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It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains Chapter 9

9. swordsman (2)

In fact, the plan was perfect.

No matter how much Elfante has prepared this and that security magic, the ‘supply room’ is almost like the front yard in the beginning for Sera users.

If you rob too much, you will eventually be caught and penalized, but even so, taking out one or two necessary items is actually an essential element of progress.

It is said that you can understand even with your eyes closed what route and how to go through it.

And if you can use the ‘point shop’ like me and have plenty of points to use, this is the easiest way to break through.

◎ Haste Potion

[ Item: Consumables ]

[ Price: 100pt ]

[ It speeds up the user’s movements for a while. ]

◎ Shadow Mask

[ Equipment: Accessories ]

[ Price: 100pt ]

[ Hides the wearer’s face and modulates their voice. ]

◎ Catwalk shoes

[ Equipment: Shoes ]

[ Price: 200pt ]

[No sound from walking! ]

After taking the potion, move quickly to break through various guard nets, hide the identity of the image recording magic placed here and there with a shadow mask, and block any signs that occur while infiltrating with catwalk shoes.

It’s a cost-effective combination of stealth and infiltration in the beginning. With just this much, he could evade many of the security facilities in the academy.

‘…It’s nice to have a good point.’

By using only a few hundred points right away, the infiltration of the furnishing room, which would normally have to be done every few days, was shortened in an instant. In terms of performance, a C-class stealth skill in the assassin tree would be sufficient.

It’s a flaw that it disappears after you use it once, but it’s a big advantage just being able to stock up on all kinds of items.

Items that cost more than a few thousand points could be enough to turn things around in a crisis situation.


Whimpering, I climbed out of the window and jumped down in a half-exhausted state.

Thanks to the haste potion, he gained a little agility, but his basic stamina is hot trash like all stats F. Even simple exercises like this are hard.

‘I think I’m going to die…’

Thinking so, I rummage through my pockets.

In times like these, there is something else useful.

◎ Rejuvenation Biscuits x2

[ Item: Consumables ]

[ Price: 50pt ] x2

[Isn’t your body the same as before? Recover your stamina with these biscuits. Peanut flavor, 10 pieces per bag! ]

[ Remaining points: 2,000pt ]


It’s an unusual advertising tone, but the effect is really useful.

I’ve been using it well since I’ve come this far.

As I slurp the biscuits, I feel my body energize, and I scan the objects piled up around me.

What I was looking for was quickly found.


A palm-sized incense burner. Although it is small in size for a ceremonial instrument, it stands out even more because of that.


In the furnishings room, there are so many old items piled up that it is often not properly organized.

Among the items piled up almost to the ceiling, he whimpered and pulled out the incense burner embedded in the bottom.

Divine Ultrima. A thousand-year-old incense burner said to contain ancient power.

In fact, compared to such an enormous explanation, there is no great performance on its own. There is only one simple function.

It is, so to speak, a ‘telephone’.

It’s because the receiving side is a bit… formidable.

‘I ate the most important thing…’

I turn my gaze to find something extra to bring.

I need all sorts of rare items to make this work as it should, but where is this?

It is a farming place for Sera users’ official loot item. That much is easily obtainable.

Find the necessary items one by one and put them into your bosom.

Powder made by grinding the horn of a unicorn to be used to light a fire, a feather from a phoenix to ignite it, a coral fan to control the furnace…

Also, if you brush off too much, your tail will be stepped on later, but at least taking a few things I picked out will be OK.


As I was engrossed in taking things, the things piled up on top collapsed, but it didn’t really matter because it didn’t collapse so loudly.


I thought so.

Until a ‘person’ buried among the collapsing objects came out.


I unwittingly catch the small body that descends directly toward me.

I did it because I had a hunch that if I let it hit the floor as it is, there would be a bigger commotion.

As soon as you see the accepted human face, you immediately regret it.


A small girl who slept soundly, hugging a sword tightly bound by a chain.

If you look at it asleep, it looks like a really festering cat.

From my point of view, as soon as I confirmed who this was, goose bumps ran through my body.

okay. Who can imagine.

The fact that this peacefully sleeping person is a human butcher who has committed more than triple digit murders.


And unfortunately for me, it seems that I just woke up from my previous activity.

