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Reincarnated User Manual Chapter 195

195 – incarnation

Northern borders of the Empire.

Those living today call the huge mountain range that covers the sky Makal. In the past, it was called Mother’s Mountain, and there were also times when it was simply called White Mountain.

However, the land that existed beyond that was called the Demon World throughout the ages.

It is not the land of the dead, nor the outside world, but the magic world.

It is an uninhabitable land, a land of death. Since it surrounds not only the continent but also the outskirts of the sea, it could be called the outside world, but even in the first Bible with records from ancient times, the strange land was written as the Demon World.

“Isn’t it strange? I don’t know how many times I’ve thought about whether it would be nice to call you by a different name at least once.”

The sky is black, and the ground where you step is sparkling with stars.

A place where heaven and earth are turned upside down.

Above an area that is unusually strange even in the Demonic World. At the entrance to the obsidian temple, a decapitated angel waited for an answer.

“Even I only feel negativity in the word ‘Demon Sutra’, but it is the Devil Sutra. It is understandable to some extent that the humans beyond the mountain range consider this place to be unclean, but I think those who honor him can call it paradise.”

This time too there was no answer.

The headless angel opened the black stone door wide.

The inside of the temple was no different from the outside.

The ceiling was black, and the floor of the temple did not cover the ground, so the stars twinkled. Except for the obsidian ceiling blocking the sky, and the light from below condensing on the obsidian and sparkling…

There was no difference from outside.

The headless angel stepped forward to meet the one who did not answer. One step, one step. Ripples form on the floor where the stars sparkle.


Was it when we reached the very center? Jagannatha was able to recognize the back of the person he wanted to meet.

7th Apostle.

[Temple Keeper Corax]

“I was wondering why you didn’t answer. I guess it was because you were busy hunting.”


“I don’t want you to meet me, but I have a guest from far away. Can’t I at least give him a warm greeting?”


Despite the repeated words, Corax did not look back at Jagannatha. It would have been nice if he could at least respond, but Corax just stared at the picture frame that took up the entire wall.

The frame did not contain any pictures or photos. Instead, it may be said that it tried to express all things by emitting light on its own.

However, Jagannatha is a headless angel. Of course, since I had no eyes, I could recognize the existence of the picture frame, but I could not tell what kind of scene was depicted there.

Click- Click- Click-

Fortunately, Corax’s wild hand gestures were perceptible, and Jagannatha only knew that he was using his powers.


“…What are you doing?”

Next to Corax, Jagannatha asked with curiosity and favor.

Over the past 500 years, many people have been called by God to become apostles and then disappear. Corax was the last among them to be called by God. Therefore, there was a gap of at least 500 years with Jagannatha, who became the first apostle.

Click- Click- Click-

Moreover, unlike Corax, Jagannatha was originally an immortal angel.

Perhaps for that reason, Janagata often encountered difficulties because he could not reach a consensus on trivial matters with the mortals Bernoulli of the 4th Apostle and Camilla of the 2nd Apostle.

For example… Jagannatha did not instinctively fear death, but Camilla and Bernoulli, even though they became immortals called apostles, still cherished incomprehensible and intangible concepts such as life and honor.

“Even though I don’t have a brain and don’t know what you are doing, I feel that you are very absorbed.”


“But, unlike me, don’t you have a good mouth? I think you can at least respond…”

“…Do not disturb.”

Corax murmured angrily.

Although he deserved to express his joy to the devotee who visited the temple after a long absence, Corax regarded Jaganata as an uninvited guest.

After all, Corax was in the middle of manipulating the incarnation.

Manipulating an incarnation is a difficult feat even for an apostle endowed with the power of the main god.

Although Corax had overwhelmingly superior skills compared to when he was a mortal, the act of handling an incarnation tens of thousands of miles away from the temple still required considerable mental strength even after becoming an apostle.

Wouldn’t it be great if that was all there was to it? Currently, he has not eaten or rested for over a month.

Borrowing the Lord’s power, he creates a gate and sends incarnations created according to the Lord’s teachings beyond the gate to deal with the Lord’s enemies. Normally, you would kill the enemy in one or two steps like this, but…

For some reason, the enemy slaughtered the 10th incarnation without even blinking.

Click- Click-

Gigi Gigi Geek-

-Cry, Sirius.

