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Reincarnated User Manual Chapter 217

217 – My name is…(2)

An unexplored ridge with endless sheer cliffs, located among the mountains in the western part of the continent.

There were people who lived with cutlery from birth.

Sileiia, a wandering people.

They originally lived at the foot of a mountain in the northern part of the continent, but eventually they ended up in such a rough place.

I don’t know why. Long ago, there seemed to have been talk about it being better to move to a warmer place to avoid the ravages of war, but in today’s era, no one remembers such old things.

The same was true for Daejangro, the leader of the nation.


Firecrackers decorate the night sky. In the colony of Sileia, a festival was being held to commemorate the great cause.

Everyone gathered in small groups, shared food, and drank from sacks of alcohol stored in the warehouse.

It looks different from the empire that is probably in turmoil right now. [Elder Gaijin] was very proud of the village that had taken on an ideal appearance.

Meanwhile, I saw the shape of a person hurriedly running from afar.

Gaijin concentrated his consciousness. Who on earth is the author, rushing around without enjoying the festival?

He sent someone to try to find out his identity, but Gaijin found out who the author was, whether he liked it or not.

“Who is this? Isn’t he the proud champion of the nation?”

Gaijin welcomed the ‘secret’ who quickly climbed up to the pavilion located on the mountainside.

hehehehe. The emissary was so busy that he was too busy catching his breath to show any courtesy despite the elder’s welcome.

“Couldn’t you have taken it easy? Come here and quench your thirst.”

“…thank you.”

After drinking the alcohol he was given, the secret agent took a breath and took out the letter.

“What is this?”

“An official letter has been sent to each knightly order saying that the new emperor will reduce the borders. Here is a copy of that official letter.”

Gaijin listened to the secret agent’s words and opened the letter.

The content was simple.

[In the future, the duration of the expedition will be significantly shortened, and the Macal Mountains will not become a border. The empire will act for the people first and will not make any further sacrifices.]


Gaijin burst out laughing.

I heard that the new emperor pursued peace and prosperity at the same time, but he changed his mind just because he was beaten once.

“If this happens, demonic beasts will definitely come to the continent. Are you saying the empire is trying to cut itself off?”

“It’s strange. If that happens, people who don’t live in the city will definitely suffer as well…”

“hahahaha. The new emperor is truly a fool.”

Gaijin was reminded of the previous emperor, [Iron-Blooded Franz].

A terrible man who wanted to find and kill all the warriors who had accomplished a great feat, and if he could not kill them, he would send more troops to kill them…

But this time, the emperor was not only opposing his father, but was responding in a way that was completely incomprehensible.

“Do you really think that our people will be in trouble because of demonic beasts?”

“…You’re joking too far.”


Gaijin exhaled sharp energy and pulverized the letter.

If the people of Sileia do not become warriors, they die. Therefore, most of the adults in the tribe are top-notch experts who know how to unleash strength. The only exceptions to this were the families we welcomed from the ‘outside’.

Gaijin wasn’t even worried that the tribe’s warriors would be in trouble because he was just a magical beast.

“Let’s see if we can stop the great work ahead with this cowardly attitude. Paper, pencil, and ink.”

Nine people hiding in the shadows held out a box containing brushes and paper. Gaijin wrote a new letter to send to his daughter, who was currently away from the village.

“This is a letter and slip addressed to the princess.”


“This time, take it easy. We are holding the sword, so all you have to do is swing it.”

When Gaijin saw the polite emissary leave, he thought of his daughter who was living abroad.

A child with talent that surpasses himself, who is said to be the best gem.

Even though it exceeded the stipulated limit, the power it released was extremely calm and clear, and it possessed such outstanding military power that no one among the dozens of warriors emitting power could match it.

From what I heard, Hugo Prien was getting older and not as good as he used to be. In that case, this will be the one holding the sword hilt in the end.

I heard that Hugo Prien had children, but Gaijin wasn’t worried at all. It was clear that the flowers in the greenhouse would not be a match for Yoru, who had experienced numerous battles.

However, I keep one small spark in my heart.

“…If it’s not the Sword Demon.”

Sword Demon.

A name given to Glenn Frien by Gaijin at will.

Gaijin recalled a man he had encountered in his younger days.

-You… still need to be kept alive.

A man like a mirage.

Even though I searched for 20 years to meet the man who could not be considered a human being, I could not even hear his name.

However, a mirage is not an illusion or a lie. The entity exists somewhere on the continent.

The man held his arm as if to ask me to remember his name, so even today, 20 years later, I was able to remember his name.

“……Glen Frien will not be able to escape the passage of time.”

Gaijin stroked the severed area starting from his left shoulder.


“No matter how many times I say thank you to you, it’s never enough.”

