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Retired Hero Wants To Sleep Chapter 28

Mission No.2 Tower of Seal (07)


“… Yes?”

Pe Diem gave her a quick nod.

“We will take care of Sister Geresbek’s case within today.”

“You promised, High Priestess?”

“I swear.”

“… All right.”

The head priest, whom he thought was a bandit, left the room as suddenly as he had entered.

“What do you mean, that?”

Intrigued by the priest’s voice, Balt pointed his finger at the door and asked a question, and Pe Diem answered with a serious face.

“Let the saint take you.”

“… What?”

You are in such a hurry. Moreover, Ewald’s expression went cold due to the dialect that burst out of nowhere.

“Sir, didn’t you say that the army needed a priest? I have a good baby.”

“… I feel my heart shrink whenever you use dialect.”

“Oh, okay, are you going to take it or not? Decide.”

“… Hey, even if you get a puppy, don’t you have to look at it?”

Pe Diem shook his head resolutely.

“There is no time. Decide now.”

“Let’s look around and decide. What are you in such a hurry for?”

“You are in a hurry, too. That’s great.”

“It’s urgent, but…”

“Yes? Are you in a hurry? Because you take me A good sister.”

“… I don’t like the lady. There are already many in the unit.”

“Good. Rather than spending it swarming with males, it puts my mind at ease. Then I will take you.”

“Hey, I haven’t decided yet.”

Peddiem, arms crossed, straightened his back.

“There is no priest to give unless it is Gya. It’s dismissal. He said he would go back.”

“… Hey man No matter how much it is, I was just listening to the conversation, but suddenly saw me and took me? How do I know what kind of friend he is and take him away?”

“Ahh, as people live, they slowly get to know each other and live for the fun. Now, what fun would it be if you knew everything and took them away?”

“… Do you have any skills?”

“Hey, are you ignoring the Valkier Priest right now? The priest in the Great Hall. If you ask me if I have any skills, I’ll be sarcastic.”

But Ewald did not answer. It is too suspicious to be awarded.

“Reel? Shouldn’t there be an answer?”

“Think about it for a moment.”

“Where is the time now to worry? Do you have a lot of free time? Did you have a decision paralysis while you couldn’t see it? You don’t need anything, just decide in five cells. Five.”

“Hey man!”


I keep feeling like I’ve bitten some rotten bait. I covet the priest, but I don’t think I’m going to buy it without even looking at it…


“Where did I miss the three… !”


“Okay! I’ll take you!”


Pe Diem stood up, shaking his hands, with a sinister smile on his face.

“Aye, my lord. I got a good priest, now. I don’t have enough Aggs. He is the one with the best potential in our Daeshinjeon.”

“It’s done.”

Ewald stroked Usbel’s head and made a fierce expression.

“Let’s go pick it up.”

“Ahhh, I’m really hot, so I like the castle.”

* * *

In a somewhat calm atmosphere, High Priestess Pe Diem walked gracefully through the maze-like temple buildings with solemn steps. The prayer room is mainly made up of a separate building, and the Valkier Priest was said to be there.

“You became hateful while I couldn’t see you?”

“Heh heh, what are you saying to God’s staff, Commander Ebalt? It’s disgusting.”

“A wild, disgusting bastard. Your original personality, aren’t the others?”

“I don’t live so carelessly as to be caught. Heh heh heh.”

Ewald, offended by Peddiem’s ​​giggle, started to tsk and scratch his head.

“Noisy, give me some information about that lady.”

“Oh, are you talking about Sister Geresbek?”

Peddiem carefully put his back on his back.

“Well, I don’t know where to start explaining…”

“… Please speak in your normal tone. Please. I will die.”


Peddiem, who cleared his throat just once, skillfully opened his mouth.

“Just go Bosch. It’s hard for me to explain either.”

“… You bastard, really…”

“You’re just an unusual sister, unusual, unusual. It’s very special.”

“Are you anxious?”

From noble mtl dot com

But the expression that immediately appeared on Pe Diem’s ​​face made Ewald goosebumps all over him.

You’ve been hurt less, that’s just the look on your face.

“Only with this?”

“… What else is there?”

“A lot.”

Peddiem grinned.

“Ah, a lot of weeks.”

“… Hey, even the kids I’m with right now have enough trouble.”

“Is that because of your brother?”

