorant person who cannot even calculate magic. No matter how hard he struggles, he can’t reach his fingertips. Those who are not yet ready, no matter how I passed them, I am different.

“K-hahaha-! Ha ha ha… !”

The ultramarine armor raised its arm. The appearance of a knight wearing ultramarine armor, wrapped in blue lightning like another piece of armor, seemed mysterious even to him, who had studied many magics.

And it was strange.

… Something was strange. Obviously, if it was swallowed up by that level of electric shock, it would be normal for the armor to boil with the high heat. Is there an effect that the magic is reversed and nullified on the armor? But then, because of the process, the action would have to be momentarily limited… ?

-Pig support… Now….

He stared blankly at the ultramarine armor that was engulfed in blue lightning. He was still flying towards him. He could tell by looking at the articles coming closer and closer. His own lightning magic couldn’t even pierce his terrifying claws into his armor, and he was struggling helplessly. The lightning, which pathetically crawled across the surface, eventually exhausted itself and scattered into the air.

“Haha… under… under… ?”

The ridicule turned into a laugh. He was a wizard One who explores and calculates the world. So, he couldn’t understand. That which he himself could not calculate, he could not comprehend.

“Gee, crazy! My magic doesn’t work…… ! Keoheouk… !”

It was the will of the troll wizard. He flew through the air with his face caught in Zerfied’s large hand. His thoughts started spinning. The calculations for his levitation magic also began to spin.

The calculation that goes round and round can no longer be called calculation. It’s just scribbles scribbled in my head. With his neck vertebrae completely broken, the troll wizard was finally able to fly by his own power rather than magic.

“Damn it… ! How many wizards are here, but only that one fooled me?!”

Seeing another mage fly into the air, Travagos let out a cry. And he almost vomited blood. He almost opened the wound that had been patched up with the healing magic. It was a wild cry, but it did not contain anger.

It was a surprise. Even the magicians floating in the air were in a confused situation, but they began to realize it with their extraordinary brains. It’s not that the armor has a nullifying effect, it’s just that their magic doesn’t work.

Magicians followed the concept of astonishment taught by the Master of the Tower, just as a disciple followed the teachings of a teacher. The fact that there were things they could not calculate was terrifying to them.

“Fuck, don’t come, don’t come, don’t come!”

They couldn’t do anything when the computational power they were so proud of disappeared. All they could do was fly through the air on their own. The number of those who flew on their own increased even more. As the number increased, they collided with the reagents and materials that fell above them, not with the same wizard. Colorful powders and liquids soared into the air.

“Calm down! There is only one opponent! This is our magic tower! We have an overwhelming advantage!”

Trabagos shouted uncharacteristically. The other wizards were in confusion, so even if he spoke with a message, they couldn’t connect.

“Damn it! Stop everyone!”

Even at that moment, Zerfied was approaching a young dwarf witch. As the ultramarine armor flew at her, her sorceress screamed almost in a fit. Of course, the screams had no power to block the huge ultramarine armor.

Seeing Zer Pied getting closer and closer to her, unconsciously she reached out her hand. And the witch screamed. After passing through the feast of scarlet powder in front of the witch, he finally approached. It was amazingly ornate.

“Fire…… !”

“Wait, no! Stop!”

All Travagos could do was scream. And, as I’ve just experienced countless times before, screaming didn’t help me stop.

“…… Storm-!!”

-Quaguaguaguagwang – !!

A huge storm of flamesFirestorm Engulfed the inside of the mage tower. The flame flicked its tongue frantically and greedily shoved what it saw into its mouth. The first prey was the witch who summoned her.

If the witch had been a bit more rational, she would have known that what was placed in front of her was the powder that served as a catalyst to amplify her flame. However, just as minute differences always cause errors when making her reagents, the fleeting moment swallowed up her life. And the magic tower.

-Koo-goo-gu-gung – !!!

Zerpied, who was within close range of the flame storm, bounced off. After experiencing the upside down of the world several times, he was able to grab hold of a stone protruding from the wall. Falling upwards was quite a difficult experience.

The flame’s greed was truly enormous. It tried to swallow not only the wizards inside the tower, but also the tower itself. The stones that made up the magic tower exploded in all directions to avoid the greed. Some of the stones that could not be avoided had to be put into the stomach and melted away.

“Keuuugh… !”

Trabagos frowned at the frantic tinnitus. He’s doomed because he recognized the situation before it happened and spread a protective shield with a force field, otherwise he would have died himself too. After barely coming to his senses, what he saw was an unbelievable sight.

The upper part of the magic tower that I had seen all my life was completely blown away. He screamed at the fact that what he had dedicated his life to had gone. The middle-aged Mage Tower owner searched for the intruder who gave this division with bloodshot eyes. He was looking for the intruder. Although the problem was that he was another intruder.

“Hey-! Are you okay-?!”

At the familiar voice, Zerpied raised his eyes slightly. She was flying towards the upper part of the magic tower as Serna burst open holding her husband. Seeing him, Serna smiled her grin.

“I was just going to go-! You said you’d show me how to destroy the Magic Tower! These despicable bastards! He didn’t even show me what he promised and just told me to go!”

She eventually let out her uncontrollable laugh and continued.

“Wait a minute-! I’ll pull you up!”

After saying that, the couple dived towards Zerfied. That was the moment.


“What the fuck?!”

Several streams of blue lightning crossed between the two pairs. Serna stunned and looked back.

“Serna-! After all, it was four years! You bought that bastard and sent it to our mage tower-!”

“Fuck… That old man, is he still alive?”

“Serna, first leave that bastard alone, Sir Huchi, and pick up Miss Gemini first! I’m going to be in big trouble!”

When Volt Lee shouted, Serna nodded her head, and she tried to approach the Death Knight and her saint again. She stretched out her hand.

It was then.


Suddenly, her body started to fall. Not up, down. In an instant, the body that had been falling upward was thrust downward. Serna knew. Her gravity reversal magic was removed. Originally, the force of gravity was irresistible, but Zerfied’s body staggered greatly in the direction of the sudden downward gravity. The shock was enough for him to let go of her hand.

“…… !!”

Serna and Voltrie were horrified as they watched Zerfied fall into the darkness in dismay.

From noble mtl dot com

The Death Knight Became an Escort Knight for the Saintess

The Death Knight Became an Escort Knight for the Saintess

데스나이트는 성녀의 호위기사가 되었다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The saintess, who was betrayed by the church she was in, begged a knight to become her escort. To the Death Knight who almost destroyed the world. It is an authentic fantasy, pure love. I hope to give the readers even a little pleasure.


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not work with dark mode