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Returner of the Colosseum Chapter 41


41 . Dawn of Blood (5)

My spear cut Arwen’s throat.


However, Arwen spun at the end and only cut his throat shallowly.

Of course, that alone was fatal.


Arwen covered his neck with a very surprised expression.

I groaned and groaned as if I couldn’t breathe.

In the meantime, I got out of the corner and out.

Then, turning around, threw the spear at Arwen and took out the sword from the inventory.

With only one arm left, there was no need for a spear.


The lightning-infused spear collided with the ice barrier formed in front of Arwen, creating an explosion.


[Parts of the body are severely damaged and physical strength is greatly reduced.]

[Remaining HP: 42%]

It wasn’t the situation I had pictured, but the worst was over.

more space. Now, no matter what kind of magic rained down on her, she could at least dodge it.

It’s not out of danger, though.


[The <Enhanced Blood> effect ends.]

The 30% rise due to the enhancement of blood is over.

The power that overflowed through his body also disappeared.

I could see the dawn breaking in the distance.

There are 3 minutes left.

We have to survive this time somehow.

‘It’s hard to run away.’

If you run at full speed with one arm missing, you’ll lose your balance and you’ll quickly fall.

We have to respond as defensively as possible.

Kwajik- Kwajik- Kwajik-

Raised mana to the last drop.

Then I had the illusion that a thunderbolt was enveloping my whole body.

Sparks exploded all over the body.

But contrary to my expectations that they would attack right away, Arwen was still staggering with his neck wrapped around him.

The blood oozing from the tip of her neck dripped and dripped, staining her pure white robe red.


Arwen suddenly collapses.

‘The airway part was cut!’

Instantly assessing the situation, I rushed towards Arwen.


Then the supreme water elemental, standing exhausted behind her, intercepted me and formed a shield of ice, enveloping herself and Arwen.

It was only natural that he spent mana recklessly driving me here.

The guy gave up the attack and seemed to be trying to prevent his master from dying somehow.

[Time remaining until end of match: 00:02:17]

‘I have to kill you no matter what!’

[Name: Arwen Cerespiro]

[Inclination: Absolute Goodness]

Arwen’s disposition is absolutely good.

Rather than representing a measure of goodness, it can be seen as a propensity to unconditionally follow the standard of goodness set by Arwen himself.

And because he realized that it was to protect the value of good, he must have chased after me to kill me.

like a fanatic.

So, if we meet again someday, the act of trying to kill me will be repeated.

You never know what will happen when they meet again.

So this time I had to kill her.

visor! visor! visor! visor! visor!

However, no matter how much he swung his sword, only scratches remained on the ice barrier, and it did not budge.

[Time remaining until end of match: 00:01:22]

‘f*ck. Please!’



visor! visor!

I swung my sword frantically toward the shield.

f*ck. Unfortunately, one arm was missing, so I couldn’t use my strength properly.

At times like this, the spear is the best, but that doesn’t mean you can’t wield it with one hand.

I continued to hack through my defenses in apnea.

[Time remaining until end of match: 00:00:33]


in a winning match.

Do you have to let go of your opponent like this?

Absolutely could not tolerate it.

I only had 30 seconds left, but I gritted my teeth and swung my sword without giving up.

It was then.


[<Thunderbolt> is activated.]


Flashes of light instantly! Then the ice barrier shattered.

The exploding pieces of ice hit me and made scars here and there.

‘at las!’

When the shield was broken, a top-level water spirit appeared exhausted.

It seemed that he had put all his energy into maintaining the shield.

Seeing that, I jumped into the barrier without hesitation.


Then, the highest level water spirit looked at me and put both hands together with a teary face.

It means don’t kill your master.

[Time remaining until end of match: 00:00:09]

I stared at him for a while, then swung my sword without hesitation.


Arwen’s neck rolled on the floor, spraying blood everywhere.

[You have killed player ‘Arwen’.]

[Your HP is recovered by 1% with <Recovery of Blood> ability.]

[All stats increase by 1% with <Blood Reinforcement> ability. (1/30)]

[The boost is reset if you don’t kill another creature within 3 minutes.]

‘I won.’

I dropped the sword I was holding onto the floor.

No matter how hard I swung it, a thin stream of blood flowed from my palm.

An amazing name called Arwen.

i killed

woo woo woo-

The top-notch water spirit glared at me with fierce eyes, then slowly disappeared.

‘Did you think I would save you?’

Seeing that, I shook my head.

The existence that will be a stumbling block to me.

never save


[The match has ended.]