Done. Ewald shut his mouth.

“By the way, my older brother is also very dull.”

“… What else do you want to talk about?”

“You should have noticed when I said Geresbek.”


Was he a last name he knew?

“Your old man’s last name is Geresbek. Patrick Geresbeck.”


Former high priest?

“Is that the old man’s daughter?”

“… If he was the age of the old man, he would be his granddaughter. It has been over 20 years since he died.”

“Is that young lady the old man’s granddaughter?”

“Yes. That’s why one divine power is enormous. It’s amazing. I think you’ll be stronger than me for a moment.”

To say he was momentarily stronger than this insane priest. Ebalt involuntarily opened his mouth slightly.

“Is that enough?”

“Of course. Have you ever seen me lie?”

“… You’re cheating.”

“Ah, that’s just adding some seasoning. It’s not a lie.”

“… Hey, aren’t you being too rough-and-tumble?”

“That’s right, brother. It’s a priestly quality. The priest who listens feels bad.”

“Ah, you human.”

“Anyway, they all came.”

The penance room in the corner of the temple opened up in front of them. There were almost ten penance rooms arranged like rows of cells.

“Are you here?”

“Was it number 7? Do you think there are people?”

7 times. The two approached the seventh penance room.

“I beg your pardon.”

It looks like someone is inside. A thick male voice came from outside the penitentiary.

“Let’s wait a bit first, bro. I don’t talk to you during penitence. It’s polite, polite.”

“I know that much, man.”

“Hey, is that so?”

Peddiem started to giggle, and this time he heard a young woman’s sullen voice from behind the penance room.

“Oh yeah? Okay.”

“This sinner begs forgiveness from Lord Valkier.”


“The grace of the merciful Valkier…”

“Then let’s pray together.”

“Yes, priest.”

Immediately after that, a sonorous voice broke through the walls of the penance room.

“Valquier, who is full of love and is in the high sky! Hi-goo-oh!”


“Save this bastard.”

Ewald doubted his ears.

“I think it will be the end if this human just makes a mistake and goes back, so he trembles this sh*t here. Isn’t this right, Valquier-sama? If you commit a crime, you have to pay for it even if your sin is forgiven, and you are trembling with this plague thinking that you won the privilege to commit any crime. What kind of bullsh*t is this? There is only a verse in the scriptures that says that sins are forgiven, but where the hell is it written that the punishment for sins is written? However, this conceptless human being is doing it to get rid of the punishment. That’s crazy right It’s not dyslexia, it’s just that he wears his eyes as decoration Are you going to take it and play marbles? If you don’t need it, give it to the blind. I don’t know why you’re sitting there hanging on to it. No, Valkier-sama is a bit like that, so give the poor blind man some of the eyes that would go back to a human like that when he was born in the first place. It’s a waste. If you give me one, the two of you will see.”

It’s hot. Ewald had a hard time imagining what the situation was, and Peddiem smiled with a sh*tty smile.

“And the chattering voice said he chose to commit a small sin between a big sin and a small sin. This crazy Pooping is dirty, peeing is fragrant. Just don’t sin, the rat ate your brain. I don’t really understand what kind of crazy priestly preaching sermons are coming and barking this dog. He said he would forgive these guys, so I’ll bear with it. You are amazing. You are really great. Please forgive me and this human scum who live and breathe thanks to the bottomless love and devotion to that human being.”

“Hey, you bastard!”

… The man exploded

But either way, the woman’s prayers continued.

“Even the temperament is nasty. However, Valkier-sama, who loves this gutter-like life, I will tell you one by one what this human being said as a penitent. I hate to say it, but I’m a priest too, right? Let’s be patient for a little while.”

“Hey! You come out Come out, man!”

“This horny human has cheated on me again. Why ‘again’? I remember people’s voices well. As Valkier-nim knows, this bastard doesn’t do this just once or twice. It’s only the third I’ve heard. I won’t do that every time, I’m sorry, I beg your forgiveness, I’m teasing you for a mortal sin. . Thank you for not making goja. But if I don’t make that eunuch, I’ll be damned again. Why don’t you cut it off this time?”

Whether this was a prayer or a curse, Ewald had a hard time telling.

