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Munchkin of the Summoning Academy Chapter 57

Unicorn ranch mass death case (3)

The carriage, which had been running along the well-maintained boulevard, came into a hill road.

As Medusha swore, the Duchy of Beltern was a metropolis that was not inferior to the capital.

I’ve only glanced through the window of the carriage, but I’m already convinced.

The wagons that come and go without a break through the open gates.

It is to transport goods here from a port not far away.

Logistics moved in this way are then transported all over the continent using trains.

Not only domestic, but also nearby foreign cities are the target of transactions.

Of course, the railroad does not extend to foreign countries… but even if it is moved only near the border, transportation costs drop sharply.

Since the rail transport revolution by train, the Dukes of Welttern have never given up their place at the fore of the four great families.

They are wealthier than the royal family because they are in charge of the kingdom’s transportation business.

And by reinvesting the money they earned, they are greedyly expanding infrastructure.

Thanks to this, the busy streets of the Duchy of Beltern were full of large high-rise buildings.

There are a few guys that can serve as symbols of other cities.

Of course, the Duke of Beltern was not left behind.

Originally, it was a little far from the city, but it is said that they eventually came into contact with each other after expanding and expanding.

A fortress overlooking the city from a gentle hilltop.

no. In fact, the name alone is a fortress, and its size surpasses that of any small town.

I wondered if the whole Count of El Cloud, which I had recently recovered, would go into it.

It’s a bit small for a Countess.

But if the inside is flat, it’s not.

As the carriage passed halfway through the hill, I could see that the vassals had already lined up to say hello.

Although the distance is not very wide, the crowd continues to the front door.

When I saw that scene, I was already feeling the pressure on my heart.

Inside the wide open gate, there were many other buildings besides the mansion.

Not only stables and training grounds, but also large public baths, schools, hospitals, restaurants, and general stores.

Naturally, it is a facility for the duke’s vassals and their families.

By this time, Persia was not as excited as usual, but rather fainted.

A level that cannot be compared with the Earl of Westwall itself.

It is realized again that Elfriede is the daughter of the wealthiest family in the kingdom.

When I finally got off the stopped carriage, the sound of music resounded again.

As I tried not to hear it, some snakes rushed in.

A large snake, a viper with a triangular head.

In addition, unknown servants are rushing in with their tongues fluttering.


The Persian on the nape of the neck is terrified or not.

Medusha, who is brightly colored, is wrapped in snakes and receives passionate aegyo.

“Everyone seems to be doing well.”


The youngest snake god’s scary sister came running with a whip around her waist.

I was prepared for Euryale’s decree, but she only glared at me while hugging Medusha.

Contrary to what I expected, it wasn’t rude.

Fortunately, Steno seems to have told him well in advance.

The students who followed us were overwhelmed by the majesty of the Duke’s Castle and were then guided somewhere.

When I went to Westwall, I rented an entire inn in the city… It seems they have built a private inn here.

Naturally, I passed it naturally and was guided to the main building of the Welttern Mansion.

However, unlike at Westwall, they were not provided with a separate room.

“Can Count Elcloud share Elfriede’s bedroom?

When the duke, who came directly to meet him, said this, there is no way to say it.

Fortunately, I’m already used to staying in the same room…

Elfriede’s bedroom was much larger than the academy’s dormitory.

There is even a bed for the summons.

The duke let out a small sigh of relief as I accepted it without a word.

From n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Join us for a little late lunch as it is.

Unlike Westwall, it doesn’t have many relatives, but it is very crowded with vassals.

Unlike summoners who want to hide somewhere, my summons quickly adapted to the atmosphere here.

It is a luxury dish and seafood that comes out so full that you think the silver tray might be bent.

I ate it a lot in the capital, but this time the freshness of the ingredients is different.

As I was constantly fulfilling Ethel and Laurier’s orders, Persia, who had eaten raw oysters served with shells, came closer to me and asked me quietly.

“Master, can’t you just marry Elfriede?”

“Do you really want to be a scarf?”

“Give up. Lewis can’t join as Daryl’s son-in-law because he has to take over El Cloud.”

Unlike the summoned beasts who enjoy their food to their heart’s content.

Elfriede doesn’t seem to be able to pass the rice properly.

Perhaps it’s because the Duchess next door keeps putting pressure on her.

Unable to bear it, she feeds me with her slightly trembling arms.

“Lou, Louise. Because this is also delicious…”

“… thank you.”

I was already full because Ethel and Laurie pointed out a lot, but…

I couldn’t resist Elfriede’s fork.

