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Madman in a Fantasy World Chapter 127

127. end

Separated from Luke, the three headed straight for the Volcanic Ceratopsian. The things you see on the way are falling volcanic bombs and magma. And it was a tree that I worked hard to protect, but in the end it was a tree that melted due to the topographical characteristics of a forest. Yui, who was watching this, asked Luna a question.

“What do we do now?”

“Why don’t we leave the monsters to the elves and Gideon, and deal with the by-products of the volcanic attack?”

The elves focused all their firepower on the Volcanic Ceratopsian. This means that by-products such as falling volcanic bombs cannot be processed.

At least Gideon stepped in and destroyed it, so there was no damage, but Gideon can’t handle everything alone.

If so, wouldn’t it be fine if the three, including Luna, deal with those by-products and attack moderately?

“That sounds like a good idea.”

“Then, let’s each take one area. I’ll take the other side. Yui-san and Riche-san, please keep your distance and attack.”



After a brief discussion, Luna jumped off the ground. Right before falling, he took another leap by creating a foothold using the wind in the air. When Luna was passing over the Volcanic Ceratopsian.



The volcano erupted again. She hurriedly turned around and Luna was fine, but when the volcano exploded, the volcanic bombs flew in all directions. As we had discussed with him in advance, each took his place and dealt with the falling volcanic bombs and magma one by one.

Luna slashed the volcanic bomb with magical energy on her dagger, Yui responded by creating a large blood ball, and Leeche blocked the flowing magma.

However, despite all the hard work, in the end there were limits to what people could do. A volcanic bomb that could not be dealt with fell in the direction of the elf. The elves under it died instantly without uttering a single scream.

A catastrophe in the literal sense. Each blow was a disaster for mankind. Fortunately, there was an S-class adventurer, Gideon. At the same time as throwing a javelin, he swung his blunt weapon and attacked the Volcanic Ceratopsian’s eye.


So, the Volcanic Ceratopsian lost one of its six eyes. But it didn’t come out nicely. The Volcano Ceratopsian, desperate in pain, opened its mouth wide.

Lava bubbled from its mouth. Then, after a while, instead of spitting out lava, it flew straight like a breath.

The place where the breath passed was all melted and no trace remained, and the world tree blocked the breath that continued all the way to Alfheim with a shield.

Of course, it only protected Alfheim, but not the area around it. It was because the lava that had spread through the shield had turned the area around Alfheim into a mess.

Afterwards, the morale of the elves rose as they saw their home melt away. They unleashed a strong attack by squeezing out their magical powers, and the Volcanic Ceratopsian Dragon, whose damage was accumulating at one point, rolled its body inside using the volcano as its shell. And.


As it moved, the ground was swept along with it. The volcanic ceratopsian suddenly gathered its legs. It was as if a quadrupedal creature was about to jump.

“Mr. Yui! Mr. Riche!”

The moment when Luna calls Richie and Yui at the foreshadowing.


A tidal wave came suddenly.


I opened my inventory. What I took out of my inventory was water. Water in its natural state, not water contained in storage containers.

It was a valuable… no, it was a common resource that had been specially airlifted for this raid.

The water started pouring down like a burst dam. The trees were swept away by the water pressure, and it was like another disaster that did not distinguish between friend and foe.

Of course, the demons who were wandering around me were also swept away without escaping from the disaster in front of me, and the toilet I was watching from behind was also swept away.

Of course, I too was swept away by the water, but I stuck my sword into the ground and survived with an iron ingot.

Heehee~ grow up quickly~

I said, but my face was submerged in water and all I could hear was a gurgling sound.

This level of water defense in a place without water!? How nice it would have been if there was someone to admire.

It’s just a pity that no one knows this line. Of course, there is no way I can say that I know in the current situation.

Do you know how far you traveled to get this water? I even made a wagon that didn’t exist, and I only moved for three days.

In order to bring this much water, there was no way to use a lake or halfway well, so they rode a wagon and went to the nearby sea.

There is one thing I learned from that opportunity, the more you dig into the inventory, the more profound it is. In fact, adding water to the inventory was only half of the curiosity.