“Anyway, this human should really live with gratitude for the rest of his life. He is such a man that it is surprising that he did not get run over by a wagon as he passed by, but Val Kier is truly an Arrow. Be very kind. Then, while you are benevolent, please plant some of that benevolence into the head of this youngster. It’s not some kind of goldfish, and I forget it after three days. Is this human memory or fish? Is he a man who devotes most of his brain capacity to s*xual desire? He did not give wisdom to every human being, but some in moderation. It’s strange that you remember the name. Is he the kind of person who, once in heat, erases such things from his head? Then let’s castrate it, this time. It is said that the rats are also removed in the sweet seaweed. Yes? Oh, is it a bull horn?”

What else is this opportunity?

“Hey! Hey! Poetry X! You and me! Come out!”

“I would like to thank you once again on behalf of the garbage shaker with the mop in his mouth. Every time I see people like this, I kneel down at your kindness. How do you afford it all? If I have a chance to see you after I die, let’s talk over a drink. I have a lot to say.”

“Yes, you b*tch! Let me see you! Come out! Come out!”

“I used to do it, but now I even get in the way of praying. This incompetent person… I’ll just say human. First of all, it looks like a human being because it has limbs and walks on two legs. Well, it’s like a monkey in heat, but it’s different when people see people as people. Anyway, I pray for this man. Please make this human a little more human. How long are you going to live with that sh*t? Valkier-nim, who puts up with it and loves it, is also very amazing. Let’s have a drink the next time we see each other.”

Ewald opened his mouth in a whisper.

“Isn’t that blasphemy?”

“It’s not blasphemy, bro. Are you the Valquier of Mercy and Forgiveness? Heh heh heh.”

It was such a gracious prayer that even Ewald thought of wanting to have a drink with Valkier if the opportunity arose.

“That lady, her personality is exactly my style…”

“… Your taste is very unique.”

“Anyway, can I pray like that?”

“Faith is personal, brother.”

“… Did you cross the line?”

“Because evaluation is done by Valkier-nim. People shouldn’t condemn people.”

The priestess’s prayers ran toward the end, leaving behind the two men’s jokes and abusive penitents.

“Valquier-sama, who is full of love and kindness, I intercede again for a human being who would not be satisfied even if he lay upright for three days and nights and only hit the crotch. I hope that Georgeda exploded something with the club, and if it is possible, I would be relieved if both of them exploded. Please cover the girls who have been hurt because of that human, and if it’s the same thing, it’ll just make the chest plate and the back plate indistinguishable…”

The prayer, which had stopped talking for a moment, continued quietly again.

“No. Just figure it out. What do I even care about? Still, please be merciful and try to live. Still, wouldn’t you have to be alive to do something like repentance? Some donations are also coming in. Oh, come to think of it, collections, no, offerings are a little less collected this month, so I would be very grateful if you could bless the heads of the believers so that people can donate a little more, so that they can increase their profits. I’m not going to use it all, but you know how hard it is to live without money, right? I get tired when my reward is overdue this month.”

Peddiem coughed.

“Uh hmm!”

“Oh, who is listening? I’ll tell you about that later, so please listen to it then.”

What a great prayer.

“I pray one last time for the humans who will not be enough even if I chew them to death. Still, please have pity on this human being, and at the same time, please have pity on me too. I want to die today too. Anyway, anyway, I would be very grateful if you would forgive us for all our sins and have mercy on us who live in pain every day without rebuking because it is a prayer with repeated words.”

Would you appreciate it?

“I prayed for a while in honor of the name of Valkier, whose love, grace, glory, and honor will shine forever and ever.”

“Come out! Come out, you b*tch!”

“Shut up and get out of here. The prayer is over. Our next business hours will be at noon tomorrow. Goodbye.”


“So, live without committing sins, baby goldfish.”

Peddiem lightly pokes Ewald’s side as he smiles bitterly. Then Pe Diem, who moved his head and sighed at his chin. I mean let’s go.

Ewald followed Pediem and arrived at the back of the penitentiary, at the doorway where the priests came and went.

And what I found there

“… Ambassador?”

It was a pretty bullsh*t smoking a cigarette and squeezing his arrogance.

Retired Hero Wants To Sleep

Retired Hero Wants To Sleep

은퇴용사는 잠들고 싶다
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A comic continental epic unfolded by Ewald Kitsuka, the continent’s best magic swordsman who sealed the rare demon king to himself.


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not work with dark mode