Victor, sitting on the throne, smiled and said. However, perhaps because something big had happened, the smile on the face of a friend I hadn’t seen in a while couldn’t hide the sadness.

Siron answered without smiling.

“Of course I have to do it. No need to say thank you.”

“No, I have to say thank you.”

“I don’t need it.”

“Thanks to you, we were able to take quick action. Powerful people from each country didn’t die in the empire, and thanks to that, bullsh*t that the empire had neglected the chaos of neighboring countries by responding poorly could not come out.”

“…I can’t believe that such bullsh*t will come out.”

“It’s happened a few times in the past.”


“If you really want me to lick your feet, I can lick them… don’t you think so?”

Siron responded by taking a step back from the throne. Viktor, feeling deep regret, pretended to be fatal for no reason.

“I’m kidding.”

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“Didn’t I tell you not to joke like that? Why do you keep making fun of me? Do you enjoy making fun of me that much?”

It is a word that is shallow yet conveys a strong will. Victor was relieved to see Siron treating him as before, even though he had become emperor.

“Because we’re friends.”

Victor got up from the throne and approached Siron. Since there was no one else in this throne room other than Siron and herself, she had to go through the trouble of moving her feet herself.

“If you need money, just tell me. If you need land, just tell me. I can give you anything you want.”

“It’s hard to manage a fiefdom, and I’ve just finished paying off my debt.”

Siron turned his eyes away from his gluteus maximus muscles, which were naturally straining, and stared at Viktor.

“Then what do you want?”

The man who wanted to beat up said playfully. They say that a place changes a person, but now that it’s just the two of them, they are dignified and naughty and joke around like before.

“Didn’t you come here because you wanted something? You don’t know how surprised I was that you came to me this early in the morning without me calling you.”

“I’m here to get some answers.”

Siron said, loosening his clenched fists.

“This official document. Did you take the initiative to issue it?”

“Why? Are you surprised? I did it right.”

Victor answered without avoiding Siron’s eyes. Perhaps thanks to the moonlight streaming in from the window, the face I always thought of as trustworthy looked even more handsome.

“If you came here to stop that, it’s useless. This is a decision based on a lot of public opinion.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m not the kind of person who goes out of his way to interfere with your decisions as the emperor.”

Siron took a step back.

“The culprit who caused this terrorist attack. What are you going to do?”

“Didn’t I tell you? I’m not going to respond.”

“…Aren’t you going to send a chase team?”

“The continent is large, and security outside the empire is unstable. I doubt whether the locals will cooperate with the investigation. I go to such a dangerous place to catch a dangerous person who values people’s lives, and I don’t know when or if that goal will be achieved. Budget and manpower It’s a waste.”

“You know who the terrorist is.”


Victor’s shoulders trembled from the dizzying sensation. There was no way the information could have leaked out, but this amazing friend dug in as if he had picked up a clue from Victor’s conversation.

“Princess Yaman, Yoru, is a most wanted person. A thick report from the special lease has been uploaded.”

“The title sounds like an idiot.”

“I didn’t build it.”

“…Are you going to maintain inaction even if that terrorist shows up in the Empire again?”

Shiron asked with her eyes narrowed. Viktor struggled to shrug his shoulders as his gaze seemed to pierce the entire person.

“If I don’t want to be called a coward, I will catch him. Even if it means using all my means.”

“After you catch it?”

“You have to kill me.”

Viktor seemed to know why Shiron was here.

“Why not?”


“You said you wouldn’t get involved in my actions as the emperor a while ago?”

“I now have what I want. Didn’t you just say that you want to give me whatever I want?”

Chiron put a hand on Victor’s shoulder.

“I wanted a slave.”

“…what, what?”

A shocking declaration. At that, Viktor forgot his body and was startled.

“Suddenly? Why? You’re engaged to Siriel?!”

“…My preference is to make strong women kneel under my knees and humiliate them. That is my territory that not even Siriel can touch.”


“I say this because you are the same man.”


“If it were a woman or someone you were even a little less close to, you wouldn’t say something like this. I’m only saying it because it’s you.”


Victor could not forget what he had said and only looked into Siron’s eyes. A twin wick burning brightly. Siron was sincere.


‘Is there no taste in kneeling a woman of higher stature?…’

As if he was just having a crazy thought, Siron placed his remaining hand on Viktor’s shoulder.

“I will catch the slave, and I will hand over ownership of the girl to me. Just announce that she has died since I caught her. If you burn any criminal at the stake, there will be no evidence left!”

“Well, that’s a bit…”

“Why? You say you can do anything? You really can’t do this much to a friend who made you emperor? Huh!”

It was incredibly powerful. Victor strained his entire body because he was weighed down by the terrifying force.

Eventually, Victor closed his eyes tightly and turned his head.

“Do whatever you want! I can do that much for you!”


