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Munchkin of the Summoning Academy Chapter 91

Christmas (3)

The dark night sky was brightened by the enormous amount of light.

It hurts the eyes that were used to the darkness of the alley.

When everyone’s eyes have finished adjusting once more, a huge portal appears in the sky outside the capital city.

It is much larger than the ultra-long-distance portal used in the past.

After flapping her wings a few times, Eshas reached the rift in space and swung her elongated front legs to close it.

At the sight of denying everyone’s common sense, a low moan flows out.

“Did that close by force?”

“It seems to be very intentional and attacking…”

But the sudden invasion had just begun.

As Eshas forcibly closes the portal, another opens from a distance.

It seems it’s still broad daylight on the other side. The bright sunlight ripped the darkness of the night sky lengthwise.

The blue sky seen through the cracks that keep expanding.

First of all, I’m glad it’s not the magic realm.

Eshas let out a small sigh, approached the next portal, and folded his arms.

There is nothing to say about being attacked first at the time when a portal of that size was opened in someone else’s capital…

First of all, it seems to be a warning.

Before long, something like a large boulder began to come out of the wide enough portal.

no. A lump of rock was too poor a description.

At first, it looked like a piece of stone had popped out, but as the summoning progressed, it became larger and larger.

What I witnessed earlier was the tip of a giant mountain.

Now that I see it, it seems that someone pulled out a whole mountain and transferred it.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the enormous mass did not fall toward the ground.

The island, which has crossed the dimension and entered the night sky, is glide leisurely as if it has forgotten its weight.

“Wait, the island is floating, isn’t it?”

“If you look closely at the top, there are things like walls and buildings. It’s not an island, it’s a city.”

“To float something that big… Seeing that it floats in our dimension, it doesn’t seem like we’re taking advantage of the dimensionality.”

while we’re chattering underneath.

Eshas approached the air city and shouted with a dignified voice.

Behind White Dragon’s back are countless links connecting her to the ground.

Elena, who witnessed the sacred sight, bites her molars next to me.

“I warn you. You are currently invading the airspace of the Kingdom of Dracor without permission. If you don’t go back right away…”

Although Eshas showed mercy at best.

What returned to her was an enormous amount of shelling.

It was a cannonball fired from an aerial city, and it beat the scales of the white dragon, whose attack spells were well managed.

Firepower enough to annihilate a city in an instant!

The clear night sky is disturbed by flashes of smoke and explosions.

But none of them pierced the dragon’s scales.

Eshas, who had easily received their attacks, snorted and muttered briefly as if it was a pity.


Eshas, who was full of horns, spread his wings and shot down all the grenades that were heading towards the capital.

Then, a ray of light condensed inside the wide open mouth.

After a short wait, the liberated breath of divine light explodes toward the air city.



The light beam, which was thin even when it jumped out of Eshas’ mouth, expanded in an instant and penetrated the ground of the air city.

It was an empty destructive sound like hitting the air, but the aftermath was never in vain.

The air city, which had been protected by various spells, was torn in two with a single blow.

The city that was slowly splitting left and right is shattered into thousands of pieces.

As we admire its overwhelming power, a magical mania that fills the sky again.

Soon, a new portal was opened, and aerial cities similar to those of the previous one appeared.

Some of them were carrying large dragons, but…

Eshas solved it simply by using Breath one more time.

“Even if it’s the same dragon, it’s no match.”

“Eshas is the first and final white dragon.”

While Elena mentioned the familiar title.

Large and small magical reactions were felt in various parts of the city.

Perhaps he was trying to do something while Essha was away.

As I was about to move quickly towards the villa, the maid stopped me.

“No. It is possible that the enemy has already occupied that side. The site is uselessly large, so it’s perfect for besieging, and you can’t expect reinforcements.”

“Then where are we going? The royal palace would be the safest in this situation, but it’s too far from there…”

“Here, the academy is the closest and safest. We can expect the help of the professors, so let’s go there.”

Of course, there is no guarantee that the enemies will be after me, but…

I was concerned about the demons I had met earlier to just go back to the villa.

As the situation is the situation, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

We unanimously adopted the Housemaid’s opinion.

Fortunately, the academy was already in a defensive posture.

I was worried that the refugees would come… but it’s almost invisible because we arrived early.

Once you take refuge in the central square, you can see many faces, including Michael.

“Huh? Didn’t Michael oppa go back to Westwall?”