-There is nothing that a thunderbolt that shatters the sky cannot cut through.


-Type 19 of Twenty-Four Swordsman Shinjingi. Pacheonmuroe.


And just now, the 9th incarnation died a heroic battle. Corax is an incarnation that splits into thousands of pieces. I was tearing out my hair while looking at the megalithic statue of the Dragon God.


“Why, why?”

Above Zaganata’s neck, a ring of black light crackled. Zaganata was taken aback by Corax’s sudden jerk.

However, even in the midst of this, Jagagata tried to comfort a colleague who was causing madness. Because he was not the first apostle to be chosen for nothing, Jaganata had the freedom to take care of his comrades.

“Did something go wrong? Huh? It’s a precious body the Lord gave me. What if I hurt myself like that?!”

“You, it’s because of you!”

Unfortunately, however, Jaganatha’s worried hand was coldly slashed away. Jaganatha staggered backwards at the tremendous hostility that was being fired at him.


“Didn’t you break my concentration by talking to me for no reason? If I had just done a little more, I could have killed you!”

“You mean it’s my fault?”

“Yes! It takes a lot of mental energy to handle the Avatar, but because of you, the Avatar I created with all my heart was killed horribly by that damn girl!”

“I’m just… glad to see you…”

Jagannatha wiggled his fingers at the stinging bruise. Although he was blind and could not see the scene in detail, he had enough visual acuity to understand the general situation.

Until just now, Corax must have been subduing the Lord’s enemies in his incarnation. Jagannatha, who understood that, offered a sincere apology to Corax, who was jumping up and down.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. As you can see, I don’t have a mental head… I can’t even look forward and think deeply.”

“If you knew that, you shouldn’t have waited! Oh! Aren’t you immortal anyway? Waiting a few more days won’t make you old!”

“Please understand. I told you before, but I lack empathy.”

Jagannatha admitted his mistake and reached out to Corax, telling him to calm down. But at the same time, he believed that Corax had also done something wrong.

“But, wasn’t Hwashin ‘barely’ harmed?”

Jaganatha was one who knew how to say that what was wrong was wrong. He straightened his bowed back and spoke as if admonishing.

“You can create as many incarnations as you like, but once you lose your honor, it’s hard to pick it up again.


But for some reason, Corax’s rage had grown even more than before.

“What did you just say?”

“Hmm? Isn’t it just an incarnation? Anyway, the power of the Lord knows no bounds, so you just have to make it ‘again’.”


“So, you too, cool off your anger and act decently. No matter how mortal you are, you are now an apostle who has received the Lord’s grace. The Lord has countless believers, and as the Lord’s most faithful servant, an apostle must protect himself. It’s classy. I mean…”

“your mother.”

Jagannatha could not finish speaking. This is because words came out of Corax’s mouth asking about his mother’s well-being.

“What did you just say?”

Jagannatha’s black ring trembled jaggedly.

Unlike the other apostles operating beyond the mountains, Jagannatha was busy dealing with the Prien matriarch, but he knew that those words were abusive language that caused considerable discomfort.

“Did you just call me Niami? I hope I misheard…”

“your mother.”

Corax ignored Jagannatha’s anger and asked about his mother’s well-being.

There are limits to listening to complaints.


Angry, Jagannatha stretched out his hand and wielded his power. Pajijic – The wall that Corax had seen a moment ago was erased, and the remaining incarnations that existed behind it were revealed to the outside.

“W-what are you doing!”

Corax was embarrassed and approached the Avatars.

What stands tall beyond the collapsed wall is the armor of the God of Decay and the monarch of the Land of the Dead. By far, they were the last remaining incarnations created by Corax, so they took a lot of effort to create and had a lot of affection for them.


It’s so bad that Corax considers him like his own child.

Unfortunately, the two avatars could not escape Jagannatha’s power. A solid line appeared around the waist, and it split in half because it could not overcome the vibration of Corax approaching.


The ground flipped over due to a huge tremor, and stars appeared in the air.

Corax’s speed was reversed.

“Hey! Shipal!! You bastard!!!”

Corax, who was embracing the miserably broken Avatars, looked back with anger.

It was a great anger.

To give you a sense of how huge it was, it was a greater anger than when she killed her most cherished guide 500 years ago in front of Kylie, the hero of the beginning.

“Uh… I didn’t mean to do this.”