What if you put water in your inventory? Fortunately, he went in. Even when I take it out, it comes out intact as it is now.

Could it be fire or lightning? If possible, I put magic in my inventory and tried to use it like a scroll, so I experimented.

I couldn’t do the lightning because there was no one to use it, and I tried the fire with the help of a lychee, but it was possible to put it in, but it disappeared as soon as I took it out. It’s like turning on a lighter and turning it off right away.

Even while I was thinking about that, the inventory was still spitting water. If it was only going to end with people being swept away, I wouldn’t have bothered to travel by carriage for three days.

Received the infinite grace of the sea and brought a full bottle of water. Even I don’t know how much water is in my inventory.

The artificial tidal wave I created swept away everything in the forest. Even strong trees with deep roots were mere weeds in the face of the tsunami.

The World Tree was far away, so I covered the whole of Alfheim with a protective shield and avoided the village being submerged, but the Volcanic Ceratopsian Dragon was right in front of me, so it was impossible to strike back with an attack.


Even that huge volcanic ceratopsian tilted, leaning over and falling to the side. If the turtle falls, isn’t it obvious what will happen after that?

10 minutes after that. The water, which seemed infinite, showed the bottom. At some point, the amount coming out decreased, and it stopped shortly after. It was only a matter of time before the water disappeared as the floor absorbed it as it spread throughout the forest.

In the place where the disaster has passed, there is no remnant of the past. Only trees uprooted and strewn around, muddy ground, and puddles standing here and there were all that remained.

“Tsk… Next time I’ll just have to hunt.”

I had no choice but to do it because it seemed like it would be easy to do, but my clothes were all wet and damp, and the ground was soggy whenever I moved, which made me feel bad.

I’d rather just hunt next time. Anyway, this method is more like a belly button than a belly to use on a jomulaegi.

“You did it after all…”

As I was shaking off the water from my hair, Luna landed in front of me from the sky carrying Liche and Yui on both sides.

“Well, I brought it here to write.”

He shrugged and replied. Of course, I came here to use it, but what use is it if I don’t use it? If you save it, it’s shit, Luna. Rather, the raid ended easily thanks to me, so shouldn’t we be thankful?

With this amount, he would have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for defeating the volcanic kerapaceous dragon, which is a threat to the continent, and bringing peace?

“By the way, where did the demons go?”

I’m sure I even saw him get caught up in the tsunami, but I didn’t have my goggles after that, so I couldn’t see it. It must have been swept away quite a distance, so I widened my field of view and checked a little farther away.

Fortunately, it was not difficult to find something in the forest, which had become flat after all the surrounding trees had been removed.

“Ah. I found it.”

Near the bowed volcanic ceratopsian. The Asmodian was under several layers of trees, and as I got closer, he coughed and looked up at me.

“Kihik… Khehehek! Cool! You really are a madman…!”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Even in this situation, the devil with the corner of his mouth raised wondering what is so fun. I pulled the demon’s arm and pulled it out of the tree. The demon’s leg was pressed against the tree and pressed like dough rolled out with a rolling pin. Even if I leave it alone, I won’t be able to squirm like before.

“Any last words?”

“Kihihi… interesting—”

“Yes, I heard you~”


The demon, who was trying to say something, was speechless. Because the head and body are separated.

[ You have defeated the Demon Velocid! Acquired the skill Berserker! ]

[ Level Up! Check your status! ]

[ Level Up! Check your status! ]

[ Level Up! Check your status! ]

[ Level Up! Status… ]

Umm~ Sweet! No matter when you eat it, the demon’s experience is the best. It is a pity that there is no Room of Spirit and Time filled with demons. If there was, it would have been hundreds of years later.

“Didn’t you listen to the will?”

“When did I?”

I asked if he had anything to say, but he didn’t say he would. In the first place, what are you doing after hearing the will of the demons? Either a curse or something strange.



Then, the ground shook with a loud roar. His attention was focused on other things while catching demons, but the purpose of the raid had not yet been achieved. The volcanic horned dragon struggled all over to get up.

