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My Ex-Girlfriend Was Appointed As the Knights Commander Chapter 47

46. And again (3)

Pierre did not accept the bag of gold coins after all.

‘Okay. You don’t have to feel guilty.’

Saying that, Pierre left.

Theodora sat there for a couple more hours without moving, then left the guild. The adventurers glared at Theodora, who appeared to be a knight, with their eyes shining, but they were soon pushed back by Theodora’s dark murderous atmosphere.

Theodora walked. I walked, sat near the wall for a while, then got up and walked again.

As dawn broke, Theodora entered a nearby inn, locked the door, and passed the time curled up in bed. Then, she walked again.

There was no destination in mind. However, Theodora’s footsteps were naturally heading towards the old grounds of the Knights of the Ravens, as if they had originally intended.


Maxim’s voice became a nail and pierced Theodora’s body. My steps were heavy. The uphill road to the old site was too far.


The hideous building was empty, leaving no traces of people at all. Theodora looked at the building with empty eyes even more than the empty building, and soon sat down on a bench overgrown with weeds. Before I knew it, the deep orange sunlight was shining on the gymnasium right before the afternoon turned into evening.

Theodora stared at the floor of the gymnasium with her hair hanging down. Her platinum-colored hair gleamed in the sunlight, irrespective of her mood or circumstances. The hair in front of the eyes obscures the view.

Cicada cried. Theodora muttered in a dry voice, as if talking to someone invisible.

“It’s summer.”

As Theodora said, it was summer. Summer seemed to announce its beginning in earnest with the sting of cicadas. However, it was not the time of summer that immediately came to Theodora’s mind.

There are many stories related to the gymnasium. Theodora recalled another day in her head, as if reading a story.

Ironically, the first season of memory that came to mind was not summer.

It was spring. It was also a weather that could not be called spring yet, and it would be more appropriate to call it the season when winter ended. It was such weather that the fields hadn’t sprouted yet, and a frog that had barely woken up jumped into a stream.

It was not the first time Theodora had met Maxim, and had spoken to him for the first time, at the gymnasium that day. When you wind up the music box for the very first time and the music goes back to the beginning, there is a girl named Theodora Benning with a sharp expression and a boy named Maxim Appart with a confident look in his eyes.

It was the day of the academy announcement. A girl who knew everything in the world as her enemy and a boy who had only a sword met by chance. Should I call it a coincidence? Their encounter was no different from encountering a person coming from the other side of the single-wooden bridge.

Placement test for prospective cadets.

Theodora had a number of contests that did not seem to have much significance. Whether it should be said that she had no tips or was faithful to her principles, the Academy of Knights did not seem to have any intention of leaving Theodora alone. Even if it took several days to test, he was determined to lead this contest to the end.

Theodora sat down in the waiting room and sighed. Only thirty-two prospective cadets remained in the gymnasium behind the campus. The competition to test the stamina and endurance of the cadets was also coming to an end. Theodora hadn’t considered who her next opponent would be.

The fact that she placed first in this placement test was a fixed future that no one could change. The cadets, the instructors, and even Theodora herself knew this. Therefore, the interest of the other cadets was also more focused on Theodora’s existence than the contest itself.

“Theodora Benning…”

“It’s unlucky, to be a jockey for admission like the son of the Benning family…”

“Isn’t that rather nice? If you make friends…”

The cadets also glanced at Theodora and giggled. There was a gaze that looked like a monster, but there was also a gaze of longing, and there was also a gaze that flashed with greed and greed. Theodora calmly accepted all the gazes. I touched the hilt of the sword at the waist.

Theodora would calm down as she touched the familiar, stiff, worn texture. It was the feeling that the girl who had been holding the sword before she was ten years old had touched it instead of a doll.

The competition of the cadets proceeded all at once. In a solemn voice, the instructor lined up the prospective cadets.

“The break is over. From now on, we will proceed with the competition for the remaining cadets.”

Have the person called come forward.

The instructor read the list in an unnaturally casual tone as if he had made it up.

“…and Theodora Benning and Maxim Appart. In this way, the opponents of the competition were determined. Everyone, step back and prepare for the contest. The instructors will give you a fair referee.”

Theodora was waiting for her opponent with her arms crossed. No matter who comes up, they must be expressing their resentment at the fact that they are fighting against him. As with all opponents who have fought her so far. Did the investigator say he was lonely? What should I think of the feeling of being alone in such a remote place without even seeking a will?

Theodora looked at the opponent slowly walking in front of her. Did he say his name was Maxim…?