[Time remaining until the end of the match: 00:00:00]

The end-of-game call that rang just in time.

The short but long game of 72 hours came to an end.

In an instant, the strength in my body went away.

The darkness dissipated in real time, and the dawn of dawn illuminated the dead Arwen.


[Succeeded in surviving until the end of the match!]

[‘Ren’ wins!]

[Basic salary x 1 victory allowance will be paid.]

[Bonuses are set according to the number of kills.]

[1st. ‘Ren’ 388 kills]

[2nd place. ‘Victor’ 146 kills]

[3rd place. ‘Peanut’ 102 kills]

[4th place. ‘Han So-ho’ 101 kills]

[5th place. ‘Tari’ 79 kills]

[Number of kills – 388 kills]

[Amazing achievement!]

[You recorded an overwhelming number of kills!]

[You receive an additional bonus.]

[Since you achieved 388 kills, you will receive a bonus of 3 times your base salary.]

[Since you achieved the overwhelming number of kills, you will receive an additional 20,000 P bonus.]

‘They really did kill a lot.’

It was almost three times the number of kills from Victor, who was in second place.

While wandering around, the rankings from 3rd to 5th were all changed.

[The co-main event of the lower league-Blood Knight 200 ends.]

[I received 93,100 P as fight money. (Team ‘Fighting’ fee deducted 39,900 P)]

[Basic salary +5,000 P / Victory bonus +5,000 P / Additional bonus +35,000 P / Submission allowance +88,000 P / Fee -39,900 P]

My mouth dropped open without even realizing it.

93,000 points even after fees?

The points I had before were 86,000 points.

Even if I put all of that together, I couldn’t earn more than this one game.

‘Sinoel, thank you.’

The submission relay that started with Sinoel.

Thanks to that, I hit a huge jackpot.

[From the next game, the base salary will be set at 10,000 P.]

[Go to your team’s farm. You did a really good job.]

A bloody smell unsuitable for a grassy forest.

A melting ice barrier.

The dawn of dawn shining above it.

Leaving all of that behind, I entrusted myself to the white light that enveloped me.

It was time to go home.


As the gate opened and I took a step, I saw countless people waiting for me.

Aserian, Joo Chang-beom, Luciano, Zig, Jace, Lee Se-yeon, 16 new recruits and 3 employees.

Everyone was waiting for me.

From noble mtl dot com

Joo Chang-beom, who smiled broadly at my appearance, paused for a moment and looked at me with a blank expression.

No, I looked at the part of my arm that had been cut off.

“Tongue, older brother… arms…”

“Ah, this. It was cut out in the arena.”

I said it as if it didn’t matter.

Because everything will get better anyway.

Shara la la la-

From noble mtl dot com

Just in time, a lot of powder appeared from somewhere and rushed to my left arm.

The gathered powders disappeared forming my left arm, which soon exploded.


[Recovers all statuses to 100%.]

I carefully moved my new left arm.

smooth movement. There was nothing to hang on to.


Well made.

Only then did everyone greet me with a sigh of relief.

“You worked hard this match too, hyung!”

“I knew you would come back alive. Thank you for your hard work, Ahn Woo-jin.”

I responded to their hospitality with a slight smile, brushed off my new arm, and walked towards Aserian.


Apparently, even when he passed through the gate, he looked restless with a pale face and biting his nails.

In the moment the arm was formed, Aserian changed to his usual appearance.

She looked at me and smiled.

“Welcome, Ahn Woo-jin. You worked hard today. I enjoyed watching this game too!”

And a calming voice followed.

‘Did I see it wrong?’

It was just like that momentarily.

However, judging from the fact that the four rooms, especially Luciano, were staring at Aserian with their mouths open, it seemed that I was not mistaken.

“Ah, yes. This match was not easy.”

“I was surprised to see it too. I didn’t even know that such a huge monster entered the lower leagues. Oh, it’s not like this, let’s go to the restaurant first. I have prepared a party for you.”

As I headed to the restaurant following Aserian, a familiar smell pierced my nose.


“It’s pork belly.”

I felt welcome.

Because it’s been a long time since I’ve seen food.

It seemed that Aserian, who knew that I was from Earth, was considerate of me and ordered Lee Se-yeon to eat at a party on Earth.

“brother? How do you know pork belly?”

From noble mtl dot com

Joo Chang-beom tilted his head and asked if he had heard my self-talk.

“Ah, I’m from Earth too. Korean like Changbeom Joo.”

“yes? Are you Korean?”

“what? Ahn Woo-jin is from Earth?”

Chang-beom Joo opened his mouth in amazement, and the other four rooms also looked surprised.

