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Knights, Let’s Smash Them Chapter 20

20 – Hunting Season (2)

“Come on, come on, come on!!!”

Lonz, who was running from the lead, saw the goblins in the distance and accelerated while screaming.

Lonz’s words were also very excited.


It’s safe to call them Phantasy Mountain Fool and Red Tomato.

As usual, the weapon was a halberd, and the hair was fluttering seaweed, so that image was stronger.

The group of goblins who were robbing the peddler were crushed by the overwhelming momentum and started running away.


The neck fell with a single knife from the halberd that was swung.

“Keah!! Krukreuk!!”

The goblins running away from Honbibaeksan. The level of weak peddlers and robbing is understandable.

Where else did you pick up those weapons?

Except for one that was beheaded with a single sword, the four goblins were all slaughtered by our snow leopard knights who immediately pursued them.

At that time.

“Wait a minute, Heinz.”


“Let go.”

I stopped Heinz from aiming his bow at the goblin that had fled the furthest away.

With his shooting skills, he would be able to catch only goblins at this distance, but the fact that these guys were carrying weapons and wandering off the highway meant that there was a village or group nearby.

Monsters aren’t just born in dungeons.

It’s not common, but there are definitely monsters living in the wild, and there are monsters who escape from dungeons for various reasons and live in nearby areas.

It’s just like a cockroach or a cockroach, once it starts multiplying, the answer will be gone.

“You know what I mean?”

“Ah, yes… ….”

Heinz retracted his bow with a slightly confused expression. Even so, most of this area was in a state of mud.

Since the ground has not hardened yet, if you follow the trail, you will surely find a colony of goblins.

“Are you okay?”

After lightly cutting down the armed goblin, Cianne got off her horse and was checking the condition of the peddler before she knew it.

“Oh wow, you came just in time. I got caught trying to trick them and run away.”

“You almost got into trouble.”

Goblins are pure evil. Unlike Ows and Orcs, who judged the situation to some extent and responded flexibly, they were more of the type to commit acts without thinking ahead.

Of course, after knowing for sure whether the opponent is stronger or weaker than you.

It’s not for nothing that it is classified as a typical ‘anger control’ type monster.

“I thought you were going to trick that with a bag of marbles.”

“Yes… ….”

“From now on, put about 10 silver coins on top of the marble pile. Then, even if you check it, you will be able to get over it right away.”

“Oh! That way!!”

I said as I opened a small leather pouch on the floor.

It’s quite effective against low-intelligence monsters like goblins with just a bag of marbles, but it’s better to be certain, right?

Anyway, the peddler was able to go his own way without much damage.

The task left to us now is to find and deal with the goblin colony.

“Don’t you think the scale is a bit big?”

As Vice-captain Emain Lua looked over the goblins he had dealt with, he asked again.

No matter how much rusty swords and shields have little value as weapons, unless the colony is somewhat disorganized, it will not be possible to maintain combat forces in this way.

I recalled a formula I had made with the officers of the Dungeon Management Department when I was working for the Black Lion Knights.

-Can’t you roughly figure out the size of the colony by the number of goblins hanging around Gadona?

-Oh, that’s fresh.

-Let me make a formula.

If you’re acting as an administrator in the Imperial Knights, everyone will go crazy.

And this ‘Goblin-Raider Equation’ could be said to be the greatest masterpiece created by the crazy officers of the Order.

First of all, if you multiply 3 by 5, the number of goblins attacked, and then substitute this and that…….

About 80 or so.

This is a fairly medium-sized colony.

Despite their ugly appearance, goblins reproduce quickly, so if you don’t subdue them in time, you won’t end up just robbing a simple peddler.

Oh sure.

There is no case of grabbing a human woman and raping her.

They reproduce as*xually.

I know some monsters with high intelligence do such things, but it’s not even close to the level of an idiot goblin.

Even if they are actually taken for food or slaves…… s*x drive is good

How can a guy who doesn’t even have a Jujitsu rape in the first place?

“There are no reports from the nearby village yet, right?”

“Yes. Fortunately.”

Sianne rummaged through her bag and skimmed through the reports. As expected, there was no damage to the goblins.

At most, it was a story about a pack of wolves or bears settling in the woods.

On the contrary, wolves and bears were more feared by the common people than goblins, who did not form proper colonies.

“Okay, I should be back to my nest at this point. Let’s chase it.”

“I’ve got a rough route.”

Heinz replied to my words. Still, an official article is a knight, so even if you don’t say anything, you’ll be able to take care of it.

The apprentice knights of the Black Lion Knights had to be fed from start to finish…….

As expected, people have to grow up in a difficult environment.

“Wait a minute.”

I brushed my hands and concentrated.

It draws out something like energy that shimmers deep within its body. Mana. Invisible energy unique to this world.

“Oh…… ?”


Sianne and the other knights’ eyes widened as if they hadn’t thought that I would use mana.


Come up with an appropriate formula in your head, and reconstruct it into a form of reality.

Flash! With a flash of light, something like faint smoke rolled along the direction in which the goblin had disappeared.

“Lubern Administrator…… Do you know how to use magic?”

“It is a secondary magic. You can use it even if you don’t have any particular knowledge of magic.”

I waved my hands at the knights all looking surprised.

I wish I had talent in swordsmanship or magic.

Unfortunately, I don’t have overwhelming fighting talent like common possessors.