The instructor in charge of refereeing looked at the two in turn. Originally, Theodora’s competition was not a big concern for the instructors. Because the winner is fixed.

“Now, are you ready? You know you can’t use auras, right?”

However, the look in the eyes of the referee who was in charge of Theodora’s contest seemed to expect to see a pretty interesting matchup. Theodora didn’t have to be curious about those eyes. It was just facing the face of the man who had walked out. He nodded without taking his eyes off Theodora at the instructor’s question.

It was sharp.

That was Theodora’s first impression of Maxim. The man standing across from her had eyes that could be said to be sharp enough. It was golden eyes. Her eyes were watching her posture and breathing. Light brown, wavy hair, a loose but alert mouth.

Is it different from the idiots you’ve fought before?

Either way, it won’t change. It wasn’t like she hadn’t fought the eye swordsman who seemed to be searching for Theodora before. And usually their search and analysis was useless. It was because, without even a chance to use analysis, it collapsed by Theodora’s sword.

Therefore, Theodora did not have high expectations. Theodora looked at Maxim with emotionless eyes. It was a fine face that didn’t suit a knight, but more suited to working at a desk.

“Now, step back for now.”

The instructor held out his palms in front of the two, widening the distance.

Theodora drew her sword and lowered her arm. Theodora’s opponent, Maxime, also drew his sword. Theodora gauged Maxim’s momentum. However, I couldn’t figure it out. The aura of maxim seemed to be gone. It didn’t seem to be turning mana in particular. then…

Theodora, who hadn’t particularly thought about the other person, frowned. This was the first time I had an opponent who couldn’t read whether he was good or bad.

The instructor’s voice cut through Theodora’s stream.

“Let’s start.”

A sharp wind blew through. Theodora decided not to rush and wait.

Wouldn’t the opponent also wait without recklessly trying to enter?

Theodora thought so and straightened her sword. The first is a search battle, drawing a circle on the floor of the gymnasium, examining each other’s skills.

And the moment the instructor’s hand was lifted, Maxim’s model became blurred.


Theodora blocked Maxim’s attack with a panicked look. Over Theodora’s arms, blades collided with blades, making a clicking sound. It wasn’t looking for a gap. Instead, Theodora put the blade of her sword into the space she was defending the most, and took the fight head-on.

Theodora frowned at the arrogant attitude. Swords and swords rubbed with a metallic sound. Theodora spoke to Maxim in a cool voice.

“You are arrogant.”

Maxim’s expression frowned as he pointed his sword at Theodora’s words.

“That’s what’s arrogant. You openly allowed a preemptive strike.”

Theodora looked up at the frowning face and let out an absurd laugh.

“I can be arrogant. But you shouldn’t have acted like that.”

Theodora turned mana inside her body. A ferocious, platinum-colored spirit rose from Theodora. Maxim did not shake off his sword. It wouldn’t be easy to withstand the repelling force rising from Theodora’s vast amount of mana, but Maxim did not back down and attached his sword as if sliding. Maxim received the force that Theodora was trying to push away and shed it.

Sword strikes came and went. In the gap between height and attack, Maxim swung his sword while maintaining a narrow advantage. Theodora hit the blind spot of defense and dodged incoming attacks. It did not discriminate between stabbing and slashing.

The sword he drew was not rough. It was a sharp and fast sword. A swordsman she had never seen before was something that Theodora could only defend with her senses.

How long has it been since I thought it was too much to block an attack?

Theodora shook off the sword with strength on purpose to shake off the feeling of sticking her sword. Maxim, without further insistence, slipped away. Then, to shake off himself, he stretched out his foot toward Theodora, who changed her movements drastically.


Theodora turned the blade to block Maxim’s feet. Theodora’s sword strengthened with mana and Maxim, who kicked the body, were pushed back even more. He wanted to run at it, but Theodora held back by holding her feet to the ground. He was a swordsman who was good at fighting. It’s an opportunity, but running into it could have been the way to get involved in that prosecutor’s intention.

Theodora renewed her posture. I should have been more involved in the competition.

“Are you in the mood to do it right now?”

Maxim pointed the knife and said in a provocative voice. feeling entangled. A kind of pressure that he had never felt before in a lifetime of competition began to press on Theodora’s shoulders. Theodora caught her breath.

Theodora pointed her sword and began to analyze Maxim a little more deeply.

male. He is much taller than me, but his physique is not bulky. Although not flexible, his understanding of the sword is excellent.

Theodora raised her mana. If you can’t compete with your skills, use your strength. The use of mana didn’t seem so good.

“Damn it.”

