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Quit being a knight and become a mercenary Chapter 203

203 – Shaking Outside (5)

Once that damn inner castle is taken, this war will end.

It goes without saying, but Montmartre County, where we belong, won a landslide victory.

The excitement in my heart at the imminent victory is not subsiding, but…

Isn’t it a kind of law in life that just when you think everything is going well, something unexpected goes awry and topples you?

So, you must never let down your guard until it is all over.

“Everyone, don’t relax!”

This single command I gave was instantly conveyed to all soldiers by their commanders.

“Get your mind straight! “It’s not over yet!”

“If you let down your guard and let your guard down just because everything is over, that’s the death of a dog!”

“Don’t look down on me just because I’m introverted!”

The expressions on the faces of the guys who were excited about the battle, which they had almost won, hardened to an appropriate degree.

‘I said this, but if the enemy’s morale has fallen sufficiently.’

Things will work out very easily just as I think. Still, you don’t know how things will turn out in the world, so you shouldn’t let go of tension.

When the captains of each unit were in order, trumpets began to sound everywhere.

“Go forth!”

With that order, our Whitebeard mercenary unit ran towards the castle wall.

“Occupy Naeseong!”

Lucia and Karin’s voices were heard from behind.

“Shoot arrows and take cover!”

“Keep firing magic at the enemies on the castle wall!”

As soon as we heard that voice, countless arrows and magic began flying in a trajectory above our heads.

The soldiers on the castle wall began to fall after being hit by the attack.


If one soldier falls like that, another soldier has to come out right behind him and take his place, but when I looked closely at the top of the castle wall…

The guys on the castle wall appeared to be hesitating, unable to fill the gap.

“Ugh, f*ck!”

Even though you know that if the castle wall is breached, it will lead to immediate defeat, how on earth do you not move your body if you don’t want to fight?

When the soldiers showed no will to fight, the knights and commanders on the castle wall came out and started yelling at them.

“If the wall is breached, you will all die!”

“Come to your senses and fight! “The enemies are coming from ahead!”

“If you protect your inner strength, you can all return to your hometown!”

Even though he said that, none of the soldiers on the castle wall responded.

From Noble mtl dot com

If I were a knight or commander on the wall over there, I would have thought this.

‘f*ck, I’m screwed.’

Cold sweat must have flowed down your back.

Of course, in the meantime, countless arrows and magic were fired from inside the castle.


“Beanz Captain of the Ten!!!”

Although an ally died in the process…


Anyway, the hardest thing is not to get to the castle walls, but to occupy the castle.

And the guys guarding there have low morale and are stuck on the ground, so it would be very easy to just climb up the castle wall.

As I continued to run forward without any hesitation, a huge castle wall suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

“Hang the ladder! Go up!”

In an instant, ladders were hung all over the castle walls.

I climbed straight up the ladder hanging on the castle wall.

Looking around, the guys on the castle wall began to put up as much resistance as possible.

Throwing rocks at the guys climbing the ladder.

“Get lost!”

Those who were hit by the stones had their heads broken and died.

Some knights, perhaps trying to emphasize their strength, attempted to overturn the entire ladder.

“Ugh, ugh!!”

However, the ladder with more than 5 people on it was not so easy to climb.


Nevertheless, some people succeeded in pushing the ladder and knocking it over.

“f*ck, save me!!”

The guys on the ladder had their entire bodies shattered in an instant and either died or became living corpses.

Those who were not dead continued to moan in pain.

“Ugh, ugh….”

Those guys caught my eye, but the important thing now is to climb the castle wall as quickly as possible and kill the guys above.

As I climbed up the ladder, leaving the people dying in front of me, the enemy soldiers brandished their weapons.

If you want to kill someone, you have to at least pretend to be angry while grinding.

The morale of these idiots is so low that their eyes are filled with tears and the corners of their mouths are constantly shaking up and down.

Aren’t these kids so crazy?

“Die, die!”

Seeing as his voice is shaking, it seems like it would be possible to get dozens of people to surrender at once if he got the momentum right?

“Go away, you bastards!”

I swung my sword and took the lives of those surrounding me.

When the head fell like a ripe apple, the soldiers around it started to step back instead of coming toward me.