In my arms, the girl fluttered and stretched.


And as he stretched out his arms, his yawns gradually subsided as if he sensed something strange.

I stare blankly at my yellow eyes and look around. Soon our eyes meet.



let’s put it down

Hold the girl with both hands and hold her upright on the floor.

seconds to do so. They are silent, staring into each other’s eyes.

And finally.

The girl realizes that she has been ‘held’ by a man she has never seen before.

Of course, the next action was to grab the handle of the sword he was holding onto like lightning.

[ A crisis situation is detected. ]

[ It is judged as a level that poses a direct threat to life. ]

[Skill: Applies Desperation to EX grade. ]


I’m fucked.

There may be many reasons why a character is classified as evil in Sera, but one of the criteria for classification is ‘karma’.

If I put it into a more intuitive word, it would be ‘number of kills’.

It simply means that depending on how many people you hit and kill, your tendencies become more and more likely to go bad.

It must be in that context that it becomes easy to fall according to the karma value.

From the demon side, the key villain that runs through the entire scenario, people with high karmic tendencies are usually approached first.

And the person who is expressing the extremes of such a system with his whole body is the person in front of me right now.

I’m not normally that toxic.

unless you get close.


What happens when you get close, well.

If I had the opportunity right now, I would answer instead of saying that this person is the overwhelming number one in karma that even Elnor, who cuts people down, can’t keep up.

The thing that killed the most people in this academy right now is the little girl in front of me.


And seeing the sword attack flying towards me, I can fully understand how that was possible.

Even Elijah, the main character, couldn’t even react to the desperate skill enhanced with EX and was blown away with a single punch.

But now, on the contrary, I only react to the trajectory of the sword that YuRia wields.


When he realizes that he is at a crossroads of life and death, his concentration rises to the point where the world seems slow.

Unlike the time of Elijah, this time it is more like an attack that comes with the intention of killing.

I parried the first blow to my neck with the incense burner I was holding in my hand. Still, if it’s a relic, it won’t be destroyed by a few attacks, so it’s a substitute for a shield.

Zeng! Sparks fly with a sound.

‘What a monster…!’

Despite having strengthened strength enough to blow humans away like feathers, the whole body shuddered.

It must have been absurdly powerful for a blow that was fired without proper stance right after waking up.

Fortunately, I know how to avoid being beaten by this side more.

Roll the whole body as if throwing it backwards.

In fact, it’s a stupid move if you’re in combat.

It’s a movement that has no meaning other than simply keeping a distance.

However, against this woman, it is clearly valid.

As soon as my body touches the floor, I instinctively measure the distance between me and the other person.

‘Three and a half steps.’

It’s probably a distance where you can approach and cut me down without investing a single breath in the other person.

However, Yuria stood still as if nailed to the spot.

Against opponents who enter within ‘her own three steps’, she exhibits almost invincible fighting power, but on the contrary, this woman cannot invade within ‘the opponent’s three steps’.

A human being forced to distance himself from everyone.

The ‘curse’ on this person is a mechanism designed that way.

[Could you please stay still?]

Of course, seeing that sentence floating in the air with teary eyes, it was clear that she wasn’t too happy about being snatched into the arms of an affair man.

“…So it’s easier to slice?”


Go beyond it, that much.

Of course, apart from my intentions, it is certain that my current situation is a dilemma.

A wall behind your back. In front, Yuria is aiming her sword.

It’s safe to keep at least three steps away, but there’s no way for me to escape.

It might touch someone’s body. I’m burning such intense hostility with that, but even if I didn’t, I’d try to negotiate…


Wait a minute.


it’s a negotiation

I have a few settings in mind.

Like a human who is forced to keep a distance from everyone, Yuria’s life is normal, almost like a tramp.

It was unexpected that they suddenly encountered each other in the furnishings room, but considering that they prefer an environment where ‘people are rare’ and ‘that situation will continue’, it is not impossible at all.

It is a place where the faculty members do not come often if they are not on business, so they must have made their own nest.

And human beings in such an environment always suffer chronically.


Put your hand in your pocket slowly. At a pace that makes it clear that you have no intention of provoking the other person.

And with a solemn gesture, I take out the biscuit I ate earlier.