Siron hugged Victor tightly. When I heard that Yoru had not been rehabilitated, I wondered what would happen, but this laid the foundation for obtaining an efficient combat slave.

“And I ask that you keep this a secret between you and me.”

“That’s about it…”

Viktor pursed his lips and muttered softly.

“…and the last question.”

“Are there any more?”

Viktor looked at Siron with dumbfounded eyes.

Her mouth was dry. I began to fear what this perverted and greedy friend was trying to say.


Siron opened his mouth with an extremely serious expression.

“Are you really gay?”

“…Is that your last question?”

“answer quickly.”


“…I believe it. You are not gay.”

Siron turned around, recalling the heavy texture he had just felt that did not suit his beautiful face.

Despite Siron’s fierce embrace, Viktor’s body did not harden at all.


Lucia lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling. It was just before the sun rose, and although I had been like this for hours, I couldn’t sleep even a wink.

It was strange.

I obviously couldn’t relieve my travel fatigue, and I also confessed the burden of my heart…

Pretending not to be, but she must have been tired from doing relief work with the kind-hearted Shiron…

Lucia decided to just get up. A few days without sleep is nothing to her anyway…

“…When did you come in?”

When I got up, I saw a familiar little boy’s face. Maybe it was because Laterra wasn’t human, so it was hard for even Lucia to feel her presence.

“Did you find your self well?”

The angel who looked so much like a friend who died hundreds of years ago grinned.

“Hey… I’ve been looking for you.”

“What kind of self did you find while wandering around? Kylie? Lucia? I’m curious.”


Lucia fell back onto the bed.

I thought about kicking Latera out so I could go back to sleep, but since this wasn’t the first time this happened, I decided to just skip ‘today’.

A month ago, while we were talking about this and that, the topic of self came up, and thanks to that, I went to Dawning Castle to sort out the confusion in my mind.

Lucia, ignoring the writhing feeling crawling under the blanket, opened her mouth.

“Until I came back, I thought I was Lucia, but now that I’ve come back, I think I’m Kylie…”



‘Even if you ask me that…’

“…Is it because I’ve lived as Kylie for longer?”

“How old was Kylie when she died?”

“Why do you have to tell me that?”

Lucia got angry and turned her head. Latera smiled and faced Lucia.

“Why not?”

“That’s because…”

“Lucia is now a plump 20-year-old. You don’t need to be restricted by age or anything like that.”

“Are you arguing now?”


“At least he definitely died in his mid-twenties…? So, let’s stop talking about this.”

There was a moment of distraction, but somehow Lucia felt calmer.

“Anyway, did I tell you that Kylie was from a northern tribe?”

“I think I’ve heard of it. Why is that?”

“…When I heard the word barbarian, I felt bad for some reason, even though I wasn’t Kylie anymore.”

Lucia recalled a word she had not heard in a long time.


When Lucia heard that derogatory name, she felt as bad as she had in the past. Even though I wasn’t a savage, I felt bad, so what can I say… My identity as Kylie, which had been fading, seemed to become thicker again.

“That’s not all. I wouldn’t be surprised if I got stoned, but I felt a little disgusted by people who used the word barbarian.”


Latera, who was fussing, let out a subtle groan. Lucia’s face suddenly turned red.

“I fully understand their feelings. If another tribe invaded our village, I would have cursed them too.”

“I understand. Your self as Kylie is reacting to the word savage?”

“Yes! That’s it…?”

Lucia jumped up from the bed. A clear sign coming this way. It was a theory.

Lucia quickly sat down at the dressing table and combed her messy hair.

“Can I help?”

“Huh? Ugh!”

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Latera helped Lucia decorate.


“Come in…”

Lucia responded fully armed.

Siron opened the door carefully.

“Latera was here.”

“What’s going on?”

“…I have a place to go.”

Siron looked at Lucia with sad eyes and said.

“Excuse me for waking up early in the morning, Lucia. You can go to sleep now.”


Lucia followed Siron out of the room. It was strange. Usually, in situations like this, I’m used to having to take her too, but today’s Siron didn’t do that at all, so my feet moved on their own.

“W-What? Me? You’re not taking me?”

“…You must be exhausted, so go and sleep. Just me and Latera are enough.”

Siron looked at Lucia with ambiguous eyes. Normally, he would have used Lucia’s force to capture Yoru, but he seemed to be relying only on Lucia, so he wanted to let Lucia rest this time.

The moment I turned around like that. Lucia grabbed the hem of Siron’s clothes.

“Take me too…”


“Ha, because you don’t want to go to school?”

Lucia, unable to think of a good excuse, blurted out something random.

Reincarnated User Manual

Reincarnated User Manual

환생자 사용 설명서
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
One day I suddenly had a younger sister. Only I know the brat’s true identity.


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not work with dark mode