“Ugh, crazy…”

“What on earth is that guy doing?”

“… Ugh…”

We have to do whatever it takes to prevent our mercenaries from climbing up the castle walls, but they are slowly retreating back.

Of course, the allies climbing the ladder were also able to climb up the castle wall at high speed.

“What is this, you bastards?”

Some guys took their time even though they were barely on the castle wall.

“Huh, that’s bullsh*t.”

No matter how dangerous a machine is, if the operator orders it, it will go into the place and explode on its own, or even self-destruct.

When a man loses the motivation to fight, he will never pick up a sword and fight, even if he runs away and dies.

I also figured this out and laid siege to the castle walls for almost 15 days and told them that their families inside the walls were safe and that they could eat their fill if they surrendered.

On the other hand, the high-ranking people who still had a lot to lose raised their swords and growled at our soldiers.

“Such humble things! Fight for the Kingdom of Barcelo and for your family!”

At those words, some soldiers had no choice but to move.

He was trembling and tried to kill me by swinging his weapon.

‘Do you think I would fall victim to such a sloppy attack with both eyes open?’

I was so frightened that the attack without even a hint of murderous intent could not even reach my armor.


The guy who dared attack me fell to the ground.

Then, let’s pick up our swords and move to attack the officers who are the driving force behind maintaining the morale of the soldiers here.

The knights and commanders drew their swords and stepped out to confront me.

At the same time, he swung his sword and cut down the hesitating friendly soldiers there to force them to fight.


If you look at it, they don’t kill you instantly to cause a painful death on purpose, but they only cut the parts that will bleed to a painful death.

The knights who did such a thing gave orders to the soldiers.

“If you don’t fight, you will die by my sword! Fight!”

I have also killed fleeing mercenaries, but in this situation, it is crazy to cut down the soldiers under his command without even setting an example.

If you act like a supporter, whether you are a commander or a knight, they will follow you.

It is truly pathetic that a high-ranking person who is supposed to function as a supporter is killing an ally who is shaking in fear.

“Die!! “You trash mercenary!”

The guy who was trying to kill me must have been a talented guy, so he spewed out his auric fog and rushed at me.

However, compared to Hilde’s attack, it is a very slow attack.


He and I shared swords over dozens of sums.

In the meantime, I was concentrating on listening to the surroundings, and the men belonging to the Montmartre army, whose morale had risen, were almost slaughtering the soldiers on the walls.

“Kill them all like this!”

“Break your head first!”

“Don’t leave a single person alive!”

The knights who are supposed to support the morale around here are idiots, and the soldiers are nothing but scarecrows…

Are we about to see a scene unfolding elsewhere, with commanders being picked off and dozens of people surrendering at a time?


While we were clashing swords, when he tried to stab me in the neck with a quick stab.

“f*ck you!”

I struck down the sword that was meant to stab me, and with the recoil I stabbed the guy in the neck and cut him off.

The eyes of both the Barcelo guys and the Montmartre soldiers were focused on the sight of the head of the knight wearing the helmet being blown off while bleeding.

As I wiped the blood off the sword, cheers came from the allies.

“The enemy knight is dead!”

It’s not really that big of a deal, but when you’re making fun of people whose morale has fallen to the ground, it’s effective to react to every little thing like this as if it means anything.

As if to prove it, the Barcelo soldiers automatically sighed and slumped their shoulders.

Avoiding unnecessary battles is what the emperor wants…

“If you surrender, we will not kill you! If you want to live, put down your weapons and raise your hands!”

At those words, everyone around us dropped their weapons.

“Surrender! Surrender! f*ck you!”

“There’s no point in fighting like this!”

“Send me back to my hometown!”

Barcelo raised both hands to express surrender, and they opened the way for us to pass.

And when I looked around, I saw that our troops elsewhere were surrendering to the enemy in a similar way.

Quit being a knight and become a mercenary

Quit being a knight and become a mercenary

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I wouldn’t take knighthood even if it were offered. It’s lower than a baron, and it doesn’t make money. I might as well get beaten up like a beggar. In such a case, I’d rather be a mercenary for money and honor. Even the beauties, I will take them all with my own strength.


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not work with dark mode