A muttering was heard. At the same time, momentum began to rise in Maxim. Compared to his swordsmanship skills, it wasn’t that great of a mana. Theodora disappeared from her seat with an afterimage. As the dust rose into the sky on the wind, Theodora’s blade suddenly appeared in front of Maxim’s eyes.

“Like a dog…”

Maxim’s sword was already blocking Theodora’s blade.

“It’s fast…!”

Theodora did not answer. A strong energy was pressing down on Maxim as it was. Theodora decided not to give up the initiative and to push on.

“It will be faster.”

Theodora’s model faded. Maxim bit his teeth. Theodora stabbed her sword. Maxim blocked. Theodora drew a lot of mana at once with the intention of clearing it up in an instant, but Maxim did not break and endured. As Maxim’s eyes followed his sword, Theodora frowned.

It was strong. Above all, he was different from the people he had been dealing with.

Maxim was adjusting. She endured by shedding and coiling her own steel sword, which was getting faster and stronger. Theodora’s heart raced. There was no way Theodora knew that even if it went to an attrition level, she would still have an advantage.

Theodora was looking into Maxim’s eyes. As if aiming for something, he was observing Theodora’s movements between sword blades and sword blades.

It had to be finished before the target arrived. Theodora drew the sword and caught it.

And Theodora’s sword smashed in with the momentum to sever Maxim, and as if Maxim had been waiting, the sword came in twisting.


Metal exploded. Theodora felt a piece of metal brush her cheek.


Theodora’s sword stopped right in front of Maxim’s neck, and Maxim’s sword was pointed at Theodora’s neck, but the blade was cut in the middle. Maxim frowned and immediately withdrew his sword. The instructor nodded with admiration.

“Winner, Theodora Benning. Maxim, you may go back to the dormitory.”

“Thank you for your effort.”

Maxim bowed his head to the instructor without regret and shook his broken sword.

“As expected, the Bennings are promising. I saw your skills.”

Before Theodora could answer that question, Maxim turned and left the gymnasium. Bright red blood flowed from the cheek of the cut Theodora.

“Go to the infirmary first. To think that fragments would pierce through the mana-enhanced body.”

Theodora just nodded and looked at Maxim’s back as he walked away.

Maxime Apart.

Since then, Maxim’s name has been vividly remembered in Theodora’s mind. And, it became a name that will never be forgotten.

“It’s hot now.”

It was a bit chilly then.

Waking from the flashback, Theodora rose from her seat and swept her foot across the floor of the gymnasium with a hollow voice. Just like back then, I wanted to step on Turo. Theodora moved her feet and turned around. As if he were really stepping on a tour, he pulled himself forward, then dragged his fallen foot forward and tried to move forward. However, the injured foot did not move according to her will, and there was no Maxim to match her steps. Maybe, maybe not forever.

Theodora stopped.

What the hell, where and how it went wrong, Theodora couldn’t figure out. The steps he took off were trembling.

For now, the only thing Theodora could do was to break down on her knees on the hard parade ground and cry out whatever came from her heart.


Tears flowed from Theodora’s eyes. A cry, like the sound of someone having their heart cut out with a knife, leaked through Theodora’s teeth.


Theodora gently scratched the floor of the gymnasium with her fingers. The stone floor of the gym was pitted and cracked by Theodora’s grip. Theodora slammed her clenched fist onto the floor of the gymnasium. With a thump, dust rises from where Theodora struck. Theodora continued to slam her fists, sobbing as if her longing had stopped.

The indifferent sun was hiding in the west.

Above the sunset sky, one person’s everything-filled cry spread.

The estate of the Benning family.

Summer nights are noisy. The chirping of insects, along with the chirping of birds, echoed through the Bennings’ estate. The residence of the Benning family was a very classical mansion built on a hill a little away from the center of the manor. It was a night when the moon was obscured by dark clouds. On the hill leading up to the Bennings’ mansion, the light of a brass lantern was slowly rising.

It wasn’t too late. It was when the grass bugs were loudest, when the common family sat together in front of the fireplace and chatted. At the main gate of the mansion, a man carrying a brass lantern was greeted by a Benning family servant.

“Is the Count here?”

“There is, but… did you have an appointment?”

In response to the servant’s question, the man slightly lifted the hood. A man with a sharp chin, cool eyes, and a hooked nose.

“You would know if I said Roberto Miller was here.”

Said Roberto Miller, a member of the Order of the Ravens, in a cold voice.

My Ex-Girlfriend Was Appointed As the Knights Commander

My Ex-Girlfriend Was Appointed As the Knights Commander

전 여친이 기사단장으로 부임했다
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Reunion with her came in the worst form.


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not work with dark mode