Jaganatha’s shoulders trembled.

“Isn’t this what you meant?! You say you can feel it even if you can’t see!”

Corax didn’t even shed tears of blood, he even spat out saliva.

“There were my babies inside! My babies died without even trying because of you!”

“Mi, I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry, everything?! Eh!!!”

From noble mtl dot com

“My, what should I do other than apologize… I’m sorry…”

Jagannatha felt pain in his bones and tried to massage his temples, but he could not do so because he had no head.

“Take responsibility! Take responsibility!”

“…Please help me make it.”

“Yes, what do you know about Avatar!”


“I’ve been making Avatar all my life! Even when I was a dwarf, I lived in the dirt from the time I was born!”

“I too… I dealt with Hwashin a while ago. I am not an expert at all.”

What Jagannatha said was not wasted. In fact, when he went to the imperial palace in Lien to recruit a new apostle, he created an incarnation and used it.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

However, despite repeated apologies and sincere suggestions, Corax only let out a sad cry.

‘Tsk. I came here for no reason.’

Also, the mortal apostle is difficult and emotional. Jagaga, who lamented the lack of foundation of Corax, was displeased with the temple keeper, who forgot the dignity of an apostle and sobbed.


[The great and immortal biography of the great savior, founder Kylie]

[Appendix. 11-3 Kylie’s secret tricks when she saved the world.]

It is the day when the battle of Kylie, the sword god, warrior, apostle chosen by God and owner of the holy sword, takes place! By chance, I had the opportunity to witness the majesty of the great Kylie up close! Although my inaction was not constant, I was not able to see Kylie’s inaction up close, and I was not able to see the lightning-fast, devastating sword strike! Kylie’s heart is as holy as hahahahae’s! He always worked so hard that the heavens and earth shook before spouting out his sword!

That’s why I decided to write down Kylie’s secrets at the end of the page!

-Cry, Sirius.

ah! Kylie was not only a hero with overwhelming strength, but also a truly charming hero who sang to the night sky! The name of the brightest star in the night sky! It is said that his name is Sirius! Before cutting down her enemy, Kylie sang the name of the star as a prelude to her dirge!


列天斬 A sword strike that splits the sky.

ah! Kylie’s sword lecture had a length that went far beyond the normal category! Its size can reach the sky! The clouds in the sky were split in half, and the traces were engraved in the sky, so that all things could see the majesty of the sky as if it had been torn apart!

– In full bloom.

萬改 Ten thousand ever-changing swords.

ah! Kylie was the only human who mastered all sword techniques! Even though she was barely over the age limit, there was no sword skill that Kylie couldn’t use! No, maybe all the sword techniques that exist after Kylie were derived from Kylie! All the experts in the world were influenced by Kylie! Indeed, it is only natural that Kylie’s swordsmanship reaches the level of a persecution! The evidence is written in [the great and immortal biography of the great savior, founder Kylie]!


A thunderbolt that shatters the sky.

ah! Kylie’s enthusiasm didn’t stop there! If Yeolcheoncham is simple iron, then Pacheonmuroe is black iron! As he swung the sword that touched the sky, a thunderous roar resounded throughout the heavens and earth! ah! Ahh! Long live Kylie! To my shame, I ended up rudely wearing my pants!


落閃 A halo of light falling towards the enemy.

Argh! Now I can’t even see the slamming motion! The sword river became nothing more than light, and the opponent was simply split in half! no! There were no enemies that could survive, so they didn’t even leave a body behind!!

-Meteor sword.

流星劍 Shoots strong energy to cut down enemies from afar.

There’s no need to bell anymore! I just swung a sword! The enemy was divided! What unreasonable force! It’s so scary that not only the devil but also God is afraid!






Lucia burst out in joy as she covered [The great and immortal biography of the great savior, founder Kylie].

A strange cloud floating in the air caught my eye.

“…Are you not coming today again?”

It’s already been a day since the tenth enemy attacked.

Contrary to Siron’s words that the twelfth attack was coming, the clouds that cleared today were no news.

“…I wish you didn’t come.”


Lucia carefully opened the first page of the worn-out book.

Reincarnated User Manual

Reincarnated User Manual

환생자 사용 설명서
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
One day I suddenly had a younger sister. Only I know the brat’s true identity.


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not work with dark mode