A volcanic ceratopsian dragon that reverberates continuously and exhales lava breath while lying down. If you don’t kill it quickly, the terrain will change like the marquis’s territory you saw before. As I was thinking about what to do—a voice came from behind me.

“Luke. Help me.”

The main character of the voice is Gideon.

“I’m going to cut his throat. Now that he can’t move is my chance.”

“Do you have any method?”

“Just once, if you focus, I can decapitate him. It just takes time to focus, and the carapace around his neck is annoying, so I want you to deal with it.”

“That’s good enough.”

If you can ride the bus that much, you can help. You can get more experience points by doing something to increase your contribution rather than just sitting around and taking a bus. Since the negotiations were concluded, they put them into practice right away. Before that, I just checked to see if the newly acquired skill berserker would be useful or not.

◈ Skill information

Name: Berserker

Rating: A+

Description: Increases strength based on the severity of the user’s injury. The minimum ranges from shallow wounds to the maximum of death-dealing injuries.

It was a skill that was perfect for the current situation. The problem was that he had to harm himself, but that was up to writing. So I scratched my body with the claw I dropped when the demons disappeared earlier.

“Lou, Luke?!”

“Mr. Luke?!”

So, Yui and Liche were surprised and hurriedly stopped me. Do you think I’m suddenly crazy and think I’m committing suicide? On the contrary, Luna calmly judged the situation and asked a question.

“Did you get defense-related skills this time too?”

“No, it’s the other way round. Luna, scaffolding.”

If you scratch lightly, you don’t feel much, but if you draw long enough for blood to flow, your body will become hot. But I can’t tell if it’s because it hurts or if the skill is activated.

‘If you’re going to give it, I’d rather give you something like pain immunity, what kind of fucking skill are you giving me?’

I was afraid that someone might not be a sadist-oriented demon, so I gave her a skill as well. For me, who had never done self-harm in my previous life, the pain aside, my mind was restless. At the same time, the corners of my mouth go up when I think of the Dilppong that will soon be added to the steadily accumulating buffs.

Anyway, I stood on the scaffold made by Luna and took a stance. 4 stacks of Charge, Berserker, Blessing of Yggdrasil, and Scaffolding. It can’t be weak. Leaving behind Gideon, who had been concentrating next to me, I charged at the Volcano Ceratopsian one step ahead.

The head of the volcanic ceratopsian reached in an instant. As I got closer, I could feel how big it was. Even the head alone seems to be 100m in size.

“Come on—let’s get experience points—!”

I swung the sword I was holding with both hands and hit the Volcanic Ceratopsian’s neck. thud! As I did, the sound of my sword and carapace colliding, and I could see a shallow cut in my neck along the path I had drawn.

– Kwaaa─────────!!!!!!!!!!

When the defense that seemed impenetrable was pierced, he complained of pain and began to struggle even more. Then, the Volcanic Ceratopsian’s body began to turn red and suddenly exploded.


“Uh-huh—the bastard’s outbursts are severe.”

Seeing them frantically reminds me of a game. I didn’t finish it neatly, but it doesn’t matter. There’s one more person behind you anyway.

At the moment of speaking, there was a strangely clear voice even in such a noisy situation.

Flip over with one sword.

A calm voice passed me. Following this, two large circles appeared. It was a different sword path, one circle to the left and the other to the right, turning outward from each other. And the volcanic ceratopsian’s neck, which touched the sword, began to twist greatly, and contrary to its appearance, it was neatly cut.


Just the fall of the head made dust rise and the ground trembled. Because it happened in an instant, the Volcanic Ceratopsian’s eyes did not lose their light, but soon after, the red eye light faded and the light completely disappeared.

[ Level Up! Check your status! ]

[ Level Up! Check your status! ]

[ Level Up! Check your status! ]

[ Level Up! Status… ]

With the notification announcing my level up, the raid of the S-class monster, the Volcanic Ceratopsian, came to an end.


After the raid, we headed to Alfheim to receive rewards. The elves seemed to be busy treating injuries and cleaning things up, but that’s none of my business. When we all looked for the audience room together, the world tree was waiting for us with the door wide open.