After being introduced to the vassals of the count-level or higher, tour the Duke Castle as it is.

As I looked around the endless grounds no matter how much I walked, I realized how mature Medusha was.

Their bathroom is bigger than the entire El Cloud mansion, and they didn’t complain about it.

Steno, who was following me as if walking with a bloated stomach, mentioned the unfamiliar declaration of the last time.

“Earl Elcloud. You said that you would make Medusha happy? Do it well.”


Medusha seemed to be itching to say that my personal safe was full of gold bars, but…

I couldn’t resist my earnest gaze, so I endured it.

After walking around half of the castle, wash your body in an overly luxurious private bath and have dinner.

The body cannot adapt to the unfamiliar luxury.

Until now, whenever I used Beltern’s money, I felt guilty and indebted, but now I am determined to use it harder to fill the gap with El Cloud.

After exploring the Duke’s personal collection of artifacts, it was finally bedtime.

According to Medusha, there are still mountains left to show.

I thought that I would want to commit suicide out of envy if I went on like this, so I took measures.

“I think there must have been such a gap between the great families…”

“Didn’t I tell you, my sister and I? Right now, Beltern is the best in the kingdom. Maybe one day I will be overtaken by Louise…”

“Elfriede. You don’t have to help me tidy up my hair from today!”

Persia, who ate Elfriede by summoning her junior, died belatedly.

However, Elfriede looks sad again.

Combing Persia’s hair was closer to a reward than labor.

Sometimes when I feel like it, I do it myself.

“By the way, it’s a bit burdensome to receive so much here.”

“Hey, you don’t have to feel that way! All mine is yours…”

Elfriede is astonished as if on fire and recites words that seem to have been prepared in advance.

Thank you, but my body is so comfortable that it makes me feel uncomfortable.

“Sometimes I wonder what other students are doing… Now that we’ve come all the way here, shouldn’t we do something similar to practice?”

“Oh, okay. I’ll tell you later.”

You can just play and eat slowly.

I wonder how things are handled when they become Duke of Beltern.

It would be okay if I could just watch the duke’s work from afar.

Right now, there seems to be nothing more important than treating me… The opportunity to learn the manners of a great aristocrat is rare.

When I delivered my wishes through Elfriede, Euryale broke in.

Her summoner is the Admiral of Namhae.

She is said to be the brother-in-law of the Duke of Beltern.

After all, when it comes to Euryale, it seems that it is only left to the partner with whom the marriage alliance is formed.

As I watched the strangely heated pets chatting until late at night, I naturally closed my eyes.

the next morning.

We woke up in the bedroom that never calmed down, and as soon as we had breakfast, we were called to the duke’s office.

He greeted me and entrusted me with a piece of paper, who was handling the affairs of the entire kingdom with numerous secretaries.

I think Elfriede told me well last night.

“Earl El Cloud. This is a field-training assignment. It’s an important job, so please handle it carefully and surely.”

“I will do my best, Duke.”

I accepted it with a light heart and left the office.

Although I am in charge of Elfriede, I am an outsider.

There’s no way you can entrust something really important to someone who isn’t even a member of your family.

The previous request would be just a greeting.

But, so that my expectations are in vain.

The document the Duke handed over was unusual from the beginning.

Medusha leans her head from the side and reads it aloud.

“The unicorn ranch mass death case? The Duke entrusted you with a major responsibility.”

“Wow… Even the seal of Gaju is stamped. In this case, it means that the authority of the owner is the same as that of Gaju.”

Sylvia, who rarely pretends to know her next to her.

I probably didn’t understand the meaning of the seal at first…

I feel it is worthwhile to teach various procedures and laws at the academy.

At the word unicorn, Elfriede was also greatly surprised.

“If it’s a unicorn ranch, right before I entered the academy, my father ambitiously pursued the agenda… mass extinction?”

“It’s even more surprising that I’ve collected enough to build a ranch.”

“Ah, even if it’s a ranch, it’s not very grand. If I remember correctly, it’s only about 12…”

Elfriede is the only one who can express these 10 A-rank pets as ‘only’.

Feeling our eyes, she slightly lowers her head.

I moved to the drawing room, raising my chin, which had been lowered before anyone saw it.

“You can’t do that in front of your vassals.”

“Oh sorry…”

“Apologizing is also prohibited for the time being. Shall we start right away?”

We rented a wagon and moved to the Unicorn Ranch.

Fortunately, it was a place where precious pets were grazing, so it was not far away.