I feel YuRia’s gaze locked on the biscuit I’m holding.

It’s clear when you see that the gaze moves in that direction as it sways in front of you.

I hear the sound of dry saliva going over. Maybe it’s grumbling all the way to the stomach.


Toss the biscuits one by one like feeding a cat.

To get this guy away from the direction I’m headed for the exit. Like Hansel and Gretel, biscuits set the course.

[What kind of food are you trying to seduce?]

Perhaps the advantage of communicating with levitating text is that you can distinguish between speaking and using your mouth.

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Just looking at the sentence like that while eating a flying biscuit with phenomenal motor nerves, you can do that.

[It’s not an animal. How can anyone fall for something like this!]

But the body is in an honest shape.

It is noticeable that each time you eat one, you become more and more happy.

If there was even a tail that was grinning while munching, it must have been an atmosphere that would have been rustling a long time ago.

And he must have realized that I was watching him, and soon heck! and calm down

[This, I won’t give in to these primitive methods! I am human!]

I see

“There are more, would you like to eat?”


After a while.

YuRia was munching on the whole bag of biscuits I handed over while giggling.

looks like a real animal

[By the way, who are you? Why are you here?]


After all, people need to be full and open their backs to be able to communicate like civilized people.

This question is coming up now.

‘…But honestly, I can’t say it.’

How do you say you came to steal?

No matter how much Yuria is living a life that is no different from a half wild beast, she is not an impossible subject to communicate with at all, as it seems now.

It would be difficult if the story spilled over to other faculty members.

What’s a good excuse…

Oh, yes.

Before speaking, I glanced at the incense burner lying on the floor.

If you carry it out right now, it will attract this guy’s attention. So let’s clear our mouths a little.

“You came to eat. I was asked to.”

It’s a topic that this guy can’t help but pay attention to.


YuRia asked blankly.

Seeing dozens of question marks floating around her body, she must have been quite taken aback.

“Someone I know said that. I want you to take care of me.”

[Does anyone know…?]

In fact, there is no such person. But brushing your mouth like this will help you later.

In the original game, it is impossible to create a variable like this, but if it was the original game, there would be no encounter with Yuria in the supply room.

So shouldn’t I take advantage of that opportunity while I met you in advance? So that it can be solved more smoothly later.

“Don’t worry, my sister is doing well in Seonghwang-guk.”

The key is to communicate this information in advance.

YuRia’s body visibly stiffened.

“The emperor won’t be interested in you or that side for the time being. I still have to hide a little bit at the academy, but.”

The girl tightly embraced the sword wrapped in a chain that never let go of her body.

Although the action is small, the swirl of emotions felt there is terrifyingly intense.

It is all because of that man that he has come to El Fante Academy, which is a mile away from Seonghwang-guk, his hometown, and is living a life like this.

Originally, it would be covered in detail in Chapter 2, but well.

At least I don’t want to let this guy know about the trend of his one and only family.


My eyes linger on the sword that Yuria is still holding.

It’s a sword with no features on the outside, but that’s an item that ranks among the most vicious in Sera.

Yuria plays the role of a kind of ‘sealing sphere’ that suppresses this. The curse associated with the three steps also comes from that thing.

Even worse than Elnor, he must be constantly under threat of mental corruption.

Shouldn’t we give you some hopeful news? you must be suffering

[You, who are you? Where did you come from…]

“I am going.”

Of course, that’s why it’s also like to tell you that in detail.

‘Because there is no such thing in the first place.’


A lie is trampled on when its tail is long.

It would be better to mysteriously exit while wearing a mask.

I picked up the incense burner that was rolling around on the floor in the aftermath of the previous collision.

If you were from a prosperous country, you would surely know the value of this item, but Yuria didn’t seem to pay any attention to this, as if she was quite shocked by what I just said.

thank god…!

It’s worth the turn…!

“…I’ll come again.”

Still, I’ll leave you with a farewell message.

Even if I can’t go to the furnishings room to rob things, I’m sure there will be one more time.

look at me then huh?

It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains

It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains

악당에게 사랑받는 운명입니다,Fated to Be Loved by Villains
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Fated to Be Loved by Villains raw mtl I was proposed to by the final boss.


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not work with dark mode