Maria, who discovered her older brother late, hardened her face with a sense of incongruity.

There is an ultra-long-distance gate in the midst of restoration in the central plaza, so it is natural for the student council and professors to carry out a defensive operation…

It’s been a long time since the semester ended.

Most of the students and professors had to go home to spend the winter break.

But the numbers are a bit too much for that.

I felt relieved thanks to this, but at the same time my back hardened.

Michael, who had already summoned a rock giant, came up to me and said,

“Sister-in-law. Did you see any strange people on the way?”

“Yes? Oh, I saw one…”

“Yeah. I think they’ll be coming over here soon, so I’m alert.”

A subtle confidence was felt on Michael’s face as he faced the unexpected invasion.

When I show an expression that wants to ask why, he explains the situation.

“Just before the end of the semester, intelligence came in from the Dimensional Watch. Your brother… No, Russell and other traitors made suspicious movements near the capital.”

So isn’t that dangerous?

Russell will at least be aiming for me, but I have to evacuate the others now.

As I was thinking about it, Medusha murmured in surprise.

“There are times when the Warp Watch does its job right.”

“I know.”

“Then now isn’t the time to be like this? Do you have any reinforcements?”

“Don’t worry, we’ve already evacuated all of the regular students. And if you move the reinforcements, the traitors will notice…”

Isn’t this the same as what the dimensional guards did at the last festival?

Michael’s response could have been better than this.

Michael shakes his head as if to be relieved at the sight of me.

As I let out a small sigh, looming figures emerged from the darkness outside the square.


“All non-combat agents inside the gatekeeper. Be careful.”

To disregard my anticipation of Russell’s eerie look.

Appearing from the front over there was a woman with a slender body.

As the figure of reckless gait enters under the lights of the central square, the cuts on the eyes are visible.

The one worn on the body seems to be a kind of covert suit, and it is a kind that sticks to the body.

I haven’t even dreamed of wearing black clothes since I started raising Persia.

I saw Russell behind her as I drove the futile thoughts out of her head.

As if he had to throw away the arm he had been attacked by the Demon King, one sleeve was empty.

Despite heavy bleeding, he survived.

It’s good to see that the smirk on the face is distorted from the start.

Apparently, he was pushed out of the political battle within the rebels.

“What, did you change the leader over there?”

“Yeah. Now I’m tired of losing.”

Aside from the woman with a bitter impression, walking leisurely in response.

The numbers there weren’t that many.

but. The fatal operation that mobilized more than 50 high-ranking Summoners failed twice in a row, but it is even more interesting when there is still plenty of room left.

Michael, who had the same thoughts as me, sarcastically scoffs.

“If you add up all of these things, will there be 30? There must be more professors at our academy?”

“Don’t worry. There are plenty of people who will fight you. How long will Esshas last?”

A woman who grunts and responds to a dogfight in the sky over the capital.

Elena, who was stimulated by that, raised her voice in rare cases.

“Because we have overcome all previous invasions, the Kingdom of Dracor is what it is today!”

“They said they were royalty when they were sold to Count El Cloud.”

“Shut up!”

Medusha gets angry at her opponent’s last words and uses a petrified gaze.

With difficulty avoiding the red flash, she pulled out her hand.

They wouldn’t have attacked without any countermeasures while the power had already been reduced, so what did they really prepare?

Like answering my question. In the darkness outside the central square, strange summoned beasts appeared.

It is a very unfamiliar sight to us who have seen various summoned beasts at the academy.

Elfriede’s body began to tremble at the shape of a group of shadows.


“Are you also a demon summoned beast?”

I think I’m on the same battlefield with the guy I met earlier.

As there is no link, it is not subordinated to the rebels.

Did you form an alliance in its wild state?

The faculty’s summons, who were trying to block them once, retreated.

“Careful! If you go near them, Link…”

“Put the minions back! Jinshin summons are also dangerous!”

Even if you get close to the demonic summons, the link will be distorted.

It’s much weaker than the link hijacking I use, but it’s not something you can ignore.

Dozens of demonic summons, who seemed to be enough, narrowed the distance towards me without hesitation.

As I was concentrating on the links of my summons, the maid stepped forward and swung a dagger.

“How dare you!”

The aura that rose from the dagger became a wave and swept forward.

Thanks to the lessons learned from the last battle, he never leaves my side.

Still, he is staring at Russell terrifyingly from time to time.

The rebels are bewildered by the sight of the A-rank summoned beings being swept away.