15 minutes at most.

As we entered the forest past the sign indicating the Duke of Beltern’s estate, a ranch with strict security was revealed.

Warning spells are placed on the tall iron fences, and fully armed guards patrol regularly.

The atmosphere was particularly bloody because of the recent death case.

After passing through them with the duke’s seal at the fore, a building for staff and a breeding ground for unicorns appear.

It is a simple yet clean design.

“Um, the inside and outside of the ranch are completely separate?”

“Of course. It’s not another summons, it’s a unicorn.”

Persia, who seemed to not know the characteristics of unicorns well, was slightly surprised.

I explained it like giving him a pint glass.

It is common knowledge that only pure virgins can handle unicorns.

As if to prove the knowledge learned at the academy, all the staff who came from inside the unicorn ranch were young women.

You seem restless because you killed your precious, precious pet.

First, I inquired about the situation.

“It was reported that 4 out of 12 units died suddenly, is that correct?”

“Sorry, I’m sorry, Deputy Duke. One more died last night, so now there are 7 remaining.”

“I’m really incompetent! Guys who were healthy until a few days ago suddenly collapsed pick and pick, and I can’t figure out why…”

It doesn’t look like it was attacked by wild beasts that lived in the forest.

Seriously, if there was a guy who could unilaterally prey on A-rank pets, it would have made a difference somehow.

First of all, let’s look at the status of the unicorns that survived.

When I declare that, the staff of the ranch begin to look at each other.

“Why do you do that? Please feel free to speak.”

“Hey, this ranch is originally from Geumnam District. Unicorns hate men so much…”

“Oh, right? Then I’ll watch from afar.”

It’s a habit of unicorns, I know well, but…

As long as I have received the duke’s order, I must see it with my own eyes.

The employees may be hiding something in the first place.

In the end, the staff took an unwilling step and opened the kennel.

I fell far away with Elfriede and Sylvia in front.

A procession of unicorns rushing out as soon as the barred door is opened.

The pure white horns shine brightly in the morning sun.

Seeing that it popped out so quickly, it doesn’t seem like he died from something like a dolimbyeong.

Feeling that the case is getting more into the labyrinth, the guys walk closer to Elfriede and Sylvia.


“P-it! Hee-hee!”

The guys, who had communicated with each other with strange cries, soon surrendered themselves to unfamiliar guests.

They will gladly respond to touching the horns or stroking the mane.

Is it okay to be any young and beautiful virgin?

Medusha, Ethel, Laurie, and even Persia were touching them, and then one of them approached me.


“No! He…”

The staff of the ranch were terrified, but the unicorn speeded up as if escaping from them.

I felt a shivering feeling, but I gently touched him.

Could it be that the employees were abused?

Seeing that the unicorns follow outsiders so well, even that suspicion arises.

The guy who had accepted my hand pleasantly came one step closer and rubbed his face.

I was taught that unicorns only follow pure virgins… It seems that there is a difference between each individual.

Could it be because of the link hijacking ability?

But, haven’t the wild pets ever shown a favor without reason?

While I was making up a lot of hypotheses in my head, the unicorn secretly scanned my chest with its horns.

immediately after. A guy who tilts his head as if something is wrong.

The guy with his face hardened makes his body a little tighter.


After touching my body and smelling it, he finally scanned my groin.

I clenched my fists in atrocious atrocities, but…

Before I could even scold him, he started going crazy!

“Bochu, boo hoo hoo? Keek! Keek!”

A guy spinning around in place with an incredibly surprised expression.

The staff at the ranch have their eyes tightly closed.

I scolded them as if to spit them out.

“Hey, why are you like this all of a sudden?”

“I thought the duke was a woman!”

“Actually, we were a little confused at first too…”


“Poo-Hop! Gu EE EK! Key Ik!”

The unicorn staggered in place and finally began to vomit black dead blood.

The guy who was staring at me with hateful eyes vomited enough blood to fill the bucket, and then he collapsed on top of it.

He never even got up.

He died horribly because of a subject he misunderstood.

Thanks to you, I’m crazy

“What are these children…”

“No, they look like rude people! I’m going to have to kill them all!”

“Medusha! No way!”

As if they thought I was being insulted, Madusha and Sylvia chastise him.

The sad cry of the unicorns echoed in the quiet ranch.

Munchkin of the Summoning Academy

Munchkin of the Summoning Academy

소환 학원의 먼치킨
Score 9.0
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
If you don’t have your own summons, you can use someone else’s summons.


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not work with dark mode