Among them, Luciano looked especially surprised.

“What did you do before entering the Colosseum?”

“Oh, I was a merchant too. Like Luciano-sama.”


For a moment, silence fell over the party that should have been loud and lively.

The fact that I was from Earth, and the fact that I was in a non-combat occupation, made a very big impact.


I don’t know about it from the audience, but I had no intention of hiding it from the players on my team.

It was just that there was no place to talk with them outside of training.

Strangely, even Joo Chang-beom, who was kind enough, never asked me about my past.

That’s why I didn’t even bother to talk about it first.

“Hyung, then, did you also hold a spear for the first time after entering the Colosseum?”

“yes. Like you, I learned everything from one to ten here.”

Then everyone looked at me with envious eyes.

Well, I thought I knew roughly what it would feel like.

So I couldn’t help but say this.

“You too can become stronger if you train without giving up like you do now. Isn’t that living witness here?”

“Oh, yes! I will do my best!”

“I will never give up!”

My words sparked fire in everyone’s eyes.

In fact, there are things that can’t be done through hard work alone.

Even so, if you don’t give up, there will definitely be good results.

Because I also did not give up, I was able to come back and stand here again.

‘Not bad.’

Aserian looks at me with eyes of trust.

And the new players and new players who reflect on their new resolutions.

At the pork belly party that started like that, the laughter didn’t stop.


[I received 7,000 P as a ‘Performance of the Blood’ bonus. (Team ‘Fight’ fee deducted 3,000 P)]

[I received 7,000 P as a ‘Fight of the Blood’ bonus. (Team ‘Fight’ fee deducted 3,000 P)]

In addition, to the selection of pooble and paoble.

It was a night full of pleasant things in many ways.

after the party.

After returning to my room and lying down on the bed, I opened a community for the first time in a while.

To be honest, I was curious about the reaction to this game.

That’s how I entered the community and saw the posts posted.

‘What, what?’

―A confrontation between swords and spirit magic. But the main character was different.

-A battle between stars. A new star is born in it.

– They said there was nothing to eat at the rumored feast. uh huh why are you out there

Countless posts.

It was almost runaway.

But they were all about one person.

It’s ‘Ren’.

That is, these were my words.

└ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ Where are you all going to see Ren?

└ Please drop the above comment. Everyone was embarrassed and shamed them.

└ Really crazy. In this match, there was nothing to say even if we took both Pooble and Pooble.

└ The reason why he is really good is that he is strong, and he has a good strategy. Pretend to run away, kill everyone else, eat the number one kill, and go to the last minute to fight. If it wasn’t like that, I thought both teams would fall in the beginning.

└Spring at the last minute? Arwen’s head fell off hahahahaha The cubs biting and sucking the elf must have been shocked hahahahaha

All comments are just mine.

Dawn of Blood made me a star player at once, to the extent that my efforts to make my name known little by little and the achievements I had accumulated so far were colorless.

This seemed to be the ripple effect of the name battle.

‘What is this again?’

└ The number of kills Ren took while walking around is 388. Only five of them had to swing the spear more than once. In short, 383 people were one-shot, one-kill, which is a whopping 98% probability. No creature has ever shown such an overwhelming success rate. This means that Ren, beyond simply fighting well, has hunting instincts like the Tigers.

└ This is definitely a name! just hiding

└ But when I explain Ren’s characteristics to my teammates and ask them, they all say they don’t know. Where the hell is he from?

└aaa I’m going to search. If anyone knows, please let me know. Who has the team fighting spirit?

└ Aserian, who was promoted from a left angel to a low-ranking god a while ago.

I knew it for the first time even though I was living the 2nd episode.

The gods are getting promoted from angels.

When I imagined Aserian when he was an angel, I smiled.

He probably didn’t know it, but because he was a very meticulous and passionate A-class angel, he must have received a lot of love from the god in charge.

by the way.

‘Everyone seems to be curious about where I am from.’

Then, the star battle was even more awaited.

If that’s when it becomes known that I’m from Earth.

What kind of reactions will you see then?

You may not know it, but it will bring up a huge issue.

‘The first name born on Earth.’

And that issue will make me even more famous.

The moment that happens, the base salary will rise horribly.

The weakest system, Earth.

And the star battle.

There, I will show you which star system I am.

Returner of the Colosseum

Returner of the Colosseum

콜로세움의 회귀자
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Ahn Woo-jin, who has risen to the upper league of the Colosseum as a blind man. Then he goes back to the day he first entered the Colosseum. To the day when both eyes were seen again.


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not work with dark mode