The leader, who was arranging the summoning technique at the forefront, protested against Russell.

“The heyday is long gone!”

“Otherwise, we’re all dead… Can’t you see that I can’t use Summoning?”

I got feverish at the sight of the guy talking casually.

The handmaiden has lost her ability as a summoner due to the aftereffects of summoning the Demon Lord.

You’ve been flirting with your old family’s weaknesses.

The faculty, who had been reorganized with the time she earned, joined the fight.

Not everyone is a style that heavily depends on a specific summons.

“They’re garbage. It’s not helpful either…”

“Don’t do that too much. I wish I could have gotten a role as a guide.”

As the line, which had been tight in its own way, began to collapse rapidly, the demons who had retreated from behind came out.

Significantly different from the guys from a while ago.

How sweet his body was, he brought the truth.

“But even if you really attack the Demon King…”

“Oh, it’s okay. That little guy can handle His Majesty’s power properly.”

These guys are striding over this way and pointing at me.

I muttered a little to relax.

“Are you not good at politics?”

“It wasn’t something I wanted to do in the first place.”

A demon king who shows up with cool excuses.

While the enemies who witnessed the double-sword demon hardened their bodies, a sharp sword strike split the entire front.

It was lightly thrown out, but it wasn’t worse than the maid’s.

However, the demons have a hard time accepting it.

“Um. It’s definitely bearable.”

“What are they talking about?”

Laurie frowned as if frustrated while creating an ice storm.

Now that I see it, they seem to be talking in their own language.

It must have been thanks to the Demon King that I was able to interpret it.

I ordered a slightly more powerful blow, but the Demon Lord responded with a dark voice.

“Louis. Your body can’t stand it.”


The Demon King is a summoned beast equal to Eshas, who shoots down the air city with one breath.

Originally, these guys could have been wiped out with just one knife…

I’m holding on to my ankles, so I’m not able to perform at my best.

Those who notice the situation here are alive and rushing in with excitement.

“Your Majesty. We are now… Ugh!”

“go away!”

A battle that escalates in an instant as they actively take action.

Even Russell, who lost one of his arms, marks the handmaiden.

Of course, he couldn’t even dream of a head-to-head match, and he applied summoning skills to the extent that it was annoying.

As I felt my victory waning, I shouted to Michael.

“Chairman! Who would die like this!”

From n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Just as the rebels believed in the demons and attacked, Michael must have believed in something and waited here.

He nodded as he picked up the wounded rock giant and sent a light signal behind him.

Also, you’ve prepared an army.

Seeing what the rebels didn’t notice, it won’t be that big of a deal, but it will be a huge help in a tight fight like now.

When I burst into joy inside and fired the Black Dragon’s great bow at the demons, suddenly the body of the man was crushed in a mess.


His body, which was three meters long, was crumpled here and there, and then squeezed down to the size of a glass of wine.

Everything, including the brain and heart, turned into a handful of blood.

Even the hard leather and bones have been completely crushed and the shape is not recognizable.

As I was shaking my body at the very bizarre and cruel sight, a familiar voice appeared from the front.

“I’m here to end this fight.”

“Hey, dean!”

“Where the hell have you been, and now you’re here?”

“My name is the head of the academy, but I thought it was natural that I didn’t have it every day!”

The professors who found the dean with a cane for some reason expressed their sincere joy.

In the atmosphere that a riot is about to happen at any moment, he makes cold excuses.

“I’m sorry, but if they knew I was there, they would have hid again…”

“Originally, as soon as the vacation started, you went winter fishing.”

“That’s right. So I had a hard time holding onto it.”

While Michael was proudly explaining and wiping the sweat from his forehead.

The rebel leader hardened his complexion and looked for Russell.

The dean’s skills have been well-received for many years.

“Russell! You said the dean was gone… Wait, where’d you go?”

But there’s no use in calling out.

Russell opened the portal the moment he found the dean and ran away.

Only the crack that had already begun to close was alone guarding his place.

“Wow, such an absurd child…”

“Adding or subtracting one or two humans doesn’t make much difference.”

“Come on, let His Majesty go!”

As the demons with a small snort began to attack again, the dean of the elderly laughed.

I opened my eyes as I watched the body of one demon crumpled again.

Munchkin of the Summoning Academy

Munchkin of the Summoning Academy

소환 학원의 먼치킨
Score 9.0
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
If you don’t have your own summons, you can use someone else’s summons.


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not work with dark mode