The only thing he knew how to do was these miscellaneous magics and the wild swordsmanship he learned over the shoulders of the knights.

“Still, it must have been difficult for you to learn…… Auxiliary magic isn’t something anyone can use!”

“I am the administrator of the Knights of the Black Lion, but I have to do this to preserve my position. Even the court mage shook his head at how incompetent he was.”

It was a bitter past.

I would have brought almost a hundred gold coins to the old man to learn these nifty magic tricks.

f*ck, thinking about it again makes me mad. That was three months’ salary for the Imperial Knights.

“Anyway, that’s not what’s important. Let’s move on.”

I clapped my hands and said.


From noble mtl dot com.

“Northeast of here, right?”

“Yes… ….”

“Did you pass that red grass over there?”

“That’s right.”

Heinz was honestly taken aback.

Is this correct? No matter how much he learned from the court mage, the perfection of tracking magic was incredibly high.

It’s not that I don’t know tracking magic.

However, no tracking magic was able to catch up with his search skills that were passed down from his father, who was an imperial ranger.

In the first place, being a searcher is purely the realm of talent.

Because it is a technology that tracks enemies with only footprints, minor traces, and body odor. I couldn’t smell it well unless my body’s senses were extremely sensitive.

In order to acquire that sense, Heinz went to the extent of practicing by climbing snowy mountains with his father since he was a child.

But you say tracking magic is on par with your own searching skills?

Especially goblins. In the case of hunting, the difficulty of tracking increases as the creature is smaller and weaker.

This is because there are fewer traces left.

Let’s say that an ogre, basically a giant over 2m tall, runs away to this forest.

But now you’re a goblin.

Wherever his gaze was directed, the gaze of Luverne Alroy also existed.

‘It’s not unusual.’

Come to think of it, didn’t he always find a trail of rabbits or foxes when he went hunting this morning?

At the time, I didn’t notice the uncomfortable atmosphere.

Heinz was finally realizing that Lubern Alroy was not just a brainy administrator.

The tactical administrator of the Lechenberg Plain.

Black Fox, Luverne Alroy.


He might be a much greater person than Heinz thought.

“—! For a moment. Stop.”

Heinz gave a signal to the body odor that became stronger for an instant. It is a colony Upon receiving the signal, the personnel slowly following behind all of them lowered their bodies.

Heinz carefully lifted his head above his bush.

Beyond the field of vision, spread out on the edge of the thick forest.

“The mine…… ?”

It was an abandoned mine that apparently hadn’t been maintained for a long time.


“What should I do? Shall we hit it right away?”

“Abandoned mines might be dangerous. There are holes everywhere, or there is a chance that there is some kind of device.”

The traps used by the goblins were very crude, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t threatening.

And due to the nature of the abandoned mine, as always, there is a good chance that a collapse accident that is far more serious than the Triton or Nova mines in Jarhead will occur if you play around.

“Then, reporting to the lord and requesting a formal subjugation with the corps…….”

“In the end, that must be the correct answer.”

If it was a colony formed in a simple cave, or nested in an abandoned wooden fort or village, 80 goblins could be defeated with just five knights.

Besides, it wasn’t the old dirty equipment, they were all wearing weapons made of steel from Damas.

I could easily cut down two or three goblins with a light swing.

However, abandoned mines were dangerous in many ways.

Not in terms of goblins, but in terms of topography.

“Then I will ask the Superintendent of Lands. If possible, we should also check when the mine was developed.”

Looking at the condition of Count Rupel’s family, the territory did not have good administrative power even before the destruction of the Knights.

It wouldn’t be strange if an abandoned mine suddenly popped out of nowhere.

“Let’s withdraw for now.”

The time when Xianne, who judged that it was too much to subdue immediately in many ways, was about to issue an order.

“Cut, sniff, sniff!”

A peculiar looking goblin appeared from inside the mine entrance. He was a guy with yellow skin, not green.

“It’s the Golden Goblin.”

Besides, it’s not just one. To be precise, there was only one golden goblin, but many green goblins appeared after that.

“Hey, my, let it go! Careful!”

As the golden goblin pointed to the empty lot next to the mine, the other goblins scrambled out of the mine.

The problem was that the goblins had glittering gold ores on their backs.

“That…… ?”

Sianne doesn’t know English. I urgently patted her on the back and gave her a signal to get out of the way.

As soon as I turned back the way she came in and got out of her forest, I made eye contact with her and said.

“Captain Xianne, we must not defeat them.”


“Did you just see it? Aren’t they digging for gold among themselves?”

“Yeah, that’s right… ….”

“They are precious friends who will mine gold for us. We need to develop that village further.”

“What, what!?”

That’s an unripe fruit.

If you wait slowly and wait for some time, you’ll be very, very young.

And fruit tastes best when eaten at that time.

They say they’ll take care of automatic lighting, but if you don’t leave it, you’re an idiot.

A fantasy-style auto macro.

“We’ll let them go until they’ve mined all the gold. We should hire some peddlers along the way and ask them to throw some silver coins and some meat to the goblins.”

From now on.

This is the start of Goblin Tycoon.

Knights, Let’s Smash Them

Knights, Let’s Smash Them

기사단, 때려치웁니다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I’m going to a knights that’s like a family, rather than a damn crappy one.


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not work with dark mode