[Looks like I brought a disaster…]

“A volcanic ceratopsian would be a disaster.”

[It’s not like that.]

World Tree still had her eyes closed, but her eyes were a little more sunken than usual, and the corners of her mouth were also strangely lowered. Right after, she gave us a small bow.

[Anyway, thanks for the help.]

“Thank you so much. What about the reward for this raid?”

The World Tree thanked him, but he didn’t care about that. It’s because you have to take care of the truth rather than a shiny thank you.

We accidentally helped, but this wasn’t a formal request from the Adventurer’s Guild. That said, it wasn’t like we reached an agreement on the reward before starting the raid with the World Tree.

So, we have to make an agreement from now on, but the world tree will give it to us. If the payoff is not satisfactory, Alfheim will be the one to disappear this time.

[First of all, I will give you some of the materials for the Volcanic Ceratopsian that you subdued to Luke.]

“That’s normal.”

The first reward is the material for the Volcanic Ceratopsian. Of course, as much as my contribution is high, I can obtain a lot of materials, but that is natural. How much did I do in this raid? Rather than that, now it’s time to receive the World Tree’s individual reward.

[That’s right… the biggest reward I can give to Luke is this.]

what do you give While waiting quietly, a green light rose from the World Tree’s body. At the same time, a green light began to glow on my wrist, and when I rolled up my sleeve to check something, there was a small leaf-shaped picture engraved on it. And.

[You have obtained the skill Yggdrasil’s Blessing! ]


Suddenly, a notification window appeared in front of me. He got the skill even though he didn’t catch the demon. Maybe the world tree did it, but I was looking at the notification window with a strange mind.

[Would this be enough compensation?]

“Are there any other skills?”

[······That’s all I can give you.]

It made me very sad. If there were any other skills, I wanted to tear them all out. In any case, I am satisfied because I received better rewards than material rewards. If you sell the material for the volcanic horned dragon, the money will come out enough to play and eat for several years.

“Ke-eul. Eat well and go.”

[What are you going to do from now on?]


It’s not like I’m thinking about it. Maybe I should think about that from now on.

[It seems difficult to move today, but if you are not busy, how about staying one more day?]

Well, it won’t be any different whether you go now or tomorrow. Even if I go right away, there’s nothing to do, and I’ll spread my sleep and sleep.

“So what?”

The talk of the reward was over, and I had to stay one more night anyway, so I left the audience room. I want to eat while resting.

Then, unlike when we entered, there was someone waiting for us at the entrance of the audience room.

“Rice. Can I talk to you for a second?”

As you can tell just by looking at the lines, it was a toilet with bandages all over its arms and legs. On the other hand, seeing that Richie didn’t answer anything, he didn’t seem to have much to say. As the silence continued, the toilet spoke again out of impatience.

“I’ll ask you just once. How can I not?”

“Okay. Then let’s talk separately in the evening.”


Then, a smile bloomed on the toilet’s face. I hate to see you


And then I go straight back, and I think I’m going to take a nap while praying that it will be evening soon. Seeing the toilet disappear, Richie looked up at me as if she had been waiting.

“Sure. Luke, can you help me out for the evening?”

“why me.”

Why did you drag me in when you asked me to meet you?

“Luke, I guarantee you’ll be satisfied too. How is it?”


“Would you like to put it close to my ear?”

Why are you even whispering in my ear to do something great? The corners of my mouth went up as if they would tear at what I heard from Richie.


that evening.

Arthur was very excited. Because Richie accepted the conversation. Perhaps this might be the last time, Arthur thought of slowly unraveling the conversation. to get her back at the academy. Arthur, who was sitting alone on the bench dressed up like that.

– Kwajik!

I fell unconscious due to someone’s surprise attack.

Madman in a Fantasy World

Madman in a Fantasy World

판타지 세계 속 미친놈
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
weet potato? A good-natured, cancerous protagonist? what is that? — ps:Sweet potato in Korean and 답답해 is used to describe someone who is frustrating or slow to catch on with the conversation